On the Usage of Badges in Open Source Packages on GitHub Damien Legay, Alexandre Decan, Tom Mens Software Engineering Lab, University of Mons Mons, Belgium {damien.legay, alexandre.decan, tom.mens}@umons.ac.be a centralised web-based graphical interface that acts as a portal to showcase a project. Given the vari- Abstract ety and quantity of information that can be communi- cated through such interfaces, it is not surprising that Continuously attracting contributors is key to project maintainers have sought a simpler, faster and the health of open source software projects. more concise way to communicate essential informa- The appearance of badges in online collabora- tion or advertise specific aspects of a software project. tive development platforms affords maintain- Badges are small images conveying one specific in- ers the opportunity to advertise the quality formation to the reader at a glance. We found evidence of their project to potential contributors. In of their use in GitHub dating back to 2011. They typ- this preliminary research, we analyse 14,592 ically appear at the top of a project’s README file, GitHub package repositories for Cargo and which is displayed by GitHub on the project reposi- 203,029 repositories for Packagist. We mea- tory homepage. Badges can advertise various aspects sure how prevalent badges are in those repos- of a project, e.g., its license , the code itories, which badges are used, when and how coverage of its test suite , the adopted they are introduced, and which combinations code style , etc. Some badges act of badges co-occur. We find that the most as an incentive to maintain excellence in the qualities widespread badges convey static information they display, lest a bad signal be sent to the project’s or relay information about the build status of users and potential contributors. For instance, a code a project. Those badges are typically added coverage badge creates an incentive to maintain a high early in projects and prior to or at the same code coverage, as otherwise, potential contributors can time as other badges. easily see that the project is poorly tested and, there- fore, prone to have hard to detect bugs. Similarly, a 1 Introduction badge that measures the quality of the code provides The rise of distributed collaborative development plat- an incentive to maintain a high code quality, to not forms, such as GitHub, BitBucket and GitLab, allowed display on the project’s homepage that the code base thousands of people to remotely work together on is of poor quality. the same projects. These platforms provide addi- Trockman et al [1] observed a relation between the tional features on top of their underlying version con- presence of some badges and specific aspects of the trol system to further support distributed collabora- software development process. They found that the tive development. Examples of such features are is- presence of dependency management badges correlates sue tracking, code review, integration with external with fresher dependencies and the presence of code tools, etc. These features are usually provided through coverage badges correlates with larger test suites in a project and more tests in pull requests. Contrarily Copyright © by the paper’s authors. Use permitted under Cre- to their expectations, they found that the presence of ative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY badges dedicated to offering user support was related 4.0). to a higher issue resolution time. In: D. Di Nucci, C. De Roover (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop, Brussels, As contributors in open source projects are volun- Belgium, 28-11-2019, published at http://ceur-ws.org teers, they typically have little time to devote to the 1 projects they contribute to, so they must select such include a wide range of projects serving different pur- projects with care as they can ill afford to contribute to poses and exhibiting a wide variation in longevity and projects of low quality, which are harder to contribute size. to and more likely to fail [2–4]. On their part, project Online package registries of open source libraries for integrators need to maintain an influx of contributions popular software programming languages constitute in order to keep their projects evolving and growing, as good candidates, since they contain a lot of projects, it has long been known that software performing real- many of them being publicly available on GitHub. We world activities must continually grow and continually arbitrarily selected two such package registries because change to adapt to the environment it evolves in [5]. we knew from previous work that many of their pack- These laws also apply to open source software [6, 7]. ages have an associated git repository publicly avail- It is known that the number of stars, the time taken able on GitHub. These registries are Cargo for Rust to merge pull requests and number of programming libraries, and Packagist for PHP libraries. languages are the factors most likely to attract contrib- We collected a list of 15,625 packages on Cargo utors [8]. However, little is known about the impact and 216,613 packages on Packagist using their respec- of badges on contributor attraction. tive official API. We downloaded package metadata for Our overall research goal is to investigate the rela- those packages and extracted the link to their associ- tion between the presence of badges and the influx of ated git repositories. We filtered packages (1) with- new contributors and new contributions in a project, out an associated git repository; (2) whose git repos- as well as on the health of projects. It is known, for itory is no longer available; and (3) corresponding to instance, that the use of continuous integration tools “spam” packages1 . Since GitHub hosts nearly all the helps catch bugs more efficiently and integrate pull git repositories of remaining packages (> 94%), and requests faster [9, 10] but not whether badges adver- since it is far easier to deal with only a single col- tising the use of these tools have any impact on qual- laborative development platform, we excluded repos- ity. This paper focuses on preliminary but manda- itories that were not available on GitHub. The final tory steps towards this goal by addressing the fol- dataset contains 14,592 package repositories for Cargo lowing research questions. RQ0 : How prevalent are and 203,029 package repositories for Packagist. badges? This question will help us determine whether We cloned all these repositories in July 2019 to ex- the research goal is worthwhile to pursue: if badges tract badge-related historical information. To iden- are sparsely used, results about the impact of their tify badges, we focused on images contained in the adoption on contributions may not be statistically sig- projects’ README files. We extracted all images from nificant. Since badges can convey a wide variety of these README files, taking into account the various information whose impact on potential contributions supported markup languages (HTML, Markdown and may vary, we examine RQ1 : What are the most fre- ReST). We manually identified those corresponding to quent badge categories? As many badges can be used badges following the iterative approach proposed by simultaneously in a project, we analyse RQ2 : How fre- Trockman et al. [1]. Then, we used git log to anal- quent are combinations of badge categories? The an- yse the history of these README files to pinpoint the swer to this question will determine whether the effect introduction date of each badge. of badges of one category can be dissociated from those of another category: if two badge categories are always 3 Results found together and introduced simultaneously, differ- entiating their impact will be impossible. Finally, we RQ0 : How prevalent are badges? enquire into RQ3 : When are badges introduced? This With this first question, we aim to determine the ex- elucidates whether badges are introduced late enough tent of badge usage in project repositories. We identi- in a project to compare project characteristics prior to fied for each of the two considered datasets the badges and after the adoption of the badge. used by their projects. We found 21,884 instances of 109 distinct badges in Cargo projects, and 239,529 in- 2 Methodology stances of 366 distinct badges in Packagist. While there are more badges than projects in both datasets, To conduct this study, we need a large dataset of can- that does not necessarily imply that all projects use didate repositories hosted on online collaborative de- badges. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the number velopment platforms. As we are interested in study- 1 We manually identified more than 200 packages on Packagist ing the effect of badges on contributions, the dataset that are not related to software projects, e.g., iphonex-giveaway, should exclude git repositories created merely for ex- captain-marvel-pelicula-completa-uncut, etc. These spam pack- perimental or personal reasons, or that only show spo- ages are usually quickly removed from Packagist by the main- radic traces of commit activity [11]. Ideally, it should tainers of the registry. 2 and proportion of projects using at least one badge project’s documentation or website; (7) other badges in Cargo and Packagist. For Cargo, we do not report correspond to any badge that does not fit within the before 2014 as this only concerns 90 projects out of previous categories, e.g., donation links . which only 19 had a badge. 1.0 Table 1: Number (#) and proportion (%) of badge oc- prop. of projects with badges cargo proportion (left) currences per badge category for Cargo and Packagist. 0.8 packagist number (right) 60000 number of projects Cargo Packagist 0.6 category first occ. # % # % 40000 0.4 Info 2014-01-18 11,000 50% 69,016 29% 20000 Build 2011-11-12 8,130 37% 53,478 22% 0.2 QA 2012-08-31 964 4% 56,167 23% 0.0 0 Pop 2013-06-01 606 3% 33,581 14% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 DepMgr 2013-03-21 534 2% 18,936 8% Support 2014-01-30 464 2% 3,631 2% Figure 1: Proportion and number of projects using Other 2011-05-24 181 0% 4556 2% badges Table 1 reports, for each of these categories, the While there are far more projects with badges in date of first identification and the number of occur- Packagist than in Cargo, we observe a markedly higher rences and the proportion of badges belonging to each badge penetration within Cargo (topping off at 57%) category relative to all of badge occurrences in the than within Packagist (the highest observed propor- dataset. While Cargo projects tend to use more badges tion is 36%). For both datasets, the adoption rate than Packagist (on average 1.50 badges per project for eventually reaches a plateau: even though the num- Cargo, 1.18 for Packagist), there is less diversity in the ber of projects using badges keeps increasing more badges they use. The starkest contrast is in the us- than linearly, it does not supersede the rate of cre- age of QA badges, which constitute 23% of the badges ation of new projects. In both datasets, the most fre- found in Packagist projects, but only 4% of the badges quent badge is the one reporting the build status of in Cargo projects. This is partially explained by the the Travis continuous integration tool (30% and 20% popularity of the Scrutinizer tool in Packagist (18,196 of all badges used, respectively). badges are associated with it) which inspects the qual- ity of PHP, Python and Ruby code, but not Rust code. RQ1 : What are the most frequent badge cate- Even other maintainability analysis tools that do sup- gories? port Rust, such as Codeclimate, remain rarely used RQ0 revealed that badges are widely used. However, in Cargo (4 badges found) while they are frequent for not all projects use the same badges, and projects may Packagist (4,289 badges). The rest of this paper will use badges for a variety of different purposes. Fur- focus on the categories that account for at least 10% thermore, many badges fulfil a similar role (e.g., sev- of the badges in at least one of the datasets. eral badges can be used to relay the build status of RQ2 : How frequent are combinations of badge a project, based on different providers such as Travis categories? and Appveyor). Therefore, we grouped these badges into 7 cate- Since a project can make use of several badges at once, gories, following the approach of Trockman et al [1]: this research question aims to quantify co-occurring (1) build status (Build) badges signal whether the lat- badges and to identify which combinations of badges est build of a project succeeded or not, e.g., passed are most frequent. Co-occurring badges are clearly not all tests ; (2) dependency management an exception in either dataset: we found that 76% of (DepMgr) badges inform about dependency fresh- projects with at least one badge in Cargo have two ness, e.g., whether dependencies are up-to-date or or more badges at once (77% in Packagist). On aver- not ; (3) popularity (Pop) badges age, a project with badges makes use of 2.68 distinct provide characteristics related to the popularity of a badges in Cargo, and of 3.59 distinct badges in Pack- project, e.g., number of downloads ; (4) agist. If we group badges by category, we have on av- quality assurance (QA) badges report on aspects re- erage 1.94 badge categories in Cargo and 2.89 in Pack- lated to code quality, e.g., based on the output of some agist. Badge categories are counted as co-occurring in linters ; (5) support badges provide links a project whenever at least one badge of each cate- to chats and user forums, e.g., ; and (6) in- gory is present. Figure 2 shows a Venn diagram of formation (Info) badges communicate various types of co-occurring badge categories in both datasets. information independent of any tool, e.g., the project’s In Cargo, the most frequent combination by license , version and authors or a link to the far is the one containing Build and Info badges, 3 Cargo Packagist Figure 2: Combinations of badge categories used in Cargo and Packagist projects. both of them occurring more frequently to- RQ3 : When are badges introduced? gether (62.4%=48.3+4.4+8.6+1.1) than apart With RQ2 we found that most co-occurring badge cat- (23.9%=21.9+1.7+0.3 and 13.6%=12.3+1.2+0.1, egories correspond to badge instances introduced on respectively). We also observe that the lesser- the same day in a project. We now focus on when those used badges are rarely found alone, they tend to badges were introduced in a project. For each badge be paired up with a Build or an Info badge. In category, we computed the proportion of projects with Packagist, too, Build and Info badges are more fre- at least one badge making use of a badge of this cat- quently found together (42%=19.4+9.8+8.2+4.6) egory. Figure 3 shows the evolution of these propor- than apart (37.4%=19.7+14.4+1+2.3 and tions for both datasets. For Cargo, we observe a fast 17.4%=10+2+0.7+4.7, respectively). We also and somewhat massive adoption of Build badges: the observe that nearly one out of five projects with proportion of projects using such badges went from badges in Packagist (19.4%) uses the four considered 2% (September 2013) to 77% (August 2014). A sim- badge categories at once. In Packagist, badges are ilar observation can be made for Info badges to a less frequently found in isolation. For instance, the lesser extent, going from 2% (January 2015) to 59% proportion of isolated badge categories in Packagist two years later. The situation is different for Packag- is 27.5% (=19.7+1.3+1.8+4.7) while this proportion ist where many projects already existed before badges reaches 34.2% in Cargo (=21.9+12.3). In both were available. Indeed, around 5% of projects using datasets, we found that Build is the most frequent badges in Packagist were created before the availability isolated badge category by far (21.9% in Cargo, 19.7% of such badges. This proportion is only 2% for Cargo, in Packagist). which is not surprising given that Rust appeared in 2010. The adoption of badges in Packagist is therefore Table 2: Proportion of co-occurring badge categories more gradual, going from practically 0% (June 2013) that were adopted simultaneously in Cargo and Pack- to 35-40% in two years; with the notable exception of agist projects. Build badges, whose adoption occurred much faster. QA Pop Info By August 2012, these badges had been adopted by Build 54% 38% 64% 71% 65% 71% 60% of the projects, a probable consequence of the QA 51% 49% 50% 43% introduction of Travis-CI in March 2011. Pop 80% 92% cargo 1.0 prop. of projects Since we found a non-trivial amount of co-occurring 0.8 0.6 badge categories, in a second step, we examine how fre- 0.4 Build Pop 0.2 QA Info quently badges belonging to different categories were 0.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 added on the same calendar day in a project. When- packagist 1.0 ever a category is represented by several badges within prop. of projects 0.8 a same project, the introduction date of the old- 0.6 0.4 est badge is considered. Table 2 shows the propor- 0.2 tion of co-occurring badge categories that were intro- 0.0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 duced simultaneously. We observe for Cargo that most co-occurring badge categories are adopted simultane- Figure 3: Evolution of the proportion of projects, ously. For Packagist, it mainly depends on the con- grouped by badge category. sidered combination. For instance, a large majority of the combinations involving Build+Pop, Build+Info For each project and badge category, we measured or Pop+Info corresponds to badges introduced on the the elapsed time before the first introduction of a same day. On the other hand, we observe that 62% badge of a given category in a given project. Since (=100-38) of the combinations with Build+QA are not some projects predate the availability of (services ad- adopted simultaneously but in subsequent events. vertised by) badges, we measure this time with respect 4 to the date of the first opportunity to introduce those usually found together and that the other categories badges. So, if the project was created prior to the first of badges were rarely found without a corresponding occurrence of a category in our dataset, then the date Build or Info badge. We also found that co-occurring of this first occurrence is used as a baseline. Other- badges were frequently adopted simultaneously. We wise, we relied on the creation date of the project as a next examined the temporal aspect of badge adoption baseline. and found that the adoption rates of badge categories were either increasing or stable. We also showed that Table 3: Elapsed time before the first instance of a badges were usually added early on, within the first 5% badge category in a project (Cargo and Packagist) of a project’s lifetime, but still a significant amount of in days proportionally projects adopt badges much later. The results we ob- category median mean median mean Info 6 3 119 155 7% 3% 26% 31% tained are in line with those of Trockman et al [1] for Build 3 2 89 156 3% 2% 21% 30% npm. QA 10 5 157 163 11% 5% 29% 61% As future work, we intend to investigate the impact Pop 4 3 107 170 4% 3% 25% 24% of badge adoption on contributions. In doing so, an All categories 6 4 112 166 5% 4% 25% 39% aspect to take into account will be the comparative ef- Table 3 reports on the median and mean of these fort required to maintain some badges over others. We durations, aggregated by badge category. The left part also will quantify the phenomenon of badge removal, of the table expresses these durations in days since the determine the reasons why it occurs and what is the date of first opportunity, while the right part expresses impact on contributions. them proportionally to the opportunity window (i.e., time between the date of the first opportunity and the References last known commit of a project). The huge difference [1] Asher Trockman, Shurui Zhou, Christian between median and mean values suggests skewed dis- Kästner, and Bogdan Vasilescu. 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