=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/RE4AI-paper7 |storemode=property |title=On the Interplay between Requirements, Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/RE4AI-paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 |authors=Blagovesta Kostova,Seda Gurses,Alain Wegmann |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/KostovaGW20 }} ==On the Interplay between Requirements, Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/RE4AI-paper7.pdf
    On the Interplay between Requirements, Engineering,
                  and Artificial Intelligence

           Blagovesta Kostova                          Seda Gürses                        Alain Wegmann
                 EPFL                            TU Delft / KU Leuven                           EPFL
        blagovesta.pirelli@epfl.ch                f.s.gurses@tudelft.nl                alain.wegmann@epfl.ch

                       With this paper, we present our reflections on the issues that are faced
                       by the Requirements Engineering academic discipline and practice. The
                       current reality of the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hype
                       penetrating from research into all industry sectors and all phases of sys-
                       tem design and development is a transformative shift that influences
                       the way Requirements Engineering is conducted and the nature of the
                       systems that are engineered. We identify two sides of this transfor-
                       mation with regards to the Requirements Engineering discipline: (1)
                       Artificial Intelligence tools are used more and more during the Require-
                       ments Engineering process, (2) the Requirements Engineering process
                       for systems that include Artificial Intelligence is different. By identify-
                       ing and framing these changes, we pose questions about what it means
                       to engineer requirements. Our analysis asks more questions than it
                       answers. We hope to engage the Requirements Engineering academic
                       community in a larger conversation about the role of Requirements
                       Engineering in the changing world and about a possible new vision
                       of engineering becoming secondary to requirements in Requirements

1    Introduction
To better understand the new situation that Requirements Engineering (RE) practitioners and academics face,
we begin by inquiring how these actors construct their worldview, regarding the RE process. According to Jureta
et al. [JMF09]: “Because requirements-related information is elicited through the communication between the
stakeholders and the software engineers, it is via communication that stakeholders reveal their understanding
of the system-to-be and its relevant surroundings. To ground an RE ontology in how stakeholders reveal their
understanding of the system and its environment is to ground the ontology in a conceptualization of the commu-
nication process. [...] Namely, the scope of RE conceptualizations should be determined by how and what can
be communicated by the stakeholders during requirements elicitation.”1 This description represents
the dominant assumption in the RE field, also inline with Zave and Jackson [ZJ97]: Reality is observed and
communicated by human stakeholders.
Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0).
In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V. Gervasi,
E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020 Workshops,
Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
   1 Emphasis added.
   Even though this assumption is not entirely outdated, as humans are still very much involved in the RE
process, the introduction of data-driven RE augments the way stakeholders obtain and communicate the infor-
mation about their reality. Let us take requirements elicitation as an example and reason about these changes.
Traditionally, requirements are thought to be elicited with the help of various methods: interviews, workshops,
questionnaires, ethnographic studies (cf. [oBA15]). Recently, these mostly human-to-human methods are sup-
plemented and, in some cases, completely replaced by data that is gathered from preexisting sources: gathering
existing data from social media, online forums [WM17], automated tools to elicit requirements [FBG18, RM19],
prioritizing requirements ([PSA13, GIG17]), refining requirements into specifications [MDM+ 19], interpreting
requirements and classifying them [DDAÇ19, KM17, WV16].
   In this position paper, we outline certain open questions regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
RE in Section 3 and the changes in the RE process for AI-based systems in Section 4. To explain what we
consider AI, we begin by a short terminology section in Section 2. We conclude with an outlook for the future
in Section 5.

2     What is AI?
We begin with a note on AI terminology. AI is a term used throughout the industry to signify a system that is
self-intelligent and capable of learning on its own and of taking decisions without the need of human supervision.
The AI components of systems usually require a resource-intensive (resources being data, time, computing power,
expertise) training phase that could output a useful algorithmic model. The correctness of a model is measured
in terms of accuracy over new data (unseen during the training phase). Recently, other metrics have attempted
to address concerns about the “ethical accuracy” of algorithms, e.g., fairness [Nar18].
    A word of caution we would like to raise here is that AI technologies are predominantly used to optimize busi-
ness processes in enterprises and not as fully autonomous systems [KOTG20]. The objective of the optimizations
is to remove any inefficiencies in both the delivery of a system (inside the enterprises) and the consumption of a
system (behavior of the consumer, see popular literature on behavior engineering [Eya14]) in order to maximize
profit. Therefore, we focus on the current role of AI as a means to optimize perceived inefficiencies rather than
as a technology that is autonomous and salient.
    In the field of AI, there is a concept called technological singularity. It signifies the moment when the
technology will become independent of its designers: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) [Cha09]. However,
this is a much disputed topic and even if AGI is possible, which is still questionable, singularity is a futuristic
idea that we leave out of the scope of our analysis. Therefore, we focus on the impact of level of automation
provided by non-general AI (which we label this automated decision making) on the RE process rather than the
potential impact by hypothetical autonomous AGI.

3     AI for RE: What Changed?
3.1   What AI-inspired methods for RE are in use?
The brief glance at the literature, as well as other events such as workshops (see AIRE [air]), panels, and
altogether themes of the RE flagship conferences (“RE and Collective Intelligence in the Days of AI” of RE’19
[DPL19]), shows that the RE academic community is making efforts to produce and to use automated decision-
making tools during the RE process. However, this new trend of increasing the level of automation during the
RE process changes the nature of the RE practice, as well as the research in the area. We believe that the
automation tools change the essence of RE and that we, as a community, have not yet systematically studied
this transformation in levels of automation. We believe that this area merits research to better understand, in
the depth and the breadth, the transition towards automated decision-making methods during the RE process.
The inquiry concerns both the state of the art and the state of practice.

3.2   How we know what we know in the RE process?
Based on the changed nature of the RE tools, there is a also a change in the way the RE discipline views the world.
The assumption, as described by Zave and Jackson [ZJ97] and Jureta et al. [JMF09], is that the RE practitioner
will communicate with stakeholders to elicit requirements from the “messy” world and to bring some order
into these observations, while collecting data from a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods and refining
the requirements into a technical specification. The existing RE ontologies do not consider the automation of
feedback and data collection, because this current level of automation did not exist when the ontologies were
introduced. Currently, the RE process is being fragmented and transformed based on the environment of the
systems that are studied through data that are generated by systems that we have engineered. Our observations
about the context of the system are increasingly based only on secondary data. The core RE ontology is changing
because of the inclusion of AI, hence, studying this change is an avenue for future research inquiries.

4     RE for AI: What Will Change?
4.1   How can RE bring reason to buzzword concepts?
Understanding the ontological change also raises a question about the role of RE. RE is traditionally a crossroad
of disciplines and is uniquely positioned among other domains to address questions of not only what and how
to engineer a system but also of whether we should engineer these systems, why, to what extent, and if at
all. These questions might seem philosophical, yet, AI has become a buzzword. RE could be a place where we
counter buzzwords and evaluate systematically what is of actual use in our systems by answering these seemingly
philosophical questions.

4.2   Is there a place for an RE human in the loop?
There is a historical distrust in humans that has gone deep into technical designs and engineering methods
(starting with the Cold War) [Bai83]. The question is whether there is a possibility to recenter the human
(and at times the non-human, such as the environment) in computer science. Certain methods try to mimic
human-like or human-friendly characteristics while still eliminating human intervention and interaction with
the systems, i.e., chaos techniques (introduce “real” randomness) or to introduce so-called interpretable models
whose understandability is debatable [Lip18]. RE is traditionally a discipline related to software engineering.
Yet, RE has two components: requirements and engineering. If we assume that the engineering part is where we
activate and use our analytical thinking, we can manage the engineering of the requirements. But to devise the
requirements, we might need to engage in an activity of an intuitive nature (artistic practices, design of socio-
technical systems in a broad sense and not only software engineering.) Not all requirements lead to software
systems and this point of departure is far-fetched in the current reality where software is everywhere and the RE
tradition is to engineer requirements for software systems. Yet, we can imagine a future that does not require
us to engineer but rather to understand and to design social solutions that are, possibly but not necessarily,
supported by technology. All these creative problem-solving activities are uniquely human.

4.3   What is the role of RE in the design of automated decision-making systems?
Today, the designers of algorithms and systems are humans. By acknowledging and deliberately owning the
design of systems, we can re-introduce humans in the loop. And if there is a place for a human translator,
we have to answer more questions regarding our role in the RE process such as, Are we re-affirming existing
structures, are we instilling our biases, and are we aware of it?
   We believe we could be designing systems that enable people to be more than or different from what the
data predict about them, in order for them to become what they could. In AI, the automated decision-making
components are self-fulfilling prophesies – the models are tuned to find more of the same and to discard the
unique. Uniqueness is outlawed, it is seen as a mistake in the pattern and is reported as an error. Yet, originality
and ingeniousness are what enable humankind to question the current status and to progress. If our systems are
designed to ensure that we are only what we are in the current moment, based on historical data, then we, as
designers of these systems, are hindering ourselves from becoming different. Dreams cannot be codified.
   RE could be a solution to counter the trend of engineering systems that push their users to regress to the
mean. We believe there is a place for us to rethink what it means to be a deviation in the pattern and to
allow for errors in the AI model. It might turn out that the mistake is correct. Currently, people are being
profiled and shown a version of reality that is optimized for certain behavior (e.g., recommendations for what to
watch, buy, like, read). This profiling specializes the reality that we observe from our screens, thus providing a
unique user experience for each one of us. Yet, the set of actions that we take within these systems is limited.
Consequently, we are both influenced by the data generated by others that look like us data-wise and isolated
in such a fine-tuned single reality that prompts us to act in certain limited ways and still, we cannot reconcile
with others what we see. RE is the only place to address this problem due to its interdisciplinary nature, with
a strong technical emphasis.
4.4     What is a requirement for AI?
The reality is that AI components are being developed and used throughout many applications. We still have to
answer questions about the pipeline of requirements and the RE process for integrating AI components in our
systems. What would be a requirement for these AI components? How do we evaluate a system composed of
AI components? The state of the use of data-driven services by industry has advanced quickly, and the industry
has established their own practices. Hence we might have to study more closely the recent developments, yet
distance ourselves in order to propose theoretically grounded methodologies for a sensible use of AI in systems,
thus combat buzzwords. For example, AI could be designed for and evaluated through the lens of socio-technical
systems and the collective good [CV18].
   Only a limited number of studies have looked into how the introduction of AI, and mostly ML, in software
systems changes the RE and the software engineering processes [ABB+ 19, VB19, Hor19]. All of these studies
identify one of the starkest differences between data-driven software engineering and traditional engineering: the
management of the data. There is even an emerging field, called ML Ops, for the study of the operationalization
and quality assurance/testing of ML2 .

5       Outlook for the Future
We cannot ignore the current reality that dictates that AI is going to be integrated into our systems in the short
term. We can change, however, the narrative to see through the buzz of the term AI and to look at current
AI components as a machinery for automated decision-making. We believe that we need to study the domain
further and to propose theories, methodologies, and tools to answer the questions we outlined here. (1) AI for
RE: What AI-inspired methods for RE are in use? How we know what we know in the RE process? And (2)
RE for AI: How can RE bring reason to buzzword concepts? Is there a place for an RE human in the loop?
What is the role of RE in the design of automated decision-making systems? What is a requirement for AI? If
the current trend of incorporating more and more AI tools in the RE process continues (AI for RE), while also
having this RE process engineer AI tools (RE for AI), then soon we will combine the two implications into a
single conjecture that RE will become automated and that there will be only AI for AI. We also do not have to
subscribe to the worldview of today and can imagine that there is another way for our systems to be engineered
and that the role of RE will be pivotal in bringing the human back in the loop and in making that human an
integral part of the process.

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