Processes Visualization Modelling in Distributed Management Systems Lubomyr Petryshyn Mykhailo Petryshyn Wioleta Cieślik dept. of Enterprise Management dept. of Computer Science dept. of Computer Science AGH University of Science and and Information Systems AGH University of Science and Technology Precarpathian National University Technology Krakow, Poland Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Krakow, Poland dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems ORCID: 0000-0001-6319-3768 Precarpathian National University Ivano-Frankіvsk, Ukraine ORCID: 0000-0003-4168-3891 Abstract—Modelling of management processes in conditions as well as reduces the cost of creation and operation a of cross-sectoral cooperation on the distributed information management system. systems base allows to reduce the means of introduction and exploitation of such complex systems. The proposed method of Fundamentals of visualization modelling were published information models visualization permit to graphically reflects in [2]. Let's analyze a simplified example of modelling a of constituent processes and simplifies the understanding at the management system of the distribution network within the stage of analysis and design between the customer and the country in order to simplify and facilitate the selection and system developer. The basics of visualization modelling and implementation of a specific order by a potential customer in simplified example of models development of multi-sectoral management system are presented. accordance with his needs at any time. On the basis of Keywords—visualization modelling, information processes, process analysis and the performed decomposition of the sectoral cooperation, distributed systems, management control system [1], perform information modelling of the control system. I. INTRODUCTION II. MODELLING OF MANAGEMENT PROCESSES Complex system management in terms of cross-sectoral cooperation requires the use of information technology that The management system is decomposed into the provides the status displaying and allow managing the system following organizational and structural units: in real time. The presented material in this article is an M1 - order department; integrated part of the publication [1], which is a technique for analyzing the management processes, which, in turn, is the M2 - delivery department; basis of the information modelling. Visualization of M3 - financial department; management processes allows eliminating the psychological M4 - marketing department; barrier and avoiding misunderstandings between the client M5 - sales department; and the developer of information systems, as well as reducing the cost of development, implementation and maintenance of M6 - analytical department; such complex systems. M7 - customer service (support); M8 - promotions and discount department. The goal of this article is present visual methods for modelling the management processes of complex systems in The decomposition result of the management system the context of cross-sectoral cooperation, as well as develop a processes is the definition of the following system operations simplified example of models for the management system of [1]: the distribution network. D1.M1 - Order registration in the system; The novelty of this work consists in development and D1.M4 - Checking the relevance of the current advertising representation of graphic modelling methods that provide campaign for the product selected by the customer; visualization of management processes and simplifying D1.M8 - Checking if the customer has a discount, and, if understanding of their course. The practical aspect is the the result is positive, then automatically give him a discount; possibility of displaying the structure and course of D2.M1 - Receiving feedback; management processes, avoiding misunderstandings in the tasks formulation and ensuring the customer’s requirements, D3.M3 - Transaction recording; Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) D3.M5 - Sending the order to the service point from B. Time tables which the customer filed the order; Time tables contain the times of operations of beginning, D3.M6 - Data providing for analysis; formation, processing and documentation, as well as D4.M1 - Receiving information from the service point; information exchange between system operations. They determine the ordering in the time scale of individual system D5.M2 - Sending notification to the customer about the operations of the management process. delivery duration; D6.M4 - Promotion strategy development; Table І defines the times of beginning, creation, processing and documenting of system operations, D7.M1 - Entering advertising prices into the system; table II defines the times of information exchange during D8.M3 - Documentation of the promotion; performing the system operations. D9.M6 - Results collection for analysis during promotion and their evaluation; TABLE І. TIMES OF EXECUTION OF SYSTEM OPERATIONS D10.M7 - Receiving information from the customer about order violation; Times Documents D11.M1 - Complaints placement in the system; beginning creation processing documenting D12.M5 - Informing the service point; D1.M1 1 5 D13.M1 - Feedback from the service point regarding the D6.M4 6 3 processing of the complaint; D10.M7 3 3 D14.M7 - Client notification of complaint recognition. D1.M4 7 3 The mentioned system operations are organized and D1.M8 11 3 performed in the general management process according to D2.M1 17 2 the following graphic models. D3.M3 21 4 A. Matrix model D3.M5 27 3 The matrix model of the general system management D3.M6 31 1 process includes three subprocesses (fig. 1): order execution, D4.M1 37 2 promotion and submission of the complaint by the customer D7.M1 11 4 (in case of recognition). This model allows visualizing the D8.M3 17 2 execution of individual system operations in the relevant departments on a time scale. D11.M1 8 2 D12.M5 12 2 D13.M1 18 1 D5.M2 41 2 D9.M6 21 3 D14.M6 21 1 TABLE ІІ. TIMES OF DOCUMENTS TRANSFERRING DURING SYSTEM OPERATIONS PERFORMING Documents Transfer time D1.M1-D1.M4 1 D1.M4- D1.M8 1 D1.M8 - D2.M1 3 D2.M1 - D3.M3 2 D3.M3 - D3.M5 1 D3.M5 - D3.M6 1 D3.M6 - D4.M1 5 D4.M1 - D5.M2 2 D6.M4 - D7.M1 2 D7.M1 - D8.M3 2 D8.M3 - D9.M6 2 D10.M7 - D11.M1 2 Fig.1. Matrix model of management system. D11.M1 - D12.M5 2 D12.M5 - D13.M1 4 On the fig. 1: - Information source; D13.M1 - D14.M7 2 - data processing; - obtaining information. C. "Network graph" model D. Combined time model This is the basic model (Fig. 2) that allow to switch to To assess the total computational load of the control UML-modelling and represents such basic system parameters information system, a combined timeline model is applied as the start and the end times of system operations, as well as (Fig. 3). However, this graph does not display the units in the way of system and communication channels. which separated system operations are performed. Fig. 2. "Network graph" model (Gantt type). Fig. 3. Combined time model for system operations performing. management in real time. Visualization of management E. Flowchart diagram for system operations performing processes has allowed removing the psychological barrier and Based on the diagram of the combined time model, a avoiding mutual misunderstanding between clients and flowchart diagram of the system operations implementation developers of information systems, as well as reducing the algorithm (Fig. 4) is built, which is based on the object- costs of development, implementation and maintenance of oriented programming and enables the fast implementation nutrients control systems. and deploying the application software for the control system. The goal of the project has been achieved – to perform a modelling of the service system for the distribution portal and III. PROCESSES SIMULATION OF THE MODELLED SYSTEM investigate the load on the system. System modelling is performed based on real management systems. The system The Process is simulated using the online application implementation allowed optimizing costs, improving the BPSimulator, Located at [2]. quality of services and automating product delivery Below is a model used for simulation (fig. 5), and the rapport processes, as well as improving the information exchange that was generated by simulator (fig. 6). Simulation allowed between individual departments and move to an electronic assessing the system’s costs and determining the average time management system. The application of changes in the of the process. system has led to increased competitiveness of the company, and system functionality was adapted to market standards. IV. CONCLUSIONS Based on the developed visualization methods of the course of processes in operation of complex management systems in conditions of cross-sectoral cooperation the bases and methods of modelling are defined, which allowed to reflect process progress and to make the information system Fig. 4. Flowchart diagram of system operations execution. Fig. 6. The simulation rapport of loading on the information management system. REFERENCES [1] Petryshyn L., Cieslik W., Glushchenko V., Kostiak M., Processes Analysis Technique of Distributed Management Systems” in Intelligence Systems and Information Technologies: International Scientific and Practical Conference ISIT-2019. August 19-24, 2019, Odessa, Ukraine. Abstracts. – Odessa: TES, 2019. – P. 151-154. 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