=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2718/paper27 |storemode=property |title=Search for Optimization of a Real-time Neural Trading System |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2718/paper27.pdf |volume=Vol-2718 |authors=Michal Pobucký |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/itat/Pobucky20 }} ==Search for Optimization of a Real-time Neural Trading System== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2718/paper27.pdf
                 Search for optimization of a real-time neural trading system

                                                                Michal Pobucký

                             The Institute of Computer Science, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic

Abstract: We describe the development of a complex                        of individual indicators. Various analytical tools and the
modular system that should be able to predict the move-                   choice of right methods can reduce the effect of errors and
ment of the currency market (FOREX) using real-time                       also increase profitability [1][17].
neural networks and then automatically issue instructions                    With the help of the MetaTrader application, we gain
for buying or selling individual currencies. To access the                access to the online trading system on currency markets.
currency market, we use the free MetaTrader 5 application,                First, we programmed an automatic expert system, the
which is linked to the Thisifi Trading Terminal (TTT) ap-                 so-called ExpertAdvisor, which obtains the values of in-
plication that we created. TTT first reads the data needed                dividual indicators from the market and stores them in a
for network training and then selects the training sets. The              database. We programmed this automaton in a special lan-
samples serve as input for training the neural network.                   guage MQL. This ExpertAdvisor stores all types of indi-
Once the network is trained, the user can switch to on-                   cators, i.e. trend indicators [4], [8], [14], [25], [26], os-
line mode, where the network responds in real time to a                   cillators [3], [5], [6], [7], [10], [18], [22], [28], volume
change in the currency market and passes to MetaTrader                    indicators [2], [24] and Bill Williams indicators [9], [21].
instructions for the transaction.                                            The values of individual indicators are sent to the in-
                                                                          put of the neural network - indicators that take the values
                                                                          1 (buy), -1 (sell) or 0 (no instruction). The broker, as a
1    Introduction                                                         human person, himself evaluates the information from in-
                                                                          dividual indicators and, based on his own experience, sub-
Business trading tools aided with artificial intelligence                 sequently instructs the currency market. At this stage, our
methods, and artificial neural networks in particular, are                trading system will evaluate the values of the indicators,
a frequent research topic. We aim at a development of a                   not the actual price position in the market. This procedure
a complex modular trading system which shoudl be fully                    is different from previous research. For instance, [29] fo-
autonomous. The article focuses on the development of                     cuses on eight indicators, four of which are simple mov-
that part of the system that should be able to trade auto-                ing averages and four are exponential. [30] used LSTM
matically on the currency market - FOREX. We experi-                      model with 11 indicators, [23] then gives an overview of
ment with trading strategies using multilayer perceptrons                 the neural networks that were used for prediction on finan-
with the Backpropagation training and we present results                  cial time series and indicators are represented here rather
of this initial study. While this network model is standard,              marginally. So far, the research has not focused on a train-
the novelty of our approach lies in the composition of the                ing set comprising several hundred market indicators.
training dataset. Future extensions of our trading system                    We trade on the currency pair EUR/USD, because it has
are described in Conclusions. The reader is referred to [20]              the greatest volatility. Trading is minute by minute, so
for a more detailed description of our trading system.                    we work with minute charts and data. Other authors use
   The strategy of the trading system should not be based                 also 1-hour time frequencies [19], daily and monthly fre-
on the fact that based on the input data we will predict the              quencies [11]. All fees (broker AdmiralMarkets), includ-
exact movement of the price by the predicted value, such                  ing slippage, are already included in the profit of individ-
as [27], where the input of the neural network is the set                 ual trades, so the net financial profit is really the profit that
of last 25 High or Low values. Currently, currency mar-                   comes to the client’s account. The lot size is set to 0.1.
ket traders perform either fundamental or technical analy-
sis. The vast majority of them use technical analysis based
on a specific set of mathematical tools – indicators. Each                2     Network settings
broker uses an application that displays a graph on which
the broker sees the current price of a currency pair and its              We used a classical multilayer perceptron with the Back-
movement up or down. The broker can also add indicators                   propagation training [12] based on gradient descent
to this basic chart, which can indicate whether the price                 method [16], while the activation function is similar to a
will rise or fall, and tries to predict future movement of                hyperbolic tangent of the form:
the market on the basis of his experience and knowledge
      Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted un-
                                                                                                  f (x) = √
                                                                                                           1 + x2
der Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY
4.0).                                                                         and its derivation is
                                                                   The numerals 2, 3 and 4 denote a trading system where
                      0            1                            2, 3 or 4 neural networks were required to issue an order
                     f (x) =             3
                               (1 + x2 ) 2                      to buy or sell.
   Within each adaptation cycle we check whether the net-          Letter K means correction. This makes it possible to
work has already been trained by at least 95% of samples.       eliminate situations where neural networks generate, for
When this threshold is reached, we let the unlearned sam-       example, a Buy signal and at least one network generates a
ples be trained more often and regularly by a special rule,     Sell, then the output of the trading system will be the value
to ensure that the network learns the whole training set.       991 and not Buy. Similarly, if the networks generate a Sell
                                                                signal and at least one network indicates a Buy signal, the
            movement interval             signal                system result will be 992 and not Sell.
           0.00140      +∞                 BUY                     The letter M indicates that we will only accept buy or
           0.00120   0.00140           10th neuron              sell signals if the same signal was generated in the previ-
           0.00100   0.00120           11th neuron              ous time period. This means at least two identical instruc-
           0.00075   0.00100           12th neuron              tions in a row.
           0.00050   0.00075            5th neuron                 The letter N indicates that we will not trade at night be-
           0.00030   0.00050            8th neuron              tween 22:00 and 06:00. During this period, trades are the
           0.00005   0.00030            4th neuron              lowest and at the same time the most unusual signals ap-
           -0.00005 0.00005               ZERO                  pear here.
           -0.00030 -0.00005            7th neuron
           -0.00050 -0.00030            9th neuron              3.2   Changes in network topology
           -0.00075 -0.00050            6th neuron
           -0.00100 -0.00075           13th neuron              The search for the optimal network began with four indi-
           -0.00120 -0.00100           14th neuron              cators in the input layer, one output neuron and one or two
           -0.00140 -0.00120           15th neuron              hidden layers. The maximum allowed error is set to 0.1
              −∞     -0.00140             SELL                  (Buy will be detected in the range from 1 to 0.9 and Zero
                                                                in the range from -1 to -0.9.), the total number of cycles
                   Table 1: Signal table                        to 100,000, with one cycle making 100 random selections
                                                                from the training data set. Data was used from one trading
                                                                day. None of the tested networks achieved 100% success,
   For the gradual evaluation of the found patterns, we had     so none of the networks fully adapted to the training data.
to define the scope of individual business instructions. For    Similar results were obtained when expanding the number
each time T0 , the price movement at time T1 to T10 is evalu-   of indicators to 7 and 13.
ated, and based on the size of the movement, it is assigned        When the input layer expands range from 14 to 26 neu-
to one of the categories. By optimizing the network topol-      rons, some of the four networks gradually adapt. While in
ogy, the output layer is extended to 15 neurons, three of       networks with 14 and 15 inputs only two out of four were
which are Buy, Sell and Zero, the others are auxiliary (4th     successful, after 25 thousand to 50 thousand cycles, for ex-
to 15th). If the maximum price value in period hT1 ; T10 i is   ample ad for 21 inputs is already enough 4 to 20 thousand
within ± 0.00005, it is neither an increasing nor a decreas-    cycles and in 26 input neurons all networks have already
ing trend. The price is holding almost unchanged and it is      fully adapted and with one exception, 3 to 7 thousand cy-
a signal called Zero. On the other hand, everything that is     cles were enough. It was similar to up to 40 indicators in
at least 0.00140 from the original value is the Buy signal      the input layer.
and everything that is at least −0.00140 from the original         We tested a larger range of the input layer and pro-
value is then the Sell signal. See Table 1 for an overview.     grammed 151 indicators that will be on the input. The net-
                                                                work topology is now 151 – X – 1, X ∈ h10; 63i, maximum
                                                                allowed error at 0.25, total number of cycles 300,000, 146
3     Neural network optimization                               training samples from 3 trading days. From 16 neurons in
                                                                the inner layer, the networks are capable of full adaptation
3.1   Variants of the trading system
                                                                and 40 to 50 thousand iterations are needed. When the
The autonomous trading system consists of four separate         training set is extended to 5 trading days and 187 training
neural networks, which were trained separately on their         samples, the error increases and none of the tested net-
own data sets. Depending on the user settings, it is possi-     works is able to fully adapt.
ble to specify in more detail how these networks will coop-        We programmed the maximum of indicators and sent
erate with each other. At the same time, general conditions     them to the input layer, which has now expanded to 236
for trading on the currency market can be set. We will          neurons. We also test in parallel on 1,180 input neu-
compare results of trading systems with various settings        rons, where information from five consecutive bars is in-
in the tables that follow. Setting of the trading system is     put within one data set, with a clear tendency to overfit-
denoted by numbers and letters as follow.                       ting. Neural networks show similar results of adaptation,
with the topology 1,180 – X – 1 being able to learn the          four separate neural networks), instead of 221 Sell sig-
same percentage of training samples in the previous cycle.       nals 3,077 to 3,564 signals and instead of 209 Zero signals
From 110 to 130 neurons in the inner layer, we get to a net-     2,163 to 2,468 signals. Thus, instead of 637 recognized
work success of about 80%, slightly increasing from 240          signals, the networks generated 8,798 to 8,928 signals.
neurons onwards.                                                    Topology 708 – 240 – 4, we decided to add another neu-
   Adaptation on 537 training samples shows a success            ron to the output layer, which will be evaluated in all other
rate in the range of 61 to 63% in the 236 – X – 1 net-           cases where the samples will not be evaluated as Buy, Sell
work, from the 110th internal neuron to 280. In the 1,180        or Zero. Within the training set, two cases were tested –
– X – 1 network, in the range of 67 to 73%, from 210 in-         either 100 or 200 samples for the 4th neuron. The training
ternal neuron after 320. The average error is then in the        set contains 737 and 837 samples.
range of 0.46 to 0.51 for the 236 – X – 1 topology and              A neural network with four neurons in the output layer
in the range of 0.30 to 0.44 for the 1,180 – X – 1 topol-        has significantly better results, as we can see in Table 2.
ogy, which means that we already have about twice the            False signals (The neural network misinterpreted the Buy
average error of networks. These results indicate that the       or Sell signal and there would be a financial loss in real
constant increase in the training set is already becoming        trading.) for Buy fell by 36%, in the variant with 200
counterproductive and the reliability of the trained neural      training samples even by 42 to 46%. There was a simi-
network is declining. Therefore, next we examined the ef-        lar decrease in false signals for both Zero (by 28 to 30%
fect of changes in the initialization of the weights and the     and 42 to 44%, respectively) and Sell (by 32 to 36% and
changes of the training rate coefficient α on the quality of     40 to 46%, respectively). By creating the 4th neuron, we
results.                                                         eliminated more than 2,000 erroneously detected signals,
   We generated various hidden layer sizes and initial           and even by simply increasing the set of training samples
weight settings. The best variant had 240 neurons in the         from 100 to 200 for the 4th neuron, we moved the nearly
hidden layer and the initial value of the weights and bias       a thousand misrecognized samples that were divided be-
is in the range from h− 1.0; 1.0i to h− 2.0; 2.0i. Subse-        tween Buy, Zero, and Sell to the 4th neuron category.
quently, adaptation testing with a different magnitude of
                                                                      Net 1      3N     4N 100   4N 200    Net 2      3N     4N 100   4N 200
the α coefficient was performed, as well as was sent to                 1       3,369    2,125    1,812      1       3,230    2,147    1,942
                                                                        0       2,352    1,574    1,328      0       2,290    1,612    1,287
the input layer from one to seven bars, so that the input              -1       3,077    2,257    1,897     -1       3,324    2,074    1,851
                                                                     4th sig.     -       784     1,667   4th sig.     -       690     1,499
layer was large from 236 to 1,652 neurons. The most im-               Total     8,798    6,740    6,704    Total     8,844    6,523    6,579

portant aspect of adapting these networks is that none of             Net 3
                                                                                        4N 100
                                                                                                 4N 200
                                                                                                           Net 4
                                                                                                                             4N 100
                                                                                                                                      4N 200
these twenty networks was able to fully learn the complete              0
training set, so even resetting the input layer range, inner         4th sig.
                                                                                                          4th sig.
layer, initializing weights and biases or training coefficient
did not lead to the goal. The best setting for the α training    Table 2: Results of complex activation of networks with
coefficient is 0.001, unlike for example [15], where it is       three and four neurons in the output layer
                                                                    Topology 708 – 240 – 6, the training set contains 937
3.3   Optimization of complex network activation                 and 1,237 samples (for 100 and 200 samples on the 4th to
                                                                 6th neurons). The neural network again has significantly
The optimization will now take place in terms of the width       better results, finding the Buy signal in 1,472 to 1,778
of the neural network output layer. We expanded the out-         cases, and for the 200 variant in 1,067 to 1,117 cases. This
put layer from one output neuron, which recognizes three         is an improvement of 17-27% (respectively 37-42%) in re-
output values to a set of three neurons, with the first neu-     moving Buy, Sell and Zero spurious signals over the four
ron, when excited, indicates the Buy signal, the second          neurons in the output layer. The overall improvement over
neuron the Zero signal, and the third neuron the Sell signal.    the three neurons in the output layer is then 47-53% (re-
We also standardized the training set to 637 samples, with       spectively 66%).
Buy signals 207, Zero signals 209 and Sell signals 221.             There has been a change in the ratio between the signals
   The search for the optimal topology was performed on          we require and the auxiliary signals (4th to 6th neurons).
X – 240 – 3 networks, with the number of bars ranging            For networks with four neurons in the output layer, the ra-
from three to seven, so that the size of the input layer         tio of generated signals was only 11% in favor of auxiliary
was 708, 944, 1,180, 1,416 and 1,652 neurons. There are          neurons (738.5 out of 6,570.25) and 24% (1,643.25 out
two conclusions – all networks have learned to recognize         of 6,609), respectively, while for neural networks with six
a complete set of training samples, and less than 5,000          output neurons, this ratio is already 25% (1607.75 out of
repetitions, in some cases even less than 3,000 repetitions,     6328.75) and 47% (2906.5 out of 6102.25), respectively.
were almost always enough for the learning itself.               This condition is desirable because the adaptation of the
   Topology 708 – 240 – 3, after activating a complex            network to Buy, Zero and Sell signals is being refined.
test data set that contained 14,382 samples, we received            The adaptation rate with 708 neurons in the input layer
instead of 207 Buy signals 3,177 to 3,369 signals (on            begins to reach 9,384 to 9,911 cycles in 1,237 training
samples, so an additional input bar was added and the           The best weekly earnings results are highlighted in bold.
topology was changed to 1,180 – 240 – 6, where the adap-        Strikethrough are settings that show worse or similar re-
tation rate is only 1,887 to 2,300 cycles.                      sults than their previous variation. We will no longer count
   Topology 1,180 – 240 – 7, the training set contains          on these settings. The underlined value of gross loss sig-
1,437 samples (200 samples on the 4th to 7th neurons),          nals an excellent ratio of gross profit versus gross loss.
the testing set contains 14,375 samples as usual. The 7th
                                                                    Settings   Transactions   Net profit   Gross profit   Gross loss   Weekly profit
neuron was created by dividing the 4th neuron, so that only            4           55          265.36        310.20         -44.84       132.68
                                                                       3           275        1,191.86      1,395.70       -203.84       595.93
one new neuron was added to the network topology in the                2           729        1,777.43      2,561.38       -783.95       888.715
                                                                      3K           274        1,189.96      1,393.80       -203.84       594.98
output layer, so it is not surprising that the improvement            2K           713        1,784.93      2,540.78       -755.85       892.465
                                                                      4M            2          17.30          17.30            0           8.65
in network results is not so great. The improvement for               3M           42          307.50        324.60         -17.10       153.75
                                                                      2M           131         835.60        890.30         -54.70       417.80
Buy reaches a maximum of 5%, for Zero 10% and for Sell                4N           41          245.30        271.40         -26.10       122.65
                                                                      3N           168         986.40       1,094.20       -107.80        493.2
15%.                                                                  2N           415        1,574.70      1,980.20       -405.50       787.35
                                                                     3KM           42          307.50        324.60         -17.10       153.75
   Topology 1,652 – 240 – 9, the training set contains               2KM           127         843.70        890.30         -46.60       421.85
                                                                     3KN           167         984.50       1,092.30       -107.80       492.25
1,837 samples. The improvement for Buy is 31-32%, for                2KN           407        1,572.10      1,962.40       -390.30       786.05
                                                                     4MN            2          17.30          17.30            0           8.65
Zero 26-30% and for Sell 32-34%. The total number of                 3MN           26          223.10        228.90          -5.80       111.55
                                                                     2MN           83          668.80        681.10         -12.30        334.4
identified signals then dropped below six thousand in three         3KMN           26          223.10        228.90          -5.80       111.55
                                                                    2KMN           82          668.80        681.10         -12.30        334.4
cases out of four for the first time and remained in the
range from 5,894 to 6,008. The ratio of generated signals       Table 3: Results of a trading system with a two-week set
is now 66% in favor of auxiliary neurons (3,946.25 out of       of training data
   Topology 2,124 – 240 – 15 and topology 2,360 – 240 –            In the figure 1 we see the balance on the trading account
15, the training set contains 3,067 samples. We decided to      of The Two system with a correction.
add more output neurons at once – a total of 15, as shown
in Table 1. The adaptation rate was 610 to 800 cycles and
560 to 880 cycles, respectively, indicating that it deterio-
rated in some cases. We got to the edge of the suitability
of the topology, and therefore we chose the better one for
further optimization, i.e. the topology 2,124 – 240 – 15
with nine bars at the input. In terms of improving the net-
work’s results, we found that there was an improvement              Figure 1: The Two system with a correction - 2K
again, but it is no longer a leap. With each increasing neu-
ron in the output layer, the network adaptation results will
                                                                  The validation of trading systems was performed on
improve, however, this improvement will be smaller and
                                                                new data from the period from 15 to 21 October of the
smaller. That’s why we decided to change our optimiza-
                                                                same year. The success of a data set that the network has
tion strategy.
                                                                never dealt with is significantly lower, and neither setting
                                                                generates any gain but loss, as we can see in table 4. Al-
3.4   Business system optimization                              though the network is able to predict movements in the
                                                                currency market, it has not been able to generalize train-
We decided to perform a simulation on a time series and         ing to data that was not part of the training set.
observe what results of adaptation and complex activation
                                                                   Settings      Transactions        Net profit       Gross profit     Gross loss
we will get. We will now optimize the entire trading sys-             4               19               -31.20           11.90            -43.10
tem based on 4 separate neural networks. The division of              3               81               -87.11           52.50           -139.61
the training and test set is in a certain ratio (for example,         2              298              -255.75           239.30          -495.05
                                                                     2K              282              -258.25           218.70          -476.95
[15] uses 70:30), we use a floating layout, where the train-         3M               3                 -3.50            2.30             -5.80
ing set includes data with a minimum size of two weeks, a            3N               44               -31.20           47.80            -79.00
                                                                     2N              145              -103.50           174.20          -277.70
maximum of eight and test data are always from one week.            2KM               19               -32.50           12.90            -45.40
The training set is generated by an automaton, which grad-          2KN              135              -104.40           162.80          -267.20
                                                                    2MN               14               -21.60           12.10            -33.70
ually goes through the historical data after a minute, and
assigns them the corresponding values of the output signal.     Table 4: Results of the trading system with a two-week set
                                                                of training data for the new week
Two-week data Training set: 2,543 samples (October 1 –
14, 2018), Buy 208 times, Zero 56 times, Sell 115 times,
duration: 503 - 702 cycles, test set: 14,371 data. As we        Three-week data Training set: 2,888 samples (Septem-
can see in table 3, all trading systems show a weekly profit,   ber 24 to October 14, 2018), Buy 299 times, Zero 72 times,
the best ones almost $ 900. The individual settings of trad-    Sell 229 times, duration: 1,116 - 1,316 cycles, test set:
ing systems are based on the names from the chapter 3.1.        21,565 data. The maximum weekly profit is around $ 600
                                                                                          Settings   Transactions   Net profit   Gross profit   Gross loss   Weekly profit
to $ 700, see table 5. None of the settings used reached                                     4          1,164       1,500.13      2,995.16       -1,495.03     500.04
                                                                                             3          4,390       1,610.37      7,763.35       -6,152.98     536.79
the same ratio between gross profit and gross loss as in                                     2          9,275        -716.29      13,167.30     -13,883.59     -238.76
                                                                                            3K          4,050       1,785.29      7,424.67       -5,639.38     595.09
the two-week data. For two-week data, this ratio was even                                   2K          7,378         418.79      11,157.34     -10,738.55     139.59
                                                                                            4M           187          573.48       757.78         -184,30      191.16
equal to 55.37, for three-week data it ranges from 3 to 5.                                  3M          1,226       1,914.46      3,423.11       -1,508.65     638.15
                                                                                            2M          3,604       1,901.36      6,931.41       -5,030.05     633.78
                                                                                            4N           645        1,447.70      2,295.60        -847,90      482.56
    Settings   Transactions   Net profit   Gross profit   Gross loss   Weekly profit        3N          2,339       2,390.50      5,907.90       -3,517.40     796.83
       4           237         779.64       1,057.30       -277.66       259.88             2N          4,762       1,696.00      9,700.10       -8,004.10     565.33
       3           823        1,816.95      2,779.45       -962.50       605.65            3KM          1,108       1,942.10      3,271.23       -1,329.13     647.36
       2          1,742       2,018.73      4,284.10      -2,265.37      672.91            2KM          2,615       2,165.52      5,563.73       -3,398.21     721.84
      2K          1,679       2,050.93      4,212.40      -2,161.47      683.64            3KN          2,167       2,454.40      5,662.20       -3,207.80     818.13
      3M           116         618.86        717.70         -98.84       206.28            2KN          3,793       2,246.00      8,331.20       -6,085.20     748.66
      3N           488        1,451.30      2,070.20       -618.90       483.76            4MN           118          409.20       533.40         -124.20       136.4
      2N           988        1,766.30      3,189.10      -1,422.80      588.76            3MN           674        1,692.20      2,547.80        -855.60      564.06
     2KM           260         972.95       1,247.69       -274.74       324.31            2MN          1,946       2,337.60      5,192.30       -2,854.70     792.53
     2KN           950        1,783.50      3,136.70      -1,353.20       594.5           3KMN           618        1,686.80      2,433.80        -747.00      562.26
     2MN           169         633.30        851.10        -217.80       211.10           2KMN          1,399       2,394.30      4,207.50       -1,813.20      798.1

Table 5: Results of a trading system with a three-week set                             Table 7: Results of a trading system with a three-week
of training data                                                                       truncated set of training data

   The validation of trading systems was performed on
new data from the period from 15 to 21 October of the                                     Although the results of the trading system are very sat-
same year. Setting 4 is profitable, however $ 10.69 per                                isfactory within the training period, the validation on the
week is not a successful strategy. If we look at the prof-                             new week from 15 to 21 October of the same year proves
itability of trades by hour, then it is clear that this setting                        the exact opposite. None of the tested trading systems
has the largest losses during the night hours. The 3M setup                            shows a net profit.
is also profitable, however, only 11 transactions per week
and a net profit of less than $ 30 is still low. There was
an increase in the number of transactions for all trading
systems, ranging from 1.76 times to 3.66 times, compared
to trading systems with a two-week set of training data.
There was an increase in net profit for the 4, 3M, 3N,
2KM and 2MN settings, gross profit for all settings and
gross loss for all but 3M, where the gross loss decreased                               Figure 2: The Three and not night trading system - 3N
from $ 5.80 to $ 1.50. See table 6.
   Settings      Transactions        Net profit       Gross profit     Gross loss
      4               44               10.69             64.30           -53.61        Four-week data truncated Training set: 1,179 samples
      3              206              -113.91           224.40          -338.31        (September 17 to October 14, 2018), Buy 381 times, Zero
      2              526              -382.96           486.40          -869.36
     2K              510              -363.56           471.80          -835.36        95 times, Sell 313 times, duration: 184 - 197 cycles, test
     3M               11               28.60             30.10            -1.50        set: 28,758 data. Validation performed for a week from
     3N              112               -28.20           179.70          -207.90
     2N              264              -146.20           358.20          -504.40        15 to 21 October. Only one setting shows a net profit, the
    2KM               51                5.00             72.20           -67.20        number of transactions has increased almost everywhere.
    2KN              250              -129.00           343.60          -472.60
    2MN               32               23.70             61.60           -37.90        See Table 8 for emergence of several categories:
                                                                                        1. improvement of net profit, increase of gross profit and
Table 6: Results of the trading system with a three-week
                                                                                           decrease of gross loss
set of training data for the new week
                                                                                        2. improvement of net profit, improvement of gross
   Because the adaptation on all neural networks took                                      profit, but also increase of gross loss
more than two days, we decided to shorten the training
data set, where in addition to the Buy, Sell and Zero sig-                              3. a decrease in net profit, but at the same time there
nals, the signals of the 10th and 15th neurons remain,                                     was an increase in gross profit, which increase is a
which are in the immediate vicinity of the Buy and Sell                                    percentage higher than the increase in gross loss
signals.                                                                                4. a decrease in net profit, but at the same time there was
                                                                                           an increase in gross profit, which increase is already
Three-week data truncated Training set: 888 samples                                        a percentage lower than the increase in gross loss
(September 24 to October 14, 2018), Buy 299 times, Zero
                                                                                        5. increase net loss, decrease gross profit and increase
72 times, Sell 229 times, duration: 106 - 151 cycles, test
                                                                                           gross loss
set: 21,565 data. The results of the three-week truncated
data set are remarkable, see table 7. The maximum weekly                                 Trading system Three falls into the best categories, i.e.
profit is around $ 700 to $ 820, which is an improvement                               1st and 2nd, trading system Two then into the worst cat-
over the full data set by more than $ 100. The number of                               egories, i.e. 4th and 5th. The course of validation of the
transactions increased rapidly from a maximum of 1,600                                 3KMN trading system and the amount of the balance on
to 1,700 to 7,000 and 9,000.                                                           the trading account can be seen in the figure 3.
      Settings   Transactions   Net profit   Gross profit   Gross loss   Cat
         4           406         -158.86       442.30        -601.16      1.      The best and worst trading systems have been reversed,
         3          1,596       -1,048.69     1,430.30      -2,478.99     3.
        3K          1,490        -862.48      1,382.70      -2,245.18     2.   with the Three no longer the best, but falling into the 4th
        3M           396         -167.12       428.10        -595.22      1.
        2M          1,172        -891.84      1,008.10      -1,899.94     5.   and 5th categories. In contrast, the trading system Two
        3N           830         -386.30      1,104.70      -1,491.00     2.
        2N          1,614       -1,164.90     2,029.00      -3,193.90     5.   shows the best results - it moved to the 1st and 2nd cate-
       3KM           358         -103.22       418.40        -521.62      1.
       2KM           835         -576.83       773.50       -1,350.33     5.   gory.
       3KN           784         -290.70      1,073.30      -1,364.00     2.
       2KN          1,297        -820.10      1,659.60      -2,479.70     4.      Based on these results, we conclude that the adaptation
       3MN           236          -44.80       359.40        -404.20      2.
       2MN           588         -459.60       707.30       -1,166.90     5.   of neural networks did not generalize in such a way as to
      3KMN           218           6.70        355.00        -348.30      2.
      2KMN           437         -291.20       561.80        -853.00      5.   create a self-sufficient business system. We will now test
                                                                               this hypothesis on an eight-week data set.
Table 8: Results of the trading system with a four-week
truncated set of training data for the new week
                                                                               Eight-week data truncated Training set: 1,988 samples
                                                                               (August 20 to October 14, 2018), Buy 751 times, Zero 185
                                                                               times, Sell 652 times, duration: 750 - 903 cycles, test set:
                                                                               57,538 data. Validation performed for a week from 15 to
                                                                               21 October. As we can see in Table 10, all tested trad-
                                                                               ing systems show worse results with an eight-week set of
                                                                               training data than with a five-week or four-week set. We
Figure 3: The Three with correction, minimal 2 and not                         therefore confirmed our hypothesis that the neural network
night trading system - 3KMN                                                    did not generalize sufficiently.

                                                                                   Settings   Transactions   Net profit   Gross profit   Gross loss
                                                                                      4          1,229        -998.11      1,094.00      -2,092.11
Five-week data truncated Training set: 1,386 samples                                  3          2,690       -2,004.60     2,410.26      -4,414.86
(September 10 to October 14, 2018), Buy 464 times, Zero                              3K          2,614       -1,942.39     2,347.26      -4,289.65
                                                                                     3M           892         -732.91       771.00       -1,503.91
121 times, Sell 401 times, duration: 253 - 283 cycles, test                          2M          1,650       -1,190.95     1,506.20      -2,697.15
set: 35,951 data. Validation performed for a week from 15                            3N          1,354        -783.70      1,803.60      -2,587.30
                                                                                     2N          1,963       -1,182.30     2,600.00      -3,782.30
to 21 October. As we can see in table 9, no setting shows                           3KM           853         -662.50       747.60       -1,410.10
a net gain. There has been an increase in transactions ev-                          2KM          1,379        -989.54      1,269.80      -2,259.34
                                                                                    3KN          1,313        -743.80      1,768.30      -2,512.10
erywhere. Again, there was a division into five categories:                         2KN          1,763       -1,060.60     2,347.90      -3,408.50
                                                                                    3MN           444         -311.20       580.50        -891.70
      Settings   Transactions   Net profit   Gross profit   Gross loss   Cat        2MN           818         -451.50      1,113.40      -1,564.90
         4           406         -158.86       442.30        -601.16      1.       3KMN           421         -252.60       565.40        -818.00
         4           533         -374.80       486.80        -861.60      4.       2KMN           687         -335.50       949.60       -1,285.10
         3          1,798       -1,188.91     1,694.60      -2,883.51     4.
        3K          1,700       -1,049.11     1,640.20      -2,689.31     4.
        3M           495         -303.42       527.30        -830.72      4.
        2M          1,348        -787.61      1,374.00      -2,161.61     2.   Table 10: Results of the trading system with an eight-week
        3N           957         -455.10      1,293.10      -1,748.20     4.
        2N          1,744        -663.60      2,486.60      -3,150.20     1.   truncated set of training data for the new week
       3KM           445         -242.72       502.80        -745.52      4.
       2KM          1,020        -586.12      1,081.50      -1,667.62     3.
       3KN           912         -390.40      1,254.10      -1,644.50     4.
       2KN          1,482        -620.00      2,076.30      -2,696.30     2.
       3MN           281         -111.10       406.40        -517.50      4.
       2MN           732         -211.50      1,090.80      -1,302.30     2.
                                                                               4    The best setting for the trading system

Table 9: Results of the trading system with a five-week                        As part of the search for the ideal trading system, we found
truncated set of training data for the new week                                only one that was able to generate a net profit even on un-
                                                                               adapted data. It was a 3KMN system with a four-week
                                                                               truncated data set – graphs in figures 4 and 5. It reported a
 1. improvement of net profit, increase of gross profit and                    net weekly profit of $ 6.70 for the new week. In contrast, it
    decrease of gross loss                                                     generates a net profit of $ 1,660.50 on the learned dataset,
 2. improvement of net profit, improvement of gross                            which is a weekly average of $ 415.12. The weekly num-
    profit, but also increase of gross loss                                    ber of transactions is 218 in the first case and 216.75 in the
 3. a decrease in net profit, but at the same time there
    was an increase in gross profit, which increase is a
    percentage higher than the increase in gross loss
 4. a decrease in net profit, but at the same time there was
    an increase in gross profit, which increase is already
    a percentage lower than the increase in gross loss
 5. increase net loss, decrease gross profit and increase                      Figure 4: 3KMN with a four-week truncated set of train-
    gross loss                                                                 ing data for the new week
Figure 5: 3KMN with a four-week truncated set of train-       Figure 9: 3KMN with a five-week truncated set of training
ing data                                                      data

   The second best system was 3MN also on the four-week       5   Conclusion
data set (graphs in figures 4 and 5), which generated a net
loss of $ -44.80 on the new week and then reported a net      Several conclusions emerged from the search for the opti-
gain of $ 1,724.80 on the learned data set, the weekly av-    mal setting of the trading system. The first is the fact that
erage then $ 431.20. The weekly number of transactions        the neural network was able to adapt to both unabridged
is 236 in the first case and 242.5 in the second.             and abbreviated data sets, and this did not have a signif-
                                                              icant effect on trading in the currency market. On the
                                                              training dataset, the trading system worked relatively well.
                                                              Net profit for the best systems ranged from $ 382.16 to
                                                              $ 431.20 per week.
                                                                 Another conclusion can be made that the constant ex-
                                                              pansion of the size of the time period for the training data
                                                              set is not the most suitable solution, because the two most
Figure 6: 3MN with a four-week truncated set of training      successful trading systems are from a four-week period,
data for the new week                                         one from a five-week period. The eight-week period did
                                                              not generate a single successful trading system, and even
                                                              resulted in worse than five and four weeks. We also per-
                                                              formed a test on a 2KMN trading system with nine bars in
                                                              the input layer, topology 2,124 – 420 – 15. When we ex-
                                                              tended the training set to an entire calendar year, the result
                                                              was a net profit of $ 22.2 on unknown data.
                                                                 The neural network, although doing relatively well on
                                                              the trained data, was unable to perform well with the un-
                                                              trained test set due to overfitting. Of all the settings and
Figure 7: 3MN with a four-week truncated set of training
                                                              trading systems tested, only one variant reported a net
                                                              profit on the new unlearned week, with this net weekly
                                                              gain being only $ 6.70. This indicates that raw trading
   The third best trading system was the 3KMN variant on      data series may not have enough regularities that could be
the five-week dataset (graphs in figures 8 and 9), which      successfully learned by the network. It will be necessary
reported a net profit of $ -83.40 on the new week, with a     to optimize various types of input aggregated from the in-
net profit of $ 1,910.80 and a weekly average of $ 382.16     put dataset, and to include external information possibly
on the adapted dataset. The weekly number of transactions     influencing the market. It will be necessary to use a larger
is 259 in the first case and 266.8 in the second.             training data set, which the computing power of the GPU
                                                              will allow.
                                                                 Another improvement will be the use of deep learning
                                                              methods [13] with various types of layers suitable for time
                                                              series prediction. Therefore, in the next phase, the appli-
                                                              cation will be migrated from the C# programming lan-
                                                              guage to Python, and the Keras and Tensorflow libraries
                                                              will be used to find the optimal topology of the trading sys-
Figure 8: 3KMN with a five-week truncated set of training     tem. We will, e.g., compare results of convolutional neural
data for the new week                                         networks and recurrent neural networks, including LSTM
                                                              or GRU networks, multimodal networks and fuzzy-neural
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