Ergonomic Support for Decision-Making Management of the Chief Information Security Officer Sergiy Gnatyuk 1,2 [0000-0003-4992-0564], Nataliia Barchenko 3 [0000-0002-5439-8750], Olena Azarenko 1[0000-0003-2927-5545], Andrii Tolbatov 4 [0000-0002-9785-9975], Victor Obodiak 3 [0000-0002-8539-1252] and Volodymyr Tolbatov3 [0000-0002-6564-9658] 1 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine 2 Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan 3 Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine 4 Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, Ukraine Abstract. The paper considers the actual task of making managerial decisions by the Chief Information Security Officer. The need for the optimal distribution of tasks between department officers is shown. This problem is considered as a linear programming problem. An ergonomic approach is proposed to obtain quantitative estimates of the algorithms of officers' activities. The use of the functional-structural theory of ergotechnical systems made it possible to formal- ize, describe and evaluate the activities of officers. The obtained probabilistic- temporal characteristics of various tasks were used as initial data for solving the optimization problem. To apply this approach in the activities of the leader, an information technology for supporting management decision-making has been developed and described. An example of implementation for two management decision-making strategies is shown in this paper. Keywords: Information Security, Management Task, Information Technology, Decision-Making, Chief Information Security Officer, Ergonomic Approach. 1 Introduction The duties of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) include not only inform- ing management about the risks to the company’s activities and direct participation in risk management, developing information security documents, studying the latest technologies and security trends, but also implementing other strategic work, such as responding to incidents and assigning tasks to their prevention, analysis, elimination of consequences, etc. Naturally, it is not the CISO himself who performs the specified routine work, but entrusts it to the employees of his service. The reliability of the company as a whole largely depends on the correct distribution of tasks between its subordinates. As a rule, CISO makes such decisions more or less intuitively, based on his knowledge of the health, productivity and reliability of the employees. But such decisions can lead to non-optimal results. Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib- ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in Global Information Networks. 2 Related works analysis and problem statement The final areas of information security management in organizations of various kinds of activities [1] include: 1. Asset management of the organization [1-3, 18, 19]. 2. Resource management of the information security system implemented in the organization [1, 2, 4]. 3. Management of risks and threats to information security [2, 5, 6]. 4. Management of documentation and information help system in the organization [1, 2, 7, 13]. 5. Information security audit management [6, 8, 9]. 6. Management of the analysis of the effectiveness of the information security sys- tem [1, 4, 10]. 7. Management of tasks and activities of employees engaged in the processes of ensuring information security in the organization [11] etc. As one can see, the task of managing the activities of employees involved in in- formation security processes in the organization has not been completely solved. This task can be considered as one of the tasks of ergonomics - the distribution of functions between operators-executors. The use of the ergonomic approach allows the manager to use scientific and practical developments in this subject area. From the point of view of the ergonomic approach, the operator-manager has the following tasks: ─ organization of activities of executing operators [12]; ─ creation of optimal psychological working conditions [13]; ─ ensure reliability [14]. In paper [15], the basic principles of the functional-structural theory of ergotech- nical systems (ETS) and its application for various tasks of constructing problems of ergonomic quality and such systems with a constant functional structure as the work- shop control system are described. In paper [16], the problem of the distribution of functions for flexible systems with a variable functional structure was solved. One can see that the problem of the distri- bution of functions can be effectively solved only on the basis of estimates of the accuracy and timeliness of the functioning algorithms, i.e. human-machine interaction processes. This approach can be implemented on the basis of the functional-structural theory of ergotechnical systems [17], which provides tools for modeling human- machine interaction: ─ formalized description of functioning algorithms, ─ determination of probability-time indicators of the quality of functioning algo- rithms, and ─ optimization. This approach can be extended to ensure the reliability of information security management activities. Untimely and erroneous implementation of information secu- rity management actions can lead to a violation of the integrity, accessibility and con- fidentiality of information, which entails material damage. Information security officers have different qualifications and work experience, which leads to different values of faultlessness and execution time of both individual works and the entire functioning algorithm. The unsolved problem is the formation of initial data for evaluating the function- ing algorithms. It is proposed to take data from special directories that are focused on the average operator. However, there are no such directories for information security management activities. The purpose of the study is to develop information technology to support the deci- sion-making of the CISO, which ensures the optimal appointment of the security officers to perform information security management tasks. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various strategies: 1) All employees should be allocated to tasks (one employee - one task) 2) Maximum reliability must be ensured (one employee can perform several tasks; the tasks are not assigned to some employees). To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: ─ developing a mathematical model for solving the problem ─ developing an approach to ensure the evaluation of functioning algorithms with source data ─ checking the possibility of using the developed models and approaches to build information technology for decision support of the CISO. 3 The optimal appointment of CISO to perform tasks There are n officers and m actual tasks. Any officer can be appointed to accomplish any task, but with different assumed accuracy of the execution. It is necessary to allo- cate officers to carry out tasks in such a way that they complete tasks with maximum error-freeness within the available time reserve. The task can be represented as a following linear programming problem. n n B( X )   bij xij  max , i 1 j 1 n n  xij  1 , ( j  1, n) ,  M ij xij  Ti , xij 1;0. j 1 i 1 The variable xij represents the appointment of officer j for task i and takes the value 1 if the officer is assigned to complete the task, and 0, otherwise bij is the probability of an error-free operation. Ti is allowable execution time of i task, Mij is the mathemati- cal expectation of the time to complete the operation. The second strategy assumes that one officer may be assigned to complete only one mission. At the same time, we need the tasks have been completed with maxi- mum error-freeness within the existing time reserve. The restriction determines the assignment of one task to one officer: n n B( X )   bij xij  max , i 1 j 1 n n n  x  1 , (i  1, n) ,  xij  1 , ( j  1, n) ,  M x  T , x  1;0. i 1 ij i 1 ij ij i ij j 1 4 Application of the ETS theory for quantitative assessment of the quality of task performance The generalized structural method that underlies the ETS uses a functional network as a description of functioning algorithms (FA). To describe the FA used typical func- tional unit (TFU) (table 1). Table 1. TFU parameters Indicator Conventional TFU symbol Symbol Description Work В1 (В0) The probability of an error-free operation; operation М(Т) The mathematical expectation of the time to complete the operation Monitor- К11 (К10) The conditional likelihood that the operation ing the being verified, when actually performed function- correctly, will be recognized as correct (in- ing correct) (К11+К10=1); К00 (К01) The conditional likelihood that the operation being verified, when actually performed incorrectly, will be recognized as incorrect (correct) (К00+К01=1); The mathematical expectation of the time to complete the operation To conduct a quantitative assessment of the quality and reliability of operation in the FS apparatus, a set of TFS was obtained. To build an AF model, it is necessary to prepare a list of work to be performed. Each work put in line with the TFU. For each TFU, determine the probability-time characteristics. Using Table 2 to obtain quantitative indicators of the quality of per- formance AF [17-19]. Table 2. The typical functional structure (TFS) parameters TFS TFS Formula diagram 1. Sequential execu- tion of work opera- n tions В   Bi i 1 n M (X )   M (Xi ) i 1 2. Cycle functional diagram “Operation 1 with monitoring the B  B 1 K 11 functioning without 1  (B K 1 10  B 0 K 00 ) limitation on the num- ber of cycles” M ( X )  ( M ( X р )  M ( X к )) M ( L) 1 M ( L)  1  ( B K  B0 K 00 ) 1 10 The formation of the source data for the task of evaluating the functioning algorithm Providing the task of evaluating the functioning algorithm (FA) with source data is one of the main problems of ergonomic modeling. We cannot accept the assumption of an “average operator” in this study. The proposed approach implements the tech- nology of intelligent analysis [18, 19] of data accumulated in the database of the re- sults of activities of the office employees. We solve the approximation problem using neuro-fuzzy inference technology [20]. In this technology, a logical conclusion bases on fuzzy logic, and membership func- tions are adjusted using neural networks. The parameters of the officer, hardware and software, time constraints are fed to the input, and at the output, we obtain probabil- ity-time indicators of the quality of the operation. Information technology for ergonomic support for management decision-making of the CISO Fig. 1 demonstrates the functional structure of the developed system. Fig.1. The functional structure of the developed system Model implementation example Let the CISO have the task to formulate a security office work plan. Every infor- mation security officer should be given a mission. Currently relevant tasks: ─ Task1 - website check ─ Task2 - audit of wireless networks ─ Task3 - prevention of physical intrusion. The lead time for the first task is no more than 620; the lead time for the second task is no more than 500; the lead time for the third task is no more than 160. Tasks can be assigned to three officers. It is necessary to distribute the execution of tasks between officers in such a way as to ensure maximum reliability of the assignment. In this case, the time limit for each task should be taken into account. To perform each task, the office has developed certain algorithms. So the algorithm for solving each tasks are: Task 1 (website verification), the following actions are performed: 1. Examining the existing site code 2. Examining published vulnerabilities 3. Threat analysis 4. Hacking attempts through existing vulnerabilities 5. QA & TA Analysis 6. Data Analysis 7. Elimination of vulnerabilities and the introduction of new technologies based on the analysis. 8. Testing applications. To solve Task 2 (audit of wireless networks) consists of the following actions: 1. Definition of existing technologies and coverage 2. Studying the configuration of access points and servers 3. Analysis of traffic and existing threats 4. Attempted unauthorized entry 5. Analysis of the data obtained in paragraphs 1-4 6. The introduction of modified technologies. Task 3 solution (physical intrusion prevention) involves the following actions: 1. Familiarization with literature 2. Learning from previous invasion techniques 3. Consultation with external sources 4. Independent attempts to penetrate 5. Analysis of all information and conclusions 6. Security penetration Models of performing tasks in the form of a work graph are presented in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Models of performing tasks The initial data on the quality of the work operations of the activity algorithms for the implementation of tasks are given in Tables 3-6. Table 3. The quality of the work operations of the activity algorithms for the task 1 Parameters Officers of Working p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 operations 1 B 0,99 0,98 0,96 0,98 0,99 0,98 0,998 M 56 64 40 56 56 56 240 2 B 0,978 0,998 0,987 0,996 0,967 0,952 0,943 M 59 61 45 57 59 54 247 3 B 0,988 0,986 0,987 0,998 0,987 0,987 0,975 M 58 62 43 58 58 55 245 Table 4. The quality of the work operations of the activity algorithms for the task 2 Officers Parameters of Working p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 operations 1 B 0,99 0,98 0,96 0,98 0,99 0,98 M 56 64 40 56 56 56 2 B 0,978 0,998 0,987 0,996 0,967 0,952 M 59 61 45 57 59 54 3 B 0,988 0,986 0,987 0,998 0,987 0,987 M 58 62 43 58 58 55 Table 5. The quality of the work operations of the activity algorithms for the task 3 Officers Parameters of Working p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 operations 1 B 0,978 0,982 0,999 0,99 0,98 0,97 M 16 12 3 24 40 56 2 B 0,909 0,991 0,997 0,967 0,952 0,943 M 20 15 5 26 42 58 3 B 0,987 0,978 0,975 0,988 0,974 0,999 M 15 13 4 25 40 53 The initial data on the quality of the control operation are given in table 6. Table 6. Initial data on the quality of the control operation Parameters of control operations Officers Quality control Time K11 K00 М 1 0,99 0,97 24 2 0,989 0,968 28 3 0,979 0,987 27 Here, B1 is the probability of error-free execution of a work operation; K11 is the probability of recognition of a work operation performed correctly, when actually performed correctly; K00 is the probability of recognition of a work operation per- formed incorrectly, when actually performed incorrectly; and M are the mathematical expectation of the operation time [20-23]. The data in tables 3, 4 and 5 are obtained by the subsystem for the formation of the source data. The principle of operation is based on the use of expert methods of as- sessment and neuro-fuzzy modeling. The source data are loaded automatically. The manager needs to choose only a list of employees, a list of tasks, and set time limits. The results are presented in the form of a job assignment matrix (Fig. 3), in the form of correlation of employees and tasks for strategy 1. Fig. 3. The result of solving the optimization problem Fig. 4. Assigning employees to tasks Resulting performance indicators (the probability of error-free execution and the mathematical expectation of the execution time) are presented in Fig. 5. Fig. 5. Resulting performance indicators Visualization of the resulting quality indicators makes it possible to visually assess the predicted quality of performance (Fig. 6). Fig. 6. Graphical representation of the resulting quality indicators The results are presented in the form of a job assignment matrix (Fig. 7), in the form of correlation of employees and tasks for strategy 2. Fig. 7. The result of solving the optimization problem Fig. 8. Assigning employees to tasks Resulting performance indicators (the probability of error-free execution and the mathematical expectation of the execution time) are presented in Fig. 9. Fig. 9. Resulting performance indicators Visualization of the resulting quality indicators makes it possible to visually assess the predicted quality of performance (Fig. 10). Fig. 10. Graphical representation of the resulting quality indicators 5 Discussion The developed information technology allows the CISO to carry out the optimal ap- pointment of his officers to perform tasks to ensure information security. Decision making is based on the obtained quantitative indicators of the quality of the tasks. Reliability of execution is maximized, taking into account time constraints. The struc- ture of officers' activities and their individual characteristics of reliability and speed are taken into account. However, it should be noted the high complexity of the method at the stage of preparation of the initial data. For successful operation of the system, it is necessary, first, to formalize the algorithms for performing tasks and obtain data on the probabil- ity-time indicators of the quality of operations for each officer [24-26]. 6 Conclusions The following main results were received in this paper: ─ It is proposed to use the functional-structural theory of ergotechnical systems to ensure the security of information systems. ─ The approach to the use of the specified method by the CISO for the optimal selec- tion of specific performers from among the employees of the unit is demonstrated to perform information security tasks depending on the quality indicators of the work performed by each employee and the available time limit for the duration of each task, with the goal of maximizing the accuracy of the execution of the func- tioning algorithms, depending on the quality indicators of each employee. ─ The possibility of such an optimal solution has been taken into account when one performer executes several tasks and tasks will not be given to another potential performer at all. 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