=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2589/Paper8 |storemode=property |title=Security Implementation and Verification in Smart Buildings |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2589 |authors=Walid Miloud Dahmane,Ouchani Samir,Hafida Bouarfa |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/citsc/DahmaneOB19 }} ==Security Implementation and Verification in Smart Buildings== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2589/Paper8.pdf
    Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  Security Implementation and Verification in Smart
          1st Walid Miloud Dahmane                             2nd Ouchani Samir                           3rd Hafida Bouarfa
             saad dahlab university                    LINEACT, École d’Ingénieur CESI                  saad dahlab university
                 Blida, Algeria                                   France                                    Blida, Algeria
       walid.miloud.dahmane@gmail.com                         souchani@cesi.fr                        hafidabouarfa@hotmail.com

   Abstract—The homes are dangerous environments like outside           humidity, noise, light, etc). Nowadays different numerical
since it contains risks affect on the life of the inhabitant (humid-    models are available to describe the vapor balance of transient
ity, temperature, noise, light, etc.), especially with the increase     water in a room and predict indoor humidity. A typical
of the attention on smart homes and buildings in the previous
few years where studies focused on the IoT domain exclude               room moisture balance includes water vapour production by
partially these risks. Smart homes/buildings are equipped with          moisture sources (humans, plants,. . . ), convective water vapour
IoT objects that capture the conflicting changes in a controlled        transfer with ventilation air, and water vapour exchange with
manner and introduce actions that stop or declare the existing          the building fabric and furniture.The water vapour exchange
threats. A mechanism that guarantees to the inhabitant a stable         between room air and surrounding materials (walls and fur-
and comfortable life is more than mandatory. In this context, we
propose a global approach that defines the architecture of a smart      niture) is governed by three physical processes: the transfer
home/building by formalizing the main nodes (sensors, actuator,         of water vapour between the air and the material surface, the
server, etc.) and the technologies that bind them. Further, we          moisture transfer within the material and the moisture storage
define the characteristics and the functioning of nodes by a formal     within the material. The existing models mainly differ in the
representation in the form of state machines, the applicable            way this last part of the moisture balance is described [17]. In
norms to build a secure environment, and further the security
measures that must respect them in order to guarantee a                 general, sensors communicate directly with the home gateway
protected environment. We finished our study by experimentation         and feed the system information with regards to the obtained
with Uppaal, a verification and validation tool, to ensure the          environment measures, for example light intensity inside a
accuracy of the system operations that showed a satisfactory            particular room, temperature inside and outside the home and
results.                                                                motion sensing to name a few [29].
   Index Terms—Smart Home, Smart Building, Home risks, IoT,
MQTT Protocol, Formal verification, Simulation, Uppaal.                    In this paper, we propose a smart living framework by
                                                                        modeling the different components needed for an indoor
                                                                        environment and developing a trustworthy architecture that
                       I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                        ensure the well functioning correctness of such system, and
   For a better living quality, the smart spaces paradigm aims          also its configuration and control. First, we rely on the existing
at constructing advanced service infrastructures that follow            limitations and the requirements for a home that can affect
the ubiquitous computing approaches where smart objects                 the inhabitant like humidity which causes corrosion coating
are executed on a variety of digital devices and services are           of the wall and household furniture, the appearance of molds
constructed as interaction of agents in a communication envi-           and bacteria, the temperature also has to be regulated in the
ronment [19]. Recent advances in intelligent computer systems           home according to the outside climate, loud noise especially
and communications have created the necessary conditions for            at night, the handicapped can not open the doors of the
the networking of a wide variety of heterogeneous devices.              room, natural and artificial phenomena such as the earthquake
This led to the integration of short-range mobile transceivers          and fire that threatens the life of the human. The proposed
into everyday life objects and has enabled new forms of                 solutions consider all indoor issues, implement sensors for
communication between objects and even between people and               each measure, collect data in real time and make reactions
objects. The concept of smart devices, i.e. the inclusion of            to prevent risks.
software, identifiers and networking to devices typically not              The proposed framework is a web service based solution
computerized, led to the “Internet of Things” (IoT) [7]. The            where sensitive nodes are indoor planted and their measures
main feature of this technology is the integration of heteroge-         change in real time. The architecture proposed for the frame-
neous and action elements (actuators) in a distributed system           work considers different classes of nodes. A database node
which performs different actions based on the information               containing the collected data by sensors, a server node that
gathered by the sensors combined with the requirements of               ensures the communication and the reliability between nodes,
the particular application [25].                                        and reacts when necessary by sending the appropriate control
   The inside environment has several factors that can affect it        commands; the actuator node executes the received commands
or the life of inhabitants or both at the same time (temperature,       from the server and/or external actors who can extract or
edit home data. The architecture uses MQTT protocol [28]              same family of LPWANs. The goal is to know the number of
to ensure a reliable communication between the predefined             gateways needed to cover the city (inexpensive or not), and
internal nodes. Further, the architecture implements a precise        to know the benefits in return after deployment. They experi-
constraints and requirements for the communication and dur-           mented two tests, the first installs LoRaTM network in a 19-
ing executing actions. Otherwise, the nodes do not respecting         history building to measure temperature and humidity, using
certain conditions are considered as unacceptable nodes. Fi-          one single gateway and 32 nodes. The second estimates the
nally we ensure the functional correctness of the nodes and           number of gateways required to cover the city of Padova.They
their secure communication by simulation and verification in          placed a gateway with no antenna gain at the top of two history
Uppaal tool [3]. The results show that the proposed framework         buildings to assess the ‘worst case’ coverage of the topology
is a deadlock free, secure, and respecting the indoor living          since LoRaTM technology allows to cover a cell of about 2
requirements.                                                         km of radius. With simple calculations they concluded that
   The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section       to cover Padova city that has about 100 square kilometers, it
II presents the related work and compares it with the proposed        needs 30 gateways. At the present, LoRaTM has an acceptable
framework detailed in Section III. Then, the implementation           coverage in worst cases, but the number of gateway ports
with the experimental results are shown in Section IV. Finally,       is limited and does not satisfy progressive evolution of IoT
Section V concludes the paper and provides hints on the future        technology.
works.                                                                   A. Zanella [32] apply the principles of smart cities for
                                                                      Padova city to collect environmental data. The architecture is
                         II. R ELATED W ORK                           composed of constrained IoT sensors, a database server which
   In literature, we review the existing work related to IoT          use technologies CoAP3 , 6LoWPAN4 , unconstrained devices
modeling, functional analysis, network architectures, and ap-         that use traditional technologies like HTML. The interconnec-
plication in real life with concrete cases.                           tion between users and sensors is made by an intermediary
   Ouchani [22] proposes a security analysis framework for            gateway and HTTP-CoAP proxy-grown that plays the role
IoT that covers the probability and costs of actions, formalizes      of translator between the two sides. During a week of tests,
IoT, analyzes the correctness and measures their security level       the results show how do people react with different situations
by relying on the probabilistic model checking PRISM. To              and phenomena, for example benzene consumption at the end
ensure the functional correctness of an IoT-based system,             of weeks. This architecture allows the compatibility between
Ouchani develops five steps: defines the IoT components, for-         constrained and unconstrained devices through a cross proxy.
malizes the architecture in a process algebra expression. Then,       In general, the constrained physical and link layer technologies
it expresses the IoT requirements in PCTL and transforms the          are characterized by a low energy consumption, the transfer
IoT model into the PRISM input language. Finally, PRISM               rate and data processing in constrained devices is relatively
checks how much a requirement is ensured on the IoT model.            low, but the dependence on unconstrained ones increase in
However, the proposed framework involves a large amount               cost.
of data and messages which make the probabilistic model                  Based on the reviewed literature, we found few works that
checking expensive in terms of time and memory.                       detail well the components of an indoor environment and their
   Moreno-Salinas [13] proposes a method that detects the             formal semantics, and less of them discussing a trustworthy
optimal position of sensors to receive information from several       communication between components. The proposed contribu-
targets. To find the perfect place, they rely on FIM1 to measure      tion considers these issues and we believe it is easy to extend
the amount of information that a random variable (sensor)             and deploy a more secure smart building/home system.
carries about a parameter that is sometimes unknown (target).
                                                                                                III. F RAMEWORK
After several progressive tests, they use two separated tests, the
first tries to find the optimal position for a sensor that receives      Figure 1 illustrates the steps to how construct a secure smart
data from a target transmitter with a known placement. This           building/home system and analyze it. The system’s architec-
first test considers one sensor and one target, eight sensors and     ture is composed from a set of nodes, security constraints and
one target, four sensors and two targets, and five sensors and        management mechanism, and the communication protocols.
three targets. The second one finds the optimal positions of          The nodes are active/passive objects to collect the needed
sensors with unknowns positions experimenting five sensors            environment measures. The communication protocols ensure
and two targets, then five sensors and three targets. However,        how well the connection between nodes is established and
FIM showed significant results for a small amount of objects          the measured data are packed and encrypted. The security
but the cost of time computing is expensive when the target           management mechanism reinforces the architecture in order
is unknown in a known area.                                           to create a protected system. It develops a set of security rules
   Centenaro [11] studies a start topology of LPWANs2 in              including the authentication and identification of nodes, the
smart cities where the used network LoRaTM belongs to the             control access, and how to keep the availability of services.
  1 Fisher Information Matrix.                                          3 Constrained Application Protocol
  2 LowPower Wide Area Networks.                                        4 IPv6 Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks
The analysis step enables the verification of the accuracy of                          (the evaluation of dynamic attributes) to another one Sj . The
the implemented architecture with respect to the security rules.                       following lists the set of possible actions.
Finally, the results show the different scenarios, traces, or                            • turnOn/turnOff to turn on/off the smart object [1].
errors that might affect the security and the well functioning                           • send/receive to send/receive data to/from another IoT
of the architecture in order to decide or not its deployment.                              node [33].
                                                                                         • collectData to collect the received information [33].
                                                                                         • applyAction apply an action after getting command
      Security management
        • Control             Application
        • Authentication                                                                   [33].
        • Availability                         Architecture
                                                 • Smart home
                                                 • Smart building      Results
                                                                                         • encrypt/decrypt to encrypt/decrypt a message.
                                                                         • Scenarios
                                                                         • Traces        • authenticate grants the possibility to send data.
       Object                                                            • Errors
         • Attributes
         • Behavior
                            Formulation,          Transformation         • Correct
                                                                         • Secure
                                                                                       We define in Definition 1 a smart node that can be a sensor,
         • Type
         • Applicability
                                                                                       actuator, broker, database, server, or smartphone.
                                                  • Verification
                                                  • Simulation      Outputs            Definition 1 (Smart node). A smart object SoT ∈ SoT is a
      Communication           Formulation
        • Protocols
        • Data
                                                                                       tuple hID, Att, Σ, Bi where:
                                                                                        1) ID is a finite set identifiers idi ∈ ID{Oi , i ∈ N where
Fig. 1: A Security and Analysis Framework for Smart Homes and                              id∅ ∈ id is an empty object.
Buildings.                                                                              2) Att : ID → 2T is a function that assigns for each object
                                                                                           a sequence of attributes.
A. Smart object                                                                         3) Σ is the set of possible actions for an objects,
   A smart object (SoT ∈ SoT) is identified by a set of dynamic                         4) Beh : ID → B returns the expression that precises
and static attributes (T). The dynamic attributes are classified                           the behavior of an object in the dominant case where :
into two categories: data (di of type real) and flags (fi of                               B ::= Start.actions +g actions.End where actions =
type Boolean). In the following, we cite the most used static                              α|α.actions such as α ∈ Σ and +g is a deterministic
attributes that describe the physicality and the technicality of                           choice with respect to a guard g.
an SoT.                                                                                Example 1 (Smart object). Based on Definition 1, the se-
   • The identifier (id ∈ ID): is the unique reference to SoT,                         mantics of a general sensor is the state machine depicted
      in our case id is IPv6 [10].                                                     in Figure 2 where states s0 , s1 , s2 , s3 stand respectively
   • The connectivity ( COn ∈ T) describes when devices have                           for Is_On, detection, declaration, Is_Of f . The attributes
      extensions to connect to each other [6].                                         values specifying a state change regarding the executed action.
   • The battery life ( BLi ∈ T): represents the longevity of                          The actions α1 , α2 , α3 , α4 , and α5 represent respectively
      a battery [15].                                                                  turn_on, detect , send,turn_off, and initialize.The dynamic
   • Powered by electricity ( PEl ∈ T): when SoT can be                                attributes (d and f) of a sensor are: d1 evaluates the energy,
      plugged with an electricity line.                                                d2 measures other properties (smoke, noise, temperature,...),
   • Data security ( DSe ∈ T) informs about the ability to                             f1 : detection, f2 : availability, f3 : alerte_msg. Each state is
      encrypt informations stored or sent [8].                                         presented by the following predicates where M ax_V al is the
   • Small size ( SSi ∈ T): describes the volume of SoT.                               maximum for the measure related to the smart object.
   • High product quality ( HPr ∈ T) indicates the possibility
                                                                                        1) Js0 K = (d1 > 0)∧(d2 < M ax_V al)∧(f1 )∧(f2 )∧(¬f3 )
      to increase the service life and to reduce the cost of
                                                                                        2) Js1 K = (d1 > 0) ∧ (d2 >= M ax_V al) ∧ (f1 ) ∧ (f2 ) ∧
                                                                                           (¬f3 )
   • Constrained device ( CDe ∈ T) describes if a cheaper
                                                                                        3) Js2 K = (d1 > 0)∧(d2 >= M ax_V al)∧(f1 )∧(f2 )∧(f3 )
      device can cover a specific space [24].
                                                                                        4) Js3 K = (d1 = 0) ∧ (d2 = 0) ∧ (¬f1 ) ∧ (¬f2 ) ∧ (¬f3 )
   • Price ( PRi ∈ T) helps in the budget management [4].
   • Service availability ( SAv ∈ T) to check if the device
      works continuously or not [14].                                                                                           s1
   • Minimum error ( MEr ∈ T) increases the quality of
                                                                                                                      α2               α3
      service [18].
   • Easy to maintain ( EMa ∈ T) is to reduce time, effort and
      the cost of maintenance.                                                                       start       s0               α4        s2
   • Required a low connection rate ( RLo ∈ T): to stay                                                                    α4
      connected in the worst case [12].                                                                               α1               α4
   • Interoperability of nodes ( INo ∈ T) defines the technolo-                                                                 s3
      gies supported by the node [31].
   The behavior of an object is the effect of the executed                                           Fig. 2: The state machine of a sensor.
actions (Σ) that allows it to transfer from its current state Si
B. Smart environment
   We define a smart environment sEnv as a structured physi-
cal infrastructure, building or home, that carries smart nodes.
sEnv is composed of at least two smart rooms/locations dis-
jointed by separators like walls, doors, and windows. To collect
information and sensitive data, smart nodes are connected
with a precise architecture mechanism that helps them to
communicate easily through a dedicated protocols.
Definition 2 (Smart Environment). A smart environment sEnv
is a tuple of hE, L, SoT, pl, dli, where:
                                                                                        Fig. 5: The architecture of Smart Home
  1) E is the environment name/id,
  2) L ={R1 , ..., Ri , ..., Rn |i, n ∈ N } is the set of loca-
     tions/rooms (Ri ) composing E,                                        access the internet connection. The third level is IP objects
  3) SoT = { SoT1 , ..., SoTm |m ∈ N} is the set of smart nodes            use wireless technology like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G...
     in E,                                                                 The fourth level has processing devices like router, firewall
  4) PL = { pl1 , ..., pln |n ∈ N} is the set of physical structure        and switch, they are used to make an interconnection between
     that defines E,                                                       smart home objects and they are like a point between the
  5) DL = { dl1 , ..., dln |n ∈ N} is the set of logical architecture      outdoor and indoor smart home.
     that connects SoT.                                                    The fifth level is the set of APIs and devices outside smart
                                                                           home that can access the smart home interior objects.
   Figures 3 and Figure 4 show respectively an abstraction of
the physical structure of E and the logical architecture between
nodes in E.                                                                D. Communication
                                                                              In this part we will present some protocols that can be
                                    E                                      used in the proposed framework that deals with architecture
                                                                           as the one showed in Figure 6. Herein we present the adopted
                                                                           protocols by the framework.

                        Ri                     Rj
                   Fig. 3: The physical structure of E.

              Ri                                             Rj

Fig. 6: Operation protocol MQTT in architecture. SoT1 SoTm SoT1 SoTm MQTT: It is a machine-to-machine connectivity protocol Fig. 4: A Logical/Digital structure in E. designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe mes- saging transport [2]. The operations of this protocol passes through steps shown in Figure 6, where it is applied on Smart C. Architecture room, and it is the first level represented in the architecture. The architecture is grouped into five main levels depicted 1) A sensor collects information (temperature, fire, humidity, in Figure 5: etc.) then it publishes the data to the broker. The first is the most important because it contains sensors 2) The database subscribes into the Broker that is periodi- that capture the state of smart home periodically then they cally keep track of the retrieved data. report if there is a contradictory case (fire, humidity, high 3) The web server subscribes into the Broker and receives temperature, ...), the analysis devices as the database, web the published sensors data. server and broker save or process the signals of the sensors 4) The web server, including smart applications, presents the then give the actuators the commands to do the necessary appropriate command, and pulls it into the MQTT Broker. actions. 5) The actuators subscribe in the Broker then it receive and The second level is the set of objects referenced by an IP execute the commands. address linked with the router by a network wire; they can 6) The application retrieves or updates the database values. 7) External actors, through web and smart applications, A. MQTT protocol test communicate securely with web server. We test the MQTT protocol via a scenario simulates the case ONVIF: It is used to establish a communication between of fire in smart home, the first scenario steps are presented in the network camera and a point outside the building in order the figure 7, our system function without deadlock. to monitor its status in real time. Http: People authenticated in the web server can access through an API that uses this protocol to view or edit infor- mation about the building. VoIP: Phones equipped with a network card can make calls using this protocol. Ethernet: It is a data link layer protocol in the Open Sys- tems Interconnection (OSI) model that allows objects affiliated with the same LAN to interchange data. E. Security The digital environment always at risk, for this we rely on the security side in our approach to avoid information theft, data interception or disservice. We consider the following five Fig. 7: MQTT Simulation Scenario. concepts in order to stop or decrease threats. • Confidentiality: ensure that each data access only by objects (people, devices) that we define them through en- B. Connection with distant points crypting data with a strong encryption method. Ignoring The distant smart home users use IoT nodes to access smart this principle can cause a destruction of information. home objects via the internet connection. In this point we will • Authentication: Some smart home objects (such as the study two examples, the first is a user that accesses by his server) request objects that want to access it to define its smartphone to the smart home server in order to extract data identification in order to prevent unauthorized access. from the database, and the second is a web API accesses to a • Data Integrity: Man in the middle [20] can intercept the Webcam Home, system operation does not give errors. flow of data between IoT objects, change it then send it back to the receiver. So we use some mechanisms like C. Exceptional cases: hashing [26] (MD5 and SHA-2) and electronic signatures The nature of these tests simulates contradictory cases that [9] to control if the message is changed or no. affect the exchange of messages, in this test we check the • Access control: Smart home objects with their security operation of system with three cases contradictory with the levels allow functions according to a predefined autho- natural operation(Webcam not linked, Firewall prevents web- rization and prevention rules. The architecture supports cam contact and The API does not authenticate the webcam), firewalls [30] at the gateway level that manage the input the resulat was that the test procedure is not finished. and output packets. Further, for security policies we are D. Security rules verification interested in access control mechanisms [16] (RBAC) and adapting the router by an access control list ACL [27]. Uppaal has a language called ’query language’ which allows • Non-repudiation: Since IoT objects always in contact it to edit rules after the construction of states machines of the is important to check the legitimacy of the sender and objects to test the accuracy of these objects. The language is the receiver. The most able method to realize that is the written according to specific norms and symbols.To verify the electronic certificate [21]. security rules, we express the query language to check these goals Confidentiality, Authentication, Data Integrity, Access IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS control and Non-repudiation. The verification results show that To test the accuracy of the proposed, we built it within all the security rules are checked and satisfied. the validation and verification tool Uppaal, by integrating the machine states of smart objects and create the smart home V. C ONCLUSION architecture where the smart home objects (composition of The approach suggests to deploy a complete theoretical states machines) react. The logic behind this composition and practical framework that builds secure smart homes and ensures that the proposed framework does not oppose the buildings in order to protect the inhabitants, the environment, requirements. First we ensure through simulation then ver- and to optimize the standard of living for an inhabitant. ification. The simulation is partitioned in four phases, the The proposed formalization considers the characteristics and first tests the operations of MQTT protocol, the second tests the behavior of smart nodes and facilitates the expression the connectivity with a external point, the third tests for of their operations. 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