=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2587/article_12 |storemode=property |title=Continuous Representation of Molecules using Graph Variational Autoencoder |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2587/article_12.pdf |volume=Vol-2587 |authors=Mohammadamin Tavakoli,Pierre Baldi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aaaiss/TavakoliB20 }} ==Continuous Representation of Molecules using Graph Variational Autoencoder== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2587/article_12.pdf
  Continuous Representation of Molecules Using Graph Variational Autoencoder

                                          Mohammadamin Tavakoli, Pierre Baldi
                                                    Department of Computer Science,
                                                     University of California, Irvine
                                                    {mohamadt, pfbaldi}@ics.uci.edu

                                                                                               Side target
                                                                                                             Side predictor
  In order to continuously represent molecules, we propose a
  generative model in the form of a VAE which is operating on                                                                     Pooling
  the 2D-graph structure of molecules. A side predictor is em-
                                                                         Node-feature matrix
  ployed to prune the latent space and help the decoder in gen-                                𝜇
  erating meaningful adjacency tensor of molecules. Other than                                  GCN
                                                                                                Encoder                                     Adjacency tensor
  the potential applicability in drug design and property predic-
  tion, we show the superior performance of this technique in             Adjacency tensor
  comparison to other similar methods based on the SMILES                                      𝜎
  representation of the molecules with RNN based encoder and                                    Encoder

                                                                       Figure 1: Outline of the model. As depicted above, the model
Using machine learning to predict molecular structure prop-            inputs are both node-feature and adjacency tensor, while the
erties is a challenging problem [7, 3]. While the governing            model is only outputting the adjacency tensor. The side pre-
equations (e.g. Schrodinger equation) are difficult and com-           diction network is simply using the data points in the latent
putationally expensive to solve, the fact that an underlying           space as its input.
model exists is appealing for machine learning techniques.
However, this problem is difficult from a technical point of
view. The space of molecules is discrete and non-numerical.            work is presenting preliminary results of Graph VAE, further
Thus, “how to best represent molecules and atoms for ma-               experiments and comparisons are left to future work.
chine learning problems?” is still a question.
   Despite having numerous ways to represent molecules                                                       Method
such as methods introduced in [18, 1], all the representations         Molecules and Graphs A molecule can be represented by
are suffering from a few shortcomings, such as 1) discrete             an undirected graph G = (V, E, R), with nodes (atoms) vi
representation, 2) lengthy representation, 3) non-injective            ∈ V and labeled edges (bonds) (vi , e, vj ) ∈ E where r ∈ R
mapping, and 4) non-machine readable representation.                   is an edge type. Since we focus on small molecules with four
   Here, we proposed a new method that borrows the main                bond types, R is equal to 4. An n by d node-feature matrix
idea from [5] and [12] and overcomes all the aforementioned            H is also carrying more information about each node. These
shortcomings. Our method which takes the graphical struc-              two tensors, together, represent a molecular structure.
ture of the molecule as the inputs consists of a variational
framework with a side predictor to better prune the structure
of the latent space. Then an inner product decoder transfers           Variational Autoencodes To help ensure that points in the
the samples of latent space into meaningful adjacency ten-             latent space correspond to valid realistic molecules, and to
sors. To compare with the main benchmark which is a text-              minimize the dead areas of the latent space, we chose to use
based encoding of molecules [9] we performed two exper-                a variational autoencoder (VAE). To further ensure that the
iments on the QM9 dataset [16, 15] and ZINC [11]. Both                 outputs of the decoder are corresponding valid molecules we
experiments show the success of this method. Although this             employed the open-source cheminformatics suite RDKit30
                                                                       to validate the chemical structures of output molecules in
Copyright c 2020, for this paper by its authors. Use permit-           terms of atomic valence. All invalid outputs are discarded.
ted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International       It is necessary to mention that the ordering of the nodes as-
(CCBY 4.0).                                                            sumed to be unchanged.
VAE and Side Prediction To better learn the graph struc-
ture of the molecules, the encoder part of the VAE consists
of GCN layers. The same method as [17] has been employed
to perform relational update which can be formulated as:
                             (l)  (l) (l)
                  X X
          i   = σ(    Wr(l) hj + W0 hi )                                     Nicotine

                    i∈R j∈Nri

  where Nri denotes the set of nodes connected to node i
through the edge type r ∈ R. Since we are focusing on small
molecules, we applied three layers of GCN in our encoder
model to gather information from 3-hop neighbors of each                   Amphetamine                Caffeine

atom. The structure of encoder consists of two, three-layer
GCNs for both mean and the covariance. GCNs of the en-
                                                                                  Figure 2: Drugs compare to Aspirin
coder share the filters of the first two layers. Here we can
formulate the encoding and sampling scheme as follows:
                           YN                                     Table 1: Three models trained with three different side prop-
            q(Z|H, A) =        qi (zi |H, A),                     erty. As shown below, using Druglikeliness better helps pre-
                               1                                  dicting Solubility and Synthesizability
            qi (zi |H, A) = N (zi |GCNµ , GCNσ )                       Side property     Valid outcome         Sol     Synt   Druglikeliness
   The GCNµ and similarly GCNσ are: GCN (H, A) =                         Solubility           75.3            97.03   88.7        84.2
Âσ(Âσ(ÂHW0 )W1 )W2 , where the  is the normalized ad-            Synthesizability        73.0             89.8   98.21       86.3
                                                                       Druglikeliness         74.6             91.0    90.7      95.11
jacency tensor, Wi is the filter parameter of each layer, and
σ is the activation function [2]. Finally, as suggested in [12]
we use the simplest form of the decoder which can be seen
as graph deconvolution network. The output of the encoder         Property Prediction
is simply the inner product between latent variable:              Using a subset of QM9 dataset [15] as the training set,
                           N Y
                           Y   N                                  we extract 48,000 molecules covering a broad range of
                p(A|Z) =           p(Aij |zi , zj ),              molecules. Each molecule in the training set is chosen to
                           1       1                              have up to 20 atoms. The training objective on the side pre-
               p(Aij = 1|zi , zj ) = σ(zi T zj )                  dictor was set to be one of the Solubility, Druglikeliness,
                                                                  and Synthesizability. We employ the continuous representa-
   For the side prediction part, we employ a simple regres-       tion of molecules using each network to predict the other
sion model in the form of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to        two unseen properties. The performance of each model plus
the network that predicts the properties from the latent space    the percentages of validly generated molecules are summa-
representation. The input of the side predictor is a vector ob-   rized in Table 1. In order to check the validity of the out-
tained through a pooling mechanism of the latent represen-        come, we only check for the validity of the atomic valence.
tation as follows:                                                As it is shown in Table 1 the accuracy of each property is
                          X                                       comparable to the state of the art property predictions men-
              G(H (L) ) =     sof tmax(hL   i .Wp )               tioned in [8]. Although Graph VAE is not outperforming the
                          i=1                                     predictions based on [8], it shows that using a property as a
Where WP is the pooling weight matrix and H (L) is the            heuristic to prune the latent space, can help with predicting
output of the GCNµ .                                              other molecule properties.
   Finally, the autoencoder is trained jointly on the recon-
struction task and a property prediction task; The joint loss     Molecular Similarity Measure
function is the summation of the two losses, as follows:          Numerous similarity or distance measures have been used
           L = ELBO + negative log likelihood                     widely to calculate the similarity or dissimilarity between
             = Eq(Z|H,A) −KL(q(Z|H, A)||p(Z))                     two samples. Since metrics are focusing more on 2-
                                                                  dimensional representation rather than 3-dimensional struc-
            + M SE(sidenetwork)
                                                                  ture, our model as a “2D structure-aware representation”
                                                                  is an accurate metric for the similarity measure. Normal-
                      Experiments                                 ized Euclidean distance between the latent representation of
We performed two experiments to show the usefulness of            two molecules after pooling operation is the metric we de-
continuous representation. In the first experiment, we focus      fine to capture the similarity. Here we compare three well-
on the prediction of property and the generation of the valid     known similarity measures with our technique and also to
molecules. In the second experiment, we use this continuous       the methods introduced in [9]. This method which is us-
representation to propose a new metric for measuring the          ing the SMILES representation of the molecules as the in-
molecular similarity.                                             put employs a VAE with a side predictor. Both encoder
Table 2: Similarity measures between Aspirin and four dif-
ferent drugs. Using Graph VAE as a new metrics, shows con-             We proposed a generative model through which we can find
sistency with other metrics. The GVAE is trained with the              continuous representation for molecules. As shown in the
solubility as the side property.                                       experiments section, this technique can be used in different
                                                                       chemoinformatics tasks such as drug design, drug discovery
     metric       Amphetamine   Ecstasy (MDMA)   Nicotine   Caffeine   and property prediction. As future work, one can think of at-
    Tanimoto        0.398             0.324       0.229      0.258     tention based graph convolutions and more complicated de-
      Dice          0.569             0.490       0.373      0.410     coders. These two extensions can be studied in future works.
     Cosine         0.607             0.490       0.374      0.434
   Graph VAE        0.363             0.199       0.147      0.176
 SMILES VAE [9]     0.724             0.489       0.340      0.321
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