=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2683/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Searching for resilient project structure |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2683/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2683 |authors=Judyta Ciemcioch,Grzegorz Ginda }} ==Searching for resilient project structure== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2683/paper16.pdf
                 Searching For Resilient Project Structure
                       Judyta Ciemcioch                                                                    Grzegorz Ginda
                   AGH University of Science                                                         AGH University of Science
                        and Technology                                                                    and Technology
                        Cracow, Poland                                                                    Cracow, Poland
                 judyta.ciemcioch@gmail.com                                                           gginda@zarz.agh.edu.pl

    Abstract—Project optimization often deals with simple                          Possible scale of project optimization depends mainly on
minimization of its makespan and cost for a given order of                     the assumed order of project components. The role of order of
project components i.e. project structure. However, project                    project components is nevertheless often neglected. And as a
execution effects may be improved at most with the application                 result – project optimization results in a suboptimal project
of appropriate project order. The problem of the utilization of                implementation only.
appropriate project structure is nevertheless often neglected.
This is why project optimization efforts usually result in                         Possible project disruption caused by adverse changes in
suboptimal project implementation. Moreover, the actual                        surrounding environment are usually neglected while
effects of optimized project depend on possible disruptions in                 optimizing a project due to project analysis complexity.
surrounding environment. The meaningful disruptions may                        Hence the actual appearance of project disruptions result in
have different e.g. financial and other resource-based, societal,              optimized project implementation performance which is far
environmenal nature etc. It is necessary, therefore, to make                   away from expected performance. Considering possible
project disruption-proof. This is why a framework for the                      project disruptions during project optimization becomes
framework that is capable of delivering project structure that                 important, therefore, to ensure expected project
makes project implementation resilient to possible disruptions                 implementation effects that are at least close to the expected
is presented in the paper.                                                     effects in the presence of disruptions. It seems that, because
                                                                               to the fundamental role of applied project structure for final
    Keywords—project management, project structure, disruption,                performance of project implementation, the application of
resiliency                                                                     appropriate choice of the structure would to make project
                                                                               resilient to possible disruption resulting from changes in
                                                                               surrounding environment.
                      I.     INTRODUCTION
                                                                                   Rising of diverse natural, societal, political, and technical
    Projects are used in diverse areas to obtain different goals.              threads cause that resiliency to uncontrollable changes in
Successful project implementation depends on careful project                   surrounding environment becomes more and more interesting
preparation and project management. However, the                               topic for scientific research [1]. However, up to our
uncontrolled influence of continuously changing surrounding                    knowledge, despite an urgent need for providing reliable tools
environment,      contemporary      complex      projects    are               for resilient planning of project implementation, no proposal
implemented in, may disrupt actual project implementation                      currently addresses coping with improving project resiliency
effects as well. For example, such influence may result from                   to disruptions changes in surrounding environment by means
changing fiscal, political, societal and environmental issues.                 of proper project structure choice. This is why a framework
This is why the implementation of contemporary complex                         for project optimization which is capable of delivering a
projects should be prepared in a way that makes such project                   project structure that makes project resilient to possible
resilient to possible disruptions in as much as it is only                     surrounding environment-induced disruptions. Thus, the rest
possible.                                                                      of the paper is structured as follows. The second section is
    Projects are optimized to provide necessary means for the                  devoted to tentative assumptions. The elements of actual
best possible project implementation results. Project                          disruption-aware project optimization framework are
optimization is aimed at obtaining the best possible levels of                 presented in the third section. Final conclusions are included
project characteristics – makespan, cost etc. Limits of                        in the last section.
available resources are included in this regard. The
optimization results in a project implementation timeline.                                      II.    TENTATIVE ASSUMPTIONS
    Resulting project timeline deals with the applied order of                     A project consists of n components. The components are
project components – activities that make obtaining necessary                  related to one another by an obligatory precedence order. The
intermediate project implementation results – intermediate                     precedence order decides if each pair of project components
goals – possible. An order of project components is called                     may be applied only in sequence or in any way. Note that
project structure in the paper. A permissible project structure                number of possible admissible project structures may rise a
results from pre-order of project components. The pre-order is                 lot with the cardinality of a set of project components.
defined by obligatory precedence of project components.
                                                                                  Once the implementation of project component starts it
                                                                               doesn’t stop until its successful end. The same deals is true in

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
the case of the implementation of project components. Each                                    Γ− = Γ+                           ()
project component is responsible for some intermediate goals.
The goal may be achieved by means of using different             This is why one of them is sufficient to describe obligatory
possible ways (modes). The application of each mode              order of project components.
requires utilization of some resources. The resources deal
with manpower, equipment, materials, space, financial means          Structure of project is defined by a digraph G(U,V) and a
etc. Actual availability of resources is limited and may         corresponding n by n matrix G, where U denotes digraph’s
change in time. However, it is assumed that once a given         vertices and V – digraph’s arcs. Note that in the case of all
resource is engaged, it becomes entirely involved in the         above mentioned digraphs vertices (nodes) represent project
implementation of a project component til its successful         components while the arcs – the precedence of project
completion. The availability of resources may be limited in      components.
both time and space. Note that limited nature of resources           A notion of a network S(G,Φ,Ψ) is applied to express
needed by project components may cause delays in actual          actual project implementation. The network is based on a
start of project component implementation.                       digraph G. Symbols Φ, Ψ express sets of attributes describing
    Implementation of project components may undergo             project components and sets of attributes which define their
disruptions resulting from changes in surrounding economic,      immediate precedence, respectively.
societal, technological, political, fiscal environment and           The effects of project implementation are expressed by a
natural phenomena. Disruptions may result in diverse adverse     set of meaningful attributes. The set may include casual
effects: delays, cost overruns, unnecessary blocking of          tangible project attributes: makespan, cost, starting date, due
resources, a need for etc. Possible modes for project            date as well as other original tangible attributes e.g. level of
component implementation may differ in actual sensitivity to     the utilization of available resources. The application of
disruptions.                                                     intangible project attributes is also possible. All in all, project
    Several attributes may be applied to assess the effects of   implementation attributes result from actual network S.
project implementation. Both tangible attributes (makespan,      However, they may be also directly influenced by changes in
cost etc.) and intangible attributes (influence on surrounding   surrounding environment.
environment etc.) may be applied in this regard. Level of           To provide necessary means for recommending project
project attributes results from attributes levels obtained for   implementation and assess project implementation quality, a
individual project components. The attributes can be utilised    vector function F is introduced. The function makes final
to assess the effects of the implementation of overall project   recommendation of project implementation(s) possible. The
and its components.                                              recommendation is results from a multi-level optimization
   Note that clear recommendation of best project                with the following goal function:
implementation involves making several decisions at once.
The decisions deal with the indication of appropriate:
   • project structure;
                                                                            G  
                                                                                 0    S
                                                                                                                 
                                                                            min  min min F S (G, Φ,Ψ ),  ( )  
                                                                                                                               ()
   • modes for the implementation of project components
     which also define required resources;
                                                                 where: Γ denotes a set of permissible project structures, θ0 is
   • project starting date.                                      a starting date for actual project implementation, and ω(t)
                                                                 expresses the influence of surrounding environment which
        III.   PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION MODELLING                  changes in time t.

 A. Princples                                                        The goal function is accompanied by a set of constraints
                                                                 imposed on considered attributes of whole project and its
    The application of flexible and universal means is           components. Considered optimization problem belongs to the
welcome to model project implementation in a comfortable         general class of multi-criteria multi-mode resource-
way. A notion of a joint directed graph (digraph) is applied,    constrained project scheduling problems [2]. It is nevertheless
therefore, as a basis for description of both obligatory         a peculiar and unique class instance because it considers
precedence of project components and a project structure.        intangibles and unknown influence of surrounding
Note that a digraph may be expressed by a matrix. The actual     environment.
application of such digraph representation facilitates project
optimization process a lot.                                          It is visible from goal function (2) that consecutive
                                                                 optimization levels deal with individual decisions. The
    The digraph of predecessors Γ- and digraph of successors     decisions pertain to the choice of appropriate:
Γ+ are applied to express admissible precedence of project
components. The digraphs may be expressed by                        •    Project structure.
a corresponding binary n by n binary matrix of (project
component) predecessors Γ- and a corresponding n by n               •    Starting date for actual project implementation.
binary matrix of (project component) successors Γ+,                 •    Actual modes for project components.
respectively. The matrices are strictly related to each other:
                                                                     Note that higher level decisions impose considerable
                                                                 restraints on permissible lower level decisions.
   Goal function is intentionally given in a general form (2).                                                                                                  permissible project structures. The first inner loop pertains to
This is because such form allows to make use of both tangible                                                                                                   simulations of changes in surrounding environment. It
and intangible project attributes while optimizing project                                                                                                      contains two inner loops. The outer one allows to consider
implementation. Moreover, the general nature of the goal                                                                                                        influence of actual allocation of modes to project components
function (2) doesn’t favour use of any particular optimization                                                                                                  on project implementation outcomes. The inner one deals
model class and opens presented framework to the wide                                                                                                           with the influence of starting date θ0 on the outcomes. Note
family of optimization model classes.                                                                                                                           that replying of calculations for different starting dates makes
                                                                                                                                                                sense because of possible time-dependent changes in
 B. The optimization                                                                                                                                            surrounding environment.
    Several challenges arise while considering the                                                                                                                 The application of each tuple consisting of considered:
optimization of project implementation. The main problems
deal with the need for:                                                                                                                                            •    project structure G,
    •      Considering all permitted project structures and                                                                                                        •    surrounding environment state ω(τ),
           modes for project components.                                                                                                                           •    actual mode allocations to project components,
    •      The use of both tangible and intangible project                                                                                                         •    starting date θ0.
                                                                                                                                                                results in a network S corresponding with a distinct project
    •      The influence of surrounding environment.                                                                                                            implementation. The pair-wise comparison of the attributes of
    The problems impede optimization efforts. Monte Carlo                                                                                                       such project implementation with attributes of previously
simulations were finally chosen to generate permitted project                                                                                                   identified non-dominated project implementation(s) to check
structures, to select actual modes for project components and                                                                                                   if it is a non-dominated in the sense of Pareto-efficiency. If
to simulate changes in surrounding environment. A notion of                                                                                                     so, it is applied to update the set of non-dominated project
Pareto     efficiency-based     dominance      and  pair-wise                                                                                                   implementations. nS. Note that the identification of new non-
comparisons helped to address a need for use of both tangible                                                                                                   dominated project implementation may also require
and intangible project attributes.                                                                                                                              deepening nS update by removing project implementations
                                                                                                                                                                which become dominated by the newly added project
                                                                                                                                                                    Note that to obtain reliable results and facilitate
                                                                                                                                                                calculations core simulations should be carefully prepared.
         Generating permissible                                                                                                                                 Several experimental simulation runs are needed, therefore, to
           project structure                                                                                                                                    identify appropriate probability density models and to
                                                                                                                                                                indentify necessary parameters e.g. number of required core
        Surrounding environement                                                                                                                                simulation runs. Particular care is indispensable with regard
            state generating                                                                                                                                    to the preparation of simulations of surrounding environment
                                                                                                                       Search for the best project structures

                                                                                                                                                                state. This is because the reliability of the framework is
                                                                                                                                                                extremely sensitive to any inadequacy in capturing
          Allocation of modes                                                                                                                                   surrounding environment state reality [3]. Multiple repetitions
                                                                                          in surrounding environment

          to project components                                                                                                                                 of optimization framework is also recommended to consider
                                                                                             Simulation of changes

                                                                                                                                                                as much possible permitable project implementations as
          Starting date update
                                                                                                                                                                    The optimization of project implementation may result in
                                                                        Mode allocation
                                              Starting date variation

                                                                                                                                                                one or a set of several non-dominated candidates for the
                                                                                                                                                                recommended project implementation. In the latter case there
        Set of the best networks                                                                                                                                appears problem which dominated project implementation to
                                                                                                                                                                recommend for final application? Pair-wise comparisons may
                nS update

                                                                                                                                                                prove helpful in this regard, again. The ability to consider
                                                                                                                                                                difference in importance of project implementation attributes
                                                                                                                                                                is nevertheless needed here.
                                                                                                                                                                    For example, a multi-attribute value theory-based
                                                                                                                                                                technique like Saaty’s AHP [4,5] may prove to be a relatively
              YES                                                                                                                                               easy to use tool. Another possibility deals with the application
                                                                                                                                                                of a outranking-based technique like Bran’s PROMETHEE
                 STOP                                                                                                                                           [6]. There are also some well known strategies of
                                                                                                                                                                psychological origin available e.g. intuitionistic heuristic
Fig. 1. Illustration of general idea of proposed framework                                                                                                      techniques like Tversky’s semi-lexoicogrpahic strategy and
                                                                                                                                                                aspect-wise elimination strategy [7,8]. Note that some
    The general scheme for proposed optimization framework                                                                                                      additional limitations imposed on main or auxiliary project
is presented in Fig.1. Four embedded loops are applied in this                                                                                                  implementation attributes may also help a lot in the
regard. The outermost loop deals with the generation of                                                                                                         identification of the most valuable project implementation.
    To avoid pitfalls with regard to the identification of the             There are also several FLOSS options available that seem
really best non-dominated project implementation alternative,          suitable for the implementation of the proposed framework.
the application of sensitivity analysis is recommended. The            For example example, GNU OCTAVE - a multi-platform
analysis can deal with the influence of different decision             scientific programming language system available at
support tools or differences in preferences toward different           https://www.gnu.org/software/octave provides necessary
project implementation attributes.                                     means for matrix, numerical and simulation analysis.
   A general two-stage framework for final recommendation                  Another suitable option is provided by core programming
of project implementation (Fig.2) consists of two stages               languages with useful extensions. It seems that, due to
which are devoted to:
                                                                       universality and rising popularity, the application of van
    •    The identification         of   non-dominated       project   Rossum’s Python programming language should be
         implementations.                                              recommended in this regard. Python implementations are
                                                                       freely available at web page dedicated to the language:
    •    Final indication of the most advantageous non-                https://www.python.org.
         dominated project implementation.

   C. Software implementation                                                                    IV.    CONCLUSIONS
    Complexity of proposed framework makes software                        Contemporary projects are implemented in specific multi-
application support indispensible. Fortunately, the                    dimensional surrounding environment. The complexity of
development in information and communication technology                interactions with surrounding environment result in a
delivers a lot of possible options available that are capable of       considerable dependence of actual project implementation
facilitating software implementation of the framework. Many            outcomes on actual changes in surrounding environment.
of them are freely available under free and libre open source          Therefore, it is necessary to plan the implementation of
software (FLOSS) framework. For meaningful details consult             contemporary projects in a way which would make them
for example the Floss for Science initiative presented at              resilient to possible changes in surrounding environment as
https://flossforscience.com.                                           much as only possible. A framework is thus presented in the
                                                                       paper which is capable of recommending project
                        START                                          implementation which would be resilient to changes in
                                                                       surrounding environment at the highest possible level. The
                                                                       framework makes use of appropriate choice of project
                                                                       structure in this regard.
                      Data input
                                                                           Besides the capability of including tangible and intangible
                                                                       influence of surrounding environment changes, the main
                                                                       merits of the framework cover the ability to include both
                                                                       tangible and intangible effects of project implementation. The
                  The identifiaction
                  of non-dominated
                                                                       framework is also capable of including different possible
             project implementations uS                                ways for implementing project components while considering
                                                                       limited availability of necessary resources. Therefore, it
                                                                       seems also to be a tool that considerably improves to the
                                                                       reliability of solutions of wide class of multi-criteria multi-
                                                                       -mode resource constrained project scheduling problems.
                       | nS | = 1
                           ?                                               Universal and comprehensive nature of proposed
                                                                       framework makes it well suited for recommending reliable
                                                                       project structure and a resulting schedule in different areas.
                                                                       Actual reliability of indispensable software implementation of
                                                                       the framework heavily depends, however, on the adequacy of
                       Elaboration                                     modeling influence of surrounding environment. Specific
            of final project implementation                            implementation of the framework requires, therefore, careful
                                                                       adjustment to actual needs. Hopefully, the application of
                                                                       available FLOSS tools makes it approachable.

                      Presentation                                                          ACKNOWLEDGMENT
               of final recommendation
                                                                           The authors wish to thank AGH UST for providing
                                                                       financial means for the research and publication of the paper.

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