=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper41 |storemode=property |title=Information and Communication Technologies in the Professional Training of Engineers |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper41.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Angelica Kokarieva,Lesya Khomenko-Semenova,Nataliia Glushanytsia,Iryna Ievtushenko,Roman Odarchenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/KokarievaKGIO19 }} ==Information and Communication Technologies in the Professional Training of Engineers == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper41.pdf
    Information and Communication Technologies in the
            Professional Training of Engineers

 Angelica Kokarieva [0000-0002-3975-4200], Lesya Khomenko-Semenova [0000-0001-9164-3156],
   Nataliia Glushanytsia [0000-0002-8511-0844], Iryna Ievtushenko [0000-0001-5145-7332] and
                        Roman Odarchenko [0000-0002-7130-1375]
                              National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
               Training Institute of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Ukraine

        Abstract. The article considers the peculiarities of introducing innovative edu-
        cational technologies into the professional training of future engineers. It high-
        lights the problem of educational innovation, which will be solved both through
        the support of the university administration, and the teacher’s desires and op-
        portunities to involve the student in this process; The teacher plays an important
        role of the tutor in the process of innovation, since he considers the individual-
        psychological characteristics of each student and adjusts the educational pro-
        cess. It is noted that the formation of practical skills of applying innovative
        technologies in the future professional activity is an important component of
        students' educational activity. The problems of formation of engineering stu-
        dents’ information competence are revealed. It is proved that ICT in the educa-
        tional process contributes to: manifestation, preservation and development of
        individual students’ skills, the unique combination of personal qualities; the
        formation of cognitive abilities for students, the desire for self-improvement;
        providing the comprehensive study of the phenomena of reality, the continuity
        of the interconnection between the humanities, technical sciences and the arts;
        constant dynamic updating of the content, forms and methods of educational
        processes. It is proved that the use of innovative technologies in the training of
        future engineers facilitates: simulation of both remote virtual lab search on the
        web, providing relatively inexpensive flexible access to the learning experience;
        international cooperation, overcoming geographical barriers. They give students
        insights into other cultures and experiences; formative real-time and skill-based
        assessment. Thus, it can encourage student participation in discussions. Tech-
        nology support allows you to control skills development; e-learning, open edu-
        cational resources and massive open online courses.

        Keywords: Innovative Educational Technologies; Information and Communi-
        cation Technologies Training; Future Engineers; Educational Environment;
        Professional Training.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribu-
tion 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in
Global Information Networks.
1      Introduction
The Ukrainian higher vocational education is undergoing significant transformations.
The rapid development of information and telecommunications technologies, whose
impact is increasingly spreading across all spheres of social life, offers the prospect of
improving higher vocational education, exchange of scientific and educational infor-
mation. On the other hand, there is a shortage of highly skilled engineering staff in the
fields related to modern information technologies and the functioning of the market
system [7, 9].
    The transition of modern society to global informatization requires the widespread
use of information technologies in modern educational institutions, because it is in-
formation and communication technologies (ICT) that allow educational institutions
to apply for innovation status in education [2, 8].
    The integration of ICT in educational sector is considered as a tool to innovate
teaching practices, provide the introducing of new didactic strategies that increase the
students’ interest and motivation, improve the quality of teaching-learning processes
inside and outside the classroom [4].
    Therefore, the integration of ICT in educational context motivates a curricular
change; requires the acquisition of technological equipment; the connection to high-
speed networks; developed teacher training programs; adequate mechanisms and
methodologies that guarantee the use of ICT. Thus, providing society with access to
these technological resources and tools increases the quality of education [5].
    The continued and increased use of ICTs as learning technologies influences sig-
nificantly on: what is learned; how it is learned; when and where learning takes place;
who is learning and who is teaching. ICT enhances both teaching and learning meth-
odologies through its dynamic interactive and engaging content [1, 10-12].

                          Fig. 1. Innovative educational space
    Analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodical, technical literature and dis-
sertation researches allowed us to distinguish the following directions of innovative
development of pedagogical education in the conditions of ICT implementation in
higher educational institutions of Ukraine:
    - scientific and pedagogical approaches to the implementation of the requirements
of modernization of teaching and educational process;
    - development and application of means of informatization of the educational pro-
    - innovative educational technologies: creation of educational environment of the
educational institution, e-teaching and methodical complexes, application of interac-
tive teaching methods, innovations in the system of assessment and evaluation of
learning outcomes, modeling, multimedia trainings, distance education, virtual labora-
    - personal-oriented approach to the organization of vocational education;
    - methodical support and provision of vocational training;
    - competences in vocational education;
    - organization of students’ research work;
    - library automation;
    - innovations in training and advanced training for teaching staff;
    - relationships between educational institutions [13-15]..

2      Research Justification of Problem of Engineering Training in Higher Ed-
       ucational Institutions of Ukraine

    The problem of formation the personality of a competitive engineer is an im-
portant pedagogical issue that requires serious study and solution. The urgency of the
problem is due to the need of society in the creative personality of the specialist; fun-
damental literacy of the specialist as well as a continuously developing personal
worldview quality; insufficient theoretical and practical development of the system of
formation of future engineers’ competitiveness in the process of vocational training in
the higher educational institution.
    The student of a higher technical educational institution should realize from the
first days of the study that insufficient level of graphic knowledge, skills and abilities
will not allow him in his future professional activity to be engaged in rationalization
and invention-related creativity. While writing a course project paper or a diploma
project report, the student is aware of the need to complete the lack of knowledge
through self-education, the use of computer-aided learning tools. The learning process
is self-implemented through a chain of specific problems that need to be solved inde-
    The use of innovative educational technologies aimed at training a competitive
specialist with the required level of personal and professionally relevant qualities that
optimally satisfy the production demands opens new horizons for educational activity
[6]. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to investigate the effectiveness of the im-
plementation of information and communication technologies in training of future
engineers. In times of economic or demographic decline, special attention is paid to
the process of engineering education development, as one of the possible ways out of
the crisis is to introduce new engineering solutions based on the high-tech sector of
the economy with a high-level knowledge, developed fundamental and powerful ap-
plied science.
    Comprehensive complicated technological process of human activity requires a
community of top-notch engineers.
    Consequently, there is an urgency to reform the engineering training system. It
must go to a whole new level [3]. The personal development of students is accom-
plished through the formation of competencies, both general and professional. Deep
mental cognitive processes occur and personal qualities are formed: will, self-
organization, responsibility, etc.

3        Research on the Implementation of ICT in the Vocational Training of
         Engineering Students

At the beginning of introducing the specialty course “Engineering information com-
petence” for the-second year students of specialties 121 “Software Engineering”, 122
“Computer Science”,124 “System Analysis”, 125 “Cybersecurity”, 126 “Information
Systems and Technologies” we questioned 193 students of these specialties to identify
engineering students’ information competence.
    We identified the following indicators of the formation of engineering students’
information competence.

     Diagram 1. The level of formation of engineering students’ information

                    Engineering students’ information competence



              121           122           124           125               126

                        high level      Average leve          Low level

    Fig.2. Research of indicators of engineering students’ information competence
   The research results are caused by many factors. Despite the accelerated informati-
zation process and the use of computer technologies, there is a serious problem in the
system of higher education. Using the actual potential of these resources in the daily
educational process is still insufficient.

  Fig. 3. Model of formation of the engineering students’ information competence

   Potential opportunities of information and communication technologies are not ful-
ly revealed and demanded by the education system. The following objective and sub-
jective reasons should be taken into consideration when considering the issues raised:
   - insufficient elaboration of methodology for introduction of new information tech-
nologies into the educational process;
   - low level of adaptation of available electronic educational resources to the course
of special disciplines, based on educational-methodical complexes (NMC);
   - low level of adaptation of available electronic educational resources to the course
of special disciplines, based on educational-methodical complexes (EMC);
   - lack of specialized system of educational training for teachers: transition from
basic ICT competence to professional level of pedagogical ICT competence;
   - low level of basic computer training of teaching staff;
   - insufficient study of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of computer train-
   - insufficient level of elaboration of the following areas: enhancing motivation by
creating an incentive system for teachers to innovate using ICT (there is no possibility
of implementation due to the lack of objective criteria for assessing the effectiveness
of their application), systematic use of ICT in the educational process;
   - difficulties in formation the evaluation criteria for assessing the educational in-
formatization and individual educational institutions. This is due, first of all, to the
lack of measuring instruments and clear criteria for the effectiveness of ICT use.
   To increase the level of information competence, we have developed a model of
formation of the engineering students’ information competence, which is shown in the
figure 3.
   Thus, by creating the ICT environment, we get a competitive specialist in today's
job market, capable of self-management, who is able to produce new ideas and has
practical professional skills.
   We consider information and communication technologies (ICT) as a complex of
various means, methods and technologies for the collection, storage, processing, sub-
mission and transmission of information.
   We define the means of information and communication technologies as software,
software hardware and hardware devices, a set of technological processes, human
resources information system integrated for the search, collection, production, accu-
mulation, storage, processing, information dissemination which provide access to
global and local information resources.
   The topical issues facing higher engineering education are: an increasing amount
of educational information, the need to revise and adjust the content of the existing
methodological and didactic base, as well as the study of academic disciplines.
   The picture shows the effectiveness of ICT use in the professional training of fu-
ture engineers.

                Fig. 4. Benefits of ICT use in the educational process
     During the specialty course “Engineering information competence” students creat-
ed projects. The main requirements for using technology project were: a significant
research problem or creative task, creative plan or task, a research method for solving
it; practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of predicted results; independent (indi-
vidual, paired, group) student activities; structuring the content of the project (with
staged results); use of research methods (formulating a research problem, research
objectives and hypothesis for solving them, discussion of research methods; registra-
tion of final results; analysis of received data; summarizing, adjusting, conclusions).
     The criteria for evaluating project development were identified. They are: the im-
portance and urgency of the research problem; thorough study of the problem using
knowledge from different fields of pedagogy; completeness, content of the project;
urgency and prospects of the project. The learning process was based on the student's
active purposeful activity during which they realized the importance of the acquired
knowledge and the need to gain new knowledge related to engineering. The task of
the teacher was to help students find new sources of information and direct their inde-
pendent activity. The choice of project topics was determined by the teacher, accord-
ing to the content of the academic discipline, or by the students themselves, if the
project was intended for extracurricular work.
     The work on the project involved the following stages:
     1) search stage (set project goals; organizational work; formulation of research
problem; to determine object and subject of research; hypothesis);
     2) design stage (to determine directions of activity, tasks; ways of finding infor-
mation resources; research methods; organization of groups, tasks allocation);
     3) technological stage (independent work in groups, exchange of information; ex-
ecution of planned technological operations; ongoing quality control; analysis of in-
formation collected by groups, drafting the project protection scenario: the purpose of
the project; defense hypothesis; conclusions, tables, diagrams, figures, etc.; answers
the questions);
     4) the final stage (collective discussion, project examination, analysis of project
implementation results, conclusions).
     As a result, students independently solved the problem by applying the necessary
knowledge. The results of the projects were presented in the form of research papers,
abstracts, scientific articles, videos, models, albums, scripts, performances, programs,
presentations, etc.).
     Thus, the technology of projects was based on the development of students' cogni-
tive skills, the ability to independently design their knowledge and orient themselves
in the information space, the development of critical thinking, which is an integral
part of the engineering information competence.
     We used the ICTs shown in the figure 5.when teaching the specialty course “En-
gineering information competence”.
 Fig. 5. Information and communication technologies of the specialty course “Engi-
                         neering information competence”

    Let's briefly run over the effectiveness of Web 2.0. Web 2.0. - these are social
networks (Social Networking), Wik, social bookmarks (Social Bookmarks), the most
developed forums.
    Since students were able to create social projects, social networks were an
effective means of their implementation.
      We will consider the “Stop smoking” social project as an example. During the
  project implementation, anti-smoking social advertising was posted on Instagram
  and Facebook. It was necessary to collect statistics among those interested in the
  anti-smoking project. The survey made it possible to reach the target audience, get
  their opinion, and real-time data that helped to quickly analyze and continue or ad-
  just the information campaign implementation plan. The students also created a
  “stories” questionnaire that included the question “Do you smoke cigarettes?” and
  “Yes” or “No” answers.
    To implement the project, students developed social advertising using Pinnacle
studio tools and spread it on social networks. Some projects included videos and
    At the end of the specialty course “Engineering information competence” we con-
ducted repeated questioning of students. The questionnaire contained more complex
questions, for example “How do you use ICT in academic and out-of-class activi-
ties?”, “What are the challenges facing implementation of ICT in the educational
process?”, “Write your recommendations on the use of information technology tools
in the educational process”, etc.
    The research results are shown in the diagram.

     Diagram 2. The level of formation of engineering students’ information
                      Engineering students’ information competence






                121            122          124           125               126

                         high level       Average leve          Low level

    Fig.6. The level of formation of engineering students’ information competence

   Therefore, having conducted the research, we can observe a positive dynamic of
the formation of engineering students’ information competence.

4       Conclusions

   Innovation of the educational environment of future engineers’ training significant-
ly influences the knowledge acquisition process. Innovative learning technologies
allow to intensify the educational process, to increase the speed of perception, under-
standing and depth of mastering a vast array of knowledge.
   Application of innovative technologies in education due to the available multiple
analytical procedures; an open structure that allows you to quickly change the curricu-
lum content, depending on the results of its testing; the ability to save and process a
large amount of heterogeneous information and to compile it in a convenient way
   -manifestation, preservation and development of the individual students’ skills, and
unique combination of personal qualities;
   - the formation of cognitive skills for students, the desire for self-improvement;
   - providing the comprehensive study of the phenomena of reality, the continuity of
the interconnection between the humanities, technical sciences and the arts;
   - constant dynamic updating of the content, forms and methods of educational pro-
   Successful achievement of pedagogical goals, use of innovative technologies is
possible in the information-educational environment. We consider the information-
educational environment as a set of conditions that contribute to the emergence and
development of processes of information-educational interaction between the student,
teacher and the means of innovative technologies, as well as the formation of cogni-
tive activity of the student, provided the filling of the environment components with
the subject content of a certain training course.
   Key recommendations for the use of ICT in higher education:
   1. Technology should be considered as an enabler or means of enhancing and pro-
moting the pedagogical experience of students.
   2. University departments must actively keep up with students in order to keep
abreast of technological trends and act accordingly.
   3. The discovery by students of a number of carefully selected digital platforms
develops digital confidence, students’ practical knowledge and their digital skills.
   4. Purchasing ICT tools can be an important issue, especially for higher education
institutions trying to partner with smaller start-ups. Scaling up successful pilot studies
to an institutional context can be a challenge because of procurement thresholds.

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