DBMS Performance Issues on a Single-Board Computer Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Igor Lazarev[0000-0001-8033-4673] and Ilya Gosudarev [0000-0003-4236-5991] ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia. il5498@yandex.ru goss@itmo.ru Abstract. In this article, using the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform as an example, we consider the problem of performance of different DBMS in the process of using them to provide a single board computer as a web server. The existing studies do not reveal the database management system (DBMS) performance problems on single board computer platforms. A comparative analysis of the performance of different operations using MariaDB relational DBMS and the same operations using MongoDB NoSQL DBMS was conducted. The data for the analysis were obtained in the process of experiment, during which the performance of such operations on databases as sampling and updating was tested. The Node.js. platform was used as a testing application. Testing was carried out on a test stand that included a single board computer Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Windows PC. Besides the DBMS, the web server performance analysis was conducted in conjunction with the file system. As a result of the testing, the real performance degradation was found to be compliant with the expected one and some interesting performance features of different DBMS were identified. As a result of the testing the conclusions were made about the possibility of using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform as an authentication web- server. Keywords: Single-board computers, Raspberry Pi, Database Management Sys- tems, MySQL, JSON files, MongoDB, Node.js 1 Introduction At the moment, among the most important requirements for hardware and technical solutions are mobility, scalability, low operating costs and the possibility of customi- zation. These qualities have led to the spread of single-board computers in a number of areas, including the routing of network requests, management of components of the Internet of Things, the deployment of software-controlled hardware and software solu- tions in the field. Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 The study showed that up to 85% of solutions based on single board computers tend to implement monolingual paradigm, mainly based on the programming language C. The monolingual platform is understood as the management of all or almost all aspects of the platform's operation using the same programming language. For example, a one programming language can be used to control sensors and LEDs on a computer as well as to process the data from these sensors and deliver them to the IoT client, e.g. via a web server. However, the evolution of JavaScript and the development of its ecosystem create reasons for the migration to this language as the basis of the monolingual plat- form. Refactoring of the existing code and practical experience allowed us to identify a number of related problems. In the previous studies, one of the authors needed to ensure the performance of the web server when working with the database to avoid problems with data transmission to the client side and their reflection. In the course of this work relational DBMS MySQL was selected. This choice was due to the convenience of using the relational data model and the wide popularity of the database. At application deployment devel- oped during work on final qualifying work on platform Raspberry Pi the problem of absence of the official distribution kit of server MySQL has been revealed. This fact revealed the need to replace the MySQL database with another one that supports the work on a single-board computer Raspberry Pi. DBMS such as MariaDB and Mon- goDB were considered as possible options. In addition to comparing the results of using the DBMS, a performance comparison was made when using JSON file stored in the file system as a database. This choice was conditioned by the necessity to check the ability of the file system or hardware data storage to avoid reducing the working speed. MariaDB relational database surpasses MySQL performance by 3-5% due to im- proved query optimizer and many other performance related improvements, as well as complete drop-in-replacement MySQL 5.5, which is a strong argument for analyzing the performance of this particular database on the Raspberry Pi platform [1]. At the same time, the article A Comparison of Database Performance of MySQL and MariaDB with OLTP Workload v3.0. states that MySQL performance is higher than MariaDB performance when using approximately the same amount of system resources [5]. On the other hand, the article NVM Aware MariaDB Database System states that MariaDB has implemented a solution that increases the efficiency of using this DBMS on systems with non-volatile memory [6]. Also, the article by Yusuf Abubakar shows that MariaDB relational DBMS is the most productive for data reading operation among all considered relational DBMS such as PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite [7]. Thus, there are a lot of articles considering MariaDB relational DBMS performance that do not come to a final solution of the issue of positioning this DBMS in the relational DBMS performance rating. There is also a question of the rationality of MongoDB use considering the disad- vantages of this DBMS in the form of a large load on the system's RAM and the need to independently interrupt slow queries [2]. At the same time, the ability to easily scale MongoDB [4] can provide the use of the cluster of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B instances as the hardware part of the distributed database created by MongoDB No-SQL DBMS. Since the study considers the DBMS performance on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform, the use of the classical criterion of the number of operations for a certain 3 period of time, such as in the article on the creation of the LinkBench benchmark [8], seems irrational due to the fact that single-board computers are worse than specialized data storage systems all performance parameters, the time spent on one operation of selecting or updating data is used as a comparison criterion for a DBMS. Despite the presence of the conducted researches on the topic of comparing the per- formance of relational DBMS MySQL and NoSQL DBMS MongoDB [3] or other re- lational DBMS PostgreSQL and MongoDB [4], it can be noted that these researches did not consider the issue of DBMS data performance on single-board computer plat- forms. 2 Data mining 2.1 Test bench specification The following DBMS testing platforms were selected: Windows PC and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B single board computer. These platforms are widely used in various areas of application development. While the PC has the best hardware features, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is compact, low power consumption and low cost. The need for tests on a desktop PC was due to the possibility that a single-board computer Raspberry Pi 3 Model B might not have enough performance, so that the use of single-board computers to deploy web servers within the concept of monolingual programming using the Ja- vaScript language would be irrational. Thus, it became necessary to determine an ac- ceptable threshold for performance degradation. For this purpose, the hardware charac- teristics of desktop PC and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B were compared. SSD on Windows PC and MicroSD card on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B were used as a data storage. MicroSD card used as read-only memory in Raspberry Pi 3 Model B by default. A comparison of all components of the platforms used is shown in Table 1. As a result of the compar- ison, it was decided to establish an acceptable threshold performance reduction of 200%. Table 1. Technical characteristics of two platforms PC Raspberry Pi Processor model AMD A8-7410 Broadcom BCM2837 Сlock frequency 2.2 GHz 1.2 GHz Number of core 4 4 RAM capacity 8 GB (up to 16 GB) 1 GB ROM capacity 930 GB 32 GB Node.js and Express technologies were chosen as the stack of technologies used for testing various DBMS. The choice of these technologies is due to the fact that this study is part of a more global study of the possibility of using JavaScript programming lan- guage in IoT. The performance of the database management system for various basic operations, such as sampling, insertion and modification, was selected as the benchmark for 4 comparison. This criterion was chosen due to the need for fast data exchange between the DBMS and the server. The process of experimenting to determine a suitable DBMS was organized as fol- lows. Tests were developed to determine the timing of operations. In addition, data similar to the real data had to be generated. The data could be used to fill various data- base management systems, in two versions. In the first case, 20,000 records were used. This number is due number is due to the one of the author's previous researches, in which a database of about 20,000 unique people was used. Thus, the choice of this number allows to estimate the DBMS indicators that can be used to assess their perfor- mance in real life tasks. The second option contained 100,000 entries. The choice of such a number of records is based on the possibility of increasing the number of records in the existing database, according to experts' estimates, up to 100,000 in 3-5 years. 2.2 Relational DBMS MariaDB testing To test the data access performance in relational DBMS MariaDB, the samples were made by the year of birth and by the surname. Such samples allowed to test the selection as a large set of values and a less one from the volume data array. The code fragment responsible for sampling small amount of data from relational DBMS MariaDB is shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1. Code fragments for sampling small amount of data from rDBMS MariaDB Thus, in the case of small data set sampling, their filtration is performed by name, while in the case of large data set sampling the filtration is performed by the birth year. A sample code sample that selects a large amount of data is shown in Figure 2. Fig. 2. Code fragments for sampling a lot amount of data from rDBMS MariaDB Also, the DBMS was tested for the data alteration speed. To perform this operation, we decided to use the method of updating the data of one column, if the data of another 5 column correspond to the value strictly specified earlier. The code fragments responsi- ble for this part of the testing are shown in Figure 3. Fig. 3. Code fragments for updating a lot amount of data in rDBMS MariaDB 2.3 NoSQL DMS MongoDB testing The NoSQL DBMS MongoDB performance testing process is in general similar to the MariyaDB relational DBMS performance testing process, except for a few points, such as no need to format the SQL query to the DBMS and different DBMS connection implementation. Thus, unlike the MariaDB client implementation, the MongoDB client implementation, due to the fact that this DBMS supports queries to databases in JavaS- cript language, uses built-in functions together with the built-in MongoDB functions. The code that selects a small amount of data from the database is shown in Figure 4. Fig. 4. Code fragments for sampling small amount of data from NoSQL DBMS MongoDB It follows from the code that the selection of large and small amounts of data differ slightly both in queries to MariaDB DBMS and in queries to MongoDB DBMS. The key difference between the queries to these DBMS is the use of SQL language in the 6 case of queries to MariaDB DBMS and the use of built-in functions in the case of que- ries to MongoDB DBMS. The code responsible for selecting a significant amount of data from the MongoDB is shown in Figure 5. Fig. 5. Code fragment for sampling a lot of data from NoSQL DBMS MongoDB The procedure of updating data in the MongoDB DBMS differs significantly from the procedures considered earlier. Firstly, there are several methods of data updating in MongoDB first. They are given below in Table 2. Table 2. Methods of updating data in MongoDB DBMS NoSQL [9] Method Description updateOne() Update a single document in a collection updateMany() Update multiple documents in a collec- tion replaceOne() Replace a document in a collection with another document Also, one of the operators in Update operation in MongoDB - $set - is used to per- form the data update request. The full list of operators and description of their behavior is given below in Table 3. Table 3. Operators using for updating data in MongoDB DBMS NoSQL [9] Operator Behavior $currentDate Sets the value of a field to the current date, either as a Date or a timestamp. The default type is Date. $inc Increments a field by a specified value. $min Updates the value of the field to a speci- fied value if the specified value is less than the current value of the field. This operator can compare values of different types, using the BSON comparison or- der. 7 $max Updates the value of the field to a speci- fied value if the specified value is greater than the current value of the field. This operator can compare values of different types, using the BSON comparison or- der. $mul Multiply the value of a field by a num- ber. $rename Updates the name of a field. $set Replaces the value of a field with the specified value. $setOnInsert If an update operation with upsert: true results in an insert of a document, then assigns the specified values to the fields in the document. If the update operation does not result in an insert, this operator does nothing. $unset Deletes a particular field. Based on the above mentioned, the code was developed to update the data in the Mon- goDB DBMS, which is shown below in Figure 6. Fig. 6. Code fragment for updating a lot of data in NoSQL DBMS MongoDB As a result of the code considered earlier it was possible to accumulate a large amount of data. In total, more than 25 thousand data sampling and updating operations were performed for all operations. The results of time measurements of these operations are analyzed in the next section. 3 Data analysis From the data accumulated during the experiment, a simple non-repeatable sample was built consisting of 3600 records of the time spent on data sampling and updating oper- ations in different DBMS on different platforms and operating systems. With the help of statistical transformations, various data were obtained. Thus, for example, the data on average values of the time spent on executing different operations in different DBMS are given in Table 4. 8 Table 4. Mean values of testing results Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Windows PC 20 000 100 000 20 000 100 000 records records records records (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) Select one 148.437 165.327 132.555 286.954 MariaDB Select 271.432 649.541 158.275 300.375 some Update 236.934 670.093 144.052 361.388 Select one 201.167 205.050 1098.593 1105.547 Select MongoDB some 205.257 204.003 1098.147 1104.457 Update 311.510 657.830 1154.953 1117.373 Select one 76.680 142.217 31.540 52.660 Select JSON files some 60.317 160.650 24.583 42.000 Update 24.480 105.993 12.370 31.933 From the table above it follows that the average decrease in performance on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform running Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) is approximately 193% com- pared to the performance of the PC platform running Windows. Also, it is important to note that despite the 2.78 times lower performance when working with flat JSON files on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform running on Ub- untu 18.04 (Bionic) compared to the PC platform running on Windows 10, the perfor- mance of MongoDB DBMS on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform is significantly higher than its performance on the PC platform. Thus, the average time spent on the operation of selecting a unique value from the database deployed on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform and containing 100,000 records is 539% faster than the time spent on an identical operation on the Windows PC platform. This is caused by an interesting statistical anomaly seen in Figures 7 and 8. Fig. 7. Histogram of distribution of sample values from the data obtained during MongoDB DBMS testing on Windows PC. 9 Fig. 8. Histogram of distribution of sample values from the data obtained during MongoDB DBMS testing on Windows PC. From the diagrams shown in Fig. 7 we can see that the time spent on operations with the MongoDB DBMS deployed on a Windows PC is subject to the Laplace-Gauss dis- tribution. And in Fig. 8 it can be seen that the time spent on the same operations with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with the Ubuntu 18.04 operating system (Bionic) is subject to the Poisson distribution. To test the hypothesis that the performance degradation on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform running Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) depends not so much on optimizing various DBMS for this platform as on the platform performance itself, besides the table with the average values of the time spent on executing the data sampling and updating oper- ations, the tables with its minimum and maximum values are given below. In Table 5 the minimum testing results is shown. The maximal testing results is shown in Table 6. Table 5. Minimum values of testing results Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Windows PC 20 000 100 000 20 000 100 000 records records records records (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) Select one 140 143 128 282 MariaDB Select some 269 643 147 291 Update 235 665 140 355 Select one 157 182 1078 1079 Select MongoDB 182 182 1073 1074 some Update 287 630 1129 1088 Select one 75 140 30 52 Select JSON files 57 155 23 41 some Update 20 101 6 31 10 Table 6. Maximum values of testing results Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Windows PC 20 000 100 000 20 000 100 000 records records records records (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) Select one 140 143 128 282 MariaDB Select some 269 643 147 291 Update 235 665 140 355 Select one 157 182 1078 1079 Select MongoDB 182 182 1073 1074 some Update 287 630 1129 1088 Select one 75 140 30 52 Select JSON files 57 155 23 41 some Update 20 101 6 31 It follows from the tables above that the average DBMS performance decrease on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform under Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) calculated according to the minimum time spent on data sampling and updating operations is 214% in com- parison with the performance of the investigated DBMS on the Windows PC platform. At the same time, the average DBMS performance decrease on the same platforms cal- culated by the maximum time spent on executing the data sampling and updating oper- ations is 190%. Proceeding from the fact that the previously mentioned performance degradation calculated on the basis of the average time spent on data sampling and updating operations which is 193% it follows that the real performance degradation corresponds to the theoretical one calculated in the paragraph 2.1. 4 Results In the course of the study it was revealed that the problem of monolingual programming on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform using the JavaScript language, associated with the lack of an official MySQL server distribution, is solved by using an alternative da- tabase management system MariaDB. At the same time, the study showed that the use of DBMS MariaDB leads to a decrease in performance by 111-216 percent. Thus, the study found that the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform is not an effective choice for working with databases, due to a significant decrease in database performance. At the same time, the platform can be used effectively to deploy applications that do not re- quire high performance data storage and processing operations. For example, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B can be used as an authorization server for web-based applications or as a distributed DBMS cluster element. The current study has revealed a number of issues that will be the subject of the upcoming research. In the future it is possible to investigate the issue of performance 11 of different DBMS on a cluster of some Raspberry Pi platforms, this study can deter- mine the importance of the Raspberry Pi platform for use in the development of high- load web applications. References 1. Ivanov, Ivan. (2019). Reasons to migrate to MariaDB. [On-line] - https://www.re- searchgate.net/publication/331074421_Reasons_to_migrate_to_MariaDB. Last accessed 26.01.2020 2. Stepovik A. N. 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