=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper30 |storemode=property |title=Prioritization of Security Indicators at Organization of the Life Cycle of Virtual Communities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper30.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Olha Trach,Andriy Peleshchyshyn |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/TrachP19 }} ==Prioritization of Security Indicators at Organization of the Life Cycle of Virtual Communities== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper30.pdf
    Prioritization of Security Indicators at Organization of
             the Life Cycle of Virtual Communities

         Olha Trach[0000-0003-1461-791X] and Andriy Peleshchyshyn [0000-0002-5022-0410]

                       Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
                        olya@trach.com.ua, apele@ridne.net

        Abstract. The article presents the classification and algorithms for determining
        the prioritization of virtual community life cycle organization indicators. The
        prioritization of indicators for the direction tasks is divided into: critical, not
        critical and important. The algorithms presented are necessary for quality and
        structured management of the virtual community. Also presented is the inter-
        face of the program "Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities". The
        application has the option of determining the priority of indicators in the direc-
        tions of organization of the lifecycle of the virtual community.

        Keywords: virtual community, life cycle, prioritizing, indicators

1       Introduction

Today, virtual communities have become one of the largest media platforms for meet-
ing user needs. Virtual communities are widely used in various fields, including: mass
media [1-3], science [4-6], medicine [7-10].
The virtual community survey metrics previously described in [11] are quantitative
parameters — three required to complete tasks in the lifecycle of virtual communities.
Task metrics are also used to calculate community entry into a socially-risk-averse
area [12]. Documenting and tracking the dynamics of the virtual community lifecycle
is an important security issue.
Prioritization is necessary to prevent socially-oriented risks in managing the commu-
nity and to lose control of the community, improves the timing of the steps, because it
eliminates delays in completing the tasks of the directions, and poor quality tasks are
immediately rejected.
Also, prioritizing is important for correctly identifying the tasks that need to be ad-
dressed in terms of media literacy, relevance and credibility.

    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib-
ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in
Global Information Networks.
2      Prioritizing of indicators of directions of organization of the
       life cycle of virtual communities

For qualitative fulfillment of tasks of organization of life cycle of the virtual commu-
nity, indicators of tasks of directions of organization of life cycle of the virtual com-
munity are introduced. For fast and qualitative fulfillment of the formulated tasks in
accordance with the purpose and goals of creating a virtual community, it is necessary
to determine the priority of indicators of the tasks of organizing the lifecycle of the
virtual community. In order to prioritize indicators, the inputs and targets of the virtu-
al organization of the life cycle of virtual communities tasks are required.
Comparing the input and output indicators of the virtual community lifecycle tasks
allows you to determine the quality of the tasks performed in the previous stages and
take into account the planned performance of the virtual community lifecycle tasks
and the level of community creation.
Determining the priorities of the indicators of the organization of the lifecycle of the
virtual community are divided into (fig. 1):

                         Priority of indicators

                    Critical            Non-critical           Important
                      Fig. 1. Classification of prioritizing of indicators

Critical indicators of the tasks of the organization of the lifecycle of the virtual com-
munity. Indicators are critical to meeting the goals of organizing the lifecycle of a
virtual community. If the inequality is not met, the tasks should be rejected.

Directions are fulfilled if the following equality is fulfilled:

                                    k iDr  * k iDr                                 (1)

                                   0, якщоIndP  IndI
                                                                                     (2)
                      k    Dr
                                   IndP  IndI
                                                 , IndP  IndI
                                       IndP

        * k Dr
  where i – the permissible delta set by the virtual community lifecycle manager;
 IndP – planned target of directing the lifecycle of the virtual community;
 IndI – a real indicator of the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual communi-
ty, formed in the previous stage;
 Dr  Us, Inf , Rp, Rs – user, information, reputation, and resource directions of the
virtual community lifecycle, respectively.
Non-critical indicators of the tasks of directions of organization of life cycle of the
virtual community. Indicators of direction tasks are non-critical for the purpose of
directing the lifecycle of a virtual community.
Let      – scattering of relative deviations of planned and real indicators of tasks of
directions of organization of life cycle of virtual community:
                                                          1/ 2
                                    N 1           
                                    ( kiDr )2 
                                    i 1 N                                              (3)

Important indicators of the task of directing the lifecycle of the virtual. The im-
portance of an indicator of the task of organizing the lifecycle of a virtual community
indicates the criticality of individual indicators. The task will only be accomplished
using important metrics, others will be rejected. To determine the importance of the
indicator, we use the Euclidean measure of proximity.
Important indicators of the tasks of the organization of the life cycle of virtual com-
munities area are determined if its individual value exceeds the total scatter:

                                       Ind iDr  
moreover Indi       is calculated by the formula:

                           Ind iDr      ( Ind     i
                                                          ) 2 * wiDr

where Ind Dr  0, якщоIndP  IndI           ,
                                     
               ( IndP   IndI ), IndP   IndI
     – the weighting factor defined by the virtual community lifecycle manager,
0  wi  1 wi  w w
                   i w
                       wi  1
           ,           ,          ;
IndP – planned target of directing the lifecycle of the virtual community;
IndI – a real indicator of the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual communi-
ty, formed in the previous stage;
 Dr Us, Inf , Rp, Rs – user, information, reputation, and resource directions of the virtu-
al community lifecycle, respectively.

3      Algorithms for determining the prioritizing of indicators of
       the task of organization of the life cycle of virtual

The algorithm for determining the critical indicators of the task of directing the
lifecycle of the virtual community is designed to determine the criticality of the indi-
cator of the task of directing the lifecycle of the virtual community and the expedien-
cy of the task.
The implementation of the Critical Indicators Algorithm for the virtual community
lifecycle assignment is the responsibility of the executor and the community manager,
who is responsible for setting the allowable delta for determining the criticality of the
The result of performing the algorithm is to determine the criticality of the indicators
and to perform the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community or reject-
ing it (fig. 2).



                     IndIn iDr,
                                          Input and planned
                                          performance of the
                                                                    Updating the
                    Definition                                    statement of the
                    Δ*kiDr,ΔkiDr                                        task


                                           Error analysis        The success of the
                    ΔkiDr≤ Δ*kiDr
                                           and correction             analysis

                          Yes                                           No

                  Implementation                                 Rejection of the
                       tasks                                          task

                     IndOutiDr            Formation of the
                                          output indicator

                   Go to the next


Fig. 2. An algorithm for determining the critical indicators of the task of life cycle organization
The algorithm for determining non-critical performance indices of the virtual com-
munity lifecycle has been developed to determine the non-critical performance indica-
tor of the virtual community lifecycle and task accomplishment.
The implementation of the algorithm for determining non-critical indicators of the
task of directing the organization of the lifecycle of the virtual community is the re-
sponsibility of the executor of the community and the manager of the community,
which is responsible for establishing a valid delta for determining the non-criticality
of the indicator.
The result of the algorithm is to determine the non-criticality of indicators and to per-
form the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community (fig. 3).


                              Setting objectives

                                  IndIniDr,                             Output
           Input and
             planned              IndPlaniDr                            indicators
     performance of                                                     IndOutiDr
             the task              Definition
                                      ΔkiDr                           Go to the next

                                  ( kiDr )2                              End


Fig. 3. An algorithm for determining non-critical indicators of the task of organizing the virtual

The algorithm for determining the importance of indicators of the task of the organi-
zation of the lifecycle of the virtual community is designed to determine the important
indicators of the task of the organization of the lifecycle of the virtual community.
The rejection of impractical indicators of the task of the organization of the lifecycle
of the virtual community and to complete the task. (fig. 4).

       Setting objectives
          IndIniDr,                 Input and
                                    planned                                                   2
          IndPlaniDr                performance of
                                    the task                              Tasks
       Determination of
       the weight factor
              ωiDr                                                    Output
        Definition IndN
                                                                     Go to the next

        IndPlan≤IndIn          Ні
                                    IndPlan-IndIn                          End


Fig. 4. An algorithm for determining important indicators of the task of organizing the lifecycle
of a virtual community

The implementation of the algorithm for determining important indicators of the task
of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community is the responsibility of the execu-
tor of the community and the manager of the community, which is responsible for
establishing a valid delta determination of the non-criticality of the indicator.
The result of the algorithm is to identify important indicators, rejection of impractical
indicators and perform the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community.

4       The user interface for the organization of the life cycle of
        virtual communities software application

    The essence of the software-algorithmic complex show on fig. 5.

                      MANAGEMENT OF PERFORMERS


                   LIFECYCLE OF VC

                  Fig. 5. The essence of the software-algorithmic complex

  The user interface “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities” is devel-
oped (fig. 6).

      Fig. 6. The user interface “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities”

When you create a virtual community, the primary data will be: community name,
community information, and the virtual community's main highlight. The Virtual
Community Manager also identifies the executors of the virtual community lifecycle
organization. When defining contractors, the manager of the virtual community
lifecycle organization records the contractors, which include the primary details of the
burglars: surname and first name, position (specialty), telephone, email (fig. 7).
       Fig. 7. The user interface “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities”

Artist information is written to the virtual community lifecycle artist database.
According to the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community, the man-
ager chooses the direction of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community.
Selects the appropriate contractor, and indicators of the direction of organization of
the lifecycle of the virtual community, and determines the timing of the task and se-
lects the priority of the task of organizing the lifecycle of the virtual community (fig-
ure 8).

       Fig. 8. The user interface “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities”
The next step in the software “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities”
is the definition of a metric that is calculated on the basis of a benchmark and a metric
based on analysis.
Important in the software “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities”
there is also a prioritization of indicators in the implementation of the objectives of
the life cycle organization according to the algorithms developed in the section. This
feature improves the timing of the steps, eliminating delays in the execution of direc-
tion tasks, and defective tasks are immediately rejected.
All metric results are recorded in the virtual community lifecycle database. On the
basis of these data, the executors form a manager's report on the task of organizing the
lifecycle of the virtual community.


The complex of work associated with the project activity of the virtual community has
many features. Formalizing the lifecycle of a virtual community provides a better
approach to the processes of planning, analyzing, developing and managing a virtual
community. Measuring the prioritization of metrics allows you to manage the com-
munity in a quality way and protect your users from various threats.
Software application “Organization of the life cycle of virtual communities” assists
administrators with media literacy manage the community and adhere to media hy-
giene practices in the virtual community.

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