=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2731/paper12 |storemode=property |title=Development of a model of the solar system in AR and 3D |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-2731 |authors=Valentyna V. Hordiienko,Galyna V. Marchuk,Tetiana A. Vakaliuk,Andrey V. Pikilnyak |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/HordiienkoMVP20 }} ==Development of a model of the solar system in AR and 3D== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper12.pdf

Development of a model of the solar system in AR and 3D

      Valentyna V. Hordiienko1[0000-0003-1271-9509], Galyna V. Marchuk1[0000-0003-2954-1057],
      Tetiana A. Vakaliuk1[0000-0001-6825-4697] and Andrey V. Pikilnyak2[0000-0003-0898-4756]
    1 Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, 103, Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine

             rafiktgebestlove@gmail.com, pzs_mgv@ztu.edu.ua,
    2 Kryvyi Rih National University, 11 Vitalii Matusevych Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine


          Abstract. In this paper, the possibilities of using augmented reality technology
          are analyzed and the software model of the solar system model is created. The
          analysis of the available software products modeling the solar system is carried
          out. The developed software application demonstrates the behavior of solar
          system objects in detail with augmented reality technology. In addition to the
          interactive 3D model, you can explore each planet visually as well as
          informatively – by reading the description of each object, its main characteristics,
          and interesting facts. The model has two main views: Augmented Reality and
          3D. Real-world object parameters were used to create the 3D models, using the
          basic ones – the correct proportions in the size and velocity of the objects and the
          shapes and distances between the orbits of the celestial bodies.

          Keywords: augmented reality, virtual reality, ARCore, planet, solar system.

1         Introduction

1.1       Problem statement
The development of technology in the 21st century is extremely fast. One of these
technologies is Augmented Reality (AR). This technology has a direct vector in the
future. The urgency of the introduction of augmented reality technology, especially in
the educational process, is that the use of such a new system will undoubtedly increase
students' motivation, as well as increase the level of assimilation of information due to
the variety and interactivity of its visual presentation.
   Augmented reality is a concept that describes the process of augmenting reality with
virtual objects. Virtual reality communication is performed on-line, and only the
camera is required to provide the desired effect – images that will be complemented by
virtual objects. The relevance of the introduction of augmented reality technology in
the educational process is that the use of such a new system will undoubtedly increase
students' motivation, as well as increase the level of assimilation of information due to
the variety and interactivity of its visual presentation [12]. ARCore is a state-of-the-art

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

cross-platform kernel for application creation, designed for the entire development
process to take place in the bundled integrated development environment.

1.2    Literature review
Vladimir S. Morkun, Natalia V. Morkun, and Andrey V. Pikilnyak view augmented
reality as a tool for visualization of ultrasound propagation in heterogeneous media
based on the k-space method [9].
   Mariya P. Shyshkina and Maiia V. Marienko considering augmented reality as a tool
for open science platform by research collaboration in virtual teams. Authors show an
example of the practical application of this tool is the general description of MaxWhere,
developed by Hungarian scientists, and is a platform of aggregates of individual 3D
spaces [13].
   Tetiana H. Kramarenko, Olha S. Pylypenko and Vladimir I. Zaselskiy view
prospects of using the augmented reality application in STEM-based Mathematics
teaching, in particular, the mobile application 3D Calculator with Augmented reality of
Dynamic Mathematics GeoGebra system usage in Mathematics teaching are revealed
   Pavlo P. Nechypurenko, Viktoriia G. Stoliarenko, Tetiana V. Starova, Tetiana V.
Selivanova considering development and implementation of educational resources in
chemistry with elements of augmented reality, and as a result of the study, they were
found that technologies of augmented reality have enormous potential for increasing
the efficiency of independent work of students in the study of chemistry, providing
distance and continuous education [10].
   Anna V. Iatsyshyn, Valeriia O. Kovach, Yevhen O. Romanenko, Iryna I. Deinega,
Andrii V. Iatsyshyn, Oleksandr O. Popov, Yulii G. Kutsan, Volodymyr O. Artemchuk,
Oleksandr Yu. Burov and Svitlana H. Lytvynova view the application of augmented
reality technologies for the preparation of specialists in the new technological era [4].
   Lilia Ya. Midak, Ivan V. Kravets, Olga V. Kuzyshyn, Jurij D. Pahomov, Victor M.
Lutsyshyn considering augmented reality technology within studying natural subjects
in primary school [8].
   Aw Kien Sin and Halimah Badioze Zaman [14] researching the Live Solar System
(LSS), which is a learning tool to teach Astronomy. They are user study was conducted
to test on the usability of LSS, in findings of the study concluded that LSS is easy to
use and learn in teaching Astronomy.
   Vinothini Kasinathan, Aida Mustapha, Muhammad Azani Hasibuan and Aida
Zamnah Zainal Abidin in the article [6] presents an AR-based application to learn Space
and Science. They are concluded that the proposed application can improve the ability
of children in retaining knowledge after the AR science learning experience.
   There are currently several software products that simulate the solar system.
Consider some of them.
   The AR Solar System application [1] uses AR technology, which was implemented
using the Vuforia service. This application provides the opportunity to see the planets
of the solar system directly in front of you. At the same time, there is no interaction
with the user, except for the ability to choose the screen orientation: horizontal or

vertical. When launched, the application automatically selects the location of the
planets and this is not always successful. Besides, if you change your location, the
location of the planets does not change. The planets revolve around the Sun and its axis,
but this is the whole functionality of the application.
   The Solar System AR application [11] involves printing or opening a special card
on another device, which will then display the planets. At startup, you need to place an
image in front of the phone's camera, which consists of squares in which the first letters
of the name of the planet are written. As a result, the planets begin to appear along with
the soundtrack. However, with the slightest movement of the phone's camera, all the
planets disappear and begin to reappear, as does the soundtrack. Similarly, as in the first
application, there is no interaction with the user.
   The next analog is the Solar System (AR) [17]. The application has much more
functionality than the previous two: there is a menu where you can go to the
introduction, which tells some interesting facts; the very reflection of the solar system;
quiz, which contains questions about the structure, characteristics, features of all
objects. By selecting the transition to the solar system, the application places the Sun
in the center of the screen, all the others – on their axes, which, incidentally, are located
inconsistently with reality. By clicking on any planet, you can see minimal information
about it with sound.
   Another application that is worth noting is the Solar System Scope [5]. This
application has good graphics: from the download bar to display the planets themselves.
There are also constellations and a large number of stars that are not usually reflected
in the solar system. The application has music in space style; there are enough settings
to make the application convenient for each user. In particular, the planets can be
enlarged, reduced, rotated 360°. Having chosen any planet or star, you can see it in
section, read about it quite detailed information. There is a function to search for
planets, stars, comets, constellations, etc., display in real-time or in the past or future,
and accelerate the pace of rotation. That is, this application has many advantages and
is very convenient for studying all space objects. However, it does not use augmented

2      Methods

2.1    Why ARCore?
The purpose of the article is to develop an application that implements the Solar System
model in AR and 3D.
   Today AR is developing rapidly. There are already many platforms where you can
create applications with this technology: ARToolKit, Cudan, Catchoom, Augment,
Aurasma, Blippar, InfifnityAR, Layar SDK, Vuforia and more. This work will use
ARCore, a platform developed by Google as a tool for creating augmented reality
applications. Its advantages over others are: it is well-developed, provides many
features, has content documentation, is free, compatible with the Unity engine [2; 3].
   There are two main actions of ARCore: finding the current position of your device
while moving and shaping your 3D world. For this purpose, technologies are used to

track the position of the phone in the real world using its sensors; understanding of the
shapes of the environment, finding the vertical, horizontal and angular surfaces of the
plane; lighting assessment.
    The position of the user along with the device is determined by various sensors
(accelerometer, gyro) built into the gadget itself. At the same time, there are so-called
key points and their movement is being explored. With these points and sensor data,
ARCore determines the tilt, orientation, and position of the device in space.
    To find the surfaces, move the camera. This is to help ARCore build it's real-world
based on moving objects. Even if you leave the room and then return, all of the objects
you have placed will remain in place, remembering their location relative to the key
points and the locations relative to the world built by ARCore.
    Lighting is also evaluated. This is done using signal recognition: the main light is
the light emitted by an external source and illuminates all around; shadows that help
you identify where the light source is; shading – is responsible for the intensity of
illumination in different areas of the object, that is, helps to understand how remote
from the source are parts of it; glares that seem to glow, that is, directly reflect the light
stream from the source and vary depending on the position of the device relative to the
object; a display that depends on the material of the illuminated object. By the way, the
formed idea of illumination will influence the illumination of objects placed by the user.
For example, if you place one 3D model by the window and the other under the table,
the first will be bright and the other as if in shadow. This creates the effect of reality.

2.2    Modeling the movement of astronomical objects
Long-standing scientists have been trying to understand how objects move in the solar
system. Most accurately the motion of planets, stars, asteroids – all objects – was
characterized by Kepler, who discovered the three laws on which Newton derived the
formula of gravity.

                      a)                                               b)
          Fig. 1. Graphic representation of the first (a) and second (b) law of Kepler.

The first law states that all planets move in elliptical orbits (trajectories) in one of the
focuses of which is the Sun. That is, all planets move around the center of mass, which
is in the Sun because its mass is much larger than the mass of any planet. Figure 1 (a)
show the elliptical orbit of the planet, the Sun with mass M, which is several times the
mass of the planet m. The sun is in focus F1. The point closest to the Sun in the orbit
of P is called perihelion, and the farthest A is aphelion or apogeal.
    Another important concept is the eccentricity, which characterizes the degree of

compression (elongation) of the orbit (table 1).

                 Table 1. The shape of the orbit depending on the eccentricity.

      The value of the
                               0            (0; 1)         1           (1; ∞)        ∞
      The orbit shape        circle         ellipse    parabola      hyperbola    straight

   By Kepler's second law we learn that each planet moves so that its radius vector (the
segment connecting the planet and the sun) passes the same area over the same period.
Figure 1(b) shows that for the equivalent time t, during which you can go from point
A1 to A2 and from B1 to B2, the identical areas S are throws.
   This law explains why the movement of the planet accelerates as it approaches
perihelion and decelerates when it reaches aphelion. That is, for these areas to be the
same, the planet must move faster if it is close to the Sun and slower if far away. This
law determines the speed of movement of the celestial body.
   He also determined that the squares of the planets' rotation periods (T) refer to each
other as cubes of the large hemispheres (a) of these orbits. This is Kepler's third law.

                                              =                                              (1)

However, these laws are not enough to accurately describe the movement of all bodies.
After all, they work only when the weight of one body in the group under consideration
is significantly higher than the other. That is, if you consider the planet and its satellite,
they will not work. Newton was able to correct it. He changed the third law by adding
mass to it.

                                        =      ∙                                             (2)

The main force that controls the motion of the planets is the force of gravity. However,
if bodies were attracted only to the Sun, they would move only according to Kepler's
laws. In fact, the bodies are attracted not only by the sun but also to each other.
Therefore, nobody in the solar system moves in a perfect circle, ellipse, parabola, etc.
   Considering the basic algorithms of the program and the principles of motion of the
planets, we can distinguish the basic parameters (table 2 and table 3) that you need to
know about objects: eccentricity (ɛ), perihelion, a period of rotation around the Sun
(orbital period), equatorial radius (the radius of the planet), the angle of inclination of
the axis, the period of rotation about its axis (the period of rotation), the length of the
ascending node (Ω).

2.3     Animation implementation
LeanTween was used to implement the animations, an efficient twin plugin used by
Unity [15]. Its benefits are simple implementation, Canvas UI animation support, spline
or Bezier curves, and event handler support available on the Asset Store [16].

                             Table 2. Object orbit parameter values.

                                                                                Length of ascending
                              Eccentricity, ɛ                Perihelion
                                                                                     node, Ω
       Sun                            0                          0                      0
      Mercury                      0,2056                     0,3075                   48,3
      Venus                        0,0067                      0,718                   76,7
       Earth                       0,0167                     0,9833                   349
       Mars                        0,0934                     1,3814                   49,6
      Jupiter                      0,0488                      4,950                   101
      Saturn                       0,0542                      9,021                   114
      Uranium                      0,0472                     18,286                   74,2
      Neptune                      0,0086                   29,76607095                131
       Moon                        0,055                      0,00242                   0,0

                  Table 3. The values of the parameters of planets and satellites.

                          The orbital
                                            Radius of the
                           period,                              Axis angle, °     Rotation period
         Sun                   0             0,004649197             7,25         -0,7049998611
       Mercury               0,241          0,00001630347            0,01          -0,15834474
        Venus                0,615          0,00004045454            177,4             0,67
         Earth            0,98329134        0,00004263435            23,45       -0,00273032773
         Mars                1,882          0,0000233155             25,19           -0,0029
        Jupiter              11,86          0,00047660427            3,13            -0,0011
        Saturn              29,457          0,00040173796            26,73           -0,0012
       Uranium              84,016          0,00017713903            97,77            0,0019
       Neptune              164,791         0,00016544117            28,32       -0,00183775013
        Moon                 0,074          0,00001161764            6,69        -0,07945205479

   The ToggleBodies method animates the appearance of a list of planets (on the left)
when the corresponding key is pressed.
   The isOn variable specifies whether to show the panel or hide it. Value method
provides the necessary parameters for animation, such as color, size, etc. The example
shows an animation of the panel placement variable. By default, it is located on the left
side outside the visible window; it should be moved slightly to the right. The first
parameter is the object, the second is the starting position, the third is the position to be
reached, and the fourth is the time during which the transition will take place. The
smoothness of the transition is governed by setEase(), which carries the name of the
Bezier curve – easeOutCubic. In other words, the animation will be faster at first and
slower at the end, and the panel will approach the destination smoothly. The

setOnStart(), setOnUpdate(), setOnComplete() methods are required to manage
changes. In this example, we use setOnUpdate(). That is, the position value will change
with each frame. It calculates according to the distance, time, and curve that the subject
should shift.
   The UIAnimationController.cs script manages all the animations.

2.4    Design and implementation of individual modules of the system
The most important algorithm for organizing the motion of objects is to create an orbit
for a planet, star, or satellite. Three scripts are responsible for this: OrbitData, Orbiter,
OrbitRenderer (fig. 2).

                     Fig. 2. Diagram of classes related to orbit creation.

OrbitData contains all the necessary data (parameters) about the orbit: eccentricity
(degree of deviation from the circle), perihelion (closest to the sun orbit point of the
planet), longitude, orbital period (period of the orbit), a period of rotation (around the
axis), slope axis, radius, and mass (see table 2 and table 3).
   Orbiter finds the shape of the orbit depending on the input parameters and moves
the object along the found trajectory. Its main task is to form an array with a set of
angles, each of which at some point in time must return an object to move in the
trajectory of its orbit.

   Consider in detail the process of performing the basic algorithms. The time variable
contains the time elapsed since the application started. It will determine the position of
the object in orbit. Theta is the angle at which time the object must return. N is the
number of points that will merge into segments, thus forming an orbit. The angleArray
array contains a list of angles from which one is required. CosSinOmega simply
contains the values of the cosine and sine of the angle, created to avoid repetition in the
code. OrbitDeltaTime (abbreviated as OrbitDt) defines the time it takes an object to
move one step. The initial value of perihelion (initialPerihelion) is only used to work
with the moon. Parameters include parameters from OrbitData for the current entity.
   In Start, the necessary data is initialized, which will then be used in different
methods. Variable k:

                                =                                                      (3)
                                     (    ) ∙

where e is the eccentricity of the object, orbitalPeriod is the period of rotation of the
planet around the Sun.
   The orbitDt variable (the time in which one step is performed) is equal to the rotation
period divided by the double number of steps that the object must pass:

                                          =               )

The random variable from zero to the maximum value of the orbital period is written
to the time variable. That is, when you launch an application, the object will appear in
a different place, not every time in the same place.
   Before selecting the time (time), you need to fill the angleArray array with angles.
This is called the ThetaRunge method, which implements the fourth-order Runge-Kutta
method, which gives more accurate results of differential equation calculations. Five
steps are required to implement it: calculate the values of the four variables k1 (5), k2
(6), k3 (7) and k4 (8) and find the final result (9).
                                         = ( ,        )                                (5)

                                 =        + ,         +                                (6)

                                 =        + ,         +                                (7)

                                 = (      + ℎ,        +ℎ      )                        (8)

                            =     + (       +2        +2          +   )                (9)

The result we need – the value of the angle – is recorded at each step after finding the
exact value of w. The last value is the number π because this is the end of the half orbit
if the countdown starts from zero. That is, in the array are the values of the angles for
half of the ellipse, and when the object begins to move in the second half – the angle
will be counted in the opposite direction.

   To prove the effectiveness of the Runge-Kutta method, we compare the values found
with and without its algorithm (table 4). As a result of the calculations, we can conclude
that using this method results in more accurate values and, at the same time, smoother
displacement of the object.

                              Table 4. Comparison of angles.

                               Runge-Kutta method                          Simple
                       i=0                i=1               i=2          calculation
    k1         0,0127275451        0,0127273692      0,0127264807
    k2         0,0127275012        0,0127271489      0,0127264447
    k3         0,0127275012        0,0127271489      0,0127264447
    k4         0,0127273692        0,0127268407      0,0127259605
    w          0,0127274865        0,0254546208      0,0381810508
    a[1]       0,0127274865        -                 -                0,0127275451
    a[2]       -                   0,0254546208      -                0,0254550902
    a[3]       -                   -                 0,0381810508     0,0381826353

   After all the data in FixedUpdate have been calculated, the object moves in orbit.
FixedUpdate was used because it is called a fixed number of times (fifty per second).
As a result, the application will work the same on devices with different processors.
   The current state of motion of the objects is checked and, unless paused, the time
increases and the position of the object (localPosition) changes. That is, the object is
constantly assigned a new position value, depending on how long it has been since the
application was launched.
   ThetaInt takes the time value and returns the angle you want to rotate. Theta0
variable is the resultant angle, the value that returns the method.
public float ThetaInt (float t) {
  float theta0 = 0;

We find the remainder of the division of time into the orbital period to obtain the value
of elapsed time from the reference point – the starting point of the orbit. That is, if, for
example, Mars has an orbital period of 1,882, and the value of elapsed time is 4,576,
then it will be known that from the point of reference the planet has passed 0,812 years
and to the endpoint, it is 1,070 years.
   Next, we need to check which part of the orbit (in the first half of the second) is the
planet. If in the first (0; π], find the number of steps completed:
   if(t <= Parameters.orbitalPeriod / 2){
     float i = t / orbitDt;

Since the variable i is of the float type and we mean an integer step, the exact value
must be determined. To do this, use Floor and Ceil to round down the number found to
the smaller and larger sides, respectively, and using Clamp to get the values:

      float i0 = Mathf.Clamp (Mathf.Floor (i), 0, N - 1);
      float i1 = Mathf.Clamp (Mathf.Ceil (i), 0, N - 1);

If the sequence number of the step is the same, select the value in the pre-formed array:
      if (i0 == i1) theta0 = angleArray [(int)i0];

If as a result of comparisonб we get two different numbers, then by formula (10) we
find the value of the angle and return it:
                                   | |    | |             ∙ | |   | |∙
                        ℎ    0=                   ∙ +                                  (10)

If the object is in the second part of the orbit (π; 2π), we already write to the variable t
how much time it takes to get to the end of the orbit, and use the same algorithm to
determine the current step:
      else { t = -t + Parameters.orbitalPeriod;
        float i = t / orbitDt;
        float i0 = Mathf.Clamp (Mathf.Floor (i), 0, N - 1);
        float i1 = Mathf.Clamp (Mathf.Ceil (i), 0, N - 1);

When calculating the theta0 angle, we have the same formulas, but make the angle from
the angleArray array negative and add 2π to it. This is necessary for the angle value to
be selected in the opposite direction.
         if (i0 == i1)
           theta0 = -angleArray [(int)i0] + 2 * Mathf.PI;
           theta0 = -((angleArray[(int)i0] –
             angleArray[(int)i1]) / (i0 - i1) * i + (i0 *
             angleArray[(int)i1] - angleArray [(int)i0] *
             i1) / (i0 - i1)) + 2 * Mathf.PI;
         return theta0;

ParametricOrbit takes the value returned by ThetaInt. Its purpose is to convert the
received angle into coordinates (vector) because in Unity the object can be moved either
by applying its force or by changing the current coordinates. At the beginning we find
the values of cosine and sine of the angle:
public Vector3 ParametricOrbit (float th){
    float Cost = Mathf.Cos (th);
    float Sint = Mathf.Sin (th);

Next, we use the formulas (11) and (12) to calculate the values of the variables x and z
that are needed to find the desired coordinates:
                                         ⋅(       )
                                   =                  ⋅ cos                            (11)

                                         ⋅(       )
                                     =                 ⋅ sin                              (12)

where p is the value of perihelion, e is the eccentricity.
   The formulas for finding the velocity hodograph in the plane (13) and (14) find the
resulting values of the coordinates x and z (y is always zero):
                                  = cos Ω ⋅           − sin Ω ⋅                           (13)
                                  = sin Ω ⋅       + cos Ω ⋅                               (14)
GetVelMagnitude translates the length of the Unity velocity vector in kilometers per
second, called in other scripts.
   Scales_ScaleModeChanged is an event handler that controls the distance between
the Earth and the Moon. The Moon mustn't intersect with the Earth, that is, increases
the distance between them.
   OrbitRenderer uses the found data from Orbiter and outlines the orbit.
   Starting is initialized. And LateUpdate draws a line by connecting the dots. You can
edit the number of points by changing the value of the lineRendererLength variable.
The greater its value, the smoother the line display. The dotted orbit is achieved by
assigning it to the appropriate texture.

2.5    Steps of implementation of support for ARCore technology
First, you need to check your support for ARCore technology with the gadget. This is
managed by the ARSupportChecker script. The CheckSupport() method records the
current state of support.
   If you want to install the ARCore application, then go to the Install() method.
   If the previous method found the gadget to be supported, a button to go to the AR
scene is unlocked and the user will see a message at the bottom of the screen.
   If the user learns that his device does not support ARCore, then he can use the
application in 3D mode.
   One of the main scripts is BodyManager. Looking at its name, we understand that it
controls all objects, i.e. planets, satellites, asteroids, stars, and more. Its main task is to
create the object itself. This is done in the CreateStar(), CreatePlanet(), CreateMoon(),
CreateAsteroidsBelt() methods. They are similar to each other, so let's look at creating
planets and asteroids, for example.
private void CreatePlanet(string name,
  OrbitData orbitData, bool hasBelt) {
  GameObject planet = Instantiate(planetPrefab)
    as GameObject;
  planet.name = name;
  planet.tag = "Planet";
  planet.layer = 9;
  planet.transform.Find("Planet").name = "Mesh" + name;
  planet.transform.Find("BB").name = "BB" + name;

   planet.transform.Find("Mesh" + name).localScale =
     Vector3.one * orbitData.radius;
   planet.transform.parent = transform;
   planet.GetComponent().Parameters = orbitData;
   if (hasBelt) {
     GameObject rings =
       Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Rings") as
        GameObject) as GameObject;
     rings.transform.parent =
       planet.transform.Find("Mesh" + name);
     rings.transform.localScale = new Vector3(5, 5, 5);}

Essentially, prefab information is being filled. The Instantiate() method creates a prefab
instance and initializes values such as name, tag, layer, assigns a personal mesh, orbit,
and more. If the planet has rings, then they are created similarly.
   When creating asteroids, the scheme is similar, but you need to arrange them not in
a proportional way, but chaotic.
   for (int i = 0; i < asteroidCount; i++){
     OrbitData orbitData = new OrbitData{
       eccentricity = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.04f),
       perihelion = Random.Range(2.2f, 3.6f),
       orbitalPeriod = Random.Range(3.5f, 6f),
       longtitudeOfAscendingNode = 80.7f,
       rotationPeriod = Random.Range(-0.1f, -0.01f),
       radius = Random.Range(0.005f, 0.01f),
       axialTilt = Random.Range(0, 30)
     orbitData.perihelion *= Scales.au2mu;
     orbitData.radius *= Scales.au2mu;
     orbitData.orbitalPeriod *= Scales.y2tmu;
     orbitData.rotationPeriod *= Scales.y2tmu;
     GameObject asteroid =
     asteroid.transform.parent = asteroidHolder.transform;
     asteroid.transform.Find("Mesh").localScale =
       Vector3.one * orbitData.radius;
     asteroid.GetComponent().Parameters = orbitData;

That is, for each asteroid an orbit is created, for which the parameters are selected at
random. We create a copy of the prefab and give it a mesh.
   Let's look at the algorithm for increasing and decreasing the size of objects when
going from real to enlarge. There are three methods to do this: GrowUp(), GrowDown(),

DoResize(). It is clear that the first two cause the court into which two parameters are
passed: realScale and largeScale. These methods differ only in the order of these
   The DoResize() method with Lerp looks for the middle between the starting point
and the one you want to reach. The size of each frame changes over a predetermined
private IEnumerator DoResize(float from, float to){
  float percent = 0f;
  float speed = 1f;
  Vector3 initial = Vector3.one * from;
  Vector3 desidred = Vector3.one * to;
  while (percent < 1f){
    percent += speed * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
    transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(initial,
      desidred, percent);
    yield return null;
  transform.localScale = desidred;
  if (ResizeComplete != null) ResizeComplete();

Equally interesting is the CamController method, which controls the main camera and
directs the program's actions when you click on the screen or with a computer mouse.
Some variables play the role of boundaries.
   The first two limit the speed of rotation of the system so that there are no too sharp
movements on the Y-axis. The other two limit the angle that we can deviate along the
X-axis, that is, the user will not be able to rotate the system in a spiral, but only within
the required limits.
   RotateCamera() is responsible for rotating the camera.
private void RotateCamera(Vector3 move){
  xDeg += move.x * xSpeed;
  yDeg -= move.y * ySpeed;
  yDeg = ClampAngle(yDeg, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit, 5);
  transform.rotation =
    Quaternion.Euler(yDeg, xDeg, 0), Time.deltaTime *
    rotationDampening / Time.timeScale);
  targetRotation.rotation = transform.rotation;

ZoomCamera() is responsible for scaling the camera.

   To smoothly shift the camera, we use the Lerp method. We calculate from what point
you want to get to and assign the current position to the desired value and equate the
desired one to the current one. As we zoom in, we need to check the distance to the
planet, that is, we cannot approach endlessly, only a certain distance.
   When moving to some planetб the camera is fixed on it. This state is captured in the
isLocked variable.
   Touch controls are performed by the HandleTouch() method.
if (Input.touchCount == 1) {
  Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
  ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(touch.position);
  mode = Mode.Rotating;
else if (Input.touchCount == 2){
  mode = Mode.Zooming;
if (DoubleClick(Time.time) && Physics.Raycast(ray, out
  RaycastHit hit, float.MaxValue) == true) {
    if (LockedTransform !=

If one-touch enters the input, then you need to rotate the system or object, if two –
enlarge or reduce the size. According to this variable mode is assigned the appropriate
value: rotating or zooming. If a double click is made, then the planet is clicked and we
can see it close, it is fixed. And then with the switch, depending on the value obtained
in mode, the camera is shifted to the appropriate position.
   The HandleMouse() method has a similar algorithm but has an excellent
implementation. We also check which button is pressed or the scroll wheel is engaged
and set the appropriate value in mode.
   As described above, you can double-click to go to a planet or satellite. Already in
the switch is further processing.
   If no action is taken, the camera does not move. If you try to rotate the object, the
coordinates of the cursor are read and the RotateCamera() method rotates the camera.
ZoomCamera() method is called for scaling.
   Figures 3 and 4 shows the relationships between classes responsible for
implementing ARCore technology, localization, correct operation of different menus,
and adjusting object data.

3      Results

We launch the application on a smartphone (fig. 5). Select the menu item AR. The first
time you launch the application, you will be asked for permission to use the camera,

you must confirm it. It is necessary to move the phone slowly so that the application
finds a solid surface. The white spots along the entire found surface will be a sign of
finding (fig. 6).

                  Fig. 3. Class diagram of the software application (part 1).

                  Fig. 4. Class diagram of the software application (part 2).

   Then you need to click in the place where the center of the solar system – the Sun –
will be. Depending on the selected point, the whole system will be located (fig. 7).
   Let us try to walk, go around some planets, and get closer, for example, to Venus
(fig. 8). As you get closer, the size of the object you are going to will increase, otherwise

it will decrease accordingly. You can look at objects from above, below and from any
side. To do this, just walk with the phone in hand.

                        Fig. 5. The main menu of the application.

                       Fig. 6. The result of finding a solid surface.

                                 Fig. 7. System location.

In AR mode, you can read information about planets and satellites. You should click
on the button from the top left and select the desired object from the list. We choose

Mercury (fig. 9). Again, the item Description is active by default.

                  Fig. 8. The result of the approach of the camera to Venus.

                               Fig. 9. Description of Mercury.

Let's try to select other menu items “Characteristics” (fig. 10) and “Facts” (fig. 11). By
the way, if the amount of information is too large and does not fit into the panel, there
is a scrollbar on the side by which the text can be scrolled up and down.
   If we want to close the information, all you have to do is press the Exit button
(fig. 12). The peculiarity of the software application may be the fact that all the planets
are represented in scale to the real size (fig. 13).
   Selecting the 3D menu item displays the solar system in 3D (fig. 14).
   Spreading two fingers up and down do zooming. Let us approach, for example,
Venus. We see a display of brief information about the speed of its movement and the
distance from the Sun (fig. 15).
   Click the button at the top left. A list of planets appears. By selecting one of them,
you can track its movement. Two additional Info and Exit buttons appear at the top of
the screen.
   By clicking on the “Information” button, you can select the menu item

(“Description”, “Facts”, “Characteristics”) and read the relevant information (fig. 16).
The description will open by default.

                              Fig. 10. Features of Mercury.

                            Fig. 11. The facts about Mercury.

                  Fig. 12. Result of exit from information viewing mode.

To exit the viewer mode, you must press the “Exit” button, and then you can view all

objects of the solar system from a distance.

                            Fig. 13. Size of the Sun and planets.

                   Fig. 14. The appearance of the solar system at startup.

                                Fig. 15. Zoom in on Venus.

  Settings button on the top and a settings bar will appear after clicking (fig. 17).
Settings allow you to turn off music, orbits, and names, turn on Enlarged mode, and

change the language from Ukrainian to English and vice versa.

                            Fig. 16. Information about Earth.

                                    Fig. 17. Settings.

If you go into the settings, then go to the main menu, and press the button “Exit” – the
application will shut down.

4      Conclusions

The developed software application demonstrates the behavior of solar system objects
in detail with augmented reality technology. In addition to the interactive 3D model,
you can explore each planet visually as well as informatively – by reading the
description of each object, its main characteristics, and interesting facts.
   The model has two main views: Augmented Reality and 3D.
   After analyzing the capabilities, disadvantages and advantages of existing platforms
for the implementation of augmented reality in the software application, ARCore
technology was chosen. After all, it combines rich functionality, the ability to
implement the necessary ideas in this case and its optimized, well-established work.

   Studying the principles of objects in the solar system was worked out different
theories physicists and taken as a basis Kepler's laws.
   To create 3D models, real parameters of objects were used, with the help of which
the main thing was realized – the correct proportions in the sizes and velocities of
objects and shapes and distances between the orbits of celestial bodies.

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