=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2589/Paper2 |storemode=property |title=An OFDMA MAC Protocol Aggregating Variable Length Data in the Next IEEE 802.11ax Standard |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2589 |authors=Mohand Moktfi,Mohand Yazid,Louiza Bouallouche-Medjkoune,Wissam Benlala |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/citsc/MoktfiYBB19 }} ==An OFDMA MAC Protocol Aggregating Variable Length Data in the Next IEEE 802.11ax Standard== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper2.pdf
Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

    An OFDMA MAC Protocol Aggregating Variable
    Length Data in the Next IEEE 802.11ax Standard

               LaMOS Research Unit, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
   Emails: moktefi.mohand@gmail.com, yazid.mohand@gmail.com, louiza medjkoune@yahoo.fr, wissambenlala@gmail.com

    Abstract—A new standard of the IEEE 802.11 standard is                 higher modulation rate 1024-QAM (1024-Quadrature Ampli-
behind the scenes whose ratification is planned for the end                tude Modulation),Down-Link/Up-Link Multi-User Multiple-
of the current year (2019). It is the 802.11ax or HEW (High                Input Multiple-Output (DL/UL MU MIMO) and spatial reuse.
Efficiency Wireless local area network) standard dedicated to the
future wireless networks. This standard promised better efficiency             The implementation of these techniques poses many new
and throughput in more difficult use cases (dense environments)            challenges to the scientists who are working to achieve.
by exploiting pre-existing physical and MAC (Medium Access                 Because the old Wi-Fi standards do not support these new
Control) capabilities and introducing new concepts, such as:               features. In this work, we are interested to efficiently manage
OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access), 1024-
                                                                           the OFDMA MAC communications in the next generation of
QAM (1024-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) modulation or-
der, FD (Full-Duplex) communications and spatial reuse. The                IEEE 802.11ax WLANs. In fact, various methods of access
new OFDMA modulation technology divides the transmission                   to the medium based on OFDMA have been proposed by
channel into sub-carrier groups (known as: RUs for Ressources              the scientific community, each aimed at optimizing the use
Units) to which up to 9 users can simultaneously access a 20               of subcarriers and improving the transmission rate in a dense
MHz channel. In order to improve the user data rate in dense               environment.
areas, an OFDMA-based MAC access method is proposed in
this paper by enabling the principle of aggregating frames of                  The remainder of this paper is outlined as follows. Section
variable lengths while ensuring synchronization. Our proposal is           II introduces the OFDMA and OFDM technologies. Section
followed by simulation results to demonstrate the improvement              III introduces the main research works about multi-user MAC
in throughput that it offers.                                              protocols based on OFDMA technology. In Section IV, we
   Keywords—IEEE 802.11ax HEW, OFDMA, Medium Access,                       describe our OFDMA MAC protocol. Simulation results are
Variable Length Data, Aggregation, Simulation and validation.              given in Section VI, followed by Section VII which concludes
                                                                           this paper.
                        I.   I NTRODUCTION
    Wireless technology has become widespread on virtually                                              II.      BACKGROUND
all user devices, as well as any inhabited deployment (homes,
parks, airports, stadiums, etc.) since its arrival on the industrial           The main change in the 802.11ax standard is the intro-
market. However, users who are increasingly demanding, the                 duction of OFDMA technology in both downlink and uplink
number of connections and bandwidth intensive applications                 transmissions. OFDMA makes it possible to multiplex more
are growing. This increase will threaten the technology in its             users in the same bandwidth. This is possible by allocating a
future growth to no longer serve these customers effectively.              contiguous subset of the sub-carriers (minimum 26, maximum
In addition to increased reliability, future networks will need            996) of the available spectrum for each user. This means
to offer greater wireless capacity. This is where the sixth                that the existing 802.11ax channels (20, 40, 80 and 160
generation of Wi-Fi (Wireless-Fidelity) comes in. It’s the IEEE            MHz wide) are divided into narrower subchannels with a pre-
802.11ax standard.                                                         defined number of subcarriers. The allocated amount is referred
                                                                           to as the Resource Unit (RU) and it is allocated to users
    The new 802.11ax standard, also known as HEW (High                     based on channel conditions and service requirements. The
Efficiency Wireless local area network), has the ambitious                 Figure 1 illustrates the allocation of RUs by the AP (Access
goal of quadrupling average throughput per user in dense                   Point). By using OFDM the entire channel is allocated to a
areas; it is an evolutionary improvement of the 802.11ac                   single user, however using OFDMA several users can transmit
standard. The standard has submitted three preliminary drafts              simultaneously. The basic principle of OFDM and OFDMA is
802.11ax since its launch in May 2014, namely D1.0, D2.0                   illustrated by Figure 2.
and D3.0 and provides for finalization by the end of the
current year (2019) [1]. While the new 802.11ax standard                         26        26     26        26     26     26        26   26        26
is designed to maximize network efficiency, it also provides
a better experience for traditional wireless LANs and more                            52               52          26          52             52
predictable performance for advanced applications, such as: 4K                                  106                26           106
video, Ultra HD, wireless office, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.                                                    242 tones
IEEE 802.11ax will achieve its goals taking into account the
following key features: Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multi-               Fig. 1.   Configuration of RUs on a 20 MHz band [2].
ple Access (OFDMA), adoption of Full-Duplex transmissions,
                                                                  current OFDMA) for the new generation WLAN. The C-
                                                                  OFDMA method provides improvements to the H-OFDMA
                                                                  method of the authors [4], [5] in terms of throughput. In fact,
                                                                  the H-OFDMA method for a transmission of k data results
                                                                  in a total of k acknowledgments transmitted sequentially to
                                                                  the k stations, plus an overload in transmission planning. For
                                                                  that, the authors to [6] have opted for a method allowing
                                                                  simultaneous transmissions in order to reduce this overload
                                                                  in data and in acknowledgments. The C-OFDMA method
                                                                  takes place in three phases: the Sub-channel Request (SR)
                                                                  phase, the Sub-channel Assignment (SA) phase and the Data-
                                                                  Transmission (DT) phase.
                                                                      T. Uwai et al. [7] highlighted on an adaptive Backoff
Fig. 2.   Configuration of RUs on a 20 MHz band                   mechanism for OFDMA random access with a finite service
                                                                  period in IEEE 802.11ax. Based on OFDMA random access
                                                                  research in the IEEE 802.11ax standard, backoff parameters
    In downlink transmissions, an AP can increase the power       should adjust to network conditions. In 802.11ax, the service
of some RUs while allowing weak users to maximize downlink        period (SP) defines the operating time of the OFDMA random
bit rates in the Basic Service Set (BSS), by diverting power      access and the access point is supposed to initiate random
from powerful user. On the other hand, the uplink OFDMA           access. When SP ends, the stations should wait for the next
gains are mainly due to the aggregation of multiple users. Each   SP to transmit their packages. In dense environments, this leads
user transmitting on his assigned RU, which contributes to a      to a discontinuity, including a probability of packet loss due
higher signal (SNR, signal-to-noise ratio) at the level of the    to high latency, and a degradation in performance. For this,
AP. In general, STAs (stations) have lower output power output    the authors of [7] introduced an adaptive Backoff algorithm
than APs, and this power asymmetry reduces uplink throughput      for OFDMA random access using an analytical performance
and may also limit the BSS range. Uplink OFDMA can be used        model. They show that maximum throughput can be achieved
to compensate for such power asymmetry [3].                       even in dense environments by adjusting the parameters of
                                                                  the Backoff. The experiment is carried out on a UL-MU
                                                                  transmission protocol based on the OFDMA random access
                       III.   R ELATED W ORK                      and divided into three phases: the transmission request phase
    Recently, several OFDMA MAC protocols for the next            (TR), the UL-MU frame transmission phase (UL-MU frame
generation Wi-Fi have been proposed. A summary of some            Transmission).
research on the IEEE 802.11ax future standard, based on
                                                                      J. Lee et al. [8] suggested a new hybrid MAC protocol (H-
OFDMA technology, is presented in this section. The research
                                                                  MAC) designed to increase channel utilization in OFDMA.
studies focused above using different concepts and principles
                                                                  It is a protocol that relies mainly on a centralized approach
to design OFDMA-based MAC access methods by adopting
                                                                  that also allows random access in a game. Access to the
the different centralized and/or randomized scheduled access
                                                                  medium is controlled by three types of messages defined by
controls for multi-user downlink/uplink transmissions.
                                                                  these authors [8] and which are: (1) Request-to-Multiple-DL
    P. Nasiopoulos et al. [4], [5] have proposed a hybrid         (RMD), this message is sent on the channel to identify each
MAC protocol based on OFDMA and CSMA/CA (H-OFDMA,                 candidate station for DL transmission,(2) Clear-to-Receive-
Hybrid OFDMA) to increase the throughput of the next              with-UL-Request (CRU), when receiving the RMD message,
WLAN generation. H-OFDMA uses two frame transmission              the stations designated in the DL transmissions can respond by
phases: the Transmission Opportunity Request(TR) phase and        sending a CRU message in their corresponding sub-channels,
the Scheduled Transmission (ST) phase. The RTS packet is          they may also carry information on UL requests for transmis-
sent randomly by applying a CSMA/CA scheme in the TR              sions, (3) Request-to-Multiple-UL (RMU), the RMU control
phase. The adoption of OFDMA in the H-MAC method can              message is only a trigger for UL transmissions sent by the
cause a conflict between the users who are candidates for         access point to the stations having requests for transmissions in
a transmission when the number of sub-channels is smaller         UL. As a result, the H-MAC protocol allows a random access
than the number of users. Thus, several stations compete for      portion for stations not designated by the RMD message in
each subchannel which produces a probability of collision.        the network and the RMD message is sent over the entire
As a result, H-OFDMA prompts the use of CSMA/CA in                transmission channel, stations not designated by the latter can
the TR phase to send the RTS packet to solve the collision        access randomly to one of the subchannels of the transmission
problem. The access point then sequentially schedules the data    channel by decoding the available free sub-channel addresses
transmissions of the stations having sent their RTS packets       defined in RMD and transmit their UL requests by sending the
correctly and responds to them by sending the CTS packet          CRU message.
in the broadcast. The stations transmit their data sequentially
according to the planning of the AP and each station occupies         The operation of the H-MAC protocol is summarized as
all the sub-channels during the transmission of its data.         follows (with interframe expectations between transmissions):
                                                                  the access point sends the RMD message containing the
   G. Haile et al. [6] proposed a competing MAC protocol          requests for DL transmissions to the designated stations over
based on OFDMA and CSMA/CA named C-OFDMA (Con-                    the entire transmission channel, the stations designated by
                                                                                                                                         Largest frame
RMD and the stations having requests UL (random access)                                              SIFS             SIFS                                        SIFS       SIFS             SIFS            SIFS

send the CRU message to the access point in a first phase                      channel                    CRU STA A
                                                                                                                                                                                                  STA C - >
                                                                                                                                                                                                  UL DTA
named Control Period, the access point transmits its data                                                 CRU STA B
                                                                                                                                          DL MPDU
                                                                                                                                           -> STA A                                              STA D ->
packets to the stations designated by RMD and who responded                                               CRU STA C
                                                                                                                                                                                    RMU          UL DATA

by CRU and the stations acknowledge the good reception of                                    RMD                                                                                    STA C
                                                                                20 Mhz                    CRU STA D                                                                              STA E ->
DL data by sending ACKs each, during a phase qualified in                                    STA A                                                                                  STA D        UL DATA
                                                                                                                             DL A-MPDU                                                                               BLOCK
H-MAC by Downlink Data Transmission Period. The access                                       STA B                           -> STA D
                                                                                                                                                                                    STA E                             ACK

point then loads the UL requests through CRU, stacks them                                    STA C        CRU STA E                                                                 STA F        STA F ->
                                                                                                                                                                                                 UL DATA
in the RMU message and transmits them to the designated                                                   CRU STA F          DL M-PDU ->STA C
                                                                                                                                                                                    STA G

stations, all over the channel during the trigger phase (Trigger                                                                                                       BA                        STA G ->
Period) so that finally the stations having UL requests trigger                                           CRU STA G
                                                                                                                                                                                                 UL DATA

the transmission of their UL data and the AP responds with a
BA over the entire channel to acknowledge the UL data in the                                                                  Random Access STAs’ CRU                                                                   Time

last phase Uplink Data Transmission Period.                                                     Control Period                DL aggregated-Data Transmission Period
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Uplink Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Transmission Period

                                                                                                                                                                                              Padding bits
    The following table summarizes the main features of the
studied protocols:
                                                                               Fig. 3.          Operation steps of the A-VLD-MAC protocol.
 Articles      CTS/RTS    DL    UL   MU-OFDMA      Centralised   Distributed
                                                                                                   to the different stations are all of the same length
    [9]          X              X        X             X
 [4], [5]        X              X                      X             X                             induces us to H-MAC. Thus no aggregation can be
    [6]          X              X        X             X             X                             done.
    [7]                         X        X             X             X
   [10]                         X        X             X             X                   •         Case 2: ∃i 6= M AX, M AX − LON G1i > 0 for
    [8]           X       X     X        X             X             X                             all stations there is at least one packet of length less
                                                                                                   than M AX. The occurrence of this case allows us to
                                                                                                   introduce the aggregation mechanism. To do this, the
                                                                                                   AP is looking at this point in the rest of the data of
                   OFDMA COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                   each queue, the longest packet can be inserted into
    It is found that the adoption of H-MAC under variable                                          X, where X is the difference between M AX and
length data is inefficient at all, given the time lost to transmit                                 LON G1i (see the equation eqref eq1), within the
stuffing bits instead of raw data. However, an improvement                                         limit of not exceeding the transmission time of the
in the efficiency of the H-MAC method is demonstrated                                              longest frame M AX (see the equation (2)), where
by adopting our proposal called Aggregated-Variable Length                                         tsM AX is the transmission time of the data M AX,
DATA-MAC (A-VLD-MAC). The illustration of the A-VLD-                                               tsLON G1i is the transmission time of the first packet
MAC method is detailed in the next subsection.                                                     LON G1i and tsLON G2i is the transmission time of
                                                                                                   the second packet LON G2i that could be inserted into
A. A-VLD-MAC                                                                                       X for the station i.

   The proposed A-VLD-MAC multiple access method makes                                                                             M AX − LON G1i = X.                                                                 (1)
changes in the DL data transmission phase, with the aim of
                                                                                                                        tsM AX ≥ tsLON G1i + tsLON G2i .                                                               (2)
improving the transmission rate by exploiting the OFDMA
RUs effectively. The improvement in fact consists of intro-                              •         The AP encapsulates the MPDU packets, aggregated
ducing the aggregation mechanism of the data frames to the                                         A-MPDU packets if they exist, and forwards the
H-MAC method, by considering the variable length of data.                                          packets to the specified stations.
The following diagram shows the different frames sent in A-
VLD-MAC.                                                                                 •         The stations having received the frames sent by the
                                                                                                   AP, answer by ACK or BA for the MPDU and A-
    The sending of MPDU and A-MPDU frames is done by                                               MPDU respectively.
management in the access point. This management is detailed
as follows:                                                                        The remainder of the H-MAC method is unchanged for the
                                                                               remaining period (control period, trigger period, and UL data
   •         After receiving the CRU frames, the access point loads            transmission period). The different conditions for the sequence
             the first data to be sent in each queue for each station          of the phases are exposed in the flowchart given in the Figure
             and searches for the data having the maximum length.              4.
   •         The AP verifies if the data to be transmitted for the
             different stations are not all of the same length, one                                  V.       S IMULATION R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS
             of the following two cases will be applied:
                                                                                   We have used the C programming language under Linux
   •         Case 1: ∀i 6= M AX, M AX − LON G1i = 0 where                      operating system for implementing and assessing the perfor-
             M AX is the maximum length and LON G1i is the                     mance of the proposed A-VLD-MAC method designed for
             length of the packet to send to the station i. Falling in         optimizing the OFDMA MAC communications under variable
             the case where the different packets to be transmitted            length data. The choice of programming language is made in
                                                                                            packets in both methods, a simulation is implemented. The
                   Wit HIFS and start
                     A-VLD-MAC                                                              results of this simulation are given in Figure 5. According

                                                                                                                                       H- MAC   A-VLD-MAC
                      Has data             Tx RMD
                      to send?              for UL                                                      500


                      Tx RMD                                                                            400
                        with               Rx CRU?
                     DL STA info.                                                                       350


                        Rx                  Tx MRU               Rx UL
                       CRU?                 with UL              data &                                 250
                                            STA info.           Tx ACK

                        DL                                                                              150
                       CRU?                                                                             100


                   LONGi = MAX ?                                                                             0
                                                                                                                   1       2      3      4         5         6   7   8   9

                                                 Tx DL DATA &         CRU with
                      LONG2i < X
                                                    Rx ACK            UL Info?
                                                                                            Fig. 5.              Average throughput.

            TsMAX ≥ tsLONG1i+ tsLONG2i ?
                                                                                            to the results of the simulation, the A-VLD-MAC method
                                                                                            considerably improves the average throughput compared to the
                                                                                            H-MAC method. The average bit rate can reach 453 Mbps in
               Tx MPDU +A-MPDU &                                                            A-VLD-MAC compared to 319 Mbps in H-MAC, a difference
                  Rx ACK + BA Resp
                                                                                            of 134 Mbps. These results show the effectiveness of the A-
                                                                                            VLD-MAC method in dense networks.
Fig. 4.   Flowchart of the transitions of A-VLD-MAC.
                                                                                            B. Average throughput per user
                                                                                                Responding to user requirements while providing better
relation to the simplicity, flexibility and speed of the language.                          service in high density areas is one of the goals of the new
We have used a simulation environment with a 20 MHz trans-                                  IEEE 802.11ax standard, and providing better throughput is
mission channel, supporting 9 simultaneous users in OFDMA                                   one of the important services. The Figure 6 represents the
(RU = 26 subcarriers). The PHY and MAC parameters that                                      results of the simulation of the average flows per user in each
we have put forward to evaluate the performance are defined                                 of the two H-MAC and A-VLD-MAC methods.
in the Table II.
      TABLE II.         IEEE 802.11 AX PHY AND MAC PARAMETERS .                                                                        H-MAC     A-VLD-MAC
 Parameters                                  Signification                         Value
 Channel bandwidth                         bandwidth width                       20 MHz                 60
 HIFS                                 inter-frame time H-MAC                        25 s
 SIFS                                      inter-frame time                         16 s                50
 PHY header                        PHY header transmission time                     36 s
 MAC header                          length of the MAC header                    320 Bits               40

 Data rate                              Data rate transmission                   65 Mbps
 Basic rate                           Data rate of the overhead                   6 Mbps                30
 Del Pad                  Delimiter size and padding of A-MPDU packets            56 Bits
 ACK                                           ACK size                          112 Bits               20
 BA                                      size of ACK block                       320 Bits

    The performance metrics that we have computed to eval-                                               0
                                                                                                                   1      2      3       4         5         6   7   8   9
uate the performance of our A-VLD-MAC proposal are: the                                                                                         Stations
average throughput, the average throughput per user, and the
bit loss rate of the DL transmissions. Given the proposed
                                                                                            Fig. 6.              Average throughput per user.
method A-VLD-MAC is an improvement of the H-MAC
method with variable packet lengths, the simulation results
obtained for the A-VLD-MAC method are compared to those                                         We can see clearly in the figure 6 above, that the average
of the H-MAC.                                                                               throughput per user in the A-VLD-MAC method is consider-
                                                                                            ably improved compared to the results of the H-MAC method.
A. Average throughput                                                                       Apart from the average throughput per user offered for a single
                                                                                            station that is equal in both methods (specific case A-VLD-
    The average rate determines the speed of data transmission.                             MAC), the average throughput per maximum user achieved and
In order to evaluate the rate of DL transmissions in the network                            which is almost stable by increasing the number of stations in
by varying the number of stations and the lengths of the                                    A-VLD-MAC is 56 Mbps against 50 Mbps for H-MAC and
can be downgraded to 33 Mbps by increasing the number of                                                            R EFERENCES
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    We can see in Figure 7 that the loss rate varies according
to the length of the packets and the number of stations in the
H-MAC method, it can reach a rate of '44% bit loss stuffing.
On the other hand, the maximum loss rate in stuffing bits in A-
VLD-MAC does not exceed ' 13 %, so a gain of '31%(44%-
13%=31% ) in data is offered using A-VLD-MAC. We also
note, the stability of the loss rates in A-VLD-MAC, despite the
variation in number of stations and lengths of the data, which
guarantees the efficiency of A-VLD-MAC in the reduction of
loss rates in stuffing bits.

                                        VI.      C ONCLUSION
    The efficient use of transmission channel in the IEEE
802.11ax standard allows for increased throughput. The pur-
pose of the proposed A-VLD-MAC method is to optimize
the use of OFDMA transmissions by improving the H-MAC
method while introducing the data frame aggregation mech-
anism defined in the IEEE 802.11e standard. In this paper,
we have detailed the operation steps of the proposed method
A-VLD-MAC which is an improvement of the H-MAC [8]
method, while underlining the differences between the two
methods. A simulation part is also implemented in this work
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
Obviously, the results given by the simulation of the two
methods assert that the proposed method A-VLD-MAC is more
efficient than H-MAC by increasing the transmission rate and
reducing the rate of loss in stuffing bits.