=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Elena Kuleshova,Anatoly Marukhlenko,Vyacheslav Dobritsa,Maxim Tanygin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/KuleshovaMDT19 }} ==Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/paper6.pdf
Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based
           on Cellular Automata?

            Elena Kuleshova1[0000−0002−8270−564X] , Anatoly
Marukhlenko                    , Vyacheslav Dobritsa3[0000−0001−7533−3684] ,
               and Maxim Tanygin4[0000−0002−4099−1414]
                  Southwest State University, 305040, Kursk, Russia
                  Southwest State University, 305040, Kursk, Russia
                  Southwest State University, 305040, Kursk, Russia
                  Southwest State University, 305040, Kursk, Russia

      Abstract. The purpose of the work is to use an encryption algorithm
      based on cellular automata to develop a multi-threaded data processing
      system and study statistical performance indicators depending on the
      hardware component and input unit size, as well as develop recommen-
      dations for increasing the cryptographic strength of the method. A math-
      ematical model of the encryption method using a floating window based
      on cellular automata is considered [1]. To study the speed of the process-
      ing of sensitive data, a variant of organizing the structure of the software
      module with an extended block of tuning parameters that determine the
      dimension of the matrix, the activation string of the bit neighborhood
      of the processed elements, the number of parallel calculations (threads)
      and the rule for expanding the boundary elements of the matrix has been
      developed. A method is proposed for generating a graphical dependence
      of the processing time on the initial parameters, the scope of which is
      possible both for processing individual files and continuous data streams
      of subscribers of a computer network. A cryptographic module has been
      developed that implements an encryption method based on cellular au-
      tomata, a feature of which is a multithreaded mode of operation and
      dynamic control of the block of initial parameters. Recommendations on
      the installation of the neighborhood of the active elements of the matrix
      and the number of threads taking into account the architecture of the
      CPU are formulated. Experimental studies confirming the completeness
      and correctness of the proposed solutions were carried out.

      Keywords: Cellular automaton · Data encryption · Parallel computing
      · Cryptography · System analysis · Information security.
  Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
  The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-31-90069.
2      Kuleshova E.A., Marukhlenko A.L., Dobritsa V.P., Tanygin M.O.

1   Introduction

The rapid development of information technology involves the continuous im-
provement of tools to ensure the information security of confidential data [2].
Special attention is paid to protecting information from unauthorized access us-
ing modern cryptographic methods and system analysis in distributed systems
operating in real time. As a rule, software and hardware solutions for provid-
ing integrated cryptographic protection are distinguished by the complexity of
integration into the local computer network, and also require support with the
involvement of experts in the field of information security [3].
    In this paper, a new block processing method is proposed, based on a cellu-
lar encryption algorithm with a floating window. The main difference between a
cellular automaton with a floating window and a cellular automaton on a par-
tition [4] is that there is no division into encryption blocks by even and odd
lattices. Another feature is that when encrypting with a floating window, the
encryption block moves sequentially throughout the text, moving one column
forward, thereby each element of the text is encrypted a certain number of times
(depending on the size of the encryption block), which increases the strength
of cellular encryption. The practical significance of the method lies in the fact
that the results can be used for research purposes when studying the methods of
organizing multi-threaded calculations and ensuring information security when
working with large data arrays. This method has the prospects of increasing
durability while maintaining a high data processing speed through the use of
parallel computing.

2   Problem Statement

Within the framework of the method under consideration, the task of protection
against unauthorized access can be presented in the form of a sequence consisting
of the following steps: confidential data is presented in the form of a binary ma-
trix, the encryption block represents a floating window, the movement of which
is determined by the input parameters and processing mode. As a rule, during
processing (encryption), it is located in the upper left corner of the original ma-
trix, the contents of this block are written out in a line in accordance with the
route to bypass the neighborhood (neighboring bits). This sequence is replaced
according to the transition function. The resulting cipher sequence is collapsed
into a block in accordance with a given route and overwritten over the elements
of the original matrix. Next, a shift occurs and the iterative process is repeated
until the entire matrix is processed. When developing a software module, it is
necessary to ensure that the file is read from the media or network interface,
taking into account the hardware features of the automated system, to generate
and process the initial matrix of a given width in accordance with the size of the
floating window and the rules for expanding the matrix for boundary elements.
       Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata           3

3   System Building

A feature of the proposed scheme for encrypting data streams using parallel
computing based on cellular automata is the use of independent threads. With
their help, there is a rational use of the computing resource of the central proces-
sor during processing on one computer or distribution of the processing process
using network terminals [5–7]. Fig. 1 shows a basic variant of the interaction of
the elements of the designed system. The information storage device stores both
the source file and the encrypted file generated during the encryption process.

                  Fig. 1. The scheme of multithreaded processing.

The encrypted matrix is formed in blocks, in the process of moving a floating
window and in the case of segmentation can be represented by a set of files. This
means that the finished blocks of the encrypted file are stored in random access
memory and wait for the end of the encryption process [8]. Depending on the
storage mode of the resulting matrix, it makes sense to use several data storage
devices, as while recording by several streams simultaneously, the information
storage device becomes a weak link in the performance chain [9].

4   Mathematical Model

To clearly describe the operation of the method, we consider working with a
two-dimensional matrix. The size of the encryption block (m1 , m2 ) can be set
arbitrarily, and the number of matrix columns is determined by the number
4       Kuleshova E.A., Marukhlenko A.L., Dobritsa V.P., Tanygin M.O.

of blocks written in the alphabet A = {0, 1}. The number of matrix rows is
determined by the size of the initial data, and in the case of a network stream,
it depends on the interaction session of the computing subscribers network [10].
The number of columns N2 depends on the length of the source information by
the formula 1:
                                 N2 = qm2 + 1,                                (1)

where q is the partial quotient in the equality T = kq + r, 0 ≤ r < k, k = m1 m2
is a block area, T is the length of the source text, and r is the remainder of the
    A cellular automaton with a floating window is called a combination (formula
               CAo =< Z n , (N1 , . . . , Nn ), A, (m1 , . . . , mn ), ψ, L >, (2)

where: Z n is a dimension of a cellular automaton(n = 1, 2, 3); (N1 , . . . , Nn ) is
a table size; (m1 , . . . , mn ) is an encryption block size; ψ is a transition function
table; L is a bypass route of the encryption block of a cellular automaton with
a floating window, moreover, the equalities N1 = m1 , . . . , Nn−1 = mn−1 and
Nn = qmn + 1, where q is a partial quotient in equality T = kq + r, 0 ≤ r <
k, k = m1 . . . mn is a number of cells in the encryption block, is a length of the
source text, r is a remainder of the division.
    The source text is written sequentially in layers into the source text table.
In the last layer, only r cells will be filled. The remaining cells are filled with
either zeros or ones. The encryption process is as follows: the encryption block
is located at the beginning of the table with the source text, the contents of this
block are written out in a line in accordance with the traversal route L. This
sequence is replaced in accordance with the transition function ψ . The resulting
cipher sequence is collapsed into a block in accordance with route L. The original
block is replaced with the received one. The encryption block is shifted by one
position in the data table and the process is repeated. The encryption process
ends when the encryption unit is not able to move to a new position. During
decryption, the floating window moves in the opposite direction, starting from
the last column (the columns in the transition function are swapped).

5    Cryptographic Strength

In contrast to the cellular automaton on the partition, in which it is proposed to
bypass the encryption block from the first element and go in the order of rows
and columns respectively, in the cellular automaton with a floating window, it
is possible to bypass the encryption block in any sequence. Let the encryption
block size be M ∗ N , then the number of bypass options for this block will be
(M ∗ N )!. The table of transition functions depends on the size of the encryption
block:as the block size increases, the number of options for filling the right side
of the table of transition functions increases exponentially, and therefore, the
       Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata            5

task of breaking the cipher is complicated. But it must be taken into account
that an increase in the encryption block is possible only when encrypting large
messages. A 5 × 5 block size is recommended, but the use of 6 × 6 and 7 × 7
blocks will also be successful in improving the hardware component.
    Consider the rule space in more detail. In the proposed program module, a
neighborhood option is used that includes a central (processed) cell and 8 ele-
ments from the environment. From the point of view of evaluating cryptographic
stability, only environmental elements of the treated cell are considered, since
the central cell does not affect the resistance. Thus, a neighborhood with four
neighbors there are 28 = 256 positions and two options for filling each cell (zero
or one), then the rules table can be filled in 2256 various ways.
    To increase the cryptographic strength, we can consider neighborhoods of
the Jth order, where J ∈ N [11]. We denote by R the number of cells in the
neighborhood of Moore of the Jth order, and R = (2J + 1) − 1 then there
exists R! various workarounds. Similarly, denoting by S the number of cells in
the Von Neumann neighborhood of the Jth order, and S = ((2J − 1) − 1) + 4
we will have S! various workarounds. Obviously, the key length will vary and
equal to R characters for the Jth order Moore neighborhood and S characters
for the Jth order Von Neumann neighborhood. Thus, to increase the strength of
cellular encryption, it is advisable to increase the size of the neighborhood and
and use a function that defines the set of processed elements. It is important to
consider that increasing the neighborhood leads to an increase in file size, which
is especially evident in small amounts of data.
    It is also worth noting that in conventional cellular encryption, the key is
applied once. However, when encrypting with a floating window, the encryption
block moves sequentially through the text, moving one column forward, thereby
each element of the text is encrypted x times (depending on the size of the
encryption block). On this basis, for the neighborhoods of Moore and Von Neu-
mann of the Jth order, the number of different bypass options will be (R!)x and
(S!)x , respectively.
    In the course of cryptanalysis, it was found that in order to increase the
stability of the method, the matrix neighborhood should be expanded along
with the rule of supplementing it based on a function that determines the state
of additional cells for boundary elements [12]. It is also advisable to use a hash
function that determines the sequence of processing blocks. These functions are
key and should be known to the recipient of confidential data [13].

6   Simulation

The developed software module is shown in Fig. 2. Here, in the upper part, a
block of initial parameters is shown - the rule of matrix addition, optional log file
maintenance, the bypass rule and block size, matrix dimension (by the number
of blocks in a row). The left column shows the status of the encrypted blocks
in accordance with the hash function. In addition to using a conversion table
based on a hash function, it is possible to load a user-specific transition guide
6      Kuleshova E.A., Marukhlenko A.L., Dobritsa V.P., Tanygin M.O.

or generate it. In order to eliminate the error of using an incorrect directory,
the size of the installed block and the power of the number of transitions are
compared. Experimental studies have confirmed the absence of a dependence of
the processing speed on the number of blocks in the matrix row.
    A search of the size options for the source blocks showed that the processing
speed of the matrix is inversely proportional to the size of the block. The ob-
tained processing statistics are shown in Table 1, here 100 percent corresponds
to the longest encryption time of a file of 5 MB in size, which amounted to 23.2
seconds. The studies were carried out on a personal computer with a hardware
configuration: CPU Intel i3 8100, HDD ST2000DL003, RAM 32 GB.

             Fig. 2. The interface of the software encryption module.
       Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata           7

The performance growth dynamics is justified by the fact that as the size of
the blocks increases, their number in the file matrix decreases, and accordingly,
the time for capturing, substituting, and rewriting elements decreases. It is im-
portant to take into account the fact that when using the lookup directory,
processing time gains are achieved if a conversion table is available, otherwise
its generation time may exceed the processing time since the time delays in its
formation grow exponentially with increasing block area. To assess the depen-

    Table 1. Dependence of encryption time on the size of the encryption block.

Block Dimension (bit) 2 × 2 3 × 3 4 × 4 5 × 7 7 × 9
Relative Delay (percent) 100 72.6 61.15 39.01 22.12

dence of the developed system performance on the number of parallel computing,
the mode of enumerating the number of threads on files of various sizes was ac-
tivated. In the formation of the initial matrix, blocks of 20 bits (block 4 × 5)
were used (see Fig. 3). For clarity, the relative delay is indicated on the abscissa
axis, 100 percent corresponds to the maximum processing time for a file of the
specified size. Note that matching relative delay values for different data does
not mean matching processing time.

                  Fig. 3. Research results in multithreaded mode.

From the graphs presented it follows that on the basis of experimental equipment
it is advisable to use no more than four threads (the processor has four physical
8      Kuleshova E.A., Marukhlenko A.L., Dobritsa V.P., Tanygin M.O.

cores), since the vast majority of tests showed the highest system performance.
Using more than five threads is not of interest since showed a decrease in encryp-
tion speed due to the fact that there is a combination of tasks within one physical
(logical) processor and its work slows down. Thus, the dynamics of performance
depends on the architecture of the processor and the workload of the system as
a whole. It also follows from the graph that the dependence of the increase in
the speed of multi-threaded conversion depends on the file size. This is due to
the fact that the initialization and start-up of threads can take up a significant
share of the total processing time, which is impractical when processing files less
than 10 MB. Also note the block size as it determines the number of rewrites
of the elements of the original matrix, and in the case of a sequential algorithm,
the time of ”downtime” [14]. Analysis of computer resource loading showed that
the data link is the weak link in the speed chain, because it is actively used at
the time of downloading the encryption results from the random access memory.
An option to solve this problem is asynchronous recording of processed segments
of the original matrix of confidential data to independent information storage
devices [15].

7   Results Analysis

To analyze the distribution of bits changed as a result of encryption, we form
a matrix, which is the difference between the original and encrypted matrix.
Figure 4 shows a fragment of the resulting table containing 100 columns. The
value of the matrix element will be the values {−1, 0, 1}. White cells correspond
to 0 (the value has not changed), horizontal hatching corresponds to −1, vertical
hatching corresponds to 1.

     Fig. 4. Fragment of a superposition of the original and processed matrices.
       Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata           9

A simplified visualization in the form of a surface is shown in Figure 5. For
clarity, we took the distortion value modulo. Here, the difference points rise
from the main level and demonstrate the distribution of the changes made. The
diagram shows fifty rows corresponding to the rows of the matrix, the axis of
a hundred divisions corresponds to the number of columns of the matrix (table
width). Inclined faces show a uniform transition between states.

      Fig. 5. Fragment of a superposition of matrices in the form of a surface.

A look at the graph “from below” (horizontal projection) coincides with Figure
4. From the results it follows that the processed matrix contains 50 percent of
the changes at the bit level and 100 percent of the changes at the byte level,
i.e. the result of processing is not similar to inversion and cannot be understood
by an attacker without a reverse transformation, which involves knowledge or
selection of key parameters. The obtained indicators confirm the high level of
cryptographic strength of the encryption method under consideration based on
cellular automata. In the course of further studies, it is planned to consider the
changes made not only with the establishment of the fact of a change in the bit
value, but also taking into account the boundary values.
     In the initial definition of a cellular automaton with a floating window, pro-
cessing (encryption) begins with the first block (depends on the input parameters
and processing mode), then the iterative process is repeated in order until all
blocks are processed. The introduction of a local rule for processing blocks will
reduce the encryption time without losing cryptographic strength due to the
fact that not all blocks will be processed, but only those with neighbors that
correspond to certain markers. To do this, in the above definition of a cellular
10      Kuleshova E.A., Marukhlenko A.L., Dobritsa V.P., Tanygin M.O.

automaton with a floating window, we introduce a new element: M - a set of
markers (boundary values).

8    Cellular Automaton with a Floating Window and a Set
     of Markers

The cell of the matrix n will be considered as a block. A rule is introduced for
the local processing of blocks (matrix cells) based on markers - M. The marker
consists of a finite set of patterns P. Each pattern, in fact, is a set of values that
must be present around the cell so that its state is updated in accordance with
the ψ, i.e. the update function works with a cell if and only if there is a corre-
spondence between the states of its neighbors and the pattern in M. However,
since there is no order in which each pattern P is compared with the states of
the cell’s neighbors, no pattern should be a subpattern of the other. Based on
the studies presented in [16], we introduce two serious limitations: all markers
in the composition have the same neighborhood as the final result of their com-
position, and all templates have the same shape. These simple constraints allow
you to create a fairly simple and efficient implementation.
    A cellular automaton with a floating window and a set of markers is called
a combination (formula 3):

            CAOM =< Z n , (N1 , . . . , Nn ), A, (m1 , . . . , mn ), ψ, L, M >,     (3)

where: Z n is a dimension of a cellular automaton(n = 1, 2, 3); (N1 , . . . , Nn ) is
a table size; (m1 , . . . , mn ) is an encryption block size; ψ is a transition function
table; L is a bypass route of the encryption block of a cellular automaton with
a floating window. M is a set of markers consisting of patterns P, all patterns
P ∈ M have the same shape, which is determined by the neighborhood of the
marker. The update function is applied to cell n if and only if the state of its
neighboring cells corresponds to to some element P ∈ M .

9    Conclusion

In the course of the work, a mathematical model of the encryption method using
a floating window based on cellular automata is considered. To study the speed
of the processing of confidential data, a variant of organizing the structure of the
software module was developed. A method is proposed for generating a graphical
dependence of the processing time on the initial parameters, the scope of which
is possible both for processing individual files and for continuous data streams of
subscribers of a computer network, as well as at the level of a computing cluster
that provides end-to-end encryption at the level of an external service.
    A cryptographic module has been developed that implements the encryption
method based on cellular automata, a feature of which is a multi-threaded mode
       Multi-Threaded Data Processing System Based on Cellular Automata                  11

of operation and dynamic control of the block of initial parameters. Recommen-
dations are formulated for setting the neighborhood of the active elements of
the matrix and the number of threads, taking into account the architecture of
the central processor. Experimental studies have been carried out confirming the
completeness and correctness of the proposed solutions. The expediency of using
high-speed hard disk drives and saving the encryption results in asynchronous
segmented mode with linking the result to the working thread is shown.
    The proposed version of organizing a confidential information processing sys-
tem in the form of a software module, taking into account the hardware features,
allows optimizing the processing speed, and compliance with the recommenda-
tions for expanding the neighborhood during block conversion makes it possible
to increase the cryptographic strength of the encryption algorithm based on cel-
lular automata with a floating window. The totality of the results confirm the
completeness and correctness of the proposed solutions.


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