=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2587/preface |storemode=property |title=Preface |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2587/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2587 |authors=Jonghyun Lee,Eric F. Darve,Peter K. Kitanidis,Matthew W. Farthing,Tyler Hesser |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aaaiss/LeeDKFH20 }} ==Preface== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2587/preface.pdf
  Preface: Combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Physical

      Jonghyun Lee1∗ , Eric F. Darve2 , Peter K. Kitanidis2 , Matthew W. Farthing3 Tyler Hesser3
                                             University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, HI, USA
                                                  Stanford University, CA, USA
                                  U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, MS, USA

   This volume contains the contributed papers selected of            • High-order and adaptive methods. The depth in DNNs has
the AAAI 2020 spring symposium on “Combining Artificial                  been associated with highly accurate representations of
Intelligence and Machine Learning with Physics Sciences.”                high-order schemes. For example, deep networks can effi-
The symposium was held on 23 to 25 March 2020 in a vir-                  ciently represent high-order polynomials using relatively
tual form because of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19) out-                few layers. In addition, DNNs have also shown great ac-
break.                                                                   curacy when approximating functions with rapid changes
   This symposium aimed to present the current state of                  or even discontinuous jumps.
the art and identify opportunities and gaps in AI/ML-based            • High-dimensional problems. DNNs are also very effective
physics modeling and analysis. With recent advances in                   in representing high-dimensional problems, for example
scientific data acquisition and high-performance comput-                 in certain applications in probability which represent the
ing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)              evolution of high-dimensional probability distributions.
have received significant attention from the applied mathe-              Applications to high-dimensional parabolic PDEs such
matics and physics science community. From successes re-                 as the nonlinear Black–Scholes equation, the Hamilton–
ported by industry, academia, and the research community                 Jacobi–Bellman equation, and the Allen–Cahn equation
at large, we observe that AI and ML hold great potential for             have also been demonstrated.
leveraging scientific domain knowledge to support new sci-
entific discoveries and enhance the development of physical           • Finally, Generative Adversarial Networks offer new av-
models for complex natural and engineered systems.                       enues to approximate complex probability density func-
                                                                         tions to model stochastic processes and for uncertainty
   Despite this progress, there are still many open questions.
                                                                         quantification. They allow going beyond Gaussian pro-
Our current understanding is limited regarding how and why
                                                                         cess approximations and model more complex dependen-
AI/ML work and why they can be predictive. AI has been
                                                                         cies and distributions.
shown to outperform traditional methods in many cases, es-
pecially with high-dimensional, inhomogeneous data sets.                 However, a rigorous understanding of when AI/ML is the
Areas where deep learning methods have been demonstrated              right approach is largely lacking. That is, for what class of
to outperform traditional numerical schemes include:                  problems, underlying assumptions, available data sets, and
                                                                      constraints are these new methods best suited? The lack of
• Meshless methods. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) do not                interpretability in AI-based modeling and related scientific
  require a grid and can directly map a spatial coordinate            theories makes them insufficient for high-impact, safety-
  (x, y, z) to an output. This is critical in applications where      critical applications such as medical diagnoses, national se-
  meshing is difficult or the domain of interest is not clearly       curity, as well as environmental contamination and remedi-
  defined (e.g., for certain inverse modeling problems).              ation. Some of the main limitations include:
• Global schemes. DNNs allow approximating the solution               • Difficulty to train a network. This requires solving a com-
  without resorting to a local scheme based for example on               plex non-convex optimization problem. For example, the
  piecewise polynomial approximation methods. In that re-                accuracy of the solution often depends on the choice of
  spect, deep learning is closely related to spectral methods            initial conditions.
  such as the Fourier decomposition.
                                                                      • Difficulty to assess the accuracy of deep learning predic-
    ∗                                                                    tions. DL is notoriously accurate when the input data re-
Copyright c 2020, Copyright held by the author(s). In J. Lee, E. F.      sembles similar points in the training data. However, there
Darve, P. K. Kitanidis, M. Farthing, T. Hesser (Eds.), Proceedings       is less control over the accuracy when the test point moves
of the AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium on Combining Artificial In-            away from the training set. Quantifying this error and be-
telligence and Machine Learning with Physical Sciences. Stanford         ing able to predict the accuracy of DL is currently poorly
University, Palo Alto, California, USA, March 23-25, 2020.               understood.
• Tuning a DNN remains an art. Relatively few guidelines          Adam Collins, Katherine L. Brodie, Spicer Bak, Tyler
   exist to determine the architecture of the network and tune    Hesser, Matthew W. Farthing, Douglas W. Gamble, and
   the hyperparameters (number of layers, depth, choice of        Joseph W. Long
   activation function).
                                                                  A Weighted Sparse-Input Neural Network Tech-
   With transparency and a clear understanding of data-           nique Applied to Identify Important Features for
driven mechanisms, the desirable properties of AI should          Vortex-Induced Vibration
be best utilized to extend current methods in modeling of         Leixin Ma, Themistocles Resvanis, and Kim Vandiver
physics and engineering problems. At the same time, han-
dling expensive training costs and large memory require-          Deep Learning for Climate Models of the Atlantic
ments for ever-increasing scientific data sets is becoming        Ocean
more and more important to guarantee scalable science ma-         Anton Nikolaev, Ingo Richter, and Peter Sadowski
chine learning.
   The symposium focused on challenges and opportuni-             Deep Sensing of Ocean Wave Heights with Syn-
ties for increasing the scale, rigor, robustness, and reliabil-   thetic Aperture Radar
ity of physics-informed AI necessary for routine use in sci-      Brandon Quach, Yannik Glaser, Justin Stopa, and Peter
ence and engineering applications. The symposium also dis-        Sadowski
cussed bridging AI and engineering research to significantly
advance diverse scientific areas and transform the way sci-       Enforcing Constraints for Time Series Prediction
ence is done.                                                     in Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement
   The accepted papers were presented over 3 days with two        Panos Stinis
invited talks each day. The symposium was broadcast live
and camera-ready presentations were posted on Youtube.            Event-Triggered Reinforcement Learning for
   As editors of the proceedings we are grateful to everyone      Better Sample Efficiency; An Application to
who contributed to the symposium. We would like to thank          Buildings’ Micro-Climate Control
the invited speakers:                                             Ashkan Haji Hosseinloo and Munther Dahleh
• Lexing Ying, Stanford University
                                                                  Finding Multiple Solutions of ODEs with Neural
• Paris Perdikaris, University of Pennsylvania                    Networks
• Maziar Raissi, University of Colorado, Boulder                  Marco Di Giovanni, David Sondak, Pavlos Protopapas and
                                                                  Marco Brambilla
• Marco Pavone, Stanford University
• Stefano Ermon, Stanford University                              Generalized Physics-Informed Learning through
                                                                  Language-Wide Differentiable Programming
• Kevin Carlberg, University of Washington                        Chris Rackauckas, Alan Edelman, Keno Fischer, Mike
for presenting their work to the audience of AAAI-                Innes, Elliot Saba, Viral B. Shah and Will Tebbutt
MLPS2020. We thank all authors who submitted their pa-
pers for consideration. AAAI-MLPS Program Committee               GMLS-Nets: A Machine Learning Framework
includes                                                          for Unstructured Data
                                                                  Nathaniel Trask, Ravi Patel, Paul Atzberger and Ben Gross
• Peter Sadowski, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
• Mario Putti, University of Padova, Italy                        Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Real-
• Hongkyu Yoon, Sandia National Laboratories                      time Reservoir Management
                                                                  Maruti K. Mudunuru, Daniel O’Malley, Shriram Srini-
• Nathaniel Trask, Sandia National Laboratories                   vasan, Jeffrey D. Hyman, Matthew R. Sweeney, Luke
• Hojat Ghorbanidehno, Cisco Systems                              Frash, Bill Carey, Michael R. Gross, Nathan J. Welch,
                                                                  Satish Karra, Velimir V. Vesselinov, Qinjun Kang,
• Mojtaba Forghani, Stanford University, USA                      Hongwu Xu, Rajesh J. Pawar, Tim Carr, Liwei Li, George
• Mohammadamin Tavakoli, University of California                 D. Guthrie and Hari S. Viswanathan
   Irvine, USA
                                                                  Physics-Informed Spatiotemporal Deep Learning
We also thank all Program Committee members and anony-            for Emulating Coupled Dynamical Systems
mous referees for their reviewing of the submissions. The         Anishi Mehta, Cory Scott, Diane Oyen, Nishant Panda and
work was carried out using the EasyChair system supported         Gowri Srinivasan
by AAAI, and we gratefully acknowledge AAAI.
                                                                  Continuous Representation Of Molecules using
                         Contents                                 Graph Variational Autoencoder
                                                                  Mohammadamin Tavakoli and Pierre Baldi
   A 2D Fully Convolutional Neural Network For
   Nearshore And Surf-Zone Bathymetry Inversion                   Data-Driven Inverse Modeling with Incomplete
   From Synthetic Imagery Of The Surf-Zone Using                  Observations
   The Model Celeris                                              Kailai Xu and Eric Darve
DeepXDE: A Deep Learning Library for Solving
Differential Equations
Lu Lu, Xuhui Meng, Zhiping Mao and George Em Karni-

Nonlocal Physics-Informed Neural Networks - A
Unified Theoretical and Computational Frame-
work for Nonlocal Models
Marta D’Elia, George E. Karniadakis, Guofei Pang and
Michael L. Parks

Permeability Prediction of Porous Media using
Convolutional Neural Networks with Physical
Hongkyu Yoon, Darryl Melander and Stephen J. Verzi

Surfzone Topography-informed Deep Learning
Techniques to Nearshore Bathymetry with Sparse
Yizhou Qian, Hojat Ghorbanidehno, Matthew Farthing, Ty
Hesser, Peter K. Kitanidis and Eric F. Darve