=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2731/paper08 |storemode=property |title=New effective aid for teaching technology subjects: 3D spherical panoramas joined with virtual reality |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper08.pdf |volume=Vol-2731 |authors=Igor V. Barkatov,Volodymyr S. Farafonov,Valeriy O. Tiurin,Serhiy S. Honcharuk,Vitaliy I. Barkatov,Hennadiy M. Kravtsov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/BarkatovFTHBK20 }} ==New effective aid for teaching technology subjects: 3D spherical panoramas joined with virtual reality== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper08.pdf

     New effective aid for teaching technology subjects:
     3D spherical panoramas joined with virtual reality

   Igor V. Barkatov1[0000-0003-2605-574X], Volodymyr S. Farafonov1[0000-0003-0785-9582],
  Valeriy O. Tiurin1[0000-0003-3311-9043], Serhiy S. Honcharuk1, Vitaliy I. Barkatov2 and
                        Hennadiy M. Kravtsov3[0000-0003-3680-2286]
               1 National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,

                         2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
    barkatov_iv@ukr.net, vsfarafonov@ukr.net, valery_t@ukr.net,
  2 Innovative Distance Learning Systems Ltd., 30 Iuvileynyy Ave., Kharkiv, 61038, Ukraine

         3 Kherson State University, 27 Universytetska Str., Kherson, 73000, Ukraine


       Abstract. Rapid development of modern technology and its increasing
       complexity make high demands to the quality of training of its users. Among
       others, an important class is vehicles, both civil and military. In the teaching of
       associated subjects, the accepted hierarchy of teaching aids includes common
       visual aids (posters, videos, scale models etc.) on the first stage, followed by
       simulators ranging in complexity, and finished at real vehicles. It allows
       achieving some balance between cost and efficiency by partial replacement of
       more expensive and elaborated aids with the less expensive ones. However, the
       analysis of teaching experience in the Military Institute of Armored Forces of
       National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Institute) reveals
       that the balance is still suboptimal, and the present teaching aids are still not
       enough to allow efficient teaching. This fact raises the problem of extending the
       range of available teaching aids for vehicle-related subjects, which is the aim of
       the work. Benefiting from the modern information and visualization
       technologies, we present a new teaching aid that constitutes a spherical (360° or
       3D) photographic panorama and a Virtual Reality (VR) device. The nature of the
       aid, its potential applications, limitations and benefits in comparison to the
       common aids are discussed. The proposed aid is shown to be cost-effective and
       is proved to increase efficiency of training, according to the results of a teaching
       experiment that was carried out in the Institute. For the implementation, a tight
       collaboration between the Institute and an IT company “Innovative Distance
       Learning Systems Limited” was established. A series of panoramas, which are
       already available, and its planned expansions are presented. The authors conclude
       that the proposed aid may significantly improve the cost-efficiency balance of
       teaching a range of technology subjects.

       Keywords: 360° panorama, VR glasses, simulator, vehicle cabin, academia-
       industry collaboration.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

1         Introduction

Technology plays a vital role in modern world. At present, most occupations and
activities imply utilization of some devices and equipment. Among the variety of
classes, an important representative is vehicles. A wide assortment is designed and
extensively used in civil (transport, building, service etc.), military, and paramilitary
(emergency, police) fields. The following features are typical for modern vehicles and
their exploitation process:

 Increasing complexity of the chassis itself and the installed equipment;
 Fast development, resulting in frequent appearance of upgraded and novel models;
 Often, hard use conditions (especially for military and paramilitary vehicles);
 High costs of repairing and replacement of broken samples.
Consequently, extensive knowledge about the proper exploitation of the vehicle and
related skills must be delivered to trainees during education in order for them to become
qualified users.

2         Related work

In the teaching of vehicle-related subjects, there is an established and accepted
hierarchy of teaching methods and corresponding aids [3]. It is summarized in table 1.

        Table 1. The accepted hierarchy of teaching aids in teaching vehicle-related subjects.
    Stage      Teaching aids                 Goals
    1          Common visual aids            Provide the knowledge about the constitution,
               (posters, animations,         functioning, appearance, and exploitation of the
               videos, scale models etc.)    vehicle. No skill developing is assumed.
    2          Simulators                    The purpose is two-fold. Firstly, providing
                                             information about appearance and exploitation of the
                                             vehicle. Secondly, a more or less wide range of skills
                                             may be trained, depending on the class of simulator.

    3          Real vehicles                 Providing real-world driving        experience      and
                                             developing exploitation skills.

   An extensive literature, both pedagogical and technical, is available about the
problems of design and use of simulators [19; 22; 23]. The transition from the first-
stage aids to the last-stage ones is characterized by two features. On one hand, the
trainee’s experience becomes more relevant to the real-world use experience. On the
other hand, expenditure for material resources and time per one trainee increases, as
well. The reasons are manifold:

 A vehicle and, to a lesser extent, a simulator are expensive to obtain and maintain;
 Exploiting vehicles is material-expensive;

 Each vehicle or simulator is able to accommodate a single trainee only and, thus,
  have very low throughput: each trainee has to enter and leave it one by one.
The above hierarchy is aimed to balance the quality and cost of training, which is to
provide the best training for a given budget, by partial replacement of more expensive
aids with the less expensive ones. The stated aim is actually achieved.

3      Statement of problem

Nevertheless, the analysis of teaching experience collected in the Military Institute of
Armored Forces of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
(Institute) reveals that the reached balance is still suboptimal. The identified deficiency
is extensive use of simulators just as advanced visual aids, when they act simply as 1:1
scale models. Their purpose here is familiarize trainees with the appearance of the
vehicle cabin (show the location of controls, indicators etc.). This fact leads to the next

 Trainees are able to occupy the simulator one by one only, extending the duration of
  the class (i.e. the throughput is very low);
 The time available for using the simulator at its full capacity for developing skills by
  other trainees is, thus, reduced;
 In education establishments, which do not possess a simulator, the trainees are
  actually unable to receive this kind of training.
Let us consider a simple example. In a group of 15 trainees and one teacher, during a
75 minutes class, each person will receive just 5 minutes of experiencing the simulator
in the best case (i.e. no preliminary instruction is needed, entering and leaving the cabin
occur rapidly etc.). Importantly, the teacher is focused on a single trainee sitting in the
cabin and, thus, cannot perform teaching with the rest of the group. Simultaneous
utilization of 3-4 simulators at the same time may improve the situation, but requires
corresponding expenses. The reason of such unpractical use of simulators is the absence
of other teaching aids, which may be employed instead. In other words, there is a
pronounced gap between the first and second hierarchy positions, which is forcedly
filled by simulators. It is illustrated in fig. 1, where the particular sensational features,
provided by the discussed teaching aids, are listed.
    In the described situation, only two basic sensational features of simulators are used
out of four, that is evidently suboptimal. The situation may be illustrated by a case from
the Institute experience.
    Trainees, who learn subject “Basics of driving combat vehicles”, have their module
finishing with exam “Preparation to starting-up and starting-up of the engine”. The
education is organized as follows. Firstly, trainees are acknowledged with the
appearance of controls in the driver’s cabin by means of posters, slides, videos.
Secondly, the order of engine starting-up is explained using text descriptions and
posters. Then, trainees are allowed to enter a simulator in order to perform the operation
practically. The drawback of this approach is that actually trainees require considerable

time to familiarize with the driver’s cabin. “To familiarize” here means to establish the
connection between the remembered flat two-dimensional pictures of the cabin with its
actual spatial three-dimensional appearance and to work out the head, arms, hands
movements needed to activate the learned controls. Because, as was shown before, the
total time available for each trainee in a simulator is short, there remains too little time
to work out the exam operation. The only way to increase it is to devote more classes
at simulators in the curriculum.

      cost of the                                    Feedback                Feedback
      implementation                                 (limited)
      of the feature
                                                  Motor, tactile          Motor, tactile
                                                   experience              experience

                                   ?                 Spatial                 Spatial
                                                    perception              perception

          Visual                                      Visual                  Visual
        perception                                  perception              perception
      1. Poster, video                             2. Simulator          3. Real vehicle
                                                                           cost of the aid
Fig. 1. Sensational features provided by the teaching aids in the accepted hierarchy, ordered by
  the cost of their implementation in the teaching aid. The question mark represents the gap.

Summarizing, the available range of teaching aids is markedly incomplete, which limits
the quality of teaching vehicle-related subjects. The goal of our work is to introduce a
new teaching aid in order to increase the stated quality.

4        Proposed solution

We propose a new teaching aid that constitutes a spherical (360°) photographic
panorama and a Virtual Reality (VR) glasses. It is able to provide both visual and spatial
perceptions plus limited motional experience, hence, it is located in between posters
and simulators in the diagram (fig. 1) filling the described gap. Below we describe both
components of this aid and their functioning.

4.1      Spherical panorama: Overview
Spherical panorama (also called 360° or 3D panorama) is an image that covers and
contains the full horizontal and vertical field of view around a fixed point. It may be
either artificial (i.e. drawn manually or computer-generated) or photographic. The
photographic ones are created by processing a number of ordinary photographs (each
having field of view less than 180°) shot from the same position to all the directions

around; the principle is shown in fig. 2. Specialized software is used for this sake.
Unlike ordinary images, 360° panoramas obviously cannot be viewed as a whole at a
time (without slicing); therefore, during viewing on displays it is scrolled to the position
of interest using computer mouse or other input device. At present, they are widely used
for advertisement and entertaining purposes; some educational use is also present, e.g.
panoramas of museum interiors [6; 30; 32].

Fig. 2. The principle of composing a spherical panorama. The camera is located in the center of
the field of view. A single photograph shot is shown explicitly, while for the rest, only borders
                                          are shown.

Spherical photographic panoramas possess some features, which make them favorable
for application in teaching:

 In contrast to ordinary photographs, the whole field of view is contained in a single
  panorama. This allows teacher to smoothly and continuously explore the field of
  view in order to find the needed area, creating in trainee’s mind a solid and coherent
  image of the vehicle interior.
 In contrast to 3D models drawn in graphics and engineering software (like 3D Studio
  MAX, SolidWorks etc.), the image looks exactly as it is in reality, making the
  content (controls, indicators etc.) easily recognized when the trainee meets the real
  vehicle or device.
 Fabricating a photographic panorama is much less labor-intensive and time-
  consuming than drawing a high-quality poster or a 3D model because it does not
  involve manual reconstruction of the image from scratch. Making a series of
  photographs is a routine process, and composing the panorama is almost completely
  automated by software.
Nevertheless, the full potential of 360° panoramas may be utilized only if they occupy
the whole field of view of a trainee instead of being viewed at a distant display.

4.2    Virtual reality: Overview
Virtual reality (VR) is the technology that allows achieving this effect. The goal of VR
is to create the effect of the person’s presence in some environment, either artificial or
having a real counterpart, by specific affecting their sensors (eyes, hears, skin etc.) via
VR equipment. It is usually called “immersion” in the literature. The central component
of the equipment is a head-mounted display (called VR glasses), which form the
person’s field of view by displaying the picture, provided by VR software. The most
important feature of the glasses is their interactivity: the movements of the person’s
head are monitored, transferred to the software and processed by it for the sake of
updating the image in accordance with the new direction of the head [27]. Hence, it
becomes advantageous to employ VR glasses for viewing 360° panoramas. The
following benefits may be reached:

 The image of the spherical panorama completely surrounds the trainee, convincingly
  imitating staying in a vehicle cabin;
 The panorama becomes interactive, i.e. responding to the look-up movements of the
  trainee’s head.
These features turn a passive spectator to an active viewer, who is able to look around.
Also, the viewer is able to perform movements of arms and hands in order to imitate
using controls seen in the field of view. Although the trainee’s hands are not visible in
VR glasses (without involving additional elaborate VR equipment), this is still useful
and provides correct (through incomplete) motor experience because the location of
controls in the field of view created by VR glasses is the same as in that inside the
vehicle cabin. This feature even more distinguishes the proposed teaching aid from
common visual aids (posters etc.), which are unable to provide reasonable motor
   In general, the possibilities of utilizing VR in teaching various subjects have been
actively discussed for several decades, and different software and hardware solutions
were proposed. Mostly, the fields where practical study involves large hazard or
expenses were worked out, for example, medicine [5; 21; 25], technology and fire
safety [16; 20; 24; 31; 33], driving [1; 9]. At present, it became accepted, particularly,
in medicine and military training [2; 13], while at other fields, its usefulness is still
discussed. For detailed reviews of the place of VR in education, the reader is referred
to subject papers [7; 8; 10; 11; 12; 14; 15; 17; 18; 26; 28; 29; 31].
   However, despite the opportunities VR may provide, its practical application is
hindered by the following major obstacles:

 Creating content is in general case complicated and labor-intensive, demanding
  developed 3D design, art, and programming skills for creating the virtual
 Costs of VR equipment are generally high.
Here we show that both these obstacles may be successfully overcome, having the
introduced teaching aid as an example. Considering the first one, the problem is largely
simplified by the fact that the content is created by photographing the existing vehicle,

and the process of composing a 360° panorama is largely automated (see above). Some
programming is still necessary but it is rather limited because no visual effects or virtual
scenes is needed to implement. The second obstacle is solved by a proper choice of the
equipment among the available, as will be shown below.
   Next, wearing VR glasses by a trainee during teaching process introduces two
important difficulties. Firstly, the teacher is unable to monitor the actions of the trainee
because they is unable to see the image on the display. Therefore, in order to allow
control over the trainee’s actions, it is required to involve a secondary display, whose
purpose is to demonstrate the image that is displayed at a moment by VR glasses.
   The second difficulty is the very limited ability of the trainee wearing VR glasses to
answer teacher’s questions about the image seen (e.g. “indicate the button named X on
the control panel”). It is caused by the fact that by default, the surrounding is interactive
just to some extent: it responds to the rotations of the user’s head, but the user is unable
to affect it in any other way. To solve the problem, the trainee has to be provided with
a separate device called controller. Its purpose is to receive user’s input and affect the
image seen in the VR glasses and, as a result, on the teacher’s display.
   Taking all the above into account, the proposed teaching aid consists of four
components, which are depicted in fig. 3. It may be implemented using a range of
hardware; the author’s choice is stated in paragraph 4.5.

                                    Proposed teaching

   photographic             VR glasses              Controller              Computer

                      Fig. 3. Composition of the proposed teaching aid.

4.3    Application in teaching
The described features of spherical photographic panoramas suggest that the most
precise and realistic result may be achieved for small, confined premises designed for
one, at most two persons, where all the points of interest (labels, controls, indicators
etc.) are located at about arm’s length from the viewer. Actually, this is a case for most
vehicle cabins. Another case is portable equipment, transported by truck (e.g. portable
chemical laboratories). Therefore, the aid is most suitable for teaching subjects
considering the above things. Particular examples in the military field are:

 Armored armament;
 Exploitation of combat vehicles;

 Renewal of armored armament;
 Technical support;
 Driving combat vehicles;
 Armament and firing;
 Electric equipment of armored armament.
Considering the financial side, the total price of the aid is very limited (hundred to
thousand times less than a price of a single simulator), which makes feasible for
educational establishments to obtain the aid. Moreover, the price makes readily possible
equipping specialized classes for groups of 10-20 trainees. This option proportionally
increases the time a trainee spends in the teaching aid and, thus, further improves
teaching quality.

4.4    Test of effectiveness
In order to test the efficiency of the proposed aid, a teaching experiment was carried
out at the Institute. The points #1 “Location and operation rules of controls and
indicators” and #2 “Preparation of the vehicle to engine starting-up and movement» of
the practice lesson “Training at simulators on preparatory exercise #1” belonging to the
credit module “Driving basics” of the subject “Basics of driving combat vehicles” were
chosen. The exercise #1 in this module is “Preparation to starting-up and starting-up of
the engine” (further called “the exercise”), its procedure contains 19 steps.
    The experimental class was held at an experimental multifunctional room. For
comparison and estimation of efficiency, the reference class on the same lesson was
held in a traditional way using common teaching aids (simulators).
    Both classes started from learning the general structure of the BTR-4E transporter,
its cabins, controls, and exploitation basics. The trainees were provided with the general
information about the purpose of the control cabin and the driver operating procedure
by means of distance course “Structure and exploitation basics of BTR-4E”
(experimental group) [4] or posters and textbooks (reference group).
    Then, the training was continued either with the help of simulator (in the reference
group) or using the proposed teaching aid further called “a VR simulator of the driver
cabin” (in the experimental group). In the latter case, the procedure was as follows. The
teacher divided the group to pairs, and in each pair, trainees were assigned with #1 and
#2. Then, the following tasks were specified to #1 and #2:
    Actions of #1: Help #2 to wear a VR simulator and take a controller. Read the text
of the exercise procedure step by step making pauses after each step to allow #2 find
the needed control. Check the correctness of #2’s actions by watching the laptop, do
corresponding notes and write down the results of training into the control sheet.
    Actions of #2: Wear a VR simulator and take a controller, repeat the steps read by
#1, find the needed control and point it with the controller. Then, pronounce each step
of the procedure by memory, find the needed control and point it with the controller.
    When the actions were completed the trainees #1 and #2 exchanged their roles.
    The success of teaching during the experimental and reference classes was assessed
by the results of the next class, when both groups of trainees had to execute the exercise

at a BTR-4E simulator. This class has been carried out identically with both groups.
The main results are as follows.
   The marks for completing the exercise are summarized in table 2. Here, the mark is
determined by the consumed time: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” corresponds to
no longer than 1 min 30 sec, 2 min, 2 min 30 sec, respectively. It is seen that both
groups have similar distribution of marks that indicates they received equivalent
training before. This proves that the proposed teaching aid is able to successfully
replace simulators in the task of familiarizing trainees with vehicle cabin.
   Further, the occupation of the simulator by the experimental group was 4 times lower
than by the reference one. Hence, application of the proposed aid allows free substantial
amount of the simulator time, which then can be used for conducting other classes
where full range of its capabilities is employed.

                   Table 2. The success rates of the two groups of trainees.
                                  Control group                  Experimental group
  Total trainees                  25                             25
  “Excellent” marks               10 (40%)                       11 (44%)
  “Good” marks                    8 (32%)                        6 (24%)
  “Satisfactory” marks            7 (28%)                        8 (32%)
  “Unsatisfactory” marks          –                              –

4.5    Details of implementation
For the implementation of the software part, a tight collaboration between the Institute
and IT company “Innovative Distance Learning Systems Limited” was established. The
Company developed the viewing software, and the experts of the Company performed
photographing the interiors of vehicles, fabrication of 360° panoramas, and loading
them to the viewing software. The Institute took part in developing the content, carried
out approbation, and developed methods for the most efficient application of the
product in teaching.
    The access to the program is provided after registration procedure: the user has to
fill the registration form with their contact details, affiliation, and International Mobile
Equipment Identity (IMEI) code of their device. This information is manually
processed by the responsible staff at the Institute. This measure allows control the
distribution of the program and limit it to trusted persons and organizations only. The
association with IMEI code of a device prevents illegitimate copying the software to
devices belonging to unregistered persons.
    The hardware part was chosen in accordance with the following considerations.
    The VR glasses are of two kinds. The first kind comprises a built-in display; such
glasses must by connected to a source of video signal, which is usually a computer
running VR software. The second kind of glasses is called “VR boxes”. There, the role
of display is played by a smartphone, which has to be installed (reversibly) into the VR

box. In this case, the source of video signal is the same smartphone, which runs VR
   The teacher’s display must be attached either to the computer that generates the
image for VR glasses of the first kind, or to the computer that receives the image from
the smartphone installed in VR glasses of the second kind.
   The simplest kind of controllers is computer mouse: when attached, a pointer is
shown on the image, and the trainee is able to move it and set to the needed position
(e.g., to the position, at which some control is seen at the moment).
    Taking this into account, we used the following hardware in our implementation:
1. A VR box because it does not require a computer to work, is much cheaper than VR
   glasses, and still provides the ability to view 360° panoramas;
2. A smartphone running Android operating system, where VR software is installed
   and 360° panoramas are uploaded;
3. A computer mouse as a controller because it is a common and inexpensive device
   requiring no adaptation for trainees;
4. A laptop running Windows 10 operating system because we concluded that it is the
   most convenient option: the needed configuration is relatively simple, and the image
   from VR glasses may be received wirelessly via Wi-Fi.

5       Conclusions

A deficiency in the available range of teaching aids for vehicle-related subjects is
identified, which decreases the teaching quality of the subjects. For the sake of its
increase, a new teaching aid is introduced that constitutes a spherical panorama of the
vehicle cabin joined with Virtual Reality glasses. Its main feature is the possibility to
provide visual, spatial, and motor experience that is approaching to the provided by
simulators, by much lesser cost. The efficiency of the aid was proved by a teaching
experiment that showed it can serve as an alternative of simulators on the stage of
trainee’s familiarizing with vehicle cabin appearance.
   At present, we have completed the 360° panoramas of a series of armored vehicles
(BM “Oplot”, BMP-2, BTR-4E) and emergency vehicles (fire engine). Under
development are the ones for trucks.
   In general, the study provides new evidence that VR technologies may be effectively
used in education and, hence, deserve attention from researchers in the field. The
additional motivation is that at present they became available and affordable to obtain
by educational establishments. Several practical difficulties appearing during use at
classes are shown to be non-critical and solved by means of additional devices.
   We think the proposed aid may significantly improve the cost-efficiency balance of
teaching a range of technology subjects, where vehicles or mobile equipment are
considered, and may receive wide application in civil and military education
establishments, emergency and military units, enterprises using special equipment.
   Because the aid is new and rather unusual, our further research in the field is focused
on working up advices for teachers regarding the technical aspects of the aid use at

classes, developing methods of application of the aid in teaching various subjects,
optimizing the choice of hardware constituents.

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