=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/paper10 |storemode=property |title=Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Natalya Verzun,Mikhail Kolbanev,Daria Vorobeva |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/VerzunKV19 }} ==Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper10.pdf
     Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting
            the Last Mile Access Network

 Natalya Verzun1[0000−0002−0126−2358] , Mikhail Kolbanev1[0000−0003−4825−6972] ,
                  and Daria Vorobeva2[0000−0003−0631−3596]
   St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University ”LETI”, Professor Popov Str. 5,
     197376 St. Petersburg, Russia verzun.n@unecon.ru, mokolbanev@mail.ru
   St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Prospekt Bolshevikov 22,
                 193232 St. Petersburg, Russia da-shutka@mail.ru

       Abstract. The development of network infrastructure leads to an in-
       crease in access options for terminal devices (TD) to global infocom-
       munication resources via terrestrial networks that use a variety of tech-
       nologies and form a heterogeneous wireless network. Both Always Best
       Connected concept and the rational use of resources in such a network
       can be implemented by applying the Vertical Handover (VHO) proce-
       dure. The most important part of the VHO procedure is to select the
       most appropriate access network from among those available to the ter-
       minal device at a certain time point at a certain point in space to provide
       the required connection and services. Nowadays, the corresponding pro-
       cedures are implemented in a decentralized hardware and software TD,
       which leads to the complexity and cost of the TD and reduces the use
       of network resources of the last mile. A new architectural solution is
       proposed, according to which the selection function is implemented by
       a dedicated network group device that is located between the physical
       and channel levels of the access network architecture and makes a deci-
       sion on the choice of a particular network based on information about
       the requested service and the status of available access networks. The
       purpose of the study is to develop a model for managing access to global
       infocommunication resources at the stage of selecting the best access net-
       work. The object of the study is the architecture of the access system at
       the last mile, and the subject is mathematical models for evaluating the
       probabilistic and temporal characteristics of the corresponding process.
       The study analysed the existing solutions for making decisions about
       the selection of access networks developed by network architecture using
       a centralized access network selection; the proposed scenario of inter-
       action devices terminals of aggregating devices and access networks; the
       mathematical model of process of functioning of the aggregation devices;
       numerical experiments were performed.

       Keywords: Wireless communication technologies · Access control model
       · Heterogeneous network · Access network · Vertical handover.

Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2      Natalya Verzun et al.

1   Introduction

The strategic instrument of state policy, indicating the priorities and prospects
for the development of end-to-end technologies in the Russian Federation, are the
Roadmaps adopted by the Government in October 2019. One of them, dedicated
to wireless communication technologies, highlights sub-technologies:
    - WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) – technology of communication net-
works designed to provide wireless coverage and access within local spaces,
    - LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) – technology of energy efficient
long-range networks,
    - PAN (Personal Area Network) – technology of communication networks
connecting devices used by a man as part of his activity and,
    - WAN (Wide Area Network) – a global communication network covering
large areas and including a large number of communication hubs [1], as the most
important for building networks of access to global infocommunication resources.
    Standards for each of these sub-technologies are realized by different hard-
ware and software manufacturers, operators and providers of information and
communication services.
    The Roadmap ”wireless access technologies” states that a radio access on
the ”last mile” must use multiple (multi-station) access procedures to a common
channel resource limited by the radio channel spectrum.
    The introduction of a wide range of wireless communication systems on the”
last mile” according to the principles of the Roadmap [1] leads to a change in
one of the inherent properties of fixed networks. Now the mobile terminal in
real time at any stage of service can abandon the already established network
connection and choose another network to continue the transmission of traffic.
Moreover, it can simultaneously interact with several access networks and use
the network resources of each of them.
    A variety of access networks, created using a variety of radio technologies,
together form a heterogeneous wireless network, the rational use of resources
which allows you to realize the concept of (Always Best Connected, ABC). The
ABC concept implies automatic provision of the subscriber with the best cur-
rently available connection to the provider’s equipment [2]. The corresponding
procedure for transferring the data session of a terminal device from one access
network to another without changing the geographical location of the served
terminal device is called (Vertical Handover, VHO) [3].
    The most important part of the VHO procedure is to select the most appro-
priate network from number of those available to the mobile device at a certain
time period at a certain point in space to provide the required connections and
receive the required services. The selection problem can be solved either by the
terminal device itself or by a special hardware and software device common to
all terminals and connected to both terminals and access networks.
    To realize these capabilities, new models and methods of analysis of het-
erogeneous access networks are needed, such as those that could be used by
decision-making procedures for choosing a network for data transmission.
    Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network   3

    When implementing the VHO procedure in a heterogeneous network, it is
necessary to solve the following interrelated problems [4]:
    - collection, processing, storage and analysis of information required to make
a VHO decision;
    - selection one of several available access networks;
    - switching the terminal to a new network without loss the connection session.
    The aim of the study is to develop a model for managing access to global
infocommunication resources at the stage of choosing the best access network.
    The object of the study is a set of access networks available to the terminal
device on the last mile.
    The subject of the study is a model for estimating the probabilistic-time
characteristics of the last mile access process.
    Solve the problems:
    - analysis of existing access network selection solutions;
    - development of network architecture with centralized access network selec-
    - development of a scenario for interaction between aggregator terminal de-
vices and access networks;
    - development of a mathematical model of the process of functioning of the
aggregating device;
    - conducting numerical experiments.
    Research methods are based on the mathematical apparatus and methodol-
ogy of queueing theory, probability theory.

2      Materials and Methods

In practice, network operators tend to use a decentralized approach to selecting
the last mile access network, in which the decision to select the network is left
to the smart TD.
    The organization of access with a decentralized approach to selecting the
access network for the last mile is shown in Fig. 1.
    In this study, we consider another alternative centralized approach to se-
lecting an access network on the last mile, based on the introduction of an
aggregating device (AD) – an aggregator of access networks into the architec-
ture of a heterogeneous access network. This is a hardware and software system
that serves as an intermediate link between various access networks and terminal
devices. Performs two groups of functions:
    - managing access to last mile radio networks;
    - broadcast packets between TD interfaces and last mile radio network inter-
    The organization of access with a centralized approach to selecting the access
network for the last mile is shown in Fig. 2.
    The task of selecting a suitable network for providing a telecommunications
service is solved by AD based on consolidated data, connection metrics that can
take into account different groups of parameters/criteria:
4       Natalya Verzun et al.

        Smart                                                               Data                                                                                                      Access network
      terminals                                                                                                                                                                        base stations

                                                                                                          Possible\available access networks
                    Supported interfaces                                 Metadata


                    Decision point for choosing a network for accessing
                      information and telecommunications resources

Fig. 1. Organization of access in the case of a decentralized approach to selecting the
last mile access network.

         Terminal                                                                                                                                                                           BS
          devices                                                                       Metadata
                                                                                                                                               (possible\available access networks)

                                                                 Data                      Data
                                                                                                                                                       Supported interfaces
                                           The model interface

        ...                                                             Aggregating device

                                                    Decision point for choosing a network for accessing
                                                      information and telecommunications resources

Fig. 2. Organization of access in the case of a centralized approach to selecting the
last mile access network.
 Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network       5

    - available networks (cost, probability-time, energy parameters, etc.);
    - parameters of the requested service;
    - terminal parameters;
    - subscriber profile, etc.
    Traditionally, to assess the effectiveness of information systems, such indica-
tors as transmission channel throughput, probabilistic and time characteristics
of information interaction processes [5], reliability and security indicators of in-
formation interaction [6, 7, 8], etc. were used.
    It is also possible to add probabilistic and energy characteristics that depend
on the spatial parameters of the network and the technical characteristics of
terminal devices to the previously known and widely used indicators for evalu-
ating the quality of service delivery. For example, in [9, 10], probabilistic-energy
characteristics that depend on network parameters at the physical, channel, and
network levels are considered.
    Fig. 3 shows a scenario for establishing a connection in the case of a cen-
tralized approach to selecting an access network on the last mile (using AD).

    Mathematical model of the main stage of work
    In the process of providing access to global infocommunication resources
(see the main stage of work in Fig.3) the following stages can be distinguished:
I-Selecting the access network and II-Transmission of user data. A graphical
representation of the main stage of work is shown in Fig. 4.
    Stage I - Selecting an access network
    The incoming request for an infocommunication service of the required qual-
ity is processed. AD, evaluates the possibility of providing the service and selects
the appropriate access network for the request.
    If there are currently no available resources to provide a service of a certain
quality, or the predicted values of the probabilistic-time characteristics do not
meet the required ones, then the TD either receives a denial of service, or is put
in a queue to wait for service.
    If a suitable access network is found, resources are reserved for the entire
transmission path, and then the service is transferred to the second stage.
    Stage II - Transfer of user data
    The transmission process in this case can be represented by a two phase QS:
Phase 1-transfer of information from/to TD to / from AD; Phase 2-transfer of
information from/to AD to/from BS of the selected access network.
    We introduce the following notation:
    λ – the intensity of the flow of applications from one TD [1/s]
    N – the number of TD’s that are within the range of one AD
    M – the number of AD
    B – number of access radio networks
    k – the length of transmitted blocks [bit]
    P – probability of denial of service
    V1 , V2 – transfer rate at 1 and 2 phases [bit/s]
    Ta1 , Ta2 – average the allowed aging time of information in phase 1 and 2 [s]
6         Natalya Verzun et al.

     Terminal                                                Aggregating                              Access network
    devices(TD)                                              device (AD)                              base station (BS)
                                                                                                                          .          BS
                                                  Preparatory work stage

                                                                           Information on the status of the access network

                                     Collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing information about
                                             the status (metrics) of available access networks

                                                       Main stage of work

                                                  I – Selecting an access network

                                      Processing the received data and selecting the access network


               Parameters of the connection to be established

                                                  II – Transmission of user data

                                                                           Transmitting information from/to the AD
                                                                                       to / from the BS

Fig. 3. A script to establish the connection in case of a centralized approach to the
selection of access network for last mile.

            I – Access network selection                                        II – Transmission of user data
    TD                                                                     1 phase                     2 phase
          The flow of requests for                                         Md/Gd/1                     Md/Gd/1
                                          АD:           Flow of missed
                                           Data         service requests   Transmission from 1 AD
                                        processing,                         from TD to
                   Flow of lost
                                      access network                            AD
    ...              requests
                                         selection                                                                            Transmission
                                                                               ...                       Total flow
                                                                                     from M AD          from all AD            from AD to

                        Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the access stage.
 Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network        7

    Suppose that:
    – streams of homogeneous data packets with an intensity of λ [1/s] with a
length of k bits, described by the Bernoulli distribution with the parameter q1
on the T1 interval, are sent to the TD inputs for transmission. As the minimum
clock cycle for modeling the transmission process in the 1st phase, select the
interval T1 =1/V1 [s];
    – at the output of each AD for transmission to the BS, a stream of ho-
mogeneous packets is formed, described by the Bernoulli distribution with the
parameter q2 on the interval T2 . The minimum clock cycle for modeling the
transmission process in the 2nd phase is the interval T2 =1/V2 [s];
    - in phase 1 and 2, Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) technology is used to
organize multiple access to the transmission channel);
    - direct transmission of data blocks (without feedback) is performed, and
data blocks distorted as a result of interference in the radio channel are discarded
when receiving.
    A mathematical model of the user data transfer process can be represented
using an expression for the z-transform of the time delay distribution series for
data transfer f (z):
                                f (z) = f1 (z)f2 (z),                            (1)
where f1 (z) and f2 (z) are z -transformations of the distribution series of data
block transmission delay times on the 1st and 2nd phase, respectively.
   In these assumptions, the 1st and 2nd phases can be represented as the
M d /Gd /1.QS. The expression for the z -transform series of the data block trans-
mission time distribution at each phase is given as follows:

                           (1 − Θi )(1 − z)gi (z)
                fi (z) =                          , pi = 1 − qi , i = 1, 2,      (2)
                            1 − pi z − qi zgi (z)

                  q1 = λ(1 − P )T1 ; q2 = (λ(1 − P )Π1 N T2 )/B.                 (3)
Π1 is the probability of timely delivery of the data block in the 1st phase, Θ1
- the probability of the terminal buffer being busy in the 1st phase; Θ2 - the
probability of the AD buffer being busy in the 2nd phase are defined as follows:

                    Θi = qi (d/dz −1 )gi (z)         , Θi < 1, i = 1, 2.         (4)

gi (z) - z -transformations of service interval distribution series in phase 1 and 2,
                            g1 (z) = z −kN ; g2 (z) = z −kM .                     (5)
Taking into account (5), the expression (4) for calculating Θ1 and Θ2 takes the
following form:
                           Θ1 = q1 kN, Θ2 = q2 kM.                          (6)
The set of the above expressions (1) – (6) defines a mathematical model of the
user data transfer process.
   Expressions for calculating probabilistic-time characteristics
8       Natalya Verzun et al.

    Probability of timely delivery of the data block. Consider the case of a stochas-
tic restriction on the allowed delivery time of a data block in the 1st and 2nd
phases with the parameter Qai :
                                Qai = 1 −            , i = 1, 2.                                 (7)
In this case, the probability of timely delivery can be found as follows:

                       Π = Π1 Π2 , Πi = fi (z)                 , i = 1, 2,                       (8)

where fi (z) – z is the transformation of the delay time distribution series in the
QS at phase 1 and 2 (2).
    The average delivery time of a data block from TD to BS will be determined
as follows:
                                    t = t1 + t2 ,                               (9)
where t1 t2 - the average delay time of data block transmission in phase 1 and
2 is determined by the Hinchen-Polacek formula

                                                      q1 gi00 (1)
                     ti = ni Ti , ni = gi0 (1) +                  , i = 1, 2,                   (10)
                                                     2(1 − Θi )

         gi0 (1) = (d/dz −1 )gi (z)         , gi00 (1) = (d/dz −2 )gi (z)         , i = 1, 2,   (11)
                                      z=1                                   z=1

where gi (z) is the z -transform of the service interval distribution series for the
i -th phase (i = 1, 2) is defined from (5).
     The real-time information rate shows how much traffic is actually transmitted
in the access network per unit of time [s], i.e. it takes into account the losses
associated with failures at the 1st stage of service, as well as the losses that occur
due to late delivery of data blocks in the 1st and 2nd phases of transmission

                                 RRT = kλ(1 − P )Π,                                             (12)

where Π is the probability of timely delivery of the data block from the BS
terminal device is determined from (8).
    Numerical experiments were performed with the following initial data: M =
4 – the number of AD; B = 5 – number of available access radio networks;
N = 100; 200 – the number of terminals in the area of one AD; k = 256 [bit] is
the length of transmitted data blocks; V1 = 2 ∗ 107 [bit/s], V2 = 8 ∗ 107 [bit/s] -
transmission rates for phase 1 and 2; Ta1 = 0.05[s]; Ta2 = 0.05[s] – the average
allowable aging time of information in phase 1 and 2; P = 0; 0, 1; 0, 3 and the
probability of denial of service.
    Figure 5-7 shows the results of numerical experiments. The study of the
influence of the number of nodes in the AD area, the probability of service failure
at stage 1 on the probabilistic and temporal characteristics of the data block
transmission process in the access network: the probability of timely delivery of
 Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network                              9

                                                                                        – P=0, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0, N=200
    0,6                                                                                 – P=0,1, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0,1, N=200
    0,4                                                                                 – P=0,3, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0,3, N=200
                                                                              , [1/s]

         0                100         200     300     400     500     600

Fig. 5. Dependence of the probability of timely delivery of data blocks on the intensity
of their receipt for different probabilities of denial of service and different number of

                 t, [s]

                                                                                        – P=0, N=100
    0,15                                                                                – P=0, N=200
                                                                                        – P=0,1, N=100
    0,10                                                                                – P=0,1, N=200
                                                                                        – P=0,3, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0,3, N=200

                                                                              , [1/s]
             0             100          200     300     400     500     600

Fig. 6. Dependence of the average delay time on the intensity of data blocks received
for transmission with different probabilities of denial of service and different number
of TD.

                 RRT·10-6 , [bit/s]

      20                                                                                – P=0, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0, N=200
      15                                                                                – P=0,1, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0,1, N=200
      10                                                                                – P=0,3, N=100
                                                                                        – P=0,3, N=200
                                                                              , [1/s]
             0             100          200     300     400     500     600

Fig. 7. Dependence of the network’s real-time information speed on the intensity of
data blocks received for transmission with different probabilities of service failure and
different number of TD.
10     Natalya Verzun et al.

the data block (Fig. 5), the average transmission delay time (Fig. 6), real-time
network information speed (Fig. 7).
    From the graphs shown in figure 5-7, it can be seen that as the load on the
access network increases (i.e., as the number of TD increases and the intensity
of data blocks for transmission increases), the probabilistic and temporal char-
acteristics of the transmission process deteriorate. However, sifting through part
of the traffic at the first stage of service can generally improve the quality of
transmission and significantly increase the operating range of access network
performance intensities, i.e., increase their stability.

3    Results

1. A new architecture of the access network is proposed, in which, unlike the
   known ones, the tasks of vertical handover are solved by a special hardware-
   software aggregator, which allows to release terminal devices from the cor-
   responding functions and improve the quality of service by rational choice
   of data transmission paths within the ABC concept.
2. The proposed script of terminal access to global infocommunication resources
   differs from the known ones by the allocation of a special stage of selecting the
   best access network, which allows for a comprehensive choice of the network
   on the ”last mile” taking into account the current state of all available access
   networks and the terminal itself.
3. The developed model of access control to global infocommunication resources
   displays all the features of the new architecture and script of terminal ac-
   cess to global infocommunication resources, which allows you to choose the
   best network by a complex criterion that combines probabilistic-time and
   probabilistic-energy characteristics.
4. A mathematical model of interaction between end terminals and the base
   station via an aggregating device is obtained. this model allows us to estimate
   the PTC of the data transfer process from the terminal to the base station.
5. The numerical calculation and analysis of the impact on the probabilistic
   and time characteristics of the process of transmitting data blocks in the
   access network of the number of TD, the intensity of their operation and the
   probability of denial of service.

4    Discussion

The 802.21 ”Media independent handover” standard [11] describes the VHO pro-
cedure, but does not provide specific recommendations for its implementation.
    When using a decentralized approach to VHO organization, the problem of
selecting one of several possible access networks on the last mile is solved by a
smart TD (see Fig.1), which has the following disadvantages:
    - complication of terminals that must support: multiple protocols; complex
software for rating and selection of access network;
 Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network     11

   - with the development of network technologies and the emergence of new
technologies and standards, the subscriber has to purchase more complex and
expensive terminal devices;
    - most of the network resources of the last mile are used not for transmitting
user information, but for transmitting service information that supports the
decision-making process on choosing an access network, since the smart terminal
must interact with the network base station (for example, in the case of 4G,
service traffic exceeds the user traffic in volume);
   - TD today is not only a human gadget, but also objects of the Internet of
things (IoT), for which the complexity and cost increase is often unacceptable.
    The key idea of this approach, considered, in particular, in the works [12,13]:
the use of a complex/smart terminal-multifunctional device SDR (Software De-
fined Radio). On the basis of consolidation of known (previously collected/received
from operators) values of characteristics of available networks and required qual-
ity of service, SDR will select for transmission the most suitable network for
access to information and telecommunication resources.
    VHO decision-making based on SDR can be considered as one of the possible
solutions to the problem of choosing a network of access to global infocommu-
nication resources. It is suitable for use in special purpose networks functioning,
for example, in the interests of national defense, state security, law enforcement
[14], where the required quality of communication is determined by the terminal
device itself. However, in networks that require complex terminals, it is difficult
to ensure efficient operation. This approach does not take into account other
alternative methods of improving the efficiency of infocommunication networks,
which grows as network resources become larger, multiplexing, multiple access
and switching technologies improve.
    The present study considers an alternative approach to the selection of access
networks on the last mile – centralized (see Fig.2). It is based on the implemen-
tation of an aggregating device (AD) – an aggregator of access networks - into
the architecture of a heterogeneous access network. Access control consists of
selecting the most appropriate network for each communication session.
   AD implements the following procedures: collecting, storing and analyzing
data on the current state of all available access radio networks, deciding on the
appropriate network for each connection, dynamically reallocating connections
between end terminals and base stations to prevent failures, consequences of
congestion of access networks, and ensuring the best connection available at the
moment to the provider’s equipment within the ABC concept.
    The selection procedure is based on the consolidation of data on the current
state of all access radio networks that fall within the coverage area of the ser-
vice, as well as requirements for the quality of the service provided. TD in this
case – simple, inexpensive devices that support a typical (universal) interface
for communication with AD. For communication of terminals with BS, signal
channels are supported, which transmit service information (geolocation data,
etc.). AD for receiving / transmitting data from / to end terminals on the one
12       Natalya Verzun et al.

hand supports standard interfaces, and on the other all interfaces of available
radio access networks.
    Advantage of the proposed approach to selecting the last mile access network
in comparison with a decentralized one:
    - simplify and reduce the cost of TD-reduce requirements for hardware and
software resources of terminals;
     - reducing the amount of service traffic transmitted;
     - orientation to the needs of the Internet of things;
    - this approach meets the national 5G network implementation programs
that focus on: cooperation of Telecom operators, pooling their resources on the
last mile, creating telecommunications ecosystems, and striving to simplify and
reduce the cost of terminal devices [15];
   - this approach meets the requirements of the IEEE 3001 Future Network
(FN) concept [16].
    Let’s take a closer look at the last point: within the framework of the FN
concept [16], the main requirements for promising Infocommunications were for-
mulated. Requirements are divided into 4 groups of factors: services, data, en-
vironmental and socio-economic factors. The proposed centralized architecture
for selecting the last mile access network corresponds to the specified factors. In
particular, the FN concept has a socio-economic orientation and provides for the
elimination of digital divide (DD) by reducing costs at all stages of the infocom-
munication service life cycle. The proposed architecture meets this requirement
because it is focused on: simplifying and reducing the cost of TD; using standard
broadband access; reducing requirements for software and hardware resources of
TD. This solution is generally more cost-effective than the SDR approach shown
in Fig.1, if you estimate the total cost of terminals and network equipment. Sep-
arately, we note that the disposal of complex smart TD is more expensive than
simple devices. This fact is also consistent with another environmental factor of
the FN concept. Networks should be environmentally safe for the environment,
and the technical solutions used to create them should minimize the impact on
the ecosystem and reduce the consumption of all resources, especially energy. In
the proposed approach to VHO organization (see Fig.2) it is assumed: reducing
the volume of service traffic between the terminal and the network, reducing the
procedure for probing the radio frequency spectrum to find available networks,
etc. all this together leads to a decrease in power consumption of the TD, which
is especially important for Autonomous IOT devices that work for a long time
without charging.
   Implementing the proposed new architecture of the TD access system to
global infocommunication resources on the last mile is not an easy task, requiring
the development of new hardware solutions, as well as specific software. Before
conducting this development, it is advisable to assess the expected effect of its
    Model of a Centralized Strategy for Selecting the Last Mile Access Network        13

5      Conclusion
The strategy of choosing a network of access to global infocommunication re-
sources studied in this paper corresponds to the laws of development of telecom-
munication networks – consolidation leads to increased efficiency. It seems ap-
propriate to develop a way that focuses on the cooperation of Telecom operators,
combining their resources in the last mile, creating telecommunications ecosys-
tems, and striving to simplify and reduce the cost of terminal devices.
   The developed architecture, access scenario, and VHO process model can be
applied in public communication networks and can improve the efficiency of the
corresponding procedures.
   In Russia, the movement in this direction can be observed when creating 5G
networks. mobile operators are considering creating a single infrastructure for the
development of fifth – generation networks in all frequency bands below 6 GHz-
a Single infrastructure operator [15]. A technical and economic analysis of such
a 5G deployment scenario in Russia has shown that ”the Single infrastructure
operator option is the least expensive in terms of total capital expenditures for
both network deployment and operation” [15].

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