=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper25 |storemode=property |title=Modelling the Complex of Automation of Company Marketing Activity in Online Communities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper25.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Oksana Peleshchyshyn,Kateryna Molodetska,Alla Solianyk,Ruslan Kravets |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/PeleshchyshynMS19 }} ==Modelling the Complex of Automation of Company Marketing Activity in Online Communities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper25.pdf
      Modelling the Complex of Automation of Company
         Marketing Activity in Online Communities

    Oksana Peleshchyshyn 1 [0000-0002-1641-7340], Kateryna Molodetska3[0000-0001-9864-2463],
           Alla Solianyk2 [0000-0002-7167-6695], Ruslan Kravets 1 [0000-0003-2837-9190]
                         Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
                           Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine
  Head of educational and scientific center of IT, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University,
                                       Zhytomyr, Ukraine

        oksana.p.peleshchyshyn@lpnu.ua, kmolodetska@gmail.com,
         allasolyanik164@gmail.com, ruslan.b.kravets@lpnu.ua

        Abstract. This paper deals with actual problem of investigation the usage of
        online communities in the company marketing activities. Based on a formal de-
        scription of characteristics, data on online communities and discussions and
        their analysis results, an information model of a community for online market-
        ing has been built, which serves as the basis for a database structure for ac-
        counting of information flows in online communities. The task of determination
        of indicators of relevance and importance of online communities marketing was
        proposed. The use of tproposed indicators in solving community selection tasks
        for representatives’ participation of the company was considered. The usage of
        the database provisioning in the process of creating, verifying and distributing
        marketing messages in online communities was suggested. By formalizing and
        computerizing the online communication process proposed methods in this
        work helps defined threats in discussions and violations of online rules and tra-

        Keywords: online marketing, online community, information threat, marketing,
        information model.

1       Introduction

Modern companies and organizations often use online communities to share market-
ing information about a company and its products. In this case, the active involvement
of the marketer in online communities involves work, which relates to the accounting
and analysis of online communities and their content. By formalizing and computeriz-
ing the communication process, you can avoid undesirable risks for the company.
Threats may arise from unqualified discussions or violations of online rules and tradi-
   Among the typical tasks, the key ones with regard to the activities in online com-
munities are the choice of the strategy for using communities in marketing; selection
    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib-
ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in
Global Information Networks.
of online communities for certain activities; analysis of the effectiveness of marketing
information flows in the virtual environment.
   A significant aspect of effective online marketing in an information-intensive envi-
ronment of the online communities is the use of the modern information technology
solutions, user-orianted mathematical services and software. These services process
the large volumes of data in real-time.

   The main up-to-date investigations of marketing activities in online community are
divided into the following fields:

 information retrieval and web content analysis [1-3];
 approaches for creating and managing of online communities [4];
 web sites positioning in the web, information activities management of the compa-
  ny in the sites networks [5-7];
 approaches of online communities marketing [8-10];
 quality management system in universities [ 11-15];
 conception of relevant and important for marketing online communities and dis-
  cussions [17-23];
 resources and risks in marketing strategies for online communities [24-27].

2      Database for accounting for marketing communications

For the full accounting of marketing communications in online communities, we use
an expanded Information Flows Database. The database consists of the following

 Community Database is used for basic information about online communities;
 Discussion Database is used for information about discussions in online
 Service Database is used for accounting of service information.

Depending on the functional duties and the area of responsibility, data bases are filled
by specialists in different workplaces of the system complex. This process is gradual
and continuous if the activities of business representatives in online communities are
constant. Let us consider the structure of each component of the extended database.

2.1    Accounting for online communities

The online Communities Database is used for accounting of the online communities
covered by the company's marketing activities, their technical and statistical charac-
   Database filling is performed in the process of performing tasks:

 search and account of relevant online communities based on the elected strategy;
 accounting and analyzing rules, statistics and semantic characteristics of relevant
  online communities, keeping them topicality;
 forming and accounting of standard for evaluating the importance of the online
  community in terms of specific marketing activities (advertising, public action,
  positioning of the site of the company, work with clients, etc.);
 selection of important online communities in accordance with defined standards for
  marketing activities.
             Community Rules - User Profile                                    Community Rules - Posting
PK,FK1     Community ID                                       PK,FK1   Community ID

           Using real name, last name                                  Admissibility of publication of advertising materials
           Using a nickname                                            Affordability of attached Files
           Using the Latin alphabet                                    Maximum size of attachments
           Using Cyrillic                                              Allowed types of attachments
           Using the site address                                      Maximum size of image objects
           Using a business or product name                            Allowed types of graphic objects
           Validity of avatars in a user's signature                   Allowed links
           Avatar size                                                 Admissibility of referrals
           Admissibility in the signature of graphic images
           Admissibility in signature links
           Maximum number of lines in a signature
           Maximum number of characters in a signature                                     Language of communication
                                                                                          PK    Language ID

                                                   Online Community                             Language Name
  Types of online communities                                                                   Comment
                                          PK     Community ID
 PK   Community type ID
                                                 Community Name
      Community type Name                        Website address
      Comment                                    Community Description                Community Rules - Working languages
                                                 Website management system
                                                 Markup language                     PK,FK1     Community ID
                                          FK1    Community type ID                   PK,FK2     Language ID

                                                                                                Is Working language

               Community statistics
  PK,FK1     Community ID                                         Recommendations for work - Style of discussion
  PK         Statistics Date
                                                              PK,FK1   Community ID
             Number of participants
             Number of discussions                                     Optimal message size
             Number of posts                                           Feasibility of using promotional graphic objects
             Number of external links                                  Advisability of using advanced formatting
             Number of views of posts                                  Optimum number of links in the message
             Frequency of discussions                                  Admissibility of advanced site citation
             Frequency of posts in discussions                         Optional UserName
             Approximate daily attendance                              Special linguistic characteristics (slang, etc.).

                               Fig. 1. ER-diagram of the “Community” database.

2.2      Database for accounting data and discussion characteristics
In addition to the characteristics of online accounting communities, discussions that
contain valuable marketing information and reflect the activities of business repre-
sentatives in online communities are also a subject for discussion. Discussion data-
base is used for accounting for discussion information. The result is:

 research and recording relevant discussions;
 accounting for technical and semantic characteristics of relevant discussions.

On Fig. 2 is an ER diagram of the "Discussion" Database.
                          Technical description of Discussions
                      PK,FK1    Discussion ID
                      PK        Characteristic Date

                                Number of posts in the discussion
                                Number of views
                                Date of the last post in the discussion
                                Date of the last view
                                Number of external links                                    Online Communities
                                Average daily intake of posts
                                Average daily views intensity                             PK    Community ID

                                                                                                Community Name
       Author                                                                                   ...

PK    Author ID                                       Discussion

      Author Name                       PK     Discussion ID
      Is Employee
      E-mail                            FK1    Community ID
      Autor's site                             Content of the discussion
                                               Date of discussion creation                           Discussion type
                                        FK2    Author                                          PK   Discussion type ID
                                        FK3    Discussion type ID
                                                                                                    Discussion type Name

                                                                          Semantic characteristics of the discussion
                PK     Discussion ID
                                                                     PK,FK1       Discussion ID
                                                                     PK           Characteristic Date
                FK1    Post ID
                       Post content
                                                                                  Rate of the discussion
                       Post Date
                                                                                  Reactions to marketing messages
                FK2    Author
                                                                                  Completeness of the discussion.
                       Date of the last view

                               Fig. 2. ER diagram of the "Discussion" Database.

2.3     Database for accounting of business information
Singly from the chosen strategy for using online communities, for the effective work
of the marketer, all the results of the analysis of communities and discussions must be
recorded in the databases and actively used in future work.
This especially concern with the information of the relevance and importance of the
community and the data needed to evaluate them.

In Fig. 3 is an ER diagram of the database in part of accounting for the relevance and
importance of online communities and discussions.
                                            Community relevancy                     Community importance
                                       PK,FK1    Community ID                   PK,FK1    Community ID
 Compliance with OC and MT topics      PK        Analysis Date                  PK,FK2    Task ID
                                                                                PK        Analysis Date
PK,FK1    Community ID
                                                 Community Relevancy
PK,FK2    Marketing term ID
                                                 Comment                                  Community Importance
                                                                                              Factors of community importance

                                           Online community (OC)                              PK      Factor ID

                Marketing term Group      PK     Community ID                                 FK1     Task ID
                                                                                                      Factor weight
              PK    MP Group ID                  Community Name
                    MT Group Name                                                               Factor of discussion importance
                    Comment                                                                    PK      Factor ID
                                                           Marketing activity
                                                                                               FK1     Task ID
                                                           PK   Task ID                                Factor weight
          Marketing term (MT)
                                                                Task Name
                                                                                                    Discussion iimportance
    PK    Marketing term ID                                     Description
                                                                Begin Date                   PK,FK2     Community ID
          Marketing Name                                        End Date                     PK,FK1     Task ID
          Comment                                               Comment                      PK         Analysis Date
    FK1   Marketing term Group ID
                                                                                                        Discussion Importance

          Relevance of D and MT                                                          Discussion relevance
                                                     Discussion (D)
       PK,FK2    Marketing term ID                                               PK,FK1     Discussion ID
                                                PK     Discussion ID             PK         Analysis Date
       PK,FK1    Discussion ID
                                                FK1    Community ID                         Discussion Relevance
                                                       ...                                  Comment

Fig. 3. ER diagram of the database in part of accounting for the relevance and importance of
online communities and discussions

In general, all the activities of the marketer, the activities he took part in, the results of
the analysis and evaluation of the online content of online communities should also be
recorded in the database. This will also add transparency and validity to the - process
of making decision of marketing in online communities.
   It is also important to accumulate and save the information related to process of
finding data and creating content for online communities. Particulary, following in-
formation is a subject for accounting:

 multiple marketing terms for search communities and discussions;
 types of marketing activities and types of community outreach activities;
 global search engine query templates;
 regular expression templates for parse the content of the pages;
 options for assessing the importance of online communities and discussions;
 templates for typical posts.

In addition, in this database, it is advisable to account the distribution of executors on
siteswhich are important for marketing online communities.
    An important moment in the process of filling the database "Service Information"
is to form comments about the conditions of obtaining and using practical experience:
when a particular query was used, template or set of parameters, etc. This data can be
served as a knowledge base for contractors and experts.

3       Architecture of the Complex of Automation of Company
        Marketing Activity in Online Communities

The software for support the company marketing activity in online communities con-
tains the following components:

 "Searcher" is use for search online communities and discussions;
 "Analyst" is use for analyzing the information flows in online communities;
 "Online Marketer" is use for interaction of the marketer with online communities;
 "Coordinator" is use for organizing and coordinating activities of marketers in
 “Manager” is use for strategic planning and overall process control.

Figure 3 shows the functionality and basic information flows of the system.
Depending the chosen strategy for using online communities in your marketing activi-
ties, some features may not be involved. In this case of an analytical strategy, all ac-
tivities are limitedfor finding relevant and important online communities, monitoring
and analyzing their content, and therefore the functionality of "Coordinator" and
"Online Marketer" is not required. In case of limited human resources one specialist
can work in several workplaces, provided the functionality does not violate the logic
of the system in a whole. Particulary, it's possible to combine the following features:

 “Searcher” and “Analyst”;
 “Analyst” and “Coordinator”;
 “Manager” and “Coordinator”.

However, combining a “Coordinator” and an “Online Marketer” by same person can
lead to abuse on her part and, as a consequence, a poor coordination of the activities
of marketers in online communities.
   The search of online communities and discussions is carried on the early stages of
organizing the company's marketing activities in virtual environments. In the future,
part of work is about monitoring selected online communities and discussions. In
addition, when marketing topic changes or need to be in another (possibly larger) set
of online communities, there is a need for repeated or expanded community searches
and discussions that can be further used to retrieve and disseminate information.

    The Searcher provides the following main features:

   accounting of primary and adjuvant information, including:
   accounting of the multiple marketing terms that are searched;
   formation and accounting of search query templates;
   rating of the relevance of found by marketing communities terms;
   accounting for relevant online communities and their characteristics;
    assessment of the relevance of the discussions found;
    consideration of relevant discussions and their characteristics;
    updating statistics of online communities and discussions;
    monitor company web-sites and online communities to identify suspicious activity
    and likely information attacks on the company.

          Determination of
             strategy, key
              metrics and                                   Manager
                                                                                                        the use of online
                                                                                                        communities in

            Analyzing                                                                                           Organizing
        the content of                                                                                          marketing
       relevant online                                                                                          activities in online
         communities                                                                                            communities
                                         Analyst                             Coordinator

                                                                                                                          Interaction of
                                                                                                                          representatives in
        Analysis                                                                                                          communities

                         Searcher                      Online marketer - 1    Online marketer - 2
                                                                                                       ...        Online marketer - N

            WWW                                                                              Онлайн-спільноти
                                    Site access logs
           Services                                                                        Online-communities

          Fig. 4. The scheme of functionality and basic information flows of the system.

The analyst processes the content of online communities and performs the following

 formation and analysis of multiple marketing terms;
 analysis of online community statistics and discussions;
 determining the criteria for selecting important online communities and
 identifying the importance of online communities and discussions;
 selection of important online communities and discussions to accomplish specific
  marketing tasks;
 analyzing the activity of competitors in online communities and taking them into
  account in the planning of the company activity;
 аnalyzing critical messages in online communities and identifying problem areas in
  their business.

An important function of the analyst is to analyze information flows on company sites
and relevant communities and to identify threats for organization that arise from un-
qualified and malicious activity in online communities.
   In case of confirmation of the information attack on the company in social media,
the analyst sends the necessary information to the Coordinator to plan the counterac-
tion measures and their further implementation by the online marketer.
   Guided by the strategy chosen by the management, the analyst assesses the suffi-
ciency of the many found relevant online marketing and statistical data. Next, the
specialist analyzes the importance of online community and discussion characteristics
for marketing tasks and determines the weighting factors that willbe used for evalua-
tion the online community's importance for discussions and discussions.
   An online marketer uses the “Information Streams” database to perform the fol-
lowing functions:

 forming and posting new messages, comments and replies to requests from users
  on community sites;
 monitoring discussions in online communities;
 interaction with the administration of online communities;
 accounting and analysis of their own marketing communications;
 analyzing the reaction of other online community members to actions of marketer.

The efficiency and transparency of the communication process and it independence
from the contractors are determined by the completeness of accounting of the activi-
ties of marketers in the database "Information flows" and the activity of using their
data (characteristics of online communities, supporting information, etc).
   The coordinator provides support for the following features:

 analyzing the effectiveness of using online communities in marketing;
 determining restrictions on the activities of marketers in online communities;
 ensuring the best distribution of marketers across multiple communities;
 assessing the effectiveness of marketers in their assigned communities;
 coordinating of marketers' engagement with online communities.

"Coordinator" and "Analyst" generate analytic data to evaluate the effectiveness of
the online community's communication capabilities to disseminate marketing infor-
mation and consumer communication. Analyzing the effectiveness of communica-
tions, combined with the cost analysis of business representatives in online communi-
ties, allows management to review the strategy of using virtual environments, to plan
marketing activities and resources for their implementation.

4      Conclusions

Computer support for marketing activities in a virtual environment can be done using
a database that takes into account the search results of relevant and important online
communities and the information flows of the company's interactions with the com-
munity. The strategy of using online communities determines the functionality of the
system and the list of tasks for marketers, during the execution of which information
content of the database is formed. The proposed database model can be the basis for
building a knowledge base for communications in online communities. The imple-
mentation of the complex of automation supports the planning of marketing actions
and decisions making to coordinate the activity of marketers and increases the effi-
ciency of using virtual communities in marketing.

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