=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/short12 |storemode=property |title=Deep Visual Features Matching Method for Vehicle Model Re-Identification |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short12.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Nikolay Nemcev,Elena Vasilenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/NemcevV19 }} ==Deep Visual Features Matching Method for Vehicle Model Re-Identification== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short12.pdf
      Deep Visual Features Matching Method for
           Vehicle Model Re-Identification

     Nikolay Nemcev1[0000−0003−4801−3284] nicknemcev@gmail.com and Elena
              Vasilenko1[0000−0002−1914−7753] apfelrobbe@gmail.com

     ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation www.ifmo.ru

        Abstract. In this paper, a study of the existing methods for identifying
        and comparing the features of objects used in the task of a vehicle model
        re-identification by its image was conducted, which is one of the most
        important tasks facing automated traffic control systems, and solved by
        comparing the vehicle features being verified with a certain set of features
        obtained by the monitoring system earlier, and deciding whether the
        compared samples belong to the same vehicle model or to different ones.
        The article describes the approach for vehicle model re-identification ac-
        cording to its image, based on the method of feature vector extraction,
        using classification convolutional neural network, and on the criterion
        for feature vectors matching via the sub-counting corresponding fea-
        tures. The proposed method shows a lower computational complexity
        than modern analogous approaches, uses smaller feature vector, demon-
        strates comparable re-identification accuracy in scenarios when the test-
        ing data have characteristics that coincide with training ones (similar
        camera model and level of lighting and noise, models of re-identifiable
        vehicles are contained in the dataset used for training) and achieves
        significantly higher relative accuracy in cases when testing data very dif-
        ferent from the training dataset. The proposed approach is practically
        applicable in vehicle re-identification task for highly loaded traffic control

        Keywords: Visual data processing · machine learning· convolutional
        neural networks · feature extraction · feature comparison · Alexnet

1     Introduction

The computer vision algorithms are used to solve various tasks in the automotive
industry: from detecting vehicles, measuring its speed and counting its number
for creating environmental analysis functions for autonomous moving devices.
The task of re-identifying vehicles is one of the most important ones that are
being solved with traffic control systems, and it may be expressed through se-
lection of vehicle’s features (both each one and some specific group of vehicles of

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2       N. Nemcev et al.

the same model) for its further comparison with some set of previously extracted
features in order to determine the conformity of the samples.
     The task of re-identifying a car is related to the task of facial re-identifying,
however, it also has its own specifics - so in the task of identifying a car it is
necessary to ensure a reliable comparison of the car’s attributes regardless of the
angle of view (front, side, back, at different angles), while face identification is
usually done from one angle (generally in full face). Also, different car models can
visually differ only from a certain angle (especially if car models from the same
manufacturer are compared), and images of the same car, taken from different
angles, may contain only few common details, which greatly complicates the task
of re-identification [1].
     Conditionally, all approaches for re-identifying objects can be divided into
ones using classic feature extraction methods [2, 3], and ones based on the ap-
proaches of feature extraction using convolutional neural networks [1, 4], mean-
while neural network (based on the use of artificial neural networks) approaches
can be divided into ones working according to the classical scheme in which
features are determined for each compared image separately and its matching is
placed in distinct module [5], and approaches based on the use of Siamese neural
networks [6] in which two input images are processed in parallel within the same
network, and the similarity metric is calculated directly on the last layer [1, 7].
     Classical approaches of extracting and comparing features are hardly practi-
cally applicable in the task of verifying a vehicle model due to the fact that in
real use cases, comparisons are often made for vehicles taken at a considerable
distance, images of which do not have a resolution high enough to highlight a
significant number of features [8]; the procedure of comparing images of vehi-
cles is being reduced to counting the number of matches between the received
descriptors [9], what does not allow you to adjust the compared objects taken
from different angles (sets of features obtained from different angles for a same
vehicle model will differ).
     Neural network approaches for comparing of object in an image use classi-
fication network architecture for extracting feature vectors of objects (f.e. [10,
11]) and process its further comparison in the separate module [5] or on the last
network layer in case of siamese networks [6]. Main advantages of this approach
include possibility of multi-angle comparison and absence of strict resolution
requirements for the compared images. The main disadvantage is the feature
extraction module’s necessity of training on corresponding data set, for exam-
ple, for correct identification of characteristics of a particular car model classifier
should be trained to classify the most complete set of car models, ideally con-
taining model wanted to be verified, meanwhile the visual characteristics of used
dataset should correspond to the real ones as much as possible (for reliable iden-
tification of the car model in the night time, used classifier must be trained on
a data set containing night photos)[12].
     Beside that, the effect of “overfitting” is observed in all neural network ap-
proaches, in which some model of the classifier, or of the verifier in this case,
demonstrates good results on the training data set, but significantly loses accu-
                                    Method for vehicle model re-identification       3

racy on the data far different from the training [13]. Nevertheless, both feature
set extraction and feature set comparison modules based on machine learning
methods are prone to this effect [14], which considerably reduces the universality
of such approaches.
    The approaches based on usage of siamese networks additionally to problems
with “overfitting” have problems with network convergence at training stage
caused by the heterogeneity of the input data [15], which complicates its usage
in some cases.
    The proposed approach combines an approach for extracting of a short fea-
ture vector based on the usage of a modified classification network Alexnet [10],
trained on a specially prepared data set, and a simple similarity metric that
operates on small feature vectors and based on the principle of estimating the
number of matching features. The use of this metric is due both to the need to
reduce the computational complexity of the task and to optimize the computa-
tional process of re-identification of the vehicle model for use in highly loaded
traffic control systems, and to reduce the ”overfitting” effect of the machine
learning algorithms on stability the operation of a system that processes data
significantly different in their characteristics from those used in the process of
extracting features of the object training module [13].
    The obtained results show that, despite its simplicity, the proposed approach
demonstrates the accuracy of solving the problem of car model verification com-
parable with other modern approaches with higher universality and less high
computational complexity.

2    Feature extraction model

The modified network Alexnet [10] was used as feature set extraction module in
this paper.
    Instead of ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) which can be calculated as:

                                 f (x) = max(0, x),                                (1)

where x is the activation function input value, it was used RReLU (Randomized
Rectified Linear Unit) [16] as the activation function:
                                     x,     if x ≥ 0,
                           f (x) =                    ,                   (2)
                                     α ∗ x, otherwise
where α ⊂ U (l, u),l ¡ u, l, u ∈ [0, 1), U (l, u) are some uniform distribution (it was
used U (3, 8) distribution, and α = l+u        at the testing stage).
    Classical ReLU can break down during training process [16], for example,
large gradient passing through ReLU may lead to such an update of weights
that the neuron will never be activated again [10]. If it happens, from this mo-
ment gradient passing through this neuron will always be evaluated as 0 what
negatively affects the effectiveness of classifier training. The researches presented
in [16] showed that the usage of some ”loss” for x < 0 lets us both decrease the
4       N. Nemcev et al.

possibility of neuron failing on training stage and some kind decrease ”overfit-
ting” effect of the network due to the random nature of the parameter α.
    In order to accelerate the convergence of the network (reduce training time)
and increase the stability of its operation it was used a standard approach at the
training stage based on the addition of special normalizing layers (BacthNorm,
batch normalization [17]).
    Network architecture Alexnet [10] was used because it’s investigated and
has rather shallow depth (low count of hidden layers), alleviating process of
classifier training and providing comparatively to other networks architectures
low computing complication of feature extracting process.
    It was used StanfordCars [18] dataset train part, which contains 8,144 images
of static cars of 196 different models (totally dataset contains 16,185 images), for
classifier training. In purposes of increasing of classification accuracy, ”overfit-
ting” effect decreasing and raising of classifier universality the source dataset was
augmented by 10 times with additional data balancing was done [19] (was equal-
ized amount of images of each car models up to 450 samples). The augmentation
of the original images was carried out by using affine transformations, perspec-
tive transformations, contrast changes, Gaussian noise, hue/saturation changes,
cropping/padding, blurring. For each image set of used transformations was cho-
sen randomly and parameters of each transformation was selected like values of
uniform distribution with transformation-specific predefined range 1.

                     Fig. 1. Example of a augmentation results

    Classification network receives on its input a relevant image to get an object’s
features vector and extracts a set of coefficients after the last MaxPool layer
represented as a value matrix sized by 256 × 6 × 6:
                            P6 P6
                                          (Ci,k,m − min(C))
                      Fi = k=1 m=1                            ,                  (3)
                                  max(C) − min(C)
where Fi ∈ F is en element of a result feature vector containing 256 elements,
Ci,k,m ∈ C is an element of coefficient matrix extracted from a network.
                                          Method for vehicle model re-identification      5

3    Feature vector similarity criterion

Used feature vector similarity criterion receives on its input two object’s feature
vectors F and F0 computes some similarity criterion S ∈ [0, 1]:
                           P256
                                  J(Fi ,Fi0 )     P256
                       1 − Pi=1               , if i=1 I(Fi , Fi0 ) > 0,
               S=             i=1
                                  I(Fi ,Fi )                             ,      (4)
                       0.5,                     otherwise

where Fi ∈ F, Fi0 ∈ F0 , I(Fi , Fi0 ) and J(Fi , Fi0 ) are indicators computed as:

                                       1, if Fi > thr or Fi0 > thr,
                    I(Fi , Fi ) =                                   ,                    (5)
                                       0, otherwise

                                   I(Fi , Fi0 ), if |Fi − Fi0 | > 21 max(Fi , Fi0 ).
              J(Fi , Fi0 ) =                                                         .   (6)
                                   0,            otherwise

4    Assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed

A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed criteria for the
similarity of features is based on the evaluation of the Euclidean distance be-
tween the compared vectors, an approach using the support vector method (SVM
[14]), as well as an approach based on the use of siamese neural networks [6] and
other modern analogues, both on a test subset of the data set StanfordCars used
for training [18] and on examples from the data set CompCars, which contains
images of moving vehicles was captured by surveillance cameras with large ap-
pearance variations due to the varying conditions of light, weather, traffic, etc
     As the test data of the set StanfordCars [18], we used 5000 “positive” ex-
amples consisting of images of cars of one model, and 5000 “negative” pairs of
images consisting of images of cars of different models, randomly selected from
a subset of images that were not used in the training process. As test data of
the set CompCars we used the original structure of test data from three diffi-
culty levels, containing at each difficulty level 20,000 compared pairs of images
(10,000 ”positive” and ”negative” examples) [5]. Each image pair in the “easy
set” is selected from the same viewpoint, while each pair in the “medium set” is
selected from a pair of random viewpoints. Each negative pair in the “hard set”
is chosen from the same car make.
     As a quality criterion, a re-identification accuracy metric was used, calculated
                                               TP + TN
                           Accuracy = 100 ∗              , %,                     (7)
where T P is an amount of correctly recognized ”positive” image pairs (the pair
contains images of vehicles of the same model, and the verifier evaluates them
6       N. Nemcev et al.

as elements of one subset), T N is an amount of correctly recognized ”negative”
pairs, N is an amount of compared images.
     Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed approach and the approach on
the test subset of the training data set is given in Table 1, while for evaluation
of the effectiveness of the proposed criterion and metric based on the evaluation
of the Euclidean distance, it was used a threshold selected to ensure maximum
efficiency (accuracy) of verification on the training data.

Table 1. Estimation of the effectiveness of the proposed criteria for the similarity of
features (StanfordCars).

                             Approach                              Accuracy, (%)
               Proposed feature extraction method                     65,5
                      + Euclidean distance
               Proposed feature extraction method                     71,2
                            + SVM [4]
               Proposed feature extraction method                     69,8
      + proposed feature criteria for the similarity of features
                 Siamese network (Triplet Loss)                         -
                        Random selection                               50

    Comparison presented in the Table 1 allows us to conclude that during pro-
cessing data as close as possible to training, the proposed criterion for comparing
feature vectors is somewhat inferior to the comparison method updated on ma-
chine learning techniques (in this case, the method of support methods was used)
and surpasses the approach based on estimating the Euclidean distance between
vectors. It should also be noted that the lack of results for the siamese network
[6] is due to the fact that, despite the enumeration of training hyperparameters,
it was not possible to ensure the convergence of the network on the Stanford-
Cars data set, which is a known problem in the process of training networks with
Siamese architecture on heterogeneous data [1].
    A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed approach on the
CompCars [5] data set is given in Table. 2.
    Basing on the analysis of the table. 2, we can draw the following conclusions:
- the proposed metric of similarity of feature vectors allows you to maintain
the relative accuracy of verification when switching to a data set significantly
different from the training, while the approach for comparing features using the
support vector method significantly loses accuracy due to the ”overfitting” effect;
    - the proposed vehicle model verification system demonstrates on a set of data
significantly different from the training accuracy comparable to the accuracy of
similar basic algorithms (GoogleNet + SVM [5]), trained on a subset of the data
close to the test ones, however, it loses much to modern verification approaches
(Mixed Diff + CCL [5]), the training of which was also carried out on a subset
of data similar in their characteristics to the test ones.
                                    Method for vehicle model re-identification          7

Table 2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed criteria for the similarity of
features (CompCars).

             Approach                   Training Dataset           Accuracy, %
                                                            Easy     Medium    Hard
Proposed feature extraction method     StanfordCars[18]     62,1      60,3     57,6
       + Euclidean distance
Proposed feature extraction method     StanfordCars[18]     67,1      63,7       61,5
            + SVM [4]
Proposed feature extraction method     StanfordCars[18]     72,4      70,1       66,8
    + the proposed criteria for
     the similarity of features
      GoogleNet + SVM [5]                CompCars[5]         70        69        65,9
       Mixed Diff+CCL [1]                CompCars[5]        83,3      78,8       70,3
          Random select                      -               50        50         50

    In addition, it should be noted that the proposed approach for verifying a
car model operates with shorter feature vectors compared to GoogleNet + SVM
[5] (256 for the proposed approach, 4096 for GoogleNet + SVM [5]) and does
not require a long training process for a module of similarity defining. And also,
unlike Mixed Diff + CCL [1], which belongs to the class of Siamese networks,
it allows to save the feature vector separately for further comparison without
computationally complex features extraction operations.
   It is important for the class of cyberphysical systems under consideration
to ensure the probability of completing tasks in a given time if the proposed
approach is used in real-time, which, as shown in [19–21], is achievable with
redundant calculations.

5    Conclusion

The proposed approach for selecting and comparing features of objects from
their image is used in the task of verifying a vehicle model. Selecting is being
occured by modifying of a known artificial neural network trained on a spe-
cially prepared (augmented) data set. The proposed criterion for the similarity
of feature vectors is based on comparison techniques and has extremely low com-
putational complexity. The proposed vehicle verification method demonstrates
accuracy comparable to similar modern methods in those use cases when the pro-
cessed data have the same characteristics as the training ones (a similar camera
model, similar level of lighting and noise, etc.), and demonstrates higher relative
accuracy in processing data that are significantly distinguished from training.
8       N. Nemcev et al.


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