=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2681/xaila2019-paper1 |storemode=property |title=The Difference between Explainable and Explaining: Requirements and Challenges under the GDPR |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2681/xaila2019-paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2681 |authors=Francesco Sovrano,Fabio Vitali,Monica Palmirani |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/jurix/SovranoVP19 }} ==The Difference between Explainable and Explaining: Requirements and Challenges under the GDPR== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2681/xaila2019-paper1.pdf
November 2019

  The difference between Explainable and
  Explaining: requirements and challenges
              under the GDPR
                 Francesco Sovrano a , Fabio Vitali a and Monica Palmirani b
                               a DISI, University of Bologna
                            b CIRSFID, University of Bologna

             Abstract. We know that Automated Decision-Making (ADM) is currently changing
             industry, thus people and countries started to be concerned about the impact that
             may have on everyone lives. The GDPR stresses the importance of a Right to
             Explanation (e.g., art. 22, artt. 13-14-15, recital 71), requiring the AI industry
             to adapt consequently, thus giving rise to eXplainable AI (XAI). Modern XAI
             proposes some solutions to make ADM more transparent following the principle
             included in the GDPR (art. 5), but many researchers criticize XAI to provide little
             justification for choosing different explanation types or representations. In this paper
             we propose a new model of an explanatory process based on the idea of explanatory
             narratives, claiming that it is powerful enough to allow many possible types of
             explanations including causal, contrastive, justificatory and other types of non-causal

             Keywords. Explanation, Explainability, XAI, HCI

1. Introduction

The academic interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI, [4]) has grown together with the
attention of countries and people toward the actual disruptive effects of Automated
Decision Making (ADM [20]) in industry and in the public administration (e.g., COMPAS
[5]), effects that may affect the lives of billions of people [10]. Thus, GDPR (General Data
Protection Regulation, UE 2016/679) stresses the importance of the Right to Explanation,
several expert groups, including those acting for the European Commission, requiring the
AI industry to quickly adopt ethics code of conducts [2], [7] thus giving rise to eXplainable
AI (XAI). So, what is an explanation?
     According to many theorists [12], an explanation is “an act intended to make some-
thing clear, understandable, or intelligible” [13], while others [9] provide a connection
between transparency, traceability, accountability, explanation, justification, interpreta-
tion, causation. Additionally the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence [14]
underlines the fact that the “humans interacting with AI systems must be able to keep full

   Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution
4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
November 2019

and effective self-determination over themselves, and be able to partake in the democratic
Anyway, the William-Webster Dictionary gives three different meanings to the verb “to
explain”: i) to make plain or understandable (e.g., “footnotes that explain the terms”),
ii) to give the reason for or cause of (e.g., “unable to explain his strange conduct”), iii) to
show the logical development or relationships of (e.g., “explained the new theory”).
In epistemology the concept of explanations is clearly connected to meaning ii of the
William-Webster entry, in that it sees explanations as statements that provide the ex-
plainees with understanding of the causes of some facts. This is the meaning that has
been adopted quite thoroughly in the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
and exposition of the causes behind the results of the computations have become the
prevalent understanding of what explanations need to be [19]. Summarily, according to
these points of view, explanations are answers to why-questions, and characterizations and
ramifications of why-questions are what are being studied and discussed. Although we
see the importance of why-questions in framing the concept of explanation, we find them
to be a part of the whole issue, and, in fact, only the second part. Before why-questions
to provide causal characterization of a fact, we need to consider whether such fact is
available and understood for what it actually means. Not only: when dealing with complex
systems as in Artificial Intelligence, rarely is a single fact in need of understanding, but,
more often, we must deal with a complex web of steps and actions that led the software to
come to its conclusion. How to deal with such complexity?
      In this paper we discuss a new issue to the problem of explainability and explanation
in complex systems and Automated Decision Making systems, including eXplainable
Artificial Intelligent Systems (XAI). In fact, differently from much of the current literature
on XAI, we do not place any undue weight on the causal characterization of explanations,
preferring to refer to them as narratives (and, in particular, explanatory narratives) gen-
erated by an interested narrator/reader that explores a potentially very vast explanatory
space in order to satisfy a situated and contextualized interest about a complex system.
      The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we will introduce the back-
ground information, pointing to remarkable existing works on explanations, explainability
and explaining. In section 3 we introduce an abstract model for an explanatory process
that is able to produce many types of causal and non-causal (semantic, contrastive, etc..)
explanations. In section 4 we discuss the results, analysing the feasibility of building a
real explanatory process based upon our model. Finally, in section 5 we conclude this
paper through a brief recap.

2. Background and Related Work

2.1. Explanations as narratives

According to [16], explanations serve to resolve a puzzlement in a listener. And since
puzzlements occur in many different ways, explanations serve a number of different
functions, ranging from assigning, developing, or expanding meaning, to justifying the
facts by appealing to norms, standards, or values, to describing the facts with greater
details, to, finally, giving a causal account of these facts. Complexity of facts to be
explained also implies that the explanation cannot be a single choice among the above,
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but, more often than not, a sequence of explanatory choices shedding light onto the
individual facts, but also onto their collection and sequencing in a connected structure
[13]. According to [11], explanations also feature why-regress, whereby “whatever answer
someone gives to a why-question, it is almost always possible sensibly to ask why the
explanation itself is so. Thus there is a potential regress of explanations”. Explanations
therefore shift from simple causal statements of individual events (local dimension) to full
explanatory narratives about a complex sequence of facts (global dimension). [3] argues
that explanations consider individual instances (event-tokens) rather than classes of facts
(event-types): we explain individual events, not the class this individual event takes part
to. Thus “the explanatory pattern [. . . ] forms a coherent or connected narrative which
represents a number of events[-tokens] in an intelligible sequence. Hence the pattern is
appropriately called a narrative explanation”. Narrative explanations naturally must take
on features both of narratives and of explanations.
     Finally, Norris et al. list eight elements appropriate for framing narrative discourse:
“Of primary importance, we believe, are the existence of event-tokens, time, and agency:
particular occurrences involving particular actors in the past and over time. The narrator,
narrative appetite, structure, purpose, and reader seem to be of secondary importance
in determining degree of narrativity”. Norris et al. assigns qualifying values to lesser
elements, for instance to the nature and goals of the reader, so that: “although these
elements are important, we can imagine narratives in which these elements are represented
poorly or not at all. [Their absence] signals a story poorly told.” Yet, the role of the reader
is neither tangential nor optional if we consider, as Lipton does, the issue of familiarity:
“explanation is in some sense reduction to the familiar. It is what is strange or surprising
that we do not understand; a good explanation gives us understanding by making the
phenomenon familiar, presumably by relating it to other things that are already familiar”.
Thus, an appropriate characterization of the background and goals of the explainees serves
to characterize the nature of the explanation sought and to focus and direct the narrative
     The variety of knowledge backgrounds and of cognitive goals of the explainees, and
the need to cater for and oblige to the why-regress that is spontaneous in understanding,
mean that the search for the ideal or perfect explanation is futile and meaningless, that it
is the explainees’ job to decide whether their goals have been reached, and that subjective
satisfaction is the only reasonable metrics to evaluate success in explanation. This makes
the quality of explanations as intrinsically relative and wholly dependent on the character-
ization of the explainees’ familiarities and goals. Thus, borrowing the phrase “specified
users achieving specified goals [. . . ] in a specified context of use” from the definition
of usability in ISO 9241-210 2010, we conclusively propose to define explanations as
“narratives set to increase understanding over a system or sequence of events for the
fulfilment of a specified explainee having specified goals in a specified context of use
(e.g., the judge has particular requirements defined by the procedural code: to collect
evidences supporting the decision, in the context and point-in-time about the crime, etc.”.

2.2. The Right to Explanation

The role of legislations and industry is essential in the quest to increase AI accountability
in legal, ethical, policy, and technical terms. Despite this, it seems that these two different
streams of work (industry and law) are still working toward different directions, lacking
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of common basis to determine the required content of explanations. “As a result, much of
the prior work on methods, standards, and other scholarship around explanations will be
valuable in an academic or developmental sense, but will fail to actually help the intended
beneficiaries of algorithmic accountability: people affected by algorithmic decisions” [17].
As example, the GDPR art. 22 defines the right to claim of a human intervention when
a completely automated decision-making system may affect the legal status of a citizen.
The art. 22 includes also several exceptions that derogate “to be subject to a decision
based solely on automated processing” when the legal basis are supported by contract,
consent or law. These conditions significantly limit the potential applicability of the right
to explanation. For this reason in case of contract or consent the art. 22, paragraph 3
introduces the “right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express
his or her point of view and to contest the decision”. This implies that the data subject
should access to the whole data, to the logic of the algorithm, to the run-time flow of
the processing determining the decision, the context information (e.g., jurisdiction of
the ADM) and, in case, also to the datasets used for training, developing and testing
(especially in the case of supervised machine learning). It appears that explanations can
be offered after decisions have been made (ex-post), and are not a required precondition
to contest decisions. It is not completely true: in the artt. 13-14-15 there is the obligation
to inform about the “the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling,
referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) and, at least in those cases, meaningful information
about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of
such processing for the data subject.” (ex-ante). This combination of those articles make
the right of explanation very articulated and composed by different steps. In the ex-ante
phase we should provide all the information for guaranteeing the transparency principle:
    1. The algorithms and models pipeline composing the ADM.
    2. The data used for training (if any), developing and testing the ADM.
    3. The context information (e.g. jurisdiction of the ADM).
    4. The possible consequences of the ADM on the specific data subject (local principle).
While to contest a decision (during the ex-post phase), the data subject should access to:
    1. The justification about the final decision.
    2. The run-time logic flow (causal chain) of the process determining the decision.
    3. The data used for inferring.
    4. Information (metadata) about the physical and virtual context in which the auto-
       mated process happened.
Further, there is no clear link that suggests that explanations under Recital 71 (of the
GDPR) require opening the black box but there is a clear indication “to obtain an explana-
tion of the decision reached after such assessment and to challenge the decision”.
     Law and ethics scholars have been more concerned with understanding the internal
logic of decisions as a means to assess their lawfulness (e.g. prevent discriminatory out-
comes), contest them, increase accountability generally, and clarify liability. Wachter et al.
have assessed three purposes of explanations of automated decisions from the view of
the data subject under the GDPR: i) to inform and help the subject understand why a
particular decision was reached, ii) to provide grounds to contest adverse decisions, iii) to
understand what could be changed to receive a desired result in the future, based on the
current decision-making model.
Leveraging on the aforementioned purposes of explanations, counterfactuals are a rea-
sonable way to lawfully provide explanations under the GDPR’s right to explanation,
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even though counterfactuals are not appropriate to understand system functionality, or
the rationale of an automated decision, or to provide the statistical evidence needed to
globally assess algorithms for fairness or racial bias.
     We believe that explanations should be also contrastive with the explainees’ pre-
existing knowledge, and they should also be linkable to other domain knowledge, some-
times providing non-causal insights.

3. The Explaining Process and the Properties of a Good Explanatory Space

An explanation is the result of an explaining process that takes place over an input that
allows it, as shown in figure 1. Explainable datasets and processes are not the narratives

                         Figure 1.: Explainability vs Explaining

that we seek in explanations, but they require at least “a narrator (someone telling), a
narratee (someone receiving [. . . ]), events (something that happened), and past time” [13].
In section 2.1 we introduced our working definition of an explanation as a path in an
explanatory space, an explanation as “narratives set to increase understanding over a
system or sequence of events for the satisfaction of a specified explainee having specified
goals in a specified context of use”. The qualities of the explanation that provide the
explainee with the necessary satisfaction, following the categories provided by Norris
et al. (2005), can be summarized in a good choice of narrative appetite, structure and
     A fully-automated explainer is unlikely to be designed to become the narrator that
targets these quality parameters to guarantee the satisfaction of a specified explainee.
Rather, we believe that (at least in the case of explanations under the GDPR) readers
and narrators must be the same, generating the narration for themselves by selecting and
November 2019

organizing narratives of individual event-tokens according to the structure that best caters
their appetite and purpose.
      Providing the necessary mechanisms for self-told narratives seem therefore a reason-
able goal for any explanatory tool, by arranging available information into an explanatory
space that the narrators-readers can explore according to their whim and goals until
the desired level of understanding is reached. According to our model, the input of an
explanatory process can be explainable datasets and/or explainable processes (simple
and/or higher-order). A dataset is a collection of data items with a type, while a process
is a function that takes as input a dataset of parameters/premises, providing as output a
dataset of conclusions. Information provided for the explanation can be either global or
specific. Global information is related to the concepts of the datasets and the behaviour of
the process as a whole, with respect to the totality of the possible values and/or inputs
(also known as class-events), while specific information is related to the actual data values
and the individual decisions taken by the process considering the specific input instances
(also known as token-events). In the case of specific information we may expect that not
all the classes of the underlying ontologies, nor all the rules of the algorithm, have been
used to get to the final output. The ordered set of rules used to get a local decision is
called causal chain, and it is plausibly expected to be in the explanatory space in the form
of an explainable process.

3.1. Behavioural Model of a good Explanatory Process

To provide a good guidance model for the implementation of a reasonable tool for the
exploration of the explanatory space, we introduce here the SAGES (Simple, Adaptable,
Grounded, Expandable, Sourced) behavioural model of a good explanatory process.
     Simple: the explanatory process has to be simple, producing explanations easy to
process and understand. This implies that the explanations need to connect with readers
with any level of competence, from none whatsoever upwards. In practice this requires
creating a fairly ample explanatory space that includes also very basic and fundamental
information about the dataset and the process being explained, and some fairly rapid
heuristics allowing expert readers to explore the explanatory space in order to find the
sought information as fast as possible.
     Adaptable: the explanatory process has to be bounded to the appetite and purpose of
the narrative. This means that the explainees do not need to be informed on aspects of the
dataset and/or process they are not interested in, but can navigate the explanatory space
based on the specific goals and context they have.
     Grounded: the explanatory process has to be bounded to the specific data and/or
process steps involved in the narrative. This implies that the explanatory space must
include and give access to the actual data and/or process rules activated during the
event, and connect them correctly to the relevant pieces of the narrative. This allows the
narrator/reader to build more contrastive explanations.
     Expandable: the explanatory process has to be bounded to the classes of the domain.
This means that the explanatory space must include and give access to descriptions and
explanation elements about the dataset and process domains and any other related domains
in general, regardless of the specific event tokens of the narrative. This includes providing
access to mechanisms and tools to suggest and explore counterfactuals and their effect on
the computation.
November 2019

     Sourced: the explanatory process has to be bounded to provenance specifications
of the individual elements of the dataset and the individual process steps, allowing for
justificatory explanations of the sequence of events being narrated. Complex rule systems
may collect and compose rule-sets of very different origin and authoritativeness, and
being able to connect each individual data item and each individual rule to the norms,
standards, or values that justify it, is important in order to allow exploration, debate and
alternative strategies to put in play with the given XAI system.

3.2. Structure of the Explanatory Space

The SAGES model therefore drives the structure of the explanatory space, organized into
seven levels in increasing depth of explanation details. These levels are: Context, Dataset,
Classes, Entities, Properties, Grounding, Explorable.
     Background level: it provides information describing the characteristics of the con-
text in which the explainer operates. At this level we might find information about the
explainer goal (e.g. undefined goal, giving insights about a decision justification, etc..)
and whether the explainer is operating ex-ante or ex-post.
     Explanandum level: it provides information describing the material characteristics
of the input, and its metadata. Among other things, it may contain summary information
about: 1. the algorithms and models composing the involved processes; 2. metadata about
the physical and virtual context in which the automated process operates; 3. the syntax
used in the datasets and the number and the variety of entities described within them.
     Classes level: it provides information about the variety of types and classes repre-
sented in the dataset or involved in the process.
     Entities level: it provides information about each entity described in the dataset with
particular attention to human-readable descriptions and fundamental information.
     Properties level: it provides information about each property associated to the se-
lected entity as specified in the dataset, and the associated value. At this level we can
investigate the provenance of the assertion and of the data, if they are trustworthy.
     Grounding level: it explicitly identifies with precision and detail the exact part of
the explainable model/dataset associated to the individual narrative element, possibly in
the source format in which it was placed in the input to the explaining process. In this
part we could explain the logic used (e.g., defeasible logic).
     Exploration level: it provides information at the level of the conceptual domains,
connecting it with information, facts, norms, values and anything that is not explicitly
mentioned in the input but may be relevant for the understanding of the explainee. In this
level we could explain the arguments and the counter-arguments.

3.3. Example

We show here a use-case of an explanatory tool based on our model. In this use-case, the
explanatory tool is used to explain the decision taken by an ADM on a case concerning
the GDPR, art. 8. The aforementioned case is about the conditions applicable to child’s
consent in relation to information society services. The art. 8 of GDPR fixes at 16 years
old the maximum age for giving the consent without the parent-holder authorization. This
limit could be derogated by the domestic law. In Italy the legislative decree 101/2018
defines this limit at 14 years. In this situation we could model legal rules in LegalRuleML
November 2019

[1, 15] using defeasible logic (as shown in figure 2), in order to be able to represent the fact
that the GDPR art. 8 rule (16 yearsOld) is overridden with the Italian’s one (14 yearsOld).
The SPINDle legal reasoner processes the correct rule according to the jurisdiction

                       Figure 2.: LegalRuleML of the Art. 8 GDPR.

(e.g., Italy) and the age. Suppose that Marco (a 14 years old Italian teenager living in
Italy) uses Whatsapp, and his father, Giulio, wants to remove Marco’s subscription to
Whatsapp because he is worried about the privacy of Marco when online. In this simple
scenario, the Automated Decision Making system would reject Giulio’s request to remove
Marco’s profile, because of the Italian legislative decree 101/2018. What if Giulio wants
to know the reasons why his request was rejected? Figure 3 shows a possible view of our
explanatory tool.

4. Discussions and Future Work

In this paper we proposed a model of an Explainer that takes as input only explainable
datasets and/or explainable processes. Our Explainer does not work with uninterpretable
processes (e.g. deep neural networks) and datasets. We assumed that this choice is generic
enough for our purposes, without providing any strong scientific justification, thus without
November 2019

                  Figure 3.: Explainer of the Art. 8 GDPR application.

properly experimenting the efficacy of our model.
Furthermore it is not clear if our model is generic enough to be compatible with any
interface design and any explainable system, and it is not clear how much the model is
aligned to the framework for trustworthy artificial intelligence of the High-Level Expert
Group on AI (see [6]).
This is why, now, we are going to work toward providing stronger results on the afore-
mentioned issues.

5. Conclusion

Differently from most of the XAI literature, we believe that useful explanations are not
only causal explanations. We highlight that many types of explanation may exist, including
causal chains, contrastive, justificatory and other types of non-causal explanations. This
is why, in this paper, we proposed a new design for the structure of an explanation and
the behaviour of and explainer, as an explanatory narrative process. We claim that our
explainer is capable of working with both explainable datasets and processes, producing
statements that can be rendered to human readers and can be made Simple, Adaptable,
Grounded, Expandable and Sourced (SAGES).


This work was partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the MSCA grant agreement No 690974 “MIREL: MIning
and REasoning with Legal texts”.


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