=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper50 |storemode=property |title=Multi-Criteria Synthesis of the Software-Defined Network Structure |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper50.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Albert Voronin,Maksym Kuklinskyi,Tetyana Holyavkina,Iryna Gyza,Liudmila Kharlai |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/VoroninKHGK19 }} ==Multi-Criteria Synthesis of the Software-Defined Network Structure== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper50.pdf
        Multi-Criteria Synthesis of the Software-Defined
                       Network Structure

        Albert Voronin 1 [0000-0001-7201-2877], Maksym Kuklinskyi 1 [0000-0002-2028-9206],
          Tetyana Holyavkina 1 [0000-0003-2595-9405], Iryna Gyza 1 [0000-0002-8612-5538],
                           Liudmila Kharlai 2 [0000-0002-7633-933X]
                    National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine,
                  Kyiv College of Communication, Kyiv, Ukraine
      alnv@ukr.net, maximum_inc@ua.fm, holyavkina.t@gmail.com,

        Abstract. A software-defined network is a complex system, the basis of which,
        first of all, is formed by a central controller, switching nodes and data transmis-
        sion channels ensuring the interaction of these nodes. In the process of design-
        ing such systems, special attention must be paid to its topological structure.
        This is due to several factors. Firstly, the issues of improving the efficiency and
        reliability of the entire network directly depend on the topological structure.
        Secondly, topology affects the number of factors when making all the decisions
        of its design. And finally, the topology completely defines the process of traffic
        management in a software-defined network, which occurs using a central con-
        troller that stores all the information about the network structure. For a compre-
        hensive solution of the general problem of designing software-defined network
        structure and solving particular problems of optimizing design decisions during
        its synthesis, the article proposes optimization of system topology using the
        random search method and the tree structure method. The results of the pro-
        posed methods are compared and recommendations are given for combining
        these methods.

        Keywords: Software-Defined Network, Data Transfer System, Topology, Op-
        timization, Design.

1       Introduction

Like all modern technologies, software-defined networks (SDN) are constantly being
improved, undergoing processes of modification and modernization. Taking into ac-
count the complexity of these technologies, improvement processes for objective
reasons are quite lengthy. And although all of them are aimed at the possibility of
exchanging various kinds of information, increasing its reliability, transmission speed
and reliability of the network elements functioning, their common component is the
topological structure of the system. Therefore, the question of the software-defined
network structure optimal synthesis is relevant and quite popular.
    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attrib-
ution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management in
Global Information Networks.
2      Analysis of publications and goal setting

According to the range of services provided, software-defined networks belong to
data transmission systems [1]. An analysis of the work showed that today, close atten-
tion is paid to the research of data transmission systems. This is confirmed by a large
number of publications, and caused by the fact that this topic covers a very wide
range of tasks in various fields. There are many publications that classify and disclose
various ways and methods of data transfer [2-5]. But in most cases they are consid-
ered either in the context of generally accepted topologies of transmission systems, or
without any description of the latter. There are also publications that are dedicated to
the design of data transmission systems, but they mainly relate to certain industries,
which narrows their scope, since they are focused on the characteristics of this indus-
try only. Even fewer articles address the issue of optimizing data transmission sys-
tems [6], especially in the context of software-defined networks [7]. Therefore, the
purpose of this article is to develop a method for optimizing the software-defined
network structure formation, and assess its effectiveness.

3      Determining performance indicators of a software-defined

When solving the problem of a software-defined network structure synthesing, the
following are used as performance indicators:

─ reduced costs for the creation and operation of the network;
─ characteristics of software-defined network structure reliability;
─ the reliability of consumer information;
─ average response time of network nodes to a request;
─ average message transmission time;
─ network congestion.

Consider those of the indicators that are most often used to assess the effectiveness of
software-defined network.
   The cost of software-defined network Ws is estimated by the quoted annual costs,
which take into account both capital and operating costs. Topology of any information
transmission system, and SDN is no exception, can be represented formally as a
symmetric G – graph. Network elements form the vertices of the graph, and data
transmission channels form the edges of the graph [6].
   Evaluation of network topology effectiveness can be based on indicators that char-
acterize the structure of the graph. Such indicators may be:
─ redundancy of the structure Rs. This indicator determines excess of the total num-
  ber of connections m over their minimum necessary number n-1 (where n is the
  number of nodes), which ensures network connectivity.
─ uneven structure of Ns. The exponent Ns determines quadratic deviation of connec-
  tions distribution of given network from a uniform distribution.
─ diameter of the structure Ds. This indicator determines maximum distance of net-
  work nodes.
─ compact structure Bs. The indicator Bs characterizes general proximity of the nodes
  to each other.
─ the degree of Cs structure centralization. This indicator displays relative number of
  connections that are established through the central controller.

Redundancy of Rs structure in a certain extent characterizes reliability, that is, one of
the stability components and affects the efficiency of the SDN. At Rs = 0 (star, tree
topology) failure of any element (link or node) produces a partial or complete decay
of the network. An increase in the Rs value reflects an increase in the reliability of
SDN structure, however, a large redundancy (for example, complete interconnection)
makes the network economically disadvantageous and difficult to implement.
    Non-uniformity of Ns structure also characterizes reliability of SDN structure, but
only from the point of view of the effect of individual elements failures. Structures
with large values of Ns (star, ring tree, distributed star) are less reliable than with
lower values of unevenness. At Ns = 0 (ring, regular, complete interconnection) dis-
connection or failure of a structure node does not disable the network, but only reduc-
es its performance [12-14].
    Diameter of Ds structure and Bs structure compactness determine the average resi-
dence time of information in the network when it is sent between nodes. An increase
in Ds and Bs values generally reflects an increase in the transmission time of messages
in the network. Length of data transmission path in structures with large values of Ds
and Bs (ring, tree, irregular) is longer than in structures with small values of Ds and Bs
(complete relationship). Thus, indicators Ds and Bs characterize both the inertia of
information processes and, to a certain extent, the survivability and noise immunity of
SDN. The lower values of Ds and Bs are the more efficient network structure is, since
its topology with such indicators has a shorter data transmission path and, consequent-
ly, a short residence time of the message in the transmission system. In addition, in
the network structure of this type there are no communication channels, failure of
which leads to the breakdown of the SDN into individual elements.
    In general case, degree of Cs structure centralization indicates the presence or ab-
sence of a central node in networks, and this determines the control method (central-
ized, decentralized, and centralized-decentralized). Since the software-defined net-
work is completely controlled from the central controller, the degree of centralization
in the SDN affects its reliability, operating efficiency in terms of performance of its
individual elements, as well as the software and technical complexity of the processes
for managing all network resources. Cs values are close to one and equal to it (star,
ring tree, tree) show that the systems structures are centralized, and failure of central
node leads to complete destruction of network. Large degree of centralization in SDN
is also associated with uneven distribution of the load among the system elements,
which determines the necessity to create a central controller with high output. In the
case of a network structure with Cs values close to zero or equal to zero (ring, regular,
complete interconnection), network should spend a considerable part of time on or-
ganizing and managing the exchange of information between nodes, in other words, a
software-defined network works like a regular peer-to-peer network.
   Analysis of typical structures shows that Rs, Ns, Ds, Bs and Cs characterize their
survivability, reliability, performance, and cost. Therefore, using these indicators, it is
possible to evaluate the network efficiency in a topological sense.
   Considered indicators have different dimensions and are subject to various meth-
ods of extremization (some of them require minimization, and the rest require maxi-
mization). Therefore, it is necessary to bring them to a dimensionless form and to a
single method of extremization, for example, to make them minimized. After these
operations, we obtain normalized particular criteria of R0, N0, D0, B0, C0 effectiveness
and W0 cost.
   It is believed that these indicators equally characterize the components of efficien-
cy, therefore, their weight differentiation is impractical. In this case, aggregated crite-
rion of SDN topology effectiveness can be determined by the following formula:

                              R0  N 0  D0  B0  C0
                       F0                            , F0  0;1 .

In the case of nonlinear compromise scheme [8], the following expression is used as
the objective function:

                     a1 (1  F0 ) 1  a2 (1    W0 ) 1 , a1  a2  1 ,

where: a1 and а2 – weighting coefficients; ε – some sufficiently small value, which
serves to avoid dividing by zero at W0=1.

4      Solving the problem of software-defined network structure

Consider two algorithms to solve the problem. This is optimization by random search
and using the tree structure method [8, 9].
   In the random search method, optimization occurs by generating a certain number
of connected communication networks and choosing the best option from them. As
additional settings for the optimization process are:

─ minimum number of edges to be removed when generating a network Rmin;
─ maximum number of edges to be removed when generating a network Rmax,
─ number of iterations Imax.

Number of iterations means number of networks that will be generated, and from
which the best option will be selected. The larger value of this parameter, the higher
results reliability, as the number of considered cases increases.
   Minimum number of edges to be removed – allows you to initially exclude very
strongly connected networks from consideration, if it is a priori known that there is no
optimal solution among them. As this value increases, the maximum number of edges
in the generated networks decreases, thus, connectivity of the networks decreases.
   Maximum number of edges to be removed – at the initial stage allows to exclude
from the consideration very weakly connected networks, if it is known that there is no
optimal solution among them. When this value decreases, connectivity of the created
networks increases [15-17].
   Network generation is as follows. A fully connected network is created. After that,
number R is randomly generated that sets number of edges removed from the network:

                                 Rmin  R  Rmax .
After that it is randomly removed from the fully connected network of, R edges. It is
controlled so that the network remains connected. For the network thus obtained, the
calculation of the values of particular criteria is performed. After that, the generalized
criterion is calculated using the nonlinear compromise scheme [8] taking into account
the significance coefficients of the criteria. The result obtained is compared with the
optimal solution received at the moment, and if it is better, it is taken as the optimal
solution at this step. This procedure is repeated Imax times.
   Consider the description of the algorithm more detailed.
   Step 0. Create a random network S0. Set is as initial and optimal. SOPT = S0.
ФOPT = Ф0.
   Step 1. While I < IMAX repeat. Create a random network SI. If ФI < ФОРТ, then put
   Step n. Output optimization result SOPT, ФOPT..

   Random network generation algorithm
   Step 0. Create a fully connected network.
   Step 1. Randomly determine the integer R: Rmin < R < Rmax
   Step 2. Repeat the procedure for removing a random edge R times. To remove an
edge, it is randomly selected. If while deleting, the graph remains connected, then it is
deleted and if not, then this edge is excluded from further consideration and another
edge is selected for deletion.

   Now consider the structure tree method.
   In this case, optimization occurs by selecting the optimal edge for removal at each
step of the iterative process.
   As additional settings for the optimization process are:

─ amount of iteration Imax;
─ a sign of a stop in the absence of leafs of optimization tree with better performance
  than non-leaf nodes.

For optimization, a fully connected network is built, and then the edges are removed
in accordance with the value of the generalized criterion. For optimization, a tree of
optimal solutions is built. Its nodes are network options, and edges are the fact of
removing one corresponding edge from the top-level network. Thus, the lower we
move along the tree, the more edges are removed and the less remains. At each next
step, the leaf vertex of the tree with the best value of the generalized optimization
criterion is selected, and all possible options for removing one edge from the selected
network are considered. All the obtained options and values of the generalized criteri-
on are entered in the optimization tree, and the selected vertex ceases to be leafy. Now
the best leaf vertex is again selected and the process is repeated until all leaf vertices
are exhausted, the iteration counter is exhausted, or (with the stop sign turned on) a
situation does not occur when the optimal solution does not belong to the leaf node.
   Algorithm can be interrupted at any iteration. In this case, we get the best result for
a given number of iterations.

   Consider an optimization algorithm.
   Step 0. Create a fully connected network and set it as the root of the optimization
tree S0.
   Step 1. Find in the optimization tree leaf with the best value of the generalized cri-
terion (in the first step it will be the root of the tree – since it is the only node of the
tree) S = SI. Calculate all possible options for removing one edge from the network
and enter the result into the optimization tree. Repeat this step until the counter reach-
es the limit of the number of iterations or there are no valid leaf nodes left.

5      Practical application of the proposed algorithms

Briefly consider the results obtained on a test example. First, we will set the initial
data for optimization and the coordinates of the nodes Tables 1-2.

                                    Table 1. Initial data
 Klength=50       Conversion factor of distances from some conventional units to
                  kilometers. Thus, coordinates of the nodes can be set in any unit of
                  measurement (dimensionless)
 Wcap = 1000      Cost of capital charges for the construction and operation of one
                  kilometer of communication network (in c.u.)
 En = 1           Return on investment (dimensionless)
 N = 20           Number of network nodes (dimensionless)

                                Table 2. Nodes coordinates

                                                    Nodes coordinates
                    Node number
                                                  Х                    У
                           1                     9,5                  9,7
                           2                    10,1                 14,1
                           3                    10,6                 16,7
                           4                    10,2                 15,2
                           5                     10                  12,9
                           6                     9,9                 10,9
                           7                     8,7                 11,3
                          8                     7,7                   8,8
                          9                     7,7                   6,6
                          10                    9,1                   7,7
                          11                    6,9                   4,7
                          12                    6,8                   4,2
                          13                    8,6                   3,4
                          14                    6,2                   5,3
                          15                    7,9                   5,6
                          16                   13,4                   4,4
                          17                   17,4                   4,8
                          18                   11,5                   2,2
                          19                   14,8                    5
                          20                   13,4                   4,1

After optimization by random search and tree structure methods, respectively, the
following intermediate and final results of the experiment were obtained Table 3. In
addition, the related nodes obtained by these methods are shown Tables 4-5.

                        Table 3. Comparison of optimization results

 Description               Random search method               Tree method structure
 Number of iterations      1000                               200

 Advanced options of       Rmin = 50
 methods settings          Rmax = 171
                           Rs: 2,10526315789474            Rs: 2,78947368421053
                           Ns:                             Ns: 0,00143203681593325
                           0,00205331184815511             Ds: 2
                           Ds: 3                           Bs: 0,621052631578947
                           Bs: 0,768421052631579           Cs: 0,376623376623377
                           Cs: 0,214285714285714           Ws: 12557937,8514079
                           Ws: 16944651,7100879            Kr: 0,690058479532164
                           Kr: 0,766081871345029           Kn: 0,0014320368159333
                           Kn: 0,0020533118481551          Kd: 0,2
 Criteria values           Kd: 0,3                         Kb: 0,145679012345679
                           Kb: 0,180246913580247           Kc: 0,376623376623377
                           Kc: 0,214285714285714           Kw: 0,203164838561053
                           Kw: 0,274133975648503           Fs1: 0,282758581063431
                           Fs1: 0,292533562211829          Fs: 1,32459769651696
                           Fs: 1,39557965832538            Best Fs:
                           Best Fs:                        1,32417186843977
                      Table 4. Connected nodes during random optimization
     1   2   3    4     5   6    7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18                   19 20
 1       +              +            +        +     + + +       +
 2   +            +     +            +              +
 3                                         + +         + +                                  +
 4       +                  +                    +        +
 5   +   +                               + +                                                +
 6                +                        +           + +      +
 7                                   +     +              + +                               +
 8   +   +                       +            + +      +                                    +
 9                      +                  + + + + + +
10           +          +   +    +       +          + +      +                              +
11   +       +                       +   +          +              +
12                +                  +   +                   +                          +
13   +   +                               + + +            +     +
14   +       +              +        +   + +              +     +
15   +       +    +         +    +       +          + +      +
16                               +         +     +        +
17   +                      +                       + +            +                    +
18                                            +                 +                       +
19                                               +              + +                         +
20           +          +        +   +     +                                            +

         Table 5. Connected nodes during optimization using the structure tree method
     1   2   3    4     5   6   7    8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18                   19 20
 1       +   +    +     +   +   +    +   +          + + +                               +
 2   +       +    +     +   +   +          +
 3   +   +        +         +              +
 4   +   +   +          +   +              +
 5   +   +        +         +   +          +
 6   +   +   +    +     +       +    +                       +
 7   +   +              +   +        +     +
 8   +                      +   +        + + + +          +
 9   +                               +     + + + + + +
10       +   +    +     +       +    +   +    + +      +        + +                         +
11                                   +   + +     + + + +           +
12                                   +   + + +      + + +          +
13   +                                   +    + +         +        +                        +
14   +                                   + + + +          +
15   +                               +   +    + + + +        +
16                          +                             +     + +                     +   +
17                                         +                 +                          +   +
18                                         + + + +           +                          +   +
19   +                                                       + + +                          +
20                                         +        +        + + +
6      Conclusion

Thus, we see that the tree structure method provides the best indicator of efficiency,
but requires large computational resources. In this regard, it seems interesting to com-
bine both methods. A fully connected network a priori has a poor value of the opti-
mality criterion and is far from the optimal solution. In this regard, it is inefficient to
use it as a base. Thus, the random search method is effectively to be used to generate
initial basic networks, and the tree structure method is to be used to improve their
    In this case, optimization is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a random
optimal network is built using the random search method, and then at the second stage
it is used as the base (root) network for the structure tree method – with the help of
which it is improved. Using this approach in software-defined networks will allow the
central controller to significantly reduce its computing load, both in the case of the
initial design of software-defined networks, and in the case of its further improve-

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