A Limit of Digitalization in 5G Technology Period Andrzej Rychlik Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University of Technology Łódź, Poland andrzej.rychlik@p.lodz.pl Abstract— For data transmission in 5G there is a lower the possibility to exchange data between smart objects, limit of 4G LTE parameters and an upper limit of 6G vehicles and implement the telemetry and telecontrol. parameters. We observe a tendency to measure parameters Changing the parameters of the existing infrastructure proved from spatial to volumetric, spectral and energy efficiency in the insufficient to meet the demand for quantity and quality of the process of developing mobile systems. We build in infrastructure 3 types of small, medium and large cells to transmitted data. Data transfer via fixed networks is more achieve the parameters characteristic of 5G technology. We do efficient because in FTTH, fiber to the home, the carrier not use them for wireless data transmission between stationary frequency is 10e15 Hz, and in mobile transmission it is objects in order not to degrade network parameters by approaching only to the frequency of 10e12 Hz [6]. As we increasing network traffic. Networks in the 5G technology at know, the width of the transmitted bandwidth may be greater the initial stage interact with LTE, at the last - with 6G. The if we increase the frequency of the carrier wave. Both author in the work shows an evolutionary shift in the frontier of stationary and mobile transmission of digital data is subject to digitalization with the development of technologies from 4G to globalization. To enable mobile networks to integrate with 5G and therefore 6G. We are seeing an increase in artificial landline networks, we change technology from LTE to 5G intelligence and cyber security in the telecommunications infrastructure, which is being introduced for mobile digital data and then 6G in an evolutionary way. For the process to transmission as we move from the old to the new generation. proceed in a predictable way, the old FCC, UKE, ETSI, ITU and new 3GPP organizations issue standardization documents Аннотация—Для передачи данных в 5G есть нижний that streamline the globalization process of digital data предел параметров 4G LTE и верхний предел параметров transmission [8]. 6G. Мы наблюдаем тенденцию измерения параметров от пространственной до объемной, спектральной и энергетической эффективности в процессе разработки II. RESEARCH METHOD мобильных систем. Мы строим в инфраструктуре 3 типа The current 4G and LTE cellular networks have gone малых, средних и крупных ячеек для достижения through a long evolutionary path to meet the growing параметров, характерных для технологии 5G. Мы не expectations of telecommunications market participants. To a используем их для беспроводной передачи данных между limited extent, we can forecast the limits of digitization of стационарными объектами, чтобы не ухудшать параметров new generations based on knowledge and experience gained сети за счет увеличения сетевого трафика. Сети в технологии 5G на начальном этапе взаимодействуют с in the past. Changes in mobile telecommunications LTE, на последнем - с 6G. Автор в работе показывает technology were taking place more or less every decade. We эволюционный сдвиг границы дигитализации по мере make the assumptions made in this way based on the развития технологий от 4G до 5G и следовательно 6G. Мы experience gained from the implementation of pilot наблюдаем рост искусственного интеллекта и installations in selected cities, university campuses, airports, кибербезопасности в телекоммуникационной stadiums, highways, and ships. The implementation technique инфраструктуре, которая внедряется для мобильной is as follows. If the network in a small area meets the planned передачи цифровых данных при переходе от старого к parameters, it is built in a larger area. Theoretical новому поколению. considerations are conducted in accordance with the rules Keywords—LTE, 5G, 6G, telecommunications infrastructure, developed by the development of mathematics, physics and limit of digitalization medicine. The most unpredictable and difficult to model is the economic side of mobile network development. We Ключевые слова—LTE, 5G, 6G, телекоммуникационная cannot predict the purchase price of carrier waves by инфраструктура, предел дигитализации telecoms, because governments announce the proposition to determine it. We cannot predict how many people will use the I. INTRODUCTION net for profit, and how much for pleasure. We most likely The development of telecommunications infrastructure forecast that ensuring secure data transfer will generate higher construction technology is faster than the development of costs in each newer generation. other areas of human activity, as generations that have not used this infrastructure are dying out. In their place they come a generation that cannot imagine life without access to the Internet anywhere, anytime. Additionally, you should secure Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) III. 1G significantly reduces the load on the radio channel. The The first radio networks operating on the basis of the second mechanism consists in dividing the digital signal division of cells, which are areas controlled by different base broadcast by users into fragments and then their cyclical stations, built in the early 80s of the last century. 1G cellular transmission in the radio channel. This takes place in time system was not compatible with each other. The 1G system slots, which are periodically repeating transmission windows initially used the 450 MHz band, but after reaching its in which a given user sends or receives data. The use of this maximum capacity its modernized version using the 900 access method, known as TDMA, Time Division Multiple MHz band was launched. 450 MHz band provided the good Access, has allowed to significantly increase the number of coverage of the radio signal of a large area within a single users using radio access in a given frequency band. Further cell. In this way, the cellular network providing services work on the development of the 2G standard resulted in the along the coast, highway, or in the vast rural areas require 1997 specification of the GSM system under the name Phase fewer cells than in the higher radio frequency bands. On the 2+, which included HSCSD data transfer technologies, High other hand, the cell capacity counted by the number of Speed Circuit Switched Data, GPRS, General Packet Radio simultaneously serviced subscribers remained unchanged, Service, EDGE, and Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution. which in areas with high population density resulted in the The former technology used the same radio channels that lack of access to services along with the growing number of were used in the GSM system for voice transmission. This subscribers. For this reason, operators have also begun to meant that these channels are occupied for the entire duration implement a version that uses the 900 MHz band, forming of the connection, even when the data is not transmitted. cells with smaller sizes. 1G network used the principle of Newer technologies: GPRS and EDGE, often referred to as FDMA, frequency division multiple access. This means that the 2.5 G network, introduced into the 2G network packet at the time of the call terminal receives a channel for the switched transmission, one in which users send and receive exclusive use of a segment in the radio frequency band, packet data, sharing physical channels among themselves. generally 25 or 30 kHz. This method of use of the radio The consequence of using this type of transmission is also channel was ineffective because it was occupied for the another tariffing rule, based on the volume of transmitted duration of the entire call, regardless of whether the user is data, and not for the duration of the connection, when the data talking or silent. With the increasing number of telephone was transmitted, as was the case with HSCSD technology [6]. calls initiated by subsequent users, the capacity of the base station was exhausted, because the number of radio channels V. 3G per base station remained unchanged. Introduced by operators in the first years of this century, IV. 2G the third generation of cellular systems used the 2.5G network concept in the field of packet data transmission, but unlike the At the core of the development of second-generation GSM system, the 3G system would immediately provide mobile network 2G or GSM, the Global System of Mobile various services: audio and video transmission and packet Communications laid your goal, the network allowed to use data transmission. As a consequence, it meant the need to the services of a much larger number of users than ever expand the backbone network connecting base stations. before. In addition, the new standard was based on the digital However, the biggest changes compared to the 2G network transmission of the talks also guarantees much better were introduced in the radio part. ITU, International protection against eavesdropping and better call quality. An Telecommunication Union, as an organization established in important improvement was also to be the compatibility of order to standardize and regulate the telecommunications and 2G networks built by various operators, and consequently the radio-communications market in the world, has allocated to possibility of roaming users, that is, telecommunications use in 3G networks the frequency bands: 790-960 MHz, services provided outside the home operator's network. The 1710-2025 MHz, 2110-2200 MHz, 2300-2400 MHz and standard describing the functioning of the GSM system was 2500-2600 MHz, some of which were used by GSM systems. finally developed by the European Telecommunications In 3G networks, a radio access method other than GSM has Standards Institute ETSI, the European Telecommunications been used, which enables the service of even more users and Standards Institute in 1991. Although initially the GSM offers a higher data transmission speed. Although it was not system was only intended for Europe to work in the 900 MHz possible to create a globally uniform 3G system, a system band, then the 1800 MHz band was also included. For the family called IMT-2000 was defined that could work together USA, a system version was developed that works also in the and offer similar capabilities. It also included the UMTS 1900 MHz band. Unlike the 1G network, in the 2G system, standard, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System the information sent is previously digitized. This allowed the proposed by ETSI and implemented in the majority operators use of mechanisms that reduced the amount of information in the world. Patrons of this and subsequent development the and how they were transmitted by the user in the radio standards of mobile networks were covered by the 3GPP, 3G channel. The first mechanism is the compression of the voice, Partnership Project, which brings together the largest thanks to which digital recording corresponding to the standardization organizations in the world of conversation transmitted in the radio channel requires less telecommunications. data to be transmitted than in the case of an uncompressed signal. This procedure, although it leads to a decrease in the quality of the telephone connection noticed by users, VI. 4G based on mMTC, massive Machine Type Communications, The progressive development of Internet services has under which 5G will offer to connect to the mobile network a placed increasing demands on the efficiency of data very large number of devices with low power consumption, transmission. As a result, the further development of cellular referred to as IoT, Internet-based devices. By using a cellular technologies has focused on developing a standard that network for communication, these devices exchange data in improves the speed and reliability of data transmission, based an asynchronous manner. In this scenario, it is assumed that on the existing 3G network infrastructure. As a result, at the many types of devices may be included, but their common end of 2008, the 3GPP consortium developed the first version feature is the sporadic use of the cellular network and the of the 4G LTE standards, Long Term Evolution, operating exchange of small data volumes. URLLC Ultra-Reliable Low initially in the 1800 MHz band with channel band widths Latency Communications will be a technology providing from 1.4 MHz to 20 MHz, which included improved coding, minimum 1-ms delay, which will enable data exchange via a optimized data rates and better performance. In addition to cellular network for critical applications such as drones the increased transfer capabilities, the 4G LTE standard is control. In previous generations of cellular networks, the characterized by the rare occurrence of stoppages and transfer achieved delay values were longer and amounted to about errors and a significantly shorter response time to 3G. The 100 ms in the 3G network, and in 4G LTE - about 30 ms. The transmission in the 4G network supports speeds up to 150 most important new 5G technology solutions in the field of Mbps in the case of data transmission to the end user, and radio network include technologies such as: Massive MIMO, sending packets at speeds up to 50 Mbps. Due to this, the 4G Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output, radio beam LTE network enables users to quickly access the Internet shaping, Multi-RAT, Multi-Radio Access Technology [5]. wirelessly, personalized telephony and provides the While in the previous solutions sector antennas were most possibility of using mobile broadband applications for mobile often used, in 5G networks antennas in Massive MIMO phones, laptops and other electronic devices. Many foreign technology will be used. It is an extension of MIMO and domestic operators have implemented mechanisms technology, which is currently used in the LTE-Advanced extending the capabilities of LTE technology in their network. In MIMO technology, each antenna consists of networks. LTE-Advanced technology, using the so-called several elements, which allows for a more stable transfer and aggregation of bands, connection of several carrier allows to achieve a higher data transfer rate, and at the same frequencies into one channel with a greater width, enables time enables the service of more users in the area of a single reaching the data download speed even up to 1 Gbps and cell. In turn, Massive MIMO assumes the use of antennas sending up to 500 Mbps [3]. with a much larger number of components (e.g. 64 × 64), which will significantly increase the efficiency of communication in the serviced area. Another element VII. 5G allowing increasing the efficiency of radio transmission in 5G Using the new technical solutions, the 5G network meets networks is the use of radio beam shaping. Beam shaping is a the growing demands of users, including the growing number technology that allows, using antennas in Massive MIMO of devices, as well as the quality requirements imposed by the technology, to direct the radio signal only towards the applications. It is a development of today's 4G network and is receiving device and not to disperse in all directions. This characterized by solutions that allow both to handle the fast- technology uses advanced signal processing algorithms to growing amount of data transferred, as well as to meet the determine the best route of a radio signal reaching the user. need for data exchange between the growing numbers of This increases transmission efficiency because the signal devices of the Internet of Things [10]. As in the case of each susceptibility to interference is reduced caused by the of the next generation networks implemented so far, it is interference phenomenon, i.e. the overlapping of radio waves. assumed here that until the coverage and possibilities offered The use of Multi-RAT technology, i.e. radio multiple access, by the existing cellular network are provided, the 5G network will allow users, depending on their requirements, as well as will initially function together with the existing networks. In the current network load, to be able to automatically connect addition to the existing areas of use of cellular networks, in using the optimal interface / interfaces at the moment (e.g. the case of the emerging 5G network, three scenarios are Wi-Fi, 4G, 3G). The use of new technological solutions in the foreseen applications that will be particularly important to 5G radio network requires the development of antenna users, while at the same time differentiating this network infrastructure and the construction of new antenna from networks of previous generations. Extended mobile installations. They will use new, higher frequency bands, broadband Internet access eMBB, enhanced Mobile while serving smaller cells. Thus, the power necessary to Broadband, which provides quick access to 1 Gb Internet and transmit signals using these devices will be correspondingly will be the main feature distinguishing this generation of smaller, as in the case of end devices, e.g. smartphones [1]. networks from previous ones, especially at the initial stage of its implementation. Using this advantage of 5G, the efficiency VIII. 6G and quality of communication in society will increase. As the flagship potential use case for 5G, it will include services The digitization limit for 5G technology in the direction of based on delivering high-definition multimedia, attractive 6G is exceeded in the following points: forms of communication, video and enhanced conversation, • More Bits, More spectrums, More Reliability: Most and virtual reality, as well as smart city services, material of the applications of 6G require higher bit rates transfer from high-resolution cameras. The second area is than 5G. To cater for applications such as XR, leverage the recent revolution in AI, artificial eXtended reality and BCI, Brain Computer intelligence technologies to create AI-powered 6G Interaction 6G must deliver yet another 10e3 times SSNs [7]. increase in data rates yielding a target of around 1 • 3CLS, Convergence of Communications, Tbps. This motivates a need for more spectrum Computing, Control, Localization, and Sensing: The resources, hence motivating further exploration of past five generations of cellular systems had one frequencies beyond sub-6 GHz. Meanwhile, the exclusive function: wireless communications. need for higher reliability will be pervasive across However, the convergence of various technologies most 6G applications and will be more challenging requires 6G to disrupt this premise by providing to meet at high frequencies [9]. multiple functions that include communications, • From Spatial to Volumetric Spectral and Energy computing, control, localization, and sensing. Efficiency: 6G must deal with ground and aerial • We envision 6G as a multi-purpose system that can users, encompassing Smartphone and XR/BCI deliver multiple 3CLS services which are devices along with flying vehicles. This 3D nature particularly appealing and even necessary for of 6G requires an evolution towards a volumetric applications such as XR, CRAS, and DLT where rather than spatial bandwidth definition. We tracking, control, localization, and computing are an envision that 6G systems must deliver SEE, high inherent feature. Moreover, sensing services will spectral and energy efficiency requirements enable 6G systems to provide users with a 3D measured in bps/Hz/m3/J. This is a natural mapping of the radio environment across different evolution that started from 2G bps to 3G bps/Hz, frequencies. Hence, 6G systems must tightly then 4G bps/Hz/m2 to 5G bps/Hz/m2/J. integrate and manage 3CLS functions. • Emergence of Smart Surfaces and Environments: • End of the Smartphone Era: Smartphones were Current and past cellular systems used base stations central to 4G and 5G. However, recent years (of different sizes and forms) for transmission. We witnessed an increase in wearable devices whose are currently witnessing a revolution in functionalities are gradually replacing those of electromagnetically active surfaces (e.g., using met smartphones. This trend is further fueled by materials) that include man-made structures such as applications such as XR and BCI. The devices walls, roads, and even entire buildings. The use of associated with those applications range from smart such smart large intelligent surfaces and wearables to integrated headsets and smart body environments for wireless communications will implants that can take direct sensory inputs from drive the 6G architectural evolution. human senses; bringing an end to Smartphone and • Massive Availability of Small Data: The data potentially driving a majority of 6G use cases [2]. revolution will continue in the near future and shift from centralized, big data, towards massive, IX. CONCLUSION distributed small data. 6G systems must harness Note the SEE parameter, Spectral and Energy Efficiency, both big and small datasets across their which best describes the change in the approach to the digital infrastructure to enhance network functions and border for subsequent generations of cellular data provide new services. This trend motivates new transmission. We have for 2G-bps, 3G-bps/Hz, 4G- machine learning and data analytics techniques that bps/Hz/m2, 5G-bps/Hz/m2/J, 6-Gbps/Hz/m3/J. We do not go beyond classical big data. have generations in fixed networks, because these networks • From SON, Self-Organizing Networks to SSN, already have 10e3 times more bandwidth, because in FTTH, Self-Sustaining Networks: SON has only been the frequency of the carrier wave is 10e15 Hz and in mobile scarcely integrated into 4G/5G networks due to a networks 6G only 10e12. Another difference is that in lack of real world need. However, CRAS, comparison to mobile networks, landlines have access to an Connected Robotics and Autonomous System and unlimited amount of energy, and in mobile we must always DLT, Distributed Ledger Technologies motivate remember to minimize its consumption. an immediate need for intelligent SON to manage network operations, resources, and optimization. 6G REFERENCES ЛИТЕРАТУРА will require a paradigm shift from classical SON, whereby the network merely adapts its functions to [1] https://www.gov.pl/web/5g/biala-ksiega specific environment states, into SSN that can [2] W. Saad, M. Bennis, M. 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