=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2588/paper51 |storemode=property |title=Realization of LEO-Systems with Architecture of Distributed Satellites for 5G/IoT |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper51.pdf |volume=Vol-2588 |authors=Volodymyr Saiko,Volodymyr Nakonechnyi,Serhii Toliupa,Vitalii Tiurin,Ksenia Andreeva,Kundyz Maratkyzy |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cmigin/SaikoNTTAM19 }} ==Realization of LEO-Systems with Architecture of Distributed Satellites for 5G/IoT== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2588/paper51.pdf
       Realization of LEO-Systems with Architecture of
               Distributed Satellites for 5G/IoT

   Volodymyr Saiko 1 [0000-1111-2222-3333]., Volodymyr Nakonechnyi 1 [0000-0002-0247-5400],
         Serhii Toliupa 1 [0000-0002-1919-9174], Vitalii Tiurin 2 [0000-0003-0476-7471],
    Ksenia Andreeva 3 [0000-0002-4989-4442] and Kundyz Maratkyzy 4 [0000-0003-1967-4155]
                  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
       National Defense University of Ukraine n.a. Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Kyiv, Ukraine
                  First Kyiv State Courses of Foreign Languages, Kyiv, Ukraine
                              Satbaev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

          Abstract. Proposed technical solution deals with the sphere of mobile
          communications, namely systems of satellite connection and can be used to
          proceed connection of orbit space crafts with land stations and users of satellite
          for 5G/IOT. The main point of proposed working out in system low orbit
          satellite connection with FC-architecture is to reduce the delay while
          transmitting signals to users and probability to overstrain nets in the system of
          low orbit satellite that connects housing part of satellites of the Earth. Each of
          them functions in the Earth orbit and communicate with board retransmitters,
          inter satellite connection, nets of loud station connection and control of part
          satellite of the Earth, grouping low orbit spacecrafts (LEO-system) including
          grouping the leading key satellite and satellite-retransmitters. Micro grouping
          satellite-retransmitters are formed near each key satellite and functions of key
          satellite in a certain phase spot of orbit area of work orbit are made by mini or
          micro satellites linked circular nets with lines of connection between satellites,
          but functions of satellite-retransmitters are reduced. The new thing is
          introduction of multi-level system of border clouds representing heterogeneous
          distributed cloud structure. Border clouds of multi-level system are united with
          help of hyped-speed wireless radio lines of THz diapason wireless optical
          connection systems. The method of evaluation of time access to proposed
          structure of “foggy calculation” based on the model access to “foggy
          calculation” with permission of collision of rousers realizing the regime of

          Keywords: Radio Lines, Distributed Satellite, Low Orbit Satellite Systems,
          Internet of Things, Cloud Technology, Foggy Calculation, Border Calculation.

    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CMiGIN-2019: International Workshop on Conflict Management
in Global Information Networks.
1      Introduction

The rapid development and standardization of land part of nets 5G/IMT – 2020 and
reduction for global cover of wireless stylish nets while using millimeter waves
make inventors of nets of satellite telecommunication pay much attention to this
segment market of mobile satellite connection [1-2].
 Conception of using satellite segment 5G, being considered nowadays, in based on
the following things [3]:
  Satellite segment will be integrated with other nets of mobile and fixed
connection, but it will not autonomic net and integration of satellite and terrestrial
segment 5G is a core of this idea.
  Systems of space connection are fundamental components to provide reliable 5G
connections not only in the territory of all Europe but also all over the world all time
and at reasonable prices;
  Satellite segment will encourage global characteristics, an increase of
opportunities for 5G services and problem – solving connected will a support of
grows of multi-media traffic, cover of all over the world between machine connection
and extremely important telecommunication mission while optimizing prices for
eventual users;
  Space segment can become part of hybrid configuration of net consisted of
cosmopolitan infrastructures managed so that they provide regular and urgent
convergence of 5G services for all eventual users.

Requirements for satellite segment the nets of the 5th generation will be identified by a
range of services given for 5G nets united by there basic model: Enhance mobile
broadband – MTC Massive Machine – Type Communication – MTC , uRLLC – ultra
– Reliable low Latency Communications [4,5] satellite connection systems are
famous for their reliability and opportunity to provide service on low latency signals
in the Net. Low latency signals using geostationary KA will be acceptable for plenty
of additional 5G nets. More sensitive for latency programmers can be maintained by
new law – orbit satellite nets developed in the future. Analysis of proposition and
technological projects of outstanding inventors on using satellite nets to expand 5G
nets opportunities shows [5-6] that a lot of telecommunications companies have
already given presentations of their projects to enlarge satellite segment. But there are
some technic drawbacks such as:
  Difficult realizing recourse of different satellite systems;
  Essential increase prices of using quantities of satellite;
  Constant increase prices of using identifying mutual dislocation of satellite of
low orbit spacecrafts.

 As a result, the expansion of the area of service with accepted probability of
necessary quality in the channel of transmissions they use satellites constantly moving
accepting to stationary satellite at a considerable speed and in essential part of the
area. So there are a lot of projects, ideas, plans on realizing and introduction new
systems, but nowadays they are ineffective because there is doubt of practical
realizations and long – lived systems, i.e. LEO – HTS has serious problem in mutual
use of spectrum with existed nets.

2      Problem statement
In this respect home-made technical decisions are very important to realize new
service in which system of law - orbit satellite connection represents grouping of law
– orbit spacecrafts (LEO systems) with architecture of distributed satellite –
transmitters, around each of key satellite there are micro – grouping of satellite
transmitters called distributed satellite. Function of key satellite in a chosen phase
spot of area work orbit are made by mini or micro satellite and functions of satellite
transmitters. The key satellites are connected with each other in a circular net of high-
speed connection lines between satellites. Geometric series distributed satellites is an
area around key satellites with radius not more 1km. It means satellites make
grouping flight in a distance not more than 1km from key satellites. Space segments
of LEO systems consist of some orbit area distributed satellites are eventually placed
with relative some true anomaly but each distributed satellites is linked with two
neighbors of distributed satellites in their own orbit area and with two nearest
distributed satellites in two neighbors orbit area – one in each orbit area.
Сon the base of measurement of their mutual locations. As a result it is possible to
increase efficiency of use of kubsats by turning off part of equipment necessary to
measure parameters. Useful load of satellite – transmitters involves SDR – modules
for functioning and processing transport flow to transmit and receive importation. In
order to have connection inside “distribute satellites” wireless net is used.
  The drawback of the well known decision is that it is not identified architecture of
intersatellite channel connection and it does not allow to evaluate its technical
characteristics and its technical opportunities of low - orbit satellites radio –
connection system to provide proper services in integrated 5G and Iot connections.
Besides that, in order to realize FC – architecture in space segment of LEO system in
distributed satellites there must be a separate satellites calculation whole task is to
make necessary calculation to provide function to maintain IoT facilities within
distributed satellites zone. This decision does not provide flexibility and high
reliability of system in case of overload of the net and when a separate satellites
calculator dos not work. The task of a new decision is to improve law - orbit satellites
connection system:
  1. Realizing intersatellites radio channel connection made in THz diapason.
  2. Reducing latency while transmitting signals to uses.

3      Architecture of distributed satellites for 5G/IOT
The set up task can be solved because in low orbit satellites connection system there
is additional multi - level system of order clouds. It represents heterogeneous
distributed calculation cloud structure. The inventors consider this system to be there
sphere system based on 5G/ITM2020 from NGMN [8]. In this structure hardware and
software are separated and in order to give service properly applied programming
interface are used.
The idea of new approach to build up multi – level cloud system for low – orbit
satellites connection shows that zones of service of separate satellite transmitters are
united with pico clouds with little calculation possibilities to do border calculation.
  This pico clouds are united with micro clouds united with separate satellite –
transmitters and have huge calculation possibilities. Beside that each satellite
transmitters is united due to radio lines of teracycle per second range with micro
cloud with limit possibilities. The core of distributed satellite (key satellite) provides
interaction of micro clouds in the system of the whole. This system reduced latency
while transmitting signal to users and probability of overload of the net and increase
flexibility and accessibility the idea of this decision is explained in the scheme (Fig.
1), of realization of low – orbit satellite connection system 5G/IoT.

                                                             1                          12

                                                     6                          6
                                                                    6   6

                               10         2              3          4       5


    8                                         7          7              7           7

                           Fig. 1. Satellite communication scheme

On Fig. 1:
   1 - Key satellite;
   2,3,4,5 – satellites-transmitters;
   6 – feeder lines;
   7 – zone of the service of satellite connection system;
   8 – pico cloud structure;
   9 – micro cloud structure;
   10 – macro cloud structure;
   11 – main clod structure;
    12 – intersatellite transmission line.
The scheme of functioning “distributed satellite” in low orbit satellite connection
system 5G/IoT works out in the following way.
Information and intellectual core of “distributed satellite” is key satellite 1 (fig. 1).
Satellites – retransmitters of distributed satellite form ray/rays of users with
limit service zone. A totality of rays formed by satellites-transmitters makes service
zone LEO – systems (7). Requirements on integral service zone. Totality of rays
formed by satellites – transmitters make service zone of Leo system (geographic
service zone) identify requirement to some distributed satellites in the system of the
whole. Feeder lines 6 provide connection of key satellite with satellite – transmitters
and used to transmit transport digital blow according to the format to eventual users.
The Feeder line 6 between key satellite and satellite- retransmitters is an inner
connection line between satellites in distributed satellite. This line is a combined
radioline providing duplex transmission information, measurement of distance and
mutual angle location between key satellite 1 and satellites – transmittters 2,3,4,5.

                                 Fig. 2. 5G Infrastructure

Distributed satellite in Leo – system are linked between each other by intersatellite
lines 12 of teracycle per second connection forming highway the net LEO – system.
Each distributed satellite is linked with two neighbor orbit area on in each orbit area.
In distributed satellite function of maintenance of connection line between satellites
are fulfilled by key satellite 1 furnished with feeder line modules 6 and high
frequency receiver transmitter satellite – transmitters. Multi-level system for low orbit
satellite radio connection system 5G/IoT is development of cloud calculation system
from centralized system to heterogeneous distributed system. Particularity of this
system housing four level of cloud 8-11 is that clouds are linked due to high speed
wireless radio lines of teracycle per second diapason. It allows to use wireless optic
connection system (FiWi). They are one of the most important future net 5G. The
distance between equipment for user and the nearest cloud is one wireless transition.
It allows low latency to transmit information and reduces probability overload in the
net, increases an access to the net, improve safety because additional service is given
to users in the middle of the net.

                         Fig. 3. 5G Infrastructure with satellites

 Uploading data from users at the level of cloud includes three types of latencies:
latency of uplink and downlink lines, latency of broading and latency of processing
 For elevation time access to “foggy information” it is suggested access module in
“foggy calculation” with percussion access module in “foggy calculation” with
percussion of collision of data recourse, realizing the regime of server.
In the system of server regime there is central cnot (server) and some data resource.
Data resource start transmitting data after addressing. Central knot. It data recourse
does not have prepared data packet, special logic mechanism of data resource forms
identification number of data recourse. As slot is most time interval its size is
determined by transmission speed from data resource to central knot. It is determined
by equipment used in the system.
Latency of transmission through up and down lines (iv in) can be calculation on the
base of the following levels [9-13].

                             Τv = (1+ Vbo)(Db/ Vb),                                 (1)
                              Tn= (1+Vno)(Dn/Vn),                                   (2)
Vbo and Vno – transmission speed for up and down lines allowing to refuse service, Db
and Dn – general number of bits through up and down lines and Vb and Vn –
transmission speed of data for up – and – down lines.
Latency of broadening Tr is a function of distance and can be calculated in the
following way:
                                  Tr=Rob/Vr ,                                        (3)

Rob – distance between mobile user and cloud
Vr – speed of broading
Latency of processing information Tobr can be calculated in the following way
                                   Tobr = N/Vproc,                                   (4)

N – general number of necessary operations, Vproc - speed of cloud processor.
Mention above, general latency can be calculated as sum of three latencies. General
latency of uploading data in cloud Tzag can be calculated in the following way:

                               Tzag= Tv+Tn +Tr +Tobc ,                               (5)

Full of interaction cycle M of data recourse and central knot is T=MTzag.
It each data resource of average λ packets per second, in M data resource system
general intensity of data flow comes to λM packets per second and middle interval 1/
λM.. In order to avoid growing guence time service Tzag must be the following:

                                       Tzag ≤ 1/λM,                                  (6)

According to (6) with Vb=Vn necessity of data transmission speed for up and down
radio lines V=Vb=Vn, there is a guarantee of absence of queue for each data resource.
Mentioned above, general latency, on the whole depends on distance. Introducing
macro clouds there is less latency than latency while using recourse of core net.
 Introducing level of macro cloud on satellite – retransmitter and providing
interaction of macro cloud due to wireless high speed radio system of transmission
teracycle per second diapason allow to use a new way of uploading traffic with
interaction technology d2d and in improve quality service characteristic 5G/IoT.
 The result of the previous modeling shows that comparing traditional decision with
Evolved Packed Core founded on the vision 153Gpp new decision reduces cycle
latency by 50-60% [14-17].
 The result of achievement can be used realization conception of the internet –
resource in system of Earth research from space for scientific and economic tasks to
explore the surface of the Earth for providing force structure with information etc. In
home scientific research works in contrast to worldwide there is a complex of models
and methods for low – orbit satellite nets built up on the base of architecture of
“distributed satellite”.
 It allows to public a number of scientific technical tasks to create new low – orbit
satellite nets that are part of a complex of interaction electro – connection systems to
give new services to users and to M2M (Machine to Machine) [18-21].
                        Fig. 4. 5G Hybrid scheme with satellites

 Among scientific – practical task to public such as:
  Analysis of conception of the internet recourse and modern telecommunication
technologies and grounding of necessary to create new low – orbit satellite nets based
an architecture of “distributed satellite”
  Determination of theoretical and practical research in the sphere of low – orbit
satellite nets based on architecture of “distributed satellite”
  Work out of methods of using low – orbit satellite connection system with
architecture of “distributed satellite” for wireless sensor nets with a purpose of
broadening of their connection.
  To sum up it is suggested the following things:
  Multi – level foggy calculation systems to improve effective function of low –
orbit satellite connection systems to provide requirement of nets and system of fifth
generation 5G dealing with the development of cloud calculation systems for radio
connection nets from centralized system to heterogeneous distributed system [22-24].
   Methods of elevation of time access in foggy calculation on the base the model
 of access to “foggy calculations” taking into account collision of data recourse
 realizing the server regime [25].

 4       Conclusion
    A multi-level fogging system is proposed to improve the performance of low-orbit
 satellite communications systems while meeting the requirements of 5G generation
 networks and systems, which is the development of cloud computing systems for
 radio networks from a centralized system to a heterogeneous distributed system. The
 technique of estimation of access time in the proposed structure of "fog computing"
 on the basis of the model of access in "fog computing" with the resolution of
 collisions of data sources implementing the survey mode is presented.

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