=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2731/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Augmented reality books: concepts, typology, tools |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2731 |authors=Liubov F. Panchenko,Tetiana A. Vakaliuk,Kateryna V. Vlasenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aredu/PanchenkoVV20 }} ==Augmented reality books: concepts, typology, tools== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper16.pdf

       Augmented reality books: concepts, typology, tools

    Liubov F. Panchenko1[0000-0002-9979-0625], Tetiana A. Vakaliuk2[0000-0001-6825-4697] and
                      Kateryna V. Vlasenko3[0000-0002-8920-5680]
     1 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,

                           37 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
    2 Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, 103, Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine

       3 Donbas State Engineering Academy, 7 Academic Str., Kramatorsk, 84313, Ukraine


         Abstract. The article discussed the usage of augmented reality books in
         educational process. The object of research is augmented reality books. The
         subject of the study is the concepts and classification of augmented reality books;
         digital story making tools that emphasize child-teacher co-operation; difficulties
         in augmented reality using. The methods of research are: the analysis of
         publications about the issue; the analysis of digital tools capabilities;
         systematization and generalization of research information. In the article the facet
         classification for augmented books is proposed; the main facets are: reality-
         virtuality continuum, type of augmented materials, device types, type of
         interaction, spatial space of book, book’s category. Content for a module of a
         specialty course about augmented reality books for the system of professional
         training and retraining for educators in postgraduate education is discussed. Some
         samples of tasks for educators are presented: audio augmented book about
         world’s books monuments; analysis augmented reality examples in the textbook
         of the New Ukrainian school (subject name, topic, didactic tasks, quality of
         implementation, directions of expansion etc.), search and analysis augmented
         books according to the professional interests of the educators; discussion how
         augmented reality can help to improve student motivation with accent to
         attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction; group work about design and
         creation a fragment of own textbook with augmented reality.

         Keywords: augmented reality, augmented books, classification augmented
         reality books, professional training and retraining.

1        Introduction

Augmented reality allows you to combine the real world with virtual objects, and
possesses vast and diversified didactic learning opportunities. The use of augmented
reality in education has been analyzed by numerous world scientists and Ukrainian
researchers in frameworks of the scientific conferences AREdu 2018 [19], AREdu 2019

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

[18] and AREdu 2020 [9]; discussed in the massive open online courses [12; 15; 16].
A promising area for the use of augmented reality in education is augmented books.
   We think another important task is to train teachers to create and use these books
during the educational process.
   While solving the scientific problem of training educators for using the augmented
reality books in education, the following main results were obtained in past author
works: the potential of the massive open online courses (MOOCs) about Augmented
reality was investigated, the content and program of the specialized course “Augmented
Reality as a Storytelling Tool” for the professional development of teachers was
described [21], the difficulties of using storytelling in education and ways to overcome
them were outlined [22].

2      Research objective and methods

The purpose of this article is to explore the definitions of augmented books, their
classification, and tools. Moreover, tools that can be used by children, students, teachers
both on their own and together with the purpose to use AR books in a module of a
specialized course for the system of professional training and retraining for educators
in postgraduate education. This module is proposed as the unit of the author's
specialized course “Digital Storytelling in Adult Education” in the Central Institute of
Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (CIPPE) of State Institution of Higher Education
“University of Educational Management” of NAES of Ukraine. The mission of CIPPE
is “in providing social and pedagogical requests and needs in quality new professional
level of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and leading personnel of education,
public officers, able responsibly and efficiently to execute professional activity in
conditions of high competition, instability and permanent changes in professional
environment” (http://umo.edu.ua/en/institutes/cippo). Categories of specialized
course’s listeners are: methodists of district (city) methodical offices or centres and
heads of methodical associations; the teachers of academies and universities.
   The methods of research are: the analysis of the publications on the problem of use
augmented reality in education; the analysis of concepts regarding AR books; the
analysis of software related to augmented reality books; systematization and
generalization of research information.

3      Results and discussion

An augmented book represents a “physical or digital copy of a traditional book that
contains text and illustrations, and which is connected to additional, non-traditional
content through the technology of augmented reality” [13]. When a reader accesses the
book page for which additional content is provided, the smartphone or other device
reads it and displays this additional content on the screen. Additional content may be
an image, a video or an audio (fig. 1) recording, and can also be complex, such as
animation, game, or interactive activity.

Fig. 1. Augmented book example in Coursera’s course “Getting start with augmented reality”.

Researches place augmented books between virtual and mixed reality books on the
corresponding realityvirtuality continuum, presented in the typology: Virtual Book >
Virtual Augmented book > Mixed-Reality book > Reality book [13].
   Мark Billinghurst proposed the magic book concept [6; 7]. The Magic Book use an
ordinary book as the main interface object. Child can turn the book pages, look at the
pictures, and read the text without any additional technology. When children look at
the pages through a handheld Augmented Reality display, they see three dimensional
virtual models appearing out of the pages. Users can switch between the virtual models.
When they see a scene they particularly like, they can fly into the page and experience
the story as an immersive virtual environment. In the VR mode, users are free to move
about the scene at will and interact with the characters in the story. Thus, users can
experience the full “Reality-Virtuality continuum”.
   Мark Billinghurst notes that the Magic Book interface supports collaboration on
three levels [7]:
1. as a Physical Object: multiple users can read together;
2. as an Augmented Reality Object: users with AR displays can see virtual objects
   appearing on the pages of the book;
3. as an Immersive Virtual Space: users can fly into the virtual space together and see
   each other represented as virtual avatars in the story space.
By Мark Billinghurst, the interface of Magic book supports collaboration on multiple
scales. There are egocentric and exocentric view. Egocentrism is the inability to
differentiate between self and other. Readers can fly inside the virtual scenes and see
each other as virtual characters (egocentric). Exocentric view also allows a non-
immersed reader to see the immersed readers as small virtual characters on the book

pages. This means that a group of collaborators can share both egocentric and
exocentric views of the same game or data set, leading to enhanced understanding [10].
   Raphael Grasset, Andreas Dünser, Hartmut Seichter and Mark Billinghurst [14]
proposed a mixed reality book concept. In this concept the experience with an
augmented book can be defined in terms of the spatial properties of books. The four
elements, which can be explored by a reader are: inside, outside, outside to inside,
inside to outside. So, Inside is augmenting the material in the book pages; Outside is
augmenting the space around the pages; Outside to the Inside show interacting from the
space around to the content of the book; Inside to the Outside can extracting content
from the book.
   The author’s prototype of mixed reality book consisted of the book, standard desktop
computer hardware, a multimodal handheld device, tangible interaction devices (cube,
paddles), and an additional green screen. In this prototype with the help of a handheld
device the user can naturally get immersed into the mixed-reality book. This device
provided visual and aural feedback. As prototype the developers chose the book “The
House that Jack Built”. This book has contained a lot of images related to the history
of New Zealand, the relationship between Maori and European settlers [14].
   According to the paper [14], the virtual books are “books completely prepared in an
electronic format and involving minimum physicality. Traditional AR books are used
by adding virtual elements to physical books. Mixed reality books are composed of
virtual insertions at the meaningful level in the manner most similar to physical books”.
   Tangible AR interfaces [4; 5] combine the enhanced display possibilities of AR with
the intuitive manipulation and interaction of physical objects or Tangible User
Interfaces. Authors say that experiences with these interfaces show that “the Tangible
AR metaphor supports seamless interaction between the real and virtual worlds, and
provides a range of natural interactions that are difficult to find in other AR interfaces”
[4]. A Tangible AR interface provides true spatial registration and presentation of 3D
virtual objects anywhere in the physical environment, while at the same time allowing
users to interact with this virtual content using the same techniques as they would with
a real physical object.
   These are the design principles learned from TUI interfaces:
─ The use of physical controllers for manipulating virtual content.
─ Support for spatial 3D interaction techniques.
─ Support for both time-multiplexed and space-multiplexed interaction.
─ Support for multi-handed interaction.
─ Support for Matching the physical constraints of the object to the requirements of
  the interaction task.
─ The ability to support parallel activity where multiple objects are being manipulated.
─ Collaboration between multiple participants. Authors central hypothesis is that AR
  interfaces that follow these design principles will naturally support enhanced face-
  to-face collaboration [4].
Hakan Altinpulluk and Мehmet Kesim [1] analyze augmented reality books of
academic nature prepared in the field of education through the literature review
technique. They classified 46 augmented books as AR book, augmented desk/paper

augmentation approach, 3D pop-up book, tangible AR approach and MR book. Authors
determined 8 studies as MR books and 38 studies as AR books. The researchers say,
that augmented desk/paper augmentation approach and game-based children’s books
called interactive 3D pop-up books go away nowadays. The second tendency they
noted, transition from special glasses and head mounted displays to view the books to
web cameras integrated to desktops and mobile devices. Another situation noticed when
analyzing the studies is that most augmented book studies are not prepared by a single
author, and the development of augmented reality books is supported by certain
organizations and collectives.
    The growing list of books from various authors, platforms, organization, and
universities, which is being presented to the world community today, raises questions
about the search and selection of the necessary books, their classification.
    We have tried to provide a facet classification of digital books, a fragment of which
is shown in table 1.

                Table 1. Fragment of the facet classification of virtual books.
F1      F2
                                                  F5      F6      F7
Virtua- Type of
                  F3         F4                   Book Cate- Type             F8
lity    augmen-
                  Devices Interaction             Spatial gory interfa-       Developer
conti-  ted mate-
                                                  space book ce
nuum    rial
F11               Only                                    F61                 F81
        F21                  Time-multiplexed F51                 F71
Virtual           desktop or                              Story               Educational ins-
        Text                 and space-mul-       Inside          Marker
Book              mobile                                  book                titution
                             tiplexed interaction
                  F32        F42
F12               With spe- Parallel activity             F62     F72
        F22                                       F52                         Binary (Educa-
Mixed             cial glas- where multiple ob-           Text- Marker
        Audio                                     Outside                     tional institution
Book              ses and    jects are being ma-          book less
                                                                              + organization)
                  headsets nipulated
F13                          F43                  F53                         F83
                                                          F63     F73
Aug-    F23                  Collaboration bet- Outside                       Consortium of
                                                          Tutori- Projec-
mented Video                 ween multiple par- to insi-                      educational insti-
                                                          al      tion
Book                         ticipants            de                          tutions
F14     F24                                                       Visual
                             F44                  Inside F64                  F84
Reality 3-D mo-                                                   Initial
                             Mixed                to out- Map                 Company
Book dels                                                         Odo-
        F24                                               Encyc-
                                                                              An individual or
        Mixed                                             lope-

   The facet classification system, as we know [11; 26; 29], consists of the parallel
division of a plurality of objects into independent subsets – facets. It is also called the
“colon”, the Ranganathan classification. The analysis of scientific sources made it

possible to present each such augmented book in the form of a structural formula, which
includes 7 facets. Thus, books can be classified according to the level of virtuality; the
type of augmented content, the types of devices, interaction, spatial space of book,
category etc. For example, some augmented book can be described the following
     K = (F12, F21, F31, F41, F53, F64, F71, F81), where Fij is the i-th focus of the j-th facet.
   Note that facet classification is easily expanded depending on the book search tasks,
for example, within this fragment, we did not knowingly include a subject field; type
of education, free or limited access to book materials etc.
   The use of AR applications improves motivation of students. One of model of
motivation design is proposed by John M. Keller [17]. His model [17] divides learner
motivation into four components (attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction) and
called ARCS (fig. 2). This model provided strategies for instructors to incorporate each
component into their courses and to choose relevant augmented books.

                                Attention                Relevance


                               Confidence              Satisfaction

                      Fig. 2. Model of motivation design by John M. Keller.

Natalia Kucirkova outlines a theoretical rationale of why children’s self-made digital
books can be important to their learning and wellbeing, and give practical examples of
how adults can support children’s digital story-making [20]. She introduces the five
parameters for children’s personalization: authorship of their own stories, autonomy in
producing them, authenticity of their contribution, attachment to the final product and
aesthetics in its creation. She summarized also the key ways in which the teachers used
digital personalized books in their classrooms and proposed the list of question to guide
the children’s activity as storymakers (table 2).

              Table 2. Question to guide the children’s activity as storymakers [20].

 Parameters for children’s     Questions
 Authorship                    To what extent are the stories based on children’s own content?
 Autonomy                      To what extent was the creation of the final product the child’s
                               independent work?
 Attachment                    Who owns the final product?
 Authenticity                  To what extent do children’s stories capture content that is
                               genuine and responsive to the child’s own situation?
 Aesthetics                    To what extent does the final product reflect the child’s own taste
                               and preference?

   She notes, that depending what digital and human resources are available, children’s
digital story-making can be of 4 types: guided by the teacher or a teacher’s assistant;
guided one to one by an older child; collaborative story-making with peers; individual
story-making with an app or digital story-making program.
   Teachers can combine the various audiences and possibilities for children’s self-
made stories [20]:
─ the whole class with the help of an interactive whiteboard;
─ children’s parents: as printed booklets or e-books emailed to parents;
─ on the screen in a one-to-one with the child’s friend or teacher;
─ on the screen in a small group with the child’s peers;
─ electronically with a remote group of children or distant family members;
─ electronically or, in the case of a classroom visit, in person with a child books author
  or illustrator;
─ orally at a classroom assembly with other children, teachers, parents and local
  community members;
─ the story is not shared and remains the child’s private personal story.
Good foundations for creating stories and teaching this area are presented in [8; 28].
Fig. 3 shows Story Kitchen from Bruce Van Patter [27]. User can pick one hero, one
place, and one villain and can read the beginning of history and get to finish it.

      Fig. 3. Pick Prince, Forest and Wizard: story kitchen from Bruce Van Patter [10].

Some other useful applications for Augmented education are: Aumentaty Scope /
Aumentary Creator, Wikitude, Quiver Vision / Quiver Education, Star Map / Star Chart
AR, Skyview, AR Planet Earth / Geography, 3DBear, CoSpaces Edu, JigSpace,
MERGE Cube, Metaverse, Asturica Emerge, Castellones del Ceal AR, Cástulo Virtual,
Cisneros Go!, Fuendetodos, La Alhambra - Castillo Rojo, Museo Carlos V and Sorolla
Museum AR, Geocaching [24].
  Natalia Kucirkova [20] analyzes content of popular software for child story making.
Some of such resources are presented in table 3. We agree with the author that the final
choice of the tool remains with the teachers, depending on their skills, inclinations,
goals, class situation etc.

                            Table 3. Children story making tools.
#      Name        Free or                  Brief Description                        Link
1 StoryJumper free, but May be more useful for US-based teachers, storyjumper.com
                  paid for since the community resources offer advice
                  printed specifically linked to the Common Core
                  version curriculum.
2 Storybird       free     Storybird is a platform for writers, readers, and storybird.com/edu
                           artists of all ages and is a powerful resource for cators/
                           illustrated stories. The illustrations can be used
                           to inspire children’s own picture books or even
                           novels with older writers. Story starts with
                           pictures as prompts for children’s own stories.
3 Story Maker     free     Story Maker available on the British Council’s learnenglishkids.b
                           website. Children can choose the type of story, ritishcouncil.org/
                           props and characters’ names and print the final games/story-
                           story out. The resource’s focus is on children’s maker-1
                           learning of basic English vocabulary.
4 Little     Bird free and Little Bird Tales is a subscription site with a www.littlebirdtale
  Tales           paid     choice of a school or home account. Paid s.com/info/premi
                  option membership includes the option for children to um/section/teache
                           use their own photos, voiceovers, text and r
                           drawings to make their digital stories.
5 My Storybook free        My Storybook is suitable for the preschoolers www.mystoryboo
                           and lower-primary-school children. The user k.com
                           interface is very child-friendly, with large icons
                           and pictorial navigation. Final stories can be
                           printed out as a PDF and stored in a library.
6 Toontastic 3D free       The Toontastic 3D application is based on story toontastic.withgo
                           templates and pre-designed props and ogle.com
                           advertised as a creative storytelling app. It
                           allows children to create 3D cartoons using the
                           app’s set of characters, props and backgrounds.
                           The app is managed by Google.
7 Comic Life      free 30 Comic Life can be used to create comic books comiclife.com
                  days     using one’s own photos. Children’s comics can
                  version be enhanced with the Comic Life template that
                           can add light effects or specific comic themes.
                           Finished stories can be printed out or saved in
                           the digital library.
8 MIT        App free      The MIT App Inventor initiative at the appinventor.mit.e
  Inventor                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology allows du/explore
                           children as evaluate application as well to
                           develop it.

Criteria for selecting children’s digital books include ordinal criteria and such specific

─ relevant enhancements that support narrative;
─ seamless integration of features and enhancements;
─ sound effects that don’t interfere with voiceover or other features;
─ technical polish, stability, ease of use and navigation settings, flexible use;
─ no ads, in-app purchases or links that leave the app (unless under sufficient parental
─ clearly identified author, illustrator, producer;
─ quality games or other activities that do not interrupt narrative or reading
  comprehension [20].
The author’s course module “Augmented reality as a tool for storytelling” contains
thematic plan of the module; content of the module by themes; lecture and practical
classes plan; independent work of students; practical tasks for self-control;
recommended reading [12]. The thematic module unit about augmented books is
presented in table 4.
   “Augmented books: concepts and classification” lecture plan.
   Augmented reality in education. Augmented books. Magic book concept. Mixed
reality book concept. Typology of augmented reality books. Facet classification.
Interface of Augmented books.
   “Software and Internet Services about Augmented Reality books” practical training
   Examples of augmented books. Children’s books. Digital stories with augmented
reality. Criteria evaluation of digital books. StoryBird. Story Maker. Story Kitchen.
App Inventor.

                               Table 4. Thematic module plan.

                                                                Class format, hours
Thematic module unit                                                      Independent
                                                      Lections Practices              Total
Augmented Book concepts and Augmented Book
                                                         1                   1          2
classification. Facet classification.
Digital books tools for pupils. Digital books tools
                                                                  1          1          2
for teachers. Student and teacher co-creation.
Total                                                    1        1          2          4

  Sample practice tasks for educators:
1. create a sample audio augmented book about book monuments of the world
   (according to the guidelines of course “Getting started with Augmented Reality”)
Augmented reality is manifested in the form of the author's accompanying text about
the monument of the book, for example for fig. 4. “In Berlin at Bebelplatz on Unter
den Linden Boulevard, in front of the Humboldt University building, a twenty-meter
monument weighing 35 tonnes was opened, consisting of 17 books by German authors.
The sculpture is set in memory of Johann Gutenberg, the inventor of modern printing”.

 Fig. 4. The sculpture is set in memory of Johann Gutenberg, the inventor of modern printing:
          17 books by German authors (https://lesoteka.livejournal.com/78147.html).

2. analyze augmented reality examples in the textbook (fig. 5) of the New Ukrainian
   school (subject name, topic, didactic tasks, quality of implementation, directions of
   development etc.);

         Fig. 5. Augmented reality example in the textbook of New Ukrainian school

3. find and analyze some augmented books according to the professional interests of
   the student;
4. discuss how augmented reality can help to improve student motivation: attention,
   relevance, confidence and satisfaction;
5. group work: design and create a fragment of their own textbook with augmented
We also think that the use of AR technology will facilitate the co-creation of students
and teachers. We understand co-creation [23; 24; 25] as a joint creative activity of a

teacher and a student, aimed at developing the educational environment and ourselves
in this environment.
   The scientist’s research of difficulty to use AR is presented in [2]. Julio Barroso
Osuna, Juan Jesús Gutiérrez-Castillo, Mª del Carmen Llorente-Cejudo and Rubicelia
Valencia Ortiz present, that experts pointed out what might present the most difficulty:
─ lack of teacher training;
─ lack of educational experience;
─ lack of conceptual foundation;
─ lack of educational research;
─ institutional difficulty / lack of institutional support.
In our research [22] we study the problem of the use of storytelling technology in
educational process. According to the survey of teaching staff and methodologists of
different professions while they were taking retraining courses, only a quarter of
respondents use or have used this method, and about 72% of respondents are ready to
consider it. A 3-factor model on possible barriers that impede the use of digital
storytelling in education was developed on the basis of the empirical data with the help
of a factor analysis tool. The first factor was related to the lack of necessary resources,
the second one – to resistance to change, the third one – to the lack of time and lack of
technical and methodological support from the educational institution. As we see, the
last factor is the same as in research [2].
   What are possible ways to overcome these barriers? According to some scholars
[30], an inappropriate level of professional development can also be a barrier to the use
of information technology in general and digital staging in particular. Peter G. Taylor
proposes a strategy for engaging a critical mass of staff in a technology-augmented
educational practice and identifies 5 required steps: orientation, acceptance, evaluation,
innovation, and institutionalization for professional development programs [30,
pp. 275–276]. Let's look at these steps in more detail, with a focus on using AR books.
   At the orientation stage, teachers are considering approaches to integrating
augmented reality technologies into teaching and learning that meet current educational
expectations, technology availability, and the requirements of the educational
institution's curriculum and the subject matter they teach. During the adoption phase,
educators adapt current intentions and practices to teaching and learning using
augmented technology in a high-tech learning environment. They then evaluate these
practices (evaluation phase). In the next phase, innovators and educators re-develop
their practice based on their own experience of digital story technology in a high-tech
environment of the educational institution and study the reactions of the educational
recipients to them. At the institutionalization stage, educators and managers develop
strategies to ensure that new teaching and learning methods are maintained in the
medium and long term and thus become “traditional”.
   The first three phases (orientation, acceptance, assessment) – we relate to the first
period of teachers training and retraining, which is full-time; the fourth phase
(innovation) – with the inter-course period of teacher training and retraining; the fifth
phase (institutionalization) – partly with the third period of teacher training, which is
also full-time and with course work’s presentation. We agree with Peter G. Taylor that

each of these stages requires different approaches to professional development and
should include time for reflection, specific training, discussion, consideration of
alternative practices, and transformation of accepted practices. We consider it important
- the organization of pedagogical support for teachers in these areas.
    It would be interesting to apply Zane L. Berge, Lin Y. Muilenburg and James Van
Haneghan [3] methodology (they studied barriers in distance learning) to the study of
difficulties in using AR in education.
    Note that recently there have been special programs that train specialists in
augmented and virtual reality.
    So, for example, Singapore University of Social Sciences offers a three-year
program Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (MTD369) [31]. The content of the
first two years of preparation is shown in fig. 6. This list of courses gives an idea of the
diverse training of specialists. We can take note of such courses as creativity and
imagination, storytelling, narratives and experience for training teachers in this

      Fig. 6. VR Program and AR Program in Singapore University of Social Sciences [31].

4       Conclusions

Thus, the augmented reality can provide modern education with new didactic
measurements and tools at the teacher and student level, contribute to a better
understanding of complex topics, visualize hidden processes, and so make it acceptable
for adults and people with disabilities. An augmented textbook is a new educational
tool, it can contain fragments of video lectures, electronic pads such as Padlet,
augmented quizzes, 3D models, animated tours in the history of the problem being
studied, in-depth exercises, didactics games etc.
   The facet classification of augmented reality books is offered on the basis of the

analysis of the scientific sources about these books. The main facets are: reality-
virtuality continuum, type of augmented material, devices, type of interaction, spatial
space of book, book’s category. The author's specialized course “Digital Storytelling in
Adult Education” for the system of professional training and retraining of educators is
updated with augmented book creation module.
   The further development of the study is seen in the didactics analysis of the new
apps for creating augmented textbook, clarification of the facet classification proposed
and detail learning of barriers in the use of augmented reality in education, in
particularly, by methodology of Zane L. Berge, Lin Y. Muilenburg and James Van
Haneghan [3].

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