=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/RE4AI-paper4 |storemode=property |title=Towards Requirements Engineering for Superintelligence Safety |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/RE4AI-paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 |authors=Hermann Kaindl,Jonas Ferdigg |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/KaindlF20 }} ==Towards Requirements Engineering for Superintelligence Safety == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/RE4AI-paper4.pdf
                     Towards Requirements Engineering for
                           Superintelligence Safety

                        Hermann Kaindl                                     Jonas Ferdigg
                         ICT, TU Wien                                     ICT, TU Wien
                        Vienna, Austria                                   Vienna, Austria
                   hermann.kaindl@tuwien.ac.at                     e1226597@student.tuwien.ac.at

                        Under the headline “AI safety”, a wide-reaching issue is being dis-
                        cussed, whether in the future some “superhuman artificial intelligence”
                        / “superintelligence” could pose a threat to humanity. In addition, the
                        late Steven Hawking warned that the rise of robots may be disastrous
                        for mankind. A major concern is that even benevolent superhuman
                        artificial intelligence (AI) may become seriously harmful if its given
                        goals are not exactly aligned with ours, or if we cannot specify pre-
                        cisely its objective function. Both the definition and communication of
                        such goals have to be conducted with extreme caution. Metaphorically,
                        this is compared to king Midas in Greek mythology, who expressed the
                        wish that everything he touched should turn to gold, but obviously this
                        wish was not specified precisely enough. In our view, this sounds like
                        requirements problems and the challenge of their precise formulation.
                        As usual in requirements engineering (RE), ambiguity or incomplete-
                        ness may cause problems. That is why we actually propose (and partly
                        work on already) yet another RE problem, figuring out the wishes and
                        the needs with regard to a superintelligence, which will in our opinion
                        most likely be a very complex software-intensive system based on AI.
                        To our best knowledge, this view of “AI safety” has not been pointed
                        out yet. Requirements engineering appears to be the right approach to
                        address it first, preferably before serious attempts of building “super-
                        human artificial intelligence” are being conducted.

1    Introduction
The idea of technology becoming sentient has been a common theme in the literature and movies for decades. One
might think of the famous movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick, the Matrix, or the Terminator
movies. These stories seem to be mostly consistent in the impression that a suddenly arising uncontrolled
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will not mean us well. Furthermore, the AIs described in books and movies are never
dumb machines, but rather potent entities with cognitive superpowers far beyond the capacities of human general
intelligence — they are superintelligent. In his book “Superintelligence” [Bos14], Oxford philosophy professor
Nick Bostrom provides good reasons to believe that we can create such an entity, and he is not the only one (see,
e.g., [Yam15]).
   Copyright   © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0).
   In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V.
Gervasi, E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020
Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
   In the AI research priorities document published in [RDT15], apart from the desirability of safety, e.g., of
self-driving cars, “AI safety” is addressed with regard to “superhuman AI”. This is partly based on forecasting
work on intelligence explosion and “superintelligence” [Bos14, ELH18], where the importance of given goals to
be exactly aligned with those of mankind is emphasized. Even that may be insufficient, however, the system
must also somehow be deliberately constructed to pursue them [Bos14].
   In terms of requests like “Make paperclips”, such a system is envisaged to take everything it can (with high
“intelligence”) and to make as many paperclips as it can make, whatever it may cost. Much like the example
of king Midas or the core theme of the movie with the title “Bedazzled”, we view this as a requirement that
is not specified precisely enough. While other references regarding “AI safety” can be found in [ELH18] and
at https://vkrakovna.wordpress.com/ai-safety-resources/, it is mentioned nowhere that it is actually a
problem with requirements.
   In addition to specifying and communicating requirements to a superintelligence, once available, we see a more
pressing problem before it may be built. Since mankind may eventually create a “superintelligence”, it should
rather sooner than later specify the requirements on such a system. Hence, we propose RE on a superintelligence
   Having a glass-box view on a system implementing a superintelligence may be helpful for keeping control of it,
such as following an approach to making architectural decisions upfront, e.g., for a generic architecture [MLK+ 00].
Another approach is to model safety frameworks, see, e.g., [EKKL19], where deep neural networks are components
of a framework. In contrast, we take a black-box view here and propose to focus on requirements.
   Strictly speaking, the notion “AI safety” is misleading in our opinion, since it may also include the safety of
certain AI-based systems, e.g., self-driving cars. Hence, we prefer the notion of “superintelligence safety”. We
also prefer this notion over “AGI safety”, since the issue is not so much about an “Artificial General Intelligence”,
but a “superintelligence” based on AI, where an intelligence explosion may arise [Bos14].
   The remainder of this paper is organized in the following manner. First, we provide some background material
on superintelligence safety, in order to explain the challenge involved. Then we view superintelligence safety from
the perspective of RE, and envisage specifying and communicating requirements accordingly. Finally, we propose
RE on a superintelligence in the first place.

2   The Challenge of Superintelligence Safety
First, let us be more precise on what “superintelligence safety” really means. This concept includes minimizing the
existential risk to humanity posed by superintelligent agents as well as mitigating unwanted social consequences
that may arise even if the existential risk has been averted, such as social manipulation, advanced warfare,
AI-driven unemployment, status quo preservation or unfair redistribution of resources. In a more technical
sense, this means solving the ”Control Problem” [Bos14] and designing and incorporating safety mechanisms in
a seed AI which are still functional after arbitrarily many iterations of self-improvement by the system. ”Ideally,
every generation of self-improving system should be able to produce a verifiable proof of its safety for external
examination” [Yam15, p.138].
   Superintelligence safety also does not only apply to superintelligent systems to-be-built but also extends to
the development process, which in itself poses an existential risk. In this context, Yampolskiy proposes the setup
of AI research review boards consisting of a team of experts which are to evaluate each research proposal and
decide if it can potentially lead to the development of a full-blown AGI [Yam15, p.139]. RE may be applied to
the development process, the system to-be-built, to the goal(s) the system will be given and maybe also to the
process by which the goal(s) will be selected.
   Assuming the creation of a superintelligence is possible, how can we control it and avoid the doomsday
scenarios so eloquently depicted by authors and film directors? While an emerging superintelligence might not
be inherently malevolent, it still poses a great risk. Without any information about the internal workings of such
an entity, we have to assume that its way of ‘thinking’ might be very different from the way a human thinks. A
superintelligence most likely will not share human morals or have a concept of value at all, if the developers did
not intentionally design it to have one.
   While the most terrifying scenario is a malevolent superintelligence with the intent to eradicate humanity,
another potential scenario is a superintelligence with no inherent motivations at all, simply following the in-
structions of it’s creator to the best of its abilities. Bostrom describes some of the abilities a superintelligence
could have under the term “Cognitive Superpowers” [Bos14, p. 91]. A superintelligence could excel at strategic
planning, forecasting, analysis for optimizing chances of achieving distant goals, social and psychological mod-
eling and manipulation, rhetoric persuasion, hacking into computer systems, design and modeling of advanced
technologies, and the list goes on [Bos14, p. 94].
   One can see that even equipped with only a subset of these skills, a superintelligence pursuing a goal to
the best of its abilities and without being constrained by concepts like morality or value, can cause substantial
damage to its environment. Bostrom depicts this with his famous thought experiment where a superintelligence
is given the simple task to make as many paper clips as possible. While the superintelligence might start off by
acquiring monetary resources by predicting the stock market and building paper clip factories, it may not just
stop there. Since its goal is the unconstrained maximization of the production of paperclips, it will soon discover
that humans pose a hindrance to its endeavor, as we might try to stop the superintelligence from producing more
paperclips or even try to shut it off. Since the superintelligence is multiple magnitudes smarter than humanity
combined, humanity fails to stop the superintelligence and ultimately the whole world (the whole observable
universe, in fact) will be made into paperclips.
   Even if this was just a contrived example, one can see the risks of giving a superintelligence an unconstrained
optimization problem. This argument is also extended in [Bos14] to constrained optimization problems, but the
details are not necessary for our paper.

3     Specifying and Communicating Requirements to a Superintelligence
Under the (usually unrealistic) assumption that we knew the requirements already, ‘just‘ telling the superintel-
ligence about them properly is the problem here. It can be decomposed into specifying and communicating.
   According to the Standard ISO/IEC 10746-2:2009 Information technology – Open Distributed Processing –
Reference Model: Foundations, 7.4, a specification is a “concrete representation of a model in some notation”. In
order to better understand this sub-problem of specifying requirements, let us follow the observation in [KS10]
that requirements representations are often confused with requirements per se. This confusion is also widespread
in practice, as exemplified in the very recent Standard ISO SE Vocabulary 24765:2017. In fact, it defines
a requirement both as a “statement that translates or expresses a need and its associated constraints and
conditions” and “a condition or capability that must be present in a product . . . ” (dots inserted).
   As it is well-known in RE, specifying requirements can be done informally, say, using some natural language,
or formally, e.g., using some formal logic as the notation. Possibilities for semi-formal representations within this
spectrum are many-fold. With regard to specifying requirements to a superintelligence, especially

    ˆ ambiguity and

    ˆ incompleteness

appear to be major concerns, cf. the paperclip example and king Midas.
   In order to avoid ambiguity in the course of specifying requirements for a superintelligence, formal represen-
tation of the requirements should be the choice, of course, possibly in some formal logic. Grounding the logic
used in the domain will, however, still leave loopholes for the superintelligence to ‘misunderstand’ the given
specification of our requirements. For example, for some predicate on paperclips, a grounding of what paperclips
are in the real world will be necessary.
   Also incompleteness of the specification remains an open issue. Unfortunately, no general solution appears to
be feasible at the current state of the art in RE.
   Communicating a given requirements specification to a superintelligence may be investigated according to
[JMF08], based on speech-act theory [Sea69], under the premise that stakeholders communicate information in
the course of requirements engineering. This view was not taken for the sake of really communicating requirements
in [JMF08], but for using the semantics of various speech acts to theoretically (re-)define the requirements problem
originally defined by Zave and Jackson [ZJ97] (see also below). Everything is assumed to be communicated by
speech acts here. However, we can only communicate representations of requirements, and not requirements per
se. It is clear that the text given in the examples in [JMF08] represents something by describing it, the very
confusion addressed in [KS10], where specific examples of this confusion are given.
   Anyway, for communicating specifications of requirements to a superintelligence, speech-act theory could be
helpful for annotating the specific kind of speech act, e.g., Question or Request. For example, the text “Can you
produce paperclips?” may be interpreted either way, unless specified more precisely.
   Still, we have to face that ‘perfectly’ specifying and communicating requirements to a superintelligence may
not be possible. Even if we could, this would not help in case of malevolent superintelligence that would not
                                                        Capability Control

                                Boxing methods      Incentive methods    Stunting     Tripwires

                     Figure 1: Overview of capability control techniques (based on [Bos14]).

                                                      Motivation Selection

                          Direct specification   Domesticity   Indirect normativity    Augmentation

                   Figure 2: Overview of motivation selection techniques (based on [Bos14]).
necessarily satisfy requirements as specified and communicated. Hence, let us consider building a superintelligence
in such a way that these problems can be mitigated.

4   RE on a Superintelligence
In our view, building a superintelligence should certainly include RE (much as building any non-trivial system).
For specifically addressing superintelligence safety, we may ignore defining functional requirements on its super-
intelligent abilities. Still, some functionality may have to be defined for operationalizing certain “non-functional”
safety requirements, which will in the first place be cast as constraints on the superintelligence.
   Note, that such requirements can and should be defined, elaborated and implemented for AI-based systems
already before these may actually become superintelligent. This may happen all of a sudden, and then it may
be too late.
   Working on these requirements could be done as usual according to best practice of RE. This will involve
major stakeholders (in particular, AI researchers), requirements elicitation may be done including questionnaires
in the Web, etc. While the core questions will be about requirements on superintelligence safety, of course, a
bigger question should be asked in our opinion, what the goals and requirements are regarding AI in the first
place. As its stands, most AI system are created and deployed without doing any RE at all.
   We expect that RE for superintelligence safety will pose even greater challenges than the usual practice of RE.
After all, it is not just about conceiving such a superintelligence but about making sure that its creation will
not raise uncontrollable safety risks. The currently most widely used approach to functional safety of software-
intensive systems [SS11, VCMG18, LL03, HKR+ 16] will not be sufficient. It is primarily concerned with hazards
in the environment of the system and related safety risks, and as dealt with, e.g., in the current automotive
standard ISO 26262, it focuses on failures of functions and how to manage them. Superintelligence safety will
have to make sure that the superintelligent system will not create hazards even if none of its functions has a
failure. This will have to be dealt with in a new kind of safety requirements.
   Let our RE endeavor be also informed by some preliminary thought by the author who raised the issue of
superintelligence safety. In [Bos14, Chapter 9], controlling a superintelligence is discussed, in order to deal with
this specific safety problem. Two broad classes of potential methods are distinguished — capability control and
motivation selection. Within each of them, several specific techniques are examined, see Figures 1 and 2 for
   Viewed from an RE perspective, it seems as though most of what is discussed here could be elaborated as
constraint requirements. Both current theory and practice of RE will most likely be sufficient for dealing with
capability control as laid out here.
   The ideas of motivation selection will be much harder to elaborate according to the current state of the art
in RE than the ideas on capability control above. This may even involve extending the current theoretical
formulation of the RE problem.

5   Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we address the potentially very important issue of “AI safety”, in the sense of superintelligence
safety [Bos14], from an RE perspective. To our best knowledge, this is the first RE approach to this issue,
although it may seem obvious that RE is the very discipline of choice here (for someone being aware of RE).
  We actually distinguish two different approaches:

  ˆ Specifying and communicating requirements for specific problems to a concrete superintelligence, and

  ˆ Doing RE in the course of building a superintelligence in the sense of an AI-based software-intensive system.

   Based on common wisdom of RE at the current state of the art, we tentatively conclude that ‘perfectly’
specifying and communicating requirements to a superintelligence may not be possible. And even if this became
possible in the future, it would not help in case of malevolent superintelligence that would not necessarily satisfy
requirements as specified and communicated.
   Hence, we already pursue RE on a superintelligence to be built. This RE endeavor is informed by some pre-
liminary thought on controlling a superintelligence in [Bos14]. The first approach through capability control may
be dealt with properly through constraint requirements. The second approach for controlling through motivation
selection, however, appears to go beyond the current theory of RE. In particular, we raise the challenge of ex-
tending Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) with dynamic goals of a superintelligence. In [KF19],
we motivate how the theory of the requirements problem should be extended to cover goals of a superintelligence.
   More specifically, at the time of this writing we are already preparing for gathering requirements on an AI-
based superintelligence through Web-questionnaires from a wide variety of stakeholders from different business
sectors, age groups and educational backgrounds. These should contribute to a better understanding of the
wishes and (perceived) needs of different stakeholders with regard to a superintelligence, especially related to
safety of humans or even mankind.
   Our road map includes

  ˆ Analyzing the filled-in questionnaires;

  ˆ Developing a first baseline of a requirements specification with a focus on safety;

  ˆ Distributing this document to the ones having filled-in the questionnaires for receiving further feedback; and

  ˆ Integrating this feedback into a second baseline of a requirements specification on superintelligence safety.

  In the long run, this may lead to a more elaborate approach along the lines of the moral machine experiment
[ADK+ 18].

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