=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2683/paper17 |storemode=property |title=Enhancing E-government Services By Using Cloud Computing |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2683/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-2683 |authors=Mohamed Alkilani,Volodymyr Kobziev }} ==Enhancing E-government Services By Using Cloud Computing== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2683/paper17.pdf
  Enhancing E-government Services by Using Cloud
                       Mohamed Alkilani                                                                Volodymyr Kobziev
            Applied Mathematics Department                                                    Applied Mathematics Department
     Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics                                  Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
                    Kharkiv, Ukraine                                                                  Kharkiv, Ukraine
               moh_alkilani@yahoo.com                                                           volodymyr.kobziev@nure.ua

    Abstract— In today’s time, the developing of e-government
services and keep up with new technology tools become to play                                    II.    E-GOVERNMENT CONCEPT
an important role in facilitating the provision of e-services at                   The main concept of e-government is providing e-services
the doorstep to beneficiaries. Providing online services of                    by depending on technology tools and building an integrated
government and make it reachable from beneficiaries became                     system to providing an easy way for the beneficiaries to
the aim of many governments, therefore many governments
                                                                               complete their needs anywhere at any time . On the other
aim to develop government services by including cloud
computing as a platform to provide services. This paper gives
                                                                               hand, the e-government can be defined as the use of
an overview of e-government players and cloud computing, as                    technology tools as a platform for providing e-government
well as discusses how to enhancing e-government services by                    services and increased the productivity of services for
cloud computing.                                                               beneficiaries easily and accurately and efficiently. E-
                                                                               government contains several activities and services to
   Keywords— e-government, Cloud Computing, Process of                         different citizens and organizations in a variety of
Developing E-government system.                                                government services [1]. E-government identified four, main
                                                                               elements for e-government interaction [2]:
                         I.     INTRODUCTION                                       • Government-to-Government (G2G)
    Today's with the revolution of technology, the world is                        G2G is referring to the communication and exchange of
witnessing a major development in the provision of e-services                  data between the government components, such as
by using cloud computing, perhaps one of the most prominent                    departments and agencies.
areas that have benefited from cloud computing services is e-
commerce. The inclusion of cloud computing services in the                         • Government-to- Employees (G2E)
development of e-government services has become play an
important role to win beneficiaries' satisfaction. Cloud                           G2E refer to the relationship between the government and
computing has many advantages such as performance, data                        employees,G2E can be described as providing e-services
recovery, cost saving, and reliability & availability.                         environment to the employees of government such as online
Enhancing e-government services by using cloud computing                       training and paying utilities.
become very important to change the traditional system and                         • Government-to-Citizen (G2C)
provide all services of e-government overt world wide web,
easily and effectively.                                                           G2C can be described as accessibility online to
                                                                               government services   to retrieve needed information
    However, this paper aims to find out and discusses the                     anywhere at any time.
main stages to develop e-government system, and clarifying
the data flow process to select the right tools of applying                        • Government-to-Business (G2B)
cloud computing successfully in providing e-government                             G2B can be described as the interaction between the
services. It is divided into 3 sections which are:                             government and business. also can be defined as the ability of
    • [1] E-government concept,                                                the government in providing services to the business sector
                                                                               such as registering businesses, payment of taxes and
    • [2] Cloud computing concept,                                             obtaining permits.
    • [3] Enhancing e-government services using cloud
      computing.                                                                              III. CLOUD COMPUTING CONCEPT
                                                                                  There is no doubt under the revolution of technology tools
                                                                               and the internet, many governments and privet sectors

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
become aims to developing its e-services to be easy to reach
and at any time. Cloud computing one of the technology tools
that give the ability to deliver computing services such as
storage, databases, servers and software, to provide the e-
services with all efficiently and fastly at any given time and
no matter where they are [3]. Iimplementing e-government
without clouds is an old technique and is not too much

A. The Advantages of Cloud Computing
    The use of cloud computing in e-government is a big shift
to change the traditional way of e-government services, and
providing government services in a flexible way and easily
[4]. The advantages of cloud computing are [4][5] :
   • Performance: traditional system (Local server) in
     terms of delivering better services. Cloud computing
     performance depends on the use of complete
     components of the latest generation of hardware and          Fig 1.   Enhancing e-government Services Using Cloud Computing
     software, that contributes to providing e-services over
     the worldwide network easily, efficiently and securely.          To ensure cloud computing is implemented in e-
                                                                  government services successfully, have to understand the
   • Cost: cloud computing is contributing to reducing the        stages of e-government developing system, and the process of
     cost of providing e-services, by eliminates the expense      data transfer and how. The understanding of these points
     of buying hardware and software and the care of              helps decision-maker to enhance e-government services by
     running and pay for electricity and cooling system.          providing needed tools such as (Hardware, Software) to
   • Reliability and Availability: cloud computing gives          providing e-government services successfully. However,
     users the ability to access and get needed information       using cloud computing to enhancing e-government services
     at any time (24/7) no matter where they are.                 needs to clarify and understand the following points:

   •    Data Recovery: cloud computing provides all needed            • Process of developing e-government system
        tools to save data as well as all backup plan. In cloud       • Data type
        computing, the data never be lost, because of the
        ability of restoring the lost data.                           • Data flow process

IV. ENHANCING E-GOVERNMENT SERVICES USING CLOUD                   A. Process of Developing E-government System
                   COMPUTING                                         In e-government developing system process will be used
    The rapid development of IT technology (hardware and          IDEF0 to clarifying the main stages of the developing
software) has a significant impact on how data is transferred,    process, the following figure 2 illustrates the e-government
analyzed and processed. Therefore, many governments aim to        developing system process
benefit from the development of ICT to improve e-services in          •     Define the requirement of e-gov system: A System
general and e-government services in particular. The                        Requirement describes what is required to meet the
emergence of cloud computing technologies has led to major                  users’ requirement (Citizen, Admin). System
developments in e-government services which has made the                    requirements specify which actions the design must
information that beneficiaries need become more accessible.                 provide in order to benefit the system's users. The
Figure 1 illustrate enhancing e-government services using                   system      requirements       document     (functional
cloud computing.                                                            specification) should be precise. Should define
                                                                            exactly what is to be implemented. It also includes
                                                                            users of the system the system’s services, constraints
                                                                            and goals. These requirements are described and
                                                                            defined in detail, serving as the system specification.
                                                                   to enhance to system response, by identifying the right tools
                                                                   and needed software to process the data fastly.

                                                                   C. Data flow process
                                                                       The best method to understand the data flow process is
                                                                   using Data flow diagrams (DFD), can be described as the
                                                                   process of drawing data flow in the system, as well as a
                                                                   clarification the data transfer from the input to the end of a
                                                                   process [6]. Data flow diagrams give a clear action of the
                                                                   process of each function in the system. DFD has often been
                                                                   used due to the following reasons:
                                                                       1)     Understanding the process of the data flow of each
                                                                       2)      Determination of the logical data flow.
                                                                       The following figure 3 illustrates an example of the data
                                                                   flow diagram for one of the main function in the system the
                                                                   Login function of an employee of the e-government system as
                                                                   an example to clarify the Data flow diagram process.

Fig 2.   E-government Developing System

    • Design functional requirements and roles: Designing
      the function of the system is a very important section
      to identify the permissions of each user on the system,
      designing the function of the system with its specific
      roles of each user contribute exchanging the data
      easily and fastly.
    • Develop Interface of e-gov system: In the stage of
      developing the interface of the system, the design has
      to involve all the objects that a user sees and interacts
      with directly on their screen to complete a task or
      inquire. In the stage of designing interface, all the
      details must be taken into consideration such as colors,
      links, buttons and ... etc. The interface of the system is
      the channel between citizen and services providing
    • Testing e-gov system: This is the main focus of the
      life cycle of the system and is the longest stage of the
      system development life cycle, testing stage involves
      verifying that each unit meets its specification , and
      each function in the system meeting the requirement
      that designed for.
    • Deploy e-gov system: This stage is the last stage in the
      developing system process and can be defined as the          Fig 3.   Data flow diagram process (Login Function)
      implementation stage. Deploy stage come after the
      stage of testing, and confirm that the system meets the          However, the e-government system has many functions,
      needed requirement, and all the functions of the e-gov       each function has its own data flow process and data size.
      system work together probable.                               understanding the system functions and the size of data in the
                                                                   system helps to select the needed tools and software to use
B. Data Type                                                       cloud computing to enhancing e-government services.
   The data type can be defined as a set of values, in the e-          The e-government system processes a large amount of
government system the data type values could be in different       data. therefore, is very important to know the size of data to
types, such as Numeric Types, Boolean Types, Character             develop the e-government system in accordance with the size
Types, also could be a photo. Understand the data type helps       of these data, as well as require the right tools in cloud
computing to providing e-government services easily and
process data fastly.

                          V. CONCLUSION
    Developing e-government services comes with a number
of challenges that need to be addressed before they are
implemented. This includes the implementation of cloud
computing since it provides beneficiaries access to
information as and when needed, anywhere at any time.
    To ensure cloud computing grants quick access to e-
government services, there is a need for a deep understanding
of all components of e-government in the development
system process.
   However, clarifying and understanding the process of
developing e-government system, data type, and data flow
process, have a direct impact on decision-maker to choose the
appropriate tools that are consistent with the size of data, as
well as the implementation of necessary ICT tools. These
ensure quick, simultaneous, and secure transfer of data.

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