=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper46 |storemode=property |title=Regression Analysis of Personality and Social-Psychological Correlations of Scientific and Technical Specialists Responsibility |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper46.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Lada Yakovytska,Lubov Pomytkina,Olena Itchanska,Olesia Hirchuk,Olga Veselska |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/YakovytskaPIHV19 }} ==Regression Analysis of Personality and Social-Psychological Correlations of Scientific and Technical Specialists Responsibility== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper46.pdf
            Regression Analysis of Personality and
      Social-Psychological Correlations of Scientific and
             Technical Specialists Responsibility

       Lada Yakovytska [0000-0002-6858-7704], Lubov Pomytkina[0000-0002-2148-9728],
         Olena Itchanska [0000-0001-9289-3878] and Olesia Hirchuk [0000-0001-9363-8385]
                         and Olga Veselska [0000-0002-4914-2187]

                          National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

        Abstract. The article presents an empirical study of the relationship of
        behavioral settings and communicative characteristics of professionals: social
        flexibility, ability to establish close contacts with the environment, maturity of
        social behavior (social activity, predisposition to dominance, readiness for
        changes, radicalism) with the level of their responsibility. Responsibility of the
        subject in the research was defined as the conscious attitude of a specialist to
        the fulfillment of all norms and requirements offered to him by society and
        production. During the empirical research through interviews and standardized
        surveys, we have studied what personality qualities are considered to be
        important prerequisites for successful professional activity by professors,
        scientists, and engineering staff in technical higher education institutions. The
        array of data obtained was analyzed by the method of step by step inclusion,
        step by step exclusion and finding the best subsets. The conclusion about the
        adequacy of the model was inferred by the F-criterion at a given level and
        relatively high scores of the multiple correlation coefficient and the multiple
        determination coefficient. According to the results obtained, the common
        positive correlates of responsibility in scientific and technical activity are the
        degree of scientific and methodological support of professional activity and the
        level of self-realization for professionals at the age above 35 years, constructive
        self-realization for professionals under 35 years. There are also coincidences
        regarding the negative correlates: successful career does not increase the degree
        of responsibility of technical departments specialists. Qualitative data analysis
        showed that it is also necessary to take into account the internal (level of self-
        realization, self-esteem, extraction of applied meanings from informal
        communication, personality maturity) and external (scientific and
        methodological support of professional activity, satisfaction with the style of
        relationships with colleagues, career growth, salary) aspects of responsibility in
        the professional activity of specialists in the scientific and technical field.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management
in Global Information Networks.
       Keywords: Scientific Profession, Responsibility, Professional Responsibility,
       Ethics of Responsibility, Autonomy of Profession, Maturity of Social Behavior,

1.     Introduction

Professional behavior of a specialist is manifested in a certain socio-cultural
environment. This environment is objectively determined by one or another ways of
the behavior of professionals and can be positive, aimed at the development of the
organization, and negative, destructive. Their relationship is a regulatory structure that
in some way regulates the behavior of employees in the distribution of powers and
   Accordingly, a technically oriented specialist must understand the limitation,
partiality of his knowledge that today threatens the very existence of life. He must
realize that the mistakes in his profession, which are multiplying today (turned wrong
way, made wrong protection, did not take into account vital factors, etc.), arise not so
much because of the low professional culture (though this in our country has place),
but due to the lack of humanitarian culture, relevant values, adequate time of
worldview. According to I. Yalom, responsibility defines authorship, this way
existentialism gives each person the possession of own being and responsibility for
existence [28, p. 175].
   One of the important conditions for the realization of personality in the
professional activity many scientists (Ball [4]; Kokun [13]; Maksymenko [16];
Molyako [18]; Serdyuk [19]; Yakovytska [24], [25] consider the responsibility of
personality. The higher is the level of personality freedom and responsibility of
individual, the more it is the subject of its own activity. As a subject of one's own
actions, a specialist must act consciously and take into account the experiences and
actions of other people, norms of social morality, and be aware of the responsibility to
society for the results of research. In the psychology of management, the most widely
studied are the individual outcomes of corporate social responsibility (Ahmad, Magda
et al [3]; Aguinis, Glavas [1], [2]; Berens, van Riel et al [5]; Li, Li et al [15]; Vachos,
Epitropaki et al [21]).
   In the vast majority of studies, responsibility is studied from the standpoint of the
social, moral and legal relation of the personality to society and other people, which is
characterized by the fulfillment of one's moral obligations and legal norms. J.J.Go [9]
examines the effects of various aspects (social, economic, political, internal and
external) on personal responsibility for actions. M.Brambilla, S.Sacchi et al [7] prove
that behavioral intentions within a group are influenced only by moral information.
The attribution of responsibility with a new category of social agents, namely, robotic
workers, whose growth in society is becoming irreversible, has recently been explored
(van der Woerdt, Haselager [22]; Krauth-Gruber, Bonnot [14]). The results of the
study show that attribution of responsibility, affective and behavioral responses to
robots are different from reactions to human agents in such situations, so the study of
personal correlates of responsibility in scientific and technical professional activity
makes significant practical sense and is relevant to production activities.
   The term "scientific profession" was used to refer to those professionals whose
main activity is related to the storage, transmission and multiplication of formal
knowledge, that is, fixed and codified knowledge. Any profession is defined by
certain main features. They are inherent in scientific and technical activities:
   – professional responsibility for the storage, transfer and use of a specialized
amount of knowledge, for the dissemination of this knowledge, both in practical and
theoretical directions;
   – high autonomy of the profession in the field of attracting new members,
preparing and controlling of professional behavior;
   – the third feature of the profession is its popularization in society.
   A true scientist must also be a leader, perceiving own mission not only as a
professional, but also as a cultural and social affair (according to A.G. Maslou [17],
all people of such type strive for the realization of higher values, which, as a rule,
cannot be reduced to something above all, among them there are goodness, truth,
decency, beauty, justice, excellence, etc., that appear as vital needs for them). A
specialist in the scientific and technical field must be pragmatic and aware of his
responsibility not only within the production tasks, but also throughout the life that is
surrounding. Thus, a specialist must combine "the talent of the leader and the
responsibility of the partner" [10, p.161].
   In the context of social philosophy, the responsibility of personality is a
counterbalance to the utilitarian understanding of freedom. Often, inaccurate
interpretation of freedom encourages inappropriate behavior of the person, and
subsequently the will becomes irresponsible. The ethics of responsibility offers the
individual to be anyone but capable of securing a better future. To implement a chain
of will that combines "I want" and "I will do", responsibility is required.
Responsibility is an ability of a person to separate important from the casual, to
foresee the future, to determine the goal, the means of its achievement and the
evaluation of results.
   Max Weber's conclusion is also of particular importance in the sense of
responsibility: “We must realize that every ethically oriented action can obey
fundamentally different, even opposite maximums: it can be oriented either to “ethics
of persuasion” or “ethics of responsibility” [23, p. 696]. Only in the second case
ethics become practical, in addition, it is necessary to be responsible for the
foreseeable consequences of one's actions.
   The realism of the person is manifested in the nature of the redistribution of actions
and responsibilities between individuals, between the individual and the group, the
overall vision of the situation. In order to learn the essence of this personality feature,
in our opinion, it is necessary to study the behavioral attitudes and communicative
characteristics of professionals: social flexibility, ability to establish close contacts
with the environment, emotional stability, social maturity (social activity,
predisposition to dominance, readiness for the change, radicalism).
   Goal. Empirically investigate the relationship of behavioral settings (social
flexibility, ability to establish close contact with the environment, social maturity) and
personal characteristics of specialists in the scientific and technical field with the level
of responsibility.
   The research of N.Biller-Andorno, T.Zeltner [6]; V.M.Kazak, D.O.Shevehuk,
N.A.Tymoshenko, L.V.Pomytkina [11] examines the peculiarities of the technical
university's educational environment and its role in forming the personality qualities
of future engineers, in particular, intellectual mobility. The educational environment
of the technical university is considered as a complete synergistically organized
intellectual-educational space, which allows to open and form the intellectual qualities
of future engineers: intellectual responsibility, intellectual activity, intellectual
mobility. The relevant results were obtained in a study of Spanish colleagues.
According to them, there is an influence of the personal and social responsibility
(TPSR) of the teacher on increasing the independence of students (O.Camerino,
A.Valero-Valenzuela et al. [8]), however, these studies are aimed at studying
responsibility as a result of the interaction of teacher-student in the educational space
of technical university.
   The hypothesis of our study is the assumption that the professional environment is
objectively determined by the ways of behavior and personality characteristics of
professionals as subjects of activity, which can be both positive and negative
correlates of responsible attitude to the implementation of norms and requirements
proposed by the social group.

2.     Methods

In the course of the empirical study we have studied what personal characteristics are
considered as important prerequisites for successful professional activity by teachers,
scientists and engineering staff of technical higher education institutions. The study
involved professionals with working experience from 5 to 40 years and more:
professors, associate professors, engineers, assistants, heads of the laboratories.
Conversations and standardized surveys were conducted to clarify personal thoughts
about one's prerequisites for self-actualization in a professional activity. To find out the
degree of responsibility of the participants in the study, we used the “Responsibility and
independence” test methodology developed by the Department of integration of training
with production. During the empirical study, the sample was 213 persons (152
respondents were teachers and engineers of technical departments and 61 respondents
were teachers of economic departments). In addition, by age, respondents were divided
into two subgroups: professionals under 35 years and professionals over 35 years.

3.     Results

The results of the “Responsibility and independence” test methodology showed that
personal responsibility has a relatively equal score across all groups. This can be
explained by the fact that the professional responsibility of the personality acts as a
psychological factor that determines career advancement. The attentive attitude
towards professional responsibility in a group of colleagues over the age of 35 is
explained by the opportunity to evaluate and control the processes of professional
forecasting in the scientific and technical sphere. In addition, in an informal society,
responsibility largely determines the status of a specialist, and to what extent he or she
is trusted by colleagues and managers.
    In the research, responsibility of the subject was defined as the conscious attitude
of the specialist to the fulfillment of all standards and requirements offered by the
society [27]. Most respondents agreed that a responsible attitude may require the
development of certain personality traits, not always inherent, depending on the
functions performed. In the group under 35 years, the analyzed indicator is relatively
equal. This can be explained by the fact that the professional responsibility of the
personality acts as a psychological factor that determines the career growth of a young
specialist, because it is related to the assessment of motivation and control of
professional activity. A certain increase in professional responsibility in a group of
more experienced colleagues is explained not only by evaluation and control in the
moment of making choice, but also by the processes of professional prognosis,
determination of the purpose and formation of life and professional plans in the near
and distant future of the specialist. The statistically significant differences in the
degree of responsibility among professional groups of different ages were not defined.
    The personal correlates of responsibility were then examined. The array of data
obtained was analyzed by the method of step by step inclusion, step by step exclusion,
and finding the best subsets. The conclusion about the adequacy of the model was
inferred by the F-criterion at a given level and relatively high scores of the multiple
correlation coefficient and the multiple determination coefficient.
    Preliminary analysis of the results of the research showed that there are differences
in the choices not only regarding the work experience in the scientific and technical
sphere, but also about the direction of the department, therefore the models for
teachers of technical and economic departments were calculated separately, taking
into account the length of the working experience in their professional activity.
    Thus, the model of responsibility of teachers of technical departments of the university
under the age of 35 years included the following correlates that positively influence their
responsibility: constructive self-realization (Х1); thoughts about work (Х2); scientific and
methodological support of professional activity (Х3); technical support (Х4); interest in
technical sciences (Х5). Negatively influence their responsibility: career growth (Х6);
reflective abilities (Х7), material considerations (Х8), recommendations of parents (Х9).
The linear regression model of responsibility of teachers of the technical university under
35 years is calculated by the following equation (see table 1):

  Table 1. Linear regression model of responsibility of teachers of technical departments
                                  aged under 35 years
    (Constant)                                                 1,196          ,000
    constructive self-realization                              1,318          ,000
    recommendations of parents                                 -,105          ,000
    thoughts about work                                        ,901           ,000
    scientific and methodological support of
                                                               ,610           ,002
    professional activity
    material considerations                                    -,164          ,000
    interest in technical sciences                             ,072           ,000
    career growth                                              -1,287         ,000
    reflective abilities                                       -,230          ,004
    technical support                                          ,500           ,007
   Responsibility = 1,196+1,318Х1+0,901Х2+0,61Х3+0,5Х4+0,072Х5 – 1,287Х6 –
0,23Х7 – 0,164Х8 – 0,105Х9 at F=20,101; p<0,000
   According to the results obtained, such personal correlates as the desire for
constructive self-realization, thoughts about work outside working hours, proper
scientific and methodological support of professional activity, most influence the
degree of responsibility of professionals under 35 years.
   The model of responsibility of teachers of technical departments of the university
over the age of 35 years included the following correlates. Positively correlates with
the responsibility: scientific and methodological support of professional activity (Х1);
satisfaction with the style of relationships with colleagues (Х2); the level of self-
realization (Х3). Negatively correlates with the responsibility: autonomy (Х4);
satisfaction with the style of relationships with management (Х5); career growth
(Х6). The linear regression model of responsibility of teachers of the technical
university over 35 years is calculated by the following equation (see table 2):

  Table 2. Linear regression model of responsibility of teachers of technical departments
                                   aged over 35 years
      (Constant)                                                 2,282          ,000
      level of self-realization                                  ,203           ,000
      scientific and methodological support of
                                                                 ,520           ,024
    professional activity
     satisfaction with the style of relationships
                                                                 ,256           ,001
    with colleagues
     career growth                                               -,088          ,009
     autonomy                                                    -,958          ,003
     satisfaction with the style of relationships
                                                                 -,149          ,042
    with management

   Responsibility = 2,282+ 0,520Х1+ 0,256Х2 + 0,203Х3 – 0,958Х4 – 0,149Х5 –
0,088Х6 at F=14,054; p<0,000
   According to the results obtained, such correlates as scientific and methodological
support of professional activity, satisfaction with the style of relationships with
colleagues, the level of self-realization most influence the degree of responsibility in
the group of specialists of technical departments aged over 35 years.
   Comparing the two models, we can see that the common positive correlates of
responsibility in scientific and technical activity is the degree of scientific and
methodological support of professional activity and the level of self-realization for
professionals over 35 years, constructive self-realization for professionals under 35
years. There are also coincidences about negative correlates – it is career growth, that
is, a successful career does not increase the degree of responsibility of specialists of
technical departments.
    The model of responsibility of teachers of economic departments of the university
aged under 35 years, perhaps because of a small sample (less than 30) was not
constructed, due to the lack of correlates of responsibility among the primary indicators.
    The model of responsibility of teachers of the economics departments of the
university over the age of 35 years included the following correlates. Positively
correlated with the responsibility: self-esteem (Х1); extraction of applied meanings
from informal communication ((Х2); personality maturity (Х3); career growth (Х4);
salary (Х5). Negatively influences the responsibility of professionals: adaptation to
the professional environment (Х6); normative self-realization (Х7); technical
creativity (Х8); recommendations of parents regarding the choice a specialty (Х9).
The linear regression model of responsibility of teachers of economics departments
aged over 35 years is calculated by the following equation (see table 3):

 Table 3. Linear regression model of responsibility of teachers of economic departments aged
                                        over 35 years
          (Constant)                                        2,528        ,000
          adaptation to the professional environment      -1,815        ,000
          recommendations of parents                      -,237         ,000
          technical creativity                            -,827         ,000
          self-esteem                                     1,823         ,000
          extraction of applied meanings                  1,593         ,000
          personality maturity                            ,829          ,000
          career growth                                   ,290          ,000
          salary                                          ,178          ,000
          normative self-realization                      -,835         ,000

   Responsibility = 2,282+ 0,520Х1+ 0,256Х2 + 0,203Х3 + 0,958Х4 +0,149Х5 –
0,088Х6 –0,835Х7 – 0,827Х8 – 0,237Х9 at F=46,641; p<0,000

4.     Discussion

According to the results obtained, such correlates as self-esteem, extraction of applied
meanings from informal communication, personality maturity most positively influence
the degree of responsibility in the group of specialists of technical departments aged
over 35 years. Negative correlates of adaptation to the professional environment,
normative self-realization, recommendations of parents regarding the choice of specialty
characterize the degree of integration of the personality in public relations and social
expectations about it. Their negative impact can be explained by the effect of dissipation
of responsibility, thus, they accept the rules of activity, but the responsibility for its
consequences is either dissipated or transferred to other participants.
   Comparing the models of responsibility of teachers of technical and economic
departments of the university at the age over 35 years, we see that the responsibility
of teachers of technical departments correlates with activity orientation (scientific and
methodological support of professional activity, satisfaction with the style of relations
with colleagues, the level of self-realization). For teachers of economics departments,
responsibility correlates with personality characteristics (self-esteem, extraction of
applied meanings from informal communication, personality maturity) and normative
signs of social success (career growth, salary). For teachers of technical departments,
on the contrary, career growth, satisfaction with the style of relationships with
management are not positive correlates of responsibility, which can be explained
primarily by the focus on solving technical problems and the contradictions that arise
in the course of professional activity. This way, in the works of J.D.Steadman,
motivational mechanisms that influence moral responsibility of a person are self-
control and good sense [20].
   Thus, specialists in the scientific and technical field often want to determine for
themselves the proper and valuable in the professional field on their own. In this case,
responsibility becomes a means of internal control (self-control) and internal
regulation (self-regulation) of the activity of personality. The main subject of
personality self-regulation in professional activity is actions aimed at transforming a
person's attitude to different types of activity, to other people, to oneself.

5.     Conclusions

Analyzing the problem of responsibility, it is necessary to distinguish its internal
(level of self-realization, self-esteem, extraction of applied meanings from informal
communication, personality maturity) and external (scientific and methodological
support of professional activity, satisfaction with the style of relations with
colleagues, career growth, salary) aspects. In many pragmatic sciences it is also
necessary to take into account the value and purpose settings of people. A specialist in
the technical field should not only seek to solve the engineering problem and
technical contradictions that have arisen, but also to reflect the features of own search
activity, taking into account the humanitarian and environmental requirements within
which the research is carried out. The nature of scientific and technical activity forces
scientists to take a certain ethical position as well. As soon as the above connections
are sufficiently taken into account, it is immediately apparent that the technical
sciences are completely imbued with social and psychological content. Ideally, it
should be about the conscious observance of the humanities principles of ethics of
responsibility by specialists of the scientific and technical field.
   In the future, we will direct research on the identification of additional
psychological and socio-psychological factors that affect the development of
responsibility of specialists in the scientific and technical field.
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