=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2730/paper36 |storemode=property |title=ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and assessing statistical knowledge |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2730/paper36.pdf |volume=Vol-2730 |authors=Cristina Davino,Rosa Fabbricatore,Daniela Pacella,Domenico Vistocco,Francesco Palumbo |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/psychobit/DavinoFPVP20 }} ==ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and assessing statistical knowledge== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2730/paper36.pdf
      ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and
          assessing statistical knowledge?

 Cristina Davino[0000−0003−1154−4209] , Rosa Fabbricatore[0000−0002−4056−4375] ,
 Daniela Pacella[0000−0003−2343−5069] , Domenico Vistocco[0000−0002−8541−6755] ,
                  and Francesco Palumbo[0000−0002−9027−5053]

                     University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy

        Abstract. Over the years, several studies have shown the relevance of
        one-to-one compared to one-to-many tutoring, shedding light on the need
        for technology-based platforms to assist traditional learning methodolo-
        gies. Therefore, in recent years, tutoring systems that collect and analyse
        responses during the user interaction for an automated assessment and
        profiling were developed as a new standard to improve the learning out-
        come. In this framework, the tutoring system Adaptive LEArning system
        for Statistics (ALEAS) is aimed at providing an adaptive assessment of
        undergraduate students’ statistical abilities enrolled in social and hu-
        man sciences courses. ALEAS is developed in the contest of the ERAS-
        MUS+ Project (KA+ 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048519). The article describes
        the ALEAS workflow; in particular, it focuses on the students’ categori-
        sation according to their abilities. The student follows a learning process
        defined according to the Knowledge Space Theory, and she/he is classi-
        fied at the end of each learning unit. The proposed classification method
        is based on the multidimensional latent class item response theory, where
        the dimensions are defined according to the Dublin learning dimensions.
        In this work, results from a simulation study support our approach’s
        effectiveness and encourage its future use with students.

        Keywords: Tutoring system · Multidimensional Latent Class IRT model
        · Knowledge Space Theory.

1     Introduction
There has been an increasing interest in using technology in education to as-
sist traditional learning methodologies [13]. Intelligent tutoring systems guide
learners and help them to fill the gaps in their knowledge [10]. To achieve this,
the tutor should correctly diagnose the current state of the student’s knowledge
so to personalise the learning activities according to individual characteristics
[1]. This integrated design significantly improves the effectiveness of the learn-
ing process, obtaining an accurate user model tailored to the learner, primarily.
    Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
    mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2        C. Davino et al.

Although there are several technologies developed for teaching and assessing
statistics knowledge at the high school and university level [16], there are not
many applications specifically aimed at supporting undergraduate students en-
rolled in social and human sciences courses in the learning of Statistics.
    In this framework, we proposed the development of a system to teach and
assess knowledge of Statistics with a focus on university students enrolled in
social and human degree programs. This system is part of the intellectual out-
puts of the ALEAS (Adaptive LEArning in Statistics) ERASMUS+ Project1 .
The involved students are less prone to the study of quantitative subjects and
therefore are less motivated to master the topic [11]. The system integrates the
Knowledge Space Theory (KST; [9]) with the psychometric Item Response The-
ory paradigm (IRT; [18]) to provide a classification of the learners. The KST
organises the full knowledge required to master into a directed acyclic graph
structure. The IRT allows the system to assess the ability level of learners and
track their progress. In this way, the students’ experience can be personalised
by selecting the most appropriate set of topics according to her/his status of
knowledge [6]. Moreover, since animated graphics can have a considerable effect
on the aptitude of learning [15], the ALEAS system is designed to include ani-
mated cut-scenes and a tutoring agent to facilitate the learning of some essential
statistical topics. The tutoring agent, named “Ronny McStat”, reminiscent of
the famous statistician Ronald Fisher, welcomes the students and follows them
during the learning process.
    This article aims to describe the ALEAS system shortly. ALEAS is based on
a client-server architecture, where clients are limited to the last generation mo-
bile devices (smartphones and tablets based on the Android operative systems).
Here most of the attention is devoted to the algorithm designed to evaluate the
learners’ ability level and partition them into homogeneous classes. As ALEAS
is still in the development stage, we carried out simulations on artificial popula-
tions to assess the system’s ability to classify the users according to their skills
properly. The contribution is organised as follows: Section 2 describes the system
architecture, Section 3 introduces the methodological framework ALEAS system
is grounded on, Section 4 reports findings from the simulation study and pro-
vides an example of feedback for two hypothetical students, Section 5 consists
in conclusions and research perspectives.

2     ALEAS: Organisation of the knowledge structure

When designing ALEAS, a preliminary and critical step required was to organise
the domain knowledge for the system. Indeed, the different subsets of the domain
may not be independent, and the mastery of a specific subset might depend on
the mastery of (an)other subset(s). We built a knowledge structure for the basic
statistical knowledge exploiting KST [9] and consulting several experts. The
resulting knowledge structure consists in ten main nodes, named Topics, and in
    ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and assessing statistical knowledge    3

the set of the possible relationships among them. It is depicted in Figure 1. The
rectangles refer to the Topics and the arrows define the the relationships among
them. Moreover, one or more Topics constitute an Area (dotted rectangles in
the figure), a more general classification of statistical subjects. On the other
hand, each Topic contains several Units that represent the most specific matter
of knowledge distinction. For example, the node ‘Basic concepts’ consists of the
following Units: Sample versus population, Taxonomy of variables and levels of
measurement, Type of study (observational, correlational, experimental), and
Random versus non-random sampling. The user can progress from one node to
another one once she/he mastered all the required Topics in an Area following
the paths on the knowledge structure. In each Unit, the ability level is evaluated
through a multidimensional IRT model, as described below. It is worth to stress
that the assessment of students’ ability in a multidimensional way represents one
of the biggest challenges in the field of education [8], being even more crucial in
intelligent tutoring systems.
    For ALEAS, we assumed that the student’s ability is a multidimensional
quantity that grounds on the knowledge structure defined by the Dublin descrip-
tors [12]. The Dublin descriptors qualify the expected outcome of any learning
process and serve as bases for the framework for qualifications of the European
higher education area. They are typically used as reference dimensions to assess
the knowledge a student has achieved within a specific knowledge state. In par-
ticular, in ALEAS, the multidimensionality is defined according to the following
three of five Dublin descriptors:
 – Knowledge and understanding: the ability to demonstrate knowledge and
   understanding including a theoretical, practical and critical perspective on
   the Topic;
 – Applying knowledge and understanding: the ability to apply the knowledge
   identifying, analysing and solving problems sustaining an argument;
 – Making judgements: the ability to gather, evaluate, and present information
   exercising appropriate judgement.
All Units are organised including specific learning materials (slides and readings)
and fifteen test items, five for each of the three considered descriptors namely
knowledge (K), Application (A), and Judgement (J).

3     Methodology: Multidimensional Latent Class IRT
The IRT is a model-based approach aiming to estimate the probability of correct
response to each question for each student, such a probability depends on both
her/his ability (typically described by a continuous normal distribution), and on
some item characteristics (discriminating power, item difficulty, guessing, and
ceiling parameters). In ALEAS, the Dublin descriptors refer to the dimensions
that contribute to the definition of the students’ ability. Therefore, we assumed
the ability as a multidimensional latent trait, then as a statistical tool for our
4         C. Davino et al.

Fig. 1. Nodes of the Knowledge Space Theory and structure of the relationship among
Topics/Areas. Dotted rectangles indicate the Areas in the knowledge structure, whereas
solid rectangles indicate the Topics. Arrows represent the required Topics/Areas to
masted in order to progress.

purpose, we adopted the class of multidimensional IRT models, proposed by
Bartolucci [2].
    More in detail, the model we considered is based on the following assump-
    – Between-item multidimensionality of the latent traits. Each item is related
      only to one latent trait, so that items are divided into different subsets Id
      (with d = 1, . . . , D) based on D different dimensions. In our model, items
      were put together according to the three considered Dublin descriptors: K
      (knowledge and understanding), A (Applying knowledge and understand-
      ing), and J (making judgements).
    – Discreteness of the latent traits. Each latent trait is represented through a
      discrete distribution with ξ1 , . . . , ξk support points defining k latent classes
      with weights π1 , . . . , πk . The model assumes that subjects in the same class
      have the same ability level defined by the corresponding element of the sup-
      port point vector. Hence, let Θs (with s = 1, . . . , S) be the discrete random
      variable of the latent trait of the sth subject, the class weight πc (with
      c = 1, . . . , k) can be expressed as:

                                      πc = P (Θs = ξc ),                             (1)
      with c=1 πc = 1 and πc ≥ 0. It represents the probability that a subject
      belongs to class c.
      Two viable and alternative options allow choosing the number of latent
      classes k (i.e., the number of support points): a priori based on theoreti-
      cal knowledge; by comparing the fit of models using different values of k. In
      the case in point, we exploited a priori theoretical knowledge that statisti-
      cians experienced in teaching introductory courses; they suggested the use
    ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and assessing statistical knowledge     5

   of k = 4 classes, consistently with the four different learning scenarios that
   will be described in the next section.
 – Two-parameter logistic (2PL) parametrisation. The 2PL IRT model [4] rep-
   resents a reduced model of the most general 4PL IRT model, forcing to 0
   both the parameters of guessing and ceiling. This setting derives from con-
   sidering that each item has four possible answers, lowering the impact of
   guessed answers. Hence, the probability that the subject s correctly answers
   the dichotomously-scored item i (with i = 1, . . . , I) can be formalised as
                       P (Xsi = 1|θs , ai , bi ) =                   .        (2)
                                                   1 + eai (θs −bi )
     Where Xsi is the response of the sth subject at the ith item with realization
     xsi ∈ [0, 1]; θs ∈ R is the ability of the sth subject; ai ∈ R is the item
     discrimination parameter; and bi ∈ R represents the item difficulty.

The estimation of the model parameters is obtained using the Maximum Marginal
Likelihood (MML) approach [19], and in particular the Expectation-Maximization
(EM) algorithm [7]. This algorithm alternates two steps, named E-step and M-
step, until convergence. In the E-step, the model estimates each individual’s con-
ditional probability belonging to one of the latent classes given her/his response
configuration. The M-step consists in maximising the expected value of the com-
plete data log-likelihood based on the posterior probabilities computed in the
E-step. The estimation procedure is performed using the R package MultiLCIRT
[3]. The model is separately applied for every Unit; students are assigned to the
latent class that describes their ability upon each Unit completing. The process
takes into account the average ability levels reached in each Unit according to
the three considered Dublin descriptors, and it provides the learners’ categorisa-
tion according to their overall performance at the end of each Topic. To this aim,
the k-means clustering algorithm [17] is used to classify the learners. At the end
of this step, students are provided with a report about their learning outcomes:
if they achieve a suitable ability level, they will be allowed to progress to other
knowledge nodes, proceeding to a Topic according to the knowledge structure.
It is worth noting that the entire Topic is considered complete if the student
reports average support greater than zero for all the dimensions. Whenever the
student reports average support lower than zero, she/he is encouraged to repeat
the related questions: the system identifies the Units to be reiterated.

4     Simulation study

This section describes the simulation study used to test the ability of the model to
detect the groups of students with different proficiency levels properly. The study
provided us with some evidence about the effectiveness of the model before its
use with real-world students. In this phase, we considered a knowledge structure
consisting of four Units corresponding to 60 items.
6         C. Davino et al.

4.1     Design of the Study
The design of the simulation study included the following factors:
    – Item bank. Firstly, we generated a database of item parameters according to
      the two-parameter logistic (2PL) parameterization. It included 15 items for
      each Unit: 5 in Knowledge (K), 5 in Application (A), and 5 in Judgment (J).
      The difficulty parameter associated with each item was randomly drawn from
      a standard Gaussian distribution, whereas the discrimination parameters
      were generated according to a standard log-normal distribution.
    – Item responses. Item responses were generated, taking into account different
      ability levels. In particular, concerning the considered Dublin descriptors,
      we considered as a realistic outcome, four different learning ability levels.
      In fact, several experts in the subject of Statistics, involved in the ALEAS
      projects, suggested that the most realistic learning outcome combinations
      are generally the following:
       1. Poor performance in all the three dimensions;
       2. Good performance in Knowledge and poor performance in both Appli-
           cation and Judgement;
       3. Good performance in Application and average performance in both Knowl-
           edge and Judgement;
       4. Good performance in all three dimensions.
      For each learning Unit, N = 200 patterns of item responses for each sce-
      nario were generated using the R package MAT [5]. To get the four above
      specified sub-populations of users, we set the ability level parameters using
      the simM3PL function. In particular, since the latent trait was assumed to
      follow a normal distribution, assuming σ = 1, we set µ = 2 for good per-
      formers, µ = 0 for average performers, and µ = −2 for poor performers.
      Moreover, in all the scenarios the correlation between dimensions was set
      equal to 0.5.
    – Multidimensional Latent Class IRT model. For each Unit, all the N = 800
      (200 × 4) patterns of item responses generated at the previous step were
      the input for the multidimensional latent class IRT model estimation. As
      described in Section 3, the model provided us with the following output:
      matrix of ability levels for each dimension; latent class, and weights of the
      latent classes; item parameters; posterior probabilities of belonging to the
      latent classes for each individual. In our model, the number of latent classes
      was assumed equal to 4, according to the number of simulated learning sce-
      narios. Each student was assigned to the class that corresponds to the highest
      probability of belonging.
    – Topic-level classification. The Multidimensional Latent Class IRT model as-
      signs each user to one of the four classes. Then the average ability levels
      are computed for each of the three Dublin descriptors for all participants.
      Finally, the k-means clustering algorithm allows obtaining the Topic-level
      classification for each user.
    – Check of the classification accuracy. The Adjusted Rand Index (ARI; [14])
      allows comparing the Topic-level classification provided by the procedure and
  ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and assessing statistical knowledge        7

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of the ARI for all the simulation conditions. In
the central column the details about the corresponding population ability mean were
also provided.

Simulation condition          Population ability mean           Adjusted Rand Index
                                                                    Mean (SD)

                             Poor performance: µ = −2
        CASE 1
                             Average performance: µ = 0              0.84 (0.11)
  (n.simules = 1000)
                              Good performance: µ = 2

                         Poor performance: µ ∈ [−2.2, −1.8]
        CASE 2
                         Average performance: µ ∈ [−0.2, 0.2]        0.81 (0.13)
  (n.simules = 1000)
                          Good performance: µ ∈ [1.8, 2.2]

                         Poor performance: µ ∈ [−2.5, −1.5]
        CASE 3
                         Average performance: µ ∈ [−0.5, 0.5]        0.86 (0.04)
  (n.simules = 1000)
                          Good performance: µ ∈ [1.5, 2.5]

      the true classification, referred to the one generated learning scenarios. The
      ARI measures the agreement between two partitions and varies in [0, 1] (ran-
      dom partitioning, partitions perfect agreement); it is widely used to evaluate
      the overall performance in supervised and unsupervised classification.
The above-described design was replicated 1000 times (CASE 1). ARI means,
and standard deviations were used to study the stability of the results.
    To assess the model’s ability to properly recognise the students according to
their ability level, two more simulation studies were run. In CASE 2 and CASE
3 (see Table 1) the ability parameters were generated from Gaussian distribution
whose mean parameters were randomly generated from the uniform distribution.
The range was ±0.2 and ±0.5 in the CASE 2 and CASE 3, respectively. Again,
each of these design was replicated for 1000 times.

4.2     Main results
Table 1 shows the mean and the standard deviation of the ARI for all the
simulation conditions. Since the ARI lies between 0 and 1, we can conclude that
our model was able to recover the starting generated class of the individuals.
This result encourages the future use of ALEAS with real-world students.

4.3     ALEAS in action: Results from CASE 1 setting
This section illustrates the results from simulation scenario 1, showing the ALEAS
functioning and the type of output report supplied to the students. According
8       C. Davino et al.

to the simulation output, we collected for each student the classification both at
the Unit and Topic level, the ability level in each Unit for all the three Dublin
descriptor dimensions. At the end of each Topic, students receive preliminary
feedback regarding their general performance in that Topic. Figure 2 shows an
example of feedback for two hypothetical students. The aim is to provide each
student with the assessment on each considered Dublin descriptor, with respect
to the overall whole class performance. Each boxplot in Figure 2 refers to the
distribution of the mean support of Knowledge, Application, and Judgement.
The broken lines join the barycenter of each class (namely the classes obtained
from the k-means clustering procedure). Fixing the threshold equal to 0 as the
minimum average support to get to pass, the support gained by the two stu-
dents for each descriptor (represented by rhombuses) indicates that student A
(left-hand side) reported low-performance levels on Application and Judgement.
In contrast, student B (right-hand side) is a good performer student, especially
in Application and Judgement where she/he shows a very high ability (higher
than the students belonging to the same class).
   To further stress the student’s reached level, the mascot Ronny McStat ap-
pears in an animated GIF file with an expression according to the level of eval-

Fig. 2. Topic-level feedback for students A (left-hand side) and B (right-hand side). The
boxplots depict the distribution of the ability level means in the sample. Colours indi-
cate the k-means (Topic-level) clusters. Circles represent the class centroids, whereas
rhombuses specify the ability level reached by the student. The horizontal gray line
defines the ability level required in each dimension to progress to the next Topic. At
the bottom of the figure, the animated GIF of Ronny McStat corresponding to the
student achievement was reported.
    ALEAS: a tutoring system for teaching and assessing statistical knowledge      9

Fig. 3. Unit-level feedback for students A (left side) and B (right side). Colors in-
dicate the different Units. Circles depict the ability level reached by the student.
K=Knowledge, A=Application, J=Judgment.

uation (congrats or disappointment expression). The student that properly ac-
complishes a learning Topic receives a medal from the mascot (student B).
    After the Topic-level feedback, users are also provided with a second and
more specific report on each Unit (see Figure 3). The students can identify the
arguments where they need deepening their knowledge. Therefore, this second
report allows us to identify the Units each student needs to repeat. For example,
since the student A reached a negative level of ability in judgement (see Topic-
level report in Figure 2), according to the Unit-level report in Figure 3 she/he
has to repeat the judgement questions in Unit 1 and Unit 3 again.

5     Concluding remarks

We illustrated the ALEAS methodology that is the core of an intelligent tutor-
ing system prototype for teaching and assessing knowledge of statistics in the
undergraduate courses in Statistics for students enrolled in human and social
sciences courses (in the framework of the homonyms project). It integrates the
IRT paradigm with the Knowledge Space Theory, and performs the students
multidimensional assessment referring to the learning dimensions Knowledge,
Application, and Judgement, which are three of the five learning dimensions
that are also known as Dublin descriptors. The system is still in the developing
phase. Nevertheless, preliminary results based on the simulation studies indi-
cated that the designed model is adequate in detecting groups of (hypothetical
at the current stage) participants, which were simulated according to a different
level of abilities. The example in the paper illustrated the assessment feedback
that will be provided to a real-world student using the ALEAS. The shown re-
sults and several others, not discussed here for the sake of space, portend the
ALEAS system effectiveness among the real-world classes students.
10      C. Davino et al.

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