=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/short16 |storemode=property |title=Designing a Model of Contexts for Word-Sense Disambiguation in a Semantic Network |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short16.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Egor Dubenetskiy,Evgenij Tsopa,Sergey Klimenkov,Alexander Pokid |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/DubenetskiyTKP19 }} ==Designing a Model of Contexts for Word-Sense Disambiguation in a Semantic Network== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short16.pdf
    Designing a Model of Contexts for Word-Sense
       Disambiguation in a Semantic Network

    Egor Dubenetskiy[0000−0002−4681−5518] , Evgenij Tsopa[0000−0002−7473−3368] ,
            Sergey Klimenkov[0000−0001−5496−6765] , and Alexander

    Computer Science Department, ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

        Abstract. This paper is dedicated to the problem of word-sense disam-
        biguation in natural language processing. In this study, relations between
        a word’s sense and its surrounding context are examined and a proba-
        bilistic model of a context is designed. An approach for testing such a
        model and developing a disambiguation algorithm is described as well.

        Keywords: Word-sense disambiguation · Resolving homonymy · Se-
        mantic analysis · Semantic network · Natural language processing

1     Introduction

One of the crucial problems of artificial intelligence is natural language pro-
cessing. To get closer to the solution of this problem, semantic networks are
created that store semantic information regarding one or several domains, and
algorithms over these networks are developed.[1]
    One of the difficulties met in semantic analysis is word-sense disambiguation.
The WSD problem is to determine what sense corresponds to an ambiguous
word depending on the context. It is caused by such phenomena in languages
like homonymy and polysemy.[2]. Nowadays, two types of approaches[3] are con-
tinuously improved and developed: supervised WSD[4,5], where manually sense-
annotated corpora are used for models training, and knowledge-based[6,7], when
developed algorithms rely on artificially constructed structures or content.
    Semantic networks are a popular source of information for the knowledge-
based approach. WordNet[8] was the first open ontology that helped scientists
to use synset structure information in application to WSD methods. The main
WordNet’s disadvantage is that it was manually created and cannot cover all
real-world changes. Popular successors of WordNet, such as BabelNet[9], are
created semi-automatically, and contain million of sense nodes and lexemes for
many languages of the world, as well as information from free online dictionaries.

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
    Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2                                E. Dubenetskiy et al.

    This article will examine the application of the context mechanism to a
general-purpose semantic network developed with an automatic resolving sense
reference approach in [10] on the basis of the open thesaurus Wiktionary [11].
    The purpose of this study is to develop a model of the context that can be
further applied to the problem of lexical disambiguation, and to elaborate an
approach for using that model in the existing semantic network.

2   Background
This study is based on the semantic network described earlier in the paper [10].
The following categories of objects are contained in the semantic network:
1. Entities — an object or category of objects that can act as the meaning of a
   word. There are two kinds of entities:
   (a) Senses – abstract concepts of a given domain. Usually a sense is denoted
       by a common name (e.g. “ANIMAL”) and has a short lexical definition, or
       a gloss. A sense corresponds to a single article of a thesaurus. Examples:
       “CAR – a motor vehicle”, “ADDRESS – a conventional codification of where
       something is located in space”.
   (b) Instances – specific objects that represent distinguishable units of a
       sense. An instance is often (but not always) denoted by a proper name.
       The boundary between senses and instances is defined by the domain of a
       semantic network application. Examples of instances: “BMW 315” (an in-
       stance of sense CAR), “Elbrus 2000” (an instance of sense MICROPROCESSOR),
       “wolf” (an instance of sense ANIMAL).
       An instance of a sense may consist of several instances of other lower-level
       senses; such an instance is called a relation (the concept of relation is bor-
       rowed from relational algebra). For example, an instance representing a
       mailing address may be presented as a tuple (house, street, city, country),
       e.g. “49, Kronverkskiy prospekt, Saint Petersburg, Russia”.
2. Wordforms, that are grouped into sets representing distinct linguistic para-
   digms, or lexemes. For example, Russian wordforms автобус, автобусом,
   автобуса correspond to the sense АВТОБУС (BUS).
3. Properties. A property is a link between two senses, declaring that one of
   them is an attribute of the other. E.g. ADDRESS is a property of ORGANIZATION.
4. References. A reference is a connection between two entities (either senses
   or instances) that defines a semantic link between them. The following types
   of semantic links are supported in the network:
     – synonymy and antonymy,
     – meronymy and holonymy,
     – hyponymy and hypernymy.
5. Lexes. A lex is a symbolic representation of a wordform. We do not use the
   term “lexeme” for lex here because it can contain wordforms for instances,
   that can not be always interpreted as lexemes. Lexes are stored in a string
   pool and are necessary for re-use in homonymic wordforms to reduce memory
                      A Model of Contexts for WSD in a Semantic Network         3

   Due to the structure of the semantic network and the field of its application,
numerous limitations and requirements arise. They will be described below.

3     Problem statement
The task is to transform a stream of tokens into a stream of entities (senses or
instances) that can be later used for syntactic and semantic analysis. In this
paper, a model of contexts will be elaborated to help solving this problem.

3.1   Requirements and limitations
The following points originate from the essence of the existing semantic network
and will be taken into account when designing a context model:

1. The structure of a semantic network is well-defined (see its description above)
   and cannot be modified, but can be extended.
2. The input stream of tokens is finite and can be fully stored into memory.
3. There is a fixed number of contexts and senses against which homonymy is
   being resolved.
4. For any word in a given text, all its meanings can be found in the semantic
   network as references to senses/instances.
5. The developed mechanism of contexts should allow disambiguation in texts
   including several contexts that overlap and smoothly flow into each other.

4     Modeling a Context
What is proposed in this paper is to develop a mechanism of contexts for reso-
lution of homonymy.
    According to an English language dictionary [12], a context is the part of the
text which surrounds a particular word and determines its meaning.
    Therefore, in order to resolve homonymy with contexts, we need to determine
in which context a given word is located. This consideration allows us to create
a functional model of a context.

4.1   Functional model of a context
A context c can be considered as a function mapping each word of input w ∈ W
to its corresponding entity  ∈ (S ∪ I) (a sense or an instance):

                                c : W → (S ∪ I),                              (1)
    This model is based on the assumption that, given a context, same words are
resolved into same entities. Hence in order for this model to function correctly,
the context must be well defined. As long as within a document the same words
may have different meanings, the context needs to be updated as the resolution
algorithm moves along the document.
4                                    E. Dubenetskiy et al.

4.2     Probabilistic model of a fuzzy context

Because of the limited computational resources, a context cannot always be
defined statically or determined dynamically in such a way that all homonymical
word forms are resolved to corresponding entities. Moreover, the word-sense
disambiguation problem is AI-complete [13]. This is why a model of a fuzzy
context can be useful.
    Let us imagine the context as the function that maps words to multiple
entities, i.e. for each pair word-entity in a context what is defined is a probability
to meet the word in the given context in the given sense.1 This definition of a
context c can be expressed formally:

                                  c : W × E → [0, 1];                                (2)
                                  ∀w :    c(w, ) = 1,                               (3)

      where E = S ∪ I – set of entities (senses and instances).
      As it is shown below, this definition leads us to an disambiguation algorithm.

5      Developing a Mechanism for Disambiguation

5.1     Extending the semantic network’s structure with contexts

In order to breathe life into the designed model and provide the semantic net-
work with the capability of homonymy resolution, the authors suggest that the
following actions should be taken.
    The structure of the semantic network imposes certain restrictions on how a
context mechanism can be designed within it.
    Three modifications are proposed to be applied to the existing semantic net-
work in order to provide a framework for word-sense disambiguation:

 1. Create a table containing information about contexts.
 2. Extend the existing data structure holding information about senses with
    an optional attribute “topic” referring to a context in which this sense is
    commonly met.
 3. Add an optional attribute “context” to links between wordforms and senses.
    If the field value is undefined, the homonymy is considered unresolved.

5.2     Elaborating a disambiguation algorithm

An algorithm for ambiguity resolution is suggested below. It is based on the
developed context model and consists of the two phases:
    The numerical simulation of this probability is based on a (hypothetical) text corpus
    which contains text fragments belonging to the given context and is large enough to
    be an unbiased sample of language material.
                      A Model of Contexts for WSD in a Semantic Network           5

 1. preparation phase, when only monosemous words are annotated in the input
    as defining a context,
 2. feeding phase, when remaining words are read by the algorithm left to right
    and assigned contexts to which they belong.

   Both phases are described below in details.

Preparation phase. This phase will require to have some entities in the se-
mantic network preliminarily annotated with links to contexts in which the sense
or instance is most commonly used. One of the possible source of such informa-
tion can be found in Wiktionary [11]. Topics can be extracted from tags in the
bottom of each Wiktionary page. It is possible to define what tags correspond
to what contexts statically due to the requirement on finite number of contexts.
    At the preparation phase, for each word in the input text, corresponding
entities are found in the semantic network. If there is exactly one relevant sense
or instance, i.e. the word is unambiguous, the token ti is marked as defining the
context ck . Such a token is called a context anchor and denoted with aj . Set of
anchors for context ck is given the symbol A[ck ].
    After the preparation phase, what we get is the input text annotated with
possible contexts. Let us call them initial contexts.

Feeding phase. At the feeding phase, the algorithm is given the tokens of input
from left to right. For each token ti at position i (i between 1 and N , where N
is the length of the document), weights of initial context anchors aj (where j is
the position of the anchor in the input token) are computed with the formula:
                                    1/ln(D + 1) if D ≥ 0,
                       waj (ti ) =                                            (4)
                                    e−x           if D < 0,

where D = j − i – distance from token ti to the context anchor aj . The formulae
are heuristic.
   Then for each anchored context ck its weight is calculated as:
                            wck (ti ) =                waj (ti ),               (5)
                                          aj ∈A[ck ]

where A[ck ] is the set of anchors for context ck . After that, the context with the
highest weight is selected. The token ti is marked as an anchor for this context,
and a link between this token and the corresponding contextual entity is created.
The newly created anchor will be taken into account in further iterations to
increase the algorithm’s precision.
    After consuming the whole text, what we get is the input text with links
to corresponding senses or instances in the semantic network. This data can be
used later for semantic analysis.
6                                  E. Dubenetskiy et al.

6     Methods
To test the above mechanism of contexts, the following methodology is proposed.
The following tasks should be addressed regarding verification:

 1. assembling a semantic concordance,
 2. implementing the disambiguation algorithm in software,
 3. executing the developed programs,
 4. measuring and evaluating the results.

6.1    Building a Semantic Concordance for Testing
To test the developed algorithm, a semantic concordance2 was required. Such
an annotated textual corpus in which all words are guaranteed to reference the
corresponding entities of the semantic network would be useful to measure the
precision of the algorithm, as described below in section 6.4.
    For the purposes of this study, the lexical database WordNet 3.1 [15] was
chosen as a source of data for the semantic network. A custom parser has been
written to import database files of WordNet into the existing structure of seman-
tic database management system (see section 2). Senses and semantic pointers
of WordNet were mapped to senses and references of the test database.
    The characteristics of the semantic network can be found in the table 1.

                        No. of senses and instances      40215
                        No. of sense-to-sense references 43684
                        No. of word-to-sense references 103027

              Table 1. Characteristics of the imported semantic network.

    What is used in the present paper as a textual corpus is the SENSEVAL-3 set
of lexical samples [14]. Word entries in the corpus are linked to the exact wordings
of glosses in the WordNet thesaurus [15], so an additional step of mapping glosses
to appropriate senses was involved.
    The characteristics of the corpus are given in the table 2.

6.2    Developing Software
A proof-of-concept implementation of the algorithm described above was created
using the Ruby programming language. The program scans through the text and
keeps track of the current context. After consuming each word it re-calculates
the weights of contexts (as described above, in section 5.2) and annotates the
last word with the sense from a context with the highest weight.
    As defined in [16], a semantic concordance is a textual corpus in which every sub-
    stantive word is linked to its appropriate sense in a semantic network.
                      A Model of Contexts for WSD in a Semantic Network         7

                     Number of documents           7860
                     Number of annotated homonyms 8529
                     Total number of words       954042

            Table 2. Characteristics of the constructed textual corpus.

6.3   Conducting an Experiment

To gather results, the developed program will be passed the textual corpus as
an input and will mark all the wordforms in it with references to some entities
(senses or instances). Some of these references are expected to be misplaced.
Therefore, in terms of binary classification, successfully resolved references are
considered true positives, unresolved non-existing links are true negatives, re-
solved non-existing references are false positives, and unresolved existing links
are false negatives. Based on the ratio of “hits” and “misses”, some measures will
be calculated as described below.

6.4   Measuring the Results

A precision measure will be introduced to evaluate results:

                                         true positives
                  precision =                                     ,           (6)
                                 true positives + false positives

and a recall measure will be computed:

                                        true positives
                    recall =                                    .             (7)
                               true positives + false negatives

After that, the F1 score will be calculated as the harmonic mean of precision
and recall:
                                   precision · recall
                          F1 = 2 ·                    .                   (8)
                                   precision + recall
   To review the results, a reference value of the F1 -measure will be calculated
by running a dummy algorithm that randomly resolves all cases of ambiguity,
and then this reference score will be compared with the real value of F1 -measure
produced by the described mechanism of contexts.

7     Results

The random algorithm renders the result of F1 = 0.366398. With precision =
0.647877 and recall = 0.608246 our algorithms gives the final F1 score value of
0.627436. See table 3 for comparison.
8                                 E. Dubenetskiy et al.

      Fig. 1. Data flow diagram for the developed disambiguation mechanism

8   Conclusion

The developed model of a context requires certain improvements. For example,
the heuristic formulae from section 5.2 may be adjusted to find out the values
of coefficients giving the highest accuracy of the algorithm. It is a subject of
further research.


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