Telecommunication Technologies of the Unified National Synchroinformation System Valerii Koval Vitaliy Lysenko Mykola Khudyntsev Department of Automation and Robotic Department of Automation and Robotic State Service of Special Systems named by I.I.Martynenko Systems named by I.I.Martynenko Communications and Information NULES Ukraine NULES Ukraine Protection of Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine Dmytro Kalian Mykhaylo Klymash Oleksandr Samkov postgraduate student Department of Telecommunication Institute of Electrodynamics of the NULES Ukraine Lviv Polytechnic National University National Academy of Sciences of Kyiv, Ukraine Lviv, Ukraine Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine Abstract—A development of the unified national and frequency scale to ensure synchronous operation of high- synchronous information system (UNSIS) of Ukraine aims at tech systems in telecommunications, metrology, defense, solving the problem of a full-scale frequency and time provision cybersecurity, and in many sectors of the economy [1-4]. of consumers at the state level. The UNSIS should function as a High-precision measurements of time and frequency is an main source of the synchronous information generated and important part of ensuring a unity of the measurements in the distributed through the objects. A transportation of state, on which high-quality operation of the digital synchronization signals to consumers from the national telecommunications, military facilities, synchronization of standards, which are intended to reproduce and preserve technological processes in science and economy, and people physical quantities like time and frequency, requires high awereness depend. accuracy. There are different mechanisms to distribute synchronous information throughout the country. Transmission The existence of its own system of high-quality and of synchronization signal by means of modern efficient synchronization and information support of telecommunication technologies is a promising direction, economic sectors is, to a certain extent, a sign of a high level providing the necessary accuracy and reliability, information of the state development. Despite the fact that currently the security, and quality of services. Taking into account an active state service of State Service of Uniform Time and Standard development of asynchronous telecommunication networks (IP Frequencies [5], while forming and maintaining the national networks), it is effective to transmit synchronous information time scale at the level of the best national scales in the world, through these networks based on the PTP protocol of precision practically does not perform the function of transmitting time, which allows to distribute the time scale with up to hundreds of nanoseconds accuracy. The paper presents the synchronization signals through the information channels. As results of scientific research confirming a possibility to a result, the problems of using modern telecommunication distribute signals of accurate time throughout the country using technologies are the burning issues of today that update the existing IP networks and domestic equipment. A scientific research to solve this problem. development of the UNSIS will allow to provide both the objects of uniformed services and consumers in many sectors of the II. WAYS OF TRANSMITTING SYNCHRONIZATION Ukrainian economy with a high-quality synchronous INFORMATION information. It meets the requirements of the increased information security due to the development of a modern The State Service of Uniform Time and Standard autonomous system independent from the foreign sources and Frequencies, including the State Enterprise services. "Ukrmetrteststandard", only partially transmits the reference time and frequency signals to the consumers and performs the Keywords—telecommunication technologies; synchronous function of time scale. information; ІР network; РТР protocol; signal of accurate time Technical means of the Service do not form a unified system and cannot meet the requirements of all consumers, I. INTRODUCTION that induces them to use synchronization information of the Modern infocommunication technologies are other states (for example, from the satellite navigation characterized by intensive use of the reference values of time systems GNSS), which poses a threat to national security and Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) increases the risks of losing the unity of time and frequency measurements within the state. It is known that the main disadvantages of such satellite systems are the dependence of TABLE 1. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND APPLICATION signal quality on non-stationary characteristics of the open FEATURES OF PROTOCOLS medium of radio signal propagation, absence of protection Protocol Accuracy provided The need for a Application against intentional distortion of synchronization information, separate network features etc. [4, 5]. IRIG-B 10 µs - 1 ms yes - Effective transfer of information about uniform precise ToD 0.1 - 10 µs yes At a distance of time, reference frequencies, precise timestamps up to 10 m no (UDP/IP Depends on a (synchronization information) to the objects in need is NTP 1 - 100 ms network) network possible through the creation of a unified national PTP (IEEE- no (UDP/ IP Does not synchronous information system (UNSIS) [4, 5]. 0.1 - 10 µs network or depend on a 1588-2008) Ethernet) network * Implementation of the proposed idea will create the * for a network that supports PTP in accordance with the requirements of the standard conditions for information security of the critical Based on the data given above, we can conclude that the infrastructure of the country, as well as the applied results of a PTP protocol is the only one that can provide a microsecond dual use will be received for the state institutions, such as the accuracy and does not require a development of a dedicated Armed Forces of Ukraine, State Enterprise Derzhspetszviazok network. Experimental studies and the global practice of (The State Service of Special Communications and implementing PTP protocol on existing networks in different Information Protection of Ukraine), and State Enterprise industries led to the intensification of its standardization in "Ukrmetrteststandard". various sectors of the economy [4, 5]. Implementation of PTP protocol is largely due to the active transition of In general, a set of large systems or their subsystems and telecommunication operators to the use of packet switching separate dedicated objects, primarily high-tech government technologies in the networks. It is worth noting that in such information systems, can be the consumers of networks, the PTP protocol can be applied with some synchronization information. The national facilities requiring deterioration in performance, even without its support by synchronization information are telecommunication networks, other network equipment. digital television, integrated electric power systems, metrology, billing, air and railway transport, oil and gas III. ANALYSIS OF THE USE CASES OF pipelines, agricultural, environmental and other sectors of the TECHNICAL MEANS OF THE UNSIS economy. Also, it should be noted the importance of TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF UKRAINE obtaining reference signals of the precise time by special services, which solve the problems of the national An important problem of creating the UNSIS of Ukraine cybersecurity of the state and the need to introduce a unified is the justification of the technical means chosen to organize (Kyiv) accounting and reporting time. the transmition of synchronization information, that is, the means of telecommunication [4]. There are three ways to There are different distribution mechanisms and protocols solve this problem: 1) to create your own separate digital which are used to transfer synchronization information to the transport synchronization network; 2) to rent UNSIS as a consumers from the state frequency and time standards or separate one imposed on information networks, primarily on precise time service that support the coordinated national primary and secondary ones; 3) to transmit the scale. The protocols intended for remote transmission of synchronization information along with other useful timestamps in digital code are the protocol of IRIG family information in their transport environment, and then select it and the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which is developed in the synchronization nodes in one way or another. It can be for a widespread use in the computer networks with IP argued that currently the most developed networks are the synchronization networks of information infrastructures, protocol. Additionally, the ToD (Time of Day) protocol has including telecommunications, where an extensive theoretical found its application in metrology. To implement the ToD and practical experience of their development and operation protocol, an asynchronous interface of RS-232 type is used has been accumulated [3, 4]. that transmits NMEA messages with a time scale information supplemented by an analog pulse signal with a frequency of 1 In order to reduce the costs of developing the UNSIS of Hz (or 1 PPS), which accurately records the timing of scale Ukraine, as one of the stages, it can be proposed to develop transition through a zero value of seconds. Also, a modern separate but interconnected synchronization networks of protocol has been developed for transmitting a timestamp telecommunication operators of different departments and over existing IP networks. This protocol is defined in the sectors of the economy of Ukraine, or individual large IEEE-1588 international standard as the Precision Time synchronization facilities. A large number of industry-specific synchronization networks with different types of primary Protocol (PTP). The analysis results of technical sources and synchronization devices from the technical side characteristics and application features of these protocols are can significantly reduce the quality of synchronization given in Table 1. information and they are not economically feasible, so the number of such networks should be limited. In essence, a developemnt of other, separate but interconnected synchronization networks, such as regional, departmental, or private ones, is an alternative to the project concept of the UNSIS of Ukraine. Such establishment may have the IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES RESULTS OF THE following disadvantages. Firstly, the UNSIS of Ukraine will PRECISE TIMESTAMPS TRANSMISSION have a status of the national one, and not just OVER THE IP NETWORKS telecommunication and other operators. In addition, today a Let us analyze the research results of PTP protocol on the number of synchronization facilities, not only in the field of possibility of its implementation in the intelligent power telecommunications and informatization, require systems [4]. Since the base standard of PTP protocol contains synchronization information as a comprehensive product [5]. a wide range of permissible installations and settings, the The UNSIS should become a queueing system for domestic specialists optimize a configuration of the protocol depending consumers of synchronization information with further on the characteristics of the industry networks where this involvement of partners from other countries and continents. protocol will be implemented, which increases the Secondly, a fragmentation and refinement of synchronization characteristics or simplifies implementation of the protocol. networks, even specific local telecommunication networks, to the "personal business" of the operators/owners, which is Experimental studies of the information system for currently observed in the industry, will complicate a number transmitting the precise timestamps over the existing IP of interaction procedures. In the future, this situation can not networks were carried out using a set of US-1588 equipment only cause deterioration in performance of synchronization of domestic production (“Information Service Technologies infrastructures, their failure or partial loss of synchronization, Ltd”, Kyiv) and a laboratory sample of a quality control but it can also lead to a complete failure of synchronization of device for generating synchronization signals, which includes all or some telecommunication networks in the country and, a blocks of primary transducers (BPT) "TIMETER" [4]. The as a result, to emergency situations. US-1588 is intended for transmitting the precise timestamps over the data transmission networks using the packet Separate, but interconnected synchronization networks of switching based on TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocols at a speed of telecommunication operators can be considered as separate 10/100 Mbit/s that are compliant with the requirements of components of the UNSIS of Ukraine. The choice of IEEE-1588 standard [4]. The most common example of these synchronization method of the national digital packet networks where the US-1588 equipment can be used, communication network is a responsibility of the national is the local 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet network or the IPv4-based administrations. Right now, the UNSIS of Ukraine, which network. would overtake all synchronization facilities of Ukraine (railway transport, oil and gas pipelines, electric power The experimental studies of the information system for industry, space and defense facilities, etc.), can be developed transmitting the precise timestamps, which consists of the only under the state programs of Ukraine. Here we can digital information transmission system based on the US- distinguish three strategies for implementing the UNSIS 1588M and US-1588S equipment that provides digital project of Ukraine [4]: transmission of synchronization information over the corporate IP network of the NUBiP of Ukraine. The measured • to offer the UNSIS of Ukraine for all consumers of parameters are characteristics of the TIE synchronization synchronization information. Such centralized signals determined in accordance with the International management (let’s say, at the level of the Cabinet of Recommendations ITU-TG.810 and G.8262 [4]. The Ministers) can reduce technical and economic costs, experimental studies of the set of US-1588 equipment of but it requires significant capital investment at the domestic production showed a compliance of its main initial stage (permissible construction steps); characteristics with the requirements of the “energy” profile • to offer separate synchronization networks for of PTP protocol when transmitting the precise timestamps different consumers of synchronization information of over the existing corporate IP-network of the NUBiP of Ukraine; Ukraine [4]. It is worth noting that the contribution of the synchronizing device US-1588M (“master”) to the deviation • to offer a digital transport network (primary) and of time interval is no more than 50 ns at a rate not exceeding partially a network of synchronization information 200 ns. The parameters of the set of US-1588 equipment services (secondary) of the Derzhspetszviazok (The allow to ensure instability of the transmitted timestamps at the State Service of Special Communications and level of 300 ns (range). Information Protection of Ukraine) as a set of innovative means. The indicated synchronization Fig. 1 shows the measurement results of the TIE of output networks need to be reconstructed and expanded, and signal of information system of the precise timestamps there need to be developed a dedicated network of the transmission over the corporate IP-network of the NUBiP of UNSIS of Ukraine in order to provide consumers of Ukraine. Taking into account the measurement results, it can all sectors of the economy of Ukraine with the be stated that the maximum deviation does not exceed one necessary synchronization signals. First of all, it is microsecond. necessary to ensure the transmission of information about the precise time, and then move on to the V. CONCLUSION transmission of synchronization signals of the unified Implementation of the proposed idea as a set of innovative Kyiv accounting and reporting time to consumers means that will work as part of the unified national throughout Ukraine and update the existing synchronous information system of Ukraine from the national synchronization equipment, including the one of the standard source, is a great alternative to foreign satellite domestic manufacturers, which is much cheaper than navigation systems. The system will allow to ensure the imported. information survivability and increase reliability by diversifying digital transmission of synchronization signals. The solution of this problem at the state level will create the conditions, firstly, to increase information security of the users, and, secondly, to increase competitiveness in the market through the cost-effective integrated service delivery to both government agencies and corporate consumers. Fig. 1. The measurement results of the TIE of output signal of the information system of the precise timestamps transmission over the corporate IP-network of the NUBiP It is important that the implementation of the proposed idea will create conditions for information security of critical infrastructure of the country. Also, we will receive the applied results of a dual use for the state institutions, such as the Armed Forces of Ukraine, State Enterprise Derzhspetszviazok (The State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine), State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”, etc. The proposed set of innovative means will not only provide high-quality reference signals of the uniform time, but also create the conditions for effective synchronous information support of other infrastructure facilities of the country with the lowest costs, and will have the applied dual-use results for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, due to thedevelopment of a unified national synchronous information system of Ukraine, that is a modern autonomous ground-based system, independent of foreign time and frequency services. REFERENCES [1] Stefano Bregni, “Synchronization of digital telecommunications networks”, Translated from English, Moscow, Russia: Mir, 2003, pp. 3-456. [2] A. V. 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