High-Precision Technologies for Hydro-Acoustic Studies of Complex Bottom Relief are One of the Areas of the Special Economic Zone of the High- Tech Park Nataliia Punchenko Mariia Levkovska Oleksandra Tsyra Valentina Solodka Galyna Kovalova dept. of automated dept. of Hygiene and dept. of dept. of dept. of mathematics systems and Medical Ecology communication communication Odessa State cybersecurity Odessa National Networks networks Academy of Civil Odessa State Medical University O.S. Popov Odesa O. S. Popov Odesa Engineering and Academy of Odesa, Ukraine National Academy of National Academy of Architecture Technical Regulation Levkovskaja46@gmai Telecommunications Telecommunications Odesa, Ukraine and Quality l.com Odesa, Ukraine Odesa, Ukraine gkovalova@ukr.net Odesa, Ukraine ORCID 0000-0003- Aleksandra.tsyra@gm valyaonas@gmail.co ORCID 0000-0003- iioonn24@rambler.ru 2016-8567 ail.com m 2228-2312 ORCID 0000-0003- or ORCID 0000- ORCID0000-0002- 1382-4490 0003-3552-2039 5357-6682 Abstract—Consideration is given to the processing of hydro- acoustic data recorded using depth gauges in combination with II. THE ERRORS PRESENT IN THE MEASUREMENTS navigation information sensors. Particular attention is paid to The main function of depth gauges is to ensure the safety multi-beam echo sounders. To improve the efficiency in the of navigation for vessels of all classes. This task is processing of measurement information time interpolation is particularly relevant today, when in the world becomes more performed. complicated due to the increase in the number of large- Keywords—multi-beam echo sounder, depth measurement, capacity vessels, the decrease in their maneuverability, and navigation information sensors, sonar the increase in their draft. In connection with the improvement of the design of ships, the number of depths dangerous for navigation increases, all the more so since the I. INTRODUCTION fleet is required to work in all water areas and under any Comprehensive knowledge of the World Ocean with aim navigation conditions to solve transports problems. for the use of its resources is one of the global problems of an In order to ensure the safety of navigation, for depth innovative society. To accomplish this task, along with a meters, attention should be focused on improving such compass and lags as well as number of the basic technical characteristics of navigation depth measurement tools as: means for navigation ensuring the safety of navigation for accuracy of readings and measurements, degree of ships, various types of distance meters basically hydro- automation, and reliability. We must remember that acoustic are used. Depth gauges are multifunctional and correctness of results is determined by the fact that they do widely used on ships of various activities and warships. not contain errors. Effective results are methods of solving The creation of multi-beam echo sounders brought this problems, etc., which provide an error-free solution of problem to a qualitatively new level. With the advent of high- problems [1]. It should be borne in mind that no hardware precision certified integrated systems of the new generation, improvements can completely eliminate the errors present in which use the latest design solutions in the development of the measurements, which are determined by a number of acoustic emitters and in the creation of new digital signal factors. Since modern echo sounders can only work in processing technologies, have become the most effective conjunction with sensors of navigation information and means for conducting hydrographic work, since as a result of information about the spatial orientation of the carrier vessel, their use, material and time costs are significantly reduced next to the errors introduced by the echo sounder, it becomes due to expanding the bandwidth and increasing the amount of necessary to take into account the measurement errors of data collected. these sensors, which, significantly, affect the quality of the source information, especially conducting deep-sea measurements [2]. It is also necessary to introduce corrections Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) for the refraction of acoustic rays during their propagation amendments. After each depth correction operation, a control into a non-marine marine environment. It follows that the file is created, so there is always an opportunity to control the search for new approaches to the organization of effective post-processing process. information systems to assist in navigation is a promising way to improve the general safety of navigation [3]. A larger source of error for a multipath echo sounder is an incorrectly measured sound velocity profile. The effect of an Improving the efficiency of navigation echo sounders in incorrectly introduced sound speed profile can be seen on the modern conditions is impossible without considering the bottom profile (sweep) - it will have a twisted look (smile), section of science that is rapidly developing at the present especially on the extreme rays on a flat, even floor. time, and undoubtedly has a great future - a hydro-acoustics. The appearance of which was preceded by a long path of There are angular corrections for the relative orientation development of theoretical and applied acoustics. The first of the roll sensor, gyrocompass and antenna of a multi-beam information about the manifestation of human interest in the echo sounder. Under ideal conditions, all three sensors must spread of sound in water is found in the notes of a famous be mounted so that the directions of the three axes coincide. Renaissance scholar Leonardo da Vinci: “If you, being at sea In reality, an emergent set of sensors is visible, where the put a pipe in the water, and to put the other end to your ear, inconsistencies are called angular corrections of the offset. you will hear ships far away”. Hydro-acoustics is a section of The results of measuring the swinging and the course are acoustics that studies the emission, reception and propagation entered for accurate results of a multi-beam echo sounder. It of sound waves in the aquatic environment (in oceans, seas, is necessary to remember the angular offset corrections lakes, etc.) for the purposes of the underwater location. The because to measure this exactly impossible. main feature of underwater sounds is their low attenuation as In the calculations, the effect of inaccurate determination a result of which sounds can propagate under water for much of the angular displacement of the sensors along the axis of greater distances than in air. In addition to attenuation due to the side roll on the depth determination (with an error of 20) the properties of the water itself, the distance of sound for different radiation angles of a multi-beam echo sounder. propagation under water is influenced by the refraction of sound, its dispersion and absorption by various The vessel with a multipath complex is equipped with a inhomogeneities of the medium. significant number of sensors. Where some sensor performs its task, it transfers it to a personal computer. A personal computer stores data received from devices with time stamps III. THE METHODOLOGY FOR PROCESSING RADAR SIGNALS indicating the instant of measurement of the environment The application of the methodology for processing radar parameter. And time stamps serve as a link between data from signals and the transfer of the principles of building systems different devices. To determine the location of a point with a for processing them in the field of sonar systems leads to their depth at a certain point in time, it is necessary to know the use to determine the coordinates of the underwater object, parameters of the swinging, the course and positioning at the which is performed after summarizing the results of several time of receiving the depth from the echo sounder. These measurements at different locations of the transmitting and measurements are not synchronized, so need perform receiving devices. interpolation over time. When using a multi-beam echo sounder, it is possible to obtain a full coverage of the bottom with acoustic pulses in CONCLUSION the direction across the vessel's motion, where there is a high The advantage of multipath echo sounders is the smaller coating density along the tack, a low coating across. The angle of individual rays, it allows you to change the antenna calculation of the depth in the contact spot of a multi-beam tilt and get a higher resolution to the individual rays. But it echo sounder is complex; it can include hundreds of also leads to the need to take into account the same iterations, providing for filigree detection of underwater parameters: onboard swinging and pitching, heading. There is objects. The value of the results of the depths of the multi- also a critical parameter - the profile of the speed of sound beam echo sounder is higher than the number of physical (accounting for refraction). This leads to the use of additional rays, and makes it possible to obtain an n-number of results of sensors (motion sensor, sound velocity profile meter, the depth values from one contact patch. gyrocompass) and to the more complex system calibration procedure. Therefore, worldwide testing of synergistic IV. PROCESSING OF POLYMER MATERIALS models of multi-beam surveys is offered. For a multi-beam echo sounder using a satellite navigation system, the materials are processed in the following order: ACKNOWLEDGMENT after performing the survey work and recording materials on a We wish to thank V. Kychak, prof., I. Trotsyshyn, prof., magnetic carrier, it is necessary to process them with an O. Punchenko, prof. and G. Bortnyk, prof. for their insightful appropriate program. Materials are transferred on magnetic comments on earlier drafts. media from the computer of the measuring complex (a workstation on a ship) to a post processing computer. We would also like to thank Vinnytsia National Technical University for the application of theoretical and practical During post-processing, the original data does not change, research in the R & D "Development of the theory and but new ones are created taking into account the introduced methodology of digital radio signal processing in real time" direction in the development of a high tech park // N. Punchenko, (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vinnitsa O.Tsyra, G. Kovalova and others// IEEE 5th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control (MSNMC): National Technical University); October, 16-18, 2018 Kyiv, 2018. – P. 110 – 113. R & D "Development of methods for designing a fiber- [2] Algorithms for processing hydroacoustic signals: monograph / I. 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