Evaluation of the Impact of Cache Coherence Protocol and Data Locality on the Efficiency of Atomic Operations on Multicore Processors? Evgeniy Goncharenko[0000−0002−6203−8034] and Alexey Paznikov[0000−0002−3735−6882] Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5 Professora Popova Str., Saint Petersburg 197022, Russia kesvesna@rambler.ru, apaznikov@gmail.com Abstract. In this work, we analyze the efficiency of atomic operations compare-and-swap (CAS), fetch-and-add (FAA), swap (SWP), load and store on modern multicore processors. These operations implemented in hardware as processor instructions are highly demanded in multithreaded programming (design of thread locks and non-blocking data structures). In this article we study the influence of cache coherence protocol, size and locality of the data on the latency of the operations. We developed a benchmark for analyzing the dependencies of throughput and latency on these parameters. We present the results of the evaluation of the efficiency of atomic operations on modern x86-64 processors and give recommendations for the optimizations. Particularly we found atomic operations, which have minimum (load), maximum (“successful CAS”, store) and comparable (“unsuccessful CAS”, FAA, SWP) latency. We showed that the choice of a processor core to perform the operation and the state of cache-line impact on the latency at average 1.5 and 1.3 times respectively. The suboptimal choice of the parameters may increase the throughput of atomic operations from 1.1 to 7.2 times. Our evidences may be used in the design of new and optimization of existing concurrent data structures and synchronization primitives. Keywords: Atomic operations · Atomics · Multithreading · Multicore · Cache coherence. 1 Introduction 1.1 A Subsection Sample Multicore shared-memory computer systems (CS) include desktop and server systems as well as computer nodes within distributed CS (cluster systems, mas- ? The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research projects No 19-07-00784, 18-57-34001 and was supported by Russian Federation President Council on Grants for governmental support for young Russian scientists (project SP-4971.2018.5). Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 E. Goncharenko, A. Paznikov sively parallel systems, supercomputers). Such systems may include tens and hundreds of processor of processor cores. For example, a computer node of Sum- mit supercomputer (first place in TOP500 supercomputer ranking, more than 2 million processor cores, 4608 nodes) include two 24-core universal processor IBM Power9 and six graphical accelerators NVIDIA Tesla V100 (640 cores). Sun- way TaihuLight (more than 10 million processor cores, third place in TOP500) is equipped with 40960 Sunway SW26010 processors with 260 cores. Proces- sor cores in such systems are connected via processor interconnects (Intel QPI, AMD HyperTransport) according to the NUMA architecture. Notice, that cache memory in such systems is organized in very complicated ways, including differ- ent policies (inclusive, exclusive cache) and coherence protocols (MESI, MOESI, MESIF, MOWESI, MERSI, Dragon). One of the most relevant tasks in parallel programming is the design of effi- cient tools for parallel thread synchronization. The main synchronization meth- ods are locks, non-blocking (lock-free, wait-free, obstruction-free) concurrent (thread-safe) data structures and transactional memory [1–8]. Atomic opera- tions (atomic) are used for implementation of all synchronization methods. The operation is atomic, if it’s performed in one undividable step relative to other threads. In other words, no thread can observe this operation as “partially com- pleted”. If two or more threads perform operations with a shared variable and at least one of them writes (stores) to it, then the threads must use atomic operations to avoid data races. The most common atomic operations are compare-and-swap (CAS), fetch- and-add (FAA), swap (SWP), load (read), store (write). Load(m, r) reads the variable’s value from the memory address m to the processor register r. Store(m, r) writes the value of the variable from the processor register r to the memory ad- dress m. FAA(m, r1 , r2 ) increments (or decrements) by register’s value r1 the value of variable in memory address m and returns the previous value in the register r2 . SWP(m, r) exchanges the values of the memory address m and reg- ister r. CAS(m, r1 , r2 ) compares the memory value m with the register r1 ; if the values are equal, modify memory m to a new value r2 . Designing parallel programs, we should consider the impact to the atomic operation efficiency such aspects as cache coherence protocol, buffer size, thread number, data locality. Despite the widespread use, the efficiency of atomic operations has not been adequately analyzed at the current moment. For example, some works still claim that CAS is slower than FAA [9] and its semantics cause the “wasted work” [10, 11], since unsuccessful comparisons of the data in memory and in the register lead the additional load to the processor core. The works [12] states that the performance of atomic operations is similar on multi-socket systems because of the overheads from the hops between the sockets. The paper [11] analyzes the performance of atomic operations on graphical processors, but currently the urgent problem is the evaluation of the costs of atomic operations on universal processors. The work [13] considers the efficiency of atomic operations CAS, FAA, SWP for analyzing the impact of dynamical parameters of a program to the atomic operation execution time. The results show undocumented properties Evaluation of the Impact of Cache Coherence Protocol 3 of the investigated systems and the evaluation of the atomic operation execution time. However, the experiments have been carried out with fixed processor core frequency, with huge pages activated and disabled prefetching. We suppose that these conditions distort simulation results for real programs. In addition, the operations load and store have not been examined. In this work we consider operations CAS, FAA, SWP, load, store, wherein the conditions of the experiments are as close as possible to the real conditions of parallel program execution. In particular, the core frequency is not fixed, huge pages are disabled, and cache prefetching is enabled. We evaluate the efficiency of atomic operations for modern x86-64 processor architectures depending on the cache line state (in cache coherence protocol), buffer size and its locality (relative to the core, executed the operations). Besides, we consider different variants of CAS operation (successful and unsuccessful). 2 Design of benchmarks As a metrics we used latency l of atomic operation execution and throughput b. Throughput b = n/t, where n is the number of executed operations of sequential access to the buffer’s cells in time t. To measure the execution time, we used the instruction set RDTSCP. To avoid reordering while executing operations we used full memory barriers. We investigated the influence of cache line state (within the cache coherence protocol: M, E, S, O, I, F) to the atomic operation efficiency. Define the basic states of cache lines. M (Modified) – cache-line is modified and contains actual data. O (Owned) – cache line contains actual data and is the only owner of this data. E (Exclusive) – cache-line contains actual data, which is equal to the memory state. S (Shared) – cache-line contains actual data and other processor cores have actual copies of this data at the same time. F (Forwarded) – cache- line contains the most actual correct data and other cores may have copies of this data in shared state. I (Invalid) – cache-line contains invalid data. We designed a benchmark. In this benchmark we allocate integer buffer q of size s = 128 MiB. The data is placed in the cache-memory and cache-lines are translated to a given state of the cache coherence protocol. Notice, that we don’t use virtual memory. All the data was unaligned. To set state M for cache-lines we write arbitrary values to the buffer’s cells. To set state E we write arbitrary values to the buffer’s cells and then perform clflush instruction to set the state of cache-lines to I followed by reading the buffer’s cells. To set the state S a processor core reads buffer’s cells from the cache-lines with state E of another core. To set the state O a processor reads from the cache-lines with state M of another core’s cache-memory (cache-lines are switched from M to O). For the CAS operation we performed two experiments: for successful and unsuccessful operation. Unsuccessful CAS is such CAS, when m 6= r1 (the mem- ory is not changed). The deliberately unsuccessful execution of CAS is achieved by comparing the address of the pointer with the data on that pointer. For successful CAS m = r1 (the memory is changed). 4 E. Goncharenko, A. Paznikov We conducted experiments with the next processors: AMD Athlon II X4 640 (microarchitecture K10), AMD A10-4600M (microarchitecture Piledriver) (cache coherence protocol MOESI [14]), Intel Xeon X5670 (microarchitecture Westmere-EP) and Intel Xeon E5540 (microarchitecture Nehalem-EP) (cache coherence protocol MESIF [15]). Cache line size if 64 bytes. As a compiler we used GCC 4.8.5, operating system is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 (kernel 4.4.180). (a) Piledriver (b) K10 (c) Nehalem-EP (d) Westmere-EP Fig. 1: Target microarchitectures. Next, we describe the main steps of the algorithm for measuring the execution time of atomic operations for state E (fig. 2a). Auxiliary function DoOper executes defined atomic operation for all the elements of the buffer. The main algorithm is performed until the buffer size reach the maximum value (line 1). Used range of test array testSizeBuf f er in the experiments is varied from 6 KiB (minimal size L1 cache) to 128 MiB (larger than L3 cache). Each experiment is executed nruns times (line 2). Then we store arbitrary values to the buffer’s cells to set cache-lines of the core c0 to the state M (for the other cores the state is changed to I) (line 3). After that, we invalidate cache-lines (line 8) followed by the reading to set cache-lines of the core c0 to the state E (line 5). On the next step for each variable we perform atomic operation (line 7). In the end we compute the operation execution time and total execution time (line 9), compute the latency (line 11), throughput (line 12) and increase the current buffer size by step = Lx /8, where Lx is the cache memory size for levels x = 1, 2, 3 (line 13). Here are the main steps of the algorithm for time measurement of atomic operation execution by the core c0 for cache-lines in state S (fig. 2b). This algo- rithm is performed in two threads, affined to the cores c0 and c2 . Synchronization is implemented by means of atomic flags. The first thread on the core c0 writes arbitrary data to the buffer, set the state of cache-lines to M (at the same time for the other cores the state of these cache-lines is changed to I) (line 4). Then we clean cache-lines (set to I) (line 5) and read data for changing the state of cache-lines of c0 to the E (line 6). The second thread (core c2 ) reads the data, changes the cache-line state of c0 to c2 cores to S (line 8). Then the first thread on core c0 implements atomic operation with the elements of a buffer (line 11). After that we get the time for operation execution and the metrics (lines 15-17). Evaluation of the Impact of Cache Coherence Protocol 5 Function DoExpShared(oper) 1 while d ≤ testSizeBuf f er do 2 for i = 0 to nruns do 3 . First thread on c0 4 DoOper(store(1), buf ) 5 CLFlush(buf f er, d) Function DoExpExlusive(oper) 6 DoOper(load, buf ) 1 while d ≤ testSizeBuf f er do 2 for i = 0 to nruns do 7 . Second thread on c2: 3 DoOper(store(1), buf ) 8 DoOper(load, buf ) 4 CLFlush(buf f er, d) 5 DoOper(load, buf ) 9 . First thread on c0: 6 start= GetTime() 10 start =GetTime() 7 DoOper(oper, buf )) 11 DoOper(oper, buf ) 8 end = GetTime() 12 end = GetTime() 9 sumT ime = sumT ime + (end–start) 13 sumT ime = sumT ime + (end–start) 10 end for 14 end for 11 latency = sumT ime/nruns/d 15 latency = sumT ime/nruns/d 12 bandwidth = (d/sumT ime/nruns) × 109 /220 16 bandwidth = (d/sumT ime/nruns) × 109 /220 13 d = d + step 17 d = d + step 14 end while 18 end while (a) Exclusive state (b) Shared state Fig. 2: Algorithm for measuring the latency and throughput of atomic operations SWP/FAA/CAS/Load/Store and throughput The following are the main steps of the algorithm for measurement of ex- ecution time of atomic operations for the cores c1 and c2 in state S (fig. 3b). The algorithm is performed in three threads, affined to the cores c0 , c1 , c2. The first thread (core c0 ) writes to the buffer to set the state of cache-line of c0 to M (for the rest of the cores the state is changed to I) (line 4). Then cache-line is invalidated to the state I (line 5) followed by the reading data to set the state of c0 to E (line 6). The second thread (core c1 ) reads the data (the state of cache-lines in c0 and c1 is changed to S) (line 8). On the next step the third thread (core c2 ) perform atomic operation with each element of the buffer (line 11). After that metrics are computed (lines 15-17). For atomic operation latency measurement on the c1 we use the similar al- gorithm, in which the steps for c1 and c2 cores are changed places with each other. The following are the main steps for the algorithm for measurement of execu- tion time of atomic operations for cache-lines in state O on the core c0 (fig. 3a). The algorithm is performed in two threads, binded to the cores c0 and c2 . The first thread (core c0) arbitrary data is written into the buffer to set the state of cache-lines of the core c0 to M (for the rest cores the state is changed to I) (line 4). The second thread (core c2 ) reads the data to change the state of cache-lines of the local core c0 to O and cache-lines of the core c2 to S (line 8). On the next step the first thread (core c0 ) perform atomic operation for each variable in the buffer (line 9). After that we compute atomic operation execution time and the metrics (lines 13-15). 6 E. Goncharenko, A. Paznikov Function DoExpLocalityShared(oper) 1 while d ≤ testSizeBuf f er do 2 for i = 0 to nruns do Function DoExpLocalityOwned(oper) 3 . First thread on c0 : 1 while d ≤ testSizeBuf f er do 4 DoOper(store(1), buf ) 2 for j = 0 to nruns do 5 CLFLush(buf, d) 3 . First thread on c0 : 6 DoOper(load, buf ) 4 DoOper(store(1), buf ) 7 . Second thread on c1 5 . Second thread on c2 : 8 DoOper(Load) 6 DoOper(load, buf ) 9 . Third thread on c2 : 7 . First thread on c0 : 10 start =GetTime() 8 start =GetTime() 11 DoOper(oper, buf )) 9 DoOper(oper, buf ) 12 end =GetTime() 10 end =GetTime() 13 sumT ime = sumT ime + (end–start) 11 sumT ime = sumT ime + (end–start) 14 end for 12 end for 15 latency = sumT ime/nruns/d 13 latency = sumT ime/nruns/d 16 bandwidth = (d/sumT ime/nruns) × 109 /220 14 bandwidth = (d/sumT ime/nruns) × 109 /220 17 d = d + step 15 d = d + step 18 end while 16 end while (a) Exclusive state (b) Shared state Fig. 3: Algorithm for measuring the latency and throughput of atomic operations SWP/FAA/CAS/Load/Store and throughput 3 Results and discussion Fig. 4, 5 represent the experimental results for SWP operation. Latency on all processor except Nehalem-EP highly depends on the locality. Local core c0 provides minimal latency especially for buffer size less than L2 cache. In shared state (Fig. 5), the latency grows when buffer size exceeds L2 cache and in most cases the impact of locality is insignificant on a large buffer size. Figure 6 represents the latency of SWP operation on K10 processor for dif- ferent cache-line states. It shows that state Modified gives minimal latency and Invalid state gives the maximum latency. Exclusive and Shared states are com- parable with each other. Meanwhile, execution on local processor (c1 ) provide substantially lower latency, compared with remote ones (c2 , c3 ). With increasing buffer size, the effect of locality on latency decreases, because all the data is not cached and locates in main memory. Fig. 7 depicts latency evaluations for different atomic operations in Shared state on K10 processor. As expected, Load has the minimal latency. Successful Compare-and-swap gives substantially larger latency compared with the other operations. Meanwhile, unsuccessful Compare-and-swap has the latency similar to FAA and SWP. Store operation also has larger latency. The similar results have been obtained for other processors. Fig. 8 shows the results for the operation SWP, state O (Owned). The results are similar to the other states. The tables 1 and 2 show suboptimal parameters of atomic operation execu- tion on Westmere-EP and Nehalem-EP processors. Similar results have been ob- tained for the other processors. For example, on microarhictecures K10, Nehalem- EP, Westmere-EP operation load has the minimal latency for state S on the core Evaluation of the Impact of Cache Coherence Protocol 7 (a) Piledriver (b) K10 (c) Nehalem-EP (d) Westmere-EP Fig. 4: Latency of atomic operation SWP for cache lines in the Exclusive state c0 (from 1.14 to 1.81 ns), while for a Piledriver processor this operation has the lowest latency on c0 and c2 cores (from 1.8 to 2.4 ns). Table 3 shows the ratio of maximum and minimum throughput. Table 1: Suboptimal parameters for the architecture Westmere-EP. Shared memory l, b, Operation Cache-line state Buffer size Core level ns MiB/s Load Exclusive L2 c0 , c1 , c2 L3 1.1 – 1.15 823 – 866 Store Modified RAM c0 , c1 , c2 L3 4.1 – 4.21 226 – 230 FAA Invalid L1 c0 , c1 , c2 L3 1.89 – 1.91 490 – 499 SWP Invalid, Modified RAM c0 , c1 , c2 L3 1,93 493 unCAS Exclusive L1, L2 c0 , c1 , c2 L3 2.55 – 2.59 367 – 372 CAS Invalid L2, L 3 c0 , c1 , c2 L3 4.9 – 19.3 49 – 194 State of cache-lines is M. Metrics for atomic operations SWP, FAA, unCAS on the core c0 for Piledriver architecture slightly varies with buffer resizing, meanwhile for the cores c1 and c2 the increasing of the buffer more than L2 leads the latency reduction down to minimum value for the both cores. For K10 at buffer size exceeding L2 latency of operations SWP, FAA, unCAS differs 8 E. Goncharenko, A. Paznikov (a) Piledriver (b) K10 (c) Nehalem-EP (d) Westmere-EP Fig. 5: Latency of atomic operation SWP for cache lines in the Shared state slightly. Latency of load, SWP, CAS for Nehalem-EP latency is comparable for all cores for buffer size more than L3. There are similar observations for load, SWP for Westmere-EP. For other operations (store, CAS, FAA, unCAS) latency is the minimum for the core c0 and doesn’t depends on the buffer size. State of cache-lines is E. Operations SWP, FAA, unCAS on Piledriver archi- tectures and the buffer size more than L2 for c1 and c2 latency is comparable, for c0 core we obtained maximum values at the same time. For K10 architecture latency of operations SWP, FAA, unCAS is similar for all the cores for buffer size exceeding L2. For Nehalem-EP latency of SWP, load is similar on all the cores for buffer size more than L3. For Westmere-EP minimum latency for load, SWP, FAA, CAS operations was obtained on the core c0 . For c1 and c2 and buffer size more than L3 latency varies slightly. State of cache-lines is S. Operations SWP, FAA on Piledriver architecture for buffer size L1 latency is maximum on the core c0 . On K10 for buffer size L2 maximum latency was obtained on the core c0 for SWP, FAA, store operations. For Nehalem-EP and Westmere-EP for buffer size L2 latency of SWP, FAA is maximum on c1 and c2 cores. State of cache-lines is I. Operations SWP, FAA, unCAS on Piledriver archi- tecture buffer size the buffer size does not significantly affect the runtime for all cores; the lowest latency was obtained on c1 and c2 cores. Load and SWP operations on K10 at buffer size more than L2 latency is minimal for c0 core. For Nehalem-EP latency of SWP, load is similar for all the cores at buffer size more Evaluation of the Impact of Cache Coherence Protocol 9 (a) Modified (b) Exclusive (c) Shared (d) Invalid Fig. 6: Latency of atomic operation SWP for K10 processor core for different cache-line states than L3. For operations load, SWP, FAA, CAS on Westmere-EP the minimal latency was obtained on the core c0 . State of cache-lines is O. Operations SWP, FAA on Piledriver at buffer size L1 the maximum latency was obtained on the c0 core. For the core c1 buffer size does not affect to the operation latency. The maximal latency of operations SWP, FAA, store on K10 is obtained for buffer size L2 on c0 core. If we compare all the operations among each other, “successful CAS” has the highest latency and load has the lowest latency. For example, for the K10, Westmere-EP cores minimal latency was obtained for the state S on the core c0 and equals from 12 to 24 ns; for Piledriver processor CAS has the minimal Table 2: Suboptimal parameters for the architecture Nehalem-EP. Shared memory l, b, Operation Cache-line state Buffer size Core level ns MiB/s Load Shared L2 c0 , c1 , c2 L3 1,30 – 1,34 706 - 730 Store Shared L1, RAM c0 , c1 , c2 L3 2,32 410 FAA Shared RAM c0 , c1 , c2 L3 2,32 – 2,33 409 - 410 SWP Shared L2 c0 , c1 , c2 L3 2,77 – 2,79 341 - 343 unCAS Exclusive L2, L3, RAM c1 , c2 L3 4,97 – 5,12 186 - 191 CAS Modified L3, RAM c0 , c1 L3 9,86 – 12,8 75 - 97 10 E. Goncharenko, A. Paznikov (a) Load (b) Store (c) Swap (SWP) (d) Fetch-and-add (FAA) (e) Successful CAS (f) Unsuccessful CAS (unCAS) Fig. 7: Latency of atomic operations for K10 processor for Shared cache-line state value on cores c0 and c2 (from 42 to 44 ns); on Nehalem-EP in the state S CAS performs with minimal latency on the core c0 (from 22 to 46 ns), wherein the maximal latency (46 ns) was obtained for buffer size L2. For Piledriver architecture latency of load operation (1.76 ns) exceed the minimal latency of CAS (12.39 ns) by 7 times. For K10 architecture minimal latency of load (1.72 ns) exceeds minimal latency of CAS (22.38 ns) by 12 times. For Nehalem-EP the ration of minimum load latency (1.3 ns) to minimum CAS latency (9.86) is 7.5. For Westmere-EP architecture, the ratio of minimum load latency (1.1 ns) to minimum CAS latency (4.9 ns) is 4.5. Comparing the microarchitecture, we note Evaluation of the Impact of Cache Coherence Protocol 11 (a) Piledriver (b) K10 Fig. 8: Latency of atomic operation SWP for cache lines in the Owned state Table 3: The ratio of maximum and minimum throughput (bmax /bmin ) when performing atomic operations. Operation Piledriver K10 Nehalem-EP Westmere-EP Load 1.4 1.1 2.1 2 FAA 1.1 1.2 2.2 1.1 SWP 1.1 1.2 2.1 1.1 unCAS 1.1 1.2 2.4 2.0 Store 3.9 1.1 2.1 1.1 CAS 1.1 1.6 6.1 7.2 that at average the lowest latency was obtained on the Westmere-EP processor (MESIF protocol), and the largest on the Piledriver (MOESI protocol). 4 Conclusions In this work, we developed the algorithms and software tools and conducted experiments for efficiency analysis of atomic operations on modern multicore shared-memory systems depending on buffer size, cache line state and data lo- cality. We experimentally show that operations “unsuccessful CAS”, FAA and SWP has the minimum latency. Load operation has the minimum latency and operations “successful CAS” and store – maximum latency. We analyzed the experimental results and gave the recommendations for increasing the throughput and minimizing the latency of atomic operation per- formance of modern processors. So, the application of our recommendations will increase the throughput of atomic operations on the Piledriver processors from 1.1 to 3.9 times, on the K10 processor - from 1.1 to 1.6 times, on the Nehalem- EP processor from 2.1 to 6, 1 time, on the Westmere-EP processor - from 1.1 to 7.2 times. Thus, the results show that the execution time of atomic operations can vary widely, depending on the conditions of their execution (cache line state, localization, and buffer size). These evidences should be considered for designing new concurrent data structures and synchronization primitives. 12 E. Goncharenko, A. Paznikov References 1. Herlihy, M., Shavit, N.: The art of multiprocessor programming. 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