=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2589/Paper10 |storemode=property |title=Job Migration For Load Balancing Algorithm in Grid Computing Using Queue Length Parameter |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-2589 |authors=Ali Wided,Bouakkaz Fatima |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/citsc/WidedF19 }} ==Job Migration For Load Balancing Algorithm in Grid Computing Using Queue Length Parameter== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper10.pdf
 Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

 Job Migration for Load Balancing Algorithm in Grid
     Computing Using Queue Length parameter
        Ali Wided                                                           Bouakkaz Fatima
        Department of Mathematics and Computer Science                      Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
        University of tebessa                                               University of tebessa
        Tebessa, Algeria                                                    Tebessa, Algeria
        wided.ali@univ-tebessa.dz                                           f.bouakkaz@univ-tebessa.dz
        aliwided1984@gmail.com                                              f_bouakkez@esi.dz

    Abstract— based on the previous works, we used the job               is enhancing the performance of application by minimizing
migration technique for hierarchical load balancing. In this             slowdown, and the waiting time in the global queue,
paper the authors propose a novel job migration algorithm for            maximizing the resources usage rate and load balancing
dynamic load balancing (JMADLB), in which parameters(such                among the resources.
as CPU queue length) have been considered which is used for the
selection of overloaded resources (or underloaded ones) in grid. .                              II. RELATED WORKS
In dynamic load balancing state, the system will change
                                                                             The authors[5] have suggested a Priority based Dynamic
dynamically until it reaches a balance. In a grid environment,
efficiency of resources varies with time. Thus, the allocation of        Load Balancing Algorithm (PBDLB). When a node is
jobs must be adjusted dynamically in according with the                  overloaded, it calls the MSN which then finds a suitable node
variation of the resources status. The proposed algorithm has            and then performs the load balancing, a function msn ( ) finds
been verified through Alea2 simulator and the simulation results         the available under-loaded nodes by looking into a queue
validate that the proposed algorithm allow us to reach our               where all the processors are scheduled in the decreasing order
objectives.                                                              of their computing power. here CPU queue length is
                                                                         considered. The Job Migration strategy is used through which
   Keywords— grid computing, load Balancing, job Migration,              the migration of jobs takes place from the heavily node to the
workload, information policy, location policy, selection policy,         lightly-loaded node. The advantage of this algorithm is that it
resources Allocation.component;                                          takes into account the resource processing capability, where
                                                                         the nodes with high computing power have high priority; also
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                   it decreases the communication overhead and proves to be cost
     A computational Grid is a hardware and software                     real. The drawback of this study is not considering the fault
infrastructure that gives dependable, consistent, pervasive, and         tolerance.
cheap access to high-end computational capabilities [1]. The                 In the study of [6] an Augmented Hierarchical Load
challenges in grid computing lie in load balancing. Load                 Balancing with Intelligence Algorithm is proposed (AHLBI).
balancing is an important issue for the problem of utilization.          When a job request comes, the scheduler initializes job and
It is those techniques which are designed to equally distribute          cluster parameters comes, the scheduler initializes job
the load on resources and maximize their utilization. These              parameters and calculates the Expected computing power,
techniques can be approximately categorized as centralized or            ECP for each job together with ALC, Average System Load
decentralized, dynamic or static, periodic or non-periodic [2].          and ACP of clusters before job allocation. The algorithm find
Main purpose of load balancing is to enhance the response                the deviation of ALC with the Average system load and find
time of the application by which workload would be saved                 out the probability value of deviation for every cluster. If the
according to resources. There are causes which are the major             probability of deviation is within the range of 0 and 1, the
raisons of load balancing, resubmission of jobs and job                  cluster is marked as under loaded. The ACP of under loaded
migration; heterogeneity of resources, dynamic nature of                 clusters is compared with the ECP of jobs. If the ACP value
resource’s performance and diversity of applications in case of          of a cluster is less than or equal to ECP of jobs, the cluster is
Grids[3]. This is even more vital in computational Grid where            considered as fittest and job is allocated to it. After job
the main concern is to equally allocate jobs to resources and to         allocation to clusters, some clusters may remain underutilized.
minimize the difference between the overloaded and the                   To avoid this, AHLBI compares the queue length of all the
underloaded resource load [4]. Efficient load balancing                  clusters. Jobs from clusters with large queue size are stolen
through the Grid is required for improving performance of the            and allocated to free clusters. Similarly, when the number of
system. The overloaded grid resources can be balanced by                 jobs waiting to be executed in a cluster’s queue increases, jobs
migrating jobs to the idle processors, i.e. a set of processors to       from queue tail is allocated to free clusters for execution. the
which a processor is directly connected [4]. Our contributions           advantages of this algorithm are reducing idle time of clusters
are:     First, we proposed a hierarchical load balancing                and makespan. The drawback of this strategy is that it does not
algorithm. Second, we verified the proposed algorithm
through Alea 2 simulator. The objective of proposed algorithm
take into account the resource processing capacity and the          gathering information algorithm
fault tolerance.                                                    Begin
    In this paper [7], the authors proposed the Distributed         T 5 seconds
Load Balancing Model for Grid Computing that represents a           Waiting for jobs;
Grid topology based on a forest structure. Jobs migration is        Create jobs queue for each node;
presented on two levels, namely (a) intra-cluster and (b) inter-    For every Node N and in each one second of T intervals do
cluster load balancing. The nodes of the cluster send their load         Calculate (Qlength);
information to cluster managers. Cluster manager is                 End For
responsible of saving the nodes load information and also           Load (Qlength)=(Q0+Q1+…..QT)/T;
distribution of the information with other cluster managers         According to its period cluster manager receives Load
through inter-cluster communication. The advantage of this          informations from all nodes and compute load of cluster C
algorithm is that it takes into consideration the heterogeneity     associated.
of the resources, it reduces the response time and the              Cluster manager Sends Load information of C to Grid
communication cost. The drawback of this strategy is that it        manager
does not take into account the resource processing capabilities     Loop
and the fault tolerance.
                                                                    wait for load change // happening of any of defined events
        III. PROPOSED LOAD BALANCING ALGORITHM                      if (events_happens ()=1 or events_happens ()=4) then
    The proposed Load Balancing implements three policies:
                                                                    Remove terminated or migrated job from the waiting queue
Information Policy, selection Policy and location Policy. For
                                                                    Subtract their load value from the total local load of node.
implementation of Information Policy we use activity based
approach. We use FIFO strategy For implementing the                 Send new load to its cluster manager associated ;
Selection Policy, for implementation of location policy We          End
use as Load Index Queue Length. On the basis of Load Index          if (events_happens ()=2 or events_happens ()=3) then
Load Balancer decides to activate Load Balancing process.           begin
                                                                    Add the newly created or incoming job for the waiting queue
   Notations used in our algorithms are summarized and              Add their load value for the total local load of node
shown in Table I:                                                   Send new load to its cluster manager associated;
   TABLE I.       NOTATIONS USED                                    End
          Parameter                         Description             If ((events_happens () =6) and (events_happens () =7)) then
              N                                 Node                begin
            LoadR                        Load of resource           ask the slowest resource to send a portion of its load to
           Qlength                    Queue length of resource      the idle resource .
             THH                        The higher threshold        End
             THL                        The lower threshold
           OLD-list                      Overloaded List
                                                                    End Loop
           ULD-list                      Underloaded List
           BLD-list                        Balanced List            Function events_happens ()
           Loadavg                        Average Load              output Type: integer
            NBRN                     Number of Nodes of cluster c
              C                                cluster              begin
                                                                    If (Job.state=Termination) then events_happens () =1;
                                                                    If (Job.state=Start) then events_happens () =2;
A. Intra-cluster load balancing algorithm                           If (Job.state=Incoming Migrating ) then events_happens ()=3;
    Depending on its current load, each cluster manager             If (Job.state = migrated) then events_happens ()=4;
decides to start a Job Migration operation. In this case, the       If (Arrival of any new resource) then events_happens ()=5;
cluster manager tries, in priority, to balance its Load among its   If(resouce.state= idle) then events_happens () =6;
nodes. To implement this local load balancing, we propose the       if(resource.state= slowest) then events_happens ()=7;
following algorithms:                                               if(cluster.state=saturated then events_happens ()=8;
Algorithm 1: Information policy                                     if (cluster.state=unbalanced) then events_happens ()=9;
    We considered the load of node at given time was
described simply by CPU queue length. it denotes the number         Algorithm 2: Location policy
of processes which are waiting to be executed.                          This algorithm classifies the nodes according to their load.
   We calculated this parameter as follow:                          it used three states for classifying: overloaded, underloaded
                                                                    and balanced. In the first time, we must calculate two
   Load (Qlength) = (Q1+Q2+……...+QT)/T                              threshold values for Qlength parameter.
Where:Q1,Q2,……...,QT is the value of Qlength in a
previous one second interval.                                          The calculation of these thresholds is done as follow:
   T is the number of time intervals.
   Calculate load average of Qlength parameter over all           End For
nodes                                                             Sort OLD_list by descending order relative to their Load N.
Loadavg(Qlength)=(load1+load2+….loadn)/nbr; Where                 Sort ULD_list by ascending order relative to Their Load N.
Loadavg(Qlength) is the average load of Qlength over all
nodes.                                                                          Algorithm 3: Job Migration Decision
load1,load2,….loadn are the current load of Qlength of each       After classifying the nodes, in the next step cluster manager
node calculated by Load estimation algorithm. nbr is the          decide to migrate jobs from overloaded to under-loaded nodes,
number of nodes.                                                  it applies the following algorithm:
Calculate the threshold values
                                                                  Job Migration Decision algorithm
   The higher and lower threshold values of Qlength               begin
parameter are calculated by multiplying the average load of       While (OLD-list ≠ .AND. ULD-list ≠ ) do
Qlength and a constant value.                                         For i = 1 To ULD-list.Size() do
   THH=H*Loadavg                                                             Select job from queue of first node
                                                                             belonging to OLD-List by FCFS algorithm
   THL=L* Loadavg                                                            Migrate the selected job from first
    Where THH is the high threshold and THL is the low                       Sender node of OLD-List to ith receiver
threshold                                                                    node of ULD-list;
                                                                             Update the current LoadN of receiver
   H and L are constants.
                                                                             and sender nodes;
   The next step is to partition the nodes for balanced,                     Update OLD-list, ULD-list and BLD-list;
overloaded and underloaded nodes by using the threshold                      Sort OLD-list by descending order of their
values as follow:                                                            LoadN;
      Overloaded : the node will be added for overloaded             End For
       list if Qlength is high, that is mean if the number of     End
       jobs in the queue of node is high then the node is
       classified as overloaded node.
                                                                  B. Inter-cluster load balancing algorithm
      Underloaded: the resource will be added for                    This algorithm applies a global load balancing among all
       underloaded list if Qlength is low.                        clusters of the Grid. The Inter-cluster load balancing at this
                                                                  level is made if a cluster manager fails to balance its Load
      balanced :the node are not into overloaded list and
                                                                  among its associated nodes. In this case the grid manager
       underloaded list are the node in the balanced load state
                                                                  migrates Jobs from overloaded clusters to under loaded
       they are considered as more loaded than the low state
                                                                  clusters. We propose the following algorithms:
       and less loaded than the high state.
                                                                  Inter-cluster load balancing algorithm
Location policy algorithm
Begin                                                             begin
If(events_happens ()=8) then Inter-cluster load balancing         According to period T do
algorithm                                                         Grid manager receives Load informations of clusters from its
somme 0;                                                          Cluster Managers .
For every Node N of cluster C do                                  Grid manager collect related informations of its clusters in the
     Somme Somme+ LoadN(Qlength) ;                                clusters information table;
End For                                                           Grid manager partitions grid into overloaded (OLD), under-
Loadavg(Qlength)= somme1/NBR-N;                                   loaded (ULD) and balanced (BLD) clusters;
THH(Qlength)= Loadavg(Qlength)*H;                                 Create OLD_clusters_table;
THL(Qlength)= Loadavg(Qlength)*L;                                 Create ULD_clusters_table;
Partionning Nodes into overloaded list OLD-list , underloaded     Sort clusters Cj of OLD_clusters_table by Descending order
list ULD-list and balanced list BLD-list                          of their Load;
OLD-list      ; ULD-list← ; BLD-list← ;                           For Every cluster Cj of OLD_clusters_table Do
For every Node N of cluster C do                                   begin
 If (LoadN(Qlength) )>THH(Qlength) then                                    Sort clusters Cr of ULD_clusters_table by Ascending
        OLD-list ←OLD-list N;                                              order of their Load
 Else If (LoadR(Qlength) )< THL(Qlength))                                  Sort nodes of Cj by descending order of their Load
   then     ULD-list ULD-list N                                   While (OLD_clusters_table ≠ Φ AND ULD_clusters_table ≠
      Else BLD-list BLD-list N;                                   Φ) Do Begin
End If                                                                      Sort the clusters Cr of ULD_clusters_table by
         ascending order of inter clusters (Ci-Cr) WAN                3.   Average resource usage rate
         bandwidth sizes.                                         C. Performance Evaluation
         Sort the nodes of Ci by descending order of their
                                                                      The proposed algorithm provides better Job Migration
                                                                  mechanism with DLBA. The important performance factors in
         Sort Jobs of first node of Ci by FCFS algorithm and      estimating our proposed algorithm are decreasing response
         communication cost                                       time, reducing slowdown and maximizing resource utilization.
         Migrate the selected job from the first node of Ci to    We performed some experiments for evaluating efficiency and
         jth cluster of ULD_clusters_table                        performance of the proposed algorithm.
         Update the current Load of receiver cluster
         Update ULD_clusters_table, and OLD_clusters_table           Experimentations 1:
End                                                                   In the first experimentation, we have focused on the
Endfor                                                            average response time (in sec), according to various numbers
End                                                               of jobs and clusters. We have supposed different numbers of
                                                                  clusters and we considered that each cluster is composed of
                 IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS                         various numbers of resources. The results showed that
   We implemented the proposed load balancing algorithm in        proposed algorithm surpassed other algorithms by decreasing
Java using JDK 1.8. The implementation is done on                 the average response time. In FCFS (first come, first served)
a Alea 2 grid simulator[8].                                       algorithm, if the resource demanded by the first job in the
                                                                  queue is not available, the remaining jobs cannot schedule
A. Simulated parameters                                           even if the demanded resources are available. In the proposed
   In order to evaluate the feasibility and the performance of    algorithm, it works as FCFS in the job selection but when the
our algorithms we have tested them in Alea 2 Grid simulator.      first job in the queue cannot be scheduled directly the
We utilized the following parameters:                             proposed algorithm estimate the earliest probable starting time
                                                                  for the first job using the processing time calculated of
    1.   Resource parameters: these parameters give               running jobs. Then, it makes a reservation to run the job at this
         information about available resources during load        pre-estimated time. Next, it examines the queue of waiting
         balancing period such as:                                jobs and directly schedules every job not intervening with the
            a.    number of Clusters                              reservation of the first job.
            b.    number of resources in each Cluster                 From figure 1 and 2, we can perceive that the proposed
                                                                  algorithm works much better than FCFS and EDF(Earliest
            c.    size of memory (RAM)                            deadline first ) since jobs are equally distribute over available
            d.    date to send load information from resources    clusters. The average response time and average slowdown are
                                                                  slightly better for the proposed algorithm. we have tried
            e.    tolerance factor.                               solving the problem of staturation by preventing the
    2.   job parameters: these parameters include:                overloaded resources and we don’t permit receiving more
                                                                  jobs. Evidently, simple solution is not enough for more
            a.    number of jobs queued at every resources;       complex problems. We will try to fully comprehend this
                                                                  phenomenon in the future since it is outside the focus of this
            b.    arrival time, waiting time, submission time
                  ,start time , processing time and finish time
            c.    job length
            d.    job priority
    3.   Network parameter:           LAN and various WAN
         bandwidth sizes.
    4.   Load index: we have used CPU queue Length Where
         CPU queue Length denotes number of waiting jobs
         in queue of resource.
B. Performance parameters
   We have focused on the following parameters:
    1.   Average response time: the response time is the time
         a job spends in the system which means the time
         from its arrival to its termination.
    2.   Slowdown: denotes as the ratio of response time to
         processing time . Slowdown= Max (response
         time/processing time) of all jobs.
Fig 1. Comparison of avg response time(in sec), between FCFS, EDF and
JMADLB with 20 clusters

Fig 2.Comparison of avg slowdown(in sec) between FCFS, EDF and
JMADLB with 20 clusters                                                 Fig 3. Comparison of Cluster Utilization (%) between FCFS, EDF and
                                                                        JMADLB with 14 clusters
   Experimentations 2:
    In the second experimentation, we have focused on the
resource utilization (%). We have supposed number of clusters
is 14, and we considered that each cluster is composed of                  Experimentations 3:
various numbers of resources. Number of jobs is 3000. Figure                In the third experimentation, we have focused on waiting
3 shows the cluster utilization of different algorithms.                job in queue and we have compared it with running job. We
    Examination of the cluster utilization showed that FCFS             have supposed the number of clusters is 20 and we considered
and EDF did not perform well. It shows that the cluster-11              that each cluster is composed of various numbers of resources.
which is having the highest processing resources is over                Number of jobs is 3000.
utilized, while clusters 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9 are idle in FCFS and
EDF scheduling algorithms. The reason behind improvement
is even utilization of all clusters which is achieved because
JMADLB balances the load between clusters at the time of
scheduling. It shows that the JMADLB is better performed
compared to traditional scheduling algorithms, also because
load balancing is used to make sure that none of existing
clusters are idle while others are being utilized. The load
balancing effects are caused by under-loaded clusters. In the
proposed algorithm there is an increase of utilization of cluster
2 from 0% (before JMADLB algorithm) to 8% (after) and
cluster 4 from 0% to 2.5% and cluster 8 from 0% to 4% and
cluster 9 from 0% to 30%. In this case, the different
utilizations of the participating clusters are balanced. On the
other hand, jobs with specific requirements have to wait until
the suitable resources become available. This in fact generates
higher system utilization on particular clusters. We have tried         Fig 4 . Comparison of running jobs and waiting jobs of JMADLB algorithm
                                                                                                      with 20 clusters
solving that by migrate the jobs for idle resources for load
balancing and preventing the overloaded clusters. Moreover
the JMADLB algorithm permits the scattering of the job on
the most available resources when there was no appropriate
resource, unlike the other scheduling algorithms that try to
select the best resource resembling to the job requirements;
otherwise, the job will stay in the global queue, which
indicates an under-utilization of the resources.
                                                                                          V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
                                                                                In this paper we have presented a load balancing algorithm
                                                                            in grid computing environment. To validate the proposed
                                                                            algorithm, we have used a Grid simulator in order to measure
                                                                            its performance. The first experimentation results are very
                                                                            promising and lead to a better load balancing between nodes
                                                                            of a Grid without high computing overhead. We have obtained
                                                                            good results especially for resource utilization. In the future,
                                                                            the authors want to develop the proposed algorithm by adding
                                                                            the multi-agent systems and we will run our algorithm in
                                                                            decentralized manner. Nevertheless, our algorithm has some
                                                                            limitation that the authors intend to address in the future. In
                                                                            this work, the authors did not study the effect of increasing the
                                                                            number of Job Migration and the performance degradation due
                                                                            to the migration in addition to the drawback of the centralized
Fig 5 . Comparison of running jobs and waiting jobs of EDF algorithm with
                                20 clusters
                                                                            system. So for the future work, the authors will be interested
                                                                            by these directions.

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