Modelling of Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm Using 2D P Colonies Daniel Valenta1 , Lucie Ciencialová1,2 , Miroslav Langer1,2 , and Luděk Cienciala1,2 1 Institute of Computer Science, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic 2 Research Institute of the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic {daniel.valenta, lucie.ciencialova, miroslav.langer, ludek.cienciala } Abstract: The P colonies are a well-established version of motion rule, then the other rule is an evolution rule. The the P systems, the computational device based on mem- number of objects inside each agent is set by definition and brane computing. One branch of the research of the P it is usually a very small; one, two or three. colonies focuses on the possibility to consider the two- The agent itself has information neither about its position dimensional environment, in which the agents act, and the nor about the position of the other agents in the environ- 2D P colonies were introduced. 2D P colonies showed ment. The communication between the agents is also pos- to be suitable for the simulations of various (not only) sible only via the environment by leaving special symbols multi-agent systems, and natural phenomena, like the flash in it. These factors are limiting the 2D P colonies in sim- floods. ulating more advanced communities of agents. For the re- However, the agents of the 2D P colony are able to com- mote information exchange, we add the agents the possi- municate via the environment, by leaving some special bility to store and read the information from a blackboard. symbols in it, this may not be sufficient for simulating The blackboard is a read/write device with an unchange- some more complex communities of the agents, for ex- able structure given by definition. The agents can change ample the hunting pack of the grey wolves. only defined parts of the blackboard. In this paper, we introduce a formal model of the 2D P colonies with the blackboard as an extension of the 2D P colonies. We also allow the agents to use simple relational 2 Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm operations to compare real numbers that can be stored in- side special symbols. We use this model to simulate the Grey wolf optimization algorithm (GWO) (see [4]) is al- Grey wolf algorithm. ready well–established meta-heuristic optimization tech- nology. It is inspired by social dynamics found in packs Keywords: pack algorithm, P system, 2D P colony, opti- of grey wolves and by their ability to dynamically create mization, multi-agent system, blackboard. hierarchies in which every member has a clearly defined role. Each wolf can fulfil one of the following role: 1 Introduction • Alfa is the dominant pair and the pack follows their lead for example during hunts or while locating a 2D P colony (see [1]) is a variant of P colonies (see [2]), place to sleep. a community of agents set in the two dimensional envi- ronment. It is a very simple membrane system originally • Beta wolves support and respect the Alpha pair dur- derived from the P systems (see [3]). ing its decisions. 2D P colony consists of a finite number of agents living in a shared environment. The environment of 2D P colony is • Delta wolves are subservient to Alpha and Beta represented by a 2D grid of square cells. In each cell, there wolves, follow their orders, and control Omega is a multiset of objects. Each agent is represented by a fi- wolves. We divide them into scouts – they observe nite collection of objects enclosed with a membrane. The the surrounding area and warn the pack, sentinels – agent has programs consisting of rules. These rules are of they protect the pack when endangered and caretak- three types: they may change the objects of the agents and ers – they provide aid to old and sick wolves. they can be used for interacting with the joint shared envi- • Omega wolves help to filter the aggression of the ronment of the agents and movement rule. The direction pack and frustrations by serving as scapegoats. of the movement of the agent is determined by the contents of cells surrounding the cell in which the agent is placed. The primary goal of the wolves is to find and hunt down The program can contain at most one motion rule. There prey in their environment. The prey equals the optimal is one more condition set to achieve the greatest simplicity solution to the given problem. The environment is repre- in agent’s behaviour. If the agent moves, it cannot commu- sented by a mathematical fitness function characterizing nicate with the environment. So, if the program contains a the problem. The value of the function at the current po- Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted un- sition of the particular wolf represents the highest-quality der Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY prey. The wolf with the best value is ranked as Alpha, the 4.0). second one as Beta, third as Delta, and all the other are Omegas. Wolves’ positions within the environment are updated The hunting technique of a wolf pack can be divided into based upon the estimated location of the prey using Alpha, 5 steps: Beta, and Delta wolves as guides. Let X~ j (i) be a position vector of wolf j in i-th iteration. • Search for the prey – wolves are attempting to find the most valuable prey with respect to the effort required The position vector of wolf j is updated as follows: to hunt it successfully. ~ ~ ~ ~ j (i + 1) = X1 + X2 + X3 , X • Exploitation of the prey – wolves are attempting to 3 draw attention to themselves and to separate the prey ~1 , where i is the current iteration of the algorithms, and X from its herd. ~ ~ X2 , X3 are new potential position vectors of Alpha, Beta, • Encircling prey – the attempt to push the prey into a and Delta wolves obtained from following formulas: situation from which it cannot escape. ~1 ~1 ∗ D~α X = X~α (i) − A • The prey is surrounded – it can no longer escape. ~2 X ~2 ∗ D = X~β (i) − A ~β ~3 X ~3 ∗ D = X~δ (i) − A ~δ • The attack – wolves attack the weak spots of the prey (belly, legs, snout) until it succumbs to fatigue. Af- where X~α (i), X~β (i), X~δ (i) are the position vectors of Al- terwards, they bring it down and crush its windpipe. pha, Beta, and Delta wolves, they are representing the po- The algorithm is inspired by this process and smoothly sitions in the environment that are closest to the optimum transitions between scouting and hunting phases. In the in i-th iteration. The vectors A ~1 , A ~2 , A ~3 are calculated in scouting phase, the pack extensively scouts its environ- ~ the same way as vector A. The vectors D~α , D ~β , D ~ δ are ment through many random movements so that the al- defining the distance of the wolf j position from the prey gorithm does not get stuck in a local extreme, while in as follows: the hunting phase, the influence of random movements is slowly reduced and pack members draw progressively D~α = ~1 ∗ X~α (i) − X C ~ j (i) closer to the discovered extreme. To maintain the diver- ~β D = ~2 ∗ X~β (i) − X C ~ j (i) gence between those phases, each wolf is assigned vectors ~A and C. ~ ~δ D = ~3 ∗ X~δ (i) − X C ~ j (i) ~A is a vector with components rand (−1, 1) ∗ a, where rand(−1, 1), generates a random number between where |~X| is the vector whose components are the absolute −1 and 1 and where values of the components of ~X. ~1 , C ~2 , C ~3 are computed in the same way as   2i a = 2 − imax , The vectors C ~ vector C, and they influence the weight of the estimated while i is the algorithm’s current iteration, and imax is the position of the prey X~α , X~β , X~δ , increasing or decreasing maximum number of iterations. it. Vector ~A is random value between −2 and 2. We can We can see in Fig. 2 that thanks to this principle wolves see its impact in the Fig. 1. With growing iterations, it is have the tendency to move closer towards prey and encir- more likely that its value will be between -1 and 1. That cle it (wolves approach from different directions). makes it more likely for a wolf to be hunting. Another Figure 1: Vector ~A and its impact in 1D component supporting the scouting phase is vector ~ = rand(0, 2), C where rand(0, 2), generates a random number between Figure 2: Positional updates of Omega wolves as it is de- 0 and 2. Vector C ~ is like vector ~A, but iterations don’t scribed by the mathematical formula [4] influence it. It helps the wolves behave more naturally. Analogously, in nature, wolves encounter various obsta- cles which prevent them from approaching prey comfort- 2.1 Algorithm pseudocode ably. Vectors ~A and C ~ encourages wolves to prefer scout- ing, or hunting, and so to avoid local optima regardless of In this subsection we describe the algorithm in pseudo- the algorithm’s current iteration. code. The inputs of the algorithm are dimensions of the environment of the problem, boundaries of the environ- • e ∈ A is the basic environmental object of the 2D P ment of the problem, fitness function characterizing the colony, problem, size of the pack (number of wolves/agents), num- ber of iterations of the algorithm, termination criteria and • Env is a pair (m × n, wE ), where m × n, m, n ∈ N is criteria of the fitness function. the size of the environment and wE is the initial con- tents of the environment, it is a matrix of size m × n of multisets of objects over A − {e}. • Bi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, are agents, each agent is a construct Bi = (oi , Pi , [o, p]) , 0 ≤ o < m, 0 ≤ p < n, where – oi is a multiset over A, it determines the initial state (contents) of the agent, |oi | = 2,  – Pi = pi,1 , . . . , pi,li , l ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ k is a finite set of programs, where each program contains exactly 2 rules, which are in one of the following forms each: ∗ a → b, called the evolution rule, a, b ∈ A, ∗ c ↔ d, called the communication rule, c, d ∈ A, ∗ [aq,r ] → s, 0 ≤ q, r ≤ 2, s ∈ {⇐, ⇒, ⇑, ⇓}, Figure 3: Algorithm steps called the motion rule, • f ∈ A is the final object of the colony. The algorithms pseudocode follows: A configuration of the 2D P colony is given by the state • In the first step, agents (wolves) are randomly spread of the environment - matrix of type m × n with multisets out across the environment. of objects over A − {e} as its elements, and by the state of all agents - pairs of objects from alphabet A and the • In each iteration i: coordinates of the agents. An initial configuration is given – calculate the fitness value of each agent and de- by the definition of the 2D P colony. termine the social hierarchy – Fig. 3. part 1. A computational step consists of three parts. The first The agent with the best value (closest to the op- part lies in determining the set of applicable programs ac- timum) is Alpha, second best is Beta, third best cording to the current configuration of the 2D P colony. is Delta, and all others are Omega. In the second part, we have to select from this set one pro- gram for each agent, in such a way that there is no collision – calculate the best solution found thus far by Al- between the communication rules belonging to different pha, Beta and Delta (X~α (i), X~β (i), X~δ (i)) and programs. The third part is the execution of the chosen average it – Fig. 3. part 2, programs. – update positions of all the wolves X j (i + 1), A change of the configuration is triggered by the execu- while random vectors ~A and C ~ are updated for tion of programs and it involves changing the state of the each one – Fig. 3. part 3, environment, contents and placement of the agents. A computation is non-deterministic and maximally par- – check the termination criterion – Fig. 3. part 4. allel. The computation ends by halting when there is at Iterations terminate when fitness function value least one agent that has no applicable program. reaches a preset value. The result of the computation is the number of copies of the final object placed in the environment at the end of the 3 2D P Colonies computation. The aim of introducing 2D P colonies is not studying In this section, we recall the definition of 2D P colonies their computational power but monitoring their behaviour and other terms related to them. during the computation. Definition 1. A 2D P colony is a construct Π = (A, e, Env, B1 , . . . , Bk , f ), k ≥ 1, 4 Modelling of Grey wolf optimization where algorithm using 2D P colonies • A is an alphabet of the colony, its elements are called As for the modelling of GWO, some similarities as well as objects, a few differences have been found. Both are inspired by  the nature, usable for solving optimization problems, and  y+1 for x = 0 both are multi-agent system models. For comparison see fE (x, y) = fE (x − 1, 1) for m > 0 and n = 0 fE (x − 1, fE (x, y − 1)) otherwise  the differences / problems: • Environmental problem, 1a 2a 3a 4a • Communication problem, 2a 3a 4a 5a 3a 5a 7a 9a • Randomness problem. 5a 13 a 29 a 61 a These problems are described in the Table 1. Figure 4: Graphical representation of the environment Table 1: Differences between Grey wolf algorithm and P colony Difference / Grey wolf algo- 2D P colony System rithm 4.2 Communication problem solution Environmental The environment The environment problem is represented by is represented by We extend the 2D P colony by adding the blackboard that a mathematical a multiset of sym- saves the agents’ best fitness values and is always acces- fitness function. bols in each cell sible to read and write by all agents. To simulate GWO of 2D grid. agents cannot decide how to continue with hunting without Communication The agents have They are commu- knowledge of their position in the environment, because problem the knowledge of nities of simple the fitness value is not enough for calculating the prey’s their global posi- reactive agents estimated position. That is why the approximate position tion in the envi- independently is stored in the blackboard. The position of each agent is ronment. living and acting computed by a function using moving receivers (see Sec- in a joint shared tion 6. for more details) We will use the blackboard as a environment. Randomness Random vectors Each rule is problem ~A and C~ influence deterministic, the movement of the only way wolves in the en- to implement vironment. randomness is to randomize the choosing Figure 5: Simple Blackboard example rule for identical configurations. means of giving feedback to agents. Agents do not need to know their position in the environment, all agents who The definition of the 2D P colony needs to be adjusted can contribute to the search will send their solution to the to meet described requirements. Proposed solutions for blackboard points called receivers, and estimation of prey those problems are described in the following subsections. position is calculated as an average of distances collected by blackboard points from wolves Alpha, Beta and Delta. Omega wolves can ping the blackboard if changing po- 4.1 Environmental problem solution sition and get their distance from the prey. If the distance would decrease compared to the original distance, then the The environment will be a pair of matrix m × n and wolf will move. fitness function fE , where m × n, m, n ∈ N is the size of the environment and fE is a mathematical function with the initial contents of environment. Alphabet V will contains objects n that can store real o Snumbers and common 0 00 objects, V = x , x , x , . . . {a, b, c, d, e, f , g, . . . }, The rules of the programs, which guide the agents, will compare the number values of the objects using operators greater than ” > ” and greater or equal to ” ≥ ”. The agent Ai will be defined as Ai = (oi , Pi , [o, p]), |oi | = 2. For example, environment can be defined as Env = (4 × 4, wE , fE ), with object a in each cell, and Figure 6: Blackboard structure fitness function fE is the Ackermann function 4.3 Randomness problem solution on the blackboard at position [2, 1]. By execution of rule 00 00 Update( 15 , BB[0, 4]), the agent with object 15 places The omega wolves movement is based not only on posi- number 15 into the fifth member in the first row of the tion of the prey but also on random vectors ~A and C. ~ In blackboard. Only one agent can read or update value in 2D P Colony model the randomness is replaced by non- one position at the same time. If two agents have ap- deterministic choice between several applicable rules. plicable programs that affect the same position in black- board, then only one of them can execute its program. 5 Model of numerical 2D P colony with the The other agent must use another applicable program, or blackboard be inactive if another applicable program does not exist. The agent able to write on the blackboard is chosen non- Let us consider that there is not only multiset of objects in deterministically. each environmental cell, but there is also one (natural or All newly introduced rules can be combined in the pro- real) number computed by a function (called an environ- grams with any kind of rules, except the movement rule, mental function) depending on the position of the cell and that can be paired only with the rewriting rule. time. This number can be read by the agent, but it can be Definition 2. A numerical 2D P colony with blackboard changed only by the environmental function. is a construct The number can be stored inside the agent inside special Π = (V, e, Env, A1 , . . . , Ak , BB, f ), k ≥ 1, where kind of objects (box-objects). To read an environmental number the agent needs a special reading rule. Using this • V is an alphabet of the colony, its elements are called rule agent rewrites an object inside of it into the special objects, there are special objects b that can contain object that contains the number that equals the environ- an arbitrary number, mental number. This rule is in the form: a  x , where a ∈ V is an object and x is the environmental number in • e ∈ V is the basic environmental object of the 2D P the cell, where the agent executing the rule is placed. The colony, environmental number can be read by more than one agent • Env is a triplet (m × n, wE , fE ), where m × n, m, n ∈ N at the same time, and each agent can use the reading rule is the size of the environment, and wE is the initial multiple times in one program. For example, let ab is the contents of the environment. It is a matrix of size m × content of agent with program p : a  x ; b  x , and n of multisets of objects over V − {e}, and fE is an 5 is the number stored in the environmental cell where the environmental function. agent is placed. After execution of the program p the con- tent of agent is 5 5 . • Ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, are agents. Each agent is a construct If there are two objects with numbers inside the agent, Ai = (oi , Pi , [o, p]) , 0 ≤ o ≤ m, 0 ≤ p ≤ n, where an execution of particular program can be restricted by – oi is a multiset over V , it determines the initial these numbers. Agent can compare the numbers, and state (contents) of the agent, |oi | = 2, distinguish which rule will be applied to which object.  The programs with such condition look like follows: – Pi = pi,1 , . . . , pi,li , l ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ k is a finite hx > y : r1 , r2 i or hx ≥ y : r1 , r2 i , where x, y ∈ R and set of programs, where each program contains r1 , r2 are rules that work with objects with numbers. These exactly 2 rules. Each rule is in the following box-objects can be of different kind but both must store a form: number. ∗ a → b, the evolution rule, a, b ∈ V , The memory of 2D P colony is extended by a black- ∗ c ↔ d, the communication rule, c, d ∈ V , board. It is a pair BB = (~fBB , BM), where ~fBB is a vector ∗ [aq,r ] → s, aq,r ∈ V, 0 ≤ q, r ≤ 2, s ∈ {⇐, ⇒ of i functions fi , and BM is a matrix of size i × j, i, j ∈ N. , ⇑, ⇓}, the motion rule, fi is a function that fills the members of corresponding row ∗ a  x , x ∈ R, a, x ∈ V, the reading rule of matrix BM with values. The function can update only such members that are not updated by agents. If the program contains evolution or communi- To access and affect the blackboard, the agents have the cation rule r1 , r2 that each works with objects rules for reading and writing a value placed in a spec- with numbers, it can be extended by a condition: ified part of the blackboard. These rules use functions hx > y : r1 , r2 i , hx ≥ y : r1 , r2 i , Get(BB[ad], b) and Update(b, BB[ad]), where BB[ad] is – [o, p], 1 ≤ o ≤ m, 1 ≤ p ≤ n, is an initial posi- an address of value on the blackboard which have to tion of agent Ai in the 2D environment, read or written, and b ∈ V is the box-object. The get • f ∈ V is the final object of the colony. rule is in a form a → Get(BB[ad], b) and the update rule consist only from the function Update(b, BB[ad]), where A configuration of the 2D P colony is given by the state a, b ∈ V . When the rule a → Get(BB[2, 1], x ) is exe- of the environment - matrix of type m × n with pairs - mul- cuted, the object a inside the agent is evolved into the ob- tiset of objects over V − {e}, and a number - as its ele- ject x , and this object is filled in with the number stored ments, and by the states of all agents - pairs of objects 1. e  x 0 ; e → Get(BB[alpha, x ], i x ∈ R is num-  from the alphabet V , and the coordinates of the agents. An initial configuration is given by the definition of the 2D P ber placed in the environmental cell [r, s], alpha is ad- colony. dress of current value y of alpha wolf in blackboard; A computational step consists of three phases. In the This program is to read the number from the envi- first step, the set of the applicable programs is determined ronmental cell and the value of current alpha wolf in according to the current configuration of the 2D P colony. blackboard. In the second step, one program from the set is chosen for each agent, in such a way that there is no collision between 2. The following set of programs Compare is to com- the communication rules belonging to different programs. pare two numbers stored inside the agent: In the third step, chosen programs are executed, the values D E of the environment and on the blackboard are updated. (a) x > y : x → x , y 0 → A – I am new Al- A change of the configuration is triggered by the exe- pha, cution of programs, and updating values by functions. It (b) x ≥ y : x 0 → b, x → x involves changing the state of the environment, contents D E 00 and placement of the agents. (c) x → x , b ← Get(BB[beta], x ) , A computation is non-deterministic and maximally par- D E allel. The computation ends by halting when there is no (d) x > y : x → x , y 00 → B – I am new Beta, agent that has an applicable program. (e) x ≥ y : x 00 → c, x → x The result of the computation is the number of copies of D  the final object placed in the environment at the end of the 000 (f) x → x , c ← Get(BB[BB[gamma], x ], i, computation. D E (g) x > y : x → x , y 000 → C – I am new Delta, 5.1 Numerical 2D P Colony with the Blackboard for GWO (h) x ≥ y : x 000 → d, x → x iv – I am Omega, Because of a restricted number of pages of this contribu- 3. If there is A, B or C inside the agent, the agent updates tion we show an idea of the construction of a numerical 2D the blackboard using programs: P colony with the blackboard that models GWO in finding (a) Update( x , BB[alpha]), A → a0 , extreme of a function with two variables in this section. Pgw = (V, e, Env, A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak , BB, f ), k ≥ 1, where: (b) Update( x , BB[beta]), B → a0 , (c) Update( x , BB[gamma]), C → a0 , 0 00 000 iv v vi n o • V= b, b , b , b , b , b , b ∪ (d) x → e, a0 → e , 0 0 00 0 , mKO , mKO , m00KO ∪  ∪ e, f , a , b, c, d,  h, 0h ,00h ,000mOK ∪{n, iv 4. If the agent is an omega wolf, the agent is supposed  A, B, D}∪ l, l , l , l , l | Y ∈ {⇐, ⇒, ⇑, ⇓} ∪ to move so as to approach the prey. The agent reads ∪ kz1 z2 z3 z4 | zi ∈ {⇐, ⇒, ⇑, ⇓} ∧ k, i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} its distance from the prey computed by the function • e ∈ V is the basic environmental object, and placed on the blackboard, and it moves in a ran- dom direction. The direction is generated in such a • Env is a triplet (i × j, we , f (x, y)), where i, j ∈ N, way, that the agent creates the object 1 with a low in- wE = |ar,s |, ar,s = ε, 1 ≥ r ≥ i, 1 ≥ s ≥ j, dex formed from four directions in random order. 1 means that the agent will move in the first direction. • A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak are the agents, Ai = (Oi , Pi , [rx , ry ]), v where: (a) d → 1w , x iv → Get(BB[dist. from prey], x ) , w = z1 z2 z3 z4 , zi ∈ {⇒, ⇐, ⇑, ⇓}, – |oi | = 2, z1 6= z2 6= z3 6= z4 – P1 = P2 = · · · = Pk , Pi rules are defined below, (b) 1w ↔ e, x v → x v , *  – [r, s] are the initial coordinates, e e e + (c)  e Xz1 z2 z3 z4 e  → zX , e → zX , • BB is the blackboard, to the definition of the black- e e e board is devoted a separate subsection of this chapter, X ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, zX ∈ {⇒, ⇐, ⇑, ⇓} • f is the final object, f ∈ V . Then the agent puts the object with movement se- quence into environmental cell and reads its distance The initial agent’s configuration is: ee and its position from the prey from new location. is [r, s]. Programs Pi associated with i-th agent are: (a) zX → z0X , x v ↔ e , (b) hz0X → z00X , e → hi, ~ is a vector with elements that can be named • v1 D vi E AlphaValue, BetaValue, DeltaValue, AlphaPosition, (c) z00X ↔ x v , h → Get(BB[dist. from prey], x ) , BetaPosition, DeltaPosition, preyPosition. If j > 7, then elements with index greater than 7 are 5. If the new value is smaller then value from previ- without a name, they are addressed by its position. ous location, the agent consumes object correspond- The first three elements are serviced by the agents, so ing to direction and object with movement sequence blackboard function for the first row only copy their and rewrite its content to ee. D E values, if they are not updated by agents in current (a) x ≥ y : x v → mOK , y vi → h0 , step of computation. D E ~ is 0 in each element. – initial content of v1 (b) x > y : x vi → mKO , y v → h0 , ~ • v2 is a vector with elements named (c) hmOK → mOK , h0 ↔ z00X i, *  A00 sDistanceFromPrey, A01 sDistanceFromPrey, e e e + 0 . . . , Ak sDistanceFromPrey, k is number of agents 00 000 (d)  e e e  → zX , zX → zX , zX is oppo- (wolves), the elements without name can be e e e addressed only by its position in blackboard matrix. site movement to zX , ~ is 0 in each element. – initial content of v2 (e) mOK ↔ Xw , z000 iv X → zX , • f cn is a vector of functions ( f nc1(i), f nc2(i)) for   e e e * + (f)   iv e e e → zX , zX → h 00 manipulating the vectors v1 ~ and v2, ~ where f nc1(i) e e e updates i − th element of vector v1 ~ and f nc2(i) up- dates i − th element of vector v2, ~ 0 ≤ i ≤ j, j is a (g) hXw → e, h00 → ei, ~ and v2: ~ dimension of vectors v1 6. If the new distance is greater then old one, the agent i = {0, 1, 2},   identity consumes object corresponding to the direction and i f nc1(i) = B Position i = {3, 4, 5}, moves to original location and rewrite the object 1  f nc1(3)+ f nc1(4)+ f nc1(5) 3 i = 6. with movement sequence into object 2 with the same movement sequence, and the agent continues with ii f nc2(i) = | f nc1(preyPosition) − BPosition |, for investigation. If the agent moves back and there is i = index of agent Ai . object 4 with movement sequence, it did not find a Auxiliary function BPosition is described in the section smaller distance to the prey and it stops working. Receivers. (a) hmKO → mKO , h0 ↔ z00X i, (b) mKO → m0KO , z000 X →e , 6 Receivers - from theoretical model into (c) m0KO → m0KO , e ↔ Xw , real life (d) m0KO → m00KO , Xw → (X + 1)w , X ∈ {1, 2, 3} v A communication between agents and blackboard is real- (e) m00KO → Get(BB[dist. from prey], x ), Xw ↔ e , ized by receivers. We equip our model with two receivers X ∈ {2, 3, 4}, that are listening signals coming from the agents. The abil- (f) m0KO → f , e ↔ 4w , ities of receivers are crucial for functioning of the func- tions of the blackboard, because they are providers of val- The computation is possibly non-halting because of the ues of B position function. We can assume, that receivers three agents (alpha, beta and gamma) can always find can "see" position of each agent but for wide areas it is not applicable program. The positions of these three agents very realistic. For our model we choose another approach. are important to estimate prey position by the Blackboard We introduce time into our model - it takes some time to (more in Section 5.2). signal from agents to reach receivers. • rcv - the blackboard has two receivers. Both receivers 5.2 Blackboard are located in the environment. Their initial position The blackboard for GWO is a structure defined as follows: are on the opposite sides of the boundary points of the environment Env (positions [0, 0] and [m − 1, n − 1], BBGWO = ( f~nc, [v1, ~ v2]), ~ where: where m×n, m, n ∈ N, is the size of the environment). Receivers’ positions are updated in each derivation • dimension of both vectors v1, ~ v2 ~ is j = max(7, k), k ≥ step and receivers circulate around the environment 1 is the number of agents, in this case, a matrix of as follows: type i × j, i, j ∈ N, is represented by a vector of these vectors. – x < 1, y < n : x = x, y = y + 1, Figure 7: Blackboard in use – x < m, y > n − 1 : x = x + 1, y = y, way than via the environment. They also have no informa- – x > m − 1, y > 0 : x = x, y = y − 1, tion about their own position and position of others in the environment. These deficiencies can be solved by adding – x > 0, y < n + 1 : x = x − 1, y = y. the universal communication device, the blackboard, into Primary task of the rcv is to collect data (messages) the definition of the 2D P colony. from agents. The Grey wolf optimization algorithm is meta-heuristic optimization technology inspired by the social dynamics – Messages have a given structure: msg : of the packs of grey wolves. The looking for the extreme (contents, agent’s index, timestamp). contents of a function is inspired by hunting the prey by the pack of is request of an agent - function Get, Update the wolves. or it is an empty string, timestamp corresponds We introduced the formal definition of the 2D P colony to the time, when request was sent. equipped with a blackboard and presented the ability of this formal model to simulate the Grey wolf algorithm. Receivers are listening to agents’ signal. If both re- The blackboard serves not only as a communication de- ceivers receive the same message from the agent, re- vice, but also as a device capable to set the particular roles ceived message is being processed in the following of the agents simulating the wolves, and successfully find sequence: computation of auxiliary function BPosition , the extreme of the function represented by the discrete en- execution of contents part of message. vironment of the 2D P colony. – BPosition = x ∈ R1 ∩ R2 , where R1 , R2 are cir- cles with centre at receivers’ position and radius Acknowledgements. This work was supported by The r = now − sent, where now is time of receiving Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports from the Na- the message, and sent equals to timestamp, x is tional Programme of Sustainability (NPU II) project chosen randomly in the intersect area. The in- „IT4Innovations excellence in science - LQ1602“. tersection shapes are changed over time due to Research was also supported by the SGS/11/2019 Project the movements of the receivers. of the Silesian University in Opava. At this point, it is important to focus on the use of the blackboard by the agents. Agents can use blackboard’s functions above. References If the agent concludes that it is Alpha, it rewrites field ~ v1[0] using communication program 3 in Fig. 7 on the left [1] Cienciala, L., Ciencialová, L., Perdek, M.: 2D P colonies. side. In the same way, Beta and Delta wolves can rewrite In: Csuhaj-Varjú E., Gheorghe M., Rozenberg G., Salomaa ~ field v1[1] using the same function. On the right side of A., Vaszil Gy. (eds) Membrane Computing. CMC 2012. Fig. 7, the agent concludes that it is Omega, and it will Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7762. Springer, try to move with blackboard’s assistance using communi- Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 161–172 (2012) cation program 1. 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