Communication Library Mechanisms for Children’s Social Integration Iryna Tiurmenko 1[0000-0001-9350-6868], Ludmyla Bozhuk 1[0000-0002-8409-2138], Lesia Khaletska 1 [0000-0002-8409-2138] and Iryna Sruk 1 [0000-0002-8128-0205] and Volodymyr Buriachok 2[0000-0002-4055-1494] 1 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine 4 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine,,, Abstract. The article deals with communicative mechanisms of social interac- tion between libraries and different population categories. In conditions of in- formation society, crisis situations, and war conflicts libraries should not only be supported by society but also to reintegrate into social life. Legislative in- struments that regulate the work of libraries for children and determine its place in society were analyzed. The information about sociocultural, educational and informational functions of libraries much broader on the current conditions than set by legislation have been considered. The study finds that libraries for chil- dren work with different categories of young people including relocates, chil- dren with limited health capacities, teach finance and computer basics, develop creative talents and provide psychological help for parents. The paper presents an idea that libraries are not only limited to leisure activity institutions but have an important role in the process of socialization. The article deals with mecha- nism of library interaction with young people, particularly social partnership. Based on the research of sites and blogs of regional children’s libraries, the Na- tional Library of Ukraine for children, the main mechanisms of communication for social integration of young people into public and social life were deter- mined. Keywords: Library System of Ukraine, Libraries for Children, Social Partner- ship, Mechanisms of Social Interaction, Social Communications. 1 Introduction Structure of social environment is not only defined by advanced democratic institu- tions but sociocultural infrastructure sphere. Library institutions are given support for personal requirements, creative self-expression, social and intellectual development. They are responsible not only for upbringing young generation but their social inte- gration. Children’s library still maintains its own destination and role in society over turbulent development of information society due to digital and virtual space for- mation. The article deals with the analyses of communication mechanisms of region libraries which are illustrative of new tendencies and effective means of youth social- Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib- ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in Global Information Networks. ization. In 2018 there are 11 Region libraries in Ukraine, 11 Central ones and 9 Central Library Systems. Thus, new practical functions of libraries realized by dif- ferent mechanism draw us to their theoretical compilation. 1.1 Research Goals Aim defined by problem and object of the research. The purpose of the study is to determine the effective communicative mechanisms for social adaptation of young people to adulthood. 1.2. Related Research Library system of Ukraine operates on the basis of legal boundaries to the Law “On Libraries and Librarianship” (1995, recent changes – 2017) [10]. Considering the needs of information society, the Law of Ukraine “On Libraries and Librarianship” was stated in a new wording by the Law of Ukraine in 2009. In particular, library for children as public offices, were defined as specialized institutions that depends largely on goal-oriented program for children, their parents and society. They forced the inte- gration of social partnership pattern in the library activities that helps to maintain a strategic focus on youth integration to social life. Activity of children’s libraries exe- cuted for realisation of state policy on free accesses to information, children cultural and spiritual welfare by the Convention of the United Nations on the Rights of the Child, The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, The Law of Ukraine “On child welfare” (2001, recent changes – August, 8, 2019) and Council of Europe Recom- mendation CM/Reс (2018)7 “On Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment” [11]. The formation of a positive image of children’s library and strengthening their role in the formation of a well-educated nation was influenced by the Presidential Decree “On Strategy of Sustainable Development “Ukraine – 2020” (2015) [12], Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Strategy for librarianship development for the period until 2025” titled “Qualitative changes of libraries for providing sustainable development of Ukraine” (2016) [13]. National policy in the field of librarianship is aimed at forming key priorities of li- braries’ activities: on adherence to European Union’s fundamental values, ensuring equal and free access to information and knowledge, etc. In a point of fact, realisation of Strategy offers a flexible and dynamic library system providing a wide spectrum of services for different public’s need. It will cause the growth of children’s library pres- tige for groups with mixed age to solve social problems. In the midst of the digitaliza- tion of the information society, libraries as social communication institutions continue to undergo significant transformations. The process of library institutions transition to new technologies is activated, which in turn changes social communication functions of libraries. The issues of formation of a new statues of library as equal social institution that performs new information and communication services with due regard to ramified structure of social ties and needs of Ukrainian society have been reflected by Ukraini- an and foreign scholars, just to name a few V. Gorovii [8, 9, 10], L. Dubrovіna [10, 13, 23], T. Granchak [11], K. Lobuzіna [17], A. Sokolova [43]. Modern library as a multimedia service became the leitmotif of the research of T. Miskevich. The re- searcher draws attention to transformation of the social mission and information func- tion of the library in modern conditions, highlights the domestic and foreign experi- ence of expanding library services by implementation new services and information products [7]. So, library as a social-communicative institution can resolve important social problems, including social integration of young people. The scientists draw their attention to the problem of the role of children’s libraries in the information society, the adaptation of the younger generation, the organization of leisurely activities, the development of creativity and childrearing. The problem of sociocultural library activities is raised by V. Aharkova [1], T. Safonova [42], V. Chornous [47]. The essence of the children’s library as a sociocultural phenome- non in historical retrospective view is revealed in PhD thesis of A. Hordiienko. I Tiurmenko, T. Klynina, and L. Khaletska analyzed modern children’s library as a socio-cultural center of united territorial communities of Ukraine [44]. Key propriety areas of libraries for youth in comply with the United Nations Sustainable Develop- ment Goals for the period 2016-2030 are defined in the publication by Lyudmila Ra- badanova [40]. Despite the significant role of the children’s libraries in society, they have not been properly investigated in the Ukrainian scientific literature. At present, there is a need for fundamental and summary works on diverse children’s libraries problems, compi- lation of the best world experience in social partnership, in developing new generation technology for “reading nation”, formation of the modern image of libraries, collabo- ration with State government body and local governments. 1.3. Methodology of research Research proposal defined its methodology. Taking into consideration the fact that the library for children in all its forms and methods is associated with childhood, the structural and functional approach was used to identify the general and specific direc- tions of activities of libraries for children. The communication approach used to in- vestigate the social partnership and social interaction. The method of expert evalua- tion of 22 web-sites of regional libraries for children allowed identifying mechanisms details, analyzing the work with those categories of children who need informal work to adapt and then integrate into society. Methods of analysis and synthesis were used to identify and design the general picture of society integration mechanisms. General- ization method helped to discover the best integrative practices. 2 Means, forms and instruments of library Communications activities Children’s libraries, which are the part of the library and information system of Ukraine, have a special mission in the process of individual integration into different spheres of society life. Libraries assume important social functions as follows: infor- mation, cognitive, cultural and educational, communicative, aesthetic, creative, etc. Among them socialization, integration, and social partnership functions occupy an important place. There is a formation of modern social interaction models between the subjects of civil society, provided that the libraries have an initiative role. The role of the following factors is of great importance in this process: rapid development of information and communication technologies, distribution of electronic communica- tion, the formation of civil society in Ukraine, distribution of various forms “Sharing Economy” – sharing of human and physical resources, sociopolitical peculiarities of modern realities connected to military actions in the east of Ukraine. The activities of the regional children’s libraries are mostly directed to the integration of children, pupils and youth into social, economic, political and cultural institutions. The main directions of realization of social interaction between subjects of civil socie- ty with the help of social communication tools and social initiatives of librarians are as follows: promotion of processes of socialization of individuals at different age level, with different physical and social abilities, according to different social situa- tions; equal opportunities in mastering the cultural heritage; creation of conditions for the discovery and development of children creativity; protection of rights and interests of socially disabled youth, prevention of child neglect and administrative offence, offenses; promotion of social adaptation and rehabilitation of children with special needs or those who deal with difficult life situations; vocational guidance activities. To promote social development of young people libraries widely use communication means as follows: projects, various library activities, equal access to information, knowledge and cultural heritage through the creation and provision of databases, online resources, and thematic classes, trainings, modern library communication space. 2.1 Project activities as a means of social integration mechanism. One of the most effective means of social integration is project activities and applica- tions programs. Projects production covers several areas of social interaction based on the library co-operative activities for joint activities in the interests of the actual par- ticipants and project organizers as well as the local community. As the result, libraries become the organizer of social-communication interaction between children and students, on the one hand, and representatives of local govern- ment on the other hand. The most widespread activities are trainings, panel discussions, quests, festivals, holi- days, workshops, game programs, exhibitions, art hours, competitions, presentations, consultations, communication hours, information messages, seminars and the like. Accordingly, project “Integration through dialogue” which is being implemented by Kropyvnytskyi Regional Children’s Library aimed at providing educational, psycho- logical and integration support for children affected by armed conflict in eastern Ukraine and annexation of the Crimea (The project is implemented by All-Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies “Nova Doba”; a target audi- ence is the school-aged children, internally displaced children from Lugansk, Donetsk and the Crimea; children of fighters mobilized or killed in the ATO area). This project calls for building bridges between children from different categories with their peers. Important social issues of this project is directly connected with those activities as follows: psychological training “How to become a more social person..?”; panel “Lifestyle is next to healthy life”: a meeting with Olena Ryzhkova a practical psy- chologist of the Regional Center for Training in Family Planning and Reproductive Health; game program “Saint Nicholas fulfill all your desires” and workshop “Dance of the Snowflakes”; Christmas gathering “Family kutia”; eco-walk “Help Birds Sur- vive the Winter”; library quest “Poteromania”; workshop “Patriotic hand flags”. Table 1. Table 1. Project as socialization mechanism Name of the project Agents of socialization National project «All of Ukraine reads to Learning of conventional social values through kids» [22] and corresponding regional pro- propagation of books and family reading, increasing jects. prestige of reading. “Shevchenkiana of our family” [5]; “Family Promotion of family values, cultural norms and Weekend or Sponge Bob Invites”: a trip to social roles through joint activities. the country of Cartoon”. “Games of patriots of Kherson region”; The formation of national-cultural identity “We are Ukrainians. You and me!” [18] Establishing cooperation between children and the “Police and Communities” [30; 31] police. Support children affected by armed conflict in east- ern Ukraine and annexation of the Crimea; “Integration through dialogue” [27]; “Ten Socialization of ATO participants and their fami- Steps to Peace” [46]; “Fine unites” lies, promoting sustainable integration of internally displaced persons in the local community; introduc- tion of interregional cultural partnership. The formation of information culture of children “Modern library – modern services” [34] and young adults. “Take a look into the future” [28]; “Territo- ry without measures” Help young people who need social and labor adap- tation for independent life to cope with social and cultural isolation. “Rays of hope” [31] Promoting multifunctional rehabilitation for chil- dren with special needs, their integration into socie- ty. “On the Rights of the Youngest” [32]; “Fine Aid and advice in legal matters, consultations, edu- unites” cation in the law. Youth integration into society economic activity, “ProfCamp” [19]; “ProfiStart” [34]; “Mak- financial and economic education, occupational ing Your First Million Is Easy!” guidance. “Everything about Europe: read, listen, Information and awareness-raising services for search for information about Europe in youth integration into European space. libraries” [6] Regional libraries for children pay close attention to this important part of youth so- cial adaptation. In particular, during 2018-2019, Zakarpattia, Lviv, Rivne and Kher- son Regions participated in the implementation of an interregional innovative project on the career guidance of ProfCamp student youth. The project aims at attracting youth to travel industry professions, cultural and patriot- ic upbringing and facilitating conditions for their creative, intellectual and spiritual development. Pupils of 8-9 classes took part in the project activities. The project was initiated by the Kherson Regional Children’s Library named after the Dniprova Cha- yka and the Kherson Regional Employment Center. From the beginning of 2018, a project studio “Profession Tasting” has started its work at the department of preschool and primary school age of the Rivne State Regional Library for Children [47]. During this project children got acquainted with different professions and conveyed their interest in a particular profession. Social integration of children with special needs deserves an exceptional place in the project. One of them is “the Ray of Hope” by the Kharkiv Regional Library for Chil- dren. All participants are mostly children with specific educational needs, particularly with psychophysical development disorders (with Down syndrome, infantile cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delay, hearing loss). There are two directions within the framework of the project – individual work and interactive theater (group work). Individual lessons are aimed at developing the fol- lowing individual abilities and capacities as follows: stepping learning of basic com- puter knowledge and communication on the Internet; development of communication skills (ability to express thoughts freely and clearly etc.); control of one’s emotional state and expression. The aim of group sessions is to create opportunities for free self- expression, the ability to navigate information easily, to be successful in organizing collaborative activity and reaching agreement with each other. Club work is the most widespread form of library social-communicative interaction that covers different activities of regional libraries for children. The benefit is the opportunity of club members to do their things in informal setting. Clubs (otherwise – studios, workshops, creative laboratories, etc.) can be found at all regional libraries of Ukraine for children. 2.2. Means of psychological follow-up of children social adaptation. Part of the children’s regional libraries priorities includes the strengthening of the family as a top priority of social element, the initial cradle of socialization of the child, a microcommunity, within which the socio-cultural foundations of the citizen’s world are inserted. For this reason, parents and other family members are one of the most important and active subjects of library communication influence. They perform psychological and pedagogical support to children and parents, as well as a wide range of educational and upbringing resources. All library sites contain relevant in- formation pages. The psychological service of the National Library of Ukraine for Children perform special education for preschoolers “Fairy tale therapy” and consulting assistance for young adults and parents. Within the project “Take a look into the future” Ternopil Regional Library for Children operates the “Parent Academy” were parents, guardi- ans, orphan homes teachers can get answer for issues of child-rearing practices and communication with them. The main task of “The Library psychosocial Service” is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for children and young adults. The club “ Club” provides information and practical assistance for children regarding issues of occupational guidance, employment and implementation of their cultural and recreational needs. Heading “Ask the Psychologist” of Lviv Regional Children’s Library provides psychological aid on children integration into peers group, consulting assistance for parents who have some difficulties in communication with children or want to help them overcome social and psychological barriers in an attempt to integrate into the surrounding microcommunity. 2.3. Information and Communications Technologies as a Tool of Library Social Interaction Social interaction is the basis of children integration into different spheres of society. Traditionally, regional children’s libraries provide users with databases, online cata- logs, online resources, online help and such. Thus, heading “Parents’ resources” of Ternopil Regional Library for Children offers information pages “Children’s Online Protection. Six rules for parents”, panel game “What is a basic computer?”, “The Incredible Internet”, “The Internet’s Code of Conduct”, test “What would Life be Like Without the Internet?”, “How to keep your computer safe and secure”. Information socialization becomes increasingly remarkable, especially in the new conditions of information society. One obstacle on its way can be information ine- quality. In order to prevent information inequality and form responsible use of infor- mation such activities as Information and Computer Literacy Classes, Consultations, Web-Lessons, Trainings, Inform Schools were implemented. It should be noted that there is a free access to computers and the internet at every regional library for chil- dren in Ukraine. Particularly, there is an Internet Center at the Lviv Regional Library for Children created on the basis of presentations on different aspects of Internet information as follows: social networking code of conduct, the history of the Internet, what is the “Cloud”; strategies for finding information on the web and suchlike. The teaching volunteer program Code Club Ua was implemented at the library. It teaches children to program computers in their free time. The National Library of Ukraine for Children also offers this program. The insurance of effective social library interaction based on the creation of educa- tional, creative and communicative information space. Particularly, realization of this task requires an implementation of blog. In addition, there are one to fifteen blogs at 15 Regional children’s libraries. A number of blogs have been created since 2008 (the Kherson Regional Children’s Library named after the Dniprova Chayka) till nowa- days. The aim of blog implementation is to activate library interaction with user audi- ence, create additional communication potentials for children acquisition of social norms through the forms of organization of indirect information and communication interaction performed by the library. The online activities of regional libraries for children on the issue of children and students socialization go as follows: accepting standards, values and social norms through popularization of reading (for children of different age group); recreation services management; creation of various organiza- tional forms for children’s creativity; legal education; psychological support; provide local information; arts community, aesthetic education, different forms of cultural interaction with people of art; leadership development; vocational counseling; eco- nomic and financial education; Internet center; literature and theater. Table 2. Blog as a public communication tool. Blog name Blog topics “Writers of Mykolaiv region”; “Consider and Formation of national and cultural know your Country” [16] identity Strengthening socio-cultural “Local peculiarities of the Dnieper region”; norms and family values through “Play. Read. Rest” reading, play, Hand-made, physi- cal activity “Local peculiarities of the Dnieper region”; Information socialization, for- Internet center [14] mation of information culture “Local peculiarities of the Dnieper region”; Cultural interaction with people of CITY – Online art Civic education, integration sup- Biblioport [3] port for children affected by armed conflict in eastern Ukraine Legal education Judicial blogging [48] Socialization of children with Bibliomistechko [2] disabilities Heightened attention to sociocul- “Take a look into the future” [4] tural and labor adaptation of chil- dren and young adults Window on America Center; Przyjaźń» «Hel- World integration into European lo, Europe!» [45] information and cultural space Blogs as well as official library sites expanding information and communication users field through relevant web banners and online links to establish links with the websites of other institutions and organizations. Thus, in February 2012, the blog of the Ternopil Regional Library for Children “Bib- liomistechko” [26] was implemented. This blog won the competition “Educational and Innovative Libraries – 2011” under the program “Bibliomist”. Participants are children from 1 to 10 years. The purpose of the project is to create appropriate condi- tions and cordial atmosphere including understanding of universal moral values, for- mation of social and communicative competences; involving kids in reading by en- couraging them through play and technology. Other project goals refer to achieving the most comfortable space of social influence and easy acquisition of appropriate social and communication models by the children. Particularly, they are used to help parents improve both their parenting and literacy skills while providing young chil- dren with social adaptation (“acceptable” behaviour on the street, in a polyclinic, a supermarket, a hairdresser, a library, etc.) 2.4. Social partnership as a means of individual socialization Primarily, successful implementation of projects and programs depends on effective interaction between libraries, various organizations, institutions, government authori- ties, movements, funds, media resources, etc. All this enables the solution of a local community problem in different directions. This approach expands the possibilities of social influence, creates a wide multichan- nel space of child socialization. It is guided by the project until it gains direct practical experience of integration into public institutions and interaction with social structures. So, in 2016, Kirovograd Regional Library for Children named after Taras Shevchenko participated in the project “Involvement of the public in reforms”, part of which the POLIS program is aimed at fruitful cooperation between the police and the public. During 2016-2017, the Local Center for Civic Education, worked on the basis of the department of teenage reading and information and advisory services was aimed at providing integration assistance to children affected by the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea. The local center worked through the participation of the library in the project “Inte- gration through Dialogue” in cooperation with the All-Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Sciences “New Day”, supported by the European Un- ion. A series of library events, workshops, meetings with specialists, within the framework of the Local Center were organized for children; On May 11, 2017, the library opened a mobile youth art exhibition “What is Hard to say” (an author – a Ukrainian photographer Christina Muzychuk). The participants of this art project were children who suffered from an armed conflict in the East of Ukraine. Kirovohrad Regional Library for Children named after Taras Shevchenko in collabo- ration with the Department of Culture, Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Kiro- vohrad Regional State Administration, the regional center of folk art, the regional public organization of disabled people “People’s Academy of Creativity” have orga- nized on the basis of the library the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian Cultural Festi- val for people with disabilities, “The Colours of Life”. 2 Conclusions Thus, at the present stage, libraries offer diverse activities aimed at promoting the integration of the young generation into different spheres of society. 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