=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2730/paper29 |storemode=property |title=Memorization techniques: a literature review to verify the feasibility of implementing memorization techniques through tangible user interfaces |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2730/paper29.pdf |volume=Vol-2730 |authors=Francesco Ciaramella,Elisa Anna Lorè,Angelo Rega |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/psychobit/CiaramellaLR20 }} ==Memorization techniques: a literature review to verify the feasibility of implementing memorization techniques through tangible user interfaces== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2730/paper29.pdf
  Memorization techniques: a literature review to verify
 the feasibility of implementing memorization techniques
               through tangible user interfaces

               Francesco Ciaramella1, Elisa Anna Lorè2, Angelo Rega1,3
             1 NeapoliSanit Rehabilitation Center, Ottaviano (Na) 80044, ITALY
               2 C.F.R. - Rehabilitation Institute, Nola (Na). 17, 80035, ITALY
                     University of Naples – Federico II - Naples,80133, ITALY

       Abstract. This work wishes to present some studies existing in the literature
       that refer to memorization techniques. After a short introduction, where
       cognitive processes involved in memory and learning (perception, attention,
       codification, and recovery) will be mentioned, we will proceed to an analysis of
       the scientific contributions that represent the scientific substratum of
       mnemonics. In particular, this work will consider existing studies that focus on
       the efficacy of the mnemonics “keyword method” in the study of foreign
       languages, which represent the vast majority of the studies currently existing in
       the literature. The purpose of this review is to identify possible memorization
       techniques and verify if, in the future, it will be possible to use these techniques
       by developing technological tools based on tangible user interfaces.

       Keywords: mnemonics; keyword method; foreign language teaching.

1      Introduction

Memory is defined as a cognitive function, which is primarily focused on the storage
and retrieval of information: this information is elaborated, archived, and retrieved
when necessary [1]. As soon as the information gets perceived [2], it transits into the
working memory, or short-term memory, and gets screened to access the long-term
memory, namely, the “archive” where all the information gets stored and retrieved
when needed. Short-term memory is very limited as it can store a maximum of seven
items [3] for a handful of seconds, and it needs to correlate new pieces of information
with the ones already stored in the long term memory, which has unlimited capacity,
and where it’s content remains almost permanently [4]. Mnemonics have been an
object of interest and study since ancient times. Just think about all the sections
dedicated to it in great works such as the “De oratore or Rhetorica ad Herennium”.
With the term mnemonics, we refer to a group of rules and strategies that ensure the
memorization of information and, through the creation of associative links, increased
memory capacity [5]. Mnemotechnic represents a powerful pedagogical tool. It is
accessible and easy, it favors the creation of associations through the use of a vivid

         Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
                Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

imagination that imprints the item in the memory, and transforms the learning process
in a cognitively and emotionally stimulating activity [6, 7]. There are multiple
memorization techniques. For example, some authors suggest training memory by
using images, images, and rhymes, creating personal memorable associations,
dividing words into significant parts, combining sentences to write or inventing
stories [8]. Some Russian scholars suggest the use of “mnemotables'', which are
schemes drawn with determined information, together with the following methods:
"chain" (linking images in associations); symbolization (to memorize abstract
concepts); tie concepts to familiar information to facilitate engagement [7].
Furthermore, it is appropriate to mention the technique of loci: the transformation of
concepts, information, into mental images with the consequent positioning of these in
places. This technique requires that the mental images created are clear and precise, in
such a way as to always allow double encoding, that is, as we have viewed the image
from the term (Encoding or Viewing Phase), it will be possible, having seen the
image, to trace the information to remember (Decoding or Verbalization Phase); the
P.A.V. (Paradox, Action, Vivid), a technique that allows you to associate a paradox
with a certain element, transforming this element into an action. Using this tool, it is
possible to provoke a vivid emotion in the subconscious that produces a mental
connection capable of activating the ability to memorize. The technique of phonetic
conversion, a technique of memorizing numbers. It works by converting numbers into
consonants and, by appropriately adding vowels, transforming them into words that
can be remembered more easily than a series of numbers, particularly using other
mnemonic rules (P.A.V. and loci technique). Finally, we have the '' Keyword method
'' (Atkinson) which is the most used memory technique in the study of foreign

2      Literature Analysis

Studies in the literature have placed their focus on the use of memory techniques in
relation to the study of foreign languages. Specifically, the "Keyword Method" turns
out to be the memory technique that most represents the object of study in relation to
the effectiveness of memory techniques. The term "Keyword" was used by Atkinson
in 1975 in an article where he proposed the use of this type of mnemonics to facilitate
the learning of the vocabulary of foreign languages. Within the article, Atkinson
analyzed the effectiveness of the ''Keyword" technique for the study of the Russian
language for English-speaking subjects. This mnemotechnic is based on two phases,
verbal and visual. The first phase consists of developing a keyword that is concrete
and that is as similar as possible from the phonetic and spelling point of view to the
word you want to memorize. The second phase consists of constructing an image that
associates, relates the previously elaborated keyword with the meaning of the word
under consideration[9–11]. Following the description of this mnemotechnic, several
studies have been carried out in order to corroborate its effectiveness[12–15]. The
keyword mnemotechnic results effectively in laboratory situations, when applied
individually and when the keyword is provided by the experimenter. However, the

results of the above studies are not equally clear when referring to the application of
this memory technique in a collective context, such as the classroom [16, 17] and,
similarly, in natural contexts, without control over the environment, where the subject
elaborates the keyword [11, 18, 19], or in group situations [20]. Furthermore, Campos
[11], highlights a further limitation of this mnemonics in reference to the moment of
According to the author, the mnemonics of the keyword are effective in reference to a
short-term, immediate recall of information; on the other hand, it would be less
effective if we refer to a long-term recall of information. In accordance with what was
previously stated, some studies in the literature [18, 19, 21–23] do not show any
positive effects in the use of keyword mnemonics for long-term memorization.
However, other studies carried out by Mastropieri, Emerich, and Scruggs [21]; Merry
[24]; Sweeney and Bellezza [25], record the effectiveness of this mnemonics also in
the long term. Subsequently, with the aim of improving some of the criticalities listed
so far in the "keyword" memorization technique, Campos and colleagues [26] carried
out experiments that consisted of greater processing of the "keyword"; specifically,
they carried out a study with students aged 12 to 15 (Educación Secundaria
Obligatoria), who had the task of learning the meaning of a list of 30 Latin words
using the mnemonics of the "key-word" in a different way: a group had to
autonomously elaborate its own keyword, another group benefited from the
experimenter's help in choosing the "Keyword" and the third group was given a
"keyword" that had previously been chosen and elaborated by the companions of the
experimental group. The group that used the "keyword" developed by the peers
memorized the word list both immediately and after a week significantly more
effective than the other groups. In another study by Campos [26] carried out two
experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the "keyword" mnemonics. In the first
experiment, they used 4 groups of subjects aged 12 to 15 (Educación Secundaria
Obligatoria) who were given a list of 16 Latin words, the first 8 with images, and the
last 8 without images, that had to be memorized using different strategies. One group
had to learn the wordlist through the method of repetition, the second group through
the mnemonics of the "Key Word" generated independently, the third group instead,
used a keyword provided by the experimenter and the fourth group used a keyword
generated and elaborated by the companions of the experimental group. The most
important result obtained from this study was that the words with vivid images, the
group that used the “keyword” mnemonics, remembered more significantly than the
group that used the repetition method. In the second experiment, they administered a
list of 32 words and verified that with words with images, the group that used the
keyword elaborated by the companions, produced a more effective memory than both
the group that used the method of repetition and the group that independently
elaborated their own keyword. Furthermore, in relation to the studies on the efficiency
of "keyword" mnemonics in the study of foreign languages, Shcherbakova, O.,
Cherkashina, T., Yakhno, M., Budanova, I., & Galoyan [5] state that the use of
mnemonics in the classroom guarantees the systematic and conscious acquisition of
the material under study, contributing to the rapid understanding of the specific rules
of the target language. Transforming didactic material into visual images or

comparing it with the knowledge already acquired on the basis of the association
principle, guarantees its memorization and arouses interest in the lesson. The studies
carried out to verify the effectiveness of the "keyword" mnemonics were mostly
carried out with children, adolescents, and university students, consequently, it was
necessary to produce scientific works in order to verify the actual effectiveness of this
mnemotechnics also in relation to adults. Therefore, some studies present in the
literature [27, 28], affirm that the vividness of the image elaborated by adults,
necessary to implement mnemonics, turns out to be lower than the one elaborated by
younger subjects when used as a measurement in a performance test. However, when
questionnaires are used, there are no significant differences between the different age
groups [26, 29, 30].With regards to the results of the few studies in the literature on
the effectiveness of the use of "keyword" mnemonics with adult subjects, some
scholars support the use of the "keyword" strategy [14, 31, 32] others, on the other
hand, affirm that there is no increase in memory through the use of this mnemonics
[33, 34]. However, in summary, it is possible to state that adults can also benefit from
mnemotechnic even if with lesser effects than young people and with the need for
more training [35–38]. Later, Campos and colleagues [39] carried out a study to
verify the effectiveness of mnemonics for the study of the Latin language with adults.
Participants used interactive images to impress memory since processing interacting
images turns out to be the most effective form of using mental images [10, 40]. The
group of people who participated in the experiment had an average age of 59.35 and
had to memorize the translation of a list of 16 Latin words. The group that used the
"keyword" mnemonics recorded a significantly more effective memory, both
immediately and after one day, than the group that used the repetition technique. In
the second experiment, the experimenters used a list of 24 words, of which the
experimented subjects had to learn the translation using the “keyword” mnemonics
with the addition of drawings/images. In this case, too, a significantly more effective
memory was recorded than the memory of the group that used the repetition

                                        Table 1. Studies list

Authors                  Design and purpose              Participants      Outcomes
Atkinson (1975)           use of this type of                              1.keyword       method
                         mnemonics to facilitate the                       produces
                                                                           significantly     great
                         learning of the vocabulary of
                                                                           vocabulary       recall
                         foreign languages                                 than      the      rote
                                                                           rehearsal method of
Campos       et    al.   Evaluated sex and age           155 females and   visual imagery
(1993)                   differences of responses on     134 males in 3    vividness is
“Sex     and      age
                         the Vividness of Visual         age groups (14–   significantly
differences in visual
imagery vividness.”      Imagery Questionnaire.          20 yrs., 21–40    influenced by sex, but
                                                         yrs., and 41–60   age by itself and the
                                                         yrs.)             cross-term had no

                                                                             significant effects.
Alfredo     Campos,      investigate the extent to       152 Spanish         The results were
Maria Josè Perez,        which 1) the types of images    compulsory          essentially the same
Maria       Angeles
                         generated by the subject        secondary           regardless of whether
Gonzales (1997)
                         (normal or bizarre), 2) the     education           words were presented
“The Interactiveness
                         vividness of the images         students            in short (16-pair) or
of Paired Images is
                         generated, and 3) the                               long (32-pair) lists.
Affected by Image
                         subject's imaging ability
Bizarreness      and
                         affect the degree of
Image Vividness”
                         interaction between images
Campos      et     al.   The effectiveness of the        Experiments 1       In all experiments,
(2003)                   mnemonic keyword method         (adolescents) and   the rote method was
“Limitation of the       was investigated in 4           2 (adults).         significantly more
mnemonic keyword         experiments.                    Experiments 3       effective than was the
method”                                                  (adolescents) and   keyword method.
                                                         4 (adults).

Campos     et   al.      In this study, two              363 high-school     the peer-generated
(2004)                   experiments were performed      students were       keyword group
“The Importance of
                         to assess the efficacy of a     randomly            showed significantly
the       Keyword-
Generation Method        new keyword-generation          divided into four   better recall of high-
in        Keyword        procedure (peer generation)     groups.             vividness words than
Mnemonics”                                                                   the rote method
                                                                             groups and the
                                                                             subject generated
                                                                             keyword group.

Campos      et   al.     The effects of different        175 Spanish       the influence of
(2007)                   image types: normal, bizarre,   Secondary         image type on short-
“Mental    imagery,
                         or mixed imagery on             Compulsory        term memory, and
recall          and
recognition in high      immediate, after a day, and     Education         revealed that recall
vivid       imagery      one week, in high vivid         students (90 men  performance was
subjects”                imagery subjects were           and 85 women)     greater with mixed
                         investigated.                                     imagery that with
                                                                           bizarre or normal
                                                                           imagery strategy.
Campos     et      al.   Two experiments were used       A group of        Immediate and
(2010).                  to assess the efficacy of the   adults. The mean delayed recall were
“Efficacy of the
                         keyword mnemonic method         age of the sample significantly greater
keyword mnemonic
method in adults”.       in adults                       under study was in the keyword
                                                         59.35 years       mnemonic method
                                                                           group than in the
                                                                           repetition method

Culpaper et al.          Students from two sixth-         45 students who    Students scored
(1998)       “Using      grade classes received           participated in    statistically and
                         instruction in music history     this study were    substantially higher
keywords in general
music       Classes:     regarding composers and the      enrolled in the    on recall tests
music history meets      musical periods in which         sixth grade in a   involving items
cognitive                they worked in a                 suburban school    presented with
psychology”              counterbalanced design over      in the Midwest.    mnemonic
                         a 2-week period.                                    illustrations.

Gonzalez & Amor          This study tested the efficacy   284 Spanish high  The result indicates
(2004)                   of keywords previously           school students,  that both immediate
“different strategies
                         generated by subjects of         aged 12-16        and one-week recall
for         keyword
generation”              similar sociodemographic         years.            was significantly
                         characteristics.                                   better in peer-
                                                                            group than in the
                                                                            keyword and the
                                                                            keyword group.
Scailquin      Jean-     In the present study, 165        165 healthy       Comparative analyses
Christophe (2000)        healthy participants aged 18     participants aged (ANOVAs) on
“Effects of Aging
                         to 80 years were enrolled for    18 to 80 years    accuracy and correct
on the Generation of
Mental Images”           an image generation task to                        latency confirmed the
                         image an uppercase letter in                       sequential nature of
                         response to its lowercase                          image generation,
                         version displayed as the cue,                      and showed a
                         and to decide if a displayed                       detrimental and linear
                         probe would be near to or on                       effect of aging only
                         the image.                                         on the activation
Wyra et al. (2007)       This study examines the          36 female and 41 The retrieval training
“The       mnemonic      effects on recall of word-       male Year 6/7     was a significant
keyword       method:
                         meaning pairs of (a) training    students (age     predictor of both
The      effects    of
bidirectional            in the use of the keyword        11e12 years)      backward and
retrieval     training   procedure at the time of                           forward recall
and of ability to        retrieval; and (b) the                             performance, as was
image on foreign         influence of the self-rated                        the ability to make
language vocabulary      ability to image.                                  images.

3       Discussion

The intent of this work is to verify the effectiveness of the use of mnemonics on the
basis of the studies present in the literature. In relation to the abovementioned studies,

it is possible to insert the results obtained from the studies cited within the theoretical
framework of Paivio [41–43]; who states that effective learning is coded through two
systems, the verbal and the mental images. When we use the mnemonics of the
keyword we produce a more effective memory from the moment we use both the
verbal system and the mental images, while the method of repetition uses only the
verbal system. However, Campos et al. [39] recorded a faster loss of memory in the
subjects who used the “keyword” mnemonics compared to the group of participants
who used the repetition method. This result, according to the authors, can be
interpreted in relation to the theory of episodic memory of Tulving, which states that
episodic memory is characterized by a good immediate memory but by a rapid decline
of the same [44–46].

4      Conclusion

It is also appropriate to notice the lack of studies in the literature that set their
argumentative focus on other memorization strategies. Furthermore, it would be
relevant to highlight the opportunity to expand the studies on the subject in relation to
the use of mnemonics as a compensatory teaching tool in learning disabilities (L.D.)
and special needs students, in order to produce new techniques and teaching tools that
can compensate for some difficulties present in these students [2]. Finally, it would be
interesting to produce scientific works that could highlight the usefulness of the use of
mnemonics, especially in the school / academic environment, in synchrony with the
advancement of technology. Studies in the literature demonstrate the possibility of
using technology to support the study of foreign languages based on keyword
mnemonics. Manolis Savva presented TransPhoner: a system that generates keywords
for a variety of scenarios including vocabulary learning, phonetic transliteration, and
creative wordplays. In this work, the authors select effective keywords by considering
phonetic, orthographic, and semantic word similarity, and word concept imageability.
The result of this study shows that keywords provided by TransPhoner improve
learner performance in an online vocabulary learning study, with the improvement
being more pronounced for harder words. Participants rated TransPhoner keywords as
more helpful than a random keyword baseline, and almost as helpful as manually
selected keywords. Comments also indicated higher engagement in the learning task,
and more desire to continue learning. The study demonstrates additional applications
to tasks such as pure phonetic transliteration, generation of mnemonics for complex
vocabulary, and topic-based transformation of song lyrics [47]. Another work
provided by Anonthanasap et al. proposed a new educational system for second-
language vocabulary learning based on a mnemonic technique. The system is
equipped with the dynamic and interactive interface that allows vocabulary learners to
seamlessly browse a collection of foreign words while suggesting phonetically related
words of a known language for helping the memorization of unfamiliar languages.
The phonetic algorithm is employed to encode the pronunciation of words. The
phonetic codes of words are then applied to homonyms of different languages. The

Levenshtein distance is used to quantify the similarity of phonetic codes or of words’
pronunciation. The mnemonic words with their associated images are presented
surrounding the learning words according to the edit distance or phonetic similarity.
With visual effects based on the user’s input, the dynamic and interactive interface
will help users browse a collection of vocabulary [48]. Furthermore, the creation of
software that, through the use of Tangible User Interfaces (TUI), can exploit the
attractive dimension together with the theoretical efficiency of mnemonics. For
example, it might be interesting to use tangible interfaces such as cards with images,
letters, or numbers connected to a software, to implement the storage of concepts,
historical dates, scientific formulas. Using the theoretical model of keyword
mnemotechnics. Specifically, in accordance with the recent evidence of the scientific
literature and using the memorization techniques that have been analyzed in this
review, we could identify innovative and multimodal systems useful for creating a
learning support for students with SEN (Special Educational Needs) and SLD
(Specific Learning Disorder).

5      Future direction

Future studies could exploit the potential of tangible interfaces and digital systems,
implementing memorization techniques. In particular, the student's executive-
attentional processes could be analyzed by designing psychological tests, based on
tangible interfaces, useful for tracing analysis of the user's functional profile. The
technological prototypes that could be created would exploit the attractive qualities of
Game-based assessment and, in addition, the accuracy of an ecological assessment
protocol based on tangible interfaces.


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