=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper13 |storemode=property |title=Method of Determining Significant Linguistic Bipolar Features on the Basis of Submitting Phonetic Assessments of Sound-Letters |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper13.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Vladimir Barannik,Tatayna Belikova,Vadym Fustii,Pavlo Gurzhii,Vladyslav Dendarenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/BarannikBFGD19 }} ==Method of Determining Significant Linguistic Bipolar Features on the Basis of Submitting Phonetic Assessments of Sound-Letters== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper13.pdf
   Method of Determining Significant Linguistic Bipolar
Features on the Basis of Submitting Phonetic Assessments
                    of Sound-Letters

          Vladimir Barannik 1[0000-0002-2848-4524], Tatayna Belikova2[0000-0001-8178-6903],
            Vadym Fustii 1[0000-0003-4763-533X], PavloGurzhii3[0000-0002-2552-229X] and
                        Vladyslav Dendarenko4 [0000-0001-5833-1257]
                       Kharkiv National Air Force University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
                      Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
     Heroes of Krut Military Institute of Communications and Informatization, Kyiv, Ukraine
                  National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine

    Abstract. An information model for the analysis of textual information resources
(TIR) was built on the basis of the formation of a semantic differential (the formation of
phonetic ratings with reference to the bipolar scale of linguistic features). A method has
been developed for highlighting significant linguistic bipolar features based on the
presentation of phonetic estimates of the sound letters of the alphabet in a real non-
equilibrium positional space.
    Keywords: semantic differential, suggestive influence.

    1 Introduction

    Identification of suggestive informational destruction in text information resources
(TIR) is provided on the basis of their corresponding analysis. Moreover, such an
analysis must be carried out taking into account the laws of the sound effect of TIR on
the subconscious of the personality. In this direction, the key approach is the method
of semantic differential.
    The semantic differential is a technology for the analysis of text structural units
(elements) S based on the establishment of quantitative estimates (phonetic values)
from the totality  of characteristic linguistic bipolar signs (the area of the attribute
aspect), formed on the basis of pairs of antonyms [1-5].
    Depending on the level of integration, textual structural units (elements) are con-
sidered at three levels, namely:
    ─ single word level S word (first-order text structural component);
    ─ text fragment level S frg (second-order text component);

    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib-
ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in
Global Information Networks.
    level of whole text documents S doc (third-order textual structural component -
textual information resource (ТIR). Quantity Q such linguistic bipolar features are
selected by expert means taking into account adaptation with respect to the subject
area. Accordingly, cooperation  such LB features,   {i } , i 1, Q , taking into
account the subject area characterizes the space  subconscious sense of personality.
Quantity Q such linguistic bipolar (LB) features are selected expertly, taking into
account adaptation of the subject area. Accordingly, the totality  such LB features,
   {i } , i 1, Q , taking into account the subject area characterizes the space 
subconscious sense of personality [6-9].
   Bipolarity i means having a pair of antonyms, i.e.. i  {i ; i } , i 1, Q . Ac-
cordingly, two poles - antonyms of characteristic linguistic features are formed, name-
ly  i - positive pole of i -nd linguistic feature from the point of view of perception of
sounds to the subconscious personality. Accordingly  i - negative pole i -nd linguis-
tic feature, formed as an antonym of a relatively positive pole  i .

      i                               Neutral zone                                 i

                                               0,i
   h  1             2          2,5      h0  3             3      4            h  5

                              Area of significant derrivation

                   Fig. 1. The structural scheme of linguistic bipolar feature

   At the center of the scale of this feature is zero (neutral)  0,i , around which a neu-
tral zone is formed. The neutral zone is used to determine the insignificance of the
effect of the chosen feature on the sub-sustion of the person (teenager) taking into
account the specifics of the chosen subject area. In order to detect the hidden infor-
mation and psychological impact in the structural components of the TIR, It is pro-
posed to use the technology of the se-mantic differential. In this case, the structural
component of TIR is presented in the phonetic space (the space of acceptance of
sounds at the subconscious level of the individual) taking into account the binding to
the bipolar (bipolar) scale of linguistic features, i.e. taking into account the position-
ing relative to negative and positive poles. The phonetic description of the structural
component of TIR represents the semantics of their sound perception, not at the con-
scious level, but at the subconscious level of the individual. The differential is deter-
mined by the presence of a binding to a bipolar scale of linguistic features [10-12].
  Method of Highlighting Significant Linguistic Bipolar Features
Based on the Presentation of Phonetic Assessments of Sound Letters

   To obtain the phonetic meanings f i , of the letters s  ( s is  the letter of the
alphabet) of text information resources according to the linguistic bipolar (LB) char-
acteristics, it is necessary to formulate their description in the form of sound let-
ters b ( b - the sound letter). This is because the letters themselves do not take into
account all the psychologically important features of the sounds when writing. A sin-
gle letter cannot directly reflect a soft and hard consonant. On the contrary, sound
letters take into account the peculiarities of pronunciation. In this case, the pronuncia-
tion of the two letters (the current and the following one) is ensured. Accordingly,
variations in the sound of all kinds of two-letter combinations form the alphabet of
sound letters. The power of such an alphabet is denoted by Qb [13-16].
   Each sound-letter b you need to quantify f i , in accordance with the selected
scales of linguistic bipolar recognition. This allows you to identify the level of influ-
ence of each sound-letter in the space of sound sensations of the personality. In this
case, each sound-letter of the alphabet is detected Q characteristic birolar features.
Such detection is carried out in an expert way. In this case, expert assessments are
made f i , taking into account the perception of each sound-letter by gradations of the
scales of bipolar characteristic space. This is set by this ratio:

                                ,  1, Q b , i 1, Q .)                              (1)

    where  sd is the functionality of quantifying each sound-letter to the bipolar fea-
ture; f i , - phonetic value  -nd sound-letter by i -nd bipolar feature.
   The physical meaning of phonetic value. Value f i , places  -nd sound-letter on
the scale i -nd bipolar feature.
    Value f i , quantitatively reflects the level of positioning of the sound-letter is
fundamentally positive and negative its sensation on the subconscious level of the
personality (teenager). So the value f i , quantitatively sets the level and direction of
the PI influence  -nd sound-letter on the subconscious of a teenager by i -nd bipolar
feature [17-21].
    The whole process can be called as identification of sound letters in the prism-
carpet space of the sound sensations of the person on its subconscious level (in the
space of sound influence on the subconscious of the teenager). This identification is
carried out by positioning sound letters on the scales of bipolar features.
    As a result of identification of all sound letters in the attribute space of their
sound influence on the subconscious, a two-dimensional matrix is formed Fsd , i.e.
                                       f1,1 ... f1, ...            f1,Qb
                           Fsd  f i ,1 ... f i , ... f i ,Qb                          (2)
                                       f Q ,1 ... f Q , ... f Q ,Qb

   The value f i , takes on value from the field f i ,  [h ; h ] .
   Here, h is the upper limit for quantifying the degree of proximity of the i-th
sound-letterrelative to the negative pole  i of the attribute i ; h - the upper limit for
the quantitative assessment of the degree of proximity of the i-th sound-letter with
respect to the positive pole  i of the attribute а i ) [22].
   To quantify the degree of significance of a bipolar sign i it is proposed to use an
information approach(IP).Then, the greater the degree V ( Fi ) of uncertainty
(informativity of a sign), the higher its significance for determining the level of influ-
ence of sound letters on a person’s subconscious through sound perception. In this
case, uncertainty is of interest without taking into account the sign of the influence of
sound letters on the human subconscious (positive or destructive). Therefore, to con-
duct such an assessment, it is proposed to use values  f i , , equal to the absolute val-
ues of the deviations of the corresponding phonetic values f i ,  relative to the zero
level of the gradation scale of bipolar signs i namely [23-25]:

                                       f i ,    | h0  f i , |                      (3)

   In this case, for the nth bipolar feature, a sequence of samples (phonetic values) is
formed, i.e.:

                             Fi  {  f i ,1 , ...,  f i , , ...,  f i ,Qb }        (4)

whose length is Qb . Vector Fi determines the significance of i -nd bipolar feature by
the totality of sound letters to assess the impact on the subconscious of a person (teen-
ager) through his sound sensations. The higher the number of values f i , , whose
values are approaching extreme boundaries h and h poles of the sign i , the high-
er the importance of the chosen bipolar feature to assess the sound effect on the sub-
conscious personality. It is obvious that the positioning of the f i , near the neutral
zone i -nd bipolar feature indicates its insignificance in determining the level of
sound influence on the subconscious of the person for this subject matter [26].

   To quantify the significance of bipolar feature i it is proposed to use an informa-
tional approach. Then the greater the degree V ( Fi ) uncertainty (informativeness of
the feature), the higher its importance for determining the level of influence of sound
letters on the subconscious of the person through sound perception. In this case, it is
interested in uncertainty without taking into account the effect of sound letters on the
subconscious of the person (positive or destructive). Therefore, it is proposed to use
the value of the  f i , , equal absolute deviations of relevant phonetic values f i , rela-
tively zero h0 gradation scale of bipolar feature i , namely [27-29]:

                                           f i ,    | h0  f i , |                     (5)

   Each such report  f i , is generally a real number, and will be bounded above by an
integer value  fi ,max , which is given by the following inequality:

                                        0   f i ,   f i ,max                          (6)

   In this ratio, the value  f i ,max is determined by the formula:

                     f i , max  ((    max  f i ,  min  f i , ) /  i )  1          (7)
                                       1    Qb            1    Qb

where  i is the sampling interval of the quantities for the sequence .  Fi .
   Therefore, it is proposed to consider the sequence  Fi as a number in a real
nonequilibrium attribute space  . Where the quantity V ( Fi ) of information (the de-
gree of information content of the attribute  i ) will be determined as:

            V ( Fi )  [og 2    ((1max
                                        Qb
                                              f i ,  min  f i , ) /  i )  1)]  1
                                                       1  Qb
                                 1

   The larger the value V ( Fi ) , the higher the information content of the bipolar
sign. i . And, conversely, a decrease in the value (  f i ,  1) corresponds to a decrease
in the degree of uncertainty in the distribution of values  f i , for the corresponding
    Definition of values V ( Fi ) for all signs of space  , i.e. i 1, Q allows you to
highlight the most significant bipolar signs for assessing the degree of IP influence of
sound letters on the human subconscious through his sound perception. Cutting off of
insignificant signs is carried out using a threshold value V ( F ) h . Then if inequality is

                                           V ( Fi )  V ( F ) h ,                          (9)

   On the contrary, for the condition V ( Fi )  V ( F ) h he bipolar sign will be signifi-
cant,, i.е. i   (h)i . The sequence of significant features will be denoted
as (h)i  { (h)1, ... , (h)i , ... , (h)Qh } . As a result of such selection, further pro-
cessing of text information resources (TIR) will be carried out using information only
for significant bipolar signs  (h) i .
    Consider the assessment (identification) of the significance of the sound-letter by
the conscience of all LP signs on the subconscious personality (teenager) through its
sound sensations.
    Accordingly, consider the slice (sound-letter identifier vector) for each column
 F , i.e.:

                                    F  { f1, , ... , f i, , ..., f Qh , }          (10)

   where      f i , is phonetic value  -nd sound-letters on i -nd bipolar sign.
    Such cut F allows to identify  -nd sound-letter in the sign space of sound sensa-
tions (sound influence) on the subconscious personality.
    The greater the number of quantities f i , , Whose values are approaching extreme
limits h and h poles of signs  i , the higher the importance of sound influence  -
nd sound-letters on the subconscious personality respectively on the negative or posi-
tive side.
    For identification, it was important not only to establish the degree of importance
(informativity) of the sound-letter from the position of influencing the subconscious
of a person through his perception, but also to establish the sign of such influence,
namely, positive (constructive) or negative (destructive).
    Determination of level of informational content  -nd sound-letter encouraged to
implement, taking into account information about the deviations  f i , values f i ,
relative to zero level h0 gradation scale of bipolar feature  (h) i . It is proposed to
carry out sign influence of sound-letter by means of separate processing of values
  f i , , whose values of sizes f i , located respectively in ranges [h ; h0  1] and

[h0 ; h ] . If size f i , Deviations fall within the interval [h ; h0  1] , т.е.:

                          f i ,      f i(, ) для h  f i ,  h0  1 ,           (11)

   then it has a positive influence focus.
   On the contrary, if inequality is fulfilled h0  f i ,  h ,

                            f i ,      f i(,) для h0  f i ,  h ,              (12)

   then deviation size  f i , will be taken into account in the process of assessing the
level of destructive impact on the subconscious through human sound sensations.
   Generically, such a distribution of phonetic deviations  f i , by i -nd feature can
be represented by the following expression system:

                                       fi(, ) ,  h  f i ,  h0  1;
                           f i ,          ()
                                        fi , ,  h0  f i ,  h .
   From here we get two deviation vectors F() and F() , Containing information
on phonetic values of sound letters, namely:

                              F(  )  {  f1(, ) , ... ,  f i(, ) , ... ,  f ( ( ) ) }          (14)
                                                                                      Q    ,

                              F( )  {  f1(,) , ... ,  f i(,) , ... ,  f ( ( ) ) }             (15)
                                                                                      Q    ,

    Which are characterized, respectively, by the positive and negative direction of in-
fluence on the subconscious personality. Here Qh( ) and Qh() - quantity of deviations
of phonetic values having respectively positive and negative direction of sound influ-
ence on personality (adolescent) sub-consciousness.
    Sequenses F() and F() similarly interpreted as numbers in a nonequilibrium
positional real space with the directional deviations from zero levels of gradation
scales bipolar linguistic features. Then the corresponding integrated quantity
V ( F(  ) ; Qh(  ) ) и V ( F( ) ; Qh( ) ) information (the degree of information content of the
sound-letter by the level of its influence on the subconscious of the teenager) by all
significant signs of space  h will be determined by such formulas:

                                         ( )
    V ( F( )
                 ; Qh( ) )  [og 2    ((1max
                                             i Q
                                                  ( )
                                                             ( )               ( )  ( )
                                                        f i ,  min  f i , ) /   )  1)]  1
                                                                  1 i  Q
                                                                           ( )
                                        i 1              h                           h

    where ( ) и ( ) is step of sampling of values  fi(,) and  fi(,) corresponding-
ly for sequences F() and F() ;  - sign of the direction of the influence,   ""
and   "" .
    To obtained the following condition formulas:
                            ( )                           ( )                         ( )     ( )
                       f i ,  (      max           f i ,       min           f i , ) /  )  1   (17)
                                              ( )                         ( )
                                     1 i  Q                     1 i  Q
                                             h                            h

    The larger the values V ( F(  ) ; Qh(  ) ) and V ( F( ) ; Qh( ) ) , the higher the informa-
tiveness of  -nd sound-letter in the direction of positive and positive influence, re-
spectively. Such estimates allow you to use information on the phonetic deviations for
all significant characteristics of space at the same time  h :
     ─ first to estimate the importance of influence of sound-letters on subconscious-
ness of the person through his sound feelings taking into account at the same time all
information on significant features space  h ;
    ─ secondly to establish orientation of such influence.
   To identify the most significant sound-letters by the level of their influence on the
subconscious of the individual, threshold levels are introduced, namely: V ( F () ) h
and V ( F () ) h . For known thresholds, sound-letter selection by significance is per-
formed using the following inequalities::

             V ( F(  ) ; Qh(  ) )  V ( F (  ) ) h ;   V ( F( ) ; Qh( ) )  V ( F ( ) ) h   (18)

   If inequalities are met, then  -nd sound-letter is significant b(; t ; h) u , by the
level of its influence on the subconscious of a person, respectively, in a negative or
negative direction.
    Establishing the significance of the direction of influence of the sound-letter on
the sub-knowledge of the person taking into account the whole feature of space is
organized by comparing the values V ( F(  ) ; Qh(  ) ) and V ( F( ) ; Qh( ) ) . Then if the
follow inequality is fulfilled:

                                V ( F(  ) ; Qh(  ) )  V ( F( ) ; Qh( ) ) ,                   (19)

then  -nd sound-letter integrated has destructive effect on human subconscious
through its sound perception.
    If the following ratio is met:

                                 V ( F(  ) ; Qh(  ) )  V ( F( ) ; Qh( ) )                    (20)

    Decision is made on insufficient information to establish direction of influence of
a particular sound-letter. In this case, other sound-letters in the word are evaluated
and/or another method of assessing the subliminal effect on the subconscious person-
ality is used.

    The information model of TIR analysis was built (for the first time) on the basis of
the formation of a semantic differential (the formation of phonetic assessments with
reference to the bipolar scale of linguistic features). On the basis of what, a method
was developed for distinguishing significant linguistic bipolar characters based on the
presentation of phonetic estimates of the sound letters of the alphabet in a real non-
equilibrium positional space. The main difference here is that the vector phonetic
space of a linguistic bipolar feature is represented in all sound letters in a bipolar
material non-equilibrium positional basis. This allows using only significant linguistic
bipolar (LB) signs in the TIR analysis process, which ultimately reduces the time
delay for TIR processing. Developed method of determining significance of hidden
phonetic effect of sound-letter on personality subconscious by all LB signs. The main
difference lies in identification of the significance level of sound-letter influence on
personality subconscious in vector phonetic space of LB features with construction of
real non-equilibrium basis. This allows you to create lookup tables to further improve
the speed of processing information resources that are products of real-time services.
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