=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Multipath Redundant Transmissions of Critical to Delays Packets Based on UDP Protocol |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Ilya Noskov,Vladimir Bogatyrev |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/NoskovB19 }} ==Multipath Redundant Transmissions of Critical to Delays Packets Based on UDP Protocol== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper4.pdf
Multipath Redundant Transmissions of Critical
 to Delays Packets Based on UDP Protocol ?

                   Ilya Noskov1[0000−0002−5489−4092] and Vladimir
                     ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint-Petersburg,

        Abstract. Possibilities of increasing probability of faultless and timely
        serving in multipath data transmission systems in computer networks
        based on UDP protocol using redundant transfer are researched. Effi-
        ciency of redundant multipath transmissions is analyzed in the paper
        based on simulation modeling in OMNeT++ environment. Process of
        creating simulation model of computer network is described. Opportu-
        nities of OMNeT++ environment and its libraries and frameworks are
        considered in the paper. Researching in this paper based on using UDP
        protocols for transmissions because critical to delays packets are con-
        sidered for using in real-time systems. Simulation model of computer
        network with redundant transmissions is developed and researched. Effi-
        ciency of use this model on configurations with different redundancy coef-
        ficient is defined. The aim of this work is the study of redundant transfer
        efficiency in computer networks based on UDP protocol. The efficiency
        analysis of the redundant packet transmissions is carried out on the basis
        of simulating in OMNeT++ environment. The complex efficiency of the
        redundant packet transmission is determined on the basis of the multi-
        plicative index, which takes into number the error-free transmissions and
        the average time margin relative to the maximum permissible transmis-
        sion delay. Developed model allows to transmit packets via several paths
        and provides redundant transfer of data. Intensity and redundancy coef-
        ficient are changed while experiment was carried out. The paper provides
        plots which help us to understand results of experiments and gets more
        effective areas for using multipath redundant transmissions. Also this pa-
        per presents all histograms of end to end packets delay in different cases.
        The presented results can be used in the design of high-reliable computer
        systems including computer systems providing real-time services which
        use UDP as a transport protocol.

        Keywords: Redundant · Multipath routing · Request redistribution ·
        Critical to delays packets · OMNeT++.
    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2       Ilya Noskov and Vladimir Bogatyrev

1   Introduction
Fundamental issues of the design and develop of information and communication
systems based on reliable computer networks are represented in [1-3]. Security
issues of computer networks are considered in [4-6]. Performance of processing,
transmission and storage of data in computer networks are described in [7, 8].
Ensuring the reliable of real-time communication systems is associated not only
with supporting the availability, fault tolerance and reliability of the system
structure, but also with timeliness of delivery critical to delays packets in real-
time computer networks which provide computer communication in client-server
    Supporting of timeliness based on traffic prioritization and load balancing of
transmissions is presented in [9, 10]. Load balancing allows dynamic redistribu-
tion of requests between computer nodes via the network [11], using multipath
and transport coding [12, 13], in which message or packets are transmitted by
different routes depends on channel loading.
    The reliability and timeliness of requests as shown in [14, 15]. The reliability
can be increasing by requests replication and redundant serving of copies [16-
18]. The effectiveness of redundant services is estimated by the probability of
the timeliness of at least one copy of the request [13-15].
    Analytical models of reliability and timeliness of redundant services in single-
level and multilevel data processing and transmission systems confirm the effec-
tiveness of redundant services proposed in [14, 15]. In the models according to
[14, 15], the nodes of multipath redundant service systems are represented as a
set of interconnected single-channel queuing systems of the M/M/1 type [19, 20].
Researching of multipath transmission effectiveness based on simulation mod-
eling in AnyLogic 7 Professional is carried out in [21], with using multichannel
service models in [22, 23]. Simulation models [21-23] do not consider specific
and real network equipment such as routers or network switches and modern
implementations of different OSI layers interconnection protocols.
    The aim of this work is developing simulation models in the OMNeT++ en-
vironment, allowing to using features of real communication tools and network
protocols of multipath redundant transmissions based on UDP protocol. UDP is
transport layer protocol which not using handshaking dialogues and no guarantee
of delivery packets. Time-sensitive applications often use UDP because dropping
packets is preferable to waiting for packets delayed due to retransmission. In this
applications packets are become outdated very quickly, and retransmit lost pack-
ets using TCP protocol is not suitable for systems. This systems are considered
in this paper. That is why UDP transport protocol is used for developing models
in the article.

2   Simulation models of multipath redundant
Proposed models were developed in the specialized environment of computer
networks simulation OMNeT++. This environment contains a large library of
                                  Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length      3

real network protocols models and models of specialize network equipments such
as routers, network switches, hubs and etc.
    The OMNeT++ simulation environment provides many different network
protocols and traffic generator and sink application which using these protocols.
In this work the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is used as a main transport
protocol for developed models. The OMNeT++ environment implements vari-
ous types of generators and sink applications of UDP traffic. The UDPBasicApp
application generates packets with size and intensity to the specified in the con-
figuration file network address [24-32]. The UDPSink application listens specified
port and receives all packets that came to the socket from the source application.
However, this application models do not support redundant transmission: the
generator application sends only one packet to a given communication channel,
and the sink application cannot recognize copies of the same packet and accepts
them all, assuming that this is different packets from the source application.
The OMNeT++ simulation environment is written in the C++ programming
language and allows modifying the core of this environment. To build models
with redundant transmissions, new classes of generator and sink applications
have been developed.
    The new UDP application class extends of the base class and allows to specify
several addresses in configuration file in order to provide redundant transmission
via sending copy of packets to these addresses. The network simulator’s kernel
generating and sending copies of current packet to main and backup communica-
tion channels. These copies of packet have same id number for correct identifying
(without duplication) in sink application.
    In UDP application configuration on clients we set port number and packet
length. Also we specify several several IP-addresses for redundant transmission.
Fig. 1 shows fragment of UDP generator application settings.

                         Fig. 1. UDP generator’s settings.

   In this configuration you can set number of port, several IP-addresses for
redundant transmission, length of packet etc.
   The UDP sink application class extends the base receiver class of UDP traffic
and allows to receive and detect same packets from different network channels.
Packet will be dropped if application already received packet with same id from
other channel. Port number for this application is set in the configuration file.
4      Ilya Noskov and Vladimir Bogatyrev

   Simulation model of system with server, five network switches and five clients
was developed in OMNeT++ environment. This model is based on a EtherSwitch
model which represents model of network switch and a StandardHost model,
which simulates clients and server behaviour. Fig. 2 shows this model in the
OMNeT++ environment.

                       Fig. 2. Model of computer network.

    Criterion M has been used for efficiency evaluation of redundant transmis-

                                 M = P (t0 − T )                              (1)
    This (1) represents the average time of error-free and timely transmitted
packets from the client to the server. P is a probability of timely and error-free
delivery of the package. This parameter is defined via experiments. t0 is a time
limit for packet delivery in this system. T is a average transmit packet time in
this computer network.
    In redundant transmissions with split switches between nodes, each switch
is used by more than one node. We will carry out simulation experiments with
different values of the backup coefficient, which shows how many channels will
be used to transmit each of packet from client.
                                   Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length        5

    These parameters have been used in simulation experiments with redundant
transmit: L = 10 Mbit/s - throughput of communication channels between clients
and switches, t0 = 0.0004 s - delivery time, B = 0.0001 - probability of channel
bit errors, λ = 1000 1/s - packet arrival rate, packet length for this simulation
process is 100 B.

3   Researching of critical to waiting time multipath
    redundant transmissions
Fig. 3 shows plots of the criterion M and redundancy transmissions K for different
packet intensity (1000 1/s and 2000 1/s). From the graphs we can see that the
selected criterion M takes large values at lower intensity, which indicates the
small size of queues in the network switches. At greater intensity queues in the
switches are growing and this leads to increase of delivery packets time in the
system and reduces the efficiency criterion. Thus, in this network configuration,
the transmission of packets with lower intensity is more efficient on all values
of redundant coefficient. In the curve 2 you can see sharp decline at K equals
4. It allows to make conclusion that switch buffers are overflow and packets are

Fig. 3. The dependence of the efficiency criterion M on the redundancy ratio K: at an
intensity of 1000 1/s (curve 1); at an intensity of 2000 1/s (curve 2).

    Increasing the number of redundant transmissions helps us to reduce packets
lost probability. But the end to end packets delay in the system also increasing.
6       Ilya Noskov and Vladimir Bogatyrev

Delays influence on probability of timely delivery packets to server and reduce
value of M criterion. Fig. 4 shows histograms of end to end packets delay for
different value of K at an intensity of 1000 1/s.

Fig. 4. Histograms of end to end packets delay for K = 1, 2, 3, 4 at an intensity of
1000 1/s (from top to down, from left to right).

    Fig. 5 shows histograms of end to end packets delay for different value of K
at an intensity of 2000 1/s.
    As you can see delays increase with intensity increasing. While delays don’t
achieve a time limit for packet delivery in this system t0 these packets continue to
be relevance for system and increase timely delivery probability. Timely delivery
probability is considered as more important variety of probability for real-time
system because its takes into account of limit for packet delivery. That is why
general probability of delivery packets are increasing for bigger K but criteria M
is reduced.
    Fig. 6 shows a plot of criterion M depends on packet arrival rate for various
transmission redundancy coefficient. It can be seen from the plot that an increase
of redundancy coefficient is not effective for all area of intensity. You can see an
area in which transmission with a high redundancy coefficient is more efficient
on the same network configuration.
    After overcoming the intensity threshold of 2000 1/s, the redundancy model
is becoming less efficient than model without reservation. Increasing traffic on
the network in redundancy model leads to the growing of queues in the switches.
That is why delivery time of packets is growing. The probability of delivery pack-
ages increases. With an intensity of 5000 1/s in a redundant model, delivery time
                                    Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length          7

Fig. 5. Histograms of end to end packets delay for K = 1, 2, 3, 4 at an intensity of
2000 1/s (from top to down, from left to right).

Fig. 6. The dependence of the efficiency criterion M on the intensity of packet arrival:
with the redundancy coefficient K = 1 (curve 1); with the redundancy coefficient K =
2 (curve 2).
8       Ilya Noskov and Vladimir Bogatyrev

of packets doesn’t increase, however, the probability of packet delivery begins to
decrease due to network switches start to drop packets because incoming buffers
are overflow.
    In order to achieve transmission efficiency at an intensity less than 2000 1/s
redundant scheme should be used. In case it is necessary to provide a greater
probability of delivery when the intensity is above 2000 1/s, it is necessary to
use a redundant scheme. However, in this case, the average delivery time of the
packets in the system are increasing, but this case is unacceptable for real-time
    Fig. 7 shows histograms of end to end packets delay for different value of
intensity without redundant transmissions.

Fig. 7. Histograms of end to end packets delay for intensity = 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000,
5000 1/s without redundant transmissions (from top to down, from left to right).

    Fig. 8 shows histograms of end to end packets delay for different value of
intensity with K = 2.
                                   Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length         9

Fig. 8. Histograms of end to end packets delay for intensity = 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000,
5000 1/s with K = 2 (from top to down, from left to right).
10      Ilya Noskov and Vladimir Bogatyrev

   These results can be interpreted as results above. Histogram of case with
5000 1/s intensity show us many big values of packets delay.

4    Conclusion
The simulation model of a switched computer network has been developed with
the possibility of increasing the redundancy of transmit packets in the OM-
NeT++ environment. Carried out experiments to assess the effectiveness of pack-
ets transmit with different intensity and redundancy coefficient. Identified areas
of application of effective redundancy transmissions in the aggregation of com-
munication channels in computer networks. Developed model allows to transmit
packets via several paths and provides redundant transfer of data.
    The possibilities of increasing the probability of timely error-free service and
reducing average delays in multipath data transmission systems are described.
    On the basis of simulation, the effectiveness of redundant multipath trans-
missions is analyzed. Models are developed in the OMNeT++ simulation envi-
    The field of using effectiveness of redundant multipath transmissions and
redundant multipath packets transfer is shown.
    Plots of of the criterion M and redundancy transmissions K for different
packet intensity and plot shows dependence of the efficiency criterion M on
the intensity of packet arrival with different redundancy coefficient are shown.
Histograms of end to end packets delay for every considered cases are presented
in the paper.
    The presented results can be used in the design of high-reliable computer
systems including computer systems providing real-time services which use UDP

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