=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/short38 |storemode=property |title=Greta 2.0 Anthropomorphic Robotic Platform for Training and Research |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short38.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Sergey Filippov,Aleksander Filippov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/FilippovF19 }} ==Greta 2.0 Anthropomorphic Robotic Platform for Training and Research== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short38.pdf
        Greta 2.0 Anthropomorphic Robotic Platform for
                              Training and Research

          Sergey Filippov1|0000-0002-6295-7049|, Aleksander Filippov2|0000-0002-6295-7049|

      Presidential Lyceum of Physics and Mathematics #239, Saint Petersburg, Russia
                         ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

         Abstract. Android-type robots have always attracted the human mind,
         being the most expressive result of his desire for creativity. Currently,
         research and development in the field of artificial intelligence is ahead
         of its application on real humanoid robots. Meanwhile, many research
         groups of students and postgraduates are inspired by the idea of applying
         their developments to a physical model. Due to the complexity of man-
         ufacturing an Android-type robot, such projects usually fade away at the
         level of implementing mechanics and adapting the original idea to the
         limitations that have arisen in the process of working on mechanics. The
         article describes an anthropomorphic robot based on the experience of
         creating the "Greta" robot. Examples of training tasks are shown.
         Keywords: Robotics, Education, Cyber-Physical Systems, Anthropo-
         morphic Robots, Control Training, Multi-Agent Systems.

1        Introduction
The purpose of this work is to study the possibilities of introducing a universal elec-
tronic-mechanical platform for creating robots and project activities in the field of
cyber-physical systems and artificial intelligence into the educational process.

1.1      History/Background
In 2012, students of Physics and Mathematics Lyceum #239, under the guidance of a
group of teachers and specialists from scientific organizations, created a robot of the
Android type "Greta" [1], which had one main function: the hand clapping game
(Fig.1). Because of a reasonable decision to minimize the requirements for the robot's
mechanics and electronics, results were achieved in the field of software control of
manipulators using capacitive touch sensors and computer vision elements.

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

2       First Stage
2.1 Тasks

The following tasks were set:

        creating manipulator hands that can interact with human hands through the
         touch of electromagnetic sensors,
        implementation of computer vision elements for recognizing human hands,
        implementation of speech interface elements,
        creating a positive appearance that is attractive even for a child,
        different game modes: teacher, student, partner.

                                Fig. 1. The robot Greta, 2012.

The Greta robot won gold medals at the WRO world robot Olympiad in Malaysia [2]
and the international RobotChallenge competition in Austria [3]. This was not the only
achievement of schoolchildren, and the robot "Greta" repeatedly pleased children and
adults at exhibitions and festivals.
2.2 Results

Results of the First Stage:

        the set goals were achieved with minimal means,
        implemented the necessary control algorithms,
        the system is optimized for Autonomous operation without an operator,
        the Greta robot has worked together for about 2 months at various exhibitions
         and festivals,
        there is a need to continue at a qualitatively new level,
        realized the need for a production base.

2.3 Analogues

The success of the first version of the project inspired its creators to search for new
solutions. There were already a number of anthropomorphic robots for various purposes
in the world. Large corporations and universities create the most impressive models, so
it makes sense to consider budget projects as analogues that should be based on the
experience of creating them. For the AR601M Android robot produced in Russia, a
control algorithm has been developed since 2014 [4], and the function of upright walk-
ing has not yet been implemented, although according to official data, the annual total
budget of the project was tens of millions of dollars. RUB [5]. Due to the objective
complexity of this task, it was decided in the new version of the robot "Greta 2.0" to
implement a moving system using a simpler Omni-platform and focus on the interac-
tion of the robot's manipulators with human hands. As an illustration of the training
system of the Russian manufacturer, it is worth paying attention to the RL "Mechatron-
ics of anthropomorphic robotic systems" [6], produced in the SPA "Android Technics".
The introduction of robots in the educational process is also carried out at the level of
industrial robots [7, 8].
Spontaneous movements of robot manipulators, similar to human hands, are presented
in the development of Japanese laboratories, which was called Alter [9]. Neural net-
work algorithms based on data received from multiple sensors control the robot’s move-
ments. It does not seem appropriate in itself, but it serves as a step towards empathizing
with robots and using machine learning to shape their behavior.

3       Second Stage
In 2017, the Greta project was joined by a commercial company [10] founded by spe-
cialists of the creative mechanics production Studio "Life machines" [11], and the de-
velopment of the next version of the robot called "Greta 2.0" was started, which should
become a full-fledged educational platform for project groups of schoolchildren and
students (Fig. 2).
The developers were assigned the following tasks:
     maintaining and improving the functionality of manipulator hand movement
        and contact with human hands,
     moving around the room on the Omni platform,
     ability to modify manipulators for actions with objects,
     functional elements of the universal promo robot,
     using computer vision and machine learning to recognize human hands and
        other objects,
     voice interface.

                       Fig. 2. Greta 2.0 robot in development, 2019.

Within a few iterations, a ready-to-use launch platform was created, providing oppor-
tunities for the development of all tasks. Currently roboblather has a number of ad-
vantages compared with the previous version of "Greta":

        consists of a small set of standardized parts,

         involves modular Assembly on nodes, as well as rapid change of shells, parts,
          and tools,
      provides quick replacement of modules with improved ones,
      equipped with a modular mobile platform on Omni-wheels with height adjust-
      added additional sensors and indications for non-verbal communication (for
          example, increased the number of contact pads on the palm, built-in led matrix
          in the face),
      the modules are hand made on the basis of digital servos with feedback on
          position, speed, current and load.
Now, the Greta 2.0 robot platform consists of two independent parts powered by bat-
      Torso: two reinforced arm modules (6 degrees of freedom per arm), a head
          module (2 degrees of freedom); the torso sensor is represented by capacitive
          palms, web cameras, and a 3D sensor.
      Mobile platform: the pelvis module on a support bearing (1 degree of free-
          dom), three linear actuators for adjusting heights, four motors with Omni-
          wheels and encoders; the sensor system is represented by a gyroscope-accel-
          erometer in the pelvic part, ultrasonic rangefinders, in the future it is planned
          to install a laser scanner.
The roboplatform based on high behavioral and design resource. In the future, it will
be possible to create multi-variant designs for a wide range of tasks on the basis of
easily replaceable modules, connectors and motors with a feedback system.

4        Conclusion
Thus, a universal technical platform has been created that allows connecting various
teams and teams that want to contribute to the development of robotics. It is also ex-
pected that this platform will be compatible with multiple electronic components, as
well as with open resources on the Internet. On the example of a robot platform, training
in programming complex kinematic structures with nonlinear behavior, a control sys-
tem for navigation in a room, and the use of neural networks for self-learning a robot
when interacting with a person and the environment is assumed. The roboplatform is
universal from the point of view of management, suitable for learning programming at
different levels of complexity, since it can be controlled both with AVR microcontrol-
lers and with TRIK robotic controllers [12, 13], as well as with single-board computers
like Raspberry Pi or nettops, which are mounted inside the Greta case.
Based on the presented features, the Greta 2 robot can be classified as a socially inter-
active robot that can solve problems related to social interaction [15].

5        Examples
    Examples of training tasks that can be solved using the Greta 2.0 robot.
      Development of a system for determining the position of human hands from
        images of palms using a multi-layer neural network.

         Study of the possibility of using a neural network to develop a system for de-
          termining the optimal trajectories of movements of the Android robot's limbs
          that repeat the movements of human hands.
      Development of a behavior model for an Android robot playing hand clapping
          game with a human using a neural network.
      Development of a system for synchronizing the movements of an Android ro-
          bot that comes into tactile contact with a human, and research on the possibil-
          ity of using a neural network to determine points of contact.
      Creating multi-agent robotic systems.
The considered robot platform has a high starting potential for inclusion in the work of
educational and scientific groups. The Greta 2.0 robot can be successfully used for
training in the areas of mechatronics and robotics, industrial cyber-physical systems,


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