=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Machine Learning Detection of DDoS Attacks Based on Visualization of Recurrence Plots |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Lyudmyla Kirichenko,Petro Zinchenko,Tamara Radivilova,Maksym Tavalbeh |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/KirichenkoZRT19 }} ==Machine Learning Detection of DDoS Attacks Based on Visualization of Recurrence Plots== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper3.pdf
    Machine Learning Detection of DDoS Attacks Based on
             Visualization of Recurrence Plots

    Lyudmyla Kirichenko1[0000-0002-2780-7993], Petro Zinchenko1, Tamara Radivilova1[0000-
                                           , Maksym Tavalbeh1
           Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, 14 ave.Nauki, Ukraine

           Abstract. The article considers a new method of detecting DDoS attacks based
           on the construction of recurrence plots. Time traffic realization is transformed
           into a matrix consisting of 0 and 1, which characterizes the recurrence of the re-
           alization. The matrix is presented in the form of a black-and-white image. Then
           the residual neural network is used to classify images. This approach is used to
           detect the realizations of the attacked network traffic. The results showed that
           the proposed method has a sufficiently high accuracy of classification and can
           be used to detect attacks in intrusion detection systems.

           Keywords: fractal time series, machine learning classification, recurrence plot,
           DDoS-attack, data traffic, deep residual networks

1          Introduction

   Attack detection is the process of monitoring events occurring in a computer sys-
tem to detect signs of possible unauthorized access to the network. Time series mod-
els play an important role in the study of system behavior models for detecting attacks
such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Detecting Account Takeover (ATO),
Data Exfiltration [1-4]. They are successfully used for classification and forecasting,
which are performed by methods of machine learning [5-7].
   Inbound traffic modeling uses flow-related data at layers 4 and 7 of the OSI net-
work model, which is analogous to DDoS attacks. The resulting model attacks are
superimposed on real untreated traffic to determine the key points of intrusion warn-
ing creation [8,9].
   In recent years, machine learning methods have been used to analyze and classify
time series. One of the solutions to the problem of timely attack detection is to devel-
op a classifier based on machine learning, which would determine whether the incom-
ing traffic is under attack.
   The task of time series classification, which includes the attacked traffic detection,
is one of the most complex tasks of machine learning. Several approaches to time
series classification are known, most of which are based on calculation of statistical
characteristics of time series or calculation of different metrics between time series

    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib-
ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in
Global Information Networks.
   In recent years, a number of works have appeared in which the approach on the ba-
sis of the recurrence analysis, which was originally proposed in [12] and further de-
veloped in [13, 14], is used to classify time series by machine learning methods. With
the development of machine learning methods, the characteristics obtained from the
recurrence plots were used as characteristics for classification tasks [15, 16].
   The recurrence plot method is based on the repeatability of time series states (re-
currence). Recurrence properties of time series are represented in the form of a matrix
with a certain geometric structure, which can be visualized and classified by images
of recurrence plots [17,18].
   The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of the DDoS attacks detection
with the help of machine learning methods, based on the visualization of recurrence

2      Time series classification using recurrence plots

The recurrence plot method is based on the fact that by building a phase trajectory
based on only one variable of the system it is possible to restore the topology of the
full phase trajectory, as in the case of all system components. This approach was pro-
posed in [19]. The method of attractor reconstruction by one time realization (Pack-
ard-Tackens procedure) is the basis of almost all time series analysis algorithms by
nonlinear dynamics methods:

                                                            
                             xi  ui , ui  ,..., ui  (m1) ,                     (1)

where xi is the value of the phase trajectory x at the moment i, ui is the value of
some component of the system u at the moment i, m is the embedding dimension of
the phase space,  is the time delay.
          In [12] a way of displaying the m -dimensional phase trajectory of a system's
states x  t  in length N on a binary matrix of the size N  N in which the value of 1
corresponds to the repeating of the state at some other time i at some other time j, and
the coordinate axes of the matrix are the time axes was proposed. Such matrix (recur-
rence plot) records information about recurrence behavior of the system.
         Thus, recurrence is defined as a sufficient proximity of the state x j to the
state xi : recurrent are the states x j that fall into the m -dimensional neighborhood
with a radius  of the point xi .
    Let the point xi correspond to the point of the phase trajectory describing the dy-
namic system represented by the time series x (t ) in m -dimensional space at the mo-
ment of time t  i for i = 1,…,N. Then the recurrence plot RP is an array of points
where a non-zero element with coordinates (i, j ) corresponds to the case when the
distance between x j and xi is smaller  :
                RPi , j  ( || xi  x j ||), xi , xJ  Rm , i, j  1,...N ,

where  is the size of the neighborhood of xi , xi  x j             is the distance between the
points, () - the Heaviside function.
   Recurrence plots can be represented in black and white. In this case, the recurrence
of the state at the moment i at different values of time j is reproduced inside the two-
dimensional square matrix with black and white dots, where black dots indicate the
presence of recurrence. Fig. 1 above shows the time realization of a sinusoid (left) and
a noisy sinusoid (right). The bottom part of Fig. 1 shows the recurrence plots corre-
sponding to these time realizations.

                  Fig. 1. Time series and corresponding recurrence plots

The analysis of the recurrence plots topology allows to classify observed processes: to
define homogeneous processes with independent random values; processes with slow-
ly changing parameters; periodic or oscillating processes corresponding to nonlinear
systems, etc. It has been shown in [6, 20] that changes in the correlation structure of
the time series cause changes in the topology of the corresponding recurrence plot.

3      Simulation of normal and attacked traffic realizations

An experiment was carried out to detect DDoS attacks, which was based on a recur-
rence plot to identify the attacked traffic. To train traffic classifier it is necessary to
build a training and test sample containing two classes of traffic. In this case, it is
advisable to use modeling to realize normal traffic, and to present the attacked traffic
as the sum of traffic and the realization of the attack.
   It is known that infocommunication traffic has a fractal structure (self-similarity)
and long-term dependence. A number of recent studies have shown that under the
influence of an attack, traffic changes its self-similar properties and correlation de-
pendencies [21-26]. Therefore, a model based on the self-similarity property was
chosen to generate traffic. In work [27] the model of fractal traffic which is generated
on the basis of fractal Brownian motion was offered.
   Fractal Brownian motion is the most known and simple model of fractal process,
which has the only parameter of scaling Hurst index H . The increments of fractal
Brownian motion are the Gaussian stationary process with a long-term correlation
   The fractal traffic model is an exponential transformation of a series of fractal
Brownian increments

                                 Y (t )  Exp[k * X (t )] ,                               (2)

where X (t ) is a time series of fractal Brownian motion increments with discrete time
with given Hurst index H , k is some coefficient determining the coefficient of series
variation Y (t ) , i.e. the bursts value in realization. Thus, using (2) we obtain the traffic
realization with a given degree of long-term dependence determined by the index H
and bursts determined by the coefficient k .
   Fig.2 shows two model traffic realization with the same Hurst value and different
coefficient values k . Both realizations have the same average value, but different
degrees of bursts: the upper realization has a maximum burst value of up to 80 and the
lower realization has a maximum value of up to 200.
In order to simulate the attacks realizations, the data set described in detail in [28] was
used. This work presents the mechanism of collecting real statistical data of SNMP-
MIB and their usage. There were conducted real experiments in which there were six
types of DoS-attacks and Brute Force attacks. The traffic data were collected from the
SNMP agent. The data set consists of 4998 records, where each record consists of 34
MIB variables that are classified into corresponding groups, namely: interface, IP,
TCP and ICMP. The figure 3 shows some of the attack realizations used to model the
attacked traffic.
Various model attacked traffic realizations can be obtained by summing up the traffic
and attack realizations and varying the attack level

                              TA (t )  T (t )  A(t )* level A ,                           (3)

where T (t ) is the traffic realization received in accordance with the transformation
(2), A(t ) is the attack realization taken from the data set [28], A(t ) is the attack level
obtained by the ratio of the average value of the attack realization to the traffic reali-

                                                  A(t )
                                      level A             .
                                                  T (t )

Fig. 2. Model traffic realization of with the same degree of long-term dependence and different
                                       degree of emissions

                            Fig. 3. Some of the attack realizations
    Fig. 4 above shows the traffic and attack realization (the attack is shown in a differ-
ent color) and below the attacked traffic realization with the attack level level A  30%
with the length of 250 values.

Fig. 4. Top: traffic and attacks realizations (traffic-blue, attack-orange); bottom: traffic realiza-
                                    tion with 30% attack level

4      Neural networks for image classification

Computer vision technologies are very common. Due to the growth of computing
power and the emergence of major image bases it has become possible to use deep
neural networks. The best results in the field of image recognition are shown by the
Convolutional Neural Network [29, 30]. Their success is conditioned by the possibil-
ity of taking into account two-dimensional image topology, as opposed to multilayer
   Deep convolution neural networks extract low, medium and high level signs
through multilayer method. It is logical to assume that if the number of layers is in-
creased, thus increasing the number of features, the quality of recognition will im-
prove. However, studies have shown that this is a problem: as the depth of the net-
work increases, accuracy increases first and then rapidly decreases. One of the rea-
sons for the decline in learning accuracy is the attenuation of the gradient.
   Since convolution networks are trained by the method of error back propagation,
the error on the last layer is first calculated then on the second-to-last layer and so on.
Gradients on the output layer are easily calculated and significant changes in the neu-
ronal weights of the output layer are obtained. For any hidden layer it is necessary to
accumulate errors of all following layers. The value of the weight gradient of a deeper
layer neuron is proportional to the value of the derivative of the activation function at
the point obtained at the direct pass. And as a consequence, the error decreases by
about 10 times every 3-4 layers, and if the network is deep enough, the layers that are
closer to the beginning are poorly trained or not at all trained.
   To overcome this problem, a deep residual network structure has been proposed,
the main idea of which is to use a quick-access connection instead of a conventional
serial layer connection [31, 32].
   Quick access connections skip one or more layers and do the identification match-
ing. Their outputs are added to the outputs of grouped layers. The main network block
consists of two layers with weights, not necessarily a convolution and a quick access
connection that simply transmits the input signal to the output. The connection dia-
gram is shown in Fig. 5.

                   Fig. 5. Layout of the structure of the residual network
5      Experiment description and results

The experiment used a residual neural network consisting of ten blocks, 3 convolution
layers and one full-connected layer. The output of the last full-connected layer is in-
put to the logistic function, which performs the distribution into 2 classes. Neurons in
the full-connected layer are connected with all neurons in the previous layer. Sub-
sample layers follow the second and third convolution layers. Nonlinearity of ReLU is
applied to the output of each convolution and full-connected layer.
    The first convolution layer filters the input image with a size of 249×249 pixels
and 32 cores with a size of 3×3. The second convolution level takes the output of the
first convolution layer as the input data and filters it with 64 cores of 3×3 size. This is
followed by a sub-sampling layer. Next come 5 residual blocks with convolutions of
64 cores of 3x3 size. The third convolution layer has 128 cores of 3×3 size, followed
by the sub-sampling layer. Next, there are 5 residual blocks with 128 cores of 3x3 size
convolutions. The output of the last block is transferred to the global subsample layer.
After the sub-sampling layer, a full-connected layer of 256 neurons follows. Adam, an
adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm, was used for network learning.
    Two samples were generated each time for the classification: a training sample and
a test sample. Both samples contained realizations of two classes: attacked and non-
attacked traffic. The model traffic was built on the basis of exponential transformation
(2). In the case of an attack, one of a DDoS-attack realization from the data set [28]
was added to the traffic by formula (3).
    At the input of the classifier, recurrence plots calculated on the basis of traffic real-
izations were applied. The output data were values 1 or 0: presence or absence of
DDoS-attack in time series of traffic. Fig.6 shows the recurrence plots corresponding
to the normal (top) and attacked (bottom) traffic, which are shown in Fig.4.
    Classification was performed for all types of DDoS attacks at once when the fol-
lowing parameters were changed:

   ─ Hurst index for model traffic, that varied from 0.6 to 0.9;
   ─ the level of bursts for model traffic, i.e. the coefficient of variation, that varied
in the range from 3 to 14;
   ─ level of attack, that was selected 20, 30 and 40%.

To implement the classification methods, the Python language was used, with librar-
ies that implement machine learning methods. The experiments were carried out using
the free Colaboratory platform, which allows you to access powerful computing re-
sources, does not require any customization and is fully functional in the cloud.
   Numerical experiments were conducted for model traffic of different lengths and 6
variants of DDoS attacks. Below are the results for time series of 250 values, which is
enough for processing data in real time.
As expected, the experiment confirmed that the probability of an attack detecting
depends significantly on the attack level. Table 1 shows the average classification
accuracy depending on the attack level, obtained for the Hurst parameter H =0.8, the
coefficient of variation   7 .
           Table 1. Dependence of classification accuracy on attack level

                                    Аttack level
                      20%             30%        40%
Accuracy              0.93            0.97       0.99

Fig. 6. Recurrence plots for the corresponding traffic realizations presented in Fig. 4.
   Table 2 shows the average probability of attack detection if the level of attack is
20%, the coefficient of variation   7 . The values of Hurst index are presented in
the range of H=0.7-0.9, that corresponds to most of the actual traffic realization. It is
obvious that the classification accuracy values decrease with the increase of the traffic
Hurst index. This is due to the fact that the attacks realizations have high H values,
that leads to high H values for the total realization [33, 34]. Consequently, the correla-
tion structure of realizations and images of recurrence plots of the attacked and non-
attacked traffic will differ greatly in the case of traffic with small values of H. The
obtained results are in good agreement with the results obtained in [25].

            Table 2. Dependence of classification accuracy on traffic Hearst index
                                                     Hurst index
                                               0.7       0.8      0.9
                         Accuracy             0.97      0.93     0.78

    The classification accuracy values depending on the variation coefficient  are
shown in Table 3. The attack level in this case is 20%, and the values of Hurst H=0.8.
It should be noted that the probability of an attack detection significantly depends on
the coefficient of traffic variation and increases with its increase. This can be ex-
plained by the fact that high values of the variation coefficient correspond to large
bursts, that increases the heterogeneity of recurrence plots and improves image recog-

        Table 3. Dependence of classification accuracy on traffic variation coefficient
                                              The variation coefficient
                                              3          7          13
                         Accuracy             65         93         97


The method of detecting DDoS-attacks based on the visualization of recurrence plots
and subsequent images classification was proposed in this paper. The attacked traffic
realization was obtained by summing up the model of traffic and DDoS-attacks reali-
zations. Residual neural networks were used as a classifier.
   The results have shown that the described method has a rather high classification
accuracy even at a small level of attack. The analysis showed that the accuracy of the
attack detection depends significantly on the self-similarity of the traffic being at-
tacked: the less self-similar the traffic, the easier it is to detect the attack. The proba-
bility of intrusion detection also depends on the heterogeneity of the traffic: the higher
the amount of bursts, the higher the accuracy of the attack detection.
   Our future research will focus on building and training a neural network to detect
different types of attacks using real-world traffic data sets.
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