=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2590/short8 |storemode=property |title=Cross-lingual Training for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short8.pdf |volume=Vol-2590 |authors=Nikita Mamaev,Aigul Nugmanova,Mikhail Khovrichev,Anna Bulusheva,Irina Chernykh |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/micsecs/MamaevNKBC19 }} ==Cross-lingual Training for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2590/short8.pdf
          Cross-lingual Training for Retrieval-based
                     Dialogue Systems?

Nikita Mamaev1,2[0000−0002−4836−4044] , Aigul Nugmanova2[0000−0002−9167−5892] ,
                Mikhail Khovrichev2[0000−0001−7436−9538] , Anna
  Bulusheva                        , and Irina Chernykh1,2[0000−0001−5774−6370]
           ITMO University, 49 Kronverksky Pr., Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russia
        Speech Technology Center, 4 Krasutskogo St., Saint Petersburg, 196084, Russia


             Abstract. In recent years, cross-lingual approaches have been success-
             fully applied to a variety of tasks and have shown potential when avail-
             able data is scarce. That potential can be effectively leveraged when
             building a retrieval-based dialogue system. In this paper we investigated
             different methods of cross-lingual training of retrieval-based dialogue sys-
             tems. We compare several cross-lingual approaches, including adversarial
             pretraining on resource-rich language dataset and further fine-tuning of
             pretrained models with low-resource language dialogue data. This adver-
             sarial architecture extends Dual Encoder network with language discrim-
             inator. Other approaches are based on different training strategies, such
             as mixing data in different languages, adversarial learning and pretrain-
             ing on big data. Experiments show that adversarial learning performs
             competitively, which is also true for the data mixing strategy.

             Keywords: Cross-Lingual · Dialogue System · Retrieval-Based · Adver-
             sarial Learning.

1       Introduction
Retrieval-based dialogue systems have received a great amount of attention re-
cently, mainly due to their predictability and more reasonable data requirements
compared to their generative counterparts. However, retrieval-based models are
also becoming larger, needing more data in order to be successfully trained. It
is quite difficult to get a large dataset with human-human dialogues, sufficient
for training a retrieval-based system. Especially when it is not English language
because most languages have limited resources.
    This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
    of the Russian Federation, Contract 14.575.21.0178 (ID RFMEFI57518X0178)

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
2       N.Mamaev et al.

    The lack of labeled data in most languages remains an open question and at-
tracts more and more attention from researchers. For example, the work of Chen
et al. [1] studies this issue; they attempt to compensate for the lack of labeled
data in different languages. In the work of Chidambaram et al. [2] the inves-
tigated problem is to explore the cross-lingual approach for building retrieval-
based cross-lingual dialogue systems by maximizing the representational simi-
larity between sentence pairs drawn from parallel data.
    In our work we focus on the possibility of pretraining models on large dataset
and fine-tuning on the target case. One of the proposed approaches uses an ad-
versarial component as language discriminator for transfer semantic relations
from one language to another just as it was in the work of Chen et al. [1]. We
suggest it simplifies the adaptation of model to target domain in dialogue systems
too. Our experiments compare the proposed approach with several other train-
ing strategies, such as training on the blending bilingual data and consequent
training with pretraining on SOURCE data and future fine-tuning on TARGET. Our
Adversarial approach show good performance and in some cases surpasses all
alternative approaches.

2   Architectures & methods

Retrieval-based dialogue systems. Over the last decade, various new archi-
tectures have been proposed in attempt to maximize performance on response
retrieval datasets. Most of these use a recurrent network to construct either a flat
[3], [4] or a hierarchical [5] context representation. For our experiments, we have
chosen Dual Encoder for its simplicity. This model features an RNN encoder E
with word embedding layer to produce context and response embeddings. The
probability of an utterance being a suitable reply considering the current con-
text is given by σ(cT M r), where c, r are the context and response embeddings,
respectively, and M is a learnable parameter. We refer to the module that per-
forms this computation as the matcher, M. A diagram of Dual Encoder can be
seen in Figure 1 (right).

Pretraining and transfer learning. Pretraining a deep neural model using
data from a different domain is a common method for finding a good initializa-
tion point for successful further training, or fine-tuning, on target data. A large
number of works from various fields prove the effectiveness of this procedure
and explore the principle behind it. For example, the work of Erhan et al. [6]
demonstrated that pretraining acts as a regularization mechanism, enabling bet-
ter generalization in deep neural networks. Recent works in NLP also show the
importance of unsupervised pretraining for language modeling [7] and machine
translation [8].
    In the current work, we investigate the potential of pretraining a retrieval-
based dialogue model using data in another language for improving performance
in target language. Conceptually, we attempt to perform a sort of transfer learn-
                 Cross-lingual Training for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems         3

ing by using weights of the model trained on the source dataset as a starting
point for fine-tuning on the target dataset.

Fig. 1. Original Dual Encoder architecture (left) and architecture enabling adversarial
learning of Dual Encoder (right).

Adversarial learning. To extend our base model to a scenario where the
available data is bilingual, we add the language discriminator, Q, which aims to
identify the language of an input text. Specifically, the inputs of Q are embed-
dings given by E of pairs of contexts and responses in both languages. Similarly
to ADAN [1], Q models an unbounded Lipschitz function with K = 0.05, and
strives to minimize the Wasserstein distance between PEsrc and PEtgt , which are
the distributions of hidden features of E when the data is either in the source or
the target language, respectively:

                        Jq (θe ) ≡    max            E      [Q(E(x))]
                                          θq   E(x)∼PEsrc
                                      −          E        [Q(E(x0 ))]
                                           E(x0 )∼PEtgt

Response matching loss is binary cross-entropy, denoted as Lm (·, ·), between
prediction from M and the ground truth label:

                       Jm (θe ) ≡ min E [Lm (M(E(x)), y)]
                                     M     x,y

Adversarial loss is therefore given by:

                            Je ≡ min Jm (θe ) + λJq (θe )                          (2)
4       N.Mamaev et al.

Table 1. Results (R@1 / R@2 / R@5). Pretrained models were fine-tuned on Russian
in each case.

                                Ubuntu RU        Customer support
            DE, ru           0.13 / 0.24 / 0.55  0.23 / 0.40 / 0.75
            DE, en+ru       0.30 / 0.48 / 0.80 0.40 / 0.62 / 0.91
            DE, pretr en     0.24 / 0.39 / 0.72  0.37 / 0.60 / 0.90
            ADE, pretr en    0.27 / 0.42 / 0.75 0.40 / 0.65 / 0.92
            ADE, pretr en+ru 0.17 / 0.32 / 0.66  0.27 / 0.49 / 0.82

   We hypothesize that such training will allow E and M to learn language-
independent knowledge to improve response retrieval performance on our target
dataset compared to the baseline, the monolingual Dual Encoder.

3     Experiments

3.1   Data and Evaluation Metrics

Our experiments include target data of 2 types. First is Ubuntu Corpus [3],
machine-translated to Russian, which is parallel to the original on a sentence
level. We have extracted non-overlapping parts of both corpora for pretraining
and fine-tuning. This corpus helps to study the problem of transfer knowledge
between languages. In experiments using this corpus, we used the first 80 percent
of the dialogues from the English corpus and 20 percent of the translated. The
second type of data is customer service dialogs of a large Russian mobile network
operator. The structure and domain of the data is very different from the Ubuntu
corpus and these experiments reflect a more realistic setting.

The Ubuntu Corpus. The English data set is the Ubuntu Corpus which
contains multi-turn dialogues collected from chat logs of the Ubuntu Forum. The
data set consists of 1 million context-response pairs for training, 20 thousand
pairs for validation, and 20 thousand pairs for testing. Positive responses are true
responses from humans, and negative ones are randomly chosen sampled from
other responses in the training set. The ratio of the positive and the negative is
1: 1 in training, and 1: 9 in validation and testing.

The Ubuntu Corpus, Machine Translated to Russian. Some of our ex-
periments also used the Ubuntu corpus in Russian. The data was obtained using
a machine translation of the full Ubuntu Corpus into Russian. Our goal was
to keep data intersection to minimum. Therefore, in the Russian version, we
transliterated all the English words, thus received zero intersection between dic-
tionaries. In experiments using this corpus, we used the first 80 percent of the
dialogues from the English corpus and 20 percent of the translated.
                Cross-lingual Training for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems      5

Russian Customer Support Dialogues. The Russian language corpus in-
cludes dialogues of customer support services of a large Russian mobile network
operator. It consists of 200 thousand context-response pairs in training set and
20 thousand in validation and testing. Similar to Ubuntu corpus, negative exam-
ples were randomly selected from other parts of the training set. The ratio of the
positive and the negative is 1: 1 in training, and 1: 9 in validation and testing.
Dictionaries of current corpus and English Ubuntu intersect on 1 percent.

3.2   Evaluation Metrics.
For evaluation we use Recall@k (R@k) metric. The test dataset was prepared
that for each context-response pair another 9 responses were selected from else-
where in the test data. The 10 options for response were ranked, and the result
was flagged as positive if the correct response was included in the top-k of ranked
utterances. The percentage of positive results yields Recall@k, a conventional
metric for evaluating retrieval-based models.

3.3   Experiments and Results
Our main results are shown in Table 1, which aggregates performance of the
retrieval process for different pretraining and training methods. We conduct
our experiments with random embeddings initialization (experiments with pre-
trained bilingual word embeddings (BWEs) didn’t show any other correlations).
For calculating R@k, k ∈ {1, 2, 5} is being used. Whenever pretraining is con-
ducted in SOURCE language, we save the best model with best recalls on SOURCE
validation set, and the same is for TARGET. All results in the Table 1 have been
evaluated with test set in TARGET language.
    We conducted a series of experiments with classical Dual Encoder network
to learn about generalization ability of this siamese RNN for the case of cross-
lingual learning. First of all, we made straightforward training of DE with TARGET
dataset. Following the idea of training with only low-resource data available, we
consider TARGET-only training as baseline. Evaluation (Row 1) gives the lowest
recalls (TARGET test set).
    After that, we conduct two cross-lingual experiments. For that, we utilize
SOURCE dataset, which volume is 4x larger than TARGET dataset. We exploit
Ubuntu corpus to minimize domain divergence. The first cross-lingual setup
implies SOURCE pretraining and subsequent fine-tuning with TARGET data. We
observe recall increase during evaluation on the test set. The essence of the next
experiment is blending languages during training. Without any pretraining , we
train dual encoder on mixed bilingual data, so that for every 4 SOURCE-language
documents there is one TARGET-language. Row (3) represents TARGET-test and
rise of recalls compared with TARGET-only and pretraining methods.
    To investigate effectiveness of adding language discriminator to DE architec-
ture, we conduct two series of experiments, one with pretraining on SOURCE-only
data and another one with blending SOURCE and TARGET languages. Following
the design scheme of baselines, we prepare pretrained model and then fine-tune it
6       N.Mamaev et al.

with TARGET language, then evaluate with calculating recalls. Language discrim-
inator is always trained on both SOURCE and TARGET languages, while encoder
part of the system may be trained with SOURCE-only and SOURCE-TARGET joint
mix, which led to two separate results. We compare ADE performance with orig-
inal DE performance and observe that adversarial learning gives performance
increase compared to train on TARGET language, thus it gives competitive results
comparing to DE trained on the blended data.

3.4   Impact of Bilingual Word Embeddings
For the basic experiments we exploit initialization of random word embeddings
by the embedding layer of the encoder. This allows us to track relative change
of the evaluation metrics. For the experiment we use pre-trained cross-lingual
word embeddings by Conneau et al. [9] with Russian-English align and joint
Russian-English dictionary. Results show that exploiting Bilingual Word Em-
beddings (BWEs) is not always a winning practice, and there is no strict corre-
lation between results with BWEs and without them. This uncertainty could be
explained with the domain-specific nature of data we use in all the cases, and
the fact pretrained BWEs are created for a general purpose.

3.5   Implementation details
For all our experiments on both languages, the encoder E is implemented as
one-directional LSTM, with 300 hidden units. We set the 300-dimensional em-
bedding layer to be trainable. Language discriminator is implemented with 2
linear layers and ReLU non-linearities. Dual Encoder and Language Discrimi-
nator are optimized using separate Adam optimizers [10]. We set learning rate
equal for Q and E of 0.001. The weights of Q are clipped to [−0.05, 0.05]. We
implement pretraining for both DE and ADE for 5 epochs and use early stop-
ping technique exploiting harmonic mean of recalls as stopping criteria. For the
further training, we run 13 epochs and also use early stopping. Both DE and
ADE are implemented with PyTorch [11].

4     Discussion
According to the results of Table 1, it can be noted that DE model trained
on blended data (DE, en+ru) and the model pretrained by the ADE method on
English set (ADE, pretr en) outperform the DE model, which simply sequentially
learns on English set and then fine-tune on Russian set (DE, pretr en). This effect
can be explained by the fact that model (DE, pretr en) can have overfitting
on target data. In this case, adding a mixture of data in (DE, en+ru) and
discriminator (ADE, pretr en) serves as a kind of regularization.
    In Table 2 we present the absolute values of the loss function on training data
during the training model English and Russian Ubuntu with Random embed-
dings in order to study this issue in more detail. The results also confirm that
                 Cross-lingual Training for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems       7

                        Table 2. Loss on the training data.

                          Method      Stage RU loss EN loss
                                    pretrain 1.38    0.34
                      DE, pretr en
                                    finetune 0.18    0.67
                      DE, en+ru     finetune 0.27    0.31
                                    pretrain 0.85    0.41
                      ADE, pretr en
                                    finetune 0.40    0.56

the absolute values of the loss function in model (DE pr(en)) on the TARGET
language are lower than the others, and therefore the model in this case can be
    The results obtained with adversarial training on machine translation corpus
make us think that the discriminator does not sufficiently bridges the gaps be-
tween languages. This comes from the fact that ADE performs no better than
joint DE trained on the blend of English and Russian data. Therefore, it seems
that the generalization ability of the encoder itself is higher when it gradually
fed with bilingual data. Our main hypothesis was that adversarial component
would make encoder to generate language-independent features. However, it can
be seen that adversarial training suffice more when the target data is not directly
matching source data. We speculate that the reason of this may lie into the hid-
den latent factors of the sentence representations. Along with language latent
component, a representation contains semantic latent component. When we feed
the discriminator with parallel data, it does not know a difference between these
latent factors and strives to use all possible dissimilarities to predict whether
the sentence is from SOURCE or TARGET. So, when the semantic factor becomes
diminished, representations become meaningless — and correct response can
hardly be matched to context. However, when datasets are not aligned perfectly,
this effect does not occur, maybe due to correct consideration of latent factors
by discriminator (or, at least, in a more balanced way). This side effect makes
language discriminator, as we constructed it, not very effective in the terms of
cross-lingual adaptation, but helps to bridge the gaps between different domains,
which is also important.

5   Conclusion and Future Work

In this work we investigated different methods of cross-lingual training of retrieval-
based dialogue systems. These methods include pretraining on resource-rich lan-
guage dataset and further fine-tuning of pretrained models with low-resource
language dataset. Also, we experimented with blending data in different lan-
guages for improving training. We exploited LSTM-based Dual Encoder network
as basic retrieval-based model. We also introduce adversarial cross-lingual archi-
tecture, ADE, which is based on Dual Encoder model and exploits language dis-
criminator. We validate effectiveness of these methods conducting experiments
on English-language Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus and two Russian-language corpora
8       N.Mamaev et al.

— machine translation of the Ubuntu Corpus and Russian Customer Support
Corpus. Experiments show effectiveness of mixing low- and rich-resource data
and training improvement, compared to regular pretraining. Moreover, we ob-
serve competitive performance of ADE on cross-lingual tasks.
    In future work we plan on adapting a more advanced retrieval-based model
to an adversarial setting. We may also explore the impact of using a transformer
model as the encoder of the proposed adversarial model.

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