=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2731/paper06 |storemode=property |title=The use of AR elements in the study of foreign languages at the university |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper06.pdf |volume=Vol-2731 |authors=Rostyslav O. Tarasenko,Svitlana M. Amelina,Yuliya M. Kazhan,Olga V. Bondarenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/TarasenkoAKB20 }} ==The use of AR elements in the study of foreign languages at the university== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper06.pdf

The use of AR elements in the study of foreign languages
                   at the university

      Rostyslav O. Tarasenko1[0000-0001-6258-2921], Svitlana M. Amelina1[0000-0002-6008-3122],
       Yuliya M. Kazhan2[0000-0002-4248-4248] and Olga V. Bondarenko3[0000-0003-2356-2674]
               1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

                          15 Heroiv Oborony St., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
                r_tar@nubip.edu.ua, svetlanaamelina@ukr.net
         2 Mariupol State University, 129a Budivelnykiv Ave., Mariupol, 87500 Ukraine

    3 Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine


          Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of the impact of the using AR
          technology in the study of a foreign language by university students. It is stated
          out that AR technology can be a good tool for learning a foreign language. The
          use of elements of AR in the course of studying a foreign language, in particular
          in the form of virtual excursions, is proposed. Advantages of using AR
          technology in the study of the German language are identified, namely: the
          possibility of involvement of different channels of information perception, the
          integrity of the representation of the studied object, the faster and better
          memorization of new vocabulary, the development of communicative foreign
          language skills. The ease and accessibility of using QR codes to obtain
          information about the object of study from open Internet sources is shown. The
          results of a survey of students after virtual tours are presented. A reorientation of
          methodological support for the study of a foreign language at universities is
          proposed. Attention is drawn to the use of AR elements in order to support
          students with different learning styles (audio, visual, kinesthetic).

          Keywords: augmented reality, foreign language, QR code, virtual tour,
          communicative competence.

1         Introduction

1.1       The problem statement
One of the main tasks of educational institutions at the present stage is the search for
new educational technologies that can help increase the efficiency of information
assimilation, acquisition of professional knowledge, development of abstract thinking,
the search for innovative solutions, etc. It should cause qualitative changes in the
implementation of the competency-based approach to the organization of the
educational process [14]. Undoubtedly, such educational technologies should be based
Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

on the use of information technologies, since their potential capabilities are
inexhaustible in the processes of cognition of the surrounding world and which today
can fundamentally change the traditional approaches to the presentation of learning
objects, the ways of their study and research, the mapping of connections in real and
virtual dimensions. One aspect of the combination of virtual and real is augmented
reality (AR). Using AR technology allows a person to quickly find and receive
information about real objects, which can be represented in a symbolic, sound, graphic
or animated form.
   In production, AR fundamentally changes the processes of designing and
manufacturing technologically complex products, while increasing labor productivity
and reducing errors. A special effect, as already shown by the practice of some large
companies, is achieved by training personnel or improving their qualifications. In this
case, first, timesaving is achieved because employees learn directly during work. In
addition, the hint system is more understandable and accessible, since it can provide
not only the provision of explanatory information, but even simulate the finished
product based on its individual elements. Using such technologies in the professional
training of specialists in higher education institutions, we can apply the latest forms of
methodological support of the educational process, which will directly accompany the
process of cognition and research.
   The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of the application of AR
technology in the study of a foreign language by university students (using the German
language as an example), to determine the advantages and possible difficulties of using
this technology to develop students’ foreign language communication skills.
   To achieve this goal, a number of methods were used. The analysis of scientific and
methodological sources showed the relevance of the issue selected for the study. Based
on the comparative analysis method, the advantages of using augmented reality tools
in the study of a foreign language were determined. The observation method during the
execution of the task of preparing a virtual tour made it possible to see the difficulties
encountered by students. The questionnaire method provided the basis for determining
the attitude of students to the implementation of augmented reality elements in the study
of a foreign language. The generalization method was used for a concise presentation
of the research results.

1.2    Literature review
The technology of AR is not only increasingly used in various industries and fields of
science, but attempts have already been made to apply it in the educational process.
Features of using AR technology augmented in a higher education institutions are
presented by Ukrainian researchers Albert A. Azaryan [24], Anna V. Iatsyshyn [7],
Tetiana H. Kramarenko [10], Olena O. Lavrentieva [11], Yevhenii O. Modlo [17],
Vladimir N. Morkun [15], Pavlo P. Nechypurenko [16], Vladimir N. Soloviev [18],
Andrii M. Striuk [21], Elena V. Vihrova [25], Yuliia V. Yechkalo [9] and others. The
use of augmented reality technology is quite common in foreign universities, and is
reflected in a number of publications by scientists. In particular, according to Omer
Sami Kaya and Huseyin Bicen [8], AR applications can be used in almost any

educational environment, and their use in the educational process increases the level of
students’ knowledge.
   According to Matt Bower, Cathie Howe, Nerida McCredie, Austin Robinson and
David Grover [4], AR can cause a profound transformation of modern education.
Overlay multimedia on the real world to see via web devices such as phones and tablet
devices, means that information can be made available to students at any time and in
any place. Scientists believe that this can also reduce students’ cognitive overload.
   Japanese researchers Marc Ericson C. Santos, Angie Chen, Takafumi Taketomi,
Goshiro Yamamoto, Jun Miyazaki and Hirokazu Kato [19] identified the benefits of
AR technology, which included real annotation, contextual visualization, and haptic
visualization. Scientists substantiate these advantages with several latest theories –
multimedia learning, experimental learning and the theory of animation visualization.
   In the context of our study, the developments of scientists and practical teachers on
the use of AR in the study of foreign languages are of particular interest. In particular,
Robert Godwin-Jones [6] focuses on the links between AR and modern theories of
foreign language learning, which emphasize localized, contextual learning and
semantic connections with the real world. The researcher considers this possibility
using mobile games created using the ARIS platform (AR and Interactive Storytelling),
a free open source game editor of the University of Wisconsin. From his point of view,
there are various ways for teachers to use the AR, because it is advisable to study the
language in connection with expanded digital spaces.
   Pei‐Hsun Emma Liu and Ming‐Kuan Tsai [12] focused on building written writing
skills in English at Taiwan universities using AR through the use of multimedia
documents (such as photographs and videos) in the process of learning English with
computer support to improve students’ language skills, which are necessary for their
written assignments (writing an essay).
   Murat Akçayir and Gökçe Akçayir investigated the students’ attitude to their use of
AR applications in learning English, in particular, for learning new vocabulary.
According to the results of the study, they found that the technology saves time by
simplifying the search for a new word. In addition, AR programs help students
remember words. The problem that students encountered during the study, the authors
indicated the recognition of the QR code. According to students, the small screens of
mobile phones make it difficult to use them in teaching and learning a language [1].
   Considering the search by scientists for ways to intensify the study of foreign
languages and the insufficient development of this problem in terms of the use of AR
technology in general and in the study of foreign languages, in addition to English,
where some attempts have already been made, the problem of using AR technology in
the process of learning foreign languages is relevant and requires a separate study. In
addition, as the analysis of the above works shows, the application of AR technology
in the study of English is mainly concentrated on the study of vocabulary, which
significantly limits the use of this technology, because its potential is much greater.

2      Result and discussion

2.1    The use of elements of augmented reality for the formation of
       communicative competence through a virtual tour
The process of gaining knowledge usually requires the use of different methods and
tools for working with information, depending on the technological possibilities and
basic didactic and pedagogical models. The development of cognitive didactics has led
to the emergence of a new concept of learning, based on taking into account the way
people process information. At the same time, the main attention is paid to such
cognitive structural and process components of learning as thinking, perception and
problem solving. In the process of training aimed at obtaining new knowledge,
cognitive structures should change taking into account motivational and affective
    New technologies, which are becoming more accessible today, contain new didactic
potential regarding the possibilities of working with information in the process of
studying certain topics. In particular, the study of a foreign language is impossible
without the inclusion in the educational material of linguistic and geographical
information related to the country of the language being studied, its traditions, the
specific historical or cultural influence of the representatives of this country and the
reflection of all these aspects in the students’ native country or city. Since it is not
always possible to carry out a real excursion to a specific region or to a particular
attraction, and sometimes this is impractical due to lack of time, there is the possibility
of a virtual excursion that can thematically present the contents of the excursion
regardless of time, logistic and human resources. The essence of modern cognitive
excursion didactics is the orientation to independent actions, which accelerates the
process of acquiring knowledge. An addition, due to its specificity, the excursion has a
positive motivating effect [20]. This can increase motivation to learn a foreign
language, which ultimately leads to a higher efficiency of learning it.
    Based on the above considerations, we chose to create a virtual tour for students
learning German, concentrating on the topic “Traces of German architects in the history
of Kyiv” [3]. It is worth noting that, since Kyiv is an attractive city for German-speaking
tourists, several virtual tours in German have already been developed. In particular, this
is the Reisen Kiew project of the Kiewer Stadtführer, which covers the most famous
historical monuments of the Ukrainian capital. However, we invited students to
consider the outstanding sightseeing objects of the city from a different angle, namely,
as indicated in the topic – in terms of the contribution of German architects to their
design and construction.
    At the initial stage, the selection of objects for a virtual tour was carried out. For this
purpose, a number of materials were analyzed regarding historical objects in the
territory of the city of Kyiv. The following architectural monuments were selected:
1. St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral. The construction of the cathedral began in 1862 and
   lasted 40 years. Its construction involved several architects and painters. In 1853-
   1859, the prominent architect of German origin, Ivan Strom, designed the St.
   Volodymyr’s Cathedral; architects P. Sparro, A. Beretti and V. Nikolaev amended

   the design. Later, German engineer Berengardt was involved in solving technical
2. St. Sophia’s Cathedral. The cathedral, built in 1037, was destroyed several times. In
   1736-1740, the Ukrainian architect of North German origin, Johann Gottfried
   Schedel reconstructed the main bell tower. He also built a stone wall around the St.
   Sophia’s Monastery, very successfully combining Western style elements with
   elements of the Cossack Baroque and folk motifs.
3. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Until 1745, the architect and engineer Johann Gottfried
   Schedel worked on the construction of the bell tower of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra,
   which became one of the best bell towers in Eastern Europe of the 18th century.
   Schedel developed a project in a transitional style from baroque to classicism. The
   bell tower of the Assumption Cathedral was built according to his design in the form
   of an octagonal four-tier tower with a height of 96.5 meters.
4. St. Andrew’s Church. The foundations of St. Andrew’s Church were built according
   to the design of I.G. Schedel; however, the design of the temple itself, submitted by
   him, was not approved. Carved details of the iconostasis, according to sketches and
   drawings by F.-B. Rastrelli, created by the master (J. Domash, A. Karlovsky, M.
   Manturov, D. Ustars, H. Oreidah, J. Zunfer), among which there were several
   Germans. German master Johann Friedrich Grot led installation work.
5. National Opera of Ukraine. After the old theater building burned down in 1896, an
   international architectural competition for the design of a new opera house was
   announced. More than twenty well-known architects from different countries – Italy,
   Germany, Russia and France – attended the competition, and the winner was the
   project of the architect of German-Baltic origin Victor Schröter, a representative of
   the rational direction of eclecticism in architecture. The new city theater was built
   from 1898 to 1901 in the style of rationalism, baroque and neo-Romanesque style.
6. Klov Palace. The architects J. G. Schedel and P. I. Neyelov built Klov Palace in
   1756. The German painter and jeweler Benedict Friedrich performed a number of
   works, in particular, the painting of the ceiling in the large hall of the Klov Palace.
   Тhe German garden master Johann Blech worked on the Klovsky garden.
7. Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Famous architects took part in the competition for
   construction projects at the Polytechnic Institute, including Germans and Austrians,
   in particular: Benoit, Gauguin, Kitner, Kobelev, Pomerantsev, Tsender and Schröter.
   The jury recognized the best project of Professor I. S. Kitner, under the motto
   “Prestissimo” (“Very Fast”). The construction of six university buildings in the
   Romanesque style began on August 30, 1898 and was completed in 1901.
After determining the content of the future virtual tour, that is, the selection of the
outstanding architectural structures of Kyiv associated with the work of German
architects, engineers and decoration painters, information resources were identified that
students can use to prepare and conduct a virtual tour. Providing students with
assistance in information resources was determined, on the one hand, by the desire to
reduce the time for them to complete the task, since local history aspects are only part
of the German language classes, and, on the other hand, to limit the amount of
information for processing by directing it to certain subtopics. Interactivity, a variety

of materials and multimedia play an important role in creating a virtual tour. Another
important aspect was also the understanding that when integrating information into a
virtual tour, we should respect copyrights, that is, use only those sources that are
publicly available or those for which a permit is granted.
   First, we suggested that students include the use of a digital map of Kiev in the
structure of a virtual tour, since the maps provide an understanding of the integrity of
the territory with objects located on it and possible connections between them. They
form a sense of scale and improve spatial orientation. Using digital maps, students can
easily create virtual sightseeing tours, combining sightseeing objects with routes
according to certain signs: the chosen topic, the chronological period, the place of a
historical event, the sequence of location, the logic of movement. In our study, we used
the Google Maps application as a tool for creating a virtual tour map. One of the
advantages of this tool is the ability to clear the position of the excursion object on the
map using built-in search tools based on addresses. Colored markers were
superimposed on automatically identified points on a digital map to conveniently
identify each virtual tour object. At the location of the excursion objects, we applied
color marking for convenient use (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Digital map of Kyiv with printed objects proposed for a virtual tour (Google resource).

The main task of students was to develop their own excursions based on the use of the
proposed map. At the same time, each group selects one of the characteristics for
building the route. As already noted, the virtual tour was to maximize the achievement
of the main goal, in particular, the deepening of the study of the German language by

acquaintance with architectural monuments built with the participation of German
architects. In this case, the informative part about the objects of the virtual excursion
had to combine text, photo and video information into a single, complementary
information case [2; 22; 23], formed using AR technologies. Guided by these
conditions, access to the necessary information on mapped architectural monuments
should be provided throughout the tour. One of the ways to obtain information, quickly
and conveniently, in various forms is the use of modern mobile devices that are capable
of reproducing multimedia information concentrated on various web pages. An
important issue remains the search for the right information and quick access.
   We asked students to solve this problem by creating a system of QR codes that
provide information support for a virtual tour, providing quick access to information
about a particular object of the tour in different forms. It is known that a QR code can
be generated for textual information, a URL, an e-mail, a phone number, etc. They can
be easily and stably scanned by special scanners and provides quick access to encoded
   At the initial stage, we conducted a training for students to develop the skills of
generating QR codes for these types of information using freely available systems.
After that, students processed open Internet resources with text, photo and video
information about the objects of the excursion, selected the most successful of them,
and then, using QR-code generators, formed the corresponding set of codes. We show
an example of a set of QR codes for information about one of such excursion objects,
the bell tower of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (fig. 2).

  Fig. 2. A set of QR codes with text (a), graphic (b) and video (c) about the bell tower of the
                                     Kyiv Pechersk Lavra.

The main condition for the preparation of textual information was that it should be in
German. One of the sources that students used for this purpose was the open electronic
encyclopedia Wikipedia (fig. 3). This approach had a double effect, since students, on
the one hand, processed German sources in the process of searching and selecting the
necessary information, and on the other hand, created the opportunity to receive
extended information in German about objects during the virtual tour for her “visitors”,
which were students from other groups.
   However, for many people, information in the form of a graphic image is more
informative than text. In particular, many facts can be presented more fully and clearly
in the photograph than in words. Therefore, in a virtual tour the use of images is

especially important. In order for the image to be used in a virtual tour, they must be
presented in digital form. The range of such images can be very diverse and range from
simple photographs to interactive maps, managed panoramic images, 3D images and
the like. Image types such as satellite images are also well suited for inclusion in virtual
tours. The use of mobile devices in the process of conducting virtual excursions with
access to images about the object has significant advantages compared to providing
these images in print, primarily due to the possibility of increasing images, changing
their brightness and contrast, making even small details visible. When preparing virtual
excursions, students sought to provide access through a QR code not to individual
images about the object, but to a collection of photographs that would allow them to
get the most out of a particular architectural landmark (fig. 4). For this purpose, students
used the resources of Google Images, Wikiway and the like.

  Fig. 3. A fragment of a web page with textual information about the bell tower of the Kyiv
                      Pechersk Lavra, access is generated by a QR code.

The advantages of video resources are that the presentation of information on the
corresponding excursion space is almost realistic and relatively uncomplicated. Like
photographs, especially panoramic photographs, films and videos very closely convey
the atmosphere of real visits to places of excursion objects. In addition, in the case of
using video, there is not only visual perception, but also perception of information by
   On this basis, when designing virtual excursions, students integrated thematic films
and videos by linking to video portals such as You Tube and Google Video. We show
an example of a link to the corresponding video fragment encoded by a QR code
(fig. 5). Topically relevant videos can be quickly found using targeted keyword
searches. As with photographs, we also need to respect copyrights regarding videos and
   It is worth noting that the communication of the group members during the
preparation of the virtual tour also contributed to the formation of teamwork skills
among students and provided them with the opportunity to develop communication
skills in foreign languages. In addition, working together on one topic and intending to

achieve a common goal, students learned from each other to build sentences of different
types with the correct word order, learned conversational vocabulary options, trained
pronunciation of individual words and phrases.

  Fig. 4. A fragment of a web page with graphic information about the bell tower of the Kyiv
                      Pechersk Lavra, access is generated by a QR code.

2.2    Augmented reality as a modern educational solution for studying foreign

Upon completion of the development of virtual tours of each group, students who did
not take part in their preparation tested them. After passing these excursions, a
questionnaire was proposed, which was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a virtual
excursion with elements of AR in studying the German language. This questionnaire
contained questions grouped into four blocks: motivational, informative, linguistic and
technological. 39 people attended the survey. The results of the answers to the
questionnaire are shown in table 1.
   The results of the survey indicate that the use of virtual excursions with elements of
AR aroused interest among students, which manifested itself to different degrees and
in different aspects when studying the German language. In particular, this approach
has most positively affected the substantive aspect of this process. A rather high
percentage of students (76.9%) noted that the elements of AR provided them with
extended information about the excursion objects presented.
   It is gratifying to note that the level of positive answers in the technological unit was
also quite high (58.1%), which indicates students’ readiness for new forms of
organizing the study of a foreign language. However, some aspects of this process
caused quite serious technological difficulties. In particular, 61.5% of students were not

able to use fully the capabilities of the proposed elements of AR due to insufficient
technical characteristics and an inappropriate software set for their own smartphones.

   Fig. 5. A fragment of a web page with video information about the bell tower of the Kyiv
               Pechersk Lavra, access is generated by a QR code (Reisen Kiew).

An undoubtedly positive result of using virtual tours is the desire expressed by 79.5%
of students to learn German, including in this way. Therefore, it is advisable for teachers
to use the influence on the motivation to learn a foreign language, which is created
using AR elements in the educational process.
   Another confirmation of the advisability of using elements of AR in the study of a
foreign language is the low level of positive answers to the questions of the linguistic
block of the questionnaire. This indicates that the general level of students’ linguistic
knowledge is quite low and therefore needs to be improved, including through the
search for new approaches and forms of learning a foreign language.
   Thus, the use of AR technology contains great potential for the formation of a
holistic, realistic view of objects outside the classroom. Owing to the student’s
independent actions and his emotional impression, when perceiving the educational
object, an active approach of the educational content to the student occurs, which leads
to better assimilation and longer memorization of knowledge.
   Improving the effectiveness of training and longer memorization of the studied
content is achieved through higher motivation for learning, active, and direct interaction
with a real educational object based on AR technology. Since there are different types

of students depending on the channel of perception of information (audial, visual,
kinesthetic, mixed types, etc.) [5; 13], thanks to the holistic representation of objects
based on AR technology, a higher level of assimilation of educational information and
the formation of multimodal representations can be achieved.

                   Table 1. Results of answers to questionnaire questions.

    Question                                                         Response rate
                                                                     Yes          No
    Motivational block                                               66.7        33.3
    Did the virtual tour contribute to the desire to learn German?   79.5        20.5
    Are you ready to continue learning the language this way?        66.7        33.3
    Have you been encouraged by the existing elements of AR
 to depth study of information in German about the excursion         53.8        46.2
 objects presented?
    Content block                                                    77.8        22.2
    Have elements of AR provided you with enhanced
                                                                     76.9        23.1
 information about the excursion objects presented?
    Did German videos provide understanding of the
                                                                     74.4        25.6
 information about the object of the excursion?
    Were the text materials sufficient to obtain information on
                                                                     82.1        17.9
 the topic of the tour?
    Linguistic block                                                 53.8        46.2
    Did the information presented in the form of elements of AR
 make it easier for you to understand excursion materials in         61.5        38.5
    Did elements of AR help to understand the meaning of new
                                                                     56.4        43.6
 words in context?
    Have elements of augmented reality contributed to better
                                                                     43.6        56.4
 memorization of terms?
    Technological block                                              58.1        41.9
    Were there new ways for you to obtain additional
                                                                     71.8        28.2
 information using QR codes?
    Have you possessed sufficient skills in using smartphones to
                                                                     64.1        35.9
 receive information presented as elements of AR?
    Did the specifications and software set of smartphones make
 it possible to utilize fully the capabilities of the proposed       38.5        61.5
 elements of AR?

   The use of AR technology requires appropriate methodological didactic
reorientation, which will create the opportunity for students to independently organize
research, collect, evaluate, process and present information, apply complex hypertext
structures, develop network thinking, work within flexible, group, project-oriented
forms of training.

3      Conclusions

In the course of the study, a number of advantages of using AR technology in the study
of the German language were identified. In our opinion, such advantages can be used
in the process of learning other foreign languages, in particular:
─ The technology of AR allows to achieve a higher level of assimilation of educational
  material, since various channels of perceiving information are involved, because it
  is important for studying a foreign language what type of perception of information
  the student belongs to, whether he is an audial, visual, kinesthetic, and the like.
─ Due to the integrity of the representation of the studied object, the student can get a
  more complete picture of it, and then learn, for example, a larger amount of new
  lexical material, since memorizing new words, especially terminology, takes place
  faster and remains in memory longer when new words are not used in isolation, but
  in context.
─ Based on the application of AR technology, students can familiarize themselves with
  objects, unique or inaccessible due to spatial remoteness (for example, located in
  another country). It helps them to understand the essence or purpose of these objects
  and to remember the vocabulary associated with them, which would be much more
  difficult to use other information sources.
─ Faster memorization of new vocabulary is also facilitated by the parallel presentation
  of information case together with selected objects for study, which allows students
  to quickly receive extended information using AR technologies.
─ The use of AR technology, in particular in the form of a virtual tour, which involves
  working in a group, allows students to develop communicative foreign language
─ AR technology can be a good tool for learning a foreign language, because it allows
  the student to learn at his own pace. The assimilation of new knowledge and skills
  takes place based on previous knowledge of the language, the level of which, as
  shown by pedagogical practice, is very different even within the same academic
The main problem of using AR technology when learning a foreign language by
organizing virtual tours, in our study, as in other cases of using digital information, is
the dependence on the technical infrastructure and software. Since each student used
his own smartphone with different technical characteristics and his own software set,
sometimes this led to problems with receiving and reproducing information in
accordance with the used technology. Most of these problems were related to ensuring
stable access to the Internet, improper operation of QR scanners and the lack of some
software installation skills.
   In order to understand better the transfer of knowledge through virtual and AR and
to be able to develop appropriate methods for using these technologies, further research
is needed. In particular, it is advisable to compare augmented and virtual reality
technologies with traditional teaching methods and other latest information processing
tools, as well as study and compare various methods that offer augmented and virtual

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