=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper19 |storemode=property |title=Method of Choosing Objects for Informational Influence in Social Networks during Information Campaign Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Oleksandr Ulichev,Yelyzaveta Meleshko,Oleksii Smirnov,Vitaliy Khokh,Iuliia Goncharenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/UlichevMSKG19 }} ==Method of Choosing Objects for Informational Influence in Social Networks during Information Campaign Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper19.pdf
Method of Choosing Objects for Informational Influence
in Social Networks during Information Campaign Based
           on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

      Oleksandr Ulichev [0000-0003-3736-9613], Yelyzaveta Meleshko [0000-0001-8791-0063],
         Oleksii Smirnov [0000-0001-9543-874X], Vitaliy Khokh [0000-0002-5608-4632] and
                       Iuliia Goncharenko 2 [0000-0002-5608-4632],
              Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine
                                 European University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract. The purpose of this work is to develop the method of choosing objects for
informational influence in social networks based on the analytic hierarchy process to increase
the efficiency of informational influences during informational confrontations. The modeling of
the process of disseminating informational influences in segments of a social network was
carried out with the possibility of choosing objects for informational influence based on the
analytic hierarchy process and other approaches. The experiments to verify the effectiveness of
the analytic hierarchy process for choosing informational influence objects for compared with
other methods of their choosing were conducted. The results of the experiments on the
developed program model of a social network confirm the possibility of applying the analytic
hierarchy process for assessing the prospects of a chosen object of information influence and
the accuracy of the predicted best alternative – the predicted result corresponds to the result,
which was obtained during the experiment. And the alternatives than chosen by the analytic
hierarchy process show the better result than the social network nodes, witch chosen at random
taking into account only their structural position in the network.

Keywords: social networks, analytic hierarchy process, informational influence, information
security, behavioral strategies, behavioral strategies.

1       Introduction

For many Internet users, social networks are becoming one of the main sources of
information and current news. At the same time, these Internet resources are
becoming the convenient environment for the dissemination of informational and
psychological influences on ordinary users during informational campaigns, that is,
planned actions with specific goals and objectives of disseminating information, with
the ultimate goal of forming a certain opinion among a certain social group of users.
Posts and comments on social networks are increasingly used to manipulate public
opinion, in particular, both to promote goods/services/content [1] using viral
marketing methods, and during information wars [2]. To disseminate information
influences, attackers can be used both real and fake accounts and created entire bot
farms. To understand the scale of the phenomenon should be noted that according to
Facebook for the period from October 2018 to March 2019, a total of 3.39 billion fake
    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management
in Global Information Networks.
accounts on this web-resource were deleted [3].
   Thus, the research of the spread of informational-psychological influences in social
networks and ensuring information security on these resources is an urgent scientific
and practical task.
   One of the tools for research the methods of disseminating information influences
in social networks and methods of protection against them is computer modeling. In
[4], the research of the main methods for modeling the spread of informational-
psychological influences, namely the epidemic model, models based on cellular
automata, models with thresholds and models of independent cascades, models using
Markov chains was conducted. There was found that all these models do not take into
account at all, or only partially take into account the possibility of parameterizing the
personal qualities of influence objects. The mathematical and computer model of the
dissemination of informational influences in social networks with the presence of
personality trait parameters of users of the network was created [5, 6], in particular,
the level of trust, strength of influence, level of activity, etc. The model is designed
for research methods of disseminating informational influences in social networks and
methods of protection against them.
   Dissemination of informational influences can occur according to different
strategies. In [6], two behavioral strategies with the conditional names “Bush” and
“Tree” were proposed and they were tested on the computer model. The strategy
“Bush” provided for the choice of nodes for an attack - randomly among connections
of influence subjects, after a successful attack on influence target, he (or she) becomes
“get infected” by the information influence and also turns into the influence subject
after the certain accumulation of influences. The strategy “Tree” consisted of
choosing targets for an information attack taking into account certain characteristics,
for example, the number of friends and subscribers, and required additional time to
analyze a social network and search for targets for the attack. The research showed
that the success of an information campaign significantly depends on the information
dissemination strategy and the correct choice of the source of influence, which after
the “informational infection” will be able to distribute the necessary information
among as many users as possible.
   Typical methods of neutralizing information attacks in social networks used in
practice [7]:
   - “Umbrella” - the blockage access to information, witch containing information-
psychological influences;
   - “Funnel” - the neutralization of the message by its absorption by a large number
of other messages;
   - “Wheel” - the replace a message with another, more status and important.
   - “Replacement” - the refutation of certain information by causing distrust in the
source of its dissemination.
   The first method of neutralization of informational influences is purely technical.
The following three are related to the creation and dissemination of messages
containing informational influences by the defending subject, which aimed at
protecting against an information attack. Thus, when modeling informational
confrontation, there is advisable to model the neutralization of informational
influences as the distribution of other informational influences with the opposite or
distracting messages.
   The goal of this work is to develop the method of choosing objects for
informational influence in social networks during an information campaign based on
the analytic hierarchy process. This method can be used both to increase the
effectiveness of methods for disseminating information influences and to increase the
effectiveness of methods for neutralizing such influences.

2      The main material

The research and the experiments [6] showed that the effectiveness of information
influences and the speed of information dissemination depend significantly on the
choice of target nodes for the attack. The choice of target nodes is a rather difficult
task, which cannot be fully automated. On the one hand, this task is multi-criteria, on
the other hand, only a part of the criteria can be simply evaluated in numerical terms.
Numerical estimates of the characteristics according to some criteria are quite
complex tasks, the solution of which is based on expert estimates. These
characteristics of a node, first of all, include the structural position of an influence
object in a social network.
    But even with assessments of the characteristics of nodes claiming to be the best
alternative, from the point of view of the effectiveness of informational influence
processes, the task of choosing the best alternative remains quite difficult.
    Therefore, there is the need to develop a method for choosing nodes for an
information attack in a multi-criteria assessment. In this paper, is proposed to use the
analytic hierarchy process to choice nodes for attack. Also, the adaptation of the
analytic hierarchy process to the solution of the researching scientific and practical
problem is considered.
    The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is the mathematical procedure for
hierarchical structuring of elements in order to determine the essence of some
problem; it is applied to complex decision-making problems. The method consists in
decomposing the problem into simpler component parts, as well as in processing the
judgments of decision-maker persons based on paired comparisons of priorities
(criteria) of expediency. This allows evaluating the level of interaction of hierarchy
elements [8].
    Hierarchy – the type of multi-level structure, which involves the division of a
system into subsystems according to the given classification of attributes.
    The analytic hierarchy process involves several stages:
    1. Building a model of a problem in the form of a hierarchy.
    2. Pairwise comparison of all hierarchy elements to determine priorities.
    3. Mathematical processing of information than obtained from decision-makers
(search for eigenvectors of matrices for pairwise comparison of alternatives).
    4. Elimination of inconsistency of matrices of pairwise comparisons (if necessary).
    The prerequisites for the application of the above steps are:
    – Finite subset of alternatives was selected among all possible options; the most
acceptable (in the opinion of the decision-makers) options are taken as alternatives in
terms of the effectiveness of achieving existing goals;
    – Set of criteria, by which alternatives will be evaluated, been established.
    Below is the brief description of the contents of the AHP stages.
    The first stage involves the preliminary ranking of criteria, as a result of which
they are arranged in descending order of importance.
    At the second stage, the pairwise comparison of the importance of the criteria on
the nine-point scale with the creation of the corresponding matrix (table) of dimension
 n  n is made, where n – is the number of selected criteria. The system of pairwise
comparison leads to a result that can be represented as an invertible symmetric matrix.
The element a(i, j ) of the matrix is the intensity of the manifestation of the element i
of the hierarchy (that is, determining of influence this criterion on decision-making)
with respect to the element j of the hierarchy and evaluated on the intensity scale
from 1 to 9, where the estimates have the following meaning: Equal importance 1;
Slight advantage 3; Significant advantage 5, Strong advantage 7; Very strong
advantage 9; In intermediate cases, assessments are given: 2, 4, 6, 8.
    The matrix of pairwise comparisons has the form (1):

                           1           a12       a13     ... a1n 
                          1                                       
                           a            1        a23     ... a2 n 
                           12                                     
                        A 1           1          1      ... a3n  ,                 (1)
                              a          a23
                           13                                     
                            ...        ...        ...    ... ... 
                           1a         1          1       ... 1 
                           1n           a2 n       a3n            

where a ij is degree of the advantage of an object compared to the object a j .
    If several experts participate in decision-making, then the geometric mean of
various estimates is entered into the matrix as a general estimate of judgments [9]:
                               X geom  n x1  x 2  ... x n ,                       (2)

where n is number of experts evaluating alternatives, ai is assessment of the impact
of the criterion or assessment of the alternative according to the selected criterion of
an individual expert [11-13].
   During the analysis, (n  1) is created for such matrices, where n is the number of
criteria: the matrix for comparing criteria (1) and n matrices for pairwise comparison
of alternatives for the selected criterion K1 , K 2 , K 3 ...K n . The dimension of these
matrices is m m , where m – is the number of alternatives among which it is
necessary to choose the best option.
    In the third stage, the matrix of pairwise comparisons is normalized.
    The method based on approximate estimates can be used to search for
eigenvectors. One can find eigenvectors by solving the system of linear algebraic
equations obtained from equation (3).
  Let the number  and the vector x  L , x  0 be such that:

                                      Ax  x .                                     (3)

    Then the number  is the eigenvalue of the linear operator A , and the vector x
is the eigenvector of this operator having the eigenvalue  .
    In a finite-dimensional space L n , the vector equality (3) is equivalent to the
matrix equality:
                               ( A  E) X  0, X  0 .                             (4)

    There follows that the number  is an eigenvalue of the operator A if and only if
the determinant det( A  E)  0 , that is,  is the root of the polynomial
 p( )  det( A  E ) , which is called the characteristic polynomial of A . Here E is
the identity diagonal matrix.

                                a11  λ    a12       ...    a1n
                  det(A  λE)    a 21  a 22  λ     ...   a2n  0
                                                                   .                (5)
                                   ...      ...      ...     ...
                                  a n1    an 2       ... a nn  λ

    The coordinate column X of any eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 
is a nontrivial solution to the homogeneous system (4).
    But in practice, more simplified methods are used, for example, formulas (6-7)
can be applied. Elements of the desired eigenvector can be found as normalized
geometric mean numbers of elements that appear in the corresponding row of the
original matrix. The eigenvector search formula will look like:

                                    wi  n  aij ,                                  (7)
                                            j 1

                                     vi  n i .                                     (8)
                                           wi
                                           i 1

   Generalized priorities will be calculated using the criteria comparison matrix
(Table 1):

     Table Помилка! Не вказано послідовність.. Criteria comparison matrix.
                       К1            К2               К3       Generalized Criteria
     Criteria          µ1            µ2               µ3
       А1              v11           v12              v13               λ1
       А2              v21           v22              v23               λ2
       А3              v31           v32              v33               λ3
where v ij is obtained by formula (8), and  i is the eigenvector of the criteria
comparison matrix. Then global priorities of alternatives (or generalized priorities) are
calculated by the formula:
                                    k   i aki ,                                      (9)
                                           i 1

where  i is eigenvector of the criteria comparison matrix.
    At the fourth stage, the consistency of expert judgments is checked and the
inconsistency of matrices of pairwise comparisons is eliminated (if necessary).
    Since AHP cannot be completely formalized, due to the need to attract experts to
evaluate alternatives according to criteria, subjective factors can influence the results
of AHP – inattention of experts, errors of estimates, etc. To verify the consistency of
expert judgments is used the technique based on the assessment of the consistency
ratio (CR) of matrices of pairwise comparisons. To obtain estimates, the following
formulas are proposed:

                                    CR             ,                                   (10)
                                            М (CI )

where CI – the consistency index, which is calculated by the formula (11), М(CI) –
the average value of the consistency index of a randomly compiled matrix of pairwise
comparisons, based on experimental data, the value of which is the tabular value, the
dimension of the matrix acts as the input parameter (Table 2).

       Table 2. The average value of the consistency index (values determined
                              experimentally [9, 10]).
    n          1      2      3      4       5           6      7      8      9      10   11
   М(CI)       0      0     0.58   0.90    1.12        1.24   1.32   1.41   1.45   1.49 1.51

                                           max  n
                                    CI                 ,                               (11)
                                                n 1

where  max is maximum eigenvalue; n is the rank of the matrix of pairwise
comparisons (in fact - the number of alternatives).
  There are various approaches to calculating the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix;
one of the approaches involves the use of formula (12):

                                    max  eT AW ,                                      (12)

where e T is the unit vector with dimension n ; A is matrix of pairwise comparisons;
W is main (normalized) eigenvector of the matrix А.
   After obtaining the CI value, it is compared with the value 0.10, the comparison
matrix is considered consistent if CI <= 0.10. Although such an assessment is not
unambiguous – a matrix with CI score of more than 0.10 can actually be consistent.
From this, it follows that the assessment of CI is a certain marker that allows you to
draw the attention of an expert and, possibly, revise (check) estimates.
     The best alternative is determined by the maximum value of global priority.
     In the course of the experiments [6], the necessity of choosing a node for an
information attack based on he (or she) characteristics and significant dependence of
the final result on the correctness of such choice were found.
     The task of choosing a target node for an attack is the task of choosing in a multi-
criteria assessment with the need to attract experts to evaluate the alternative
according to certain criteria that cannot be formalized. To facilitate the solution of this
problem (taking into account its formulation), we suggest the use of the analytic
hierarchy process considered above.
     To apply AHP for choosing objects for informational influence in social networks,
its certain adaptation is necessary.
     So, we will be to carry out the adaptation of the analytic hierarchy process for the
task of choosing informational influence objects in a social network during an
information campaign.
     Alternatives: Node 1, Node 2 ... Node n (the set of chosen nodes potentially useful
in terms of information dissemination).
     The criteria should be divided into: ones than depending on the expert’s
assessment and quantitative - ones than independent of the subjective expert
     Quantitative (independent of the experts) criteria include [12-14]:
     - the number of node contacts;
     - the activity (average number of messages per unit time).
     To rank the alternatives according to this criterion, there is proposed to use the
formula (13):

                                               K vi     
                               R( K vi )  9           .                           (13)
                                            Max( K vi ) 

       To obtain the criteria estimates values we will use the formula (13) with
rounding, getting the range of consolidated estimates [0..9]. It should be noted that the
evaluation of the criterion with the maximum numerical value will always be equal to
 R( K max )  9 . When pairwise comparing alternatives by criterion, we take the
difference in the estimates of the corresponding alternatives.
    For evaluation, experts should give the following information:
    - the propensity of а node to -idea (information contained in an informational
    - the structural position of a node in a social network;
    - the reputation of a node in a social network.
    In analyzing a real social network, an expert deals with personalities and can
determine the tendency to -ideas as the sum of indirect manifestations (topics that a
person is interested in, participation in discussions, specific posts and publications,
etc.). In the same way, an expert evaluates the reputation. In the developed computer
model, these factors are formalized by indicators - information resistance ((O)
Opposite) and reputation ((R) Reputation) [5, 6], so in the experiment these criteria
will also be expert independent, but when analyzing of a segment of a real network,
estimates these criteria are given by an expert [16-18].
    In an expert assessment of the structural position of a node, one should evaluate
not only the condition that the node, for example, is a bridge between different
clusters, but also the analysis of the neighborhood of the node: the number of contacts
inside different structural groups, the nodes' characteristics, general attitude to the -
idea of the structural subgroup, where attack node has connections. The adequacy of
the expert assessment for this criterion is very important, the structural position is the
most difficult, from the point of view of the assessment, characteristic.
    The most favorable result is expected in case of an optimal balance of criteria. For
example, attracting a node with a high reputation indicator, but also a high level of
resistance will be quite difficult, which will affect the distribution dynamics. A node
with high activity and an unfavorable structural position will have a minimal effect on
the result as a whole.
    To establish the balance, we propose to introduce compensating criteria:
    –      is the ratio of criteria based on the properties of the reputation R and
resistance node O;
    – Act  Str is the multiplication of criteria based on the properties of the node –
activity and structural position.
   Thus the method of choosing objects for informational influence in social networks
during an information campaign based on the analytic hierarchy process was
2.1     Verification of the proposed method on the computer model
The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method is verified by the series of
experiments on the developed computer model.
    Let conduct the experiment preliminary evaluating the prospects of nodes based
on the analytic hierarchy process. The experiment is carried out using the computer
model, which was described in articles [5, 6, 15]. For the experiment in the model,
created the segment of a social network containing several clusters (Fig. 1).

 Fig. Помилка! Не вказано послідовність.. The social network segment generated
                            for testing the proposed method.

    Calculations were made to select the target nodes for informational influence
based on AHP, and three alternatives were identified, these are the nodes: № 168, №
172, № 177.
    The promising alternatives selected on the basis of AHP are highlighted in Fig. 1
by squares and the nodes that were randomly selected and will be considered in the
experiment for comparison are selected by circles.
    We illustrate the example of calculations by the analytic hierarchy process for
comparing the prospects of nodes № 168, № 172, and № 177.
    Quantitative indicators, expert assessment, and normalized indicators are shown in
table 3.

              Table 3. The assessment of the alternatives by the criteria.
                                            The network nodes
        Criteria          № 177 № 172 № 168 № 177 № 172 № 168
                          The quantitative indicators The summary indicators
The relationships number 4        6          4        6       9      6
Activity (Act)            5       3          4        9       5      7
Opposition (O)            23      20         12       5       5      9
Structural position (Str) 6       5          9        6       5      9
Reputation (R)            30      54         67       4       7      9
R/O                       1.3     2.7        5.6      2       4      9
Act * Str                 40      18         36       8       4      9

Table 4 shows the ranking of the criteria.
   As preliminary experiments and studies have shown, activity (especially in
segments with tight relations) and structural position have the greatest influence on
the distribution result. Note that the structural position has, in most cases, a more
significant effect on the result than activity.

                           Table 4. Ranking of the criteria.

 Criteria                                   K1     K2     K3     K4     K5     K6    K7
 The relationships number            K1     1      0.25   5      0.17   3      2     0.14
 Activity (Act)                      K2     4      1      6      0.33   5      3     0.2
 Opposition (O)                      K3     0.2    0.17   1      0.17   0.5    0.2   0.13
 Structural position (Str)           K4     6      3      6      1      5      3     0.2
 Reputation (R)                      K5     0.33   0.2    2      0.2    1      0.2   0.17
 R/O                                 K6     0.5    0.33   5      0.33   5      1     0.25
 Act * Str                           K7     7      5      8      5      6      4     1

Therefore, the influence of the criteria (in descending order) will be as follows:
   – balancing criterion: Act  Str ;
   – structural position (evaluated by an expert);
   - activity (quantitative independent indicator).
   The example of the alternative comparison according to one of the criteria is given
below (tab. 5-6).

  Table 5. Matrix of pairwise comparisons of alternatives relative to the criteria K1.

              № 168        № 172         № 177          Matrix vectors
 № 168        1            0.333333      1              v0 = 0.2
 № 172        3            1             3              v1 = 0.6
 № 177        1            0.333333      1              v2 = 0.2

max  3 , CR  2.46716227694479E - 16
   Below is the matrix of generalized priorities (alternative comparison matrix).

                       Table 6. Alternative comparison matrix.

Nodes    K1         K2          K3           K4        K5          K6         K7
         0.074084 0.149205 0.02413           0.216401 0.034732 0.081467 0.419981
№ 168 0.2           0.285714 0.625013 0.581552 0.730645 0.739594 0.46647
№ 172 0.6           0.142857 0.1365          0.109452 0.080961 0.093813 0.100498
№ 177 0.2           0.571429 0.238487 0.308996 0.188394 0.166593 0.433032

The generalized priorities will be equal to:
 0 = 0.479914570940781, 1 = 0.145406604199733, 2 = 0.374678824859486
    Consequently, AHP among the proposed alternatives identified node № 168 as the
best choice for an attack. The next priority is node № 177, and then node № 172.
    The experiment on the computer model was carried. In the experiment, the
selected alternative nodes were used as the initial subjects of information
dissemination, the strategy “Bush” was used as the behavioral strategy of the attack
nodes – is the strategy of behavior that is based on a random selection of nodes for
attack among the contacts of the subject of influence, this strategy is proposed and
described in detail in [6].
    Considering the peculiarities of the strategy “Bush”, namely, in the final stage of
disseminating informational influence, there remains a small number of nodes of the
social network to which the target information will not arrive for a long time, we will
evaluate the rate of capture 90% nodes in the network segment. The total number of
nodes in the segment generated for the experiment is 178, so we will evaluate the
capture speed of 160 nodes, as the initial generator-node, we will choose alternatives
previously selected in sequence. For each of the alternative nodes, we carry out the
series of 10 experiments and average the result. In addition to the nodes selected
among promising alternatives (nodes No. 168, No. 172, No. 177), we will carry out
the same series of experiments for three randomly selected nodes that do not belong
to this promising alternatives and compare the results. So, will be taken the nodes:
    – №153 – the node was randomly selected among the nodes of the cluster of type
    – №141 – the node was randomly selected among nodes of the cluster type Clique
with the maximum number of relations in the monitored network segment;
    – №171 – the node was randomly selected among nodes, which the bridge
between several clusters.
    The location of the nodes, which were chosen in the experiment, are presented in
Fig. 1.
    The experiment on the model showed the following results (table 7).

                        Table 7. The results of the experiment.
                             Experiment Number
          1      2     3     4      5      6      7       8     9        10      Mean
                  The number of iterations spent for the capture                 value
                    90% of the nodes in the network segment
№168     147    142 151 142 138 152 142 147 152                         144       146
№177     152    154 154 158 161 151 160 154 150                         152       155
№172     166    168 172 174 168 164 166 168 174                         172       169
№153     198    201 205 186 198 200 204 198 190                         202       198
№141     169    159 156 162 165 158 162 160 162                         151       160
№171     184    192 186 186 190 182 196 182 189                         184       187

As can be seen from the results of the experiment, the nodes selected on the basis of
AHP allow spreading informational influence among 90% of the nodes of the social
network segment in less time. Also, the use of AHP made it possible to correctly
prioritize selected alternatives.
   Among the chosen alternatives according to AHP, node №168 was chosen as the
first in priority, № 177 as the second, and № 172 as the third. The experiment on the
computer model confirmed that the choice of node № 168, among other pre-selected
alternatives, is the best option, in terms of the efficiency of information distribution in
the network segment. Attack efficiency with an initial node № 168 is 6% higher than
with a node № 177 and 14% higher than with a node № 172. Also, the nodes selected
on the basis of AHP showed an average of 16% better results than the nodes selected
randomly among the winning structural positions of the social network.

3      Conclusions

   In this work, the method of choosing objects for informational influence in social
networks during an information campaign based on the analytic hierarchy process was
developed. The analytic hierarchy process can be quite simply implemented in
software, does not require complex calculations. The main advantage of AHP is the
ability to its adaptation to change the situation in the network segment being studied.
For example, a change in the quantitative estimates of a node will require only a
change in the coefficients in one of the alternative comparison matrices. The
disadvantages of the AHP include the impossibility of its full formalization and the
significant impact of expert opinion on the result. The errors of expert opinion can be
reduced if using the average estimates of a group of experts, and not of one expert.
AHP also provides for checking the uniformity of the assessment, which allows
tracking potentially incorrect expert assessments in a certain way.
   The experiments showed that the effectiveness of informational influences through
nodes chosen based on the developed method is on average 16% higher than through
nodes chosen randomly taking into account only their structural position in the
   The results of the experiment on the developed computer model of a social
network confirm the possibility of applying the AHP to assess the prospects of nodes
for attack and the accuracy of the predicted best alternative – the predicted result
corresponds to the result obtained during the experiment.

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