=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2589/Paper7 |storemode=property |title=A hybrid Chemical Reaction Optimisation Algorithm For Solving The DNA Fragment Assembly Problem |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-2589 |authors=Naima Saidi,Abdesslem Layeb |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/citsc/SaidiL19 }} ==A hybrid Chemical Reaction Optimisation Algorithm For Solving The DNA Fragment Assembly Problem== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper7.pdf
 Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  A hybrid chemical reaction optimisation algorithm
  for solving the DNA fragment assembly problem
                                  1st Naima Saidi                                        2nd Abdesslem Layeb
                                MISC Laboratory                                            MISC Laboratory
                             Constantine 2 University                                   Constantine 2 University
                              Constantine, Algeria                                        Constantine, Algeria
                         naima.saidi@univ-constantine2.dz                                layeb.univ@gmail.com

   Abstract—The DNA Fragment Assembly Problem (FAP) is a                errors and the difficulties caused by the repetitive structure of
combinational optimisation problem in bioinformatics which is           genomes. Therefore, metaheuristic approaches are employed to
the process of reconstructing the original DNA sequence from            find good solutions efficiently. Chemical reaction optimization
a set of fragments produced by a sequencing machine. It is
an NP-Hard problem. Therefore, finding an exact solution in a           (CRO) is a powerful population-based optimization algorithm
polynomial-time is impossible. Metaheuristics-based algorithms          proposed by [3]. It mimics what happens to molecules in
can be used to provide a good solution in reasonable time. In           a chemical reaction system microscopically. The CRO is a
this paper, we have applied a Chemical Reaction Optimisation            discrete metaheuristic which made it suitable for the DNA
(CRO) algorithm combined with Simulated Annealing (SA) to               fragment assembly problem. It has been successfully applied
the DNA fragment assembly problem. The experimental results
showed that CRO+SA is very competitive with the state-of-the-art        for several combinatorial and real world optimization problems
algorithms for this problem.                                            such as : task scheduling in grid computing [4], the 01
   Index Terms—Bioinformatics, DNA Fragment Assembly Prob-              knapsack problem [5], max flow problem [6], the vehicle
lem, Chemical Reaction Optimisation, Simulated Annealing                routing problem [7], the energy conserving of sensor nodes
                                                                        in the design of wireless sensor networks [8], clustering
                       I. I NTRODUCTION                                 algorithms for wireless sensor networks [9], and multiple
   The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a double stranded helix           sequence alignment [10].
that contains genetic information needed for the development               In this paper, a chemical reaction optimization algorithm
and functioning of almost all cells in a living organism.               combined with a simulated annealing-based local search
Each strand is constructed from four types of nucleotides:              has been proposed to solve the DNA FAP. The simulated
Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine. To determine the               annealing-based local search have been used to enhance the
sequence of these nucleotides, the process of DNA sequencing            final solution obtained by the CRO algorithm. We have
is applied. Since current DNA sequencing technologies are               validated our algorithm by using three set of benchmarks:
not able to read the whole DNA sequence, only much shorter              Genfrag, Dnagen, and the f-seires. The experimental results
fragments called ”reads”, the DNA fragment assembly is                  show that the algorithm can get better overlap score than other
needed to reconstruct the original DNA sequence from these              metaheuristics-based approach.
reads.                                                                     The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In sec-
   The process of DNA sequencing starts with duplicating                tion II, we give some basic concepts about the DNA fragment
the original DNA sequence, then each copy is cut into short             assembly problem. Section III presents the CRO algorithm.
fragments at random points. After that, this biological material        The manner of applying the CRO+SA on the DNA fragment
is converted to sequences of Ts, Gs, Cs, and As using a                 assembly problem is detailed in section IV. Section V presents
sequencing machine; this process is referred to as the shot-            and discusses the experimental results obtained from applying
gun sequencing. After the reads are obtained, an assembly               the proposed approach on three set of benchmarks. Finally,
approach is followed to merge these reads into a longer DNA             Section VI concludes the paper.
   The main approaches to the DNA fragment assembly                            II. T HE DNA FRAGMENTS ASSEMBLY PROBLEM
problem are: the Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) which is
especially used for assembling long reads obtained by the                  The DNA fragments assembly is one of the most difficult
Sanger sequencing or the third generation sequencing, and               phases of any DNA sequencing project. Due to the fact
the De Brujin graph [1], this approach became popular for               that long DNA sequence cannot be accurately and rapidly
assembling the short reads produced by the next generation              sequenced. DNA sequencing provides the necessary informa-
sequencing.                                                             tion about the overlap to combine the reads back together.
   Unfortunately, the DNA fragment assembly is an NP-                   Therefore, the ultimate goal is to obtain a sequence as close
Hard problem [2], even with the elimination of sequencing               as possible to the original one [11].
  The OLC approach for the DNA fragment assembly prob-            and genetic algorithm with hill climbing (GA+HC). The
lem proceeds in three phases:                                     authors in [29] have presented a hybrid meta-heuristic based
  1) Overlap: It consists in finding the longest common           on Simulated Annealing and a genetic crossover operator. In
     overlapping between the suffix of a sequence and the         [30] the authors have proposed a memetic PSO algorithms
     prefix of another one. This task requires the comparison     based on two initialization methods: the Tabu Search (TS) and
     of all possible pairs of fragments. It is usually tackled    simulated annealing (SA). In [31] the authors have proposed
     with a dynamic programming algorithm applied to semi-        a collection of GA variations (Recentering-Restarting, Ring
     global alignments such as Smith-Waterman algorithm           Species, and Island Model) in combination with each other.
     [12].                                                        These algorithms also used heuristics, namely, 2-Opt and
  2) Layout: The goal of this step is ordering the fragments to   the Lin-Kernighan Heuristic. They studied the performance
     maximise the overlap scores calculated in the previous       of these algorithms with different solution representations.
     phase. This NP-Hard problem [2] is the most difficult        The most recent metaheuristic used for solving the DNA
     phase of the OLC approach.                                   FAP is the crow search algorithm in hybridisation with the
  3) Consensus: To determine the complete DNA sequence            improved PALS (PALS2Many*) in [32]. The authors have
     using the layout generated in the layout phase. The          used a modified version of the ordered crossover operator
     consensus is usually generated by applying the majority      to adapt the continuous crow search algorithm to the DNA
     rule. For measuring the quality of a consensus, we can       FAP; and in the local search they used only the movement
     use Eq. 1, where n is the number of fragments in             that increase the overlap values not the number of contigs. In
     the target sequence. The coverage measures the data          [11] a parallel hybrid algorithm between Particle Swarm Opti-
     redundancy.                                                  mization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE), (PPSO+DE)
                      Pn                                          have been proposed.
                             length of the fragment i
        Coverage = i=1                                      (1)
                           target sequence length                 III. T HE CHEMICAL REACTION OPTIMISATION ALGORITHM
Since the DNA fragments assembly problem is an NP-Hard               CRO is a recent population-based nature inspired meta-
problem, Most assemblers are based on variations of a greedy      heuristic. It mimics the process of transforming a set of
algorithms, such as Phrap [13], TIGR Assembler [14], Celera       unstable molecules through a sequence of elementary reactions
Assembler [15], Velvet [16], and ABySS [17]. However, most        into stable products. Every molecule has a molecular structure
proposed metaheuristics dealt with the layout phase of the        (w), a potential energy (PE), and a kinetic energy (ke); and
OLC approach. Such algorithms based on Simulated annealing        optional attributes that depends on the problem. Such as: the
[18], tabu search [19], in [20], the authors have proposed a      number of hits (NumHit), the minimum PE (MinPE), and the
problem aware local search algorithm (PALS) to solve the          minimum hit number (MinHit). Illustrations of these attributes
problem with the object of achieving a maximum overlap value      are presented in Table I . There are four types of reactions in
and a minimum number of contigs, which is a sequence of           the CRO, grouped into uni-molecular and multi-molecular:
fragments with an overlap greater than a threshold between           1) Uni-molecular reactions
them. In [21],the authors have proposed two modifications
                                                                          • On-wall ineffective collision
to PALS to improve its accuracy and efficiency. In [22],
                                                                          • Decomposition
the authors have studied the performance of different genetic
algorithm operators for the DNA fragment assembly problem.           2) Inter-molecular reactions
They found that the edge-recombination crossover used with                • Inter-molecular ineffective collision

conjunction with two specialised operators-which manipulate               • Synthesis

the contigs rather than the individual fragments, perform best.      The four elementary reactions are described as follows.
Luque and Alba in [18] have proposed a Genetic Algorithm,            On-wall ineffective collision: In this reaction, a molecule
Scatter Search and CHC algorithm for solving the DNA              w hits the wall of the container, then bounces away remaining
FAP. Due to its difficulty, scientists have opted to hybrid       in one single unit. As a result, a new molecule w0 in the
methods to solve this problem. Different hybridisation with       neighbourhood of the first one is generated. The change is
PALS were proposed in the literature: GA [23], cellular GA        allowed only if
[24], simulated Annealing [25]. The authors in [26] have
proposed a hybrid PSO algorithm (HPSO). They used a a tabu                           P Ew + KEw ≥ P Ew0                       (2)
search algorithm for initialising the particels and a simulated   we get
annealing algorithm to improve the best solution obtained                     KEw0 = (P Ew + KEw − P Ew0 ) ∗ q                (3)
by the PSO algorithm. The authors in [27] have presented
an Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm and Queen-bee            where q ∈ [KELossRate, 1] , and (1 − q) represents the
Evaluation based on Genetic Algorithm (QEGA) to tackle the        fraction of KE lost to the environment when it hits the wall.
problem of DNA fragment assembly for noisy and noiseless             Decomposition: In the decomposition, a molecule hits the
instances. In [28] the authors have proposed two algorithms       wall and then decomposes into two or more pieces. in this
namely genetic algorithm with simulated annealing (GA+SA)         paper, we assume that a molecule w produces two molecules
                               TABLE I                                      Let temp2 = (P Ew1 + P Ew2 + KEw1 + KEw2 )(P Ew 1
                                                                            P Ew2 .
  Attribute                     Meaning                                     We get
  Molecular structure (w)       Represents a solution of the problem.                           0
                                                                                             KEw  1
                                                                                                    = temp2 × q
  Potential energy (P E)        Defines the objective function value of
                                the corresponding solution represented
                                by w.                                       and
  Kinetic energy (KE)           A non-negative number, it quantifies                         KE 0w2 = temp2 × (1 − q)
                                the tolerance of the system accepting a
                                worse solution than the existing one.
  Number of hits (numHit)       Indicates the total number of collisions    where p is a random number uniformly generated from the
                                the molecule has been involved in.          interval [0, 1].
  Minimum PE (minP E)           Means the best objective function value        Synthesis: A synthesis happens when multiple (assume
                                that the molecule has experienced.
  Minimum       hit    number   Records the number of hits when a           two) molecules hit against each other and fuse together. We
  (minHit)                      molecule obtains its latest minimum         generate a new molecule w0 a quite different from the two
                                P E. It is an abstract notation of the      original molecules w1 and w2 . The condition for synthesis is
                                period of time a molecule has stayed in
                                a stable state.                             (KEw1 < β and KEw2 < β). The change is allowed only
                                                                                      P Ew1 + P Ew2 + KEw1 + KEw2 ≥ P Ew0 .           (7)
w1 and w2 . To perform the decomposition, the criterion                     We get
(N umHit − M inHit > α) has to be fulfilled. The change is
allowed if                                                                        KEw0 = P Ew1 + P Ew2 + KEw1 + KEw2 − P Ew0 .
                 P Ew + KEw ≥ P Ew1 + P Ew2                           (4)         IV. CRO+SA FOR THE DNA FRAGMENT ASSEMBLY
           P Ew + KEw + buf f er ≥ P Ew1 + P Ew2                      (5)      As previously mentioned, the present work uses a chemical
                                                                            reaction optimisation algorithm combined with a local search
if 4 is satisfied we get                                                    for solving the layout phase in the OLC approach for the DNA
                        KEw1 = temp1 × q                                    fragment assembly problem. In fact, the use of exact methods
                                                                            for finding the optimal layout would be very time-consuming,
and                                                                         which motivates the use of metaheuristics. In this section, we
                      KEw2 = temp1 × (1 − q)                                start by defining the aspects of the solution presentation and
                                                                            the objective function, then we present the use of the CRO and
where temp1 = P Ew + KEw P Ew1 − P Ew2 and q is                             the simulated annealing algorithm to tackle the DNA fragment
randomly generated from the interval [0, 1]. And if 5 is                    assembly problem.
satisfied we get
                                                                            A. Solution representation
             KEw1 = (temp1 + buf f er) × q1 × q2
                                                                               A solution in CRO is presented by the molecular structure
and                                                                         of a molecule. Solutions are represented by a permutation of N
                                                                            (the number of reads) integer encoding a sequence of fragment
         KEw2 = (temp1 + buf f er − KEw1 ) × q3 × q4                        identifiers.
Then the buffer is updated by
                                                                            B. Objective function
         buf f er = buf f er + temp1 + KEw1 + KEw2                             Chemical reaction optimisation was originally designed to
where q1 , q2 , q3 , and q4 are randomly generated from the                 tackle minimisation problems. In this paper, we adopt the
interval [0, 1]. If 4 and 5 are not satisfied, the decomposition            fitness function proposed in [22] by adding a minus sign to it,
reaction does not hold and the molecule has its original                    as shown in Eq. 8
structure w.                                                                                                   n−1
   Inter-molecular ineffective collision: In this reaction, two                        M inimise : F (S) = −         w(fj , fj+1 )      (8)
or more molecules (assume two) collide with each other                                                         j=1
and bounce away. This reaction is similar to the On-wall
ineffective collision, we generate two molecule w10 and w20                 Where S denotes a molecule, and w(fj , fj+1 ) is the overlap
in the neighbourhoods of w1 and w2 respectively. The change                 score between the two adjacent fragments, calculated using a
is allowed if                                                               dynamic programming semi-global alignment algorithm. The
                                                                            settings used were 1 for a match, 3 for a mismatch, and 2 for
                                      0       0
     P Ew1 + P Ew2 + KEw1 + KEw2 ≥ P Ew1 + P Ew2 . (6)                      a gap [33].
C. The search process                                                       points. Then, we swap all the fragments between the
                                                                            two points between the solutions w1 and w2 as shown
   In our approach, a chemical reaction optimisation algorithm
                                                                            in Figure 4.
is used to search for the best layout that minimises the
                                                                        4) Synthesis: We have used an enhanced edge recom-
objective function Eq. 8. As summarised in the flowchart of
                                                                            bination operator [35]. This operator emphasizes the
Fig. 1, the algorithm starts by defining the initial population,
                                                                            adjacency information instead of the order or position of
and assigning values to the control parameters. After that, a
                                                                            the fragments in the layout. To create a new solution, we
number of iterations are performed. In each iteration, we per-
                                                                            use the information contained in the ” edge table”, which
form one of the four collisions of the CRO, then we check for
                                                                            is an adjacency table listing the connections between the
any new minimum fitness value and record it. After a certain
                                                                            fragments found in the two molecules. Figure 5 shows
number of iterations without improvements, we substitute the
                                                                            a graphical representation of the synthesis collision.
worst 20% of the population with new solutions generated by
the same method as the initial population. This process helps           3) The simulated annealing: The Simulated Annealing
to maintain the diversity of the population. After a maximum         (SA) algorithm is a well-known metaheuristic for solving
number of iterations performed without improvements, we              combinatorial optimisation problem, proposed in [36]. SA is
finish the CRO process and use the simulated annealing to            a local search algorithm inspired from the cooling process of
improve the best solution obtained. More details are presented       molten metals through annealing to find the optimal solution.
in the following:                                                    It has been successfully applied to many difficult optimization
   1) Population initialisation: To provide good and diverse         problems such as the hybrid vehicle routing problem [37] and
solutions, we have combined two strategies to set the values         the competitive single and multiple allocation hub location
of each solution. We used a greedy-based approach to set             problems [38]. In our proposal, the SA starts with the solution
the values of 60% of a solution and we assigned the rest             provided by the CRO algorithm. It remains for some time
randomly from the fragments that had not been selected               at the same temperature while a fixed number of iterations
before. This approach serves a twofold purpose. Firstly, the         is performed. Then, the temperature is cold down. In each
greedy approach helps to speed up the search. Secondly, the          iteration, we choose one of three operators:
random approach prevents the algorithm from stacking at a               1) Inversion: In this operator, we randomly select two
local minimum.                                                              points. Then, we reverse the order of the fragments
   2) Elementary reactions: To choose one of the four elemen-               between them as shown in Figure 6.
tary reactions, we first decide whether it is a uni-molecular or        2) Specific inversion: we invert the orientation of one
an inter-molecular collision. To do this, we generate a random              contig. To do this, we randomly select one point in the
number t, in the interval of [0, 1]. If t is larger than molecoll,          permutation and determine the contig that contains this
it will result in an event of uni-molecular collision; Otherwise,           fragment. Then, we reverse the order of the fragments
an inter-molecular collision will take place. Next, we examine              in the selected contig. [22]. Figure 7 show an example
the criteria of decomposition or synthesis to decide which type             of the specific inversion operator.
of collision will take place.                                           3) Transposition: this operator moves a contig to a position
                                                                            between two adjacent contigs [22]. we randomly select
  1) On-wall ineffective collision: Since this reaction is used
                                                                            two points in different contigs to determine the contig
     to make a small change in the molecular structure, it
                                                                            that will be moved and its new position. Then, we move
     is done by selecting a fragment that does not have
                                                                            the contig as shown in figure 8.
     an overlap greater than a threshold with its adjacent
     fragments, or selecting a random one.To do this, we
                                                                           V. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
     generate a random number t, in the interval of [0, 1]. If
     t is larger than 0.2, it will result in a random selection.        In this section, we evaluate the performance of our algo-
     Otherwise, we select an isolated fragment. Then, we             rithm, implemented in Matlab R2015a and tested on a personal
     search for the best position for it in the permutation.         computer with Intel(R) Core()TM i3-4005U CPU at 1.70GHz
     Figure 2 shows a graphical representation of on-wall            1.70GHz, 4GB RAM, running on Windows 8.1 64-bit.
     ineffective collision.                                             We have tested our algorithm through applying it on thirty
  2) Decomposition: In this reaction, we have used the half-         benchmarks divided into three collections: GenFrag, DNAgen
     total change operator [34]. we have produced two new            and f-series, Table II represents a summary of them. The first
     solutions from an existing one by keeping one half of           column represents the name of the instance, the second column
     the existing solution for the new one and assigning the         contains the original DNA sequence of each benchmark, the
     remaining half by piking randomly the values form the           third column is the length of the original DNA sequence,
     other half. Figure 3 depicts the decomposition collision.       the rest of the columns are the coverage, the mean fragment
  3) Inter-molecular ineffective collision: In this operator, we     length and the number of fragments. More details on these
     generate two molecule w10 and w20 in the neighbourhoods         benchmarks can be found in [33]. All the benchmarks are
     of w1 and w2 respectively. to do this, we have used the         available for downloading at http://chac.sis.uia.mx/fragbench/
     two points crossover. we start by selecting randomly two        descargas.php. Table III shows the parameters settings of
Fig. 1. The proposed CRO+SA algorithm for the DNA fragment assembly problem
                                                                 TABLE II

                   Instances      Original DNA Seq.                               original        Coverage      Mean          nbr       of
                                                                                  Seq. length                   Frag.         Frag.
                                                                   GenFrag instances
                 x60189(4)                                                                             4        395           39
                                   A cluster of fibronectin type III repeats
                 X60189(5)                                                                             5        286           48
                                  found in the human major                        3835
                 X60189(6)                                                                             6        343           66
                                  histocompatibility complex class III region
                 X60189(7)                                                                             7        387           68
                 M15421(5)                                                                             5        398           127
                 M15421(6)        A human apolipoprotein B gene                   10089                6        350           173
                 M15421(7)                                                                             7        383           177
                 j02459(7)        Complete nucleotide sequence of the cohe- 20000                      7        405           352
                                  sive ends of bacteriophage lambda DNA
                 bx842596(4)      Neurospora crassa DNA linkage group II                               4        708           442
                 bx842596(7)      BAC clone B10K17                                                     7        703           773
                                                                  DNAgen instances
                     acin1                                                     2170                   26        182           307
                     acin2                                                     147200                 3         1002          451
                     acin3                                                     200741                 3         1001          601
                                  a human microbion bacterium ATCC 49176
                     acin5                                                     329958                 2         1003          751
                     acin7                                                     426840                 2         1003          901
                     acin9                                                     156305                 7         1003          1049
                    f25-305       -                                            -                       -        305           25
                    f25-400       -                                            -                       -        400           25
                    f25-500       -                                            -                       -        500           27
                    f50-315       -                                            -                       -        315           50
                    f50-412       -                                            -                       -        412           50
                    f50-498       -                                            -                       -        498           50
                   f100-307       -                                            -                       -        307           100
                   f100-415       -                                            -                       -        415           100
                   f100-512       -                                            -                       -        512           100
                   f508-354       -                                            -                       -        354           508
                   f635-350       -                                            -                       -        350           635
                   f737-355       -                                            -                       -        355           737
                  f1343-354       -                                            -                       -        354           1343
                  f1577-354       -                                            -                       -        354           1577

          Fig. 2. Illustration of on-wall ineffective collision

the CRO and SA algorithms. The parameters values were                                           Fig. 3. Illustration of decomposition collision
determined empirically by observing the results obtained for
different settings.
   Table IV gives the results of the first version of the CRO                   in [33]. The solutions that reached the optimal values are
and the hybrid CRO+SA. It shows the results of the two                          presented in bold. The purpose of this experiment is to show
algorithms in terms of the best, average, worst and standard                    the enhancement of the CRO algorithm by a local search such
deviation values obtained over 30 independent runs. The                         as the simulated annealing. As we can see from Table IV, the
optimal column presents the optimal fitness values obtained                     simulated annealing algorithm had clearly improved the results
by the LKH algorithm [39], the LKH results were presented                       obtained by the CRO. These results validate that the use of a
                                                                           Fig. 7. Illustration of specific inversion operator

Fig. 4. Illustration of inter-molecular ineffective collision

                                                                             Fig. 8. Illustration of transposition operator

                                                                local search with large-scale neighbourhood operators, which
                                                                manipulate the contgs [22], improves the results. The low rates
                                                                at which the specific operators are applied is due to the fact
                                                                that the number of contigs in the solutions obtained by the
                                                                CRO are low as shown in Table V. Furthermore, the random
                                                                inversion operator also allows a large scale modification in
                                                                a solution and prevent the generation of redundant solutions
         Fig. 5. Illustration of synthesis collision            contrary to the specific operators.
                                                                   As mentioned above, Table V gives a summary of the
                                                                number of contigs obtained by each algorithm. The threshold
                                                                used to calculate the number of contigs is thirty. Simulated

                                                                                          TABLE III
                                                                          T HE PARAMETERS OF THE CRO+SA ALGORITHM

                                                                                Parameter                         Value
                                                                                            CRO parameters
                                                                                size of the initial population    50
                                                                                initial kinetic energy            1000
                                                                                α                                 400
                                                                                β                                 10
                                                                                kelossrate                        0.2
                                                                                molecoll                          0.25
                                                                                             SA parameters
                                                                                Initial temperature               50
                                                                                Inversion rate                    0.85
                                                                                Specific inversion rate           0.06
         Fig. 6. Illustration of inversion operator                             Transposition rate                0.09
                                                                 TABLE IV
                                            T HE RESULTS OF THE CRO AND CRO+SA ALGORITHMS

                                    CRO                                               CRO+SA
            Benchmark     Optimal
                                    Best       Average      Worst      STD            Best   Average            Worst     STD
            x60189(4)     11478     11478      11275.733    10937      188.388        11478      11478          11478     0
            X60189(5)     14161     13753      13603.2      13402      90.603         14161      14161          14161     0
            X60189(6)     18301     18111      17684.966    17036      267.729        18301      18301          18301     0
            X60189(7)     21271     20700      20194.033    19432      311.661        21271      21260.4        21210     19.796
            M15421(5)     38746     37975      36395.4      34975      615.427        38746      38740          38706     12.165
            M15421(6)     48052     46696      44406.3      42373      1103.849       48052      48052          48052     0
            M15421(7)     55171     54019      51316.533    48276      1687.53        55171      55158.233      55130     11.732
            j02459(7)     116700    111951     107675.466   97086      3793.992       116700     116677.8       116612    23.649
            bx842596(4)   227920    217308     211594.2     191079     7873.797       227914     227682.7       227127    179.206
            bx842596(7)   445422    421482     391629.766   373515     15175.729      444518     442822.533     441238    760.515
            acin1         47618     43127      41679.466    40475      677.354        47613      47496.1        47320     68.017
            acin2         151553    146360     143683.233   141490     1061.346       151456     151394.366     151361    22.48
            acin3         167877    160182     159036.866   157584     708.128        167228     166980.166     166793    132.64
            acin5         163906    157814     156551.3     155153     613.182        163426     163326.4       163247    43.914
            acin7         180966    175869     175173.7     174057     08.463         180220     180065.466     179947    62.272
            acin9         344107    327919     325452.7     323377     1177.81        343385     343247.5       343093    76.949
            f25(305)      596       592        586.333      584        2.07           596        596            596       0
            f25 (400)     777       774        766.033      761        2.938          777        777            777       0
            f25(500)      921       916        911.2        905        2.773          921        921            921       0
            f50(315)      1581      1540       1514.933     1493       10.639         1581       1581           1581      0
            f50(412)      1573      1529       1507.233     1486       10.167         1573       1572.2         1570      0.979
            f50(498)      1570      1540       1515.333     1498       11.542         1570       1569.466       1568      0.845
            f100(307)     2793      2652       2623.5       2589       14.046         2793       2788.433       2785      1.994
            f100(415)     2860      2714       2690.5       2659       14.216         2860       2854.933       2851      2.112
            f100(512)     2732      2577       2541.766     2508       15.658         2731       2727.6         2723      2.374
            f508(354)     18112     16665      16428.166    15979      130.376        18007      17986.333      17948     15.08
            f635(350)     22498     20578      20076.966    18880      387.379        22358      22282.166      22240     25.486
            f737(355)     25218     23056      22541.9      21766      281.075        24948      24899.566      24865     22.819
            f1343(354)    49042     44313      42530.4      40997      849.78         48121      47994.866      47913     51.031
            f1577(354)    57373     52131      50165.966    47770      1228.46        56024      55896.7        55731     82.088

annealing had significantly reduced the number of contigs for
the GenFrag and DNAgen benchmarks. However, for the f-
series benchmarks, the CRO and CRO+SA algorithms have
given the same results for the three first small instances. For
the next six instances, the two algorithms reached the same
best results but the average number of contigs is improved
after applying the SA algorithm. For the large instances in
this collection, the SA has reduced the number of contigs in
the solutions obtained by the CRO algorithm.
   Table VI compares CRO+SA with the state-of-the-art algo-
rithms for the DNA fragment assembly problem that have been
applied on the same benchmarks. The algorithms presented
in the table are LKH [39], PPSO+DE [11], QEGA [27], SA
[40], PALS [20], SAX [29], RRG [31] and CSA+P2M [32].
The optimal solutions are presented in bold. We can see that
the CRO+SA has given competitive results with LKH and
CSA+P2M algorithms and has outperformed the rest of the
algorithms in most instances.
   Indeed, The statistical Friedman test of Figure 9 represents
a comparison of the results of the algorithms presented in
table VI for the GenFrag and DNAgen benchmarks. As it is              Fig. 9. Friedman test compares the algorithms presented in table VI for the
                                                                      GenFrag and DNAgen benchmarks
shown in the Friedman test, there is not a significant difference
between the CRO+SA, RRGA, CSA+P2M and the optimal
solutions. Furthermore, the results of the hybrid genetic algo-
                                                                    rithm with the SA are close to the CRO+SA results. Figure
                            TABLE V
   T HE NUMBER OF CONTIGS OBTAINED BY THE CRO AND CRO+SA            10 represents a statistical Friedman test compares the available
                          ALGORITHMS                                results of the f-series benchmarks. The Friedman test shows
                                                                    that CRO+SA and CSA+P2M algorithms have no significant
               CRO                         CRO+SA                   difference from the best known results.
               Best   Average    Worst     Best Average    Worst       The experimental results shows that the hybrid CRO algo-
                              GenFrag                               rithm with the simulated annealing gives good results for the
 x60189(4)     1      1.8        3         1     1         1
 X60189(5)     2      3.333      5         2     2         2        DNA fragment assembly problem. As shown by the Friedman
 X60189(6)     2      3          5         1     1         1        test, our algorithm ranks third for the three sets of benchmarks.
 X60189(7)     2      3.366      6         1     1.166     2
 M15421(5)     9      14.666     19        3     3.2       4                                  VI. C ONCLUSION
 M15421(6)     7      13.166     20        2     2         2
 M15421(7)     5      14         27        3     3         3           In this work, we have proposed a hybrid CRO algorithm
 j02459(7)     16     28.566     57        2     2         2        with simulated annealing for solving the layout phase of the
 bx842596(4)   33     48.2       71        9     10.333    14       OLC approach for the DNA fragment assembly problem. The
 bx842596(7)   37     84.233     112       5     9.833     14
                              DNAgen                                experimental results show that combining CRO with SA can
 acin1         28     48.2       61        6     8.766     13       achieve the best overlap scores for sixteen benchmarks out of
 acin2         118    172.166    189       65    71.1      78       thirty benchmark data sets and very encouraging results for
 acin3         182    235.066    275       83    92.866    104
 acin5         204    254.233    325       107   117.333   131      the rest of them.
 acin7         245    286.366    339       116   130.733   144         As future work, it may be interesting to fine tuning and
 acin9         267    370.866    408       77    89.366    105      optimising our approach to improve the results. Since parallel
 f25(305)      19     19         19        19    19        19       implementation of the CRO can be done easily [34], a parallel
 f25 (400)     14     14         14        14    14        14       version of the algorithm seems to be a possible option. It is
 f25(500)      14     14         14        14    14        14       also necessary to develop efficient optimisation algorithms to
 f50(315)      26     26.466     28        26    26        26
 f50(412)      26     26.466     28        26    26        26       deal with noisy instances and real world scenarios.
 f50(498)      28     28.066     29        28    28        28
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                   M15421(6)       48052       47669        47882      48048         48048   48048      48052        48052        48052
                   M15421(7)       55171       54891        55020      55048         55067   55072     55071         55171        55171
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                  bx842596(7)     445422       429338       443600     436739       438214   417680    442385       445422       444518
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