Bridging the Gap Between Requirements and Simulink Model Analysis Anastasia Mavridou Hamza Bourbouh KBR / NASA Ames KBR / NASA Ames Pierre Loic Garoche Dimitra Giannakopoulou Onera / KBR / NASA Ames NASA Ames Thomas Pressburger Johann Schumann NASA Ames KBR / NASA Ames Abstract Formal verification and simulation are powerful tools for the verification of requirements against complex systems. Requirements are developed in early stages of the software lifecycle and are typically expressed in natural language. There is a gap between such requirements and their software implementation. We present a framework that bridges this gap by supporting a tight integration and feedback loop between high- level requirements and their analysis against software artifacts. Our framework implements an analysis portal within the fret requirements elicitation tool, thus forming an end-to-end, open-source environment where requirements are written in an intuitive, structured natural lan- guage, and are verified automatically against Simulink models. 1 Introduction The industry imposes a strict development process according to which requirements for safety-critical code are written in the early phases of the software lifecycle, and are refined into models and/or code, while keeping track of traceability information. Verification and validation (V&V) activities must ensure that the development process properly preserves these requirements (for example, see the DO-178C [17] document). Requirements are typically written in natural language, which is prone to be ambiguous and, as such, not amenable to formal analysis. Frameworks like stimulus [14] or fret (Formal Requirements Elicitation Tool) [11, 12] address this problem by enabling the capture of requirements in restricted natural languages with formal semantics. fret additionally supports automated formalization of requirements in temporal logics. To support V&V activities, it is necessary to associate high-level requirements with software artifacts in terms of architectural information such as components and signals. For formulas generated by fret for example, the atomic propositions or free variables of a formula must be connected to variable values or method invocations Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V. Gervasi, E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at in the target Simulink model. To this end, we have developed an end-to-end, open-source requirements analysis framework that supports a tight integration and feedback loop between high level requirements and the V&V of models or code against these requirements. Our framework is available and open source; it currently connects fret1 with the cocosim model verifier [3, 4, 7], with plans to extend it to support a variety of analysis tools. Our framework provides: 1) automatic extraction of Simulink model information and association of require- ments with target model signals and components; 2) translation of fret temporal logic formulas into synchronous dataflow cocospec [5] specifications as well as Simulink monitors, to be used by verification tools; and 3) inter- pretation of counterexamples produced by verification back at model and requirement levels. Similarly to [2, 16], our framework checks formal properties against Simulink models, but unlike [16], it does not involve translation by hand, and unlike [2], property propositions do not need to match model variables. Moreover, in our framework, analysis results can be traced back to requirements. 2 Our framework step-by-step Figure 1 shows the workflow of our requirement analysis frame- work. The contributions of this paper are represented by con- tinuous arrows. In Step 0, requirements written in fretish are translated by fret into pure Past Time Metric Linear Tempo- ral Logic (pmLTL) formulas. In Step 1, data is used from the model under analysis to produce an architectural mapping be- tween requirement propositions and Simulink signals. In Step 2, the pmLTL formulas and the architectural mapping are used to generate monitors in cocospec, which is an extension of the synchronous dataflow language Lustre [13] for the specifi- cation of assume-guarantee contracts. In Step 3, the generated cocospec monitors and model traceability data are imported into cocosim [7] along with the Simulink model under anal- ysis. cocosim automatically generates and attaches monitors to the Simulink model. From the complete model (initial mod- el and attached monitors), cocosim also generates equivalent Lustre code. As a result, the complete model can be analyzed by both Simulink-based (e.g., Simulink Design Verifier (SLDV)) and Lustre-based (e.g., Kind2 [6], Zustre [10]) verification tools in Step 4. Counterexamples generated during the analysis can be traced back to cocosim or fret for simulation in Step 5. The next sections illustrate each workflow step in detail, us- Figure 1: Requirement analysis framework ing a requirement from the Lockheed Martin Cyber Physical Systems (LMCPS) challenge [8]. The LMCPS challenge is representative of flight-critical systems and is publicly available.2 Requirement [FSM-001] (Figure 2) partly describes the required behavior of an advanced autopilot system with an independent sensor platform. NL: “Exceeding sensor limits shall latch an autopilot pullup when the pilot is not in control (not standby) and the system is supported without failures (not apfail)” FRETish: FSM shall always satisfy (sensorLimits & autopilot) ⇒ pullup pmLTL: H((sensorLimits & autopilot) =⇒ pullup) Figure 2: FSM-001 in Natural Language (NL), fretish, and pmLTL forms (the Boolean variable autopilot is an abbreviation of (!standby & !apfail & supported)) 1 2 Step 0 : FRETISH to pmLTL A fretish requirement contains up to six fields: scope, condition, component*, shall*, timing, and response*. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk. component specifies the component that the re- quirement refers to. shall is used to express that the component’s behavior must conform to the requirement. response is a Boolean condition that the component’s behavior must satisfy. scope specifies the period when the requirement holds. The optional condition field is a Boolean expression that further constrains when the response shall occur. timing, e.g., always, after/for N time units, specifies when the response shall happen, subject to condition and scope. The manually written fretish version of requirement [FSM-001], shown in Figure 2, uses the component, shall, timing, and response fields. Since scope and condition fields are omitted, the requirement holds uni- versally. The autopilot proposition was used by the requirements engineer to simplify the requirement; it equals (! standby & ! apfail & supported). For each requirement, fret generates a pmLTL formalization, e.g., see Figure 2 for the pmLTL of [FSM-001]. H refers to the Historically pmLTL operator [1]. Step 1 : Architectural Mapping To generate monitors and automatically attach them at the appropriate hierarchical level of the model, we need architectural data from the model. For instance, for [FSM-001], we need information about the hierarchical level, i.e., the path, of the model component that cor- responds to the FSM component mentioned in fretish. Additionally, we need information about the signals of the component, e.g., name, type (e.g., input, output), datatype (e.g., boolean, double, bus) that correspond to the propositions mentioned in [FSM-001].Our frame- work provides a mechanism to automatically extract the required architectural data from a Simulink model. Once model data is imported, the architectural map- ping procedure starts, which includes mapping every com- ponent and proposition mentioned in a requirement to a model component and a signal, respectively. There are Figure 3: sensorLimits mapping two ways to do the architectural mapping: in the ideal case where the same names are used both in the requirements and in the model, our tool automatically con- structs the desired mapping. From our experience however, this is usually not the case. Different engineers work on requirements and on models, and these two parts are hardly ever properly synchronized. For this rea- son, we provide an easy-to-use user interface, through which the user can pick the path of the corresponding model component or port from a drop-down menu and map it to a requirement component or proposition (see Figure 3 for the mapping of the sensorLimits proposition of FSM, to the limits signal of the fsm 12B model component). Then, our tool automatically identifies all the other required information (data types, dimensions, etc) to generate correct-by-construction monitors and corresponding traceability data. Alternatively, a user may provide the required information manually. Step 2 : COCOSPEC Monitors and Traceability Data To translate pmLTL into cocospec, we created a library of pmLTL operators in cocospec, a specification language for Lustre: -- Once -- Historically node O ( X : bool ) returns ( Y : bool ) ; node H ( X : bool ) returns ( Y : bool ) ; let let Y = X or ( false -> pre Y ) ; Y = X -> ( X and ( pre Y ) ) ; tel tel --Y since X --Y since inclusive X node S (X , Y : bool ) returns ( Z : bool ) ; node SI (X , Y : bool ) returns ( Z : bool ) ; let let Z = X or ( Y and ( false -> pre Z ) ) ; Z = Y and ( X or ( false -> pre Z ) ) ; tel tel The semantics of the unary pre and the binary initialization -> operators are defined as follows, in the synchronous dataflow language Lustre. At time t = 0, pre p is undefined for an expression p, while for each later time step t > 0, pre p returns the value of p at t − 1. At time t = 0, p -> q returns the value of p at t = 0, while for t > 0 it returns the value of q at t. Here is the monitor fir [FSM001] in the cocospec language: contract FSMSpec ( apfail : bool ; sensorLimits : bool ; standby : bool ; supported : bool ; ) returns ( pullup : bool ; ) ; let var autopilot : bool = supported and not apfail and not standby ; guarantee " FSM001 " H (( sensorLimits and autopilot ) = > ( pullup ) ) ; tel The generated traceability data, which include the mapping of fretish propositions to the absolute paths of the Simulink signals, are provided in JSON format. 1 sensorLimits autopilot 3 supported A 4 A ==> B In1 guarantee apfail B 5 FSM001 (sensorLimits and autopilot) => (pullup) standby 2 pullup Figure 4: Generated Simulink monitor for requirement [FSM001] Step 3 : Simulink Monitor Generation cocosim attaches cocospec monitors to Simulink sub- systems. This process relies heavily on cocosim’s Inputs T=0 T=1 T=2 T=3 Lustre-to-Simulink compiler. The first compilation step standby F F F F is performed by LustreC [9], an open-source Lustre com- apfail F F F F piler, which produces information necessary to extract supported T T T T the model structure. The second step transforms the sensorLimits T F T F produced structure into Simulink blocks through the Outputs Simulink API. Each cocospec construct (e.g., assume, pullup F T F F guarantee) is compiled and translated: their equivalent Simulink blocks are provided by a dedicated cocosim Table 1: Counterexample for [FSM-001v2] block library [7]. Mathematical operators are translated into equivalent Simulink blocks. The pre operator is implemented as a Simulink Unit delay block. Figure 4 shows the generated Simulink monitor for [FSM-001]. Once the monitor is generated, cocosim automatically attaches it to the Simulink model based on the traceability data from Step 2. Once generated and attached at the model, the monitors can be used as runtime V&V components. Step 4: Verification of the complete model At this step, verification can be performed either at the Simulink level using e.g., the Simulink Design Verifier or, at the Lustre level, using e.g., Kind2 [6]. Since requirements are initially given to us in natural language, their semantics is often ambiguous. For instance, our interpretation in fretish of the requirement [FSM001], where all conditions must be satisfied at the same time for pullup to be activated, was shown to be invalid when checked against the model. After revisiting the requirement, we thought that potentially there is a time step difference between limits = true and the activation of pullup. Thus we wrote the following second version, which, however, was also shown to be invalid. FSM-001v2: if autopilot & pre autopilot & pre limits FSM shall immediately satisfy pullup Step 5: Counterexample simulation Simulation of counterexamples is helpful for identifying weaker properties and producing meaningful reasoning scenarios. For instance, let us consider requirement [FSM-001v2], for which Kind2 returned the counterexample shown in Table 1. It is clear that, even though pullup was activated the first time sensorlLimits hold, it was not activated at the second occurrence of sensorLimits. To better understand the behavior of the model, we performed a simulation based on this counterexample. Figure 5 illustrates a scenario when sensorLimits occurs multiple times during the autopilot operation, during which condition autopilot must be true. Based on this simulation, we found that pullup is latched only when sensorLimits holds in the previous step and has not been true for at least three steps before that [15]. This additional information helped us to tailor the proper requirement by disambiguating and refining the original natural language requirement. This shows on one hand, the ambiguous nature of natural language and, on the other hand, the elicitation capabilities of our framework. 3 Preliminary results Table 2 summarizes preliminary results from applying our approach to the LMCPS challenge, which is de- scribed in detail in [15].Our framework is generic and can use the strengths of several analysis tools. For ex- ample, our case study uses Kind2 and SLDV. However, since the MathWorks license prevents the publication of empirical results comparing with SLDV, we only provide the Kind2 results in Table 2. In general, the LMCPS models are highly numeric Figure 5: Simulation of [FSM-001v2] and non-linear, which makes analysis very challenging when using SMT-based model checkers such as Kind2 and SLDV. In the case of Kind2, to handle non-linearities, we used abstractions of non-linear functions such as trigonometric functions and as a result, Kind2 was able to return an answer (decided) in cases that were undecided before adding the abstractions. We found modular verification particularly helpful in order to obtain meaningful results. Due to its architectural mapping, our framework allows us to deploy cocospec specifications at different levels of the model behavior. For instance, for the FSM component, we generated three different contracts that we deployed at three different hierarchical levels of the model. This is important for complex models where verification does not scale when applied at the top level. We applied modular verification to 20 out of the 64 requirements. 4 Conclusion We described an end-to-end framework in which require- ments written in a restricted natural language can be Name NR D/UN equivalently transformed into monitors and be analyzed Triplex Signal Monitor (TSM) 6 6/0 against Simulink models by Simulink-based and Lustre- Finite State Machine (FSM) 13 13/0 based verification tools. Our framework ensures that Tustin Integrator (TUI) 3 3/0 requirements and analysis activities are fully aligned: Control Loop Regulators (REG) 10 6/4 Simulink monitors are derived directly from require- Nonlinear Guidance (NLG) 7 0/7 ments (and not handcrafted), and analysis results are Feedforward Neural Network (NN) 4 0/4 traced back to requirements. The features of our frame- Control Effector Blender (EB) 3 0/3 work are generic and can be used to integrate other re- 6DoF Autopilot (AP) 8 8/0 quirement elicitation and analysis tools. In the future, System Safety Monitor (SWIM) 3 3/0 we plan to provide additional ways of providing feed- Euler Transformation (EUL) 7 7/0 back from analysis tools to requirement engineers, to Total 64 46/18 support them in correcting requirements. We also plan to extend our framework with additional types of anal- Table 2: LMCPS results with Kind2, NR : #analyzed ysis that can be performed at the level of requirements, requirements, D: Decided, UN: Undecided e.g., realizability checking. Acknowledgements. We thank Mohammad Hejase, Cesare Tinelli, and Daniel Larraz for fruitful discussions and feedback. This work was funded by the NASA ARMD System-Wide Safety Project. References [1] Baier, C., Katoen, J.P.: Principles of model checking. MIT press (2008) [2] Balasubramanian, D., Pap, G., Nine, H., Karsai, G., Lowry, M., Păsăreanu, C., Pressburger, T.: Rapid property specification and checking for model-based formalisms. 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