=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/paper19 |storemode=property |title=Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Vasily Meltsov,Alexey Lapitsky,Nikolay Mustafin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/MeltsovLM19 }} ==Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper19.pdf
        Hardware Implementation of Small-Sized
              MODE-S Signal Receivers

Vasily Meltsov1[0000−0001−5479−9979] , Alexey Lapitsky1[0000−0003−2325−4989] , and
                    Nikolay Mustafin2[[0000−0001−5986−7221]]
                       Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia
                      ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
        meltsov69@mail.ru andahay@gmail.com nikolay.mustafin@gmail.com

        Abstract. Aircraft identification systems plays an important role in
        ensuring flight safety. To date, the most widely used system operating
        in MODE-S mode. The MODE-S standard defines the volume, content
        and sequence of flight data position transmitted upon request. The pa-
        per considers the design and implementation features of small-sized, but
        high-speed and efficient devices for decoding and analysis of MODE-S
        radio signals format. The data inside the signal is encoded with a Manch-
        ester code. In addition, when processing a signal from real air, several
        factors arise that can interfere with the correct detection of the preamble.
        The main factors are the amplitude-frequency distortion of the signals.
        The authors proposed several ways to increase the noise immunity of the
        MODE-S signal receiver. Next, a block diagram of the decoder was de-
        veloped. Then two versions of a specialized receiver were implemented:
        based on a serial microcontroller STM32 and based on the FPGA of the
        Spartan 6 family from Xilinx. To conduct experiments to evaluate the
        correct functioning of the developed devices and compare their effective-
        ness, air records with a high message intensity were used. An analysis of
        the experiments results showed that the implementation on the FPGA
        significantly exceeds in efficiency (the number of detected signals and
        the number of correctly decoded signals) the version of the receiver on
        the microcontroller. Using the features of the FPGA architecture, it is
        possible to create the necessary number of specialized nodes and blocks
        working in parallel.

        Keywords: Radio signals · Decoder · Noise immunity · FPGA.

1     Introduction
To date, all aircraft, both civilian and military, equipped with a large amount of
electronics. These are navigation systems, automatic control systems and deci-
sion support systems for pilots. Aircraft identification systems play an important
role in ensuring flight safety.

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2         V. Meltsov et al.

    Interest in the creation of such systems appeared even before the Second
World War. In the beginning, there was a need to recognize aircraft only accord-
ing to the basic principle of “friend or foe”. Over time, this system has evolved.
Frequencies of data transfer, the transmitted messages structure and the filling
of transmitted information packets changed.
    To date, the most common identification system has become a system with
MODE-S mode [1]. The MODE-S standard determines the volume, content and
sequence of flight data location transmitted upon request: special identifier of
the aircraft, coordinates, speed of the aircraft, flight altitude and some other
parameters [2].
    The use of MODE-S allows to control air traffic, have information about
which aircraft are currently in the air. The mode allows not only to control the
aircraft, but also to ensure the safety of their flights. Thanks to it, dispatchers
of airports and aerodromes can coordinate the time of takeoffs and landings of
all aircraft and exclude the possibility of their collision in places of active air
traffic. It is important to note that the receiving of signals from aircraft can be
performed not only from the ground by the airport dispatcher, but also by other
aircraft. Information about the location of all the surrounding aircraft helps the
pilot to quickly adjust the flight path if it is necessary.
    The aircraft identification system described above is closely related to Auto-
matic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) technology. In more detail,
the abbreviation ADS-B means the following:
    – Automatic - works automatically, without requiring human actions;
    – Dependent - Depends on the GPS system and on the flight management
    – Surveillance - provides surveillance of the aircraft like radar systems;
    – Broadcast - broadcast continuous radio data transmission to all aircraft and
      ground stations;
    The main idea of this technology is to determine the coordinates of the air-
craft using GPS navigation system [3]. Next, the coordinates and other parame-
ters listed above are transmitted to ground centers for dispatchers and/or other
aircraft. ADS-B allows all air traffic participants to see the same picture of what
is happening, which greatly improves mutual understanding between them. This
improves the safety and flexibility of air traffic control.

2      Problem description
Transponder uses the following frequencies of radio signals during its work in
MODE-S mode. The aircraft transponder receives a request from a ground-
based radar at a frequency of 1030 MHz. It confirms the receiving of the request
by the radiation of a phase-pulse modulated signal at the frequency of 1090
MHz. It should be noted that regardless of the signals from the ground-based
radar, approximately every second transponder transmit an extended squitter
containing the coordinates of the aircraft location.
      Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers            3

                         Fig. 1. Messages exchange scheme.

    The signal transmitted by the aircraft in response to a request consists of
two parts. The first part is the preamble. It contains 4 pulses that are separated
from each other by a certain distance. The preamble serves to synchronize the
receiver and transmitter of the radio signal. Its duration is 8 ns, and the duration
of each four pulses is 0.5 ns. The structure of the preamble is shown in Fig. 2.
    The second part of the signal transmitted by the aircraft is the information
block. It can contain 56 or 112 bits of information. It depends on type of request
that the aircraft received. The information inside the signal is encoded with a
Manchester code, i.e. the bit value is determined by the transition of a signal
from one level to another. For the “1/0” transition, the bit value will be 1, for the
“0/1” transition, the bit value will be 0. Given the preamble structure (Figure
1), the preamble pulse duration, the pulse duration in the signal information
part is 0.5 s. This means that it takes 1 s to transmit one bit.
    An 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a sampling frequency of 16
MHz performs signal processing. It should be noted that Figure 1 shows the
ideal signal. Processing a signal from real air arise several factors (features) that
can interfere with the correct detection of the preamble.
    The first feature of a real signal is that the waveform itself will not be rect-
angular [4]. This means that there will be no clear transition between signal
levels. A transition from one value to another will take some time. During this
time, approximately 7-8 values (points) will be obtained from the ADC. Thus,
a rectangular signal has the corresponding “rise” and “descent” and takes on a
form more reminiscent of an “elongated peak” with a duration of 14-16 points.
    The second feature of working with a real signal is its varying amplitude.
The maximum value that the used analog-to-digital converter can give out is
255. This is the value that must correspond to the highest signal level (i.e. 1). In
fact, “logical 1” is far from always matching this maximum. It often happens that
4      V. Meltsov et al.

                            Fig. 2. Preamble structure.

the level “1” can fall even below 100 and fluctuate in the range from 50 to 100.
This means that there is no single, well-defined threshold value for distinguishing
between “logical 0” and “logical 1”. This fact introduces great complexity into
the operation of the modules responsible for identification, decryption, and signal
analysis, since it becomes necessary to process signals of different amplitudes.

    The third feature of real signals is that the signal may be subjected to “tim-
ing” distortions. This affects the position of the preamble peaks relative to each
other. Based on the analysis of real-air signals, it was found that an increase
or decrease in the pulse duration can reach 10%. Thus, it turns out that with
a standard preamble duration of 8 ns, as a result of distortion, it can last from
7.2 to 8.8 ns. Fig. 3 shows a comparison of the ideal preamble with that which
is being analyzed in real device processing. Despite the fact that the preamble
contains only 4 peaks, an incorrect analysis of the first part, due to existing
distortions, can lead to a “skip” (pass) of the entire radio signal.

    The size of the information part is much larger and can be 56 or 112 bits.
The transmitted information is encoded by the Manchester code: each bit is
determined by the transition of the signal from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. When
decoding data from the information part, signal distortion has a much greater
influence on the decoding accuracy. The solution of the problem with decoding
the signal information part will be discussed in more detail below. It is important
that the problems of decoding the information part do not have any effect on the
process of detecting the preamble on the air, since the preamble is transmitted
before the information with the data packet.
      Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers            5

                    Fig. 3. Ideal and real preamble comparison.

3   Ways of decoder realization

Professional electronic equipment for avionics is a fairly complex system with a
large number of independent devices that performs certain specialized tasks. Air-
ports, private aerodromes, and air traffic monitoring centers uses such sysytems.
The design and implementation of such equipment requires significant time, hu-
man and technical resources. In addition, professional systems have, significant
dimensions, as a rule. For example, in one of the most compact solutions, its
dimensions are comparable to the sizes of a standard system unit [5].
    At the same time, for the aircraft observation and the elementary analysis of
activity in airspace, coordination of aircraft movement is not required. In this
case, it is sufficient to use compact receiving devices. In addition, developers
of electronic components for unmanned aerial vehicles can also take simpler
approaches when creating MODE-S signal receivers. There are two main options
for their hardware implementation: based on serial microcontrollers (MK) and
based on FPGA [6]. In both cases, the device will be placed on a board a little
larger than 10x7 centimeters.
    Implementing a MODE-S signal receiver on a microcontroller is a simpler
task [7]. The microcontroller already has all the necessary nodes and blocks (in
this case of talking about the operating device, internal memory, comparators,
etc.). All processing will take place at the firmware level, which greatly simplifies
not only the development process, but also the stages of debugging this system.
The main disadvantage of the microcontroller implementation option is the low
speed of the device, relative to the FPGA realisation. And this drawback, un-
fortunately, can greatly affect the quality of signal processing in the analysis of
dense air traffic.
6       V. Meltsov et al.

    Using the capabilities of modern FPGAs, it is possible to design more detailed
architecture of a device specialized for processing radio signals [8]. The number
of gates, even in low-cost microcircuits from leading manufacturers, makes it
easy to implement parallel data processing and, thereby, significantly increase
the device’s performance [9]. In addition, a large number of input and output
pins allows you to connect all the necessary equipment for conducting experi-
ments without special difficulties. The main disadvantage of this implementation
method is the need to develop all elements and components of the device ”from
scratch”. Also a small minus of FPGA development is the lack of a simple and
quick mechanism for debugging an ongoing project.
    Despite the fact that the approaches to designing devices are different, the
functional structures of the devices will coincide, as they are determined by the
sequence of processing steps that must be performed on the received signal.
The first step is to detect the message preamble. This step is quite important,
since the accuracy of determining the preamble affects the correct detection and
decoding of the information part of the message that immediately following it.
The message structure is shown in Fig. 4.

                        Fig. 4. MODE-S message structure.

    It is very important to determine the moment from which the transmission
of a special signal code begins. Even one missed value from the ADC can lead
to incorrect decoding of the signal and its further loss. Since the structure of
the preamble is known, it is possible can use the correlation function to detect
it [10]:

                        Z                        +∞
              ψ12 (t) =   s1 (t)s2 (t − τ ) dt =   s1 (t + τ )s2 (t) dt          (1)
                        −∞                      −∞

   Also, to simplify further signal processing, it is necessary to perform a discrete
Fourier transform [11]. Since the information fragment of the signal has a finite
length, then the conversion will be performed accordingly:
      Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers           7

                                        N −1
                                     1 X          2π
                          xp (n) =       Xp (k)ej N kn                          (2)
                                       N −1
                            Xp (k) =          xp (n)ej N kn                     (3)
    After the preamble has been found and the beginning of the signal informa-
tion part has been determined, it is necessary to convert the manchester code
into a standard binary representation of the signal [12]. In the information part of
the signal, the duration of one information bit is 1 s. As was mentioned above, an
ADC with a sampling frequency of 16 MHz is used for the design of the decoder,
it meant that, the period of data income is 0.0625 s. This satisfies the criteria
of the Kotelnikov theorem and provides sufficient accuracy for high-quality de-
coding of the signal. In accordance to these equipment parameters, during the
processing of one information “bit” presented using manchester codes, 16 values
of signal level (points) will be obtained from the ADC. Provided that each “bit”
of the source information is encoded by the transition of the signal level from
“1” to “0” (or vice versa), the converted “bit” will be represented by eight values
of the younger “half” and eight values of the senior “half”. The representation
of the information bit after conversion by the ADC is shown in Fig. 5.

                   Fig. 5. Bit presentation after ADC conversion.

   The simplest and most well-known method of decoding a converted signal is
a weighted comparison. This method involves the following steps:
 1. Determine the sum of the values of the first eight points of the decoded bit.
8      V. Meltsov et al.

2. Determine the sum of the values of the second eight points of the decoded
3. Subtract the second from the first amount.
4. If the result of this subtraction is positive, then 1 was encoded. If the result
   is negative, then, respectively, a logical 0.

                               V =         ai + (−1)ai+ n2                     (4)

    It is possible to modify this method by comparing the sums of the values of
the first and second half of the bit on the comparator. This will reduce the time
of comparison and will let immediately proceed to the analysis of the information
part of the signal:

                                        X            n
                                bit =         ai >          aj                 (5)
                                        i=0          j= n

    Most transmitted messages of the MODE-S format contain a checksum (CRC)
to increase reliability and noise immunity [13]. After receiving and decoding the
preamble of the received message, it is necessary to calculate the checksum and
compare it with the reference value stored in a special table. If the comparison
was successful, then the information part is sent for processing on the computer,
and the processing results will be visualized on the screen. Taking into account
the specifics of the above steps, a block diagram of the decoder was developed
(Fig. 6).

                           Fig. 6. Decoder structure scheme.
      Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers           9

4   Experiments
To conduct comparative tests, both versions of the receivers were developed -
based on the microcontroller STM32 and based on the FPGA of the Spartan 6
family from Xilinx. The same ADCs and additional equipment were connected
to both devices to create the same working conditions.
    FPGA design differs in that by “programming” the device there is ability to
create an architecture from basic logic elements. Using this feature, it is possible
to create the required number of specialized nodes and blocks working in parallel,
each of which performs one of the above-described steps for processing a message.
The volume of gates (logic gates) in modern FPGAs allows you to synthesize
a device with a very high speed. This advantage becomes extremely important
while processing a large number of transmitted signals in areas of air traffic with
very dense traffic (for example, in areas of airports). The presence of FPGAs
I/O nodes (I/O Cell) allows you to connect the required number of sensors and
auxiliary equipment.
    To conduct experiments to evaluate the correct functioning of the developed
devices and compare their effectiveness, an air record with a high message in-
tensity was used. In the experimental setup, a modulator was used as a virtual
transmitter, which transmits the recorded signal through the SMA antenna ca-
ble in analog form. This is necessary to create conditions similar to the actual
functioning of the transmitter device. Record of air contains 94358 signals. The
experimental results are presented in table 1.

                               Table 1. Test results.

Compare parameter                                  MCU FPGA FPGA advantage
Number of detected signals                         22783 75354 3,3 times more
Number of correctly decoded signals                12923 61243 4,7 times more
Average signal processing time (length - 56 bits) 80 µs 58 µs 38%
Average signal processing time (length - 112 bits) 145 µs 114 µs 27%

    An analysis of the results of the experiments showed that the implementation
on the FPGA significantly exceeds in efficiency (the number of detected signals
and the number of correctly decoded signals) the version of the receiver on the
microcontroller. This can be explained by the fact that FPGA spends less time
on processing of incoming data. Firstly, the functional organization of the device
on the FPGA is specialized for solving a specific problem of decoding messages
in the MODE-S format. For developers on microcontrollers, only a fixed set of
solutions and tools inherent in the existing chip is available. Retreat from the
architecture of MK does not work in any way. Secondly, the high performance
of the FPGA device is explained by the possibility of parallel processing of
incoming data. It is possible to use pre-calculations of the necessary parameters
when implementing on the microcontroller only for some steps of the algorithm.
For most processing steps, it is not possible to calculate the coefficients and
10      V. Meltsov et al.

average values in advance, and the sequential implementation of these stages of
the algorithm takes too much time. While the microcontroller is processing the
already detected signal, it’s already necessary to receive a new message. The lack
of performance leads to the omission of the preamble and, consequently, to the
loss of some of the available signals on the air. Thus, the design of a receiving
and decoding device based on FPGAs provides higher speed and efficiency of
identification systems for aircraft and other aircraft.

5    Features of preamble detection on the FPGA

As mentioned above, due to the known structure of the preamble, the autocor-
relation function (1) is used to detect it. In general, this function can be used
when there is a signal standard, or a fragment of a signal with which a new one
needs to be compared. The autocorrelation function shows how similar the two
signals are to each other. Despite the fact that the use of this formula gives good
results, it has a number of significant drawbacks. The main one is the difficulty
of implementing FPGA calculations according to this formula. Not always, these
calculations are integer, as a result of which their execution time also increases.
Obviously, it is necessary to find an algorithm based on a simpler calculation
mechanism, but at the same time allowing preserving the quality of detection of
the preamble. It was decided to apply an algorithm using integer arithmetic. In
this case, in addition to the ease of implementation, it is possible to significantly
reduce the calculation time, in comparison with the known options.
    Due to the fact that the reference form of the preamble is known in advance, it
was decided to make a semblance of a “template” and check whether the received
real signal is comparable with the standard of the preamble. From the standard it
is known that the duration of the preamble is 8 ns. The sampling frequency of the
ADC is 16 MHz. From this we can conclude that after converting the preamble
by the ADC, 128 values (points) of the digitized signal will be received. The
duration of one pulse in the preamble is 0.5 s, which corresponds to 8 received
points from the ADC, which will correspond to the logical “1” value.
    Based on the foregoing, it was decided to use a queue of 128 memory elements,
which will contain the first part of the signal from the transponder, that is, the
preamble. Each new value (point) from the ADC will be written to the beginning
of the queue, and the rest of the values will be shifted by one memory element
in the direction of older values, displacing the oldest.
    Using the amplitude values at the points of the digitized signal, we will
calculate a function showing presence of the preamble in the saved fragment.
This can be done by knowing the reference form of the preamble. Thanks to the
use of the queue, it is possible to precisely determine in which memory elements
each of the impulses will be contained (ie logical level “1”):

 – 1 pulse - interval 0 ns - 0.5 ns. Registers 0 through 7 correspond;
 – 2 pulses - interval 1 ns - 1.5 ns. Registers from 16 to 23 correspond;
 – 3 pulses - interval 3.5 ns - 4 ns. Registers 56 to 63 correspond;
      Hardware Implementation of of Small-Sized MODE-S Signal Receivers            11

 – 4 pulses - interval 4.5 ns - 5 ns. Registers 72 to 79 correspond;

    The remaining registers will contain a logical level of 0. Based on the values
contained in the above registers (whether they exceed, and by how much, the
values in the registers with logical 0), you can determine the presence or absence
of a preamble in the received fragment of the ether. To process the digitized
data, it was decided to use the following equitation:
                  P7                 P79        P15               P127
                    i=0 ai + ... +    i=72 ai    i=8 ai + ... +  i=80 ai
            F =                              +                                    (6)
                              32                           96
     According to this formula, calculations are performed when each new value is
received. It is necessary for not to miss the moment when the calculated function
reaches a local maximum. Then it will be possible to conclude that the registers
contain a preamble. The theoretical calculation time using the formula is 45-55
ns, which is significantly less than the solutions considered above. Also, this time
is less than the time interval before the appearance of a new value with the ADC
equal to 62.5 ns.

6   Results and Discussion
To verify the effectiveness of the implementation on the FPGA of the proposed
integer algorithms, it is necessary to conduct tests similar to those that were
used previously. The results of repeated experiments are presented in table 2.

                                Table 2. Test results.

Number     of Integer algorithm Integer algorithm Correlation algo- Correlation algo-
signals       results           percentage        rithm results     rithm percentage
12536         8965              72%               9345              74%
54315         35563             66%               34657             63%
123879        86474             69%               80474             64%
236097        159321            68%               111654            47%

    From the test results it can be seen that the proposed algorithm shows a
fairly good efficiency. This can be explained by the fact that the parameters of
the preamble that it analyzes give the necessary accuracy of its detection. On
average, the algorithm detects 68-69% of the signals from the broadcast record.

7   Conclusions
The results (the number of detected signals), which show integer algorithms,
are of course inferior to the powerful industrial systems present on the avion-
ics market today. Some known methods for detecting a signal transmitted by a
transponder based on preamble decoding show very good results. They detect
12      V. Meltsov et al.

almost all the preambles that are in the test sample. A significant drawback
is their algorithmic complexity. As a result of this, the performed calculations
require significant time costs, which can lead to the loss (skipping) of the infor-
mation part of the signal immediately following the preamble. It is also worth
considering that the use of floating-point arithmetic leads to a complication of
the system architecture, and a significant increase in its dimensions.
    The proposed integer algorithms, on the contrary, have a relatively short pro-
cessing time for the preamble and fit into the interval of data receiving from the
ADC, which is their main advantage. Secondly, the architecture of the detection
and decoding device based on these algorithms will be much simpler. Thirdly,
the error in determining signals from real air by integer algorithms is insignifi-
cant. And fourthly, the device for detecting and decoding signals occupies 25%
of the area used in the FPGA tests of the Spartan 6 family from Xilinx, which
allows you to bump into the implementation of all other transponder modules
within a single chip.
    Based on this, it can be concluded that the proposed solutions for the design
and implementation of a specialized FPGA decoder will be more effective in
terms of performance, size and detection quality of MODE-S format signals
transmitted from transponders of aircraft and other aircraft.

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