=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2586/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Towards a Goal and Problem based Business Process Improvement Framework – an Experience Report |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2586/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2586 |authors=Björn Skoglund,Erik Perjons |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ifip8-1/SkoglundP19 }} ==Towards a Goal and Problem based Business Process Improvement Framework – an Experience Report== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2586/paper6.pdf
    Towards a goal and problem based business process
     improvement framework – an experience report

                                 Björn Skoglund, Erik Perjons

                         Department of Computer and Systems Science,
                           Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
                        bjorns.skoglund@gmail.com, perjons@dsv.su.se

       Abstract. The interest in business process improvement (BPI) is vast among re-
       searchers and practitioners. However, it is difficult for an organisation to under-
       stand which BPI methods to introduce given a situation at hand. This paper de-
       scribes experiences from a major Swedish insurance company that carried out a
       BPI project but needed to know if further improvement could be achieved. In
       order to address this issue, a BPI framework was designed and applied on already
       improved business process diagrams. The BPI framework consists of various BPI
       tasks from different BPI methods, more precisely Six Sigma and Lean, and from
       research on so called duplicate systems. The framework also consists of goal and
       problem statements related to BPI tasks. These goals and problem statements aim
       to support the selection, combination, and application of the BPI tasks given a
       situation at hand. The application of the BPI framework showed that several fur-
       ther improvements of already improved business processes diagrams could be
       achieved. An evaluation of the BPI framework based on interviews with aca-
       demic experts and practitioners also showed promising results.

       Keywords: business process improvement, insurance process, Lean, Six Sigma,
       duplicate systems, goal model, problem model

1      Introduction

Business process improvement (BPI) is an approach supporting organisation to make
changes and optimize their way of doing business [1]. The interest for BPI has led to
development and use of different BPI methods, for example Lean, TQM, Six Sigma.
Most of these methods have been developed based on best practices from industries.
   A practitioner that aims to improve an organisations’ processes based on best prac-
tices in a structured way needs to choose among all these improvement methods, and
maybe combine different parts from different methods in order to develop a method
that is appropriate for a certain organisation in a certain situation. This require a deep
understanding on each of these BPI methods and included BPI tasks within the meth-
ods, and how tasks from different methods can be chosen and combined. The problem
that the paper addresses is that it is difficult for an organisation to find a BPI method
that best suites the organisation at hand, either by selecting an existing BPI method or
BPI tasks from different BPI methods.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under
Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
   This paper has its base in the experience from a large insurance company in Sweden.
The company had carried out a BPI project, but did not followed any existing BPI
method. The management of the company needed to know if further improvement
could be achieved by using existing BPI methods. In order to address this issue, a BPI
framework was designed by the authors of this paper. The framework was then applied
on already improved business process diagrams, which were the result from the previ-
ously carried out BPI project.
   The paper presents the BPI framework designed by the authors of this paper, the
experiences from the application of the BPI framework on the already improved busi-
ness process diagram of an insurance process in order to identify further possibilities of
improvements. The paper also presents an evaluation in which academic experts and
practitioners were evaluating the BPI framework.
   A set of requirements on the BPI framework have guided the research. The require-
ments are the following:

        •    Understandability: The BPI framework should be easy to comprehend for
             the user, which are mainly business managers, business analysts, business
             process designers, IT managers and requirement engineers at the insurance
             company as well as at other companies that plan to use the BPI framework.
             This means that the BPI framework should not be too complex.
        •    Reflection and sense making: The framework should support reflection and
             sense making of carrying out BPI. This is an important requirements for or-
             ganisations that need to constantly improve their behavior, such as the insur-
             ance company and other companies acting in a competitive environment.
        •    Efficient: The framework should make it possible to carry out BPI tasks in a
             time and resource efficient way. This is an important requirement for all cost
             aware companies.
        •    Generic: The framework should be applicable on all types of organisations.
             That is, the framework should contribute to the generic practice, and not only
             to a local practice. To be generic is an important requirements within design
             science research on the artefacts designed, such as the BPI framework. De-
             sign science is the research approach used in the research that is presented in
             this paper.

    The structure of the paper is as follows: In Section 2, related research, and in Section
3, the research methodology are presented. In Section 4 the BPI framework is described,
followed by a demonstration of the application of the framework in Section 5 and the
expert evaluation in section 6. The conclusion is presented in Section 6.

2           Related research

Many papers in the area of BPI presents information about BPI at a general level. Many
of these papers also present a number of general steps that need to be conducted when
carrying out BPI [e.g. 1,2,3]. These steps are in general the following, with some vari-

        Specify a business vision and the business process objectives. The business
         objectives include concepts such as cost reduction, time reduction, quality
         improvement, etc.
        Identify the business processes to be improved, often focusing on the busi-
         ness processes that are most important for the organisation or the ones that
         are in conflict with the organisations’ business vision.
        Identify how the business processes at hand could be measured, so that they
         can be improved.
        Identify IT capabilities that could influence the design of the processes.
        Design and prototype new or changed business processes.

    Other papers also include more detailed descriptions of the tasks to be carried out in
BPI initiatives, many of them presenting BPI methods such as Lean, TQM and Six
Sigma which all provide specific tasks to carry out [4,5,6,7,8].
    There are also some papers presenting methods combining tasks from different BPI
methods. For example, [9] created a method by selecting and combining the best tasks
of the other already existing methods. He first identified weaknesses in existing BPI
methods and then, based on that, created a BPI method that incorporate the key points
of change management into the model, included benchmarking. Examples of weak-
nesses in existing methods, according to [9], are that many BPI methods overlook that
processes are “human activity systems”, that is, processes are carried out by people;
and that BPI methods do not utilize the power of benchmarking.
    Another example of a method that are based on other already existing BPI methods
is presented by [10]. They have created a “super methodology” by combining three key
topics within business process improvement (BPI), i.e. continuous process improve-
ment (CPI), business process reengineering (BPR), and business process benchmarking
(BPB). The authors claim that different organisations have different needs for their BPI
initiative. For example, one organisation may need an incremental improvement of
business processes that are critical for the organisation, whereas another organisation
need a total revamp of its business processes. Therefore, the BPI method needs to adapt
to the situation at hand. The BPI framework presented in this paper support such a
mindset. More precisely, the BPI framework presented in this paper supports design of
a customized BPI method using BPI tasks from different existing BPI methods.
    An interesting approach also similar to the one presented in this paper is described
by [11]. The authors investigated 29 different best practices for implementing business
process redesign. The best practices were focusing on themes such as customers, busi-
ness process orientation, business process behavior, organisation, information, technol-
ogy, and external environment. A framework was given in the paper for classifying the
best practices in order for practitioners to choose the best practice when working with
implementing business process redesign. The quality of each best practice has been
evaluated using criteria such as cost, quality, flexibility and time.
    In this paper, the BPI methods used are Lean and Sigma, as well as research on
duplicate systems paradox. The duplicated system paradox is a situation “in which an
organisation continuously allows multiple, overlapping, partially competing and
largely incompatible information systems to persist and continue to evolve over time,
despite continued awareness of the adverse consequences on organisational information
management capabilities” [12].

3       Research Methodology

The research approach used in this project was design science. For presenting the result
of our research, we follow a method framework for design science research presented
in [13]. The framework specify of a number of logically related activities, with well-
defined input and output. Moreover, the framework presents what research strategies
and research methods and existing knowledge base are used in each activities. Accord-
ing to [13] different research strategies and methods can be applied in each of the design
science activities. In the research presented in this paper, a case study carried out at in
a major insurance company in Sweden is the research strategy applied in several of the
design science activities. As part of the case study, research methods such as interview
and documents were used. The activities in design science and how they have been
carried out in our research are presented below:

1. Explicate problem. The explicate problem activity is about justifying the problem to
be addressed by showing that it is significant for some practice, and precisely formu-
lating it. The problem statement for our research was that it is difficult for an organisa-
tion to find a BPI method that best suites the organisation at hand, either by selecting
an existing BPI method or select BPI tasks from different methods. The problem state-
ment was formulated based on the need expressed by the management of the insurance
company: The company had carried out a business improvement project, but it did not
use any existing BPI method. The management team of the company needed to know
if further improvement could be achieved using existing BPI methods.

2. Outline artefact and define requirements. The outline artefact and define require-
ments activity transform the problem into demands on a proposed artefact. As with the
problem statement, the requirements, were formulated based on the need expressed by
the management of the insurance company. The requirements specified on the artefact,
the BPI framework, are presented in Section 1, that is, the BPI framework should be
understandable, efficient, support reflection and sense making and be generic.

3. Design and develop artefact. The design and develop artefact activity creates an ar-
tefact that addresses the explicated problem and fulfils the defined requirements. The
artefact created in our research was based on a literature study about BPI methods as
well as the to-be business process diagrams resulted from a previous BPI project carried
out at the insurance company (before our research started). The BPI framework was
created during a number of conceptual modelling sessions between the authors of this

4. Demonstrate artefact. The demonstrate artefact activity uses the developed artefact
in an illustrative or real-life case, thereby proving the feasibility of the artefact. In our

research the demonstration is based on the case study carried out at the insurance com-
pany. The artefact applied is the BPI framework.

5. Evaluate artefact. The evaluate artefact activity determines how well the artefact can
solve practical problem that motivated the research as well as fulfils the stated require-
ments. In our research, the BPI framework was evaluated by using interviews with ac-
ademic experts and practitioners, more precisely, two academic experts and two prac-
titioner. The BPI framework was presented and the academic experts and practitioners
were interviewed regarding the problem to be addressed and the requirements to be

4        The BPI framework

In this section the BPI framework is described. The BPI framework consists of six com-
             A goal model
             A problem model
             BPI methods
             BPI tasks
             The relationship model
             The action unit pattern

4.1     The goal model
The goal model is a set of goal statements with top goals and their sub-goals, see Figure
1 in which one of the top goal and its sub-processes are described. The goals and sub-
goals are related, explicitly in the Relationship model (see below), to BPI methods and
BPI tasks in order to explicitly state which goals BPI methods and BPI tasks aims to
achieve. The relationships between the goals and sub-goals are a “part of” relationship.
The goals in the goal models have been identified by elaborating possible goals that
each given BPI task and BPI method can achieve, in a sort of “reverse engineering”

                        The efficiency shall be high

      Productivity in a process   The cost per unit in a process The flow of activity/operations in
      shall be raised             shall be lowered.              the process shall be continuous

                     Fig. 1. A goal statement with a top goal and its sub-goals
4.2      The problem model
The problem model is a set of problem statements with problems and their sub-prob-
lems, see Figure 2, that are related, explicitly in the Relationship model (see below), to
BPI methods and BPI tasks in order to explicitly state which problem the BPI methods
and BPI tasks can address. The relationships between the problems and sub-problem
are a “part of” relationship. The problem in the problem model have been identified by
elaborating possible problem that each given BPI task and BPI method address, again
in a sort of “reverse engineering” approach.

                                                The efficiency is low

 The productivity is low, i.e. amount of   The cost per unit is high,     The process flow is not a continuous
 resources used when carrying out the      i.e. the cost of producing a   one, i.e. the process consists of
 process is high                           good or a service is high      waiting time.

                   Fig. 1. A problem statement with a problem and its sub-problem

4.3      The BPI methods
The BPI methods are a set of existing and new methods consisting of a BPI tasks. In
our framework, the BPI methods are Lean, Six Sigma and the duplicate systems. The
two first BPI method were chosen because they are two leading BPI methods that pro-
vide a number of concrete BPI task to be used. The third method is not a well-known
BPI method but provide a base for identify BPI improvement tasks related to the IT
system support of business processes.

4.4      The BPI tasks
The BPI tasks are a set of tasks that can be carried out in order to improve business
processes. In our framework, the BPI tasks are tasks within the Lean and Six Sigma
methods and tasks designed based on the ideas from the duplicate system. Example of
tasks are Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Fishbone analysis, Continuous flow, Kaizen,
5S, Identifying duplicate systems, Eliminating double documentation in IT systems.
Each task is described following a pattern: name of the task, problem that the task ad-
dress, benefit of the task, risk of using the task.

4.5      The Relationship model
The relationship model is a model describing a set of specified relationships between
the previous four components, which makes the relationships between the previous four
components explicit, see Figure 3. Thereby, a user of the framework can navigate be-

tween the components. For example, given problems and their sub-problems in an or-
ganisation, a user of the relationship model can identify which BPI task to apply as well
as to which BPI methods these tasks are part of, see Figure 4.

                                        To identify problems that is an opposite/inverse state
                                        in relation to the goal state

          Goal model                                  To identify the goals that is achieved                Problem model
                                                      when a problem is addressed

 To identify            To identify BPI                                                                    To identify       To identify BPI
   the goals            tasks that                                                                     problems that         methods that
 for the BPI            fulfill goals                                                                   a BPI method         solves certain
                                                                                                                solves       problems

                                                    To describe BPI tasks in detail for a
            BPI tasks                               certain BPI method                                        BPI methods
                                                    To identify BPI methods for witch a
                                                    certain task is included in

  Fig. 3. The relationships between goal model, problem model, BPI tasks and BPI methods.

                                                                                                                          General problems

                                                           The information and material                 The process is not
             The efficiency is low
                                                           flow is not efficient                        continuously improved

                                                                Information-                                                Sub problems
      The                The cost         The process           and material                           The business is
      productivity is    per unit is      flow is not a         flows are not                          returning to old
                                                                                  Processes are not
      low, i.e.          high, i.e.       continuous            coordinated                            habits after the
      amount of          the cost of      one, i.e. the         in an efficient                        process                The business is
                                                                                  improved, i.e. the
      resources          producing        process               way                                    improvement            not changing in
                                                                                  process are not
      used when          a goods or       consists of                                                  project                the same pace as
                                                                                  improved during
      carrying out       a service is     waiting time                                                                        the business
                                                                                  the life times
      task or the        high                                                                                                 environment

                                                          Value Stream                                             Kaizen
                                                                                                                                 BPI tasks
            Continuous flow
                                                          Mapping (VSM)

                                                                                                                              BPI methods

Fig. 4. Given a problems and their sub-problems in an organisation, the user can identify which
           BPI tasks to apply as well as to which BPI methods these tasks are part of.

4.6        The Action pattern
The action pattern is a pattern to be used when analyzing each action in the business
processes in detail. The pattern consist of the following parts: name of action, D
description of action, purpose of action, input to action, output of action, IT involved,
roles involved, other tools involved, control involved. The relationship between the
parts of the action pattern are visualized using a IDEF0 diagrams, see Figure 5, showing
how input is transformed to output, supported by IT system, other tools and roles, and
governed by control.

                                       Control (such as routines, rules to follow)

                                 Name of action
                                 Description of action
                   Input         Purpose of action            Output
                   (from                                      (transformed
                   previous    IT system   Other              input)
                   activity)               tools

         Fig. 5. The parts of the action unit pattern represented as an IDEF0 diagram.

5       Demonstration

The BPI framework has been applied on an insurance process at one of the major in-
surance companies in Sweden. The company had carried out a BPI project where the
insurance process, called regulate damage process, has been improved.
   The BPI project at the insurance company was carried out in the following way (and
done before we did our research): First, the company visualized the way of working in
the organisation in as-is process diagrams, Second, the way of working was analyzed
and suggested improvements were identified in workshops with process participants.
Third, based on results from workshops, to-be process diagrams were created. At the
insurance company, the regulate damage process was divided into three sub-processes:
Gather information of the parts, Make decision (about compensation) and Perform reg-
ulation. Seven different IT system support the process/sub-processes, see Figure 6.
   The work in the BPI project did not follow any specific BPI method, and the man-
agement team of the insurance company wanted to know if further improvement of the
insurance process could be achieved by applying existing BPI methods on the to-be
created process diagrams. In order to investigate this, the authors of this paper design
and developed the BPI framework, presented in Chapter 4, and applied it in a number
of steps:
   Step 1: The action pattern was applied on the existing to-be processes diagram. For
each action, the following parts were specified: the name of the action, the description
of the action, the purpose of the action, the input and output, control, as well as inter-
action with IT, other tools, and roles were identified and documented.
   Result of step 1: Step 2 resulted in new detailed to-be process descriptions. This new
detailed to-be process descriptions were validated by interviewing process participants
and process owners at the insurance company. In total 125 actions were described in
this detailed way.

                 Insurance Process/Regulate damage

                                               Gather information
                  Input:                                                           Output:
                  Occured                                                          Registered
                  damage                                                           damage

                                                    Make decision
                  Input:                                                           Output:
                  Registered                                                       Set compensation
                  damage                                                           assessment

                                                Perform regulation
                  Input:                                                           Output:
                  Set compensation                                                 Regulated
                  assessment                                                       damage
  Outlook                                                                                              Damage
  list             USYS                GSR             Ett KUND        LFAB               SKAVI        system
                  System           System with         System with                      System        System for
System used                                                          System for
                  supporting       information         information                      supporting    storing
for insurance                                                        handling
                  investigations   aobut               about                            customers     information
cases work as                                                        reinsurance
                                   customer            customers                        to notify a   about
a ”to-do-list”
                                   history in all      and their                        damage via    damages
                                   insurance           agreements                       website
                                   companies           and

  Fig. 6. The regulate damage process and its sub-process, and IT system supporting the pro-

   Step 2: The problem model, the goal model and BPI tasks were applied in order to
identify possible problem and improvement possibilities. The reason for apply all three
components in the same time on each action, was that sometimes a problem in problem
model triggered the idea of how to improve an action, other times it was a BPI task or
a goal that triggered such an improvement.
   Result of step 2: This step resulted in a set of actions with possible improvements.
   Step 3: The relationship model was applied in order to analyze in detail each action
found in previous step were improvements was possible. This step resulted in a detailed
analysis of each step where improvement was possible, including which BPI task to
   Result of step 3: This step resulted in an analysis of the actions with possible im-
provements, see Table 1.

                               Table 1: Action with possible improvements

 Problem identified                      Example from process                      BPI task to apply
 Similar information are docu-           Example 1: An insurance claim             Eliminating double documenta-
 mented in several systems in the        that is documented in damage              tion in IT systems (by, for exam-
 same action                                                                       ple, integrating the two systems
                                     system also needs to be docu-        so that information or part of the
                                     mented in Outlook list.              information documented in one
                                     Example 2: When an invoice is        system is transferred automati-
                                     received from a partner, it needs    cally to another system).
                                     to be documented in both the
                                     damage system and the Outlook
Multiple systems make it unclear     Example 1: If the case is re-        Identifying duplicate systems
in which system the information      ported to the group managing         (so that information can be doc-
should be documented and/or is       risks this is not informed in the    umented in both systems or
to be found                          damage system, only in the Ett       make the routines clear so every-
                                     KUND.                                body knows in which system the
                                     Example 2: All damage claims         information should be docu-
                                     should be shown in Ett KUND,         mented and/or is to be found).
                                     this is not always the case.

Collaboration in processes are       When a claim is about a big dam-     Introduce IT system supporting
not supported by existing IT sys-    age and/or several depart-           collaborative work and decision
tems.                                ments/units are involved in an       making (so that several employ-
                                     insurance claim, the IT systems      ees can collaborate around a case
                                     used for documentation do not        in an effective and efficient
                                     support the collaboration in an      way).
                                     effective way.
Activities that could be carried     Many of the actions in subpro-       Apply continuous flow (so that
out in parallel are carried out in   cess 2: ”Make decision” could        the insurance claim will be fin-
sequence, which slow down the        be carried out in parallel but are   ished earlier, which will give the
flow of the case.                    carried out in sequence.             customer an earlier end result).

Customer is contacted at several     A customer can be contacted at       Apply continuous flow (so that
occasions, which slow down the       several occasions in the insur-      the insurance claim will be fin-
flow of the case.                    ance claim process, for example      ished earlier, which will give the
                                     when the customer is asked for       customer an earlier end result).
                                     the cause of the damage, during
                                     inspection, and during investiga-
                                     tion as well as to add further in-
                                     formation during the process.
Unnecessary activities are car-      If a contractor has categorized an   Apply continuous flow (so that
ried out.                            insurance claim for the wrong        the insurance claim will be fin-
                                     unit/department, the case is sent    ished earlier, which will give the
                                     back by the assessor to the con-     customer an earlier end result).
                                     tractor for re-categorization in-
                                     stead of the assessor himself/her-
                                     self re-categorize the case.

   Step 4: Finally, the BPI method was applied in order to see if some BPI method could
be used in full instead of combining BPI tasks from different BPI methods.
   Result of step 4: Most of the actions to improve were using tasks from Lean (contin-
uous flow) and duplicate system.

6      Evaluation

In this section, the result of the evaluation of the BPI framework is presented. The eval-
uation was carried out using interviews with two academic experts and two practition-
ers. The first academic experts is a senior lecturer with expertise in business process
modelling and service science. The other academic expert is a PhD student but has
worked as a teacher for many years in university courses in business process modelling.
Both practitioners work at the insurance company that has been part of the case study,
the first one was BPI expert at the insurance company and the second one is a business
development manager at the insurance process.

The evaluation was carried out in the following way: First, the BPI framework and the
resulting application on the insurance process was presented for each of the interview-
ees. The four interviewees were interviewed at different occasions. Second, the inter-
view sessions were carried out in a semi-structured way asking questions about the
overall impression of the BPI framework, the benefit and drawback of the framework,
possible improvements and how the specified requirements were fulfilled. On average,
each interview took 1 ½ hour. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. Third, a
thematic data analysis was performed based on the specified requirements.

6.1    Summary of the evaluation
In this section the overall summary of each interviewee is presented, including benefits,
drawbacks and suggested improvements.

Interviewee 1 (BPI expert at the insurance company) explained that the BPI framework
is very clear and easy to follow, and the interviewee states that a supreme quality of the
BPI framework is the fact that a practitioner can start from anywhere (from any com-
ponent) in the framework. The interviewee also stated that some basic knowledge about
BPI tasks, BPI methods goal and problem models are needed to use the framework: a
general business developer may not have that knowledge and may therefore not use the
framework in full. The efficiency of the BPI framework may be harmed in that way.
Interviewee 1 also stated that theoretical models often tend to simplify the real world
and that this could also be the case in this framework.
    Interviewee 2 (senior lecturer with expertise in business process modelling and ser-
vice science) claimed that the framework is very useful for any organisation, and it
seems to be easy to use for a practitioner. The strength of the framework is the goal and
problem models, which are mapped to existing BPI methods and BPI tasks which
makes it much easier to really browse the existing methods and select one that is ap-
propriate for a certain problem. However, interviewee 2 mentioned that there is a lack
of guidance on how one should approach this framework given a problem in an organ-
isation. Interviewee 2 also stated that the goal and problem model will easily be clut-
tered using a hierarchy of sub-goals and sub-problem, and therefore these models might
needs an easier structure so that practitioners can follow them.
   Interviewee 3 (PhD student and teacher in business process modelling) emphasize
the benefit of the connections between components which clarify how the different
parts are connected. Interviewee 3 noticed that different methods have different names
on the BPI tasks but that they perform pretty much the same thing. This need to be
addressed by the framework and suggest stricter use of patterns describing the BPI
tasks. The BPI tasks could also be further categorized in which way they handle prob-
lems, control flow, time, etc.
   Interviewee 4 (business development manager at the insurance company) claimed
that the strength of the framework is that it is supporting different approaches for BPI
initiatives. For example, when defining goals in a BPI projects one wants to know what
BPI methods and BPI tasks to use to achieve those goals. In the same way, if a one want
to address certain problems, one can find the different BPI methods and BPI tasks that
can be used for that. Interviewee 4 stated that the framework need some IT support to
manage all possible goals, problems, BPI methods, and BPI tasks in an efficient way.

6.2    Fulfillment of stated requirements

In section 1, four requirements on the artefact/framework were presented and moti-
vated. These four requirements were a major focus in the evaluation, and the results
from the evaluation of the requirement fulfillment are presented below:

Requirement 1: Understandability. The framework should be easy to comprehend for
the user, which are mainly business managers, business analysts, business process de-
signers, IT managers and requirement engineers.
   Evaluation result of requirement 1: Interviewee 1 stated that if someone is updated
theoretically, the framework is easy to understand, but if someone does not have basic
knowledge about BPI methods, BPI tasks, or goal and problem models this framework
could be hard to understand and, thereby, to use. Interviewee 2 claimed that the general
idea of the framework is easy to understand for users. Interviewee 3 thought that users
will not have any bigger problems understanding and using this framework. Interviewee
4 claimed that the framework is easy to understand for all types of practitioners.

Requirement 2: Reflection and sense making: The framework should support reflection
and sense making of carrying out BPI.
   Evaluation result for requirement 2: Interviewee 1 claimed that if it is used in a
correct way then it would support reflection and sense making. Interviewee 2 thought
that the framework fulfills this requirement because the framework does give the users
an opportunity to really look at several different BPI methods and to collect the best

BPI tasks from them all. Interviewee 3 argued that it is rather tools than frameworks
that support reflection and sense making when carrying out BPI. Interviewee 4 could
not answer this question.

Requirement 3: Efficient: The framework should make it possible to carry out BPI tasks
in a time and resource efficient way.
   Evaluation result for requirement 3: Interviewee 1 claimed that understanding the
BPI tasks still may take some time. Interviewee 2 claimed that the support to select
different BPI tasks from different BPI methods makes the framework very efficient.
Interviewee 3 stated that the framework is efficient using the components to find the
BPI tasks and that the framework also can work as a communication tool between us-
ers. Interviewee 4 claimed that the framework is efficient since it support the finding
of alternative BPI tasks and BPI methods, given problems and goals.

Requirement 4: Generic: The framework should be applicable on all types of organisa-
tions. That is, the framework should contribute to the generic practice, and not only to
a local practice.
   Evaluation result for requirement 4: All interviewees claimed that the BPI frame-
work is generic and can be applied on all type of organisations.

7      Conclusion

In this paper, experiences from a major Swedish insurance company carrying out BPI
are presented. The company had carried out a BPI project but did not use any specific
BPI method. Therefore, the management team wanted to know if further improvement
could be identified based on the created to-be process diagrams from the previous BPI
project, and by applying existing BPI methods. To address this issue a BPI framework
was designed and developed based on existing BPI methods, more precisely, Lean, Six
Sigma, and research on duplicate system. The BPI framework was applied on the ex-
isting to-be process diagrams and further improvements could be identified. The BPI
framework was also evaluated by interviewing academic experts and practitioners. The
result of the evaluation showed that several of the interviewee thought that the BPI
framework was easy to understand, efficient to use and generic. Some of the interview-
ees also thought that the BPI framework supported reflection and sense making. Note,
however, that no generalized conclusion could be stated since only four persons were
interviewed. One interviewee claimed that the use of the BPI framework requires some
basic knowledge of BPI methods as well as goal and problem models. Another inter-
viewee claimed that some of BPI tasks were similar to each other, and this should be
addressed in the next version of the BPI framework. A third interviewee expressed the
need for an IT tool supporting the use of the BPI framework.
    We are planning to continue the research by extending the framework with addi-
tional components important for succeeding with BPI, such as benchmarking/key per-
formance indicators, change management/engagement techniques, individual and or-
ganisational learning techniques, and case studies. The case studies make it possible to
identify documented experiences from using, for example, a certain BPI task. This will
increase the use of best practices. We are also planning to include further BPI methods
and BPI tasks, and especially make it clear how similar BPI tasks are different, by using
more detailed pattern describing the BPI tasks. A tool supporting the use of the BPI
framework is an important task as well, as one of the interviewee’s in the evaluation
stated. Important for improving the BPI framework is to continue applying it in real life


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