=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2732/20200157 |storemode=property |title=Case-Based and Project-Based Methods for Effective E-learning in ICT Safety and Security |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200157.pdf |volume=Vol-2732 |authors=Vladimir Sklyar,Vyacheslav Kharchenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/SklyarK20 }} ==Case-Based and Project-Based Methods for Effective E-learning in ICT Safety and Security== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200157.pdf
                Case-Based and Project-Based Methods for Effective
                      E-learning in ICT Safety and Security

                                     Vladimir Sklyar, Vyacheslav Kharchenko

                             National Aerospace University “KhAI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
                        v.sklyar@csn.khai.edu, v.kharchenko@csn.khai.edu

                    Abstract. The objective of this paper is to develop a practical E-learning
                    framework with implementation of case method and project-based learning. In
                    paper we obtain the following results. Content of the massive open online
                    course (MOOC) “Safety and Security of Control Systems” is analyzed. This
                    MOOC was introduced in 2017 for master students program “Cybersecurity” at
                    National Aerospace University “KhAI” (Kharkiv, Ukraine). A core part of this
                    MOOC is a project devoted to safety and security assessment of real systems
                    and software. Taxonomy for indicators of E-learning effectiveness is proposed.
                    Case study was done in Ukraine between students of Cybersecurity program af-
                    ter finish of study of the MOOC “Safety and Security of Control Systems”. A
                    sample includes 40 master students involved in the course learning during
                    2017-2019. Case study results confirmed a set of hypotheses related with E-
                    learning effectiveness when case method and project-based learning are imple-

                      Keywords: case method, E-learning, homework, learning efficiency,
                    MOOC, project-based learning.

            1       Introduction
            Online learning also named as electronic learning (E-learning) means 100% virtual
            education via internet media with support of information technologies (IT). E-learning
            entails a huge transformation of education which becomes more and more distance as
            well as personalized. A modern approach to E-learning implementation is consists in
            development of massive open online courses (MOOCs). Despite numerous well
            known advantages and disadvantages of E-learning we put emphasis on the challeng-
            es and opportunities related with application of this relatively new education technol-
            ogy, such as: individual approaches to students with opportunities to build individual
            learning trajectories based in student-oriented approach [1]; application of Learning
            Management System (LMS) as centralized environment for administration, documen-
            tation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of learning courses [2]; needs in essential
            scope of relevant studies and data, that would provide a strong background for empir-
            ical based analysis [3]; choice of relevant indicators to make qualitative and quantita-
            tive assessment of E-learning [4]; high degree of importance of students’ homework
            which can be organized in both individual and collaborative manner [5]; needs in

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
choice of effective teaching methods depending on features of courses and sciences;
in the paper we discuss the case method [6] as well as the project-based learning [7]
applied for the course devoted to safety and security of control systems [8].
   It is needed to notice concerning some gaps in researches devoted to the above
points. The actual research is directed to fulfill some of these gaps. Based on the
above, we develop a concept for our research area (Fig. 1). This concept recognizes
dramatic importance of students’ homework for successful implementation of the
whole E-learning process. After that, we take into account learning course defendant
features and discuss in this paper the course “Safety and Security of Control Systems”
[9] which is provided since 2017 by the Department of Computer Systems, Networks
and Cybersecurity of National Aerospace University “KhAI” (Kharkiv, Ukraine).
Also, we discuss the additional values which are provided by application of the case
method as well as project-based learning for E-learning.

                                             provides a value
                      produces               for            adds special
                      special                         kinds of teaching
                      requirements                   methods and tasks
                      for                                            for   Learning
        E-learning                    Homework

                                             provides a value

Fig. 1. A Concept of the paper: an influence of a learning course, the case method and the pro-
                   ject-oriented approach to homework during E-learning

2      Literature Review
In our literature review we mainly orient to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics). Also, based on our paper concept (Fig. 1), we include in our re-
view scope researches related with E-learning homework, case method and project-
oriented approach.
   The purpose of homework is to teach a student to meaningfully and independently
work first with educational material, then with scientific information, to lay the foun-
dations of self-organization and self-education in order to instill the ability to contin-
uously improve their skills [10]. Homework can include individual and group activi-
ties carried out under the indirect guidance of a teacher during classroom and extra-
curricular activities, stimulating cognitive activity, developing intellectual abilities
and needs of the individual in self-education. Modern approach to homework is im-
portant because the focus is changed from passive teaching to active self-education.
LMSs support students’ homework with a set of tools such as quiz and tests, a forum,
a glossary and a wiki section, links to additional resources and webinars. Many stud-
ies known did not demonstrate the expected correlation between time spent on home-
work and students’ academic achievement [11]. It means homework effectiveness is
highly dependent from a manner of its organization. However, the homework organi-
zational principles are insufficiently represented in existing researches. Also we found
big contradictions in arguing, is group homework more effective than individual
homework or vice versa [12].
   Case method or case study means the analysis of realistic economic, managerial
and other situations (cases) in order to teach participants certain skills during the dis-
cussion of the case, including through the training of other participants [13]. Firstly
Case Method was implemented at Harvard Business School in the 1920s [14]. At that
time, teachers were faced with the problem of the lack of actual business manuals.
The way was found as a description of specific situations from the practice of real
companies. The cases as simplified descriptions of problematic business situations
were offered to students, and students had to find and substantiate solutions. From the
field of business education case method was extended to social sciences and STEM
[15]. Since 1990-s case method was started to apply in the post-soviet countries. It is
worth to mention a fundamental work “The Case Study Method: Anatomy and Appli-
cation” [16] published in Kyiv in 2002.
   The most part researchers agreed there a number of advantages of case method ap-
plication for education such as orientation to students’ individuality, development of
entrepreneurial and managerial skills as well as problem-solving abilities and critical
thinking, increasing motivation for learning, active involvement in the educational
process, getting experience of team work and communication, decision making in
conditions of stress and uncertainty [17].
   The most of the studies in area of case method are traditionally devoted to business
education [18], and we put emphasis on needs of experience transfer from business
education to technical education. So there are not many papers demonstrated case
method application for the STEM domain, but between the known papers we pay
attention to the few following researches.
   Case method is used for teaching in automobile design course at some Chinese col-
leges [19]. Only some qualitative assessments are provided in the paper. The conclu-
sion is case method positively affects students’ understanding of material, creates a
positive and creative atmosphere during teaching sessions, as well as permits to create
to lectures high quality interdisciplinary curriculum. Russian studies related to the use
of case method in chemistry have shown an increase in student achievement and pro-
fessional self-awareness [20], which coincides with the results obtained for entrepre-
neurial education [21].
   There are some empirical studies, which do not confirm effectiveness of case
method application in education. For example, the paper [22] explores hypotheses
about the impact of case studies and other teaching methods (lectures and business
simulations, which means working with an interactive model of the economic system)
on the development of skills such as problem solving, interpersonal communication,
and professional identity. This study shows that business simulation is more effective,
than case method from the point of view of development students’ skills.
   One more important issue is a set of indicators which are used for case method ef-
fectiveness assessment as well as for education effectiveness assessment as whole.
Such indicators include indicators determined by teachers and indicators determined
by students [23]. It should be noted that, in our opinion, the assessment of the learning
process by students only is quite subjective, since students do not fully possess infor-
mation about the actual usefulness of the acquired skills and knowledge.
    The case method is also used to conduct scientific research in the conditions of the
impossibility of collecting data sufficient to perform statistical analysis [24], when,
firstly, it is necessary to analyze the object or phenomenon directly in the context of
its development, secondly, it is impossible to control the environment in which the
object is located or a phenomenon occurs, and thirdly, the number of instances insuf-
ficient for static analysis is observed. A comparative analysis of the main approaches
to the implementation of the epistemological and methodological aspects of the case
method was performed in [25], while the case method allows combining quantitative
and qualitative research methods [26]. For example, the cases in the study provide a
descriptive representation of three innovative career and technical education programs
in energy management and alternative energy programs at the U.S. community col-
lege level [27].
    Project-based learning (PBL) is aimed at training students to use the acquired
knowledge and skills, and most importantly to be able to solve real professional tasks.
Project training usually runs in parallel with the main schedule and helps students
transfer knowledge and skills from classes to the real work environment in which they
plunge during the project activity [28]. Advantages of PBL are very similar with ad-
vantages of case method. There is active and creative learning of students, facing of
real life and real professional work, a positive impact on student motivation, training
in teamwork skills and in project management [29]. At the same time it is a huge chal-
lenge for students and teachers, which can be pretty unusual and hire extra efforts.
    Researchers state some important features of PBL, like the following [30]. PBL
projects are central, not peripheral to the curriculum, so students learn the fundamen-
tals of disciplined via the project. Projects involve students in investigations that pro-
voke the transformation and construction of knowledge. Projects are student-driven
and do not end up at a predetermined results since students are provided with more
autonomy than usually. Project should be realistic in difference with usual school
exercises. For example, the [31] describes a case study devoted to implementation
software development on the agile base between software engineering students. Re-
sults of the case demonstrate essential improvement of understanding agile develop-
ment process. A conclusion is the most part of students became ready for employment
at software development companies.

3      Objective and tasks
Based on the performed literature review, we recognize some gaps in area of research
related with case-based and project-based E-learning. These gaps are in the area of
some lack of empirical data as well as a lack of theoretical basis for development of
MOOC supported with PBL and the case method. The objective of this paper is to
develop a practical E-learning framework with implementation of case method and
PBL. To achieve the paper objective we perform the following research steps:
 Firstly, we analyze theoretical and practical content of the MOOC “Safety and
  Security of Control Systems”;
 Secondly, we propose taxonomy for indicators of E-learning effectiveness;
 After that, we do setting a field questioner based study of experience of students
  involved in E-learning of the MOOC “Safety and Security of Control Systems”;
 Finally we develop a practical E-learning framework with implementation of case
  method and PBL.

4      Analysis of the MOOC “Safety and Security of Control
The MOOC “Safety and Security of Control Systems” was introduced in 2017 for
master students program “Cybersecurity” by the Department of Computer Systems,
Networks and Cybersecurity at National Aerospace University “KhAI” (Kharkiv,
Ukraine). The goal was initially to make the course as a problem solving, so it is
aimed at solving a practical problem: preparing for safety assessment against the re-
quirements of the standard IEC 61508 “Functional safety of electrical/ electronic/
programmable electronic safety-related systems” or other similar safety standards.
Another purpose of this course was to make it fit for industrial training.
    Thus, the course participants received the whole set of advantages of MOOC users,
like learning with small information blocks, study at a convenient time, if a student
did not understand something or missed, then he “scroll through” it again, etc. In the
subject area, the benchmark was made primarily for Industrial Control Systems (ICS),
but other control system architectures are also considered like embedded systems, and
Internet of Things ( IoT). A look at security was directed from the point of view of
safety assurance. However, where appropriate, a relation between safety and security
is demonstrated, for example, a common life cycle of safety and security. It was con-
sidered which techniques of safety assurance can increase the level of security.
    The course includes six lectures or, in MOOC terminology, six weeks of study.
Primary, the lectures were posted on the YouTube channel in the form of the follow-
ing playlists (see Fig. 2): Lecture 1. Introduction; Lecture 2. Requirements of safety
standards; Lecture 3. Functional safety management; Lecture 4. Safety and security
life cycle; Lecture 5. Quantitative assessment of safety; Lecture 6. Techniques and
measures of safety assurance.
    Every lecture is supported with a set of 5-10 minutes videos in quantity from four
to seven per one lecture as well as with lecture slides and homework items. Students’
homework includes the following items: video lectures and slides of lecture for inde-
pendent learning of theory; answer to test questions (quiz); reading of recommended
literature, including literature included in the curriculum specially for mandatory in-
dividual learning; study of additional materials exceeding the scope of the course
program; the course project, which is the most important part of the course practicum.
    The course learning contains the following techniques: asynchronous interactive
learning with video lectures during a primary study of theoretical material; self-paced
independent learning with slides of lectures and recommended literature during a deep
study of theoretical material; collaborative learning during implementation of the
course project (Fig. 3); synchronous learning during consultancy leaded by a teacher.
          Fig. 2. Structure of the MOOC “Safety and Security of Control Systems”

    Fig. 3. Structure of the Assurance Case template for performance of the course project

   The course project performance is the main objective and result of the course
learning. First of all, the project is necessary to solve an applied problem based on the
acquired knowledge. The main task of the project is to develop a document covering
the analysis and assessment of safety and security related with the lecture material.
This document is called the Assurance Case in accordance with the actual practice of
safety and security assessment [8]. The development of the Assurance Case is now
used in the practice of assessment and certification against safety and security re-
quirements. The components of ICS like controllers, actuators and sensors are offered
as subjects of assessment. Students are given the Assurance Case template, and they
fill it out in stages, based on the material in each lecture. During the project imple-
mentation we assign project teams with two, three or four students depending from
their preferences. The structure of the Assurance Case template associated with the
lecture content for the course project performance is represented on Fig. 3.

5       Taxonomy of E-Learning Effectiveness Indicators
The proposed three-level taxonomy of E-learning effectiveness indicators is presented
in Table 1. This taxonomy is a good starting point to analyze the known empirical
researches, but also the taxonomy can be enriched by results of new experiments.

                  Table 1. Taxonomy of E-learning effectiveness indicators
    Stakeholder   Group                     Example of indicators
    who defines   of indicators
    Teachers      Students’ knowledge       Performance assessment metrics
                  assessment                Results of passing of tests and exams
                                            General results of studies at the university
                  Students’ soft skills     Soft skills assessment metrics
                  assessment                Abilities to follow E-learning
                  Self-assessment           Abilities to drive E-learning
                                            Satisfaction with E-learning
                  Process and LMS           Process and LMS assessment metrics
    Students      Self-assessment           Abilities to follow E-learning
                                            Satisfaction with E-learning
                  Process and LMS           Process and LMS assessment metrics
                  Teachers’ assessment      Abilities to drive E-learning
                  The influence on the      Influence on the theory understanding
                  development of com-       Influence on the development of hard /
                  petencies                 soft skills
                  Opportunities of ap-      The influence on the development of
                  plying the competen-      hard / soft skills
                  cies in practice
    Graduates     Degree of satisfaction    Quality of the working environment
                  with the former edu-      Salary
                  cational process
                  Opportunities of ap-      The influence on the actual hard / soft
                  plying the competen-      skills
                  cies in practice
    Employers     Satisfaction with the     Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
                  employees’ results        Salary
   Researches, which are analyzed above, deal mainly with the education perfor-
mance indicators defined by teachers and students in the learning process. It should be
noted that assessment of the learning process by students is quite subjective, since
students do not fully possess objective information about the actual usefulness of the
acquired skills and knowledge. The same applies to some extent to teachers. Com-
plaints about the lag of teachers’ experience from life's realities are justified in many
cases. Therefore, if teachers are working in the framework of the curriculum only,
they can also not always fully appreciate the objective usefulness of the knowledge
and skills taught. Therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to take into account two
more important categories of indicators. The first category is effectiveness indicators
determined by graduates during some time after the end of the graduation, and the
second category is effectiveness indicators determined by the employer. A challenge
is to take valid and relevant data to estimate these kinds of indicators, but modern
online technology can help to resolve this issue.

6       Case Study of E-learning Effectiveness
Our research setting is Ukrainian National Aerospace University “KhAI”. Computer
Systems, Networks and Cybersecurity Department introduced a new education pro-
gram “Cybersecurity” in 2017. During 2017-2019, four groups of master students
have been graduated in accordance with the Cybersecurity program. One of the cours-
es of this program, named “Safety and Security of Control Systems” was provided on
completely E-learning basis as a MOOC with use YouTube for video files disposition
as well as Google Drive for distribution of all other course materials.
   A non-random sample covers all general population of 40 students, which is pre-
sented in Table 2 with gender details. It should be noticed that in 2017 we taught two
groups of students because the Cybersecurity program update and shifting of the con-
sidered MOOC to other semester. The groups of students were 8 to 12 people, so it
was easy to distribute and to collect the study questionnaire since individual commu-
nications have been established between teacher and students.

                          Table 2. A sample of students for study
                2017(1)        2017(2)        2018            2019         Total
    Male        9              10             8               7            34 (85%)
    Female      3              2              0               1            6 (15%)
    Together    12             12             8               8            40

   Study design is based on a set of the following hypotheses related with E-learning
effectiveness (see Fig. 4): Hypothesis 1 (H1): Students are satisfied with E-learning
process; Hypothesis 2 (H2): Students prefer E-learning format faster than traditional
format; Hypothesis 3 (H3): Theoretical E-learning materials can be presented in a
form which is understandable for students; Hypothesis 4 (H4): Practical E-learning
exercises can be presented in a form which is understandable for students; Hypothesis
5 (H5): E-learning motivates students to get new knowledge.
                                     H1: Satisfaction

                                     H2: Preference
  E-learning with
   case method                 H3: Understandable theory
     and PBL
                              H4: Understandable practice

                                      H5: Motivation

                       Fig. 4. A structure of the hypotheses network

   All students were asked to fulfill the questionnaire after the end of the course
study. The questionnaire contains five parts related with five stated hypotheses. Five-
degree scale is used to estimate students’ agreement with the questionnaire state-
ments. Also we asked students to indicate the positive issues of the course as well as
the issues which can be improved. For this part we calculate quantity of students who
are agree with one or the other statement. One student can choose more than one
statement. Results of the study are presented in Table 3. We also include average
exam grades in ECTS points to Table 3.
   Results of review confirmed the truth of the hypotheses H1-H5. An average satis-
faction degree is 4.2, so H1 “Students are satisfied with E-learning process” is con-
firmed. An average confidence level for E-learning preference is 4.1, so H2 “Students
prefer E-learning format faster than traditional format” is confirmed. An average un-
derstanding level of the lecture materials is 4.0, so H3 “Theoretical E-learning materi-
als can be presented in a form which is understandable for students” is confirmed. An
average understanding level of the project materials is 3.9, so H4 “Practical E-
learning exercises can be presented in a form which is understandable for students” is
confirmed. We notice, the degree for project materials understanding is the lowest
because the project is really the most difficult and challenging part of the course. An
average motivation degree is 4.3, so H5 “E-learning motivates students to get new
knowledge” is confirmed. All ratings from students are in the range from 3.8 to 4.5
what mean a low level of the dispersion.
   An average exam degree is 77.7. Three groups of students got high level degree
more than 80 on the average, and only the second group at 2017 got 64.3, what affect
dramatically the degree for all four groups.
   The most important issues for students are opportunities to be free in a choice of a
place and a time of study (80% of respondents). After that students emphasize the
importance of a new view for security issues (62.5%), availability of all the course
materials at one place (57.5%), and an opportunity to drive a real world project
(47.5%). The main concern of students is a lack of teacher support (90% of respond-
ents). Concerning this point it is worth to notice, that it is the main challenge which
face students during E-learning, and also this is the main difference between E-
learning and traditional “face-to-face” learning. We understand a lack of the self-
driven behavior is a big challenge during the project performance. It is also highlight-
ed with other students’ issues such as the requests for more detailed steps for the pro-
ject implementations (82.5%) and for more transparent expectations and acceptance
criteria for the project (67.5).
                              Table 3. Results of case study
                                 2017(1)     2017(2)     2018   2019     Average
 Satisfaction level for the      4.5         4.0         4.1    4.2      4.2
 course learning
 E-learning format is better     4.3         3.9         4.2    4.0      4.1
 for me than traditional (con-
 fidence level)
 Understandability of the        4.1         3.9         4.0    4.2      4.0
 lecture materials
 Understandability of the        3.9         3.8         4.0    4.1      3.9
 project materials
 Motivation for self-learning    4.4         4.1         4.5    4.4      4.3
 Exam degree (ECTS)              84.2        64.3        83.1   82.5     77.7
 Positive issues of the                                                  Total
 Opportunity to study at any     10          9           6      7        32 (80%)
 place at any time
 A new view for security         8           5           5      7        25 (62.5%)
 Availability of all the         7           6           4      6        23 (57.5%)
 course materials at one
 Opportunity to drive a real     5           3           6      5        19 (47.5%)
 world project
 Improvement points of the                                               Total
 More teacher support            11          10          8      7        36 (90%)
 More detailed steps for the     12          10          6      5        33 (82.5%)
 project implementations
 More explanations for the       8           7           7      6        28 (70%)
 lecture materials
 More transparent expecta-       10          8           5      4        27 (67.5%)
 tions and acceptance criteria
 for the project
 Do provide the project sub-     5           4           1      3        13 (32.2%)
 jects from software engi-
 neering area

   We continue to work for more transparent and understandable project descriptions.
The degree of project material understandability increased from 3.8-3.9 in 2017 to 4.1
in 2019. The same, the number of students who need more explanations for the pro-
ject steps decreased from 12 (100%) in 2017 to 5 (62.5%) in 2019, and the number of
students who expect more transparency and acceptance criteria decreased from 10
(83.3%) in 2017 to 5 (33.3%) in 2019. It is also important for students to have the
project subject in the field related with the students’ experience in software engineer-
ing (32.5%), including ICS and IoT.
7      E-learning Framework with Case Method and Project-Based
   An integral part of this research joints all outputs in a view of E-learning frame-
work supported with case method and PBL. This framework is presented on Fig. 5
Below we briefly discuss the main parts of the framework.
   PBL principles are related with approach to choose and drive the project as the
core practical activity of the course. We adopt the approach proposed in [30] with the
following principles:
 Projects are the central item of the course and the central teaching strategy, be-
  cause students learn the course via the project;
 Projects involve students in a special kind of investigation directed to knowledge
  construction and transformation;
 Students play the main role in projects performance, and projects are realistic.

    Fig. 5. A structure of the E-learning framework supported with case method and PBL

   Principles of case method implementation are close related with PBL approach.
The main idea is to propose for students a real software-hardware product and real
documents covering safety and security assessment and assurance. Successful case
method implementation suggests consideration of all best practices related with PBL
and homework organization.
   Homework organization includes supplying of students with all materials and in-
structions. Principles of homework are the following: collection of online materials in
the LMS area; combination, depending on the material being studied, of various
forms of homework (such as classroom individual or group study, extracurricular
individual or group study); student-centered approach with the formation of an indi-
vidual trajectory of the education and homework depending on the individual prefer-
ences of students and the recommendations of teachers; focus aimed at the develop-
ment of creative and research competencies; monitoring by teacher in order to analyze
adoption of learning material by students; analysis of the opportunities to improve the
homework process; taking into account curriculums of other interrelated academic
   MOOCs development and improvement bases on using of the modern design tools
and LMS. Other MOOCs related issues lay in students feedback monitoring and con-
tinuous improvement. For E-learning effectiveness monitoring teachers should choose
a set of appropriate effectiveness indicators. An example of taxonomy is presented in
Table 1. Results of effectiveness monitoring are outputs of a case study organized to
supply stakeholders with relevant empirical data. Periodical field review can be a
method to implement a case study. Also other relevant case study can be included in
data collection to support cases meta-analysis.

8      Conclusions
Twenty years after beginning of intensive implementation of E-learning we continue
to follow technologies rather than theory like “the cart has been placed before the
horse” [32]. However, pedagogic innovations are such important like technological
innovations especially, if a lack of students’ motivation is founded.
    In this paper we obtain the following results. Content of the MOOC “Safety and
Security of Control Systems” is analyzed. This MOOC was introduced in 2017 for
master students program “Cybersecurity” by the Department of Computer Systems,
Networks and Cybersecurity at National Aerospace University “KhAI” (Kharkiv,
Ukraine). A core part of this MOOC is a project devoted to safety and security as-
sessment of real systems and software.
    Taxonomy for indicators of E-learning effectiveness is proposed. This taxonomy
contain three the following levels: stakeholder who defines indicators including
teachers, students, graduates and employers, group of indicators and single indicators.
    Case study was done in Ukraine between students of Cybersecurity program after
finish of study of the MOOC “Safety and Security of Control Systems”. A sample
includes 40 master students involved in the course learning during 2017-2019. Case
study confirmed a set of hypotheses related with E-learning effectiveness when case
method and PBL are implemented. We found the truth of five hypotheses, H1-H5 (see
Fig. 4).
    Also we checked the main issues which increase or decrease quality of E-learning.
The students’ opinion is the most important advantage of E-learning is an opportunity
to be free in a choice of a place and a time of study (80% of respondents). After that
students emphasize the importance of a new view for security issues (62.5%), availa-
bility of all the course materials at one place (57.5%), and an opportunity to drive a
real world project (47.5%). Students are concerned about a lack of teacher support
(90%), needs for more detailed explanation concerning steps of the project implemen-
tations (82.5%) and more explanations for the lecture materials (70%), more transpar-
ent expectations and acceptance criteria for the project (67.5) and more the project
subjects from software engineering area (32.2%)
    Finally, we develop a practical E-learning framework with implementation of case
method and PBL, which includes the following entities: principles of PBL implemen-
tation, principles of case method implementation, principles of homework organiza-
tion, MOOCs development and improvement, E-learning effectiveness monitoring,
and case study collection. A practical value of the paper is determined by develop-
ment of a framework for effective E-learning implementation based on the principles
of PBL and case method. A theoretical novelty of the paper lies in a technique of E-
learning effectiveness analysis supported with new experimental data.

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