=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2731/paper00 |storemode=property |title=AREdu 2020 – How augmented reality helps during the coronavirus pandemic |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper00.pdf |volume=Vol-2731 |authors=Oleksandr Yu. Burov,Arnold E. Kiv,Serhiy O. Semerikov,Andrii M. Striuk,Mykola I. Striuk,Larisa S. Kolgatina,Iryna V. Oliinyk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/BurovKSSSKO20 }} ==AREdu 2020 – How augmented reality helps during the coronavirus pandemic== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper00.pdf

    AREdu 2020 – How augmented reality helps during the
                  coronavirus pandemic

         Oleksandr Yu. Burov1[0000-0003-0733-1120], Arnold E. Kiv2[0000-0002-0991-2343],
       Serhiy O. Semerikov1,3,4[0000-0003-0789-0272], Andrii M. Striuk4[0000-0001-9240-1976],
       Mykola I. Striuk4[0000-0002-7456-3725], Larisa S. Kolgatina5[0000-0003-2650-8921] and
                            Iryna V. Oliinyk6[0000-0002-1749-1518]
       1 Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine,

                           9 M. Berlynskoho Str., Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine
          2 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B. 653, Beer Sheva, 8410501, Israel

    3 Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Gagarina Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine

    4 Kryvyi Rih National University, 11, Vitaliy Matusevych Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine

                 andrey.n.stryuk@gmail.com, stryukm@gmail.com
                   5 H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,

                           29 Alchevskyh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
       6 Alfred Nobel University, 18 Sicheslavska Naberezhna Str., Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine


         Abstract. This is an introductory text to a collection of papers from the AREdu
         2029: The 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education,
         which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the May 13, 2020. It consists of short
         introduction, papers’ review and some observations about the event and its future.

         Keywords: virtualization of learning, augmented reality gamification, design
         and implementation of augmented reality learning environments, mobile
         technology of augmented reality, augmented reality in science education,
         augmented reality in professional training and retraining, augmented reality
         social and technical issues.

1        AREdu 2020 at a glance

Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu) is a peer-reviewed international Computer
Science workshop focusing on research advances, applications of augmented reality in
  AREdu topics of interest since 2018 [20; 21]:
─ Virtualization of learning: principles, technologies, tools
─ Augmented reality gamification
Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

─ Design and implementation of augmented reality learning environments
─ Mobile technology of augmented reality
─ Aspects of environmental augmented reality security and ethics
─ Augmented reality in science education
─ Augmented reality in professional training and retraining
─ Augmented reality social and technical issues
This volume represents the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, in May
13, 2020. It comprises 23 contributed papers that were carefully peer-reviewed and
selected from 41 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least 3, and on the
average 3.2, program committee members. The accepted papers present the state-of-
the-art overview of successful cases and provides guidelines for future research.
   The volume is structured in five parts, each presenting the contributions for a
particular workshop session.

2     AREdu 2020 program committee

2.1   Core members

                      Dr. Oleksandr Burov, Dr.Sc., Leading Researcher, Institute
                    of Information Technology and Learning Tools, National
                    Academy of Pedagogic Science of Ukraine

                       Oleksandr Burov, born in 1953. Educational Background:
                    Dr.Sc. (Eng.), 2007, science field “Ergonomics”. Ph.D., 1990,
                    science field “Control in biological and medical systems”.
                    National Technical University (Kyiv), Applied Mathematic
                    Department, M.Sc. diploma, 1977. Area of professional interests:
                    Cognitive work, intelligence, human factors/ergonomics,
                    psychophysiology of mental activity. Professional expertise:
                    Psychophysiological assessment of human performance,
                    functional state and prediction of operators’ fitness for duty and
                    performance (power industry, space, aviation). Field of
                    application: Space, aviation, power industry, education and talent

                       E-mail: ayb@iitltl.gov.ua

                      Ing. Helena Fidlerová, Ph.D., a senior researcher at the Slovak
                    University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials
                    Science and Technology in Trnava, Institute of Industrial
                    Engineering and Management

   Ing. Helena Fidlerová, Ph.D. received her Ph.D. degree in the
field of Industrial Management in 2006. Her research aims at
issues of education, STEM education, digital competences,
Industry 4.0, Education 4.0, logistics, industrial engineering, and
the application of statistical methods. She is author of several
monographs and chapters of monographs, over 87 research papers
in journals and proceedings. Since her study has extensive
experience in domestic research projects VEGA, KEGA, and
international projects e.g. ALTECS - Knowledge exchange in the
framework of alternative economic systems for the promotion of
sustainable regional development; International Visegrad Fund
No. 21310155: Festival of Science as a Platform for Intensifying
Cooperation between V4 Region Universities; and International
Visegrad Fund No. -21810100: Academic Research Consortium
integrating databases, robotics, and language technologies. She is
a member of the Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society
(SDSS) and the foreign organization International Association of
Engineers (IAENG).

  WWWL https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3426-5803
  E-mail: helena.fidlerova@stuba.sk

  Dr. Irina Georgescu, Lecturer of Computational Intelligence,
Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics, Bucharest
University of Economics, Bucharest, Romania

   Irina Georgescu holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Turku
Centre for Computer Science, Turku, Finland. Currently she is a
lecturer at the Department of Economic Informatics and
Cybernetics, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. Her
research interests lie in the areas of econometrics, computational
intelligence and risk theory. She is the author of about 50 journal
papers and several books.

  E-mail: irina.georgescu@csie.ase.ro

  Dr. Filip Górski, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Management, Poznan University of Technology,

  E-mail: filip.gorski@put.poznan.pl

      Dr. Dragoș Daniel Iordache, Researcher ICI Bucharest,

       Dragoș Daniel IORDACHE is a scientific researcher 2nd
    degree in the "Systems and Applications for Society" department
    of ICI Bucharest and university lecturer at the Faculty of
    Psychology and Educational Sciences from University of
    Bucharest. He received the PhD degree in Science of Education
    from the University of Bucharest in 2012. His research interests
    include: virtual learning environments, augmented reality,
    usability and pedagogical evaluation of e-Learning systems, user
    testing and heuristic evaluation of interactive systems.

      E-mail: dragos.iordache@ici.ro

       Prof. M.-Carmen Juan has a Ph.D. in Computer Science
    (2000) from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). She
    has been a professor at the UPV since 1996 and a Full Professor
    since 2014. Her areas of interest include: computer graphics,
    virtual and augmented reality, advanced user interfaces and their
    applications to psychology, medicine, and education-

      WWW: http://personales.upv.es/mjuanli/
      E-mail: mcarmen@dsic.upv.es

       Dr. Gábor Kiss, PhD, Associate Professor at Department of
    Informatics, J. Selye University, Slovakia

      E-mail: kissga@ujs.sk

      Prof. Arnold Kiv, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer
    Sheva, Israel

       Arnold Kiv received the D. Sc. (Dr. Hab.) degree in solid state
    physics from Tartu Institute of Physics, in 1978. From 1964 to
    1982, he was a Senior Researcher and a Head of the Laboratory
    of Radiation Effects, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of
    Sciences, Uzbekistan. From 1983 to 1998, he was a Head of the
    Department of Theoretical Physics, South-Ukrainian National

Pedagogical University. In 1997 he was an Invited Professor,
Western Ontario University, Canada. From 1999 to the present,
he is a Professor-Researcher in the Department of Materials
Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. In 1996
and 2011 he was co-Director of NATO Advanced research
Workshops and an Editor of two NATO Series books. He has
about 300 publications, three monographs and three Invention
Certificates in the field of radiation effects in solid state
electronics. His research interests include mechanisms of
formation of radiation defects in solids, radiation methods in
microelectronics, computer simulation in natural and
humanitarian sciences.

  WWW: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Arik_Kiv

  Prof. Hennadiy Kravtsov, PhD, Head of Department,
Associate Professor of Chair of Informatics, Software
Engineering and Economic Cybernetics, Kherson State
University, Ukraine

   WWW: http://www.kspu.edu/About/Faculty/FPhysMathemIn

  Dr. Lukáš Pichl, Senior Associate Professor of Information
Science, Department of Natural Sciences, International Christian
University, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan

   Lukáš Pichl, born in 1974, received his Ph.D. from the
Graduate University of Advanced Studies in 2000. Since 2001 he
taught computer science in the University of Aizu, before joining
the International Christian University in 2005. His current field of
specialization is time series analysis and machine learning
algorithms for the analysis of economic data including
cryptocurrencies. Dr. Pichl has published a number of papers in
international journals; he is a member of ACM and IEEE
Computer Society, and currently serves as an associate editor of
the Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (Springer).

  E-mail: lukas@icu.ac.jp

  Dr. Nina Rizun, PhD, assistant professor at the Faculty of
Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology,

       In October 1999 she obtained a PhD degree in technical
    sciences in the Faculty of Enterprise Economy and Production
    Organization, National Mining Academy, Dnipropetrovsk,
    Ukraine. PhD thesis title: Development of Complex Subsystem of
    the Organization and Planning of Mining and Transport
    Processes. In the years 1993-2000 she worked at the Department
    of Computer Science in the Metallurgical Academy, Dnipro,
    Ukraine. In the years 2000-2016 - at the Department of Economic
    Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods at the Alfred Nobel
    University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Since 2016, she has been working at
    the Department of Informatics in Management at the Faculty of
    Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of
    Technology. Research Interests: Semantic analysis of the text in
    the natural language, Structuring and classification of web
    content, Decision-making logic modelling.

      WWW: http://pg.edu.pl/ninrizun
      E-mail: ninrizun@pg.edu.pl

       Dr. Mariya Shyshkina, Head of Department of Cloud-based
    Systems for Education Informatization of the Institute of
    Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National
    Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

       Mariya Shyshkina, born in 1969, received a Candidate of
    Philosophical Sciences degree (PhD, Philosophy) from the
    Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of
    Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1999, and a Doctor of Educational
    Sciences degree (Dr. habil.) from the Institute of Information
    Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of
    Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. Since
    1999, she has been working in the field of information and
    communication technologies for education at the Institute of
    Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of
    Ukraine where she is currently a chief of a department. Her
    research interests include philosophy of education, ICT for
    learning and research. She has published a number of papers in
    international journals and volumes in book series, is a member of
    editorial board of Information Technologies and Learning Tools

        WWW: http://iitlt.gov.ua/eng/structure/departments/cloud/det
        E-mail: shyshkina@iitlt.gov.ua

                     Dr. Kateryna Vlasenko, Professor of Mathematics, Head of
                  the Mathematics and Modeling Department, Donbas State
                  Engineering Academy, Kramatorsk, Ukraine

                     Kateryna Vlasenko, born in 1966, received a Candidate of
                  Pedagogical Sciences degree (PhD) from the National
                  Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine, in 2004, and a
                  Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences degree (D.Sc. in Educational
                  Science) from the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of
                  Cherkasy, in 2011. Since 2008, she has been working in the field
                  of mathematical and pedagogical modeling at Donbas State
                  Engineering Academy, where she is currently head of the
                  Mathematics and Modeling Department. Her research interests
                  include the issues of mathematics education. She has published a
                  number of papers in international journals and volumes in book
                  series, is a member of editorial boards of Innovative Solutions in
                  Modern Science, Topical Issues of Natural and Mathematical
                  Education Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.

                     WWW: http://formathematics.com/
                     E-mail: vlasenkokv@ukr.net

2.2   Additional reviewers

                     Dr. Olga Bondarenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
                   Associate Professor, Department of Economic and Social
                   Geography and Methods of Teaching, Kryvyi Rih State
                   Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

                      Olga Bondarenko, born in 1979, in 2001 graduated with
                   honors from the geographical faculty of Krivoy Rog State
                   Pedagogical University, majoring in “Pedagogy and
                   Methodology of Secondary Education. Geography and Biology”,
                   acquired Bachelor Degree. In 2002 she received a Master Degree
                   with honors in the major “Pedagogy and Methodology of
                   Secondary Education. Geography”, qualified as a teacher of
                   geography. In 2009, she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis
                   at the Republican Higher Educational Institution “Crimean
                   Humanities University” (Yalta) and received a Ph.D. in
                   Pedagogical Sciences. Since 2005 he has been working at Kryvyi
                   Rih State Pedagogical University. Author of a number of
                   scientific publications on vocational education, training of future
                   teachers for pedagogical activity. Her research interests include

    teacher training, the use of ICTs and GIS technologies in the
    educational process.

      WWW: https://kdpu.edu.ua/personal/ovbondarenko.html
      E-mail: bondarenko.olga@kdpu.edu.ua

       Dr. Roman Danel, researcher at Department of Mechanical
    Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Institute of Technology and
    Businesses (VŠTE) in České Budějovice, Czechia and assistant
    at Department of Applied Informatics, Faculty of Economics,
    VŠB-Technical university of Ostrava, Czechia.

       Roman Danel, born in 1967, spent 18 years in commercial
    practice in the field of IT / ICT, where he worked as an analyst,
    senior programmer, database and system administrator, project
    manager in information systems development, branch manager
    and for 4 years ran his own company specializing in SW supplies
    for industrial systems. He has been working at the university
    since 2009, in 2012-2017 he was the head of the automation
    department at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, VŠB-
    Technical university of Ostrava. Since 2012, he has also been
    lecturing at University of Economy Bydgoszcz (WSG), Poland.
    His research interests include information systems and automatic
    control in industry, databases, software engineering and business
    information systems.

      E-mail: danel@rdanel.cz

       Prof. Vita Hamaniuk, Doctor of science (pedagogical
    sciences), professor of the Department of German, Literature and
    Didactics, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih,

       Vita Hamaniuk, born in 1965, Education – Dnipropetrovsk
    State University (1988), received a Candidate of Pedagogical
    Sciences degree (Ph.D.) from the Charkiv National Pedagogical
    Skovoroda University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, in 1995, a Doctor of
    Sciences degree from East-Ukrainian National Wolodymyr Dahl
    University, Lugansk, Ukraine, in 2013. Since 2002 has been
    working at the Department of German, Literature and didactics
    at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University where she is
    currently professor. Her research interests include foreign
    languages teaching and learning, didactics of multilingualism, e-
    learning, blended learning, comparative researches in Education.
    She has published a number of papers in Ukrainian and

international journals, actively participates in international
conferences and projects.

  WWW: https://kdpu.edu.ua/personal/vagamanuk.html
  E-mail: vitana65@gmail.com

  Hamraz Javaheri, M.Sc., German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

  Research interests: Augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence,
General surgery, Education, Wearables

   WWW:                    https://www.dfki.de/en/web/about-
   E-mail: Hamraz.Javaheri@dfki.de

  Dr. Christos Kaltsidis, ICT Teacher, PhD Candidate at
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.

   He is an ICT teacher in secondary education since 2003. He
has studied Computer Science at the TEI of Thessaloniki and has
a master's degree in Adult Education from the Hellenic Open
University. He is a PhD candidate at the Department of
Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Democritus University of
Thrace and his research interests include the adaption of virtual
reality in education, university pedagogy, and distance education.
He actively participates in actions for Safer Internet usage by
students and parents and he is passionate about developing online

  WWW: http://utopia.duth.gr/ckaltsid
  E-mail: ckaltsid@mbg.duth.gr

  Dr. Oleksandr Kolgatin, Professor of Information System
Chair, Department of Economic Informatics, Simon Kuznets
Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine

   Oleksandr Kolgatin received a Candidate of Technical
Sciences degree (Ph.D.) from the Low Temperature Physics and
Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in
1995 and a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences degree from the
Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in 2011.
His research interests include computational modelling,
information and communication technologies in education, and

     pedagogical diagnostics. He has published a number of papers in
     Ukrainian and international journals, is a member of editorial
     boards of Journal of Information Technologies in Education and
     an associate editor of Information Technologies and Learning

       WWW: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8423-2359

       Assoc. Prof. Yaroslav Krainyk, Head of Computer
     Engineering Department, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National
     University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

        Yaroslav Krainyk, born in 1990, received a Ph.D. degree in
     Computer Systems and Components from Petro Mohyla Black
     Sea State University, Ukraine, in 2016. His research interests
     include computer systems and their applications, embedded
     systems, reconfigurable computing, FPGA. Since 2016, he has
     been a member of Computer Engineering Department as a senior
     lecturer, doctoral student, and associate professor. In 2019, he
     became a head of Computer Engineering Department. He has
     participated in the reviewing of papers published by Elsevier,
     IEEE, and Springer. He is a section editor in Computer Science
     &            Engineering           Journal           (https://cse-

       WWW: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7924-3878
       E-mail: yaroslav.krainyk@chmnu.edu.ua

       Dr. Volodymyr Kukharenko, Professor of Technical
     Cryophisics Department, National Technical University
     “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

        Volodymyr Kukharenko, born in 1947, received a Candidate
     of Technical Sciences degree from Physical Technic Institute of
     Low Temperature National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
     Since 1976, he has been working in the field of low temperature
     at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic
     Institute”, where he is professor of Technical Cryophysics
     Department and academician of International Academy of
     Refrigeration UD. His research interests include distance
     learning. He has published a number of papers in international
     journals and six books from creating distance courses, about
     tutor, blended learning.

       WWW: https://dl.khpi.edu.ua

  E-mail: kukharenkovn@gmail.com

  Dr. Svitlana Lytvynova, Head of the Open Learning
Environment Technology Department, Institute of Information
Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of
Education Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

   Svitlana Lytvynova, born in 1964, in 2011 received a degree
of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.) at the Institute of
Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National
Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine. In 2017, received a
degree of Doctorate of Pedagogical Sciences at the Institute of
Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National
Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine. Since 2004, she has
been working on the development, implementation and use of
information and communication technologies in educational
practice. Her research interests include improving the quality of
the educational environment of educational institutions and the
continuous development of educators. She is a MIE Expert
Microsoft Education. She has published a number of articles in
international scientific journals and book series volumes, is a
member of the editorial boards of the journal “Information
Technologies and Teaching Tools” (Web of Science) and the
professional publication “Computer at School and Family”.

  WWW: https://www.facebook.com/slytvynova
  E-mail: s.h.lytvynova@gmail.com

  Ph. D. Iryna Mintii, Associate Professor of Computer
Science, Department of Computer Science and Applied
Mathematics, Kryvyi Rih State Pedadogical University, Kryvyi
Rih, Ukraine.

  Iryna Mintii, born in 1983, received a Candidate of
Pedagogical Sciences degree (Ph. D.) from the National
Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine, in 2013.
Her research interests include ICT in education. She has
published a number of papers in international journals.

  WWW: https://kdpu.edu.ua/personal/ismintii.html
  E-mail: irina.mintiy@kdpu.edu.ua

  Dr. Andrii Morozov, Candidate of Technical Sciences
(Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

        Andrii Morozov, born in 1985, received a Candidate of
     Technical Sciences degree (Dr. phil.). From 2006 he works at the
     Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University as an assistant, associate
     professor, head of department, dean of the faculty, vice-rector for
     scientific and pedagogical work. His research interests include
     transport logistics, discrete optimization, information and
     communication technologies in education. He has published a
     number of papers in international journals and volumes in book
     series, is a member of editorial boards of scientific professional
     edition of Ukraine “Technical Engineering”.

       WWW: https://www.facebook.com/morozov.andriy
       E-mail: morozov@ztu.edu.ua

        Ranesh Kumar Naha, is a casual academic staff member at
     the University of Tasmania, Australia. He is currently pursuing
     his Ph.D. studies on reliable resource allocation and scheduling
     in the Fog computing environment with the same university.

        Ranesh Kumar Naha has been awarded a Tasmania Graduate
     Research Scholarship (TGRS) to support his Ph.D. studies. He
     received his Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree from Universiti
     Putra Malaysia, in 2015. He has been awarded a prestigious
     Commonwealth Scholarship provided by the Ministry of Higher
     Education, Malaysia. His research interests include wired and
     wireless networks, parallel and distributed computing, security,
     Blockchain, Cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and
     Fog/Edge computing.

       E-mail: raneshkumar.naha@utas.edu.au

        Dr. Pavlo Nechypurenko, Assistant Professor of Department
     of Chemistry and Methods of its Teaching, Kryvyi Rih State
     Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

        Pavlo Nechypurenko, born in 1981, received a Magister of
     Teaching of Chemistry from Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical
     University, Ukraine, in 2004, and a Candidate of Pedagogical
     Sciences degree (Dr. phil.) from the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko
     National University, Ukraine, in 2017. Since 2004, he has been
     working in the field of analytical chemistry and method of
     solving chemical problems at the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical
     University. His research interests include using of ICT on
     Chemistry education, Analytical Chemistry, Technique of

chemical experiment. He has published a number of papers in
Ukrainian and international journals and developed a series of
virtual laboratory work to teaching chemistry.

  E-mail: acinonyxleo@gmail.com, acinonyxleo@kdpu.edu.ua

   Dr. Yulia Nosenko, Leading Researcher, Department of
Cloud-Oriented Systems of Education Informatization, Institute
of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of
Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

   Yulia Nosenko, born in 1984, received a Candidate of
Pedagogical Sciences degree (Dr. phil.) in 2011. In 2010-2015
worked at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (part
time). Since 2010 has been working at the Institute of
Information Technologies and Learning Tools of National
Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, where she is
currently leading researcher. Her research interests relates to
implementation and use of cloud services in education, formation
and development of educators’ digital competence, use of ICT as
a tool for supporting inclusive learning. She has published over
70 scientific papers, including articles in international journals,
is a member of editorial board of peer-reviewed e-journal
“Information Technologies and Learning Tools”.

  WWW: http://iitlt.gov.ua/structure/departments/cloud/detail.
  E-mail: nosenko@iitlt.gov.ua

   Dr. Vasyl Oleksiuk, PhD (pedagogical sciences), associate
professor of the Department of Computer Science and Teaching
Techniques, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical
University, Ternopil, Ukraine

   Vasyl Oleksiuk, born in 1980, received a Candidate of
Pedagogical Sciences degree (Dr. phil.) from the National
Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine, in 2007. Since 2003, he
has been working Department of Computer Science and
Teaching Techniques at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National
Pedagogical University, where he is currently associate
professor. His research interests include computer networks,
cloud computing, e-learning, electronic libraries. He has
published a number of papers in Ukrainian and international
journals, is a member of editorial boards of the journals
Information Technologies and Learning Tools (Institute of

     Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of
     Ukraine) and The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr
     Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Series: pedagogy).

       WWW: http://kafinf.tnpu.edu.ua/en/teachers/oleksuk_v-p/#
       E-mail: oleksyuk@fizmat.tnpu.edu.ua

       Dr. Kateryna Osadcha, Full Professor, Department of
     Computer Science and Cybernetics, Bogdan Khmelnitsky
     Melitopol state pedagogical university, Melitopol, Ukraine

        Kateryna Osadcha, born in 1977, received a Doctor of
     Pedagogical Sciences (DSc in Education) from the Classic
     Private University, Ukraine, in 2020. Since 2011, she has been
     working as an professor of the Department of Computer Science
     and Cybernetics at the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state
     pedagogical university.
        Her research interests include: computer science, network
     technology, programming, ICT, e-learning, engineering
     education, educational technology, tutoring. She is author of
     about a hundred scientific works, including textbooks,
     monographs, author's certificates. She is a member of editorial
     boards of “Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and
     Information Technology” (Ukraine), “International Conference
     on Higher Education Advances” (Spain), “Transactions of
     Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University”
     (Ukraine), “Professional Education: Methodology, Theory and
     Technologies” (Ukraine).

       WWW: https://www.facebook.com/kosadca
       E-mail: okp@mdpu.org.ua

       Dr. Viacheslav Osadchyi, Professor of Department of
     Computer Science and Cybernetics, Bogdan Khmelnitsky
     Melitopol state pedagogical university, Melitopol, Ukraine

        Viacheslav Osadchyi, born in 1975, received a Candidate of
     Pedagogical Sciences (PhD in Education) from the Vinnytsia
     State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo
     Kotsiubynsky, Ukraine, in 2006, and a Doctor of Pedagogical
     Sciences from the Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named
     after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Ukraine, in 2013.
        Since 1999, he has been working in the field of information
     technology and vocational education at the Bogdan Khmelnitsky

Melitopol state pedagogical university. Now – Head of the
Department of Computer Science.
   His research interests include: computer science, information
networks, ICT, programming, software development,
information systems, data science. He has published a number of
papers in international journals.
   He is a member of editorial boards of “Ukrainian Journal of
Educational Studies and Information Technology” (Ukraine),
“International Conference on Higher Education Advances”
(Spain), “Transactions of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi
National University” (Ukraine), “Information Technologies and
Learning Tools” (Ukraine), “Scientific papers of Berdyansk State
Pedagogical University Series: Pedagogical sciences” (Ukraine).

  WWW: http://osadchyi.mdpu.org.ua/
  E-mail: poliform55@gmail.com

   Dr. Liubov Panchenko, Professor at the Department of
Sociology, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine

   Liubov Panchenko was awarded a Candidate of Pedagogical
Sciences degree (Dr. phil.) from H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv
National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1995, and
a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences degree (Dr. habil.) from the
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, in 2012. Since
1993, she has been working in the field of information and
communication technology in education. Since 2016 she has
been a Professor at the Department of Sociology, National
Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute”. Her research interests include information
and communication technology in education, university’s
educational environment, MOOCs, data analysis and
multivariate methods in scientific research, digital storytelling,
adult education. She has published a number of papers and text
books (“Computer data analysis”, “Data analysis practicum”)
and is an editorial board member of the Ukrainian journals
“Information Technologies and Learning Tools” (associated
editor), “e-Environment of Modern University”, and
“Humanization of the educational process”.

  WWW: http://www.sociology.kpi.ua/en/faculty-2
  E-mail: lubov.felixovna@gmail.com

        Dr. Olga Pinchuk, Deputy Director for Scientific
     Experimental Work, Leading Researcher. PhD (in Pedagogics),
     Senior Researcher in the field of information and communication
     technologies in education, Institute of Information Technologies
     and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine

        Education: М.P. Drahomanov Kyiv State Pedagogical
     Institute in specialties of Mathematics, Computer Science and
     Computer Engineering teacher. Currently the experience in
     teaching is 25 years. Since 2005 I work in the Institute of
     Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of
     Ukraine. I worked on the implementation of the tasks of the
     scientific research works “Scientific and methodological
     foundations use of computer oriented tools in teaching natural
     and mathematical subjects in profile School”, “Scientific and
     methodological principles of organization of distance learning
     environment in secondary schools”, “Methodology of design
     network resource centers of distance education of secondary
     schools”, “Formation of information and educational
     environment for learning high school students through
     technology electronic social networks” (Head of Scientific
     Research). I have more than 80 published scientific works, the
     author of collective monographs, manuals. I also obtain the post
     of co-editors-in-chief of “Information Technologies and
     Learning Tools”, a bimonthly peer-reviewed e-journal in
     educational sphere, publishing full-text articles online with
     immediate open-access.

       WWW: http://iitlt.gov.ua/
       E-mail: opinchuk@iitlt.gov.ua

        Dr. Oleg Pursky, Professor of Computer Science and
     Information Systems, Head of Department of Computer Science
     and Information Systems, Kyiv National University of Trade and
     Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

        Oleg Pursky, born in 1967, received a Candidate of Sciences
     in Physics and Mathematics degree (Dr. phil.) from the Institute
     for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National
     Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 2001, and a Doctor of
     Sciences in Physics and Mathematics degree (Dr. habil.) from the
     Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, in
     2010. His research interests include informational systems
     development, computer simulation and modeling of socio-
     economic systems. He has published a number of papers in

international journals, monographs and volumes in book series,
is a member of editorial board of International Journal of
Economic Theory and Application, reviewer of scientific
journals International Journal of Modern Physics (B) and Heat
Transfer and certified Data Science & Machine Learning
specialist. He is a member of Scientific Council section of
Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science on the specialty
“Informatics and Cybernetics”. Currently, he is working as a
Head of Department of Computer Science and Information
Systems, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.

  WWW: https://knute.edu.ua/blog/read/?pid=12695&uk
  E-mail: Pursky_O@ukr.net

  Dr. Natalya Rashevska, PhD, Kryvyi Rih National
University, Ukraine

  Dr. Serhiy Semerikov, Professor of Computer Science and
Educational technology, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine

   Serhiy Semerikov had studied Mathematics and Computer
Science at Kryviy Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine in
1993-1998. He has obtained an MA Diploma in Mathematics and
Computer Science and MS Diploma in Mathematics at Kryviy
Rih State Pedagogical University in 1998 (cum laude). In 2001
he was awarded a PhD degree in Computer Science Education at
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. In 2002
he received his habilitation as the Docent (Assoc. Prof.) at the
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of
Kryviy Rih State Pedagogical University. In 2009 he was
awarded a DrSc degree in Computer Science Education at
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. In 2011
he received his habilitation as the Professor (Full Prof.) at the
Department of Fundamental Disciplines of National
Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.

        From July till September 1998 Mr. Semerikov worked as a
     head of Research Laboratory of Department of Computer
     Science and Applied Mathematics at Kryviy Rih State
     Pedagogical University. From September 1999 till now he works
     at Kryviy Rih State Pedagogical University at various positions:
     Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Head of Department,
     Full Professor. In 2010-2016 he was affiliated as a visiting
     professor at National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and
     Kryviy Rih National University.
        Since 1997 he took and is taking part as a researcher, senior
     researcher, principal researcher in many research and RTD
     projects funded by Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science,
     International Renaissance Foundation, Kryviy Rih National
     University. Since 2010 he works at the Institute of Information
     Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine,
     Ukraine at the research positions.
        Since 1999 Dr. Semerikov teaches undergraduate and
     graduate courses in Computer Modelling, Operating Systems,
     Architectures of Computer Systems, System Programming,
     Econometry, Data Compression Techniques, Programming
     Theory, Artificial Intelligence, the Machine Learning and Pattern
     Recognition, Quantum Programming, ICT in Education,
     Advances in ICT, the Software Engineering and Programming
     Technologies, Functional Programming. He supervised over 100
     successfully accomplished master theses and 11 PhDs. He has
     also been the member of about 50 PhD Committees.
        Dr. Semerikov has published over 300 papers as journal
     articles, book chapters, refereed conference and workshop
     contributions. He also co-edited or (co-)authored several
     proceedings volumes and textbooks. He serves as a member of
     Editorial Advisory Boards, Editorial Review Boards of
     international journals, a program committee member of many
     international conferences and workshops.
        Dr. Semerikov is the founder and the co-head of the Joint
     Laboratory on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE) at Kryvyi
     Rih National University.

       WWW: https://kdpu.edu.ua/semerikov/
       E-mail: semerikov@gmail.com

       Dr. Yevhenii Shapovalov, a researcher at Junior Academy of
     Science of Ukraine, Chief Specialist at Ministry of Digital
     Transformation of Ukraine

    Yevhenii Shapovalov was born in 1992. He defended Ph.D. in
2019 in the field of Biotechnology at the National University of
life and environmental sciences of Ukraine. Since 2014 worked
in the National Academy of Science of Ukraine where he
provided chemical laboratory, work in science in the field of
computer sciences. Science 2020 starts working at the Ministry
of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. He was a participant of 3
international Jean Monnet projects related to implementing
European standards in Educational programs on Environmental
Sciences and Sustainable development.

    WWW: http://www.nas.gov.ua/UA/PersonalSite/Pages/defau
    E-mail: sjb@man.gov.ua

  Dr. Andrii Striuk, Ph.D., Head of Simulation and Software
Engineering department of Kryvyi Rih National University,
Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

   Andrii Striuk, born in 1979. In 2000 he graduated from the
Kryvyi Rih Technical University with a degree in Automated
Systems Software. In 2001, he received a master's degree in
computer science. Has been working at the Department of
Modeling and Software of Kryvyi Rih National University since
2000. Combines educational activities with practical, developing
and implementing educational software products. In 2011 he
defended his Ph.D. thesis. From 2014 to 2017 he is studying at
the doctoral program in Institute of Information Technologies
and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). In
2017, he was awarded the Prize of the President of Ukraine for
young scientists. Heads the Simulation and Software Engineering
department of Kryvyi Rih National University since 2018. Field
of scientific interest: professional training of software engineers,
mobile learning technologies, the use of augmented reality
technologies in education.

  WWW: http://mpz.knu.edu.ua/pro-kafedru/vikladachi/224-
  E-mail: andrii.striuk@knu.edu.ua

  Dr. Tetiana Vakaliuk, professor of the department of
Software Engineering, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University,
Zhytomyr, Ukraine

         Tetiana Vakaliuk, born in 1983, received a Candidate of
     Pedagogical Sciences degree from the National Pedagogical
     Dragomanov University, Ukraine, in 2013, and a Doctor of
     Pedagogical Sciences degree from the Institute of Information
     Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of
     Sciences of Ukraine, in 2019. Since 2019, she has been working
     in the field of information technologies at the Zhytomyr
     Polytechnic State University. Her research interests include
     information technologies, ICT in Education, Cloud technologies.
     She has published a number of papers in international journals,
     is a member of editorial boards of Information Technologies and
     Learning Tools, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal:
     Рedagogical Sciences, Collection of Scientific Papers of Uman
     State Pedagogical University.

       www: https://sites.google.com/view/neota
       e-mail: tetianavakaliuk@gmail.com

       Dr. Nataliia Valko, Ph.D. of Physics and Mathematic
     Sciences, D.Sc. in Education, Department of Informatics,
     Software Engineering and Economic Cybernetics, Kherson State
     University, Kherson, Ukraine

        Nataliia Valko has extensive experience in teachers’ education
     via modern teaching technologies, blended learning, STEM-
     education. Her teaching experience in University is over 20
     years. She is one of the organizers of the STEM school of KSU.
     She has management skills in the field of teacher training,
     planning educational activities, creating distance learning
     courses on the Moodle platform. She manages students design
     work to create models of robotic systems. Effectively applies
     innovative teaching methods for future teachers of natural-
     mathematical disciplines using robotics and their preparation for
     using STEM-technologies in teaching. She actively studies
     innovative teaching methods, methods of project activity. She
     has published a number of papers of different kinds (including
     books, articles in scientific international journals, conference
     proceedings etc.), is a member of editorial boards of Journal of
     Information Technologies in Education (ITE).

        WWW: http://www.kspu.edu/About/Faculty/FPhysMathemI
        E-mail: valko@ksu.ks.ua

                        Dr. Nataliia Veretennikova, Ph.D., candidate of social
                      communication, assistant of the Department of Information
                      Systems and Networks, Lviv Polytechnic National University,
                      Lviv, Ukraine

                         Nataliia Veretennikova, born in 1990, received Ph.D. degree
                      from Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in 2017. She is a
                      winner of the President's Award for Young Scientists in 2019 and
                      a winner of the Regional Prize for Young Scientists and
                      Researchers for Scientific Achievements that Contribute to
                      Social and Economic Transformation in the Region and Affirm
                      the High Authority of Lviv Region Scholars in Ukraine and in
                      the World. Her scientific research relates to the field of electronic
                      science, linguistic support and social communications.
                         She is an author of several papers in domestic and
                      international journals as well as volumes. She is a member of
                      editorial boards and joins in Programme and Organizing
                      committees of international conferences or workshops.

                         E-mail: nataver19@gmail.com

                        Dr. Yuliia Yechkalo, Associate professor, Department of
                      Physics, Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine

                         Yuliia Yechkalo, born in 1981, received a Candidate of
                      Pedagogical Sciences degree from the Kirovograd State
                      Vladimira Vinnichenka Pedagogical University, Ukraine, in
                      2013. Since 2005, she has been working at the National
                      Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. She has been working at the
                      Kryvyi Rih National University since 2012. Her research
                      interests include theory and methods of education (physics) and
                      information and communication technologies in education.

                         E-mail: uliaechk@gmail.com

3      Session 1: Augmented reality in science education

Elena V. Komarova and Arnold E. Kiv in the article “Alternatives in biological
education as a way to implement an ethical approach to the formation of subject and
professional competence of future teachers” [24] (fig. 1) analyzes the experience of
using alternative means of teaching biological disciplines, the purpose of which is to
partially or completely replace biological objects in educational practice with their
visualized copies. The quantitative results obtained make it possible to judge the effect
of the applied alternatives on the degree of formation of subject competence of students.

Assessing students' understanding of the ethics of alternative means used, their
importance in the formation of elements of teacher's professional competence lies in
the area of further development of the topic, begun in [23] and [25].

                             Fig. 1. Presentation of paper [24].

Zhanna I. Bilyk, Yevhenii B. Shapovalov, Viktor B. Shapovalov, Anna P. Megalinska,
Fabian Andruszkiewicz and Agnieszka Dołhańczuk-Śródka in the article “Assessment
of mobile phone applications feasibility on plant recognition: comparison with Google
Lens” [4] (fig. 2) highlights further research, begun in [61], [62] and [63]. The article
is devoted to systemizing all mobile applications used during the STEM-classes and
can be used to identify plants. There are 10 mobile applications that are plant identifiers
worldwide. These applications can be divided into three groups, such as plant identifiers
that can analyze photos, plant classification provides the possibility to identify plants
manually, plants-care apps that remind water of the plant, or change the soil. In this
work, mobile apps such as Flora Incognita, PlantNet, PlantSnap, PictureThis,
LeafSnap, Seek, PlantNet were analyzed for usability parameters and accuracy of
identification. To provide usability analysis, a survey of experts of digital education on
installation simplicity, level of friendliness of the interface, and correctness of picture
processing. It is proved that Flora Incognita and PlantNet are the most usable and the
most informative interface from plant identification apps. However, they were
characterized by significantly lower accuracy compared to Google Lens results. Further
comparison of the usability of applications that have been tested in the article with
Google Lens, proves that Google Lens characterize by better usability and therefore,
Google Lens is the most recommended app to use to provide plant identification during
biology classes.
   Natalya V. Rashevska, Serhiy O. Semerikov, Natalya O. Zinonos, Viktoriia V.
Tkachuk and Mariya P. Shyshkina in the article “Using augmented reality tools in the
teaching of two-dimensional plane geometry” [57] (fig. 3) highlights further research,
begun in [58], [64], [68], [75], [79] and [81]. This study aimed to analyze mobile tools
that can be used to visualize teaching geometry. The use of augmented reality tools in
the geometry lessons creates precisely such conditions for positive emotional

interaction between the student and the teacher. It also provided support to reduce fear
and anxiety attitudes towards geometry classes. The emotional component of learning
creates the conditions for better memorization of the educational material, promotes
their mathematical interest, realizes their creative potential, creates the conditions for
finding different ways of solving geometric problems.

                             Fig. 2. Presentation of paper [4].

                             Fig. 3. Presentation of paper [57].

Vasyl P. Oleksiuk and Olesia R. Oleksiuk in the article “Exploring the potential of
augmented reality for teaching school computer science” [43] (fig. 4) explored the
possibilities of using augmented reality in education. They identified means of
augmented reality for teaching computer science at school. Such programs and services
allow students to observe the operation of computer systems when changing their
parameters. Students can also modify computer hardware for augmented reality objects

and visualize algorithms and data processes. The article describes the content of author
training for practicing teachers. At this event, some applications for training in AR
technology were considered. The possibilities of working with augmented reality
objects in computer science training are singled out. It is shown that the use of
augmented reality provides an opportunity to increase the realism of research; provides
emotional and cognitive experience. This all contributes to engaging students in
systematic learning; creates new opportunities for collaborative learning, develops new
representations of real objects.

                            Fig. 4. Presentation of paper [43].

4      Session 2: Augmented reality in professional training and

The article “Methodological aspects of using augmented reality for improvement of the
health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher” [22] (fig. 5) of Oksana
V. Klochko, Vasyl M. Fedorets, Aleksandr D. Uchitel and Vitaliy V. Hnatyuk deals
with the results of the research aimed at the improvement of methodology of use of
augmented reality for the development of health preserving competence of a Physical
Education teacher under conditions of post-graduate education. From the point of
Umwelt phenomenology, augmented reality is characterized by correspondence to
nature, its cognitive, metaphoric, diverse, interactive, anthropomorphic nature. The
article analyzes the vectors of using augmented reality in the professional activity of a
Physical Education teacher, particularly the one that is aimed at health preservation.
The software that may be used with this purpose has been described. The attitude of
Physical Education teachers to the use of the augmented reality for preserving their
students’ health and development of their motion skills, intellect and creativity was
determined in the research. The results of the survey show that the majority of teachers
positively react to the idea of using augmented reality in their professional activity.

However, in some cases, not a fully formed understanding of this issue was observed.
The ways of solving the stated problem could be the inclusion of augmented
technologies’ techniques into the process of post-graduate education, taking into
consideration the anthropological, ethical, cultural contexts as well as teacher
involvement in the stated process.

                            Fig. 5. Presentation of paper [22].

   Rostyslav O. Tarasenko, Svitlana M. Amelina, Yuliya M. Kazhan and Olga V.
Bondarenko in the article “The use of AR elements in the study of foreign languages at
the university” [74] (fig. 6) highlights further research by the authors, begun in [1],
[15], [70], [71], [72] and [73]. The article deals with the analysis of the impact of the
using AR technology in the study of a foreign language by university students. It is
stated out that AR technology can be a good tool for learning a foreign language. The
use of elements of AR in the course of studying a foreign language, in particular in the
form of virtual excursions, is proposed. Advantages of using AR technology in the
study of the German language are identified, namely: the possibility of involvement of
different channels of information perception, the integrity of the representation of the
studied object, the faster and better memorization of new vocabulary, the development
of communicative foreign language skills. The ease and accessibility of using QR codes
to obtain information about the object of study from open Internet sources is shown.
The results of a survey of students after virtual tours are presented. A reorientation of
methodological support for the study of a foreign language at universities is proposed.
Attention is drawn to the use of AR elements in order to support students with different
learning styles (audio, visual, kinesthetic).
   The article “Methodology of using mobile apps with augmented reality in students'
vocational preparation process for transport industry” [32] (fig. 7) highlights further
research by Olena O. Lavrentieva, Ihor O. Arkhypov, Oleksandr P. Krupskуi, Denys
O. Velykodnyi and Sergiy V. Filatov, begun in [14], [33] and [51]. In the article the
current state and trends of use AR technologies in transport industry and in a future
specialists' vocational training process have been reviewed and analyzed. The essence
and content of the AR technologies relevant to transport industry have been clarified.
The main directions of the AR introduction for the various spheres of transport industry

including design and tuning, mechanical and automotive engineering, marketing and
advertising, maintenance and operation, diagnostics and repair of cars have been
determined. The AR mobile apps market and the features of the mobile apps with AR
have been outlined. The pedagogical terms of effective organizing the students'
cognitive activity for transport industry via AR technologies have been determined and
researched, namely: to provide each student with the position of an active actor of study
and cognitive activity, to switch the study information in a mode of the project activity,
the educational content professionalization and to teach students to use the modern ICT
purposefully, to manage students' cognitive process by means of ICT. The methodology
of using mobile apps with AR in students' vocational preparation process for transport
industry has been presented. It covers the system of educational tasks, updated content
of lectures, practical and laboratory classes for specialized disciplines.

                             Fig. 6. Presentation of paper [74].

                             Fig. 7. Presentation of paper [32].

5      Session 3: Design and implementation of augmented reality
       learning environments

The article “New effective aid for teaching technology subjects: 3D spherical
panoramas joined with virtual reality” [2] (fig. 8) highlights further research by Igor V.
Barkatov, Volodymyr S. Farafonov, Valeriy O. Tiurin, Serhiy S. Honcharuk, Vitaliy I.
Barkatov and Hennadiy M. Kravtsov, begun in [13] and [29]. The article raises the
problem of extending the range of available teaching aids for vehicle-related subjects.
Benefiting from the modern information and visualization technologies, authors present
a new teaching aid that constitutes a spherical (360° or 3D) photographic panorama and
a Virtual Reality (VR) device. The nature of the aid, its potential applications,
limitations and benefits in comparison to the common aids are discussed. The proposed
aid is shown to be cost-effective and is proved to increase efficiency of training,
according to the results of a teaching experiment that was carried out. A series of
panoramas, which are already available, and its planned expansions are presented. The
authors conclude that the proposed aid may significantly improve the cost-efficiency
balance of teaching a range of technology subjects.

                             Fig. 8. Presentation of paper [2].

Edgar Iván De la Cruz Vaca, Edgar Roberto Salazar Achig, Jonathan Alexis Romero
López, Adriana Estefanía Tigselema Benavides and Jacson Javier Rodriguez Conde in
the article “Numerical methods for handling robotic arms using augmented reality” [9]
(fig. 9) presents an augmented reality application for mobile devices, as a contribution
to education through a technological learning tool that allows the management of
industrial robotic arms, implementing advanced control algorithms, which allows the
simulation of several selected desired trajectories by the user; and the incorporation of

animations that allow to know its operation and to verify the follow-up of the proposed
trajectory, as well as the visualization of control errors in each trajectory taken. The
application is oriented to the simulation of industrial robotic arms within an intuitive
and friendly augmented reality environment, which allows users a great interaction with
the robot's structure, providing simulation programs with new immersion technologies,
in the educational field. Tests in the augmented reality application demonstrate ease of
use and user intuition, providing a better understanding of the operation and structure
of programmable manipulators.

                             Fig. 9. Presentation of paper [9].

The article “Using a web application to realize the effect of AR in assessing the
environmental impact of emissions source” [80] (fig. 10) of Tetyana I. Zhylenko, Ivan
S. Koziy, Vladyslav S. Bozhenko and Irina A. Shuda describes a software that helps to
show visually how the emissions of a chemical plant are spreading to the surrounding
city. The harmfulness to the city of the cloud into which emissions are converted can
also be calculated by the program. Authors have implemented a number of functions
responsible for emission modeling, taking into account different conditions.
   The article “Development of AR-applications as a promising area of research for
students” [3] (fig. 11) of Vladyslav V. Bilous, Volodymyr V. Proshkin and Oksana S.
Lytvyn substantiates the importance of using augmented reality in the educational
process, in particular, in the study of natural and mathematical disciplines. The essence
of AR, characteristics of AR hardware and software, directions and advantages of using
AR in the educational process are outlined. It has proven that AR is a unique tool that
allows educators to teach the new digital generation in a readable, comprehensible,
memorable and memorable format, which is the basis for developing a strong interest
in learning. Presented the results of the international study on the quality of education
PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) which stimulated the
development of the problem of using AR in mathematics teaching. Within the limits of

realization of research work of students of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University the
AR-application on mathematics is developed. To create it used tools: Android Studio,
SDK, ARCore, QR Generator, Math pattern. A number of markers of mathematical
objects have been developed that correspond to the school mathematics course (topic:
“Polyhedra and Functions, their properties and graphs”). The developed AR tools were
introduced into the process of teaching students of the specialty “Mathematics”.
Prospects of research in development of a technique of training of separate mathematics
themes with use of AR have been defined.

                            Fig. 10. Presentation of paper [80].

                            Fig. 11. Presentation of paper [3].

The article “Development of a model of the solar system in AR and 3D” [12] (fig. 12)
of Valentyna V. Hordiienko, Galyna V. Marchuk, Tetiana A. Vakaliuk and Andrey V.
Pikilnyak highlights further research by the authors, begun in [13], [39], [53] and [81].

In this article, the possibilities of using augmented reality technology are analyzed and
the software model of the solar system model is created. The analysis of the available
software products modeling the solar system is carried out. The developed software
application demonstrates the behavior of solar system objects in detail with augmented
reality technology. In addition to the interactive 3D model, you can explore each planet
visually as well as informatively – by reading the description of each object, its main
characteristics, and interesting facts. The model has two main views: Augmented
Reality and 3D. Real-world object parameters were used to create the 3D models, using
the basic ones – the correct proportions in the size and velocity of the objects and the
shapes and distances between the orbits of the celestial bodies.

                            Fig. 12. Presentation of paper [12].

The article “Augmented reality in process of studying astronomic concepts in primary
school” [37] of Liliia Ya. Midak, Ivan V. Kravets, Olga V. Kuzyshyn, Khrystyna V.
Berladyniuk, Khrystyna V. Buzhdyhan, Liliia V. Baziuk and Aleksandr D. Uchitel
(fig. 13) highlights further research by the authors, begun in [38] and [40]. The
objective of the research is development a mobile application (on the Android platform)
designed for visualization of the Solar System with the AR technology and the alphabet
study, applying the astronomic definitions, which can be used by the teacher and the
students for an effective training for studying the subjects of the astronomic cycle in
primary school. AR cards with the images of the Solar System planets and other
celestial bodies were developed, as well as the “Space alphabet” was created. In the
developed alphabet every letter of the alphabet becomes a certain celestial body or a
different astronomic definition. AR gives the opportunity to visualize images of the
Solar System as much as possible, in other words to convert 2D images into 3D, as well
as “make them alive”. Applying this tool of ICT while studying new data gives the
ability to develop and improve the pupils’ spatial thinking, “to see” the invisible and to
understand the perceived information in a deeper way, which will be beneficial for its
better memorizing and development of computer skills. Studying the alphabet in the
offered mobile app will definitely help nail the achieved knowledge and get interesting
information about celestial bodies that are invisible and superior for kids; to make a

journey into the space, prepare a project on “The Space Mysteries” subject; to stimulate
the development of curiosity, cognitive motivation and learning activity; the
development of imagination, creative initiative, including speaking out.

                            Fig. 13. Presentation of paper [37].

Yulia Yu. Dyulicheva, Yekaterina A. Kosova and Aleksandr D. Uchitel in the article
“The augmented reality portal and hints usage for assisting individuals with autism
spectrum disorder, anxiety and cognitive disorders” [10] (fig. 14) propose to apply the
augmented reality portal as a special tool for the teachers to interact with people at the
moment when a panic attack or anxiety happens in education process. It is expected
that applying the augmented reality portal in education will help students with ASD,
ADHD and anxiety disorder to feel safe at discomfort moment and teachers can interact
with them. Authors’ application with the augmented reality portal has three modes: for
teachers, parents, and users. It gives the ability to organize personalized content for
students with special needs. Authors developed the augmented reality application
aimed at people with cognitive disorders to enrich them with communication skills
through associations understanding. Applying the augmented reality application and
the portal discovers new perspectives for learning children with special needs. The AR
portal creates illusion of transition to another environment. It is very important property
for children with ADHD because they need in breaks at the learning process to change
activity (for example, such children can interact with different 3D models in the
augmented reality modes) or environment. The developed AR portal has been tested by
a volunteer with ASD (male, 21 years old), who confirmed that the AR portal helps him
to reduce anxiety, to feel calm down and relaxed, to switch attention from a problem

                            Fig. 14. Presentation of paper [10].

6      Session 4: Augmented gamification

The article “Features of implementation of modern AR technologies in the process of
psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders”
[46] (fig. 15) highlights further research by Viacheslav V. Osadchyi, Hanna B. Varina,
Kateryna P. Osadcha, Olesia O. Prokofieva, Olha V. Kovalova and Arnold E. Kiv,
begun in [67] and [76]. The article deals with the actual issue of the specificity and
algorithm of the introduction of innovative AR technologies in the process of
psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders
(ASD). An innovative element of theoretical and methodological analysis of the
problem and empirical research is the detection of vectors of a constructive combination
of traditional psycho-correctional and psycho-diagnostic approaches with modern AR
technologies. The analysis of publications on the role and possibilities of using AR
technologies in the process of support children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder)
and inclusive environment was generally conducted by surfing on the Internet platforms
containing the theoretical bases for data publications of scientific journals and patents.
The article also analyzes the priorities and potential outcomes of using AR technologies
in psycho-correction and educational work with autistic children. According to the
results of the analysis of scientific researches, Unified clinical protocol of primary,
secondary (specialized), tertiary (highly specialized) medical care and medical
rehabilitation “Autism spectrum disorders (disorders of general development)”,
approaches for correction, development and education of children with ASD, AR
technologies were selected for further implementation in a comprehensive program of
psychological and pedagogical support for children with ASD. The purpose of the
empirical study is the search, analysis and implementation of multifunctional AR
technologies in the psycho-correctional construct of psychological and pedagogical

support of children with ASD. According to the results of the pilot study, the priorities
and effectiveness of using AR technologies in the development of communicative,
cognitive, emotional-volitional, mnemonic abilities of children and actualization of
adaptive potential and adaptive, socially accepted behaviors are made. The possibilities
and perspectives of using AR technologies as an element of inclusive environment, with
regard to nosology and phenomenology, need further investigation.

                            Fig. 15. Presentation of paper [46].

The article “Augmented reality books: concepts, typology, tools” [49] (fig. 16)
highlights further research by Liubov F. Panchenko, Tetiana A. Vakaliuk and Kateryna
V. Vlasenko, begun in [47] and [48]. In the article the facet classification for augmented
books is proposed; the main facets are: reality-virtuality continuum, type of augmented
materials, device types, type of interaction, spatial space of book, book’s category.
Content for a module of a specialty course about augmented reality books for the system
of professional training and retraining for educators in postgraduate education is
discussed. Some samples of tasks for educators are presented: audio augmented book
about world’s books monuments; analysis augmented reality examples in the textbook
of the New Ukrainian school (subject name, topic, didactic tasks, quality of
implementation, directions of expansion etc.), search and analysis augmented books
according to the professional interests of the educators; discussion how augmented
reality can help to improve student motivation with accent to attention, relevance,
confidence and satisfaction; group work about design and creation a fragment of own
textbook with augmented reality.
   Liudmyla L. Nezhyva, Svitlana P. Palamar and Oksana S. Lytvyn in the article
“Perspectives on the use of augmented reality within the linguistic and literary field of
primary education” [41] (fig. 17) analyzes the scientific sources on the problem of
augmented reality in the educational field. There is a fragmentary rationale for new
technology in primary school, to a greater extent the experience of scientists and
practitioners relate to the integrated course “I am exploring the world”. The

peculiarities of Ukrainian and foreign writers’ works with AR applications, which are
appropriate to use during the classes of literary reading, are analyzed. The authors
substantiated the prospect of augmented reality technology for mastering the artistic
image of the world of literary work, the relevance of use of AR to modern educational
challenges, and also demonstrated the possibility of immersion into the space of artistic
creation and activation of students’ imagination with the help of AR applications. The
article demonstrates the possibilities of use AR-technology for the development of
emotional intelligence and creative thinking, solving educational tasks by setting up an
active dialogue with literary heroes. The basic stages of the application of AR
technologies in the literary reading lessons in accordance with the opportunities of the
electronic resource are described: involvement; interaction; listening, reading and
audition; research; creative work; evaluation. It is confirmed that in the process of using
augmented reality technology during the reading lessons, the qualitative changes in the
process of formation of the reader’s culture of the students of experimental classes
appears, as well as the increase of motivation, development of emotional intelligence
and creative thinking.

                            Fig. 16. Presentation of paper [49].

The article “Developing a 3D quest game for career guidance to estimate students’
digital competences” [56] highlights further research by Оleksandr V. Prokhorov,
Vladyslav O. Lisovichenko, Mariia S. Mazorchuk and Olena H. Kuzminska, begun in
[30], [31], [50] and [55]. This article reveals the process of creating a career guidance
3D quest game for applicants who aim to apply for IT departments. The game bases on
3D model of computer science and information technologies department in the National
Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. The quest challenges aim to assess
the digital competency level of the applicants and first-year students. The paper features
leveraged software tools, development stages, implementation challenges, and the
gaming application scenario. The game scenario provides for a virtual tour around a
department of the 3D university. As far as the game replicates the real-life objects,
applicants can see the department's equipment and class-rooms. For the gaming
application development team utilized С# and C++, Unity 3D, and Source Engine. For

object modeling, we leveraged Hammer Editor, Agisoft PhotoScan Pro, and the
photogrammetry technology, that allowed for realistic gameplay. Players are offered
various formats of assessment of digital competencies: test task, puzzle, assembling a
computer and setting up an IT-specialist workplace. The experiment conducted at the
open house day proved the 3D quest game efficiency. The results of digital competence
evaluation do not depend on the testing format. The applicants mostly preferred to take
a 3D quest, as more up-to-date and attractive engagement.

                            Fig. 17. Presentation of paper [41].

7      Session 5: Virtualization of learning: principles, technologies,

The article “Conceptual model of learning based on the combined capabilities of
augmented and virtual reality technologies with adaptive learning systems” [45]
(fig. 19) highlights further research by Viacheslav V. Osadchyi, Hanna Y. Chemerys,
Kateryna P. Osadcha, Vladyslav S. Kruhlyk, Serhii L. Koniukhov, Arnold E. Kiv,
begun in [26], [27] and [44]. The article is devoted to actual problem of using modern
ICT tools to increase the level of efficiency of the educational process. The current state
and relevance of the use of AR and VR technologies as an appropriate means of
improving the educational process are considered. In particular, attention is paid to the
potential of the combined capabilities of AR and VR technologies with adaptive
learning systems. Insufficient elaboration of cross-use opportunities for achieving of

efficiency of the educational process in state-of-the-art research has been identified.
Based on analysis of latest publications and experience of using of augmented and
virtual reality technologies, as well as the concept of adaptive learning, conceptual
model of learning based on the combined capabilities of AR and VR technologies with
adaptive learning systems has been designed. The use of VR and AR technologies as a
special information environment is justified, which is applied in accordance with the
identified dominant type of students' thinking. The prospects of using the proposed
model in training process at educational institutions for the implementation and support
of new teaching and learning strategies, as well as improving learning outcomes are
determined by the example of such courses as “Algorithms and data structures”,
“Computer graphics and three-dimensional modeling”, “Circuit Engineering”,
“Computer Architecture”.

                           Fig. 18. Presentation of paper [56].

The article “Personalization of learning using adaptive technologies and augmented
reality” [35] (fig. 20) highlights further research by Maiia V. Marienko, Yulia H.
Nosenko and Mariya P. Shyshkina, begun in [34], [42], [52], [54], [65] and [66]. The
research is aimed at developing the recommendations for educators on using adaptive
technologies and augmented reality in personalized learning implementation. The latest
educational technologies related to learning personalization and the adaptation of its
content to the individual needs of students and group work are considered. The current
state of research is described, the trends of development are determined. Due to a
detailed analysis of scientific works, a retrospective of the development of adaptive
and, in particular, cloud-oriented systems is shown. The preconditions of their
appearance and development, the main scientific ideas that contributed to this are
analyzed. The analysis showed that the scientists point to four possible types of
semantic interaction of augmented reality and adaptive technologies. The adaptive

cloud-based educational systems design is considered as the promising trend of
research. It was determined that adaptability can be manifested in one or a combination
of several aspects: content, evaluation and consistency. The cloud technology is taken
as a platform for integrating adaptive learning with augmented reality as the effective
modern tools to personalize learning. The prospects of the adaptive cloud-based
systems design in the context of teachers training are evaluated. The essence and place
of assistive technologies in adaptive learning systems design are defined. It is shown
that augmented reality can be successfully applied in inclusive education. The ways of
combining adaptive systems and augmented reality tools to support the process of
teachers training are considered. The recommendations on the use of adaptive cloud-
based systems in teacher education are given.

                            Fig. 19. Presentation of paper [45].

The article “Using a virtual digital board to organize student’s cooperative learning”
[5] (fig. 21) highlights further research by Dmytro M. Bodnenko, Halyna A.
Kuchakovska, Volodymyr V. Proshkin and Oksana S. Lytvyn, begun in [11] and [60].
The article substantiates the importance of using a virtual digital board to organize
student’s cooperative learning in the conditions of distance education, incl. social
distance (for the quarantine period 2020). The main advantages of using a virtual digital
board are outlined and their functions for the organization of cooperative education are
compared. An analysis of the benefits of using virtual digital boards and a survey of
experts made it possible to identify the most popular virtual digital boards: Wiki-Wall,
Glogster, PadLet, Linoit, Twidla, Trello, Realtimeboard (Miro), Rizzoma. The
comparison of the functions of virtual digital boards outlines their ability to organize
students’ cooperative learning. The structure of the module E-Learning “Creating
education content with tools of virtual digital board Padlet” is presented in the system
LMS Moodle. The results of the experiment are presented, which show the

effectiveness of the use of instruments of the virtual digital board to organize student’s
cooperative learning. Perspectives of researches in developing methods of using a
virtual digital board by students of natural-mathematical specialties are determined.

                             Fig. 20. Presentation of paper [35].

                              Fig. 21. Presentation of paper [5].

The article “Distance learning as innovation technology of school geographical
education” [69] (fig. 22) highlights further research by Myroslav J. Syvyi, Ordenbek B.
Mazbayev, Olga M. Varakuta, Natalia B. Panteleeva and Olga V. Bondarenko, begun
in [6], [7], [8], [16], [17], [18], [19] and [36]. The article substantiates the necessity of
using innovative technologies in the process of studying and teaching geographical
disciplines at secondary schools. Particular attention is paid to distance learning as a

pedagogical innovation, its theoretical aspects and the ways of its introduction into the
educational process. The relevance of using distance learning at the New Ukrainian
School is proved. Its advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The examples of some
forms of distance learning that will contribute to geographical competence development
according to European requirements are provided. The article particularly focuses on
the Massive Open Online Courses, modern websites, virtual portals of individual
teachers, LearningApps.org portal, and Moodle.

                            Fig. 22. Presentation of paper [69].

The article “The development of students' critical thinking in the context of information
security” [59] (fig. 23) highlights further research by the Sergii V. Savchenko, Svitlana
O. Shekhavtsova and Vladimir I. Zaselskiy, begun in [77] and [78]. The purpose of the
given research is to introduce theoretical substantiation and experimental approbation
of students’ critical thinking development in the context of information security. The
skills of critical thinking help students to cope with the bulk of information they daily
receive. However, there is still no conventional methodology for critical thinking
development in university students. In our study we suggest possible ways to develop
critical thinking in university students via introducing some special courses into the
curriculum, and consider the results of the experimental study conducted on the basis
of two Ukrainian leading universities. In order to improve the students’ skills of critical
thinking the author suggested implementing the special course “The specifics of
students’ critical thinking in the context of information security”, and an optional
distance course on optimization of students’ critical thinking on the background of
information and communication technologies. After the implementation of the
suggested courses the indicators of students’ critical thinking development showed
positive changes and proved the efficiency of the special courses as well as the general
hypothesis of the study.

8      Conclusion

The third instalment of AREdu was organised by Kryvyi Rih National University,
Ukraine (with support of the rector Prof. Mykola Stupnik), in collaboration with Kryvyi

Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine (with support of the rector Prof. Yaroslav
Shramko), Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of
Ukraine (with support of the director Prof. Valeriy Bykov) and Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev, Israel (with support of the rector Prof. Chaim Hames).

                             Fig. 23. Presentation of paper [59].

We are thankful to all the authors who submitted papers and the delegates for their
participation and their interest in AREdu as a platform to share their ideas and
innovation. Also, we are also thankful to all the program committee members for
providing continuous guidance and efforts taken by peer reviewers contributed to
improve the quality of papers provided constructive critical comments, improvements
and corrections to the authors are gratefully appreciated for their contribution to the
success of the workshop. Moreover, we would like to thank the developers of HotCRP,
who made it possible for us to use the resources of this excellent and comprehensive
conference management system, from the call of papers and inviting reviewers, to
handling paper submissions, communicating with the authors, and creating the volume
of the workshop proceedings.
   We are looking forward to excellent presentations and fruitful discussions, which
will broaden our professional horizons. We hope all participants enjoy this workshop
and meet again in more friendly, hilarious, and happiness of further AREdu 2021.

 1.   Amelina, S.M., Tarasenko, R.O., Azaryan, A.A.: Information and technology case as an
      indicator of information competence level of the translator. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
      2433, 266–278 (2019)

 2.   Barkatov, I.V., Farafonov, V.S., Tiurin, V.O., Honcharuk, S.S., Barkatov, V.I., Kravtsov,
      H.M.: New effective aid for teaching technology subjects: 3D spherical panoramas joined
      with virtual reality. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International
      Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May
      13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
 3.   Bilous, V.V., Proshkin, V.V., Lytvyn, O.S.: Development of AR-applications as a
      promising area of research for students. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of
      the 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi
      Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
 4.   Bilyk, Zh.I., Shapovalov, Ye.B., Shapovalov, V.B., Megalinska, A.P., Dołhańczuk-Śródka,
      A.: Assessment of mobile phone applications feasibility on plant recognition: comparison
      with Google Lens AR-app. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd
      International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih,
      Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
 5.   Bodnenko, D.M., Kuchakovska, H.A., Proshkin, V.V., Lytvyn, O.S.: Using a virtual digital
      board to organize student’s cooperative learning. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.)
      Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education
      (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
 6.   Bondarenko, O.V., Mantulenko, S.V., Pikilnyak, A.V.: Google Classroom as a Tool of
      Support of Blended Learning for Geography Students. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2257,
      182–191 (2018)
 7.   Bondarenko, O.V., Pakhomova, O.V., Lewoniewski, W.: The didactic potential of virtual
      information educational environment as a tool of geography students training. CEUR
      Workshop Proceedings 2547, 13–23 (2020)
 8.   Bondarenko, O.V., Pakhomova, O.V., Zaselskiy, V.I.: The use of cloud technologies when
      studying geography by higher school students. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2433, 377–
      390 (2019)
 9.   De la Cruz Vaca, E.I., Salazar Achig, E.R., Romero López, J.A., Tigselema Benavides,
      A.E., Rodriguez Conde, J.J.: Numerical methods for handling robotic arms using
      augmented reality. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International
      Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May
      13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
10.   Dyulicheva, Yu.Yu., Kosova, Ye.A., Uchitel, A.D.: The augmented reality portal and hints
      usage for assisting individuals with autism spectrum disorder, anxiety and cognitive
      disorders. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop
      on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020,
      CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
11.   Hlushak, O.M., Proshkin, V.V., Lytvyn, O.S.: Using the e-learning course "Analytic
      Geometry" in the process of training students majoring in Computer Science and
      Information Technology. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2433, 472–485 (2019)
12.   Hordiienko, V.V., Marchuk, G.V., Vakaliuk, T.A., Pikilnyak, A.V.: Development of a
      model of the solar system in AR and 3D. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of
      the 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi
      Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
13.   Hruntova, T.V., Yechkalo, Yu.V., Striuk, A.M., Pikilnyak, A.V.: Augmented Reality Tools
      in Physics Training at Higher Technical Educational Institutions. CEUR Workshop
      Proceedings 2257, 33–40 (2018)

14.   Ivanova, H.I., Lavrentieva, O.O., Eivas, L.F., Zenkovych, Iu.O., Uchitel, A.D.: The
      students’ brainwork intensification via the computer visualization of study materials. CEUR
      Workshop Proceedings 2643, 185–209 (2020)
15.   Kazhan, Yu.M., Hamaniuk, V.A., Amelina, S.M., Tarasenko, R.O., Tolmachev, S.T.: The
      use of mobile applications and Web 2.0 interactive tools for students' German-language
      lexical competence improvement. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2643, 392–415 (2020)
16.   Kholoshyn, I., Burman, L., Nazarenko, T., Mantulenko, S., Panteleeva, N.: Geographic
      particulars of the world’s population food ration. In: Semerikov, S., Chukharev, S., Sakhno,
      S., Striuk, A., Osadchyi, V., Solovieva, V., Vakaliuk, T., Nechypurenko, P., Bondarenko,
      O., Danylchuk, H. (eds.) The International Conference on Sustainable Futures:
      Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2020). Kryvyi Rih,
      Ukraine, May 20-22, 2020. E3S Web of Conferences 166, 13007 (2020).
17.   Kholoshyn, I.V., Bondarenko, O.V., Hanchuk, O.V., Shmeltser, E.O.: Cloud ArcGIS
      Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future
      geography teachers. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2433, 403–412 (2019)
18.   Kholoshyn, I.V., Bondarenko, O.V., Hanchuk, O.V., Varfolomyeyeva, I.M.: Cloud
      technologies as a tool of creating Earth Remote Sensing educational resources. CEUR
      Workshop Proceedings 2643, 474–486 (2020)
19.   Kholoshyn, I.V., Varfolomyeyeva, I.M., Hanchuk, O.V., Bondarenko, O.V., Pikilnyak,
      A.V.: Pedagogical techniques of Earth remote sensing data application into modern school
      practice. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2433, 391–402 (2019)
20.   Kiv, A.E., Shyshkina, M.P., Semerikov, S.O., Striuk, A.M., Yechkalo, Yu.V.: AREdu 2019
      – How augmented reality transforms to augmented learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
      2547, 1–12 (2020)
21.   Kiv, A.E., Soloviev, V.N.: Preface. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2257 (2018)
22.   Klochko, O.V., Fedorets, V.M., Uchitel, A.D., Hnatyuk, V.V.: Methodological aspects of
      using augmented reality for improvement of the health preserving competence of a Physical
      Education teacher. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International
      Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May
      13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
23.   Komarova, E., Starova, T.: Majority values of school biological education in the context of
      education for sustainable development. In: Semerikov, S., Chukharev, S., Sakhno, S.,
      Striuk, A., Osadchyi, V., Solovieva, V., Vakaliuk, T., Nechypurenko, P., Bondarenko, O.,
      Danylchuk, H. (eds.) The International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental,
      Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2020). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 20-
      22, 2020. E3S Web of Conferences 166, 10029 (2020). doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016610029
24.   Komarova, E.V., Kiv, A.E.: Alternatives in biological education as a way to implement an
      ethical approach to the formation of subject and professional competence of future teachers.
      In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
      Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020,
      CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
25.   Komarova, O.V., Azaryan, A.A.: Computer Simulation of Biological Processes at the High
      School. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2257, 24–32 (2018)
26.   Kompaniets, A., Chemerys, H., Krasheninnik, I.: Using 3D modelling in design training
      simulator with augmented reality. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2546, 213–223 (2019)
27.   Koniukhov, S., Osadcha, K.: Implementation of education for sustainable development
      principles in the training of future software engineers. In: Semerikov, S., Chukharev, S.,
      Sakhno, S., Striuk, A., Osadchyi, V., Solovieva, V., Vakaliuk, T., Nechypurenko, P.,

      Bondarenko, O., Danylchuk, H. (eds.) The International Conference on Sustainable
      Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2020). Kryvyi
      Rih, Ukraine, May 20-22, 2020. E3S Web of Conferences 166, 10035 (2020).
28.   Kozlovsky, E.O., Kravtsov, H.M.: Multimedia virtual laboratory for physics in the distance
      learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2168, 42–53 (2018)
29.   Kravtsov, H., Pulinets, A.: Interactive Augmented Reality Technologies for Model
      Visualization in the School Textbook. CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
30.   Kuzminska, O., Mazorchuk, M., Morze, N., Pavlenko, V., Prokhorov, A.: Study of Digital
      Competence of the Students and Teachers in Ukraine. Communications in Computer and
      Information Science 1007, 148–169 (2019)
31.   Kuzminska, O., Mazorchuk, M., Morze, N., Pavlenko, V., Prokhorov, A.: Digital
      competency of the students and teachers in Ukraine: Measurement, analysis, development
      prospects. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2104, 366–379 (2018)
32.   Lavrentieva, O.O., Arkhypov, I.O., Krupskуi, O.P., Velykodnyi, D.O., Filatov, S.V.:
      Methodology of using mobile apps with augmented reality in students' vocational
      preparation process for transport industry. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings
      of the 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020),
      Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
33.   Lavrentieva, O.O., Arkhypov, I.O., Kuchma, O.I., Uchitel, A.D.: Use of simulators together
      with virtual and augmented reality in the system of welders’ vocational training: past,
      present, and future. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2547, 201–216 (2020)
34.   Marienko, M., Nosenko, Y., Sukhikh, A., Tataurov, V., Shyshkina, M.: Personalization of
      learning through adaptive technologies in the context of sustainable development of
      teachers’ education. In: Semerikov, S., Chukharev, S., Sakhno, S., Striuk, A., Osadchyi, V.,
      Solovieva, V., Vakaliuk, T., Nechypurenko, P., Bondarenko, O., Danylchuk, H. (eds.) The
      International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and
      Economic Matters (ICSF 2020). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 20-22, 2020. E3S Web of
      Conferences 166, 10015 (2020). doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016610015
35.   Marienko, M.V., Nosenko, Yu.H., Shyshkina, M.P.: Personalization of learning using
      adaptive technologies and augmented reality. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.)
      Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education
      (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
36.   Mazbayev, O., Alieva, L., Demeuov, A.: Problematic issues of geographical education in
      Kazakhstan. In: Semerikov, S., Chukharev, S., Sakhno, S., Striuk, A., Osadchyi, V.,
      Solovieva, V., Vakaliuk, T., Nechypurenko, P., Bondarenko, O., Danylchuk, H. (eds.) The
      International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and
      Economic Matters (ICSF 2020). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 20-22, 2020. E3S Web of
      Conferences 166, 10032 (2020). doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016610032
37.   Midak, L.Ya., Kravets, I.V., Kuzyshyn, O.V., Berladyniuk, Kh.V., Buzhdyhan, Kh.V.,
      Baziuk, L.V., Uchitel, A.D.: Augmented reality in process of studying astronomic concepts
      in primary school. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International
      Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May
      13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
38.   Midak, L.Ya., Kravets, I.V., Kuzyshyn, O.V., Pahomov, J.D., Lutsyshyn, V.M., Uchitel,
      A.D.: Augmented reality technology within studying natural subjects in primary school.
      CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2547, 251–261 (2020)

39.   Morkun, V.S., Morkun, N.V., Pikilnyak, A.V.: Augmented reality as a tool for visualization
      of ultrasound propagation in heterogeneous media based on the k-space method. CEUR
      Workshop Proceedings 2547, 81–91 (2020)
40.   Nechypurenko, P.P., Starova, T.V., Selivanova, T.V., Tomilina, A.O., Uchitel, A.D.: Use
      of Augmented Reality in Chemistry Education. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2257, 15–
      23 (2018)
41.   Nezhyva, L.L., Palamar, S.P., Lytvyn, O.S.: Perspectives on the use of augmented reality
      within the linguistic and literary field of primary education. In: Burov, O.Yu., Kiv, A.E.
      (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education
      (AREdu 2020), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online (2020, in press)
42.   Nosenko, Yu.H., Popel, M.V., Shyshkina, M.P.: The state of the art and perspectives of
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43.   Oleksiuk, V.P., Oleksiuk, O.R.: Exploring the potential of augmented reality for teaching
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44.   Osadcha, K., Osadchyi, V., Semerikov, S., Chemerys, H., Chorna, A.: The Review of the
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45.   Osadchyi, V.V., Chemerys, H.Y., Osadcha, K.P., Kruhlyk, V.S., Koniukhov, S.L., Kiv,
      A.E.: Conceptual model of learning based on the combined capabilities of augmented and
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46.   Osadchyi, V.V., Varina, H.B., Osadcha, K.P., Prokofieva, O.O., Kovalova, O.V., Kiv, A.E.:
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47.   Panchenko, L., Khomiak, A.: Education Statistics: Looking for а Case-study for Modelling.
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48.   Panchenko, L.F., Muzyka, I.O.: Analytical review of augmented reality MOOCs. CEUR
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49.   Panchenko, L.F., Vakaliuk, T.A., Vlasenko, K.V.: Augmented reality books: concepts,
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50.   Pavlenko, V., Prokhorov, A., Kuzminska, O., Mazorchuk, M.: Competence approach to
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51.   Pererva, V.V., Lavrentieva, O.O., Lakomova, O.I., Zavalniuk, O.S., Tolmachev, S.T.: The
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52.   Pinchuk, O.P., Sokolyuk, O.M., Burov, O.Yu., Shyshkina, M.P.: Digital transformation of
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53.   Pochtoviuk, S.I., Vakaliuk, T.A., Pikilnyak, A.V.: Possibilities of application of augmented
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54.   Popel, M.V., Shyshkina, M.P.: The Cloud Technologies and Augmented Reality: the
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55.   Prokhorov, A., Klymenko, I., Yashina, E., Morozova, O., Oleynick, S., Solyanyk, T.:
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56.   Prokhorov, О.V., Lisovichenko, V.O., Mazorchuk, M.S., Kuzminska, O.H.: Developing a
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57.   Rashevska, N.V., Semerikov, S.O., Zinonos, N.O., Tkachuk, V.V., Shyshkina, M.P.: Using
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58.   Rashevska, N.V., Soloviev, V.N.: Augmented Reality and the Prospects for Applying Its in
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59.   Savchenko, S.V., Shekhavtsova, S.O., Zaselskiy, V.I.: The development of students' critical
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60.   Shamonia, V.H., Semenikhina, O.V., Proshkin, V.V., Lebid, O.V., Kharchenko, S.Ya.,
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61.   Shapovalov, V.B., Atamas, A.I., Bilyk, Zh.I., Shapovalov, Ye.B., Uchitel, A.D.: Structuring
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62.   Shapovalov, V.B., Shapovalov, Ye.B., Bilyk, Zh.I., Megalinska, A.P., Muzyka, I.O.: The
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63.   Shapovalov, Ye.B., Bilyk, Zh.I., Atamas, A.I., Shapovalov, V.B., Uchitel, A.D.: The
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64.   Shepiliev, D.S., Semerikov, S.O., Yechkalo, Yu.V., Tkachuk, V.V., Markova, O.M.,
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65.   Shyshkina, M.P., Marienko, M.V.: Augmented reality as a tool for open science platform
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67.   Symonenko, S.V., Zaitseva, N.V., Osadchyi, V.V., Osadcha, K.P., Shmeltser, E.O.: Virtual
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68.   Syrovatskyi, O.V., Semerikov, S.O., Modlo, Ye.O., Yechkalo, Yu.V., Zelinska, S.O.:
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69.   Syvyi, M.J., Mazbayev, O.B., Varakuta, O.M., Panteleeva, N.B., Bondarenko, O.V.:
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70.   Tarasenko, R., Amelina, S.: A Unification of the Study of Terminological Resource
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71.   Tarasenko, R.O., Amelina, S.M., Azaryan, A.A.: Features of the use of cloud-based
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72.   Tarasenko, R.O., Amelina, S.M., Azaryan, A.A.: Improving the content of training future
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73.   Tarasenko, R.O., Amelina, S.M., Azaryan, A.A.: Integrated testing system of information
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74.   Tarasenko, R.O., Amelina, S.M., Kazhan, Yu.M., Bondarenko, O.V.: The use of AR
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75.   Tkachuk, V.V., Yechkalo, Yu.V., Markova, O.M.: Augmented reality in education of
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76.   Valko, N.V., Kushnir, N.O., Osadchyi, V.V.: Cloud technologies for STEM education.
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77.   Volikova, M.M., Armash, T.S., Yechkalo, Yu.V., Zaselskiy, V.I.: Practical use of cloud
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78.   Yahupov, V.V., Kyva, V.Yu., Zaselskiy, V.I.: The methodology of development of
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79.   Yechkalo, Yu.V., Tkachuk, V.V., Hruntova, T.V., Brovko, D.V., Tron, V.V.: Augmented
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80.   Zhylenko, T.I., Koziy, I.S., Bozhenko, V.S., Shuda, I.A.: Using a web application to realize
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81.   Zinonos, N.O., Vihrova, E.V., Pikilnyak, A.V.: Prospects of Using the Augmented Reality
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