=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2731/paper05 |storemode=property |title=Methodological aspects of using augmented reality for improvement of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper05.pdf |volume=Vol-2731 |authors=Oksana V. Klochko,Vasyl M. Fedorets,Aleksandr D. Uchitel,Vitaliy V. Hnatyuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/KlochkoFUH20 }} ==Methodological aspects of using augmented reality for improvement of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper05.pdf

  Methodological aspects of using augmented reality for
  improvement of the health preserving competence of a
              Physical Education teacher

        Oksana V. Klochko1[0000-0002-6505-9455], Vasyl M. Fedorets2[0000-0001-9936-3458],
      Aleksandr D. Uchitel3[0000-0002-9969-0149] and Vitaliy V. Hnatyuk4[0000-0001-7475-0670]
                1 Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,

                          32 Ostrozkogo Str., Vinnytsia, 21001, Ukraine
                         2 Vinnytsia Academy of Continuous Education,

                        13 Hrushevskoho Str., Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine
                        3 State University of Economics and Technology,

                        5 Stepana Tilhy Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50006, Ukraine
      4 Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 4 Shmidta Str., Berdyansk, 71100, Ukraine


         Abstract. The article deals with the results of the research aimed at the
         improvement of methodology of use of augmented reality for the development
         of health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher under
         conditions of post-graduate education. From the point of Umwelt
         phenomenology, augmented reality is characterized by correspondence to nature,
         its cognitive, metaphoric, diverse, interactive, anthropomorphic nature. The
         article analyzes the vectors of using augmented reality in the professional activity
         of a Physical Education teacher, particularly the one that is aimed at health
         preservation. The software that may be used with this purpose has been described.
         The attitude of Physical Education teachers to the use of the augmented reality
         for preserving their students’ health and development of their motion skills,
         intellect and creativity was determined in the research. The results of the survey
         show that the majority of teachers positively react to the idea of using augmented
         reality in their professional activity. However, in some cases, not a fully formed
         understanding of this issue was observed. The ways of solving the stated problem
         could be the inclusion of augmented technologies’ techniques into the process of
         post-graduate education, taking into consideration the anthropological, ethical,
         cultural contexts as well as teacher involvement in the stated process.

         Keywords: health preserving competence, a Physical Education teacher, post-
         graduate education, augmented reality, Umwelt, pedagogy of health,
         methodology, digital technologies.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

1      Introduction

The need to use augmented reality in education [29; 31; 34; 41; 43; 49; 57; 62; 63] and,
first and foremost, in practices and technologies of Physical Education is caused by its
“congruence” to the “human reality”, particularly its correspondence to the peculiarities
of a pupil’s motor activity and the multi-dimensional, adaptable and diverse spectrum
of tools that can be used within it. The use of augmented reality in the educational
process correlated with the disclosure of the value of human existence and the
anthropological-value reflection of Lebenswelt [17] of a person may form synergic,
developing and intellectual effects, which are the manifestation of digital
transformation of education and its shift to a new quality level. At the same time, the
issue of using augmented reality in the professional work of a Physical Education
teacher, namely, for health preservation, is an actively developed topic. We view the
problem of development of a methodology for using augmented reality for the
development of a health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in
conditions of post-graduate education and on the basis of anthropological [3; 12; 23;
30], ontological and value paradigms, which includes the need to consider the
phenomenology of a person, his/her multidimensionality and the peculiarities of this
field of education (of physical culture and sport), creativity and potential of a
   Considering the introduction of the augmented reality in an educational process, the
necessity of use of ontology-oriented comprehension of a person and his/her motion
activity is actualized. In the semantic framework of ontological understanding of a
person, he/she is represented as a multidimensional and polyontological creature.
Experimental data received by N. Nosov and then used by him as the foundation for the
development of the virtual psychology, prove the polyontological nature of a person,
view the person as place for integration of many realities [44; 45]. Therefore, it is
necessary to examine the augmented reality not only traditionally from the
“instrumental and technological” point of view but also from ontological positions. In
such a case, the augmented reality is considered as a relevant component of person’s
   Accordingly, the methodological perception of the possibilities of using augmented
reality is carried out with the application of relevant from the point of biosemiotics
Umwelt (“the surrounding world”) concept [28; 56; 59]. This concept provides a
holistically oriented reflection of a special world or a specific reality of a living
organism. The stated reality (Germ. Umwelt), according to Jakob von Uexküll (his
work “Umwelt und Innenwelt der Tiere” [59], 1909) is manifested through integration
of the world of perception (Germ. Merkwelt) and the world of action (Germ. Wirkwelt)
[59]. Thus, in the course of its existence, the body forms a “relevant zone”, which is
that very fragment of reality, which seems to be vitally significant for its perception
and activity.
   The application of Umwelt conception for the improvement of the use of the
augmented reality is a methodologically determined way of ontologization of Homo
Educandus (A Person who studies) and humanization of an educational process.
Accordingly, the use of an Umwelt idea can extend methodological and technological

possibilities of application of the augmented reality by the selection of the special
“transitional reality” between a person’s reality and the world. Therefore, we suggest
to perfect the methodology of use of the augmented reality in professional activity of a
Physical Education teacher in the ontology oriented direction, which considerably
extends and аnthropologizes traditional methodologies and technologies in particular.
    In addition, in order to broaden the possibilities of implementation of the existing
potentials of the motor and mental fields of a person, an integrated “external” reality is
needed. In this respect, there occurs a need to integrate “corporal”, “motor” and
“intellectual” realities and “ontologies” (in the sense of reality) of health through the
use of an external integrating factor (a “special” reality), which a priori must itself be
intelligent. Such an “external reality” within the framework of methodological
comprehension presents itself as Umwelt and as the augmented reality.
    Accordingly, such an “external” reality must form an intellectualized, dialogic,
activity based and intentional (in the sense of targeted) anthropo-technical medium,
capable of self-development. A natural pre-condition of the indicated “corporal and
intellectual” integration is the phenomenon of Umwelt, and an artificial one is the
augmented reality. Nowadays, such a “new” and “integrating” reality may be formed
using digital technologies [25; 26; 42; 48], namely, in the form of augmented reality.
The example of the indicated “corporal and intellectual” integration is the use of the
augmented reality for the development of emotional intellect of children with disorders
of autism spectrum [7]. In the work of C.-H. Chen, I.-.J. Lee, L.-Y. Lin, the augmented
reality was used to teach to recognize mimic patterns [7]. Accordingly, in the indicated
cases [7], while forming mimic characters there will be present integration of corporal,
emotional, intellectual components and an “external” component as the augmented
    Thus, we determine the need to use augmented reality in the course of training a
Physical Education teacher, particularly, for improving his health preserving
competence [12], as a nature-corresponding way of a person’s development, which
correlates with a person’s transcendent and polyontological essence. Augmented reality
is a way of integrating the realities already existing in a person (mental, corporal, motor)
as well as a way of their improvement. Thus, the application of augmented reality is an
end-to-end anthropological project [1; 51], which corresponds to human nature and
his/her motor being, and not a “local improvement”. Accordingly, in this aspect, the
concept of Umwelt can be applied.
    Despite a considerable number of studies dedicated to the use of digital technologies
and, first of all, of augmented reality in the educational physical culture practices and
technologies, the problem of using augmented reality for the development of the health
preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate
education has not been sufficiently studied yet. Particularly, the methodological,
pedagogical, anthropological, prognostic and psychological aspects of the stated
problem haven’t been thoroughly studied. In the methodology of use of the augmented
reality, the presence of a “transitional zone” between a person and the world (Umwelt)
is not sufficiently taken into account.
    Taking into consideration the digital trend of education development and perceiving
the practical demand for raising the effectiveness of pupils’ health preservation during

motor activity, as well as actualizing the issue of education professionalization,
pedagogization, digitalization and technologization, the stated research is defined as
   Purpose of the research: improving the methodology of use of the augmented reality
for the development of a health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher
under conditions of post-graduate education.

2      Related works

As of today, augmented reality has become an effective digital learning technology
based on the achievements in the field of artificial intelligence [15; 36; 52; 53; 58]; a
way of “broadening” the living world (Germ. Lebenswelt, by Edmund Husserl – the
world of everyday life, which is the basis of cognition) [17] of a person; a way of
reflection and effective innovative methodology of actualizing emotional intelligence
[7], intellect, storytelling activities [1], creativity [47; 61], 21st-сentury skills [50],
interaction of parents with children [22] and potential of a personality.
   The issue of using augmented reality in physical culture and sports has been studied
by many researchers [2; 6; 11; 16; 21; 33; 35; 39; 46]. A. Casey and B. Jones used
digital video technologies to raise the level of interest and motivation to motor activity
in pupils of general secondary schools of Australia [6]. The authors note the efficiency
of this technology in terms of improving coordination skills of the pupils and raising
their learning interest [6].
   P. Legrain, N. Gillet, C. Gernigon, M.-A. Lafreniere used ICT at Physical Education
lessons in combination with the increase of the autonomy and independence of pupils
proportionally to the decrease of the teacher’s active interference [35]. Such approach
increased the efficiency of forming motor and cognitive skills, raised independence and
motivation to doing sports activities as well as actualized progress [35].
   K.-F. Hsiao in Taiwan used augmented reality (AR) integrated with the educational
process [16]. This included the use of the developed AR-Fitness system. At the same
time, he actualized the development of knowledge in such fields as “cardiac-lung
stamina”, “muscle conditioning”, “explosiveness”, “flexibility” [16].
   M. M. H. Alhamdi, S. B. Salih and M. A. A. Abd used digital technologies to
increase the efficiency of forming motor skills in the deaf and dumb children [2]. The
authors note the efficiency of the development of motor skills while using the stated
approach included computer movement analysis [2]. Computer movement models can
be represented as components of augmented reality.
   In order to increase the efficiency of forming motor skills in pre-school children,
E. E. Lauer, S. B. Martin and R. A. Zakrajsek created a virtual interactive study
environment with the help of ASUS Xtion PRO [33]. According to the data given by
researchers, the stated methodology is effective.
   Using digital video for teaching 9-10-year-old children, J. O’Loughlin, D. Chróinín
and D. O’Grady raised the motivation and self-esteem with regard to Physical
Educational lessons as well as showed better results in mastering motor skills [46].

    B. Melton, H. Bland, B. Harris, D. Kelly and K. Chandler successfully used mixed
technologies to increase the efficiency of dance teaching as well as to raise the
motivation and self-sufficiency [39].
    Such authors as E. Enright, J. Robinson, A. Hogan, M. Stylianou, J. Hay, F. Smith
and A. Ball analyze the need to use digital technologies in physical culture on the basis
of democratic values and innovative, critical and praxeological methodological
orientations [11].
    While studying the use of augmented reality, we develop the methodological
constructs based on the idea of unconditional value of intellect development, creativity
and motor activity, which are being implemented due to physical culture. It is based on
the fact that it helps the pupil to unveil his/her corporality as well as the mental sphere
in the form of a special motor being, as well as through actualization of vitality, life-
creativity and sense-creation. Thus, physical culture is a particular motor reality, which
corresponds with human nature. Movement and motor being are interrelated with
health, which is viewed as an authentic and anthropologically specific way of human
    Corporal and motion reality are also the basis of the psychic and mental fields of a
person. According to L. S. Vygotski (the cultural-historical psychic concept),
consciousness is the result of interiorization (in the sense of shifting to the center, into
the psychic reality) of the “history” of a person’s interaction with the environment [24;
60]. Motor activity occupies the central role in this interaction. At the same time, motor
activity lies at the basis of the intellect, both during its formation in ontogenesis
(individual development) and during a person’s mental activity, as it is in fact a specific
motor reality and existence of a human being.
    From methodological positions, following the ontological approach, accordingly, we
present health, motion and corporealness of a person as special realities. Therefore, they
can be purposefully perfected by cooperation with the augmented reality. Meaningful
in this aspect is sense-forming and intellectual dimensions of such cooperation. The use
of the augmented reality in health preserving practices of physical culture is the way of
opening of motion activity in the formats of intellectual existence.
    For the anthropological-value perception of the phenomenon of an intellect as an
anthropologically specific reality and ontology (being) it is important to understand that
its beginnings and currently relative components lie in the body, corporality and motor
activity. This is described by G. Lakoff in his classical work “Metaphors We Live By”
[28]. In his embodied cognitive science, G. Lakoff [28] points out that the notion and
metaphors, as system-organizing “elements” of the intellect are primarily formed as
corporal phenomena. Currently, embodied cognitive science is developed on the basis
of the idea about a close and interdependent connection between the mind, the body
and the environment [56].
    Schematically, the stated above ideas can be depicted as a sequence of a mutually
determined and mutually dependent phenomena, namely: “body, motor activity and
interaction with the environment – intellect – adaptation, creativity, development”.
Thus, a person may be viewed as a human being that consists of various ontologies
(beings) and realities [44; 45]. And the “way” they are organized into a unity makes the
very phenomenon of a person. The stated unity is first and foremost carried out “from

within” as this is determined by human nature. According to C. Jung, such unity is
perceived by a person as Self, which predominantly is perceived by a personality as the
highest harmony of the “internal” God [7]. The idea of a polyontological character of a
person is the basis of virtual psychology worked out by N. Nosov [44; 45]. Relevant in
this aspect is the conception of Umwelt [28; 56; 59]. Umwelt is a special “perception
and activity reality” of a living organism.
   Thus, the reality is being “fragmented” and “channeled” into a countless number of
“parallel” Umwelts “in” which certain biological species live and which they “carry
around” with them. This means that the existing reality is multi-dimensional and multi-
aspect due to the formation of specific individualized “perception-activity” worlds –
   Thus, every biological species generates, masters, sees and somehow understands
and interprets the specific and significant for him/her personally spectrum of
phenomena, which together form Umwelts. According to E. Husserl, we comprehend
being through perception of relevant phenomena [17], which together reflect the reality
in one’s consciousness. That’s why, in the context relevant to our problematics, we may
speak about the peculiarities of the living world (Germ. Lebenswelt) [17], which is
formed through a person’s unveiling, perceiving and using the significant for him/her
phenomena. In comparison we should note that apart from Human, other biological
species have quite a limited number of phenomena that form their worlds and are
presented and “narrowly” specific. These are the worlds of perception, action, being,
which primarily define the mode of existence. Quite strictly determined combinations
of specific phenomena form the Umwelts of biological species. Thus, all the biological
species except for humans are maximally adapted to “their” Umwelts.
   Limitation in space and time of animals’ Umwelt is pointed out by M. Stella and
K. Kleisner [28, р. 69; 56, p. 39]. At the same time, when an animal is transferred to a
different environment the stated adaptation possibilities drastically decrease and it is
not always possible to for “new” Umwelts, even when resources are available. In
essence, living organisms form, support and “carry around” a certain fragment of the
reality, which is desired and to a considerable extent set for them. Thanks to the use of
the Umwelt concept, subjectivity and personalized differences are actualized alongside
with the significance of species peculiarities [28, pр. 68–70]. Every or person has their
own Umwelt.
   Analyzing the Umwelt concept, O. Knyazeva singles out some aspects that are
significant for our methodology: active influence on the environment; feedback
between the environment and the creature; selectivity of perception and action; sense
making; existence of a dynamic boundary between a creature and the environment;
interactive unity of the environment and the organism [28, р. 69].

3      Selection of methods and diagnostics

In the course of the research, the following system of methods and approaches was
used: analysis, synthesis, statistical, empirical (survey, questionnaire); competence,
health preserving [12], ontological, hermeneutical, axiological, phenomenological [17],

epistemiological, transdisciplinary, systemic, holistic, biosemiotic [40], semiotic,
humanistic, psychological [20; 24; 44; 60], anthropological [3; 12; 23; 30], cultural,
innovative, futuristic, problematic, targeted.
   We used the concepts of anthropologization [3; 12; 23; 30]; knowledge transfer;
sustainable development, anthropological practices and “technologies of self”
(M. Foucault) [13]; Umwelt (J. von Uexküll) [28; 56; 59]; living world (Germ.
Lebenswelt) of E. Husserl [17]; of contact boundary developed in gestalt psychology;
of sense making (C. Lorenz) [28]; autopoiesis (U. Maturana, F. Varela) [37]; of
embodied mind (J. Lakoff) [32]; of cultural-historical theory of psychic development
(L. S. Vygotski) [24; 60]; of C. Jung’s Self (Germ. Selbst) [20]. We also used visions
and methodological approaches developed in the system of embodied cognitive science
[55], enactivism [27] and virtual psychology and virtual science [44; 45].
   For the methodological perception, the following Ancient Greek concepts were used:
“human nature” (Ancient Greek φύσις του άνθρωπου) [19, р. 15; 24; 32; 33; 55];
“harmony’ or ‘mixing” (Ancient Greek κρασις) [19, р. 15]; “self-perception” (the
Delphian principle “Perceive yourself” – gnothi sautou) and “care of self” (epimelēsthai
sautou) described by M. Foucault [13].
   Proceeding from the methodological understanding of peculiarities of the augmented
reality as well as Umwelt, we can point out that they are the phenomena that contribute
to the formation of meanings, semantic contexts, values, patterns of action, images of
health, and semantic images. Therefore, for the expansion of the education-oriented
understanding of the augmented reality, we determine the attitude of teachers to the
necessity of using the augmented reality for preserving health, development of
creativity, intelligence, etc.
   In order to determine the attitude of Physical Education teachers towards the idea of
using augmented reality in the educational process with the purpose of preserving
pupils’ health and development of their motor skills, intellect and creativity, we
developed a questionnaire that consisted of 6 questions. The respondents were asked to
choose one of the three possible answers – “Yes”, “No”, “Cannot decide”. The survey
contained 6 questions:
1. Does the use of augmented reality facilitate the development of critical thinking and
   forecasting (anticipation) skills in pupils aimed at trauma prevention during lessons?
   (“Yes”, “No”, “Cannot decide”)
2. Can the use of augmented reality facilitate the development of corporality, aesthetic
   and ethic orientation of a pupil as well as of the competence of self-health
   preservation? (“Yes”, “No”, “Cannot decide”)
3. Can the use of augmented reality facilitate the formation of ergonomic lessons and
   the creation of a comfortable, safe and health preserving environment? (“Yes”,
   “No”, “Cannot decide”)
4. Can the use of augmented reality facilitate the development of harmonious relations
   with the environment, eco-consciousness, implementation of the sustainable
   development concept and health preservation? (“Yes”, “No”, “Cannot decide”)
5. Can the use of augmented reality facilitate the development of motor skills,
   creativity, existence and reflection in pupils? (“Yes”, “No”, “Cannot decide”)

6. Can the use of augmented reality facilitate the development of digital and learning
   competences and intellect (motor intellect, in particular) in pupils? (“Yes”, “No”,
   “Cannot decide”)

4      Results and discussion

The methodological search was carried out based on the ideas and intentions of
integrity, anthropologization [3; 12; 23; 30] and humanization. Thus, the peculiarities
of using augmented reality with the aim of improving and implementing the health
preserving competence of the Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate
education were studied using the anthropological and biosemiotics approaches [40].
   Within the framework of the indicated approaches, as well as following the idea of
integrity of an organism and the environment and their dynamic cooperation we
actualize the question of the use of the conception of Umwelt [28; 56; 59] for the
improvement of the methodology of use of the augmented reality for the development
of health preserving competence of a physical culture teacher.
   Clarifying the importance of the formative specificity of the Umwelt [28, p. 69] as a
manifestation of life that is related to the semantic potential of augmented reality.
Umwelt as well as augmented reality can thus be regarded as environments (or worlds)
of forming meanings and ways of using them.
   Concerning Umwelt, this is analyzed by the ethologist Conrad Lorenz [28, p. 69].
That is, through the mind-body, the living organism acquires meaning (living is sense
making) [28, p. 69], which can be modified and enhanced or weakened by the use of
augmented reality. The semantic sphere of man, in turn, is connected with life,
existence, images and symbolic and symbolic reality. Therefore, the Umwelt is the
living condition or “transient” fragment of reality that contextually integrates or
correlates (according to the concept of autopoiesis by V. Maturana and F. Varela) [27;
37] life is represented as existence, as a given and semiotic-symbolic systems. On the
other hand, semiotic systems are formed and exist precisely because of the specific
formation of the Umwelt, which is a transition zone or a contact boundary between man
and environment. These effects can to some extent be achieved through the use of
augmented reality, which we consider as a component of the mind of the modern man
or as a way to compensate for disturbed natural connections with the environment and
by forming new ones. Similar understandings of the significance of boundary
phenomena exist in Gestalt psychology in a system that is considered by the psyche as
the contact line between a person and a significant problem. Therefore, one can say,
metaphorically, “Whoever controls the Umwelt shapes meaning and influences life.”
To a large extent, such an impact can be realized through the use of augmented reality.
   Human Umwelts are qualitatively different from other living beings. Man, in the
course of its development has created a special environment that at this stage of its
existence and development becomes cognitive and cognitive-semantic. The Umwelt
created by man actively interacts with it, forming communicative-semantic and
cognitive contexts and essentially “communicates” with it. No wonder some creative
people point out that the environment “speaks” to them and they take ideas and forces

from it. As a specific feature of a person, we distinguish his ability to form “cognitively
oriented” Umwelts. In this context it can be stated that by means of professionally made
advertising it is possible to form a “digistic Umwelt” through which it is possible to
“easily” gain 10 kg of body weight. Accordingly, through the use of physical culture
and augmented reality, which will form the “Umwelt of movement”, this process can
be reversed.
   Let us present the methodologically and technologically significant characteristics
of the human mind: historicism; cognitive, that is, it is an environment in which data is
partially processed and information and knowledge are contained; aesthetism (even the
presence of anti-aesthetic tendencies is the antithesis of illuminating aesthetism); ethics
(or anti-ethics); value character (in animals we can mostly talk about the hierarchy of
needs and importance); dynamism; anthropomorphism; ergonomics; comfort;
interpretability; speech characteristic; antitrusting (predictive) nature and
predictability; ecology (nowadays); promoting sustainable development (at this stage
of humanity’s existence); harmony; educational; semiotic; digital (currently); health-
saving; humorous (only human inherent humor); existential – as open, independent and
self-sufficient being; multidimensionality; developmental and creative character;
polyontological character; psychologically significant; technological and technical;
characterization of relative autonomy. Our understanding of the human mind is close
to the concept of the world of life (Germ. Lebenswelt) by E. Husserl [17]. That is, we
do not reduce a person’s mind to a perceptual-activity phenomenon, but understand it
a little more broadly – based on the allocation of relatively autonomous other
components or spheres. For example, training, technology, creativity and more. This
understanding of the human mind is also based on an understanding of the as yet
undiscovered potential of using augmented reality and digital technologies in general.
Based on a methodologically and technologically oriented understanding of the
phenomenology of the human mind, we interpret it as a significant multidimensional
cognitive and meaningful human reality that has a degree of autonomy and significant
contextual impact on humans. Based on the selected characteristics of the human mind,
a questionnaire was developed for physical education teachers.
   We consider it expedient to use purposefully or at least take into account the
phenomenology of human mind when designing and implementing augmented reality
technologies. That is, the construction of augmented reality can be carried out not only
on the basis of effective target, needy, technological methodological installations, but
also taking into account the “transition zone” between man and the world – mind.
Digital technologies and approaches that take into account the phenomenology of
Umwelt, we call Umwelt oriented. Accordingly, augmented reality can be shaped as
mind-oriented. The peculiarity of such technologies will be primarily the use of non-
direct influences, cognitive, metaphorical, contextual, spatial, temporal, variability,
interactivity, anthropomorphism, individual orientation and other characteristics that
reflect the specificity of a person and his mind. This approach is contextually existent
and is still being implemented mostly intuitively. In order to maintain health and
improve motor activity, the importance of this Umwelt oriented approach is relevant
because movement and health are, in so far as they are, contextual values. Movement

and health are completely shifted to the actual area of consciousness when a person has
certain problems, risks and threats.
   Augmented reality allows you to “delicately” create “mental health”, “mental
movement”, “mental health and comfort” and more.
   Thanks to the use of the augmented reality, we can create “tactfully” the “Umwelt
of health”, “Umwelt of motion”, “Umwelt of safety and comfort”, etc.
   The indicated Umwelts are a special-purpose transformation or one of possible
variants of a person’s Umwelt. The purposeful Umwelt formation with desired qualities
is a human specific that, first of all, can be exposed due to the use of the augmented
   Considering the “multichannel” of human perception, it can be noted that the actual
component of “human Umwelts” that can be formed on the basis of augmented reality
is their “ability” to synthesize different sensory modalities, namely, sound, visual,
tactile, motor. We represent this as a “cognitive-environment synthesis” that facilitates
the discovery of humans as beings of “cognitive-motor”, intellectual, creative and
polypotent. Similar synthesis occurs in associative areas of the cerebral cortex. Artists
dreamed of such a synthesis, namely of union, music, light, visual images, movement,
movements, odors, touches [14; 22, pp. 269–362]. This is partly embodied in
contemporary art. Thus, augmented reality opens up new and special possibilities for a
“new cognitive synthesis.” For physical culture, the use of augmented reality,
considered in relation to the preservation of health, opens up innovative perspectives,
which are first and foremost related to the intellectualization of motor activity and to
the ergonomic and natural disclosure of the potentials of man, in particular motor,
physical, cognitive, creative.
   The actual contemporary direction that gives the opportunity to consider augmented
reality and Umwelt as an “active” “cognitive-activity” reality is the concept of
autopoiesis by V. Maturana and F. Varela [28, pp. 70–72; 37]. Within the semantic
sense of this concept, the phenomenon of life, including the interaction of the organism
with the environment, is presented as an active autopoiesis and cognitive process. Also
significant is the trend of enactivism [27], in which the mind-body problem [27; 28,
p. 70]. The body and consciousness in this system of ideas are understood in a holistic
way. Defining in this aspect are also the ideas of Embodied Cognitive Science [55]. In
the system of this direction, cognitive is represented as a phenomenon that is formed
by the interaction of consciousness, body and environment. The notion of cognition as
a physical and environmental phenomenon is significant for the professional activity of
a physical education teacher, because it works primarily with interdependent
phenomena – movement, body, health, which exist in a particular reality and form it.
The above ideas about Umwelt and the concepts of autopoiesis, enactivism and
embodied cognitivism are considered as aspects that contribute to the introduction of
augmented reality, defining the latest understanding of physical culture and sports as
“body-cognitive-environmental” and “health-protective” only as a traditional
development of strength, endurance, or other qualities. The key in these cognitively
oriented interpretations of motor activity is the phenomenon of augmented reality as
one of the “paths” of the autopoiesis of a person. Similar notions of bodily, motor, and
mental perfection existed in the system of the Hellenistic tradition of the paidae (Greek

Παιδεία) [18; 19] and were realized through “taking care of themselves” [13] and “self-
knowledge” [13]. Thus, through the use of augmented reality, we actualize the
development of physical culture as a “body-cognitive” and health-saving
anthropopractic and promote intellectual activity of motor activity.
   Here are some avenues of using augmented reality for the purpose of developing
health-saving and professional competences for physical education teachers:
1. To watch sports on video or visit the stadium. For example, overlaying content with
   real-time commentary or recording of a given sport or team player, in particular
   using face recognition technology and more (see fig. 1).

          Fig. 1. Organizing specialized online training using SGM SPORTS [54].

2. View matches and training while recording. Here, it is possible to overlay video
   comments, discussions, graphics, graphic analysis on video; such as displaying
   trajectories, etc.
3. For training and sports, rehabilitation, inclusion. For example, analysis of data on
   individual stages of training, displaying the strengths and weaknesses of students in
   this process, overlay training videos, graphics, comments, realistic 3D simulations,
   organizing discussions in real time, evaluation of the training session, etc. (see
   fig. 2).
4. Development of training videos using augmented reality: commenting on individual
   stages of training, monitoring the functioning of individual body systems during
   appropriate physical activities, graphical analysis, discussions, displaying
   trajectories, etc.
5. Educational marketing. For example, advertising an educational institution,
   developing links to your own training courses and training sessions, site pages,
   programs, and links to other pages of academics, coaches, athletes, clubs, and more.
6. Techno sport. The combination of augmented reality and the physical movement of
   a player, such as competing with a virtual sport tool (this use is less traumatic than
   real competition).

             Fig. 2. Organization of individual training using SGM SPORTS [4].

7. Simulation of sports competitions: conducting competitions and trainings, graphical
   analysis, discussions, help, comments, etc.
The use of augmented reality increases the motivation of physical culture teachers to
master the complex of professional knowledge, promotes the humanization of the
educational process, develops intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres, improves
critical thinking, promotes professional reflection of practical experience. It is also
aimed at the development of professional subjectivity, the discovery of sports talents,
the improvement of sports equipment, the regulation of the volume and intensity of
physical activity according to the state of health, etc. Considering all the advantages of
this technology, it should be noted that it cannot completely replace the traditional
technologies of organization of the educational process and will be the most effective
in combination with them.
    Consider software that implements augmented reality technologies that can be used
in physical education. That software contributes to the formation of “human Umwelt”.
The specificity of “human Umwelt” is the preservation of health, in particular, through
physical activity. Opportunities for augmented reality make it possible to build a
trajectory of learning according to individual requirements and needs, and immersion
in the audiovisual space makes the theoretical learning experience interesting, engaging
and motivating students.
    SGM SPORTS by SGM Solutions & Global Media GmbH is designed to organize
specialized online training [54] (see fig. 1, 2). The basic idea behind this product is
learning to generate sports strategies through augmented reality experiences. One of the
company’s products is a prototype ARVolley volleyball strategy that can be
downloaded for free and used on Android and iOS platforms. The program
demonstrates and explains the attack numbering system. With it, you can place a virtual
interactive playground on the table. These tools are implemented using virtual and
augmented environments .experience from brainshuttle™.experience [4]. Immersing
students in the augmented reality environment of brainshuttle™.experience with
realistic simulations, activates them in the learning process, exploring their own
opportunities at an individual pace. Depending on the actions, students’ situations and
outcomes change dynamically, supporting the student to actively engage and achieve

learning outcomes. With realistic simulation, the student perceives and performs the
task at any level. Playing situations of realistic simulations can teach students some
maneuvers, understanding of complex games, which can also help prevent injury.
   brainshuttle™.experience augmented reality environments are created using 3D
video, 360 degree video, Combined 3D and 360 degree video, 3D animation, Virtual
environments, Game environments, Augmented environments (3D video, 360 degree
video, Combined 3D and 360 Degree Video, 3D Animation, Virtual Environments,
Game Environments, Enhanced Environments) [4].
   DribbleUp offers software based on Augmented Reality Basketball (Smart
Basketball), Soccer (Smart Soccer Ball), Health Gymnastics with a Ball (Smart
Medicine Ball) [8; 9; 10; 38] (see fig. 3, 4, 5): DribbleUp add-ons are designed for both
phone and tablet. DribbleUp products provide the ability to work with a virtual trainer,
track the accuracy of the exercises performed, train muscle memory, track workouts
over time. DribbleUp Smart Ball allows you to combine different cardio-strength

                         Fig. 3. DribbleUp: Smart Basketball [8].

For techno sports (a new HADO sport format that combines augmented reality with
players’ physical movement) from Japanese company Meleap Inc. developed hardware
and software based on augmented reality [4] (see fig. 6.). To play the game, players
must also wear a motion sensor and specially designed HMD to track virtual balls and
other players. This integration of augmented reality into sports adds magical effects in
a normal game, is health-friendly and prevents injury.
   In order to determine the attitude of physical culture teachers to the use of augmented
reality in the educational process, a survey was conducted by 36 Physical Education
teachers. The research was conducted in 2017-2018 at Drohobych Ivan Franko
Pedagogical University, Sumy Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,

Mykolayiv Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. The results obtained are
presented in fig. 7 and fig. 8.

                        Fig. 4. DribbleUp: Smart Soccer Ball [10].

                       Fig. 5. DribbleUp: Smart Medicine Ball [9].

Having analyzed the results of the survey we can note that the majority of teachers
(57%) have a positive attitude towards this issue, 18% of the teachers demonstrate
negative perception of the idea and 25% were not able to provide a definite answer.
Such response distribution within the survey may be caused by the fact that the teachers
are not sufficiently informed about the potential possibilities, opened by the use of
augmented reality in the educational process.

                    Fig. 6. HADO Game Using Means by Meleap Inc. [38].

  Fig. 7. Percentage distribution of responses of physical education teachers by the criterion of
their attitude to the use of augmented reality in the educational process to preserve the health of
                students and develop their motor skills, intelligence and creativity.

The analysis of the structure of the answers, provided by Physical Education teachers
in the questionnaires shows that so far, the teachers do not fully understand the
possibilities of augmented reality in forming ethical attitudes of the health preserving
environment, eco-consciousness, comfort. This means that Physical Education teachers
do not fully understand the sense-forming, contextual and environmental influences of
augmented reality.
   The ways of solving the stated problem may include the inclusion of augmented
reality technologies into the process of post-graduate education taking into
consideration the anthropological, ethical, cultural contexts and using the competence
based and personally-oriented paradigms; the involvement of Physical Education
teachers to the development of educational software applications using augmented
reality technologies in the role of consultants, coaches, experts etc.; improving the

knowledge and skills of Physical Education teachers on concrete issues and phenomena
related to health preservation; involvement of Physical Education teachers into the
project work on introduction of the software that includes augmented reality.

     Fig. 8. Visualization of the structure of physical education teachers ‘responses to the
   questionnaire aimed at determining attitudes toward the use of augmented reality in the
educational process to preserve students’ health and develop their motor skills, intelligence and
           creativity (see questionnaire in “Selection of methods and diagnostics”).

5      Conclusions

The use of augmented reality is an effective innovative technology of development of
a health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher under conditions of
post-graduate education. Improving the methodology of use of the augmented reality
for the development of health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher
under conditions of post-graduate education was carried out on the basis of the
anthropological paradigm and the concept of Umwelt. Umwelt represents a
“perceptive-acting” world of a person. A person’s Umwelt has a sense-forming
potential. Such features as correspondence to nature, indirect and contextual influences,
cognitive, metaphoric, diverse, interactive, anthropomorphic, image-based and
personalized nature as well as other characteristics, which take into consideration the
anthropological and personalized peculiarities should be characteristic of Umwelt
oriented technologies of augmented reality.
   The relevant forms of augmented reality representation with the purpose of
improving the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher include
the combination of the content with real time or recorded comments, graphic images,

graphic analysis; realistic 3-D simulations, assessment of the training session, etc. the
important vectors of using augmented reality with this purpose is the development of
study videos, techno sport, simulation and watching sports competitions and workout
sessions, educational marketing etc. As for a Physical Education teacher the application
of augmented reality in the educational process facilitates professionalization,
technologization, axiologization and humanization of his/her professional activity,
including its health preserving component, technologies into the educational process in
order to conduct Physical Education lessons, workout sessions, sports competitions,
rehabilitation activities etc.
   Based on the analysis of the currently available areas of use of the augmented reality,
as well as through its methodological understanding, we point to the significant
innovative, educational potential of this digital technology. From a methodological
point of view, the use of the augmented reality correlates with the application of the
concept of Umwelt, contributes to the formation of meanings, semantic contexts,
values, patterns of action, images, semantic images, motor images, and images of
health. This determines possibilities for extended and innovative use of the augmented
reality for the development of a health-preserving competence of a Physical Education
teacher in particular.
   A survey was conducted to reveal the understanding of a value potential of the
augmented reality. The attitude of Physical Education teachers to the use of the
augmented reality in an educational process to preserve their students’ health and
develop their motion skills, intellect and creativity was determined. Analysis of the
results of the questionnaire was performed, the aim of which was to determine the
attitude of Physical Education teachers to the use of the augmented reality in an
educational process for preserving their students’ health and development of their
motion skills, intellect and creativity. It is determined that most teachers (57%) treat
positively this problem, 18 % – negatively and 25% were not sure about this question.
We can explain such a division of answers by not sufficient awareness of Physical
Education teachers of an educational potential of the augmented reality.
   The ways of effective introduction of augmented reality in health preserving activity
of a Physical Education teacher are more active bringing specialists to the development
of software additions of the augmented reality as well as its introduction into an
educational process. Important in this aspect is the use of the anthropology oriented
approaches that assist humanization of an educational process and technological
adaptation of the augmented reality to the nature of a person.

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